The Brussels Post, 1889-3-15, Page 5MARCH 15th, IS) Ti -IE BRUSSELS POST
rin Itur 111
Sweet sunshine of Springtime we hail thee with joy,
pn.,4i the dread of the Storm King's blast,
oughly he etiinti itil, bit; his power to destroy,
11 the warn elemental, watt conquered at last,
NQ, the hut doleful clirgo of gm winter we sing
Giro us peace, give us joy ihi the sunshine of Spring.
Mtabus, our milliner's now in her glory,
Imtalled midst luxurious feathers and flowers ;
Ladies, we still are repeating the story,
Leaders in fashion, the coronet's ours,
In styles, the most elegant, simple and sweet,
No odds for complexion or color of hair,
Even wants most fastidious we're able to meet
,memb,„. 'tis only the truth I declare,
y08, Mil, W0'11 prove it is no myth,
We have tbo stuff to do it with.
-Mut% ,t
Trt5trict ftetu5,
t fay:tie.
14is4 Emma King, of Ethel, is visit.
ing with the family of Joseph Molionney
and others, of Bluevale. We are always
glad to eec old frioncls back again.
1:7. ley t h.
Tbo FarmersInstitute met here this
Prof, Dean, ventriloquist and mimic,
was here last week.
A. Smith shipped a carload of cattle to
Montreal on Friday.
john Denholm shipped two carloads of
maples to Chicago on Friday,
A. MoKellar, who hoe boot spending
the winter months here, returned to Per.
tone le, Prairie, Man., on Mondoes.
The family of Isaac llogeteen will
shortly remove to California evhere Mr.
Rogerson now is. His health is consid-
erably better.
A. number of farmees from the neigh.
borhood of St, Augustine and Douny-
brook Irft here on 'Bentley Lor Dakota,
where they intend making their future
The funeral of the late Robt. Way, one
of Om oldest settlers in Morris township,
who died sudelettly on Friday, passed
through here on Sabbath afternoon to
tho Union cerneterS, for interment.
Pft'on tort 11.
Ottnlata.att Y'ridity night.
Salt il.115 per barrel.
Root. ..1.1mstrong. aud sister spent
Bundey with Win. Hartry and family.
Lenten servMes are being bold in the
Episcopalism church during the term.
Oos. Scott loaves this week for the Old
Country with a came of applea. We
wiol, him a safe and prosperous trip -
Revival services aro oornmeocing in
tho Methodist church. Mr. Shiveraea
comes on the 27th for two or more vveeka.
Rev. N. R. 1.3urns, of Gravenharst, is
invited to the pastorate of the Se,tfurth
Methodist °hutch and has accepted the
invitation subject to the Trensfor and
Stationing Cleramittee.
Thu senthaentud meeting of the Sea, -
forth Foot Ball Club was held the other
evening, when the following officers wore
chimed :—Hon. Pres, Col. Coleman;
Lion. Vice.Proo., D. D. Wilson ; 2nd
Don. Yiee.Pres., D. 'Johnston; Pros., R.
Wilson; Vicat -Pres., Win. Langford ;
Capt., 0. A.. Dower; Sea...Trees., S. S.
Mulcirow; Committee, D. McDonald, J.
L. Killoran, J. Dickeon, B. A., G. Ander-
eon, A. McLean, W. McDonald. W.
clatrossy re
Spring will be weloorno after the long
rather tiresome winter.
The Manitoba fever has boon bothering
a number in this section but it is now
on the dechne.
tIonfryn needs bottee school noomeino.
dation as our children here have et, mills
to walk to sohool,
There has boon a largo quantity at
wood delivered at this station this
winter. W. Milne and Wilton le,vana
had big °out:Acts.
There has boon c good deal of trouble
lately over the property of the hotel,
eoper hero, It is to be hoped Mr. Mill.
ard will see better days,
Last Sabbath Mutational sermons
were preached In the Methodist church
by Rev. F. E. Nugent, of Listwol. Tho
pastor, 3. H. Dyke, was at Listowel.
J. II. Thompson, who is now Mulling
at Bluevale, takes possession of OUT gen.
oral store on April 1st. He will p01 10 a
good stook of goods and boom our vill-
Last Tuesday evening Mrs. Crowell
died, aged 28 years. Her trouble was en
internal abscess. Her husband died
some time ago, shortly after their marri-
age, The funeral of Mrs. Crowell took
place on Thursday, the interment being
made ab Elam ()entre oetnotory.
J. A. Morton has organized a Mass for
botanical Malay.
