HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-2-15, Page 1L5, ONTARIO, F RI DAY, FEB. 1 , 1880, Number 81 Volume 16,BR Jags auct °tl.nese. Tlie fallowing letter, from the Coder. hal Signal, 27290 written by Bev. Donald lfoGillivray, formerly of Goderioh, and gives 801210 intcroeting foots in oomnec- ti0n with the manners and onetoms of the people who live in the far Last, and amongst] whom he has cast his lot: Srz.t:ua0 "Yeas Sttxnn Me110,' INDIAN '(413,4, 4.11,A111 Thurs(1ay, Nov.22,'80. Drum Som a -I posted my last letter in Kobe. I shall likely po-t this at Negate aki, the last of Japan at wbioli we tench. Dominion Parliament. Alter that it is the Yellow Sea to Shang lute The view e4pproaclling Kobe was Hon. Jelin Henry Pope is much bettor. very fine, It was about 10 p.m, Steam Ib is reported that W. B. Scarth, M.P., laneolles came out to ns whoa we anoh. Winnipee will be called to 1110 Senate to orad, benne of the atoecnees, es we semmed Hon. Dr. Sohuitz, appointed ooeldn't see our buoy. Next morning Lieutonant.Clov.•rnor of Manitoba. with Dr. Hepburn' One of the %aterite A deputation from Toronto asked the missionaries of Japan) I went where on Minister of Customs t0 place a epeei80 a hotel launch. I advise every mission. and ad valorem duty on pians notions. ary not to set foot inside of an hotel, or Mr. Bowels was asked by another depute - they will °barge him for the use of the tion not to Owego the duty on fsrtilizore, steps in walking up. If he wishes to alaimi 13 the' fertilizers oan be produced come oft Scottfree let him avoid hotel in Canada superior to those imported. runners. Kobe is a town of 20,000 pco. A petition asking the Government In , Flo. Iiiego, the old town, adjoins it and remove the duty on collie dogs imported 18 larger than Kobe. The appearance of for breeding purposes ie largely signed by ,a Japanese city at night ie peculiar. You members of Parliament. 2would think tbat you were looking at a Mr. Ellis will introduee a bill author- tpeeially gotten up illumination for icing the assessment of the salaries or 'somebody. The lights aro very small, incomes of persons in service of Caoado. :every numoroue and very Dloee, The Mr. Boyle'e bill toprevent the practice „'shops and housesare small and have of fraud by tree peddlers provided that ',many lights, and at night the sides of no person shall offer for sale any nunnery 14110 streets are lined with vendors of var stock not grown in Canada without regio. i iouo kinds, who have spread their mats tering bis name, ooeupation and address 3 in ell sorts of places, for example, along with the Secretary of State, together the 0ana1 banks or he front of the rego• with a bond sufficient to compensate any t; lar !Mope they sit, their wares neatly ar- person who may be defrauded. Every r rang, d an tempting rows. On each • mat Beller must also furnish to the buyer a several lights are displayed. This of duplioate of the order. Bourne adds to the general blaze of ilium- err Barron will ask the Government (nations, Add to this that Kobe rises 1n whether they have disallowed the Jena el grimed that gradually slopes from the Estates Bill and for all the details of the sea back to ragged mounta4s, and you operation. will understand how fine it looks by Mr. Edgar will move the House into night. There are Chinese signs in plenty Comrn,ttee of the Whole on a resole 100 o: at Yokohama. The Chinese meroh- to the effect that the present copyright ants bate seem well.to-do. The post law is anomalous and unfair to the public ofiieeand telegraph are combined here es and the printing and publishing trade. at .Y.kohama. The electric light is A Liberal member gives two reasons nightly in the offices. Thi' forenoon the why he thinks the general elections will took in ooal, it was brought from Nugus follow the inose of the present minion-- eke the coal.mining region of Japan ; on the extra motion for railways in the t the coatis $3;50 a ton. It is a soft coal e'timates and the fact that Sir John said 1 and is exported to San Flanoiee°. I in his hearing that there would be no , spoke to -day with a customs eOieial ; election. ( he has a brother iu New Yoric, en•l Mr. Mills is en the lookout for the sp..ke of America as