The Brussels Post, 1889-2-15, Page 3Fel), lri, 1880. 1HE 3='., tUSSELS POST
e res s'merileG itmr:.,tet•acer eareav s: :este re errel•.., F ortres•-m: .:m r;vereseemtra veranreater r teat e rename •gar . .. :tetrateeeoneweeeemeeerei. av»seem eeeeee,e
The S. S. in its Relation it svPln tanough to tunlcn bl1,i .ia+i1 ad fold need in order to im press thej Son. Ifo has die noted with " 3*meirt,� •
c , I •e ,.1 (reel: +,inch er the mot,ler.rt, A lfeet 'fav lite weird, to eneral who ! d' eec' " .4& 44J# 4
to Temperance. th0sp:irllint, ,,.r,ra •. general
In 1.. n 1l%alt' i. ;1,- .,_.'144 tie": fee-.• , their ]lord.. tette i
tuih t- '• w+ •,! :;)1,:. nl •.•..i 11,111. 1143 1,..
i ! �f'h•,: , ;t'cn' 1"ii ,r;• -!ear ret .';nr,!
The C l .l(1, I: ,(, ee»nplete rnf
(3441, of tho delrvu:e,l by Roo• Chu
)I. S iv4411n (!t the lea4111atb Halloo!
Competition la - it ,,
. ,4; 1114 the above e 1. , .
IIIc 111 tees (.44.
' It elf
, ti 144444 ,u'.1 of more itupnr• I of i
tame,the.. ,r' me '-?- trot to 44144
It is import,,!.: r , he country, im zu e
4.4 !:L .4. 14 rs,11 :l•• . . !.t 11,,, h •.I 1 4444
u�• 4.1!0.1 t c' )„ f,: .1. I ,' 111; 1
r • x!11 to 1'.'4L1! r 3ua tsltb flat'. t y,,l til -n • 4!44. ! 1! 1444
!!i ! 117•14 t : n lar• l".11.!7i •,rr4• a. . r„11. t .,.! 4ul•h 1 feed :web 1,1,1 r I
' -,1 h ,.1 I r J• - t !, '.r. ,.t!1 1R W1,1 I, 1 - .,, } rh 1 lr.• t 444 0,i
t (:. 1 !1 it. 1 ^'ttnllhul: )n'
1"11; t! r 1 i,r Lt!•011i �,, , "1 nl li+ I :ri _. :2'44!4 I .11: !4:11 .4 lint: 1:. 'v , _, 1 t•, tvi4h
!. o Jif-!� r r,. ,. •I i 1'•ni^ i, v, ll.
TV”' TO, , •f, + a.:., •41 he Ih•.
1. , •. i. ! ! L .heel• 1 t let I '. 2 elf„ 'I I>tt1' •1'. r }14.11., r+ r�. J me 1 le, t 1), x•1711,•,,
3. 1-�:tr.(llatli '1'o(•4V"K. 1 ..:1„ 1a dr1I11 ,• 11 ltinuL,1
.414.0".11 i
1.4•111 ! ,V
. .1 ter•" +
N' r i
iu, per 4:.,1.13 ;:r,- ,ill:,ouu
I.natuut 141 !l 1 (1x11•,11 important t> 1ot 1
the ism[! 4. tete..rl,uit to thu rudxvx;l � 11.1.1 "• te
, � .14.t I r
414.:12V t w l)1 4 1'•' 4411 4(t ❑.,. Llan : •. 1"144 ill t tll:,ni t d11.d Yee slo 711.11 v ilu lil, :�t
l 1 !'rue lu
luti�mper a 141eti ! 1 , i,,r it ,4.11 4 All tJnl f 4,:11! r 4 11+44: 1.• akilf 11 a1 l
' ever ,:! •u.r t trey, 1 1.144 stun uu: 1:.
tin! penult/Jim' u(' rnnn,hotid 1441.1 1 1y in* •ht the ew,•.