The new tank at the C.P.R. station
coat about 01,800 and has to mtamoity of
about 40,000 gallons.
A fivomile skating moo took plan on
the rink Monday night between Win.
Anderson and Was, Cornyn, champion of
Heron, for a purse of IVA. Anderson won
easily. Tinto, 21 minutes.
The Exeentive Committee of tho nigh
Court of the Canadian Order of:Foresters
was in session here on Tuesday of lasb
week. There worn present 11. Elliott,
Witighain ; Edward Towo, London ; T.
Whito, Brantford ; John Noreen& and
le, C. Clarke, Wingharn ; A. Maeintro,
Telekinetic. A largo amount of business
was transaolod in oonnection with tho
orgenivation. On Tneeday averring an
entertainment was hold.
The ltessra. Dulmage have !wed tho
Brunswiolt House to Mr. Martin, of
A. leoture will be given by Rev. Father
Healy, of Drysdale, ou "Memories of the
day we celebt ate."
11. Kent appears to be the ohatnpion
eerier in Wingharn. This is the third
year be has won the Bray cup.
There is to be a celebration of the
Queen's birthday in Wingham this year.
The fireman and town band are taking
the mattor in hand.
Tho C.M.B.A. concert on the 19bh
promises to bo a rich treat. Amongst
those to take part aro Mies Coyle, of
Courtright, Miss Landy, of Ashfield,
Miss Duffy, of St. Augustine, the Maws
Flanagan, of Winghnen, itiogsre. Tanner
and Shane, of Blyth, and L. Flanagan.
llev. Mr. Cameron will preach in
Duff's church next Sabbath.
There was no service in St. George's
°hero)) last Sunday owing to the illness
of the incumbent.
C rank) rook.
Last Tuesday Rev, D.33, McRae at-
tended the meeting of Maitland Prosoy-
tery at Wingham.
A temporal= lecturer was here last
week but appeared to hod very few per-
sons whose hearts wore on fire to boom
the grand old cause.
There has been a large attoudance at
our public school this winter but teacher
McIntosh pushes through his work in
riga, royal manner.
Rev. D. B. McRae delivered an inter-
esting lecture on "Luther" to tho Y. P.
C. A. on Monday evening of this week,
It was a very pleasing address.
Will E. Burgess gives an entertain-
ment in Tnok's Hall, on Friday evening
of tbis week. He will bo accompanied.
by his wooden headed doll "Joe."
The flex mill is not a paying institu-
tion bore, it would seem, and now that
it has got into the courts it is hard to say
what the end will be. There aro to good
many in this locality would like to get
100 cents on the dollar OW of it.
W. P. Davies, of Minnesota, is hero on
a visit. The west evidently agrees with
hitn well.
Quite a number were in our village last
Friday doing businceswith tho Township
Council convened hero.
Last Monday there was a. veritable
boom in the Northwest emigratioa at our
station. Seven oar loads of otock and
settlers' effects acuompanied the party,
numbering some twenty five
Among the number was David Dobson,
.and wife, the Oughton, and Baynard
families, A largo number of relatives
and friends come to see them off and wi is
them Farwell.
alitemnotteu..---Last Wednesday OV011.
log the home of our highly respected
townsman, Wnt. Spence, tuns the scone
of activity, opwitrde of forty guests
having come, in response to on invittutiou,
to witness the tying of the nuptial knot
betwoon josoplt 4. Ilemsworth, the well.
known carriage builder of this place, and
Miss Lulls E. Sponee, eldest daughter of
the host and hostose, Rev. D, -B. Mo.
Rae, who is well up to tho business, per-
formed tho ceremony. The bride was
attended by her eister, Miss Rebecca, and
Louis Ettkmier filled tho responsible posi.
tion of groomsmen. The wedding gifts
bespoke the esteetet in who* the bride is
held by her friends. After supper the
wedding party betook themselves to the
0.10. R. depot, when mr. and Mrs. Demo.
worth took the evening train for a trip to
the east, followed by tho usual and cm.
binary compliments. Tun POST, figura-
tively, hurls an editorial slipper after
them and wishes them prosperity.
ILIstow .
The Baird Clornotly Co. is playing hero
this week.
An exchange of pulpits Was in order
last Sunday. This Is as it should be.
Tho Forester ()mute are likely to go on
with tho proposed etherne to °red to block
of buildings, including 11.11 opera house,
in town.
