HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-3-15, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST • - ,y,..mr.,tg,�aAx, HSS: -. .ir.+'gW�, ',gRiP®:r1F*rarex� -.::....I Icd to lx•lievo that th. (r tl „r i, were to Grey Council it l �et.111,y. ! New ,�,t.lverilserl,en�ts. Logit This thine. Legal! A. It :4I1lltll. 1 n. Lel.+ls - -li Iiitla,ael,n Locals-•J A. Crighton. Flax --J. .0 J. Ia\ingotane. Wanted- Mrs ];. E. Wade, el a brother or meter Its long se they, get for 10148, WONlard on the table me ex. � Aucit -;' Ihpu,t-.\1m. l.penl'e. it. If ..eh ie, the eaxethey ere eertmnly 'twined by the ('o1)' eil. el',r.l by Dear. C'nwlbination-Alf. Dean. I very aiTretiouate relatives to have. ' Walter Oliver, seeoudud by Wm. Brown SpringMillinery- -A, R. Smith. •e 111.51+ death o1) ,: •Illi• ...• . n-1101 high iruo•, but we filar we ars' rnisurleei in °ouucal met at elution's hotel Ethel, dale view. P,•rbaps they will ,lee and on Blame, 0th pursuant to adjoin iimett explain and t nligilien ne 00 the Iltijl'l't, Members were all present, 11o, re in the 1 ,.r may e conclude that it ie the mighty chair. Minutes of l .et tweeting were TINT I • 1 /r f Ly �j / /i' ) e lot' 7 1 I auditors' i t 1 I i� .{ dollar they are rafter, end axe not v'rY rend lend approved. The 5151 1 1 litrtieular whether it ie- (nun 1110 pneltete and abstract of the towr ship aeunmlle 1 to —t:: that the auditors' t•1Uort bo adopted and Pertli County. the abstract Published for two weeks m ( ��) �r _ _ Tun I3t erer;r.s Peer. Clar+1 1. Arch. eeseeevreeenveveoveeeveeweveevvvectvvneevceeeeveeeeen ,he ,f tt5Sf!s n„y tiS t There ars hftoen newspapers publish- Mnlntosb applied tor aid to boded a wire 1 ed in the County of Porth. I fence on side road at lot 15, sou, 15, laid The St. Marys spring show will be I over till next meeting. Applioativa of Held on Wednesday, April 17. I Wm. Armed for gravelling to be done on the boundary between Grey and Elmo, Stratford claims to have the lowest t lot 36 0 and 7 Moved by Ed F.RIJ).11', iIAli. 15, 1BBeJ. RXPRRIifF;NTAL iro31u FOR b'tl{)fere{�i depbh-rata o£ the eleven cities of this i Bryans, seconded by Walter Oliver teat I Province y o b t d rev 1e The Reliance Eleetrio Light 00, offers tiro sum of $ 0 e graq p to supply the town of Mitchell with a 1 hewn Council rent an equal Huai. That tuetnbets of the Experimental p130010r 61,000. Carried. Moved fired an Brown,seeend. Union are endeavoring to introduce a The market at Fullerton village is 11880y fo Walter plpoiutihat B °1)111°"4.15'"d flieerldw 1 0. 1 system of practised seperiments, in which glutted with alio: and they are selling b ddb t '1 they solicit the co-operation of the farm- b 131ed tl at fifty cents a nrrel, fixing snlariea o amen e y e rl tin The St, Marys Driving Park Associa. I out the words $76 collector's Ralary and bag community. The object is to fnaug- tion have arranged for a series o -f races inserting ie lien thereof the words $100 mrate such experimental work as will be - valuable to every farmer in the province. These experiments are intended to be au= as can be carried out by almost every farmer, with but little trouble or tixi'ense, ' '.t: following are 5110 experi- ments chosen for this year, and the sys- tem for carrying then on : 1. .A. ceetinuatien of the expo invents on tae z4tn utay near. ed. =fleeter. Yene-Brown, Oliver and One day recently, Thomas Thomson, ed. = r. s a ans. The motion of Bl h rd disposed of a brood male p y ` y r 3: •er in Stratford is I The following pathnlastoire were appoint• and that Donald McLoughlin be appoint. ansa , 20 and n colt fo 120 I was carried 111101 the 23y -law amended, for $2 $ Ina iurgesc emspa) ed :-Con. 1, boundary, Alex. Tbomp. Wm. Gordon, who pain 90011 into the : son, Duncan McTavish, Harry Grange0, municipal coffers la -t week. Geo. Sungzter, theme Cummings, \Vin. 1'lie friends of the McIntyre appoint. ' of tV 11011 Pet TUTed. h d I Campbell • cons. 1 and 2 John Cutt, repaying 1 bushel f oats in his been last aaturciay Fariane, John McDonald, FVm, Mitchell, A Hunter, -1- • 'Fop .5CY • Ceti t r•, now t . n 37s C t '� tl'9 Eli 1li*.ance R �r 4 to wee], from nem -mass manner. to t,Drcalze THE ( 4teelP ei I�Li 1 r 121iZFlIS1, dnnv ihr�:t dltxl.rtaxa n,iutner. B 9 401:84? i to f Y' i'4E iYld lir �t =. 