HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-3-15, Page 7MAZR,CH U, 1.889, ineweeenter HOUSEHOLD. Fashions in Spring Wet/lona. The fireb woolens whioh will be eeleoted for early oprin , gowns are light oft serge with a perceptible twill. The woolons aro Imported in a variety of artisio old Mora u etoire pried note. revived from the filr me T r o u. r grays and Ueda nolo bl 'n na.0 al r a gr,. y r y in the nowg adi oast galled Dragon. Creon la green, and in the already famillat graish groom known as Empire, will continuo to be popular. Rosewood brown, eopper•rsd and now ebadas of blue as inteueo au the old Mazarist hues are shown among the new geode. Frani all then medley of colors, re. fined women will probably ohmos° the natural colors for street wear, while more vivid tints will bo need in the house, The distinctively new feature of the season's importation of woolen goods is the revival of an old one, the introduction again of the elaborate brook woolen .of the age of Pompadour and Watteau. This work produces a raised figure whioh simulates in artistio shading and outline the work of embroidery, and for this reason ib is superior to the brocaded work of the Jacquard loom. Every shade of twilled woolen is shown in plain goods, and in 'goods 'with brocaded groundo the leaf, flower or fruit of the design Is wrought In thread of silk, mohair or wool in a deep border on one side and a narrow ono on the 'they, Only a yard and three•quarter4 or nee of this double -width goods le selected to ombine with the plain fabric. Ib is usually rranged ae the front breadth only with the teed border at the bottom, while the nar- ow border is torn off to form the trimmings tithe bodice. In some cases the borddred material forme the entire underokirb, while ohs plain material falls over it, merely dia- playing the lower edge of the underskirt at the side and back and aleo displaying'usually all the front breadth. There are many woolens brocaded in all over design with bramble leaf or with clusters of raspberry fruit and flowers, Such woolens are especial- ly pretty in pale suede Dolor or old-fashioned mode with Lroche figures in silver white or in the cool blue greens, whioh seem exactly suited to spring, with brocaded or white figures of fear de lis, the graoeful leaf and fiower on its long slender stem arranged to form a deep border to a tablier front. Goon HOosBKEEYING, The New Orleans Carnival Great preparations are being made by the women of New Orleans to amuse the many Northern visitors who will be in their city ab the time of the Shrove Tuesday carnival, whose pageants attract greabthrongs every year. On Lafayette square they hare had built a "Cotton Palace," in rivalry of the lee palaces of the Northwest and the corn palmate of the grain cities, whioh are erected during the carnival season. In this palace will be exhibited all the industrial achieve- ments of the Sonohern women, In one de. parbmenb will be a group of the Acadian women from Evangeline's oountry, making their famous blankets, which are growing a-( most as much in demand for decorative pur- poses as the Navajo blankets of the Indiana, These blankets are &pun on the old fashioned wheels and woven in the primitive baud - looms, while the dyes are all . made from roots dug on the prairies. The whole labor from the very beginning will be in progress in this department, The beautiful basket. work of the Ohara and Abtakopas Indians, too, will be seen, and there is to be a creole restaurant, where fat old negro mammies with their heads tied up in butterfly tignons will prepare the famous creole diebes iu the old.fashioned bake•ovens ab a huge open fires place—" calla bout clamed," gumbo, crayfish bisque, grilladee, Jombolaya bouille Wen, court bouillon, creole coffee and potato pone, besides the fried ohioken, corn bread and busouita which are well.known pieces de resistance in Southern cookery. There are to be sold all the queer, tasty creole eon- feetione too—the drowsy syrpps concocted of the fragrant blossoms of the orange and west -olive tree, pralines of nuts and of savory sorb of blossom, of whioh dainty con serves the oreole gooks pos0ess the choicest eeorote, There are to be flower booths, where every sort of blossom known to rho splendid eubtropical