HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-3-15, Page 11 1 i Volume 16. mmat2M?Saa A`fitme T, Wklat the Letter Said.. To the fruiter of Tinny Petr% n(, --Allow me to say that the "un- granunatical"and "Impectineut"lotto( the. Budget spoake of getting from me waa that 1 told him 80 go ou with hie notion, th the was the author and circulator of the lying report he areola about, not L that he was the slanderer and myself and family the slandered alai that without a emote; that asitho'• lie nor his epistles scared (no and that 11onl,l treat him, OH 1 had, as 0910 void of the first prin- ciples of either manliness or linear, 1 giro Ibis explanation of the letter he ,e. foes to so that your readers may judge for themselv08. Yours, 13,useeltl, Mar. 1. 1880. Ir'. S. Se,Tr. Washington Letter. (voice. 12991teenter aorreepeneent,) )VAalmoTo9, (titaren, 9,1880. The fiftieth Coegress hue celebrated it elf with a good record for work. to the first place no previous Congress sat so continuously in session. Over 17,000 bills and joint resolutions worn iotroduo. ad, upon which nearly 7,000 reports wore made by committees, and of which 1,791, Or a little over ren per cont. became laws. Thirty per cent. of these were public mea8ur08, and the rust of -a private na- ture. During the life of this Cougress .noro of its work was negatived by the .President than ever before or in the history of the country. Mr. Cleveland voted 278 biii8 during his term, and 140 bine were bills passed by the late Congress. The legislation accomplished is for the most part necessary and Salutary. Four new states have been admitted, an inter -ocean• ie canal authorized, and it new oabiuet secretaryship created, the irregation of the vast arid region provided for in part besides many other notable achievements in IOgielatioo. Much failed. The tariff is still unchanged ; the Pacific roads were not brought to taw ; the Blair bill again bit the dust ; woman's suffrage is still on the knees of the gods ; the de pendent pension bill did not become a law ; the land forfeiture problem was not solved ; the extradition treaty was re- joeted ; the fisheries question left almost untouched. Measured by what it did not do, the Fiftieth Congrees may not wont se important, but judged by its protracted labors and the laws it actually di(I pat on the book it was a great Con- gress, well worthy to mark theoentennial term in the life of the government. The railroads have repeated their notable record of four yeare ago by trans- porting the vast crowd of inaugural vis- itors to and from the capital without serious accident. The public arrange - silents of the inaugural period are also entitled to commendation. The ball was a success in every particular. and to a mart under cover the parade was mag- nificent and impressive. The only draw- back upon the enthusiasm and the gener- al but reasonable glorification, is impos. ad by recollection of the exceseivo damp- ness of the of the afternoon of the fourth. Washington washes its hauds from all responslbilitya for the weather at this season. It has been long, petitioning Congress for a change of inauguration day to the date of Washington's inaugur- (Won, April 306h. Every inaugural vis- itor of 1880 should constitute a commit- tee of one to impres8 upon hie represent• alive in Congress the urgent importance of this ohange. The ex-Seorotary of the Navy and Mrs. Whitney, accompanied by tbeir entire corps of valued servants, will leave for Now York this morning by the 11 o'clock train from the Baltimore and Potomac depot. Mrs. Whitney's day, yesterday, was mostly occupied after the morning hours in receiving farewell visits from her Moate of friends, both in political and private (Arcles, and few turned without the tribute of a tear, and a keen pang of regret from the hospitable mammon whoa° doors Have been opened wide to all who nailed, and which is, tinder its charming host and hostess, whole genial personality and tru8•hearted welcome provades ovary spob, so delightfully planned fur enjoyment. The emotion of the hostess at parting from the scone of so many social tri- umphs and endeared domestic surround - logs proved a noble tribute to her