01 ntechleneee, Edo., nraeonable natter. W. J. Fairfield. a�t ONbT'I'O i,11JAi AnJ :4m:.tant of Mouoy to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty, at 6 d G' Percent. Yearly. Stra,i9llt Loans with privilege re )tt lug Rent ofthet e 01001031 circuit over I John White, ,Malcolm Fraser, Thos. Mo. Apply to Rev. C. Hamilton, b ' leavingover sixty 11, 11 y fight., ! Wm- Ansman, Daniel livors, Donald I of 1888 o_t the 001030 plots, without furter Sume person or persons, =doubt seek. McDonald ;coax. 3 and 4, Thomas er application of fertilizers.inn to obtain notoriety, ltavesent the ngli Strachan, Wm. 13ates, John Smith, J. 2. A test of enp,rphosphate, dried the mei; offensive 141)01 Indecent lettere Ravened, John McCartney, Andrew blood, farmyard manure, and m' manure addressed to a number of residents of the with oats. town of St, Marys. St. Mary's Journal: -"There wits a 3. A comparis: n of the different syr- pe t7' in town on Wednesday looking for teas 02 raising fodder corn. a suitable building in which to o..nduot a The first is only to be undertaken by wholesale manufacturing of boots and those who experimented with fertilizers shoes. He intends to employ about twenty hands, and desires no bonus." in 1888 ; the 5eeond is to ascertain the John Alexander, while cutting wood 'value of some of our quick -acting and out in Ellice on Saturday, cut hi- foot beat known fertilizers. This experiment badly with the axe, taking clean off tvo s ht fon will prove especially valuable to small intoesg theofburest.rigP1110oaccit, tedentdnearly will disable farms, graiu and trunk farms. The Alexander from work fur Homo months. third, the shortage of pasture and in 28rir PL•'rt1131 Berntiaox.--Tele follow - creased use of supplemental crops fin.ing changes have been gazetted : To be a us the aced of the best surgeon, Donald 13. Fraser, at.D., vice ,presses uponGeorge Smith, deceased ; to he assistant methods of raising fodder for summer surgeon, William Tiffany Parke, M.D., and winter use. With this object in vice III. 3. Hannavan, appointed gorge= wiew the -experiment with corn was in "Infantry School corps.” The 1311. Marys Argus says: It is very planned. Other experiments are being strange but at the same time very true :arranged in stock feeding, dairying, hor• that the price of flour rapidly advances. tioniture and bee -keeping by different when wheat gore up a few cents but when committees. We solicit the lief f farm- the price of that cereal falls, flour takes a p olong time to tumble in price.This is es - ere in this work, and would ask them to pecially the case in St. Marys. apply to C, A.Lavitz, secretary of ex- The Yong Men's Christian Association periments, O.A.C., Guelph for further of Stratford has been organized with the information. Our menus beinglimited, following officers :-President, R. R. Goulding; 1st Vice -President, A. G. those who apply first will be supplied ilbowat ; 2nd Viee•l'resident, 11. 7. Buy. with experimental material. The result err; Secretary, F. J. Day; Treasurer, H. -of the work should well repay each one i Baker ; Directors, Messrs. Clarice, Yoe. ick, Garden and McLagan. who tete• part in it. The r,t,atfc rd Beacon says : Monday, ExrrsntExrAL COMMITTEE ON Gn.