flora may be had; there will be choruses of negroos, with old planation Bongo, and creole choruses to sing the plaintive patois melodies which George Cable has made famous. Bisouit Making. If you wish to make biscuits, mix a heap. ing tablespoonful of lard into what dough would make about twenty medium-sized bis• ouite and deb in the pan to rise again ; or if desirous of baking them first plaoe them in a warm plane, shaping them before letting rise again., Plane your bread near the stove to rise ; don't let ib get too much " proof," as bakers say, ae the removing the pan to the oven causes the bread to Bottle. When nearly light enough, have the oven hob and bake from tbree•gnarters of an hour to an hour, gently turning to secure an even bake. If your oven is too small to bake all the bread at once, plaae those not to be put in the oven first in a cool place till the first loaves are in the oven. After removing from the oven, immediately rub the top cruet of he loaves with fresh lard with a brush or a sofb piece of cloth, leaving no lint; brush the bisonite oleo, Chuang a Canner with a Madatone, Kansas CITY, Feb. 28.—For amoral years past, the little eight•year•old eon of Mrs. Galliland, of 514 East Eleventh street, has been afflicted with a cancer in the centro of his right Meek. About a year age, two dootora examined It, pronounced it cancer, and the child wee sent to a loosl hospital, where ib was out oub. A few months ago it reappeared In the cheek, and grew to he former eine, coaxing great pain. It was then decided to try the effects of a madetone on the child. A atoneowned in San Francine°, but in the p0000soion of a man ab Independ- ence, Mo., was procured. It was applied to the patient's right ehoulder, and bandaged on tightly. This was done nearly two weeks ago, and the obild has been greatly benefitted, suffering no pain whatever, The stone is on the arm about forty minutes ab a time and when ib is removed it is gleaned in a time, of water. Ib is thought bhab the boy will bo permanently cured in another fortnight, , Two Smart Maine Women, Two spinster sisters up in,Maine who run a sixty five -sore farm, aro credited with be- ing the smartest women in the State, One of them ahopm every Winter the year'e sup- ply of firewood, going into the woodb early in the season and remaining until the work is completed. She worke in the hay. field in Summar and digs from seventy to one hundred busbole of gotaboee yearly and (Puts them in the Dollar, The other sister is the carpenter of the family and has added all manner of improvements to the farm. W ht a we have the flood tide how does ib I, POI loose? That Betel Yell After a Dupe/finial reosaroh into the "Gen. onto of the Rebel Yell," our sometimes solo. Natio friends wbo write Amerioan hleteri- sal eeeaye for Eastern renders have inclined to tiro opinion that it iu a Texas modi5oation of the guttural Comanche whoop. Tide is clearly a mistake, based on hleuffloienb in•" formation. The yell wee heard in the Texan war for Independence, It oamo °lour and otrong from the throato of the men who fol. lowed Houston at Nan Jaointo, but that was not be geneels by any miscue, The Texans of that day were all, or nearly all nutives of other Western Stator,, and their war Dry WAS a port"ot the equipment they curried to Texas with them, All the reliable ovidenoe shows that the rebel yell wan a contribution of the grout Wool: to the came of American freedom in the rebellion against England. Before the Revolution a handful of Virginians had pushed across the Alleghenies and built at Watauga, in what is now Tenneseee, one of the first outpoote of American eiviliza- bion in the then unknown Weide lying be. tween the Alleghenies and the Pacific, Thoy held in oheok the 15,050 Cherokee warriors who were incited by the English to attack the rebels of the seaboard in the rear, and when these Eastern rebels seemed depoletes- ly demoralized, when Cornwallis, with Tarlatan and Ferguson under him, had Gut the Confederacy in two, "the rebel yell" WAS heard for the firer time east of the mountains. Ib woe the accompaniment of a style of fighting with whioh the English re. elms were entirely unfamiliar—.the mass- ing of a small force against the weakest point of a scattered opposing forge, and then, without