wom- en.hoodeand doubly endeared her t0 those who inadvertantly witnessed it. The oha8m existing between eomo of the distinguished Republican politicians of Ohio is not being closed ,up with any remarkable rapidity. Yesterday the Liueolp Club, of Cincinnati, paid its re- spects to Senator Sherman and the Sen. ator eecortod them to too White House to meet the President. It Ives the par diose of the club to likewise call upon" Gov. i!oraker. Senator Sherman wag invited to aeomnpany them when they called on the Governor, but ho declined the invitation. The probable length of the pr050dlt Nos - (inn of the Senate was a matter inform. ally 11100110a0d among the Sauators yester. (lav, It is the expectation that ab the very 8horte811 the Senate will remain in 900.910(1 for a period of two weeks. Titin will gib the I?resident time to fix upon the su000080rs of the yeetient foreign ministers, and the nominations can bo 100119m°d at once. This will enable the new minister to g0 abroad ttlmostimmed. :Moly with the full assurances that they will not havo to return because of any subsequent failnrm of 00ntlr1n11t1011. a return bion ,wn in the L"ren 6ht do 11Ottso last week it appears that Dentin. MR Government payments to the St. Catharines Milling Rs Lumbering Com- pany on account of their soft against On. Carie amounted to $10,1.62 07 u11 to Jam let last. Mr. Moyer, of tine Berlin News, hag arrived borne after an absentee of eight days and as many nights. During that time ho travelled about 13,800 utiles Spent two (lays in Chicago, one in Mar- son, bliss., 0110 in New 0810ang, noun Detroit, and a; part, of two days in Mt denten s, A,.b.(e,.t.a.,1136•ne via 'BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1889. A young 't!d"oman. shot Dead Tereible Tragedy near Minima. Ono of tete most dastardly and cold blooded taunters 111 the ohr1ni(109 0 crime in Ioltlnbton comity was perpotrat ed in rho township of Warwick ori Sue day night. The some 0f the tragedy was about three miles south of A1'kona and eight miles uorth.rast of Watford. 01 that ovenilr0 til" peopled trio section as e mbled for tverehip at the Providence Methodist elinr011, corner of 800ond line north and 21 side road. After oveninl, service the oongregation quietly disports ed fur their homes. A.mmgag those e'ho attended the 509918n that night were 81. Uert le, Wilson and Mies Mary J. Mar. shall, two young people residing in 1110 neighborhood. Bliss yl12rahall, aco0m. panted by three yonug friends, started for Neale, Wilson follotred a step or two in the rear. Whet: about six rods east of the church W,lson stepped up to 2.118,4 Marshall and nuol0 n request to escort her home. Mies Marshall replied "not this evening," In an instant Wilson polled a revolver from his pocket and, placing it at Miss egorshall's head, said, "do you see that?" and fixed. Mies Mar. shall sank to the earth mortally wound- ed with a bulletin her head. Death was instantaneous, the unfortunate girl dying without a struggle before her horrified friends realized what had happened. Wilson took advantage of the excitement caused by his terrible deed to make his escape. Kind hands bora the murdered girl to a neighbor's 110150 and efforts were made to restore her to life, but the vital spark had lied. Tho remains were subsequently taken to her own ]tomo, whore the grief of her widowed mothor and family was pitiable to behold. Wilsun had in the meantime run up the road, and taking a short cut through the fields, mulled the barn on the ilMarsball farm. Here he set fire to the straw stack, which burned rapidly and required the united °fiesta of the large crowd gathered to prevent the destruction of the buildings. This cunning device gave the murderer oonsiderable ofa lease, and it was some little time before the pur- suing party struck his trail. IIs ran in an aimless manner for some distance, but was artful enough to use every mesas to throw his pursuers off the oonrae. Wherever possible he would run through plowed fields, where traces of his tracks would be difftoult to find and also scaled along the top of the fences. Once 11e re- traced his steps, coming back over the same trail, to mystify those in eearoh of him. Ho