that' tecta ,l 4„+ ,4u..4!ualt; -'444,1 I. t1.: u' a tott.,'.f ttu,ptvli�t trod ;old A Fruit Growers' As soointiou 1 ant bore Respectfully
It in rho dust, 4411(1 what touches ought not to have heel' fo a 41 npuu I Ino fly t a him, Pa a aura e 1 B I
Mita J H p,Tnr.T
ani "rano•+ in
1 .
i "Take (r urge.” has been formed in sitis 1 Colum• Respectfully,
manhood Conches country. Tntpnr• t1 n 14 ('41 T 1, t.l r l+ 411 t ?roltlu3 .
taut to thn Ulnlrell. 'FOr Whatbit.I'.ti J e,bject • t•tn•4y to my name go.
fathnr wa. it 4:411. ,'.',1!':'t nil 1 { Poe lido 1111 t bat ILII Iltethel•Y nn•t W01471,711 i
church Yl i 14th Moue me n^ r, 1 tiro t , ! . i ul1 , .
4'1111 1. , , ereJ!„
lit! nLetint! 1 era 7 I ^711 oue •" it,'" i" cawed E.. cairn u.. a ,1 x,te i.nml
entree -, „ 1 !, :.!• I!�. ,� ,.•. ��t :. 4v .!t 171411 , 1
the great0.i1 utl130x,, ea(i8iuq her toeels " men who attend them.
say he Crass born •4 hutnahei, 4111{ f.uul roto A tea eh0ttld bo The Mono farm of 101 aaroc, et
blood at every pore ? Hee it not Y
gams to the pulpit and hurled the ( Mimic", was solil the meter illy fur p17' ,-
preacher from his Lhroue ? lits it 40,000, .81G l' (..) Title
not gave t0 4143 pow rod seizoct sone: ) 1Valhtoo Bros., of Wateruo.l town of leo choicest spurts, o-4! 44 04(1001x.4 i bookie ld ehfp, throslled 71,000 bushels of F,�
them in the fill]! 1 And bas it not m oleo! a l) 4141 114"•11;4• ail•{ '11th ro,ol ; !bey re specially fond in hr1'h3itiu tT)nui0 uuyu Govurutneur will
palsied the heart of the hearer till tvlueh tete h.• h , a• 1•'!1 ryiil thr'a • d ty.; or something is the form
words that mnmt'. "niched the snnl's 114
construct cop Ila ill lttstri:41 BCIInaI at
l to I „ o + , el ffotio t. It i+ 1101 IMO to pa(.4cler
I�ntntoopa, 11.0.
ra • ', n•r 4(4rer tvho
Urilli v !lee : d ole p 4(3114,
1 i l out antlered from 1t " 1`
r 1 :,,, • ! 1 well an<lerstaud the. r.. 11x141 of snffcrlu•,
had 114 vet' 11 '(,+'l, i3 pec 4• 1111
if it „ 11.1441.!;,.11.1., b he ,. ao .'f guy
thio � 4 4,1 ('W 11144.'11.1 a 111+ 4 (3444 sue•
n• {ll 41 1 i.. re tier. 114 other
tl:iegr ho 114.4 .f „n, 4144111. o which
•e '1 i +' •ee eery 4leers, ltl1..1 never
f.lrfi•t re 11 (19 i'4 the tett ler
3. Alain, flood the school with
temper me, li eetl'ur•' ana tempore
time pep •r3 an! ,om s. JI1 ren
deepest dapths cuni:l unG 1711.1 a tnb,lce,,. I. it I (het 4t iso •
chord a 017410 multitudes tender its to , fly 1' , 41 . iwn
milnepee never stet', "Como, lel 4144 (41 10)44 t' 4111.417:'4, 11, r'1.;n 4' shoe
up until the hanse of the Lord, nud be tobacco. I a...1tlia !' w, r-"•
1138(3 holy clay." Import,ult to the sink it duan se toe le, et: mix drullc,
family. For where is the family fn I ,taut that ; some,41 the wand's
intemperance 11ae not emend a g
victim, and wbioh has not mourned
its dead, slain by a monster who is
ever searching for hie prey ? In n
large party in tiro neighboring States
a Lady Dressed n gentleman to ilr'init
wine with her. Ifo refused, 44ud
asked her to think of a single (amlly,
if she conld, s:•hitt had not had to
mourn n victim slain by intamper•
ono. Iu about pelf au hour she
returned and, with tears in her eyes,
uCknnwlatlgai( that she 00(41.1 out.