the mother country uses' juggling in fixing dates of byeeaten. iof Japan. This sill represent the gener- tions and will move for an order showing!!1 al Japanese sentiment. Of course the the dates of the reception .4 the judges'' , erorGovernment oanuot bo noded0d after certificates in the election trials during America. Ittakesafter Go'mn'y, ehioh, the recess, as well as the dates of the with it Em gives them a basis from P 8 Speaker's warrant •,lid the issuance of .which two great deiarturesnrenuineces• the writ for the new ele0tiou In each e'. eery. I met te young Japaueae: at too 0000. if. SCI. poi hero, said to be exceedingly clever, An organized effort is being made to but he lacks one thing-purposeful"ees; induce the Ministry to restore the duty and so will never amount to much. , 1 on.em,.i)1 iruitu. fano this a common fault of the Y e Jape. Dr. A'IoP'addap, of Winnipeg, has been TheJapenese• Mille and paid for on of appointed• surgeon of the Oattleford dis- tthelargebuildingaof the Aimee:au Board tut, N. W. T. ata salty of $800 per of Miesione, costing $1,500, and present- anemia. ed it to the Board. Thio matter of self The Lab r Commission is eitting with support is one of the most hopeful fes- groat peroiateno and closed doors, pro. tures of the mission work in Japan. The paring a bill fo, the remedy of the ear- Ac40rican Boiled, which has heretofore lona grievances time, have discovered dur- never given may help, is relaxing, belies ing their peregrinations. ing that some bele should be given wear. Mosinee Dawson, al : P., Thos Marks 4, muse to enable them to orgeniz', and s.1 and J. Sime, of Port Arthur, waited on give vieibihty to Christianity. The post. the Minister of Public Works regarding plummet of organlvotiou until etron_ the site for the now poetof&oe at Port enough to have ordained pastors 'eeme Arthur, the selection of whioh has caused unwise, Dr. Hepburn and Vanbeck ar, considerable Weal n e sines. the pioneer lnis"unaries of Japan. le. A eloputation of Belle'the 'shone men, H. came here when there w40 110 gram- oempoeed of J.11 ?tOOargar, ex prodiden:. mar. He learned the Japanese for of the Enteric Dairymen's Asooeiation, "What is this?" and act to mirk fur Prof. James Whitton, lII. Bird and F. W. words and grammar. This is en experi: Brinteell, are waiting on the Govern. 01100 015757 10 413200.ps0to.1 in Chief). It (00)41 '81(11)9 lol' 441111011 uo.l»ulstocl to ex 10 Ult. deliberate opinion of 1211, 111re,01, z......! be.C'nedi,•r, whu. 4e trade thrnngbe arise that if 1411 thelorei30 4votke,s wove [,04 Ellraps. remuved the work Weald 30 011 in .12301. James Lahjlaw, of the Laidlaw Man - They seem t., hove a eullieseet degree 0 ufttoturing (Jounce y, Hamilton, woo ab 0031 hovernmect which will enaIle them Ottawa said had ao interview with the filially to di0pens0 with foreigners. 1.1 Minister of Customs for the purpose "t the 4letbodiet leptsoopal een,1un1;1 al garbing a duty on hollow ware. Tustin was a young JOp, tcaoMmg, who Mr. Cooke be is ii-te4'•ded to amend held a Ph. D. from Johns Hoehiuo Un,. the Railway Asb so as to compel railway 91144127. 111 the imperial Umvereity of companies to have proper platforms at Teloce there ere, I Wise, only two lir their rallWee 540t1005, sad to draw up to three f'c•0ign professo's. 1 saw Ger. then in with fashion that passenger' may man taught in one of the °lessee of the ala .ht upon them and nut upon the ground 50miu5ry.» * * « at the Mile of the trach. It will 11.00 re. "strain the rookies„ beggago.emaehert We have on board a gentleman who The historic Prehfbitton resolution will holds a high plain in China iu connect be eosin itrtrodu»ed this year ey 514. 