regard to the numbers of the opposing forge, a headlong rush and the wild charging ory whioh has singe become memorable as "the rebel yell," When the brave Col. Ferguson retreated to King's mountain and intrenohed himself there in what he supposed to be an impregn- able position his second in command, Du Paynter, said to him as the Western men charged up the mountain under the galling fire of hie superior force : "There are those yelling devils again." Six home later the yelling rebels from the Ween had won the battle of King's Mountain, captured its sur- viving defenders, and turned the tide of the Revolution book against England, mending Cornwallis in confused retreat to the sur- render at Yorktown. There is no doubt ab all of the genesis of the rebel yell as it was hoard ab King's Moutain, It was the war ory of men ae brave as ever died in defence of homes—the Tennessee Cherokees, whose language has made the rivers and mountains of their old bunting grounds musical with names that are are soft as Italian. With the possible exception of the Natchez, they wore the most intelligent and least cruel of Norbh Amerioan Indians, holding the universal Indian law of retaliation, bub more capable than any others of the Indian stook of for- giving injuries. Under Oconostora and Old Tarsal they made ,a heroic fight against the westward advance of civilization, and their battle ory was heard in defence of Tennessee soil at the fired fight on Lookout Mountain as defiantly ae at the second. It was turned against them by the white Tennesseans who followed Jobe Sevier in over a' hundred fights with them, in every one of whioh the Cherokees were losers. Before Sevier'a time, most of the fighting agoinstlndione had been done from behind stockades or in skirmishing from behind trees. With a military genius that was Napoleonic before Napoleon, Sevier adopted apd never swerved from a policy of sudden attack in the open field, always in the enemy's oountry, without waiting to reckon up how many menthe enemy could bring against him if given time. This art of war was defined in 1805 by the Tennessee cavalryman whom Gen. Lee called the great. est of his Generale in the West as "getting there first with the most men." Against this method of fighting the untrained °hero. kens oould do nothing, They fought for every foot of territory, but always with great lose of their own warriors. inflicting itt!e in return. The author of the r Rear Guard of the Revolution " hoe no theory of hie own nom oerning the origin of the rebel yell, bub the facts he has collected make itoertein enough that it was originally the battle ory of these Red Tennesseans, who called their warrior e " Sons of Fire " (Cherahkees). In all mouths but theirs it has been a rebel yell invariably. It was raised by rebels et King's Mountain ; again a few years later at Jones- boro where 1,500 Tennessee rebels assembl- ed to rename John Sevier, who had been kid- napped by North Carolina and carried across the mountaino to be tried for treason an bhe head of the Tenneeeee rebellion against North Carolina ; it was a rebel cry at the Almo and San Jacinto ; later on it wae heard again at Shiloh and Chickamauga from the throats of Tennesseans wbo rebelled against Tenneeseefor'the Union, and of other Ten• neeseono who rebelled against the Union for Tenneeeee. It is in accord with eternal fitnesm that the rebel war ory ebonld trace its origin to Tenneeeee—whioh above all (Ahern is the rebel State—the only State of the second rebelitons Confederacy which waived all disousoion of the Constitutional right of se - maiden, and, standing squarely on its rebel- lions record against England and North Carolina, rebelled out of the Union instead of seceding out of ib. -1St Louie Republloan. Various Uses for Glyoerine. "Few people realize," says the "Scientific American," "the importance of the usss of pore commercial glycerine, and how it Dan be used and made available for purposes where no substitute is found that will take Ito plane, As a dressing for ladies' shoes, nothing equals It, making the leather soft and pliable without soiling the garments in oontaot. As a face lotion, oatmeal made in paste, with glycerine two parte, water one part, and applied to the face at night, with a meek worn