The elders of tho Lutheran ohurob in
this town cannel upon their minister,
Rev. M. Arendt, at his resideno° arid
presented him with a handsome °look,
Robt. McMillan, dry geode, bas taken
into partnership with him m his best.
nese W. H. Ballard, formerly of Dundee,
lately of Glencoe. Tho style of the firm
will be leleelilian dt Ballard.
Dttrling, the Secretary of tho
Board of Trnelo is in receipt oi to lotto!
from Mr. Edgar, of tho Orend Trunk,
saying that through a misunderstanding
some oi tho agents at the stations near
Listowel, discontinued the 1iii4110 Iasb
Sunnnor of Saturday Excursion tickets
to Listowel, lett that they had boon in-
structed to Amish Mom to all applicente
in tho future.
Rev. (1. 11. Feanklin,of Toledo, 0., has
accepted the call given him by the Con-
gregational church of this town. and has
entered epee his duties.
Beside soveral (during the summer
them has been in the Met five months
"unaccountable" fine BA follows:—
Sept. 28, it Woods, !Amble burned
Oot, 1, 0. r,. Leidenborgsr stable burnect;
Oct. 1, T. H. Rolf, stable burned ; Oot. 7,
W. Stephen, hoose and stable burned ;
Deo. 22, Mrs. A.loxancler, house burned;
Jan. 1, 1889, S, M. Smith, stable burned ;
Jan. I, 0. Schlldroth, stable burned; Jan.
2, J. W. Soott'e stable attempted Jan.
15, Royal hotel stables burned; Jan. 21,
Imperial hotel stables burned; Feb. 10,
Main Street stores attempted; Feb. 27,
D. Roy, stables burned.
Mrs. Jas, McIntosh is al:Dieted with
pleurisy on the longs.
Mrs. Wtn. Strath is recovering from
her recent attack of inflammation.
Tito auditors, abstract for this town-
ship for 1888 may be road iu this issue.
J. JeBall disposed of a trim, year old,
general purpose mare, this week, to
Adam Forbes, of Mauitoba, for the sutn
of 6150. The purchaser will balm a car
load to the west with hint next week.
Alex. Delgatty has leased. his farm, on
con, 12, to Win. Horgan, of 110111110p,
for a term of five years, and intends re-
moving to the Northwest this Spring,
locating probably near moose JB.W. Ile
hos an auctioa sale of farm stock, eras on
Monday, 20th inst.
At the last 'nesting of the Township
Council the salary ol the Collector was
re -considered. Tho amonnt was fixed
at 0100 and Donald eloloteohlin was re-
appointed. Yonr correspondent is of the
opinion that the ratepayers do not be-
grudge the salary as it is none too largo
considering the amount of work to bo
Cu the evening of Monday, 4th inst., a
number of young people of S. S. No. 8
met in the school house for the purpose
of organizing a Literary and Debating
Society, C. Bowerman, teacher of No, 8,
was Mooted chairman pro tem, and it was
dooided that debates and entertainments
oonsisting of dialogues, recitations,
should take place on alternate Tuesday
ovenings. The following officers were
then eleoted:—Prosident, John Cuthill ;
Vice -Pres., Mies Emily Avery; Seo..
Treas., 0. Bowerman; Managing Com-
mittee, Miss Mary Stewart, Mrs. C.
Bowerman, Miss Janet McNair, Bliss
Catherine MoTaggart, Jun= McNair,
John Woods end W. 13. Avery. Tho
first debate is to take plata on 12th inst.,
subject "Resolved that fire has done more
diunage to both life and property than
water." Wm. Woods is the loader of tho
affirmative and C. Bowerman of tho neg-
ative side.
A wedding is on the lapis in the
locality of Sunshine,
Anthony Sample and Frank Inhmtun
loft for Manitoba last Tuesday. Others
will follow next week.
A vory pleasant time was enjoyed at
the residence of Jas, Ireland on Thurs.
day oveuing of lade wreak by the young
folks of this neighborhood.
A. tea meeting will be held at Ebenezer
church on Thursday of next weak. Ad.
dresses aro expeoted front Revde. Messrs,
Paul, Tongs, Moltibbin and others.
Last Monday David Agar, 2n3 cons
orosaed that bourne from whence no tra-
veller taunts and woe buried on Wednes.
day, This is tho last of the family to
tho other members died a year or so ago
from a bad attack of dysentery. Rev. 11.
Paul took the funeral service oe Wednes.
Court Stuishine, 0.0.10., No. 120, held
a special meeting on Tuesday evening
of this week. After tho business was
through short speeches and several swage
were in order. Oysters were served.