4100 with te1b;ratihia wont. 1 have heard Jamieson, 41.37. Ho foiled to induce the bin talk re' China very inter, etengly. GOvornme1t to give the Hones a obenoe He says there is a telograpo 53,1102 at to pnanounae upon this matter la0t. see- Ohuneu Fu, 'fele city 10 ill Shantung soon, end his iufiueuee is not likely to be on the urand Canal and is only 100 miles more effective tide time, in the face of horn North Henan. So you will am we the evideet baste of the Cabinet to get are uomp teetivole, near telegraphic eon. safely tluoueh before Easter, mutton. lie does -not give la nolo hope es 3: A. Eine,' is ateliine for two mete of to the rapid extension of 1a11reads.Ito papers, •Thefirst :let relate 10bhs.2nter. clams that the fiscal and provincial Provinoial Couforenee in Quebec in 1887, eystams would require radical (Manges while the second are described as "copies before China could have 011010 a thing 240 al all clooumenbs papers, eorrseponde00e a Week lino stretching through a number and telegrams relating to the seizure or of proviuuee. It 0051114 Mena Is a syotom bh0 release of the American ship Bridge - of internal re0Onne whereby 0natame are water, et Shelburne, N. S„" which he exacted at boundaries of provinces, or chides all ocrreopondenon an ;the 0ullje04- even perhaps at departments. Ha teeth with Great Britain and the United flos to the universal corruption of the Statute tits'well "as .all (define tirade for Mandarin class. Thole salaries given by clam0.gea#reel Canada far tl e'stieuro and the Government aro so small that they detention oe the vessel. This Mete to arc, unable to support oven a part of their Ells blmicheemade w11011 the Bridgewater retainer°, and so they gat the rest by wen detuino'd at $11011M101001ast apr1ng for "equoozing th0 people. 1am glad to 80 days wader a flue of $400 and them re- lcnoty, so far as opinion '•inay bo relied legated upconditionelly, the captain Oleim- upon, that opium smoking is not so` ing $$0,000 damages. general as I eupp00011 Am I write we Mayor Baird and J. II. Scott, Deputy - aro pas5mgttheoeglet1ls. loops Indian Reeve., of Kinard/no, aro asking for ,4 `305, At 0 it. 111. Peng up to taste in it0 subsidy for the 3050water ie. Khn0a4dino bcantles. On either band islands cone- Railway, end will urgotllo C. 1", 111. nn - shaped and of yoloanlo origin, stood cut thorities to go on with the construction against the eky, and m0lnntajafs teeing of 400 r�arl. range upon range' away into the interior, • Mr. Somerville is 41100 010 practical The mountains dearest 210 14540 1)04, anti.Sabbatarimesof the Wollaucl Canal. Above 1000 feet IMO. Now and again He melte to know how teeny vessels an opening between two islands 1110olo5. passed through during the Sabbathe of ed a reach of water stem chiug' away into 1888 and Whet wero their destinations. still more descant haze and ghettoise The M1'. Laflamme hag broughtthe famous Weeds resemble 3,110 St, 1.4481/b01100. 01100 Mail libel vaso to a oleo ab last by ma In on0410na1 eolitaeinees, but 110.rd17in °opting the vordietof the Supremo Conti toy ether 100peet, These are not gran- for $$0,000 and costs, width will probably ata but e, 501'l of gravelly Mono, and bo- neat 33,000 mono. elites Barely have troos et genes. The The Grand !111ntik people want to build trees ate few and sarhbby. Sometimes a spur line thnouglt Chabbatu, end of' the ielende lige abruptly from the tea, course the Certadiau Pulite people 'are Where afford room for at fishing village entered a0 "metre." .Application for ap. 012 the 0110th. Occasionally vineges Wena prove' bee been ',lade by the torroor to j2411 113) 1bt1 alder of these reouetail)oUs 8433 Rahway Lommlttee, islands Tvery foot of. good lend seems I) pntetiou. u -ging that the duty on The least Herm' Beene nor1,ei,8100- sen ; D:M., Bro. J. Gomorrah); '.frees i Jem'mi b tit andebarn Ansa Menet to be utilized. The land is sometimes s0"ap iron be not enrar0a00d, that naw era An Time C311snni Eon e '•h ; Geo. oro , Bro. J. Robinson sr,; chs +.sin. arEfales to [NIA in Ooto>aer. cultivated in terraces el levoly appear rogulatious be made for tbo Missisquol Fnrtang, Wrm:co er ; Oe". Mut .1e, Hon. Bro, 0 Steawart ; R.8., Bro. 11. Switzer ; Three ears ago Jou. r' , nee° right up to the top of tho 'island, Bay fisheries, and that the duty •ei entree forth. F:S..1. A. Rnbfneon ; D.C„ Brc W. B. Y g W is,ht, of "ire tier.side facing the sea. I have noticed flour be raised, waited upon the appro. Robb Poorer, M. P. 11 We.t Hume. 