over, will give in a short time, if faithfully pursued, a youthful appearance to She skin. As a charming in the bath, two quarts of waterwibh two,ounoes of glycerine, scented with rose, whioh will impart a fine freshness and delioaoy to the skin. In se• Yore pend yrme in coughing, either in coughs, golds, or consumption, one or two table• opaonfuls of pure glycerine, in pure whiskey or hot Hell dream, will afford almost im- mediate relief ; and to the oonsumptive, a panacea is found by daily use of glyoerine internally, with proportion of ono part of powdered w allow oharooal and two parts of pure glycerine. For diseased and inflamed gums, two parts of golden seal, one part of powdered burnt alum and two parte of glycerine, made in a paste and rubbed on the gums and around the teeth at night, provided no tartar is preoonb to canoe oho dinese°, whioh meet be removed fired) before applying. Dan Leary and Will Gronue, each aged 10 years, atole money, bought revolvers and aborted out from Jackson, !!Eich., to kill Indians, They wont to the woode, met Eddle Byron, aleo aged 10, when Leary shot him in the neck. 7.ho hogs were arrested, THE BRUSSELS POST. LATE CABLE NEWS, Affairs in Franoe--Nowa Prom the Soudan —Another Prophet Appears on the 80000, Of matters of current interest on rho Con• anent there is nothing whioh the Fbaglisit Cottle finds just now worth watching. Thera WAS a passing, flurry of attention given yesterday to rho arrest of M. Derouledo in ?aria and the supproseion of the L !ague of Patin on, but to•duy nobody talks about Ib or judges its reason for supposing that the eternally expected French oriole is any near- er than It wan before, Singnor Cliepi's resignation, too, has ob• tained only the scant courtesty of a dozen linos in the London press, The truth is, the exalting developments of tbo Parnell omntiseion have driven everything else for the moment out of mind, In a very ohort time we aro likely to have exciting news from the interior of the Sou.. dan, Emin Pasha seems to have again whipped the dervishes sent by the Mandi against him and to have captured their three steamers. There 69 1.r, mention of Stanley in these reports, but the opinion hero is that the two men by this time at least must be together. Emin would have a email chance, even with Stanley, to come down the Nile and forge a paoeage through the Mandi's forces. But there has arisen en unexpected ally in the person of El Bemused, a great Tripoli - tan chief, who is reported to have seized El Obeid, thus taking the Mandi in his rear, and who is sworn to drive him into the sea an an impostor. The advent of this man in the Soudan fight Is of the utmost Importance. He is still young, and, like hie father, wbo was the founder of the Seaoueeiya scot, he is deeply pious, assuming the airs of a prophet and always receiving pilgrims with a veiled fade. He himself has been thus preparing the ground for his appearance as a Messiah, and as he has ten natural followers to the fdandi•s one, there is no doubt of his sac• cede against Abdullah. She VTaan't an Oyster. Mr. Graspall—" Thera is a dandy girl 'up ab the church fair. She lots you kiss her for a quarter." Cynical Friend—" I suppose she finds you a good customer T'' Mr, Graspall—" I don't think so. I tried to get two kisoes inotoad of one last night and Eshe tossed her pretty head and said : " You would like to take my mouth home in a box for a quarter, wouldn't you 7" A Woeful Building, Two gentlemen walking together came by a stately new building. "What a magnificent structure I" said one. ' Yes," replied the other, " but I cannot bear to look ab it, often as I page it." " That is strange. Why not 7" "Becaume it reminds me that the owner built ib out of the blood, the aches and groans of his fellowmen, out of the grief of crying children, the woe of wailing woman," "Graolous 1 What is the owner t A moneylender or a pawn broker, or some- thing of the kind 7" "Ob, no ; he is a dentist."