11. is equally as important to rho in
dividuai men, Few are so fur gone
iu reoifishnes' as to see-, "Am I my
brother's keeper ?" Or ea prrsuu
ally Safe if it f; 10001111(1, to bo ewe
that it will never blast or blight their
manhood. The question hero arise•!
If iutemperanee isuclt au evil what
plied of lift is the best for Uro iu
ailment. of those principles whiell
shall eneicet uproot 1t and 'drive it
from the homes of men. Unheei•
tatiuol3 113133 411114 01(11111/11.1 end
youth is the best time It is the
period when the mind is meet tee.
dor 441114 impressible -411e most open
to troth. Let a men from youth up
get ueder the p..wut 01,
and it is most difficult to touch him ;
or, if touched, he items to have 1 411
moral poster, and as siren as be
opines in coatn01 with the glass, 111
nine (settee oat of ten, appetite rano
away with him. And 'nark, this i8
jai, as true Of the than who esteems
himself n inuderat.: tnau. He is
uuder the power of appetite, as he
will find out if he tries to leave off
even 1119 moderate drinking ; and
multitudes of these are swept into
the vortex, from with) there is
hardly a poesibilIty of escape. Look
111, at, the matter in 4171.4 liglit, I ata
formed to the eouclusion that the
prtioti 410.' 11411p4e4.1 4,0 10%01 400
greatest number, and reaab them
most effectlally, is childhood. It is
coalmine suns, 04ys one, to put the
r seal to the ,''ex whole it is soft; to
bud the tender twig with the fruit
that 1t should bear ; to go to the
fuu0teen heed and guide the aurreut
of he stream, and to lay hold of the
young tendrils of the shooting me
411• :rain them as we would have
{lam go. Agentleman once said to
Co ri•lge, that ue thought it very
1..• ale • 10110enco a child's mind by
i !•111.... 11:; !Ley opinions before It
ettu. 0,111. c,•.ye0n•s of di1er011Ou,
s" .. a ha, ,.1110 10 44110080 for itself.
In "••,, •.,i. 4usuril not ton CoI-
ride:, sbo (el him this garden, and
t• !d btu 'h•tt it wae h1ut botanical 1lot' 'o, he raid, it 1, cuv-
0"• .1 ..4th ~0!,141. Oh 1 tilted (101.
ridge, that, 1s beoanse it ha not yet
entre t0 it. .,yo of discro on and
choice; the weeds you sere have
teen the liberty to grow,'! and I
till tight it unfair in me to proj,otdioe
Suppose a teacher to take liquor at
the 8011 in favor of roses and straw.
b .Trios. It is jest as unreasonablesen tavern or wino at party, and
to lot. the (toll of the human soul to tune child ehonld see them, and he
he taken posee.seiou of by tiny evil ao fit pati uyl thohcommoner did as tho down and y
(say intemperance) as to let the ward p vb from where the 'teener
garden be taken possession 110 of by left off. 'Would not blood be found
wends, and 1d 1(at any other crop; staining 81111;1 a teacher's garments.
and oh ! Could iho voice of the misery-
isery* On the other ",l4xiclteu drunkard be heard 1)t' "volt' for good in exthere is (3"44x4
tmp10 and lot the
one 01 us, ho says, leave not the teacher bo true, atlal Cha fora," Will
children to the tondo, mercies dale unfold tho result.
drunkard's drink, for they aro cruel,
and ho would say to every child 2. Agaiu the 10418008 should fro.
touch nota single 'drop. The brit.