succeeded in reaching the woods and by walking on top of logs and other methods avoided capture, and the pursuing party were obliged to giro up the abase on account of darkneoe. Mes- sengers weep at once deopatohed to Wat- ford end A1'koua and a description of the murderer wired to all points. His trail was traced to the lino of railway on the Sarnia branch to -day, and a man answer- ing his description was seen on the town - line of Brooke and Enniskillen about noon, Wilson is Omit 26 years of age, rather under the medium height, light complexion, light moustache, wore a suit of dark clothes and a pair of new over. shoes. His escape is almost impossible, but many aro of the opinion that he is in such a desperate mood that he will not be captured alive and is very likely to oommit suicide. Ile was a hard working young man, the sou of a respectable farmer iu the neighborhood, and has al- ways borne a good reputation. Dr. Ovens, coroner, of Arkoaa, was notified of the shooting affair and em- panelled a jury on Monday afternoon to hear the tostltnony. About twenty wit- nesse°, moat of thenn eye -witnesses of the tragedy, were examined. Dr. Teasdall assisted the coroner in making rho poet mortem examination. Tile fatal bullet was found embedded in the ti8enea of the spinal cofamn, about half way down the book of the nook. The bullet had enter- ed immediately back of the right ear. It was a 26.calibre ball, slightly flattened in its eour80. Jealousy appears to have been at the bottom of the affair. Wilson has for 00,ue tdme been desirous of being a Kilter of 1tIiss Marshall, but his 5019 was not favorably r0aeived either by the young lady or the neembera of her family, her mother not being on good terms with Wilson, who is a, neighbor of the Mar- shalls. Wilson is reported to have made threats that there would bo blood spilled if she wont with any one else, but liable attention was paid to it at the time. It is thought that this jealous feeling be- came a madness with hire until 11e de- liberateiy planned the crime he so 9110- oessfully carried into exoontion. That there wit0 method do his madness is shown by the clever Mame he had plan- ned to escape arrest. Miss Mors11211 was only 10 years of age, and one of t110 most popular young ladles in 6110 neighborhood. The excite- ment over her cruel death as intense, and it would not be well for Wilson if the indignant and excited .people of the vicinity should succeed In laying their hands upon hila. Lytiching is freely talked of, and the county wonlel be vexed rho expense of a trial if they had Wilson at rho end of a rope. Sympathy is expressed for Wilson's family, who are almost as 1011011 broken down by the terrible affair as the relatives of the murdered girl. District Lodge, L O. 0.. T. Last W0dnc8day District Lodge, 140, 24, of the above mentioned Order mot in the Temperance Hall, Brnseels; at 11 a, re., Temple Deputy Metcalf, of Blyth, in the chair, In too absence of Secre- tary Pollock, owing to {linage, J. 5. 1410' Minion acted for slim. The following delegates were in attend - aim 1-- LttsnOn.r—Jno. ilfadliiotar Ciao Ma- rried, turd, Anglia G09110n, Miss Edith Horton told 14liss Annie Cummings, Raavtten--Jno. Stalker, (loo. Smith, Wm, M01tay,11'tdagos Army and 911. Scott, Vary and Maggio Nowcombo, N0191,3 S'rhtt,.- CI, it; NeWtotl and .13. T,atvroneon, 5Iu'td: Lt: u', --F', Metcalfe ;No, lie. Linin, (leo Stewart, Joseph (.ray, Win. Kew, Robt. Seniors, 3, S. 11101(1119„n, Misses 1; 3112, bung and Edna Clurtie, 'Mary T1210inht, and Nacre Moffatt. (itxAlua9. W. 14101'raohon, A, Lane - date, M, Young, J. Buyers, blissee Liezio Ttoddiek, ?fay Kerr, Etliel Creighton and Lueretia °Jiver, Fourteen lodges in this District rn ported, ehewillg an increase in the m0m- llorohip, 811100 meeting h Jun°, of 200 Rev, al intereetiug melee were disensiled the Third Patty movemo'it being 1110 lending one. A hearty vat of thanks wee massed to the Brussels people for so kind' ly entertaining the delegates, The next meeting will bo held 0(1 Jane 19th at Londesboro. Another Accident 011 'rite Grand Trunk 105(9(0y Year lateen. Tho Grand Trunk Railway seems to bo having more than its share of acoidonts of