—(Wasp. He Pell Among Thieves, Vi ELLAND, March 11—John Watson, a farmer living in the township of Thorold, lost a large sum of money recently ab Port Robinson, while on a spree. Two partks named William Roes and Con Lynch, who were in bis company, wore arrested Monday and arraigned before P. M. Hblleme ab Well- and. The Dago was remanded. The parties arrested are quite prominent in Port Robin- son, and there is oonoiderable excitement over b e matter at that plaoel They ,I Mean Business," For many years the manntaoturere of Dr. Sage's Ootarrh Remedy have offered, in good faith, 5500 reward for a case of Nasal Catarrh whioh they cannot cure. The Rem ody is sold by druggists ab only 50 cents. This wonderful remedy has fairly attained a world-wide reputation, If you have dull, heavy headaohe, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling from the head into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mu. acme, purulent, bloody and putrid ; if the eyes are weak, watery and inflamed ; if there is ringing in the ears, deafneao, back- ing or coughing to clear the throat, ex. pectoration of offensive matter, together with scabs from ulcers, bho voice being changed and hoe a nasal twang ; the breath offensive ; smell and taste impaired ; sensa- tion of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking Dough and genera( debility, you are auffering from nasal catarrh. The mol e complicated your diseate, the greater the number and diversity of aympboms. Thou- sands of oases annually, without manifesting ball of the above symptoms, result in eon sumption, and end in the grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive at d danger - one, less understood, or more unsuccessfully treated by physicians. Unff buttons with very small diamonds Are correct for evening wear, Cuff buttons of great value are now tabooed. Sensible People will have nothing to do .with "our° albs"— medicines that are advertined to our* every- thing from a ohilbain to a broken neck, Read the list of diseases that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cure: Affeo• tiene of the throat and lungs, incipient eon. Gumption; disordered liver, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, aaborrll, ulcers, tumors, and swellings caused by sorofulo and bad blood ; fever and ague and dropsy. Thia seems like a once -all but ib it not. This great "Disoovery" will really cure all them Qom - plaints Bfmply because itl"purifies the blood" upon whioh thew depend and builds up the weak planes of the body. By druggists. The value of a promise in in the keeping of it, A Happy Woman. Happy le the woman without bodily lila, but happier is the woman who having them knows of the saving properties of Dr. Price's Favorite Presoripbion. When relieved, as she surely will be upon a trial of it, she can contrast her oondibion with her former ono of Buffering and approelote health ae none can who have not for a time been deprived of it, The ".Favorite Prescription" eorreote unnatural discharges and cures all "weak° nose" and irregularities. Io:scream is going out of favor in bh fashionable wor1 Goff No More. Watson's Dough drops aro the beet in the world for the throat and chest, for the vola° land Leary sold ho didn't know it Was tor.:.,'& 6 unegnall,'d, See that the eplettefs R. dt T. W. yron may gee re are area amps an 800 o . Consamption.Snrely Cured. To the Editor 1 -- Please inform your readers bhab I have a pooitivo remedy for the above named disease, By its timely use thousande of hopeless meas have been parmaneatly cured, 1 shall ho glad to Bend two bottler, of re remedy fres to any of your readers who !Sete eon- mlmption 0 they will send me their Ex• preen and P.address. Res ' T. A e0, u p tloonm, M, C., 104 Meet Adelaide St., Torouto. The prophets of fashion say that crino- line is Doming book, A Cnre"for Drunkenness. The opium habit, depoemanla, the morphine babtt, nervous proetratlan caused by the nee of Tobaaoo, wakefulness, mental depreselou,sottoning of the brain, eta., premature old age, loos of vitality caused by Mt exertion of the brain, endless of natural strong -1b from any cause whatever. Men—young, old or mid, dle•agod—who are broken down from any of the' above causes, or any 00000 not mentioned above, send your address and 10 cents In stamps for Lubon's Treatise In book form, 01 Diaeasee of man. Books soot sealed and secure from observation, Address M. Y. Logos, 47 We,Ungtoo street East, Toronto, Ost. A. P. 440. SCOTT'S E t�. �'. l,ti Lr,� I IJ1 F7 FiCURES OONSUMPTION SOROPULA BRONOHIZ`I8 OOUGES GOLDS Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Scott's Emulsion is not aseeratremedy. Containing the stimulntieg Hypopbos- eltitce and PureNorwegianI' l lav r • i ,or a Oil, the potency of both being largely in- creased. It is used byPhysioians all over the world. PALATAix:LE AS MILK. Sold b?