liaut Charles Lamb wrote 1—"r1"ho
waters have gene over me, but out
of the black depths could I be heard;
I would cry out 10 all those who
have set a foot in the perilous flood
to ioolt into my desolation, and be
made to unders(ttucl what a dreary
thing it 1s when he feels hitn8olf
mighty utile u•('1 is --toxo .oho have
muds their ,hark in ilia world's There are books of this class on
hiereture, nud ,three moues svi!i t„ulueraeue, and they ave books of
live lunger then lvo(1ds :hid. -did worth on tfie same subject ;
last, but they ud{;b hey, tee: !I 1t they have only a small place as
mightier (and at 011•' cleent•(1 yet in env Sabbs.tlt school libraries
had they not used i. tile", 44)11 4111 papers are especially at
for 14 mom••rit, Clunk or :lie nli3(1 .' traeteve to children. Brit how fete
of dine and nun 'y, (u,•!1 . 11te ni
the power of tide habit Tile 'ye
tem so tllurouglily Lnbtoc luiz x41,
tb^.t like Ii1' r! i, • i r,„•,. ,
"give, give ! Ph^u 4'11 1; of the
diflioully .f oi,t.t,fnyr lu40.13"''
over it ; and who d 3 006 .•••• they
preacullal, 1, i'. ter the Ott , , au.1
that it le wise'• ' C erueus.• ett 11
and in,ti1 eeine144 ee n( 4(4,44x.1 I., it.
tree. It t• t, b filer .1 ,.1.31 too
mealy h :ye 0 • 1l t .0 ,1 M . it
011a ax i, , ! 1 i11,lu v 4 •'r !41,141 Y
botit .14 r•' :a. 1: e. t•1 l i•4 3 .11.1
health. IL ie ilnpercent, 444,4 044,(39)
principles he b.Juq.t, eo hear
MI the 11111141 1 4 t ll • 1111
early anthill ,,.•l, goes twat 4.0 10•:1 lneettegs m'ght be Mild in commm•
that t,o slavery i:. 4.14.0 th to Way 4(.411 vial all our schools. The
erg to n bail habil, 0sp3eially'114 114 enter ration by the superintendent
strong drink, yr tobatcoo 11 04 one of the officials, and short
trio chil11hund ib the best time s4iO4 1ddreese3 might be given by
10 reach the 104(111 noel effect 1110 ,Ilr, Leechere or )'0nul4 men of the
heart,. then is the Sabbath school 4uuool, aceempa.ied with dialogues
au agency 1 the prow:et:in 01 tem nu,t :weiug by the younger 0hi(d
perenee u. ,:res' 4, '44. v1.114' '.t an. Sem:thing of title mart hes
which Canuet he overeeteniesed been dune elsewhere, why not every
The questieu dere a.10• -e : Hots• where
can we best roach the scholars and 5. Again, get all the children
through them tree (mimic ,Le10 2 if partible to ergo the pledge 113131
,1a!• By the power of exe tap a Tte aware that some may sheer aad
suporinteuduut a0d 13a0tier'+ ahot111 "ay they (10 not knm9 what they
theineelvee bo abstainer• It le the ere about. They sooner know what
duty of everyone to teen c•1re lest he they ore about then we think for.
undermine the effiuiet(oy of his otvn Cau •'a0 not remember our thinking('
iu1tru0,tione. The man who design41 when we were children, and our
to g'.iu 'bo belief of •:"', r.' 1' 01(1 0hileven rte+ guile as mart he we
8h0w that he believe hitneel', and were. They know what they are
when he reecoes !~a , tf' •r •s ' 0:n 1 rth.40l. Gal them e•u•I4 to .1:4:1 the
peranoe, or any virtue by tis raa:= pledge sod let them be asked ire
01111138, tie should by hie example qusntly by a show of hands to tell
prove ite pile thility. Who 0.411 toll 11 that' have kept it. In a word
the harm that 111.4)' ho dune by .4 plods" them to the principles and
3,eewher taking n halo. He way nrttittees of temperance. You all
think that it does him no harm ; remember the story of the great
but it may d0 el, :idly ha to to .om Ha,nill';4r, Ibe CattlegOtth) *^n 1.11!
child who may ire ,v.rtelmig. A file sun 41,11 th.1, then tt a V0al8 of
goetlomau fund 41.1 eitwbtug, 11 man 11.o1, wet lequa 101 to go will 'lulu
of strong limbs and 0001 11344(1, was (') the war against the Romans.