late. The last occurred about ono 111110 and a half west from Liman Mon. clay morning. No. 1 express due at Stratford at 9;30 a. m., did not usually stop at Parkhill, but Monday morning by special order, it stopped at that station for the Baird Dramatic 0o. Everything went alone smoothly until the train was within one mile and a half of Luean, when it was noticed that something was wrong, as the car ocoupied by the Dra- matic Company was bobbing up and down as if one of the wheels were broken, and we the conductor, A. Manley, of Pt. Edward, wag passing through, his at. tontion was drawn to it, be immediately stepped outside, and it is thought pulled the bell moo, for the train came to a standstill almost immediately. The two first-01ass cars went down the em- bankment. The one nearest the baggage car, in which were thirteen members of the Baird Dramatic Company and three other pae'.eneers, made several revolu- tions and landed at the bottom of a 90 - foot embankment. The passengers roll- ed here and there, thinking that *heir day of reckoning had come. One of the dramatio.company, E. Houghton, when he felt the oar going sprang for the door and landed at the bottom of the embank- ment. Zia right leg was through the window and the whole weight of the car resting upon it. It tool( nearly throe. quarters of an hour before they could extrieete him. The other passengers had to be assisted out of rho ruins. The first car was it total wrack. Seats were smashed, windows broken and every- thing badly demolished. The passengers express surprise that they were not all instantly killed. That they °soaped is simply incredible. Fortunately the lamps all went oat and so did the fire in the stove. The injured aro :—ltd. Houghton, West Bay City, right leg badly out in three places and right side injured. Mrs. K. Rowland, Port hope, head hurt, bruised about the body, and left ankle broken or sprained. C. Brodie, Point .Edward, formerly a Montreal policeman, bead and neck cut and otherwise injured. Jas. Wigg, Point Edward, head cut in several places and right leg conjured. P. Giliean, brakeman, Stratford, slight- ly injured. Besot Dehavan, Buffalo, left arm badly hurt and otherwise injured. V. Neilson, Buffalo, badly shaken up. Chas. Cheer, Brighton, Left arm hurt and out on head. J. E. Rowland, escaped with a few slight bruises. John Fitzgerald, Guelph, was in the second oar that stood on its end. Ile was only slightly injured. There are various theories as to how the accident oocnrred. Ono is that it was caused by a broken rail, and another that one of the car wheels was broken. The officials seem to be very retioent about giving any informabion regarding the matter. It does not seem improbable that it was the remit of 11 broken car wheel, which may have spread the mile, sending both 008Ohes over. This seente to be the most feasible theory, as it was the car in which ono of the ladies of the Dramlttio Company drew the conductor's n110119100 to the bumping noise. This car and the ono next to it were the only oar. that left the tweak. It resembles the St, George disaster in some respoots, with the lnoky exception that no cue was killed. The engine, baggage car and smoker wore at the front of the train on boa track ; two wrecked oars in the centre, 1vit11 the two Pullman coaches on the brook at the rear end, The passen- gers in the second oar that stood on it8 and wore all huddled together --forty passengers in all—cud none of them were seriously tainted. Many received alight bruises, 'bat nothing to prevent them from continuing their journey, Two of the wheals of the first oar wore standing en the track, two more half way down the hill, and two on their end, rusting on the side of the or at ton bottom of the embauicmelt. As moon tee word woo received at Stmt. ford, Assistant.5uperintondelt Tiffin ord. orad out the auxiliary, under Foreman S. Bogeys, and a wreaking emir of thirteen, who quickly proceeded to the .0oen0 of the disaster. Isla short time the line was cleated and all trains running a9 usual. The two care am still down the em. banlcment. The wounded pageong088 of the Ira. motto Co. were talcon.to Stratford. This is the second time imide of two