+.rxs the 4th of March, the children oC J. R. Axn FERTILIZERS.Stewart of Ontario street found a beanti- Huron County. W. :reason has been at up. town agent for Grand Trunk Railway at 'Clfntoli. H. B. Proudfoot, C. F., Clinton, re- moved to Toronto where be has accept- ed a partnership in a leading then of en. gineere. John Graham, of Kinloss, brought a maple log to'Mit hel'ssawmill, Lueknow, that measured nearly thirteen feet in cir- cumference. The Goderioh Council have let the contract for the emotion of a pavilion in the park for the accommodation of Snmml' excursionists, which will cost $400. The Lncknow Sentinel remarks :-Pls- toI practice is indulged i», we under. stand, by some of our school boys, in the Methudpat cline= sheds. The boys,' it is geld, have rigged up a comfortable 'nest' for themselves in an adjoining hay loft, where thoy hide from day to day in. steed 3 f going to school, as sent by their unsophis::cited parents. The people in that lei Itborhood are often startled by the 1. ueeet and most foul-ntaatbod obscen- ity and profanity issuing from these sheds during •aullool hours.' The Blyth Standard says :-Sunday eeening while Mr. Hammond was at church Aire. Hammond went into the pantry with a lighted match to get a bottle of Indian Oil for the toothache, By some 1110011.1 the bottle fell from her hand spilling the contents over the side- board and floor and in an instant the sideboard was covered with flames, a match having ignited the gas from the mixture, Mrs. Hammond managed to extinguish the fire with water before Huy serious damage was done. Henry Macdertnott, Master in Chan- cery, died last Friday evening, after a shot illneee, Although around quite reountly, the deceased had not been strong 01 health for some time, but his decease on Friday was a great surprise to the people of Goderioh. The interment tools place at Maitland cemetery, Sheriff Gibbons, R. S. Chilton, American Own.sul, S. Malcomson, Capt. McGregor, Jno, Davison, and Horace Horton, being the pall bearere. Tho deceased gentleman had been a well known personality in Godericb for a great Reay years. He commenced law practice Here in part. nerehip with the late Judge John Strach- an and for years commanded a Incrative practice. He occupied a high plane both in general and legal erudition. He had been a widower for some years, One daughter married Mr. Duneford, for sev- eral years manager, at Godorich, of the Bank of Montreal, another is Mrs. Ship- ley, of Toronto, The Seaforth Sun says :-Thr malt men of Canada have formed a combine in the salt business. Some few Veers mince thee° men succeeded in hanging together and put up the prices, but the Grangers of the Dominion did not relish the price of $1.25 per bared; it was too high they thought. They began to manufacture salt themselves at Ifineardine and soil it at toe per barrel, This bursted the com- bine. A few days ago te new combine 8tertall and put op the price to $1.25 per barrel, which is the price now, and the Grangers were t110 first to enter Into the combine and are now rejoicing in the fact of being tho means of malting their brother farmees pay 75e per. barrel more for salt than formerly. We altvn.ye were Bremuor, J. J. Lindsay, Robt, Pane, Jas. Bowes, Oliver Smith ; cons.. 55 and 5, Frank Oliver, 13. Laug, Wm. Batomau, Sno.11isbop, Wm. Pollard, Wm. Elliot, Hudson, Relit, Bennett, Truman Smith, Jno. Forbes ; eons. 7 and 8, Jas. Cardiff, Hugh Lamont, Win. Brewer, Malcolm Lamont, Wm. Tindall, David Milne, ltobt. Dilworth, Chris. Raynard, John Slenlmon ; cons. 0 and 10, Henry Ball, Jno. Creme, Jno. Vincent, William Wilson, Wm. King, Thos. Stevenson, Jno. K. Baker, Win. Dark ; cons. 11 and 12, Jno. McFadden, Elias Dickson, Jno. MoLauehlio, Albert Dames, Jno. Knight, V. Foam-, Wm. Duke, Rebt, Coutts, Jas. Mitchell, Wm. Bishop ; con. 13 and 14, Jno. Hislop, Jno. Grant, Neil Jun- oanson, Peter Sinclair, Jno. Shiele, Donald McNair, Luke Spoiran, Joseph Whitfield, Robt. Bowen ; cons. 15 and 16, Peter Watson, Wm. Turnbull, John Stewart, Wm. Fulton, Jss. McNair, Jas. Livingston, Geo. McKay, Jas. Fulton ; eons, 17 and 18, Donald Ross, Thomas Johnston, Aroh. Duncanson, Enoch Clark, RobeMa.ohaap, Thos. W. Johnston, John Hewitt, A. Govenlock; gravel road, Jas, Simpson, Jas. Strachan, Thos. Mc. Laughlin, Donald MrLauchlin, James Kelly, Jna, Hislop, Adam Sholdioe, Geo. Colvin, R. 39. Ferguson. Pence viewers : Alex. Ross, Jas. Turnbull, L. Dobson, Robb. Bowen, Malcolm Lamont, Joseph Whelpton, Geo. We1,h, Philip Betz, P. McDonald, Wm. Fulton, Hartwell epeir- an, John Stewart, 3no. Whitfield, James Oliver. Pound keepers : Thos. McEwen, Wm. Ward, Jacob Tuck, Hartwell Speir- fully variegated butterfly in the garden, an, John Harris, rTi , nnos. Burton, Tr on, David Another dcitizen founvariety. a ghouse-Ay of Miaccounts were handed in and ordered to the hay -field variety. The house -Ay has come, and the voice of the Untie is herd be paid : Brussels corporation, Grey share of Hall rent for Divisiun Court, 1 years, $48 ; Ament Bros, plank for bride° on lot 5, con. 12, 524; Wm Ward, gravell- ing on side road lots 25 and 20, $38.60 ; Alex. Stewart and Jacob Kreuter omen 510, salary as auditors ; Wm. Molielvey, gravel, 554.00 ; Duncan McKenzie, re pairing culvert on lot 17 eon. 17, $4 ; Dr. Cale, attendauce and medicine to Wm. enemmwell, an indigent, $10. Oouneil the t adjourned to meet again at Dames' hotel, Crinbrook, on Monday, May 27511, as court of Revision. Wm. SPENCE, Clerk. in the laud. t The quarterly meeting of the Presby• tery of Stratford was held in Knox church, Stratford, on Tuesday. The fol- lowing were appointed to the General Assembly: -Rev, 1. Macpherson, Rev. 15, Hamilton, ltev, P. Scott, Bev. P. Wright and Rev. G. Chrystal; Elders, Messrs. Leslie, Bradley, Thompson, Ste. wart and Stratbdee. The Metropolitan hall, situated on tbo Sth con. of Blanshard, was totally de- stroyed by lire early last Saturday-morn- ing. aturdaymorn- ing. It was a brick structure used for public: meetings, etc. A library belong- ing to S. S. No. 4, w131011 was in the building was also destroyed. It is sup- posed to be the worst of an incendiary. Loss about 5550. Insurance 5301) in the Blnnshard Mutual. Stratford for its size is about the worst place in Ontario for bank -biting slander mongers, bays the Herald. Ono would think it was lust emerging from the dig. nity of an incorporated village to observe the avidity with. which falsehoods are cfr- cnlatod, while the appearance of evil is seized upon with tenacity and bandied .from month to mouth, until the original slander -monger could not recognize the tale he or she had created. The Central Veterinary idedioal Asso- eiation held their annual meeting at the Central hotel, Stratford. Papers of im- portance wore read and discussed with a view to improve the interests of the pro- fession, and to improve on the prompt treatment of domesticated animals, sic. Ofiioers newly elected were Drs. Cowan, Galt, President ; 1st Vice -President Wilson, London ; 2nd Vice, Wm. Gibb, 3t. Marys ; Seo..Treas., J. McClure, Woodstock. There were also present Drs. Steele, Stratford, Elder, Seaforth and Brook 01 Middlesex county. Wm. Gemmel, a farmer of the town. ship of Ellice, made a desperate attempt to kill himself at his awn house. Ho went to his bedroom and locked the door, and there committed the act, cutting his throat from ear to ear. His daughter who suspected his intention broke in the door and discovered her father's body prostrate on the floor bathed in blood. He made three attempts to accomplish hie puropse. Standing, leaning against and facing the wall of the room, he placed a basin to receive the blood, and with his /amide kept opening the gashes in his throat that he might more speed. fly bleed to death. He has been suffer- ing for