ahmblue n precipice when at n telodnllrar et, 1,1,8 eondented. Plum
dangerous poiet he h81u'd n vole,: lir tools ltim to the alter of his gods
that 11m08t pa4(111zed him. It we: tel nude' 1111.11
tt4' 44'er3 tlke Ste
the voice of his Ossa 134, who brut
Caught sight of hon Mid 141(0 was b•r.,11lichee! o'li 140.1.10 (led a nom,
following not far b,'hind. The mid to the temporaries altar and
voice said, ''Papa, 1(444" (110131(10 3)444111 8148441'Ots4u1Lltesta t, etr0ng drumit
for I am following yolt,' Ile stopped and you may (1apo11d that as 1304•
in 14 moment. Tie did not say I am taiuly as Hannibal WAS !toile's
net responsible far my example. greatest and {1(41twat. toe so welt
13o thought that if his Fred ahould (beet) 01111141.4:11 met y011114 people be
perish his heart ;would break, lie the constnut and determined toes to
therefore stopped. in a moment. the liquor drinking 0ltetome. Let
Every 1up0441n10ndant and teacher us get the yultug people and than
should take the safe path because the (100119 of the drinking 111132141x3
of those who are following them. aro sealed. 'Let the 24411111811 of all
the Sabbath school: thus bo trained
and the eotni41( genettitione will be
a power felt for Cho world's weal.
It is a grand Christ Leo work to
raise the 1411011. 11. 13 u'lbic to 8101)
those who dream feet of danger,
from proceeding in the downward
oonrse. It is still 111040 , grand,
noble and Christ -like to take rho
ollildr0tl in Dar diems and shield
them from 111080 11,4bits which 0i1
only bo h curse, and thou the world
exalted by a nob?8r type of 1111.01100(1
shall bless those, tubo in its dark
Lon much to this as I conceive de-
r,vect lepori(14. yet fiction may be
((341,1 to te,1041 Bible trout. I have
ht"fnro Inv wend one of the writers
of fictteu, and I doubt that a eiagle
bock from tar pen can bo found
the!, dace not teach the way of life,
t• luper+Luee papers hove a place in
nor schunt,r Yon say that there are
nano suitable, then lot there be
1340413)"l• illu .1 rated papers prepared
foe tea-, eurpn'r4. In a word every
rl (,r• -1!"111.1 he merle to take p08
so, cion of 0h{idhood, ever remota
lier'ieg that men and women of the
foto:" 'vi11 bee just what the make
them and that the literature with
which they are furnished will have
a p(w,•rful ,u(luence in tnou11m4(
u. ,u tar .'tat, future Let the world
and the devil furnieli their mental,
food, then farewell to anything
nobly or good.
4. Sabbath school tomperaoce
(Vonlly hava a bearing 011 this sub• day, stood in rho gap, and in Blatt°
feet. I aur aware that 1t, note leas of opposition and much opprobrium
Il p1ac0 (10"10):41. 33tat whoa 1 made it their effort to break the 4t''
think of the fact that tide gt1'88di011 rant's y01(0 and present a sober
for seataro iu their proper places,
A beautiful rniubow wits visible at
Otll0mee hest Wednesday. A. rare
occurrence at this season.
Mr. Tattersall, V. S•, of hair,
Middlesex, has fallen heir to 100
acres of Inuit near Liverpool, Eug-
1t took the Oounty Council of On•
tariu two days to batlot for Warden, .11 Splendid' Stock of Horse 1,1an-
and Hien a dark lame got the covet- kers, Halters, '\rlrip.e, &x„
od position. t\e'., on Hand,
Tho recent gale blew thous 10.14
of b1ao4 base ashore at tho haul of Ow' Collars always.
W tile Ish4011. They were g altered Give Satisfaction.up by farmers, taken to C•tpo Vin
cent and sold. I lead the van in giving good
FIlntun Weelcs, of Kiegeton, Inst value in
$800 at two sl(tiu(s afj,. leer, 14(11041
Trunks, Y Valises,
ho played with some sharpers at Sntcitels, Etc.
th. c0
Lyn T113y compromised by re•
funding $820.