months that the Baird Dramati'1 Coln. pithy have narrowly ealel from death on tho rails. The first Dar in its descent smashed through a telegraph post. Th0ooettpants of the sleeper oontinttod to sleep totally uneOnSei0118 of the peril of their follow- plas8e0gere. Both sleepers wore well filled with paose11gcra. '.l'lte strangest part of the whole arotdent was that a err containing twelve of fifteen paeSougm's could roll, down te thietydoat embank - Mont, without out single porton teeing killed, It fe something eery dillietilt fo aeronaut for. Dental College. file nominations of the Royal College of Dental 1nuemiono of.311tario erose wen. plated loriday evening, The fr/llusving manners of the sender Glass wore 8nec0a8- fel in obtaining, the title of Liosutiuto of Dental Surgery, The names aro in the order of anent : — A. Ilugh•Hipolo, St. Catharines; W. O..kley, Tornub, ; R. G. McLaughlin, Brampton ; Gime. Ferguson, London ; Clam, S. .10Leatn. Brookville ; J J. Kerr, Carnpbellfo 1 ; (1. P. Matthew. m..n, Ottawa ; A. 9' Webster, D. D. tt,,. Toronto 1 J. 11, *min, Toronto ; le, Eidt, Berlin ; J. '1'. Troland, 8100.601911; H. 0. Martin, Toronto ; N. W. Cleary; Renfrew ; Andrew Rose, Acton ; 18. Cunningham, Oollingwood ; A. J. Stnith, Prescott ; C. 46. !tisk, Aborfeldy ; Cleo, Blol)onald, Arnpriur. J. 13. W. Thep, Brae -bridge, will take some subjects over du June. Thornes Bruno, reroute, wlto 1s all in thohospital, will take the examination at the same brae. Faculty gold medalist, A. Itugh Ilip- ple ; college gold medal for practleal work, A. F. Webster, D.D.S. ; college silver medal for pra8tdoal work, 0. A. Risk. Honor men—A. Hugh Hippie, 13, G. MoLaughlin, J. eV. Oakley and 011as. S. MoLeon. The intermediate examinations re. sulted as follows :—Passed --Mark Bink - ley, G. F. Wright, S. Meyer, S. A. Ayk- royd, Thos. Bustler, 13. Gallop, 0. P. Allen W. H. Steele,J. . Vieser, M. ' V.H J t G. MaIhiuney, M. Caanagh, C. M. French, Jas. Letherdale, J.A. Armstrong, Oliver Martin, A. G. Pearson, tV. R. Hamilton, A. J. Edwards, A, F. Simpson, J. F. Ohittenden, A. E. Sangster, G. F. Bel- den, J. Y. Young, Ira Bower, M. W. Sparrow. S. Burns will take a supplemental in Opt. in surgery, A. A. Shaw and H. E. Harris in operative dentistry, H. E. Harris, W. W. MaPbee and G. W. Lloyd in physiology, The Orange Order. The annual meeting of, Grand Chapter of Western Ontario, Royal Black Preeeptory, of the Orange Order, opened at Hamilton, Monday evening, when delegates were present from a great many plsoes in Ontario West. 'the report of the R.W.G.M., Bro. Jas. Brownlee, of St. Catharines, showed that the Order had made good progress dur- ing the past year, and four new pre- oeptories had been organized.. Reports from the counties of York, Wentworth, Huron, Perth, Peel, Grey, Oxford, Kent, Bruce, Lambton, Simcoe, Brant, Middlesex and Ltnooln showed the preoeptories in these counties to be prospering. An address of welcome to the visitors was read by the County Master of Went- worth, S. R. Hammond. At Tuesday morping's session a number of reports of a very satisfaatory nature were presented, and officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows : John Graham, Toronto, grand master. Wm, Magness, St. Catharines, deputy grand master. John L. Wilson, Wilsoncroft, associate deputy grand master. Rev. Rural Dean Cooper, Invormay, grand chaplain. 11. R. Hammond, Hamilton, grand registrar. L. Metcalf, Toronto, gram? treasurer. W. ilf. Lockhart, Everett, deputy grand registrar. Geo. Nicholson, Hamilton, deputy grand treasurer, W. L. Boll and W. J. Dunlop, Toronto, grand lecturers. Jno. McCaffrey, Toronto, and J. Dna- lop, St. Catharines, grand standard bear. ere, , R. Gillles, Hamilton, and J. McAllen, Toronto, grand censors. E. Floody, Clinton, grand pursnivant. Grand committee—Jno. Low, E. T. Richards, B. H. Scott, T. Gilroy., al, Baldwin, Cape. Wetmore and Jno. Bird. 011A911 ()RANCE Lome. The manual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Ontario West of the loyal Orange Order opened Tuesday afternoon at the Court Holme, Hamilton. About 000 delegates from all parts within the juri0di063on were present. Grand Master W. W. Fitzgerald, of