Eight or ton representatives were present
from Court Alexandria, Brussels, and
appeared to enjoy themselves mud did
ample justice to all they undertook,
especially wrestling With the motors.
The Morris Centre Literary and De.
hating Sooieby mot as usual on Friday
evening, Owing to the night being vary
stormy tho attendancio woo below the
avorage. The evening's program oon-
doted of music, both *meal and instru-
mental by the Mince Clark ; song by Mr.
and Miss Scott; recitation by 0, Bohm ;
song by Win, Austin and the (MUM*.
Tito subject: was "Resolved that Intem-
perance onuses more misIty than War."
The afihnative snetairtati by M. Illaok,
Jas. Smith and M. Clark. The negative
by J. Mithie, 0. Kolly anti C.
F. nogg occupied the chair and after
listening to the arguments put forth on
both sides gave Itis decision io favor of
tho tdttrntabivo. After passing a vote of
thanks to tho centitentni tho zneoGing
Journotl to meet again for debate in two
SVOSkft, nest friday fUl.Billf.f bring 11,
tot 11 httt1,it 111 tilde,. Lits it enrctt itt ttt in o of MH:s B.HOWAI,o)V, (MP Of 1110
tit II n 41. 11111;:i,lit^ ;11 Ontario, lar%ing had Lxi.tric nue in. 'l'oronto, Brantford mid other chi
Uarefully &looted and igiaboriato Stook of Millinery
will be Opymtl Out on tho 20rii of the Present Month, and huliPs aro polif,-,Ly Aday
put chasing until they have inspected it.
No expenc will bo spared 10 ensure an Unlimited Choice, as 1 am determined to
VA.1\T RJ"27
LIN in other Branches.
New Shades in Flushes, Silks, Ribbons and other Trimmings, and
an entirely new Selection of Feathers
(.1which t:re ;totiounceunnt will be given.
Musical and 'theory entertainment in
the Township Hall on Friday evening of
this week. A gaol program DI preparal
fo... the 000asion.
A cousin of Mrs, Wm. Barrio's, of this
township, (Mrs. Jenkins, of Toronto,)
was OW: of tho injured at the recent rail.
way accident et St. George,
Next Tuesday evening, 10th inst., the
manual entertaiument, under the anspices
of the Literary Society, will bo held in
Anderson's school house, Program wilt
consist of =Hie, readinge, recitations,
dialogues, oo They always have a good
time at their entertainments.
A. service of sacred songs, entitled
',Eva," will ha given in the Methodist
church, Sunshine, on Tuesday, Meech
10th, at 7:60 p. m. The choir of the
Blyth Methodist church will sing the
songs and the Rev. A. W. Tongs will
give the connective readings. Proceeds
in behalf of the Widows' and Orphans'
Fand of tho Methodist cheroh,
lateen's Denermo Somere.—The us.
eat weekly meeting of this Society was
held on Wednesday night. Along with a
lot of other busincres done at the mooting
it was resolved, unanimously, that the
funds in tho Treasurer's hands, amount-
ing to 0. should bo divided between the
S. S. and Mrs. 1), Livingston, of Morris,
and the Seoretary, 14. 'Welker, was ap-
pointed to sae that the resolution would
be given offset to. Tito meeting then
prorogued to mem again (D. V.) on the
third Wednesday night of Nov. at 7
o'clock sharp, when it is expected the
very worthy Pros., Mr. Barrie, will oc-
cupy the chair in his usual able and
happy MILLOttOC.
Ca I'S (Ivy....
The Southern Counties Fair will ha
held on Sept. 2 ith to 27111.
:the Gloveruor General 'has leeeived a
number of petitions from Orange Lodges
asking for the disallowance of the Jesuits
Estate Bill.
About 24 of the young lady Walters in
tho public schools tot Brantford, headed
by Miss Purvee, waited upon the board
Th usday evening and laid their claims
for increased salary before the truatees.
The colored traitor, Cooper, who was
so badly injured in. tho St. George awl -
(lest, and who has been making such a
gallant struggle for life, succumbed to his
harm at three o'clock on Saturday at the
Brantford nymphal.
From first to last A. D. Merili and R.
C. Scott, of Tilsouburg, made about 515,-
000 clear out of the great stallion, Patron.
They sold him for 0112,405, and he earned
them about 010,000 over cost and expen-
sea while they had him.