Rev. H. F. Bland and ]Ifs son,
the Rev. S. H. 131aud, have accept- 1 Bet:eiriug done Cited in 00(lSee [Ts.
ed au inv(latirin 4o bauom41 j'int 1-1. DENNIS.
pastors next ,year of t,l a 'Methodist
church in Queb-e ci'y
n the CMG
of the Queen vs s the vcityaof London 0 incl of ,10 'ov�•'�
in connection with the pollution of
thriver yitatne4 with sewage, the
cite b..iug ft•,.d $1000
W. Audorson, of Petrolea, shot
a fine 8pecims0 of the American
eagle, almost within gunshot of his
,residence When inspected he was Ineaseee sev111 fast tw,.1044
from tip to tip.
Jae. Ross, of iiioutreal who built
Borne of rue mos difficult seetaoue
of the U. P. 11. ; here oontraoted
with the Uhillau government to
oonstrnut 700 miles of rail -ay,
lee:dying an cutlery of $22,000,
Mr. Currie. lighthouse keeper at
Tobermory, 90 guiles, north of Oweu
Sound; Bays that a oetrler there
8)104 11 deer :mulatto which had
n perteOtly white coat with the
exeeptiuu 6f a rod 141st ort the fere-
Least :G :Gent:on %Vero and Iron
Wo: ,,i 1S'iovut been ilia- Com•
(31x44(1 their Marge contract they bad
with tide Govcunueut for the !corp
alt the bnildnee fu Otii4w.e The
-tn1raase is u00 811th.:, 4o 1•.,•_411
and the lougeet !u ,lt . I)'rui'zi )4t
Rlebar1) Allen, lyhe (413 recently
et et:,1 it. nee. of el1410 by a 1111304
I j nl 0.37. 0011)(401,''I
(401, 1 •f) on a0t
daunt of being surety for the 41'',ru•
wain Pe"''1rxr, 'Pb' s it, by ltw
belongs to tel,. uaeu0ues3tol aepir'
amt., :ah., will hardly claim ire, and
t1! 11.1(0.4 49111 441 i ,.:1.
Tit ! tnfwl demi.'et .t tho .active
tweet.(! 3lo Ueosioo•r laa4 ,.yr
87,.L74,, of 4)114(41,0`10 ueleog to the
Iter al Military 411'x1:4 and 80,111.)43
Toe remtl(udel (86,495) is divided
am mg pr0vitree, 114 follow' --
Ontario, 18,088; Q0411 t0, 11.000 ;
Now T34unswi01, 2,3111; Nova Scotia,
9,643; Manitoba, 831 ; 1lri1.1 h Ool
maim,, 270, and hr ace Edwa•d is
bed, 617. The various arms as
.0.98 :—Cavalry, 1,987 ; field arill-
le'y,14440.; garrison areiilery, 2,862;
engeneers, 171) ; iufanlry, 31,506.
Arthur Bernier, of Quebec, u0w
11v1n; it .Kingston, has 0ompleted
the luodel of s ship ,11/11111,1 to those
x1,10)4 trade between the klttstIndies
and Lnbtl►ud. The model i8 a piece
of workmanship rarely soon iu this
Became of rho country. The ship is
thoroughly 0gnipp8(1. Hundreds of
lines aro visible and without any
crossing;.. Six hundred pulleys, the
11308seary number for it ship of the
si00 represented, aro fu position,
Twoutyfive :figures, ., reprosettfng
sailors, aro fixed among the rigging.
Lifeboats, aucllor8, 011111ns, etc.,
which go to molt) a ship complete
If you want It set of LIGHT or
Hr::tvY [I:tuxlssa. or 1f you. want
11008118 at every corner, and that world to Christ, 130114 ~17"11 113 pilo deck of the ship fa marl" of pin",
the youth aro so frequently trapped Crowne bis own the teacher whose polished tend oiled. The out81110 01
and their unwary foot 1od into the life hau bean given to this work, rho ship is painted in bright colors, ',
path of evil, I think that the lessons will eland (11nc11g tho must kingly and flags fly fro,» the, masts. 1113
should he somewhat more fcoqueut. sons of alien,
own ( 114x01(3
• ice with open There is another pont teat 'I+ would
gulag down 4
Having leased the store lately
vacated by Mrs. Alexander I
have Removed nay Business
1 have Purchased a Nice Line of
New Tweeds,
&c., and will be pleased to show
them to the public.