London, presided, The report of the Grand Secretary, 1t, Birmingham, of Toronto, Was next pr's. seated. Thirty-five 000nty lodges had forwarded their roporte, showing 1,280 nets members, 100 deaths and 26 expul- sions. Amongst the more prominent members who had boon removed by death were noted 1 Thos. Catherwood, Past County Master, I1'ldimand; Alfred Med- mit, Past District i<faet01', Toronto Emit ; and W. 13. Smith, District Master of Nolson. Eleven now primary lodges had been organizedduriug the year, James A. Keyes, 111 the absen00 of Mayor Clarice, of 'Toronto, (:rand Treas- urOC, pr080010(1 the trees -Iron:. report a3 (0ll0tve : Receipts 1113,101 ; expenditure, 910,040'; eclrplts, 93,021, The report of the Orange Mutual Benefit Society was also pr08euted by Gratid Secretary 111rm- Ingham, 01102vi1119 1t ntenlberehip of 1,0'33. The report showed the society tea be in It satisfactory condition. TNI; .l0arins 1111.1., The 8peellal committee appointed to Molt into tho burning question broughtin the following report : Right Worshipful Sh) and Brethren.-- Wo, the cOmntibtee to wheel were refer. rad alto several petitions bearing on the 00.0111081 JssnitEdam Aot, bog respect - folly to submit the following report :-- (1) That in the opinion of the Bight Worthy Grand Lodge, rim pnesing by the Legislature of the Province of (Snebeo Of the Act incorporating the Smits is to bo deplored, and the snhsegrlent endowment of the 0oei0ty with the sum 0E9400,000 of the public Node cannot be too severely condemned, 009e0'11ally in view of 1110 11806 that tole large tum of motley )tart been virtually plaoud at the tdispOSitlel id a foreign potenitiete, and believing, 918 the do, that smell Slate recognition of the •1LNntte ie ,t teehlie meinte, to our 01a and Ili:i,r,)ll Gbrr,y, therefore be it ra, erllved that w't: sell upon ou8 relin s:'uta tin. in Idle 2),.r9,hldn1 Per; lament ter use all 000811tutinee? mems in their poI1 r to secure the .1602112',anre of the Aot knr.wn as the Jesuit J8sta'tss Act, (2p That in view of tit” 0usatiefaetrrry (•80an3 of t11e p,litleal parties of the coantey, as evidenced in their viein8 with eiac% other am they 110 in their sub. servieteee to the Church- of L'ome, we etre now me:eared and•d0 hct+lov pledge our - se 1.115 trreo Te•ato with sal l vol 13ritish subjeote in ripening the grtl.(till•; of 8prcatl powers many Chtere1,, i11 resist. Mg the encroachment of 1lexn0 upon our Public selu'ol system and HI securing equal-righte.fe' all tweeds 1:1(1 moinnal. ittes within: the herders of oar fide Dominion,• (3) That with the view of carrying into effect the above resointiull the 1•lxec0 titre (3 enunittee of the 109128 Worthy Grand Lodge be given full instal' to to operate with other or;anizcvtinne, by cir- eitlatiilg p••. itim1', or otherwise, through. est our lnrisdiceion, awl take such fur- ther steps as m,oy seem begs to them in giving etr'et to the wial,0s o1 thin !tight Worthy Grand Lodge, as embodied iu the there resolutions. THE OYFIW9Ita, The ideation of o09oors was next taken np, the following gentlemen being re. elected :—R. W, Grand Maxtor, W. W. Fitzgerald, London; R. W. Deputy Grand Master, Wm. Nicholsons Hamil- ton ; R. W. Junior Deputy Grand 1iTas. ter, ones Toronto; e , L. H „he ,Toro to , R' W. Grand Chaplain, Rev. Chas. E. Perry, Angn8 ; R. W. Grand Treasurer, E. F. Clarke, M. P, P., Toronto; R. W. Grand Saone. tory, Robert Birmingham, Toronto. The Grand Lodge then adjourned till arming. In the evening the members of t11e Order met and marched in proce0. Sion to Gore street Methodist church for Divine service. Rev. C. E. Perry, Grand Chaplain, preached the sermon. At Nur conclusion of the service the Grand. Lodge rakers and delegates returned to. the Court House and began an all-night 9eseion. LOCAL LEGISLATURE. The•9cw Couuttes (1111. "' The resumption of the debate on the motion for the second reading of the bill respeo6ing the formation of new counties was first on the list of Government orders Wednesday. It was a question whether there would be a•brisk and lively debate or whether tbere•would be natio at all. The question was soon volved by Mc. Hardy moving for the discharge of the order. In doing so he