/ all ;Druggists, 500, and .$1,OO. CANOES. WM. ENGLrSRI, Fatelrboro, Ont. KNITTINGSeo goy uratr.MACHINES C'tl.NCER and Tumors CURED I no Salle; book Gee. Das MCMICHABL, Nada Niagara St., Buffalo, N, Y. MUSICAL IIOSTRIIMENTS.—Send for our Large Illustratea Catalogue of Band Instru- mento. Violins, Guitars, Flutes, oto„ and all kinds of Trimmings. Agent for Trenahe'e and DeWitt'° Plays. MIDLAND'S MU010 STORE, 87 King 8t. West. Toronto, Ont. t GENTS WANTED for the COTTAGE PHI'S'. OIAN, a nemp'ete Domestic Medical En- eyolopedla. This great work is prepared to meet the wants of the Common People. The treatment is not condoed to one school at medioin9, as in similar books. Terme liberal. WM. BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto, AUTOWATIC SAFETY ELEVATORS Pat. hydraulic, hand 'and steam elevators. LEITCH & TUURNBULL, Canadian Elavator Works, Peter and Queen streets, l HAMILTON/0NT LealtherBeltzng BEST VALUE IN THE DOMINION. F.E.DIXON &CO, MAKERS, 70 KING ST. E, TORONTC Send for Prloe Lists 550 Dleceunta. E OF ALL KINDS, Dealers billed out on tavorableterme H.H.HURD &SON Nurserymen,Bur Itngtoo, Ont. A Dozen Car Loads Very Fine Native Onions. 7 000 t 1 00 OOK OCT FOR B1Zt ARS 8 Bank at Halll Protect '•our stolen St the B5 stables as well as Geode bun on Stores Limes, g larm No 030 outside by t Into the resChampionoBurgtorbuilding without alarmingnthe whole tneighborhood.b Oen ba put up 1n a minute. Commercial Men can attach one to any door by simply closing 14 Does not mar the door in the least. This is no toy, but a well made article. Ear'e Indented and sold by a well•knewn House. Ask your hardware dealer for one, and be sure my name 1, on It, or send 81 and receive one free. Good Agents wanted in every place. 0. S. KIMBALL, P,0, Box 046, Salesroom 677 Craig St.,Moaratan . Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday and Halifax overy8atnrday to Liverpool, and in sum- mer from Quebec every Saturday to Ltverpool,oalllne at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland ; also from Baltimore, via Hall fax and St. John's, N.F..to Liverpool!lorhnightly during summer months, The steamers of the Glea- m/ Anes sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ;and during Sam- mor between Glargow and Montreal weekly • Gene• goat and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phlladel- phia fortnightly. For freight, passage or other information apply to A, Schumacher ez Co., Baltimore ; 8. Ounard a Co„ Halifax ; Shoe h 0o., 81. John's Nod„ Wm. Thomp- son it Co., St. John, N. B.; Allen o Oa., Obiegoo; Love & Alden, New York; H. Smiler, Toronto; Allan Rao 000., Ouebeo; Wm. Brook -la, Phllodel- phia;'r2. A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal. FOR THE LADIES. EMBROIDERY SILKS N1 Colors, 10o per dozen Okelre, BERLIN WOOLS, all colors, 8e per oz, SHETLAND AND ANDALUB[AN WOOLS; 8r, pper t7 sO. ;Fleecy wool, extra goanty, 10e p�er skoio; Arrasen°, all colors, 800 per dozen attains ; Mamma Qord, 16 colors, 000 per hall; Felt, boat quality, 81.00 per yard; Woolen Java Onnvua, all ehadee, 46o per yard; Stamped Toilet Seta, 6 pieces, 865 eat Tidye, 250 eaab; Spinehom, 40 and 60 seats. each. A large stook of newest Stamped Goode for oaf, lining to hand. Letter /ardent have prompt and. careful attention. Geode Dan ba coot by post to any part of Canada. Writ., for price list. MENU DAVIS, Importer, 282 Tonga Street, Toronto, Ont, Please mention thio. aper. Whaley Joyce& Co Dealers In all kin of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Agents the BE000N end MG/TAU eind in- etruments. BXT'SII0ILT MUSIC and MUSIC BOOKS. Manufeaturers otthe tt iNIPERIAL" BAND INSTRUMENTS Bost In the world, Eight Year.: Guarknboo, Sand for illustrated Catalogue "-' and Teetimoninie. 288 Tonga Sa., TO IRO PiTO 'Brown Engines `IRON AND 81EL BOILERS ANY SIZE.. TO1101TO-ENGINE WORKS, PRINCESS A. D FRONT 813. 