'Vilann ; lecturer, tiro. Lancaster • D. Bounty, Ga., lost his eight, a',d the oan- so far but few of those ugly reale that price, Ministers Wednesday. ht4a been plaoorl on 1114 ^ 111fltvays, [''tu L., Brn. Dunaaith. pu mateun lists that he oibili ted 44gv e 1 that !here abound in the St. Lawrence lakes. Tho The Int clause of the Dominion Fraa• ale and Telegraph Lines'' committee of of Broth TO G. L. Money was. no p asio4h, of his pear ening stray and oporadiu 'Mete ha40 not that chase AM AinendmoutBill provides that he House of Commons and that of of Kirkton and Jas. Th,n:mean of t, eat 'Rho c hi day as ane Wright appearonoo of oolidtty and immovability uorevi•ion of the lists of voters, prepared !'Sta•,ding Oaten" ; .hlc, 1Jn (filen, '1f. Marva it wee deoid•'d to gond a petition set as the porch inthea Ile his vet; wheel attaches to granite rocks, Groat in neoontime° with the provisions of 'The P., of South Hume. 0', "egrieultnre e'OI 1 to the Governor General in Uoanall pro- 'ae ao fou loss 400k aw Ile ru be 1 teem as is the beauty of this Intend Sea, it Electoral leranohiee Aot,' shall be pro. Coloain'ion," :0e1 Ur, 'Ja0donee!, Al P. I teatingapainet the Jos -,its' Hatase bill,an whoa h0 wee away ht+ (1,,f ore ho boars no comparison with tiro Thousand "egad ;with darIug the pennant year, but of EntHuron or, "Puha,: A1'•or • e • raao:l'Iy nage law bythe o eonsii3Orle that he oou d "distiegnisit" Tales, the lists of voters in force now shall cane and on !'A'„ ise ri0nitar0 and Coloninn,^ heave,Quebec Legis. o u' jeers dimly. rte the day is sewer tlnue in force until the same are finally John Devine, of 1 1111on, we, up before of vision In4roa0ed, and at last acne its rovigod in the year 1890, Ant D Pemba,• John MuGetry •, J. 1'., charged with bur 4 ; 4've r., ;, f ti the dd gentleman was in s fair way to filet OF that yea is the date named for the alar. at Time, Jacica0u'a store n„ the __ sae as good as ever, completion of the rovlslou. 8rd of Februne y. The goods were foetid Mr. Gladstone has gone to Amalfi. in hie p0Ha2.a+1011, amounting to abnnt Sooinlist nota are feared in Rome. ('aitric1111al "e 4. 9-.,, Plums for she Lawyers. 3100 worth, o -tweeting of tweeris, d 001 T .a pOp1114t1000lJapan is 38,000,000, - -- - goods, Dot "one, underclothing, kid Moen, Prinoe Biomarok is again indisposed, Measles are spreading rapidly in Lona The following is a comparative stats etc• le was nein flitted to stand bis trill Serlend reckons only 1,500 Jews ; don. ment 01 the amounts paid to the prim. at G,deriah at she mixt court of oompee. lru'aad only tenet. Bread matinee at 14 00010 u r loaf 0.t ci ml lit ,ens employed ed by the govern• t,mb Ju, Isdiotinn. 1 t Y 1 Y The copulation 0f 'he Argentine Re.. Kingston. meat during the past 4w0 3'°0.78; 11)1 fP e;'lav 01001 •g leer. r. „ 202,1rb pubnie; fa about 8,506,000. Brandon, Man., suff0rol eovorHiv by 1$88 1887 ohild of .21r, +112,1 MPS. Jolla revel,,,,' of In Fraena there are 70,000 Jews, of fire on Wednesday night. D. O'Connor, Ottawa .,,.$18,880 35,902 Exeter, ma with „dint might hcve been whom 40,000 are fn Paris. .t. company has been 1.rroed in Wand. WnllaceGraham, Halifax7,805 a bottle of ink aa serious °,iso Of eoi0on10'. It aepeers of the 200,000 population of lIilwau. s0r to bore for natural gas. McCarthy & Uo , fib. Cath. that Afro. 9,valluw was abort to .tilt° kee 100,000 aro foreigners, eh., Orangemen of Essex, Kent and twines Mniing:o'saase7,000 2,4359 a letter ge1tfigt m no.ti"gwearies", 0ountorleitero have been clap. Lainbton will celebrate in Windsor on the Aikens, Pulver Hamilton 3,910 2,0095;197 it on tbo to 40 then proceeded to get seine toned in Butler County, Pa. 12th of July. Christopher Rollinson ,,., 2,755 540 Paper, in the meantime the youngster ThwDakota Legislature has pronoun. It is said Amassa Wood, of St. D. L. Eloott 1,422 5118 who wee °lose by got hold of 'he bottle cad against woman suffrage. Thomas, will eralow a ehaip in the new R, Sod ewiak 1,005 _ and drank the contents. $80,131 federated college. g The Kalamazoo farm sold Oasgrain, Angus & Hamel 2,414 3,837 The Qoiloriah Signal says : =4V. B. worth of too@tare last season. The first vote of the session in the J. R. COeti un 473 o tlethowe, for the past thirty years mad The French Budget estimates for MeuitOba Legislature showed a Govern. Dodd & Chisholm ..,... „ 1,000 472 clerk on the B. ee L, 13, branch of the 1890 show an increase of $5,000,000.. ment majority of 4. J. 0. Lcoles 1,341 2,209 G. T. R. met with a serious* 4ceiilent et A 'arge number' of farmers in Barks The Labor Commissioners' renommen- A, Penguson 3,077 713 Saturday last while walking arum the onnnty, Pa., have been sold out by the dation to parliament will embrace 182 John A. Macdonald .,,1,092 1,012 station to (Ole tseedenao 011 Ent street. sheriff. type -written folios. J. 8, Hall, M.P.P 1,130 1,488 When 0ppoete Uaptain Denosy's house, It is reported that Prince Biemarok is Pobitions for the release of William L. R. Harrison, St, John,1,781. 