years from Bright's disease, which was the reason for doing es he did. Sir Charles Tupper reached Ottawa on Saturday. Two Orangeville fellows have been litigating about a small plows of Iand, The loser of the snit pays law costs just eight times the value of the laud. Parkdalo Council has appointed a com- mittee to make arrangements for the an. vexation of the town to Toronto, and the union will likely talto place in April. During the past 21 years only 1:15 divorces have been granted in the Do- minion of Canada. During the same period 376,000 were granted in rho U, S. Quebec, 1 in every 62,834 ; Ontario, every 32,668 ; Nova Sootia, I in every 5, 008 ; New I3runswiek, 1 In ever? 2,360 ; and I3ritisll (/olaknbie, 1 in 1,055 of the married population. iso g1 L A X 11 bio J. & J. Livingstone, have a limited number of bushels of the best HOLLAND AND DUTCH FLAX SEED for farmers in the vicinity of Brussels who intend raising flax during the cool- ing 5055011, whioh they aro prepared to deliver in quantities to suit flax growers. Cam be got at Burssxas or Bevin Flax Mills. All esed given out on the usual terms Order early to insure a supply. For flax grown from this seed $10 per toil will be paid if of good growth ; her. vested in proper season, and delivered at the Flax 511111 as soon as lit for throshing, J. c2 J. LIVINGSTONE, ' PROPRIETORS BRUSSELS FLAT MILL, MEAT MARKET, Stein Street, • Brussels ANDREW CURBIE, PROPRIIDTOI%, Fresh HND Salt Meats Of the beet quality always on liana and de- livered to any part of the village free of ebargo. Terme very f„arab to, FAT CATTLE WANTED! For which tiro highest market price will be paid. lake make a specialty of buying Aides and Skins. Don't forget the plane next door to llotebor'efiowelry Store. A. CURRIE. MONEY TO LOAN. PRI Y a!L TE FUNDS. .,s1'IOle of Private Funds have just been placed in ply hands for In- vestment AT 7 PIR CENT. Borrowerscan have their loans , complete in throe days if title is ! satisfactory. Apply to E w Ei WAfJEt r Dirision Court Clerk, Brussels GOOD 1TEITa TO '1'HE AFFLICTED ! Np family who knows the power of ---JAMES FURST'S-- Pain Exterminator will be without it in their house. They know it to be family phyeioian. It is both an internal and external remedy. Pain cannot remain where it is properly applied. The lame who have used °rutoll- es from 2 to 12 years have thrown them away by the use of it. References can be given that different blind persons have had their sight restored to them by the use of it when the optics nerve was not injured. It is good for inflammatory and chronic rheumatism, gall stones, neural, qia, toothache, eooghs and oolds, earache and all other aches and pains. eat l!I•. ' i ""1' i"�• Sold by dreg.dets and coun- try merchants. Prepared and sold whole. sale by .Tte,nrnee. t•t, 36 Park Street, South, Hamilton, Ont. n33 -4m SIG✓1' OF' TBE cutch Sonar ! .8a A Splendid Stock of Horse Blan- kets, Halters, Whips, &c., &c., on Hand. Our Collars always Give Satisfaction. I lead the van in giving good value 311 Trunks , Valises, Satchels, Ltc. If you want a sot of Lian'r or HEAVY Haulms, Or if you want Repairing clone NU in and Sec Us. H. DENNIS. r illiant 1 Durable c Economical! Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness, None other are just as good. Be- ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure of success, use only the DIAMOND DYE for coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, &c., &c. 'We warrant thein to color more goods, pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond and take no other. A Dress Dyed Fog !