oommented upon the difficulty of preparing a bill that should commend itself to the House, and rho apparent impossibility, by means of a general bill, of submitting a scheme that would meet the approval of the different localities interested. Mr. Creighton thought the Commission. er of Crown Lauds was taking undue ad- vantage of the absence of the Minister of Education, who, he said, should at least have been gt0On the opportunity of at- tending as chief mourner at the funeral of the bill. Mr. Waters said the hill had affected oda constituency a good deal from quite opposite points of view. At the same time he would have voted for the second reading of the bill under pertain con dition,, the chief of which was that more 61,an a bare majority would be re- quired to justify the division of a county under the provisions of the bill. How- ever, as the Government was not going on with the bill, it was useless to diaeuss it. The order wa8 then digeharged. t*enoriti Ns%v.. Five thousand tailors are out of work id Boston. The Illinois Senate has passed a bill to regulate telephone charges. The gold panic continuos in Southern 00118011110, and all classes are affected. Tho British Government proposes •to spend 3191,600,000 in strengthening the navy. The British warship Sultan has bee wrecked in the Mediterranean. Crew saved. The Massachusetts house has defended the bill granting the municipal suffrage to women. SIxteen torpedo boats intenlod for the German navy are now in °aurae of con- 8tra0tion. The hill permitting women to vote for 8019001 inspectors hes passed the MiaUi- gen Senate. Iix-Preeideub Cleveland !tag been oloot- ed an active member of tiro Now York Bar Association, (des, Logititne, of Hayti, has asked from European Governments recognition of his Government. ' The Edlaou patent on ineandea0allt 0leotrio lights has been declared 11011 awl void Its regards Canada. The 1112Y,ara do tho pace of Louie Riel were luta before the United States Senate Tuoe'.lay, Nothing was done. 1't is repotted that the Abs-shlians are 110,10gi0:9 Kassala, and that 4eunusein,' army is marching on Khartoum. Sidney Bartlett, the nonogonarian lawyer of Boston, ie dead. His yearly lacy practice netted him over 8100,000. A German artillery officer hes discov- ered It new powerful 0xp1081v0 for shells, It is tnatluteetnred from carbolic aced. Capt. 3",'N. Dawson, of the Charles. ten, Al. C., Nowsrttnd Courter, wag shot and hilted on .Ctteaday by 1)1'. 1", 13. Mo. Dow. The abdication or King Milan has consort much nnea8dnes8 in Austria, It is 801889ed in Vienna that Queen Natalie will soon be back in S0r1112. It is believed that a collision between 180s6ritt, and Itussia, is certain if Italy and Germany 000ourage the former to interfere agedu0t the lotto's aseend.mOy at i3ol rade, Louis J. l3ock, thd► "hbnien pf0. cushion," oilers to Mick more pine, needles, awls, knives, tooth -picks end hair -pine into his body than oily ether mal in the we'lcl, for 9600 a side. N umber Crit flu ewvl,. Port Arthur i, rshready without 8100M. Tr,. Mnnit.•be, 1e•gieleauru svae prorogu' e l Tuesday. The caned tolls wfll remain at the same figure as last year. A squaw hag been murdered in "Jack- the.Rippe." stele at Calgary. firemen: Barclay, registrar of 319110n/ County, diol 'Tuesday at 9tiltan Oev. Father Stepwise se,rt,. iy,,.;l to rix 911 e' •n ,' 1 Teeed menthe' t 11 nen ,moat on Tu+ d 1y, Fire to ?4'allacebur cin Saturday r' mn outg canoed a lase of ahem 9'20.000. Th. l 1411.0 ,1, 1'•tihvwy scheme ,4 been prertie<dly (tilled 11101,1 buttrit:Iba Legis• latttre, petition has been iliei gai.9,9 the return of G. W. Colter, JL 1.. f0" lfuldi• wand. Cooper, the 101010d welter, injured at St. George, is net deal, 144 %.119 r0- pOr:eel, Victoria I:niv:,r'iity, at 0, Lour4, leas ab interesting 11 ,luny of Jara:tese 010._ dente just new. Mrs. James Law and her i«ve.y0ar.old dau:hter were killed in a railway i:nlldeiou at Paris Friday. The C.P.R. has bought 180' mires of laod near Newbury, and, it is said, in. tends to mot a station thereon,. A Dose of smallpox has oocarred in. London, Ont. Several new ea es and some deaths are also reported from Elgin County. Che Toronto Ministerial