Give mo a Call at the
glass which 0(rrtt8ine the model is
0100 !end passive will, to bear about press upon the attention of ai) lanae Wallace, the champion t, feet by 4l; feet in size. Mr,
the patrons 414a00tacle of his oiv11, teachers trod that is the 1ladessl(31 ` wood. sower, who has challenged Dernier, who Das sailed the 000110
ruin. Could be but Mel rho body of , of study on this question; let the the world to mortal combat at wood for !Meets years, was three 3110ntha
1 11 mit f w11"ell 1 cry hourly sttbjeet be thoreolely masteree, alae bas not 4x,349140 any acceptance yet making 4140 model. ltt0st of the wet.
l pat 1, 0 1 n 1 {
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the Sarnia was done with ttpcultnifo.
It �'
. Dunfor(I.
• ,1114
9P u Fairfield.
I% r P'm!Ppl at
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(very small -at 4:444.,• - 41::4.1
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relax 1111111(17,42 (u-, t'. oortetara,4
Read what .1—)evbi who
have used the
SAY 1.1:0 CT 11'..
Mu. I. V. I•, Dragoi.;l,
Dian $111.—I willingly give my testi-
monial in favor of the A'1 C Remedy,
as by its use, and only one dollar's worth
at that, it restored to me my wife, who
bail been \venting away for ci„11t or nine
months, and for whom the seemed no
bell). I tried doctor after dnotor, travel-
ling many miles a,:d laying oat a great
amount of money to no good, till I tried
these remedies :mailer cure was -miracu-
lous, for she Lost all couching, spitting
Lod wasting, uad, 1'„ 131 4.o gained
health and strength, and brought happi-
ness to oar home. Recommend it to
everybody and use my name nes author-
ity. WI1011111 DYNES.
Winthrop, Feb. Ord, 1880..
It is Unequalled in Lifting the
Phlegm and Easing the Cough.
Sold by Druggists or, on all
orders of 2 bottles, sent free of
charge by Manufacturer,
I. V. Fear,.
Druggist, Sc44torth.
t'3i'71•r1ce 1$1.U0.per Package.
Loan & Investment Co..
This Company is Loaning Money
on Farm Security at Lowest
Rates of Interest.
alt8. Milers Black, brussels.
Brilliant t
Economical !
Diamond Dyes excel ,i ,1 others
in Strength, Purity and Fastness.
None other are just as good. Be-
ware of imitations, because they
are made of cheap and inferior
materials, and give poor, weak,
croaky colors, to be sure of
success, rase only the DIM.1o91)
Dvus for coloring Dresses, Stock-
ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers,
Ribbons, Sec., &C. We warrant
them to color more goods, pack-
age for package, than any, other
dyes et'el' 111at10, and to give 411043
brilliant and durable colors. .Ask
fortho and take no outer,
A Dress Dyed POR
Gctrnrenis JPertelved
A Child can inlet theme
.At nud Af<r.11.44!= 1131 Bonk tree.
Moutroal, P, 144.
3,,4, and i> per cent. interest
allowed on Deposits, according to
((.mount an(1 time lot.
Urrxor. --Cornea= of Market
Square and Noxtls Street, Gode-
Horace Horton,
is prepared to, attend to
Oar.dalge Painting
in all its branches, as well nos
,Sign and Ornamental
He has had years of experience.
and guarantees his work to give
satisfaction. A frig well lllainted
is half sold,
Plaitnates and terms olicerfrtlly
CAT fl W A CA.1,1..
,t/ '. >
5:»�., Shop in #Ito. old Itdl us.t 1 avlt
11011(1141 '11311111, King street, Ilrusv