� Coat Colored ` Garments Renewed .f g Aye;, A Child can use them! At. Drugtitle and Merchants, Dye !took free. WELLS, flIC1M17DSOMI & ll3tontroal, F. 0. riAi{Cif 1,7t11, 1S 11,. a:smnuslataar ctazcre.;, rt1r;aux,a¢+aa r rras:r«": r:.0. • ,.ID n General •Blacksinitil1 wishes to iutinpate to the pt)blio generally that lie dors an kinds of Blaoksnaltdiing - iu a 1t• urkutanl iko Manner, 1l r.gnue, linl'!iitas, S: isles and Cut tore made to Order, Repairing promptly Executed. I make 0 Specialty of Ilnrso-eltoohig, A Coll Saliaile,1. n..rilomember the Stiond- Noon '0)1)1 Brltnan. el S. Plum. A. t.J IDI 1 Q.LII:3s Ati�JPO.LSJT ----OP THE— .- FOR THE YEAR 1838. RECEIPTS. Balance on haud last =dB, -*II. 20124 Andrew Devonback, taxes Tor '87, lots 17, 18, 10, con. 18 14 77 1Vn1• Spence, ter Engineer'~ ex- penses I). R. 1V. AM 18830 00 Alex. Router, flues re Bla-hill VS. Sletmnon 3 00 A. M. Ros.,Treas. Ontario Land Improvement Fund 2015 DO A.M. floss, Treaa. Ontario Land Improvement Fund 60 03 Btegk of IIamilton, for note, 4 menthe 800 00 W. Haemes, Co, Treas., town line grant 183 80 Bank of Hamilton, for note, 3 months 500 00 1111 ler, License Fund , , , , 120 OD Sank of Hamilton, for note, 2 months 800 00 Wm. Spence, for note, 2months 200 00 Bank of Hamilton, interest on deposit, $7,000 312 76 Bank of Hamilton, rebate 1 30 Tp. Elmo, drain tax for lots 1, cons. 6 and 0 Wru.Spence, Engin'rs expenses R. R. Award, Brussels D. McLaughlin, colleotione at different times 02775 03 Uncollected taxes 26 04 Government school grant 504 '00 County school grant 504 1011 6 54 70 25 11311 70 111CPENDTTU11E, lloads and bridges $ Gravel Salaries of tp. officials Municipal election, 53.00 for '88, 558.75 for '80 Cltat!'3 Soleehing jurors Printing \Niro foucc Festive 14(11 stationery Ditching, under Watercourses Aot. Expoueee, 580.00 for 1887. $11.2.50 for 1888 B, It. Coupons Paid money borrowed Interest: andcommiesio,is Government drain, eon, 10 ce 1)4 Drain, cons. 6 and 0 Side drain, gens. 15 and 10.. - Drain, non. 1 County rate, $415.00 for 1887, 1838 Refund$3536,85 of doforg tax Reg'ratlon of births, marriages and deaths Untollected taxes Trustors school taxes Government school grant County eohool grant Hoard of Health Miscellaneous Remission of taxes Law suit, re Bowan Balance on hand • Total Receipts $111426 03 Total Nun•rosident taxoe,uucollectod.5 725 05 Bank of Hamilton, deposit receipt . 7000 00 Railway award, Bruseelsto Grey 431 50 Township of Elmo, drain cons 5and0 3324 Balance on hand 6353 08 \' ] E, the uuderslgtled Auditors of the 'V examined the Treasurer's accounts longing thereto and find the same correct. TREASURER'S Or,,CE, 1 Cranbr•ook, Feb. 2nd, 1850. ) 1417 10 308 67 037 00 01 7+r 2113 00 l3 00 61 26 15 00 30 27 77 12' 10.2 50 430 80 2300 00 40 82 507 3.1 1355 00 145 00 20 52 4061 80 8 00 10 80 25 04 4892 20 604 00 604 00 r, 00 9 70 0 84 122 24 053 03 +117420 ON LIABILITIES. 11. R. Debentures c 7000 00 Government drain, cons. 16, 143 and 18, 121e years 507 34 Side drain, cons. 16 and 10800 no Drain, cons. 6 and 6 1(00 00 Township of Howick, drain de- bentures 118 00 Township of Grey, certify that we have for the past year and the vouchers =- ALEX. STEWART, 1 Arrrnutx. JACOB KRAUTER, ,a.swe rema xrsm, l Bog to Announce that their BTAPIIE - AND J Jr - FANOY - DRY GOODS Is now Coming Rapidly forward and in a Great many Lines Complete. EXTRA VALUE in Cottons, Cottonados and Cotton Sllirtiugs. These lines were bought before the advance in prices and we pro- pose to gil'e our Customers the benefits. NEW DRESS GOODS and the latest novelties in trimmings to match. SOMETHING NEW for Spring Mantles and jackets. SUITS made to order. Gents' furnishings, Tho newest styles in the .market in Gents' FELT and PTTR HATS. A MAGNIPICENT stock of Cooper & Smith's BOOTS AND SHOES. s,ry,{jii ) Agents for the Bazaar Patterns. Thanking our )lnlnel'o11S Customers fol' past favors min se)liutlll; it continuance of the sane, beg to say that we 5111(1l endeavor to serve you (!von better than in the past. JPAITili'ULLi' YOURS, 114- Straohca1n.';ros. • t