Association. at u epeciahmeeting on Saturday adopted n resolution condemning the Jesuits Estates Bila. Col. Donald Campbell, of Nelson Town• ship. has been appointed registrar of Halton County, in place of Francis Bar. clay, deceased. Geo. Oook'aged 70, an inmate cf the poorhouse at Crawfordsville, Ind., was on Thursday discoved to have $6,628 hidden in a box under his bed, $4,000•of it being gold. He is a queer 0hara0ter,. and claims to be a Russian exile. Local News Items. alias O'Coartel is on the siok list. MRS. GEORGE LovE is on the sink diet, idea PATT43127 has gorse to St. Thomas on a visit. N1t,T Sabbath Rev. R. Paul pr000hes- at Blyth for Rev. A. W. Tonga. Mae. ltoo,irs and son, of Mitchell, were visiting at J, H. Young's this week. Jim. N. lixammtte's auction title on, Wednesday tvae n very suocessfel one, Me. Kew, of Blyth, Wes in town this. week and left for Hamilton and cities east on Thursday. Cam. and get prices at Leathsrdale's on. Saturday before yell bay ally prow elee,. All goods delivered free. Sous mean sneak threw half a brink. through the gime in Goo. Broker's score door on Wednesday night. CHAS. 31.85500S went to Wingham last. Friday to take a position 1n Dr. Towler's. drug store. Charlie should fill the bill- all right, Ray. MEssno.. Rosa, Joyos nen Howrs attended the meetdng of the Maitland: Presbytery at Wingham on Tuesday of this week. THE Spring sitting of the Assizos Will open in the Court House, Goderich, next Tuesday, His Lordship, Justice Street will preside. LEstnt O'Comalo12 is house from the. Stratford Business College having secur- ed hie diploma for shorthand, type. writing and book keeping. Mee. W. A. M0Ewxs and daughter have gone to Toronto to make a vi0ib with Mrs. Jno. Leokie before returning' to their home in Theesalon, Algoma. Co. MAseen YOu9n and Dr. T. G. Holmes, Co. Pinanotal Secretary, were, at Hamilton this week attending a meet- ing of the Grand Lodge of the b. 0..L. Miss Genes, who has so well filled the position of milliner a F. C. Rogers for several seasons, has been r0-ongagod for this season atld will be on baud next week. J.D. Boum, shipped one of his best double engines to Trenton this week. It was really a beautiful piece of mechanism, and will reflect credit on our Brussels factory. WHAT ws 91(,89 Ex1ECT.--lilntldy roads. —Spring millinery.—Talk of hese ball. —Somebody will see about a celebration in Brussels.—Bleotrio light to be used in lighting our stores, pnblio buildings and streets.—A busy season for our contrac- tors, principally in the 0ountry, however, -A good drilling of the Brussels 0041- pauy of volunteers previous to the an. nual drill.—Socials in the olontry to proves d awing card to the townspeople, especially the fun loving portion of the commtmity, Sosel nor ds paying too close attetltion to the clotheslines of some llrueselites said the thief 11901 001 bo surprised Ji ho carries home a charge of backslt.,t in the basement of his pants if tho stealing is 0m1.dmlod. A1a15n9 Gr:';i:v, wife and 310,11:x8 left for the West !.tut feealay or. tsar noon t•aiu. They duteul 1:, :aim ,t:1I will /mato near Indian 112)91 nh< :'e lV. A. Pishluigh, rule. L. G.: •, , brut1,:, nae resided for years. .10319 (1f(Ntvt.l'', 1x1,1*" huyrt 1r,u !lased a iheavy 11114u,[h6 Ilton floor Jane; Mo- - 1)oneld, of Grey township, this w0:1c. The price paid was 7170 Tho mare weighed 10711 pounds. Ife also bought tarn home from Corry O'Neil. DEAN Cotml:tr07...-The above com- bination, hearted by the oelehrated Alf. Dean, opens at the Town Hall. Monday evening, for three nights. This comedian has a national reputation as a vocalist, mimic, ventriloquist and in The The leading jeu nals of the continent speak in tering of highest praise of Mr. Dean and his superb company of talented artiste. A loading 2006nr0'of the onto. tainmeut is the lavish distribution of presont8, gold 1111,1 siIVor 990.1181188, wen; ptoklosbands, 012190 ba011080, 11123(18 12(111 barrels of lout being given away night'• ly. Admission, with ono present envelope, 233 cable ; roamed seats, with 2 �resent onOpes, tlnd 1100 ebildt'on, 0111101veI12, one 11900111u00,1OnvO;50lepo1, 16 teats Remember the date, Nth,, l0tdt Ind 20111,