11, Perkins & I}o, - Toronto, FiNE HEADS Al ��H R 50 IF YOU ABE BALD, have GREY' or TITIN HAIR, send to A, DOREItWEN1J Toronto, and .get p.rtleulars of his Wigs, TOnlleee, Switches, eta, also Frnntpleoes, flange, eta„ made of anent quality human hair, as natural uo life. A. DORREN WEND, Paris Hair Works, 108 and 106 Yosge 01., Toronto. tI O N BOY'S CARRIAGE TOPS. Have all the latest Improvements and are unequalled for durability, style and convenience. The leading Carriage Builders Bell them. ASK 1011 TOEM and BUY NO 0111ER TRY TIE CELEBRATED EMPIRE BLEND COFFEE, Guaranteed Pure. Ellis & Keighley, - Toronto We are children who cheerfully fain in the chary When Breadmaker's Yeast is the subject before sts—. dlauusa tried all the rest, So she knows it's the best, (tightss,� 'Cause Ser bread is the whrlest, her buns are tor And we eat all the pancakes she dare set beforeas. BUY THE BREADMAKER'S YEAST. PRICE 5 CENT& �. G�.P ORS; GOLD Mpifs 4f6. 9 A.'. IG y.. q.,." T i 4R a +., s b . 'rF I, f4 n.NW', !T a �.. n,.a„�•, tY Af !i, 7`$ AAt. rr I telt §rryorlarsT;p6'ayS,?;�1HBIg�;:(4�ii,... °V�u1;��ll,'. II\ORON'INO l`II'1'I'bN6 so 003Wee, BAnlJN'L .l, COIOOJOAN, Prop„ 4 Adela'do street, West Sateetieeand reliable Sydow; taught, where''° pee. le t Flying, Stylish garments are produced. Write tee circular with full information. MONEY TO LOAN ort Parma. Lowest Rates No delay. Correa1oudeaoe 4311016°d. E. W. D. retrIILLR, Pimenta! Aga„ Fstabti ked,1860. 73 King -et. E., Toronto. &1org ab onntofTRU it ,toLunaatAv comeastes IVI low rata ur TILWreate,rt fl class security. Apply to i ONEY BEAM, CHADWICK, BLACKSTOCK & CAUL Barristers and. Solicitors, Wellington Sa, car. Ohuroh, (over Baok of Toronto) TORONTO. ONT. HOIOE FARMS FOR SOLE IR ALL PARTS OF MANITOBA., Parties wishing to purchase improved MenitoO Farms, from 80 agree upwards, with immediate poeeeesios, call or write to G. I. MAI0LSON, Mo. Arthur's Block, Main at., Winnipeg. Information turniehed tree of charge, and annexe aesieted In' making selection. M0NF1Y TO I_,0 -h. W AT CUBaxuT RATES 0P UTMOST. i C'�RE FITS! When 1 say OURS 1 do not mean merelyte stop them for a time, and then have them re- turn again. 1 MEAN A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS A life long study. I WARRANT my remedy to CURE the worst 50Se0. Beeauae others have failed is no reasonfor not nowreceivingg a cure. Send at °neater a treatise and a FREE Borri.B of my INFALLIBLE REMEDY, Give Ex ream and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial. and it will care you. Address y R. G. ROOT, M.O., 184 West Adelaide St. `'” TORONTO, 0NT. ,,r,iOHJ sTONS FLUIDEEEF THE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER PERFECT FOOD . tFoe THE SICK '/'1 ARMING N NTRITIOU88EVERAGE J\i®T i. -J —GIVE YOUR ORILDREN— AS REGULARLY AS THEIR BREEAFAST If You foul Make Thom Strom OVER feberatio T O R O NTO_ T� � � >�Y � 1Z3 1tl C ®MIVX 3" 'ta AND CAPITAL. SIR. W. P. H O WL AND, President. W. C. IL LC;NYNAY.D, l WIC. ELLIOT, E. $GOFER, j J. K. 1fL:4CDONALDa Ammar. r Vt;,•.Pa.votmuss, (, Ilaxaoma Dmeoroa. 4 f �e ASSETS 0 taxi® ail ` utual .. Mifeo Cash Income for 1888 $ 393,074 00 New Assurances written in 1888 2,518,650 00 Assets, as at Dec. 31st, 1888 1,313,853 00 Assurances in force, Jan. lst, 1889 12,041,914 00 SPECIAL FEATURES : Prompt Payment of Claims, Annual Distribution u Profits, Guaranteed Surrender Values and Liberal Policy Conditions. WM. HENDRY, W. H. RIDDELL, Manager, Secretary. Brick Machines i''ith All the Latest Iussiroa'ements, SPRING PRESS BOX, WHITE OAK POSTS, IRON CROSS HEAD AND BRACES. TERMS TO SUIT BUYERS. ';SND PLR C1nouLAB8 The E. & C. Gurney Co., T01R,-01N•T,CD ONT_ FIRE -PROOF CHAMPIONS With Upright or Horizontal Boilers. 22, 16, 20, 25 Suitable for all work. and o H.P.Thrashing Sawtnc, $ rlekma ing, eta Traction Engines 02, 16 and 20 Horse -power. STRAW -BURNING ENGINES For rho North-West. Send for. Cirru lnr. Young Merl SUFFERING tram the oltools of Darty evil habits the result Ignorance and tally, who and themselves weenie nervous and oxhanated; alao MmnmO•Aoao and Otn Use, Who are broken down from the attache 01 Shine or overwork, and 10 ad0nuood life feel the 01, VigIoboae of sten the Ddleanaer od f Morn.. Thhe book will be Boat sealed to any addroee on reoeipt of wo So, etmnt10 Atictbvoe 00 LTIJBON, wolh0ghon S1, 11., 1080056, ooh, Waitrons Engine Works Co. amts ePonn AND WINrt8Fr.OG.