The kind of icicles they grow iu Guelph
is thee described in Oho Mercury : "An
icicle 14 foot long and 3 foot thick fell
froin the top story in rear of Rogorson's
dry goods store on tee roof of a ono otory
building, crashing right through P. and
breaking the gas jot inside."
10l, Nolilo Feat; the wife of J. Vote,
captain of the Cleveland Baseball Club,
formerly of Toronto, died Friday after-
noon, after a two weeks' ilium of
typhoid fever. Faatz was married
nbout three weeks ago, and within a few
days after the ceromouy Ms wife became
D. Plows% to well.kno wn miller, has
leaned an open letter to the farmers of
Western °Mario, in which he recom-
mends them nob to sow so mites barley
the forthcoming season. He recommends
the sowing of early spring wheat, avoid-
ing the hard variety.
David Kirkwood, County Clark, and
Clerk of Catedon, has had a narrow es.
cape front bath by blood poisoning.
left. Kirkwood's Meese is ascribed to tho
dyo(magentn, and black) in his web mitts
having entered his eystorn by %slight
abre,sure loft in his finger, productng
blood poisoning. Hie tinge': may have to
come off.
An unusually fast run was made over
the Michigan Contra road. Tho train
loft Windsor at 1.08 on Saturday, arriv-
Mg in St. Thomas at 4,00, and left St.
'Phomas at 4.07,arriving at Welland at
0.04, the run being made over a consid-
erable portion of the division at a loss
rate than it mile to minute. Tho train
pulled in to Buffalo at 0.68. The run
over the ,Westeen divislon, 112 de -
0001105 the stops, was inatle in loci min.
Tito Madera :tent �t for aha extension
of tho Wiartoo Waterworks System wore
as follows e—Johu D. Boma& Brussels,
56,500 ; Coo. i4isttlttir, Wittrton, 611,600;
Mr. Stephens, Collingwood 51,000 ; Hardy
Leathorn, tameloo, 51,100 ; 21, 41, NUB -
illicit, Toronto, ,3,11151. Medars. Nellie &
Beard, of Torottto' offered to do the
work for e1,700.81. Aliment. Burns &Mo.
Cormick, of Toronto. who worn the low -
vet, have been ofictui tho cataract, pro.
vide.' they aro willing to outer into to
contract to do the work neemeling to piano
and spec" tied. imoi.
Pei, SKR
• Tit
Money to Loan
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty, at
Brussels, Ont.
Read what People who
have used the
:SIS. I. V. PEAS, Druggist,
Dyne willingly give my testi-
monial in favor of the A 33 0 Remedy,
as by its use, and only ono dollar's worth
et that, it restored to mo my wife, who
had been wasting away for eight or Mize
months, and for whom there seemed 110
help. I tried doctor after doctor, travel-
ling many miles and laying oat a great
amount of money to no good, 011 I tried
these remedies and Iter cure was miracu-
lous, for she lost all cooghing, spitting
and wasting, and le its place gained
headu and strength, and brought liappl.
nese to our home. Recommend it to
1 everybody said use my name as author-
ity. Wmiaaat Dvows.
Winthrop, Feb. 3rd, 1888,
It is Unequalled in Lifting the
Phlegm and Basing the Cough.
Sold by Druggists or, on all
orders of 2 bottles, sent free of i
charge by Manufacturer,
I. V. Fear,
Druggist, SeVortli.1
iser vIce 61.50 per Para:oar.
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in my hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission .
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Bays if title
Solicitor, &was.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to sectors ;your
patronage. We are opening ouf fulDlnee
front established and reliable molten
fully warranted by no.
010 of the
Latest Desg'ilts.
-Jr lel NV re31. :
Wadding Rings,
Ladies Getn Rings,
16arringe, Oec,
Also have in stock a full line of V:aine
and Violin Stringe. the.
N. B. —Issuer of 'Marriage Lieu -oast.
T. Fletcher,
The 'Undersigned clesire to intimate to the Public that
formed a co -partnership, under the Firm name of
TU111111,1:. v nr-%
+a • 5
and are now conducting tit v t,'s,' and Tinw:Ire Bu.thlese,
owned by HAYCROFT & TUltN-LICLL.
Our aim will be to pleas., thoso favoring ns with their
and ascertain our Prices.
snemoconete.,,......wmFaea-roosessie.. esacroastesta ,wass
The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to
the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill 112
First -Class Running Order
and will be glad to !We all lois old customers and ;1 y 1:0)
(..01,',s 45 possible. •
'Mora alta ,41:11rzys on„
Highest Priv.! paid for any qauntitY