1,788 I1e slipped on the icy' pavement, severely willing to conclude an alliance with Kyle, at liingston, foe forgery, are in 1f. J. Itodjaon, Ch. Town858 240fracturing one of his legs between 'tile Gress Britain. 'emulation at Toronto W. H. Mode 828 .--- ankle and the knee. Two years ego he With a population of 29,000,000 .Italy A. virulent epidemic has broken out E. McLeod, 8t. John ,558 - sustained a elmi1a- injury, by u fall. at ek'us year have 2,- among the Indians at Cold Lake,, Pinhey & Christie 1,000 A correspondent informs us that tiara Dan 900,000a menwendernotice arm04110s. N. W. ' T., the nature of which is not known. 3..16. Boy, Levis 71i7 ---_ ie necessity fora branch of the Henry Boulanger would tike France to adopt The Board of Works To• nte, deoid- The total outlay for legal expenses and Bergh Society to be instituted in doge. the American Constitution, with some ed upon a pevemenb and sidewalk,' for taxed conte in 1888 was $82,929 compared rich to prevent owners of aged and infirm important modiaoations. Jarvis street which will cost nearly $118,. with $61,425 in the preceding year by horses turaiug them out on the roadway One o4 the divisious of the Salvation 000. the Dominion Government. to die. The particulars of a case that Army work 'in London is caned "the Nineteen ealaon keepers were tined 021:1 °pourred on Waterloo Se last week aro oellnr, gutter and garret work." eaoh'end two grocers $50 each at Ham- Il3:1'4))1 itjll{],y Not*. given, and a st.ttemont is made that the President Cleveland hes nominated Ilton last Monday for violation of the inhuman owner dome deserve to have Normae J. Colman as Secretary of Agri. license la.v, Itis name emblazoned on it tombstone onture, the oflloe newly created. The Paris Board of Education has ap- R.l:rwin, of Clinton, shipped 50 oars of with bis other vi• tees attaohod. The eituition on the Afghan frontier Pointed S. Lea truant oMoer for the barley to Nets York last week. Ooo»rr 4)1Lawmi Dentes. -$oath Huron 000010 to promise a oollisign between the town. Street gamins will now have a It is p'opaaed to organize a Young County L,O.L. met iu Ent r on Teles- Itnesiane and the Amer'se'ferns. lively time of it. Briton's Lodge at Porters Hill. day of teat ,seek. The severe snow Mrs, Emma Athouse, of Attica, N.Y., It is reported from Ottawa that the R. Blow, of Gorrie; shot a large lynxstorm of Monday nreveutod the north¢rohas awakened after sleeping 85 days, reply h the Ottawa Government's Levi - in n Howick swung a few days ago. portion of the county from being largely She is oonsoious but too weak to talk. tation to the Australian Governments is The village of Crediton was oreated a eprosented. Tho seethr+ro part of the A beard ever seven and one-halffeet not very favorable. police- village at the recent County Conn- county sent a full ropre-enta toe. Tho ling is worn by Louis Coulon, a median- In M.'ntreal on Wednesday three MI. - •'ii,eere for 1889 are': E, Floody, W.0 41.; is 83 years old, Jiving in Moatlaoon, horses were started for a 72 -mile rime. It is reported that a lodge L 0. G. T. William Miners, D. M. ; G. Healey, France The poor brutes were all exhausted be - is about to be organized at Holmes- Chap. ; Win. Sanders, Reo.See. ; 91. Ths Rumble Government has granted fore the dietanue was completed. vi Ile. Dupes, Frn,•Seu. ; John Bonoom, Treas.; a ooncession for 81 years to a company Mr. Jennings, U.E. of the C.P.R., says Tenders are asked for the erection of,a R. Tiohbonrne, D. of 0. ; Lecturer. F. proposing to join the Blaok Sea and the the contracts for an the work on the (11"»' n brink (Episcopal) church at Ford- Davie, jr..; Deputy . Leon/ars, George Sea of Ave". western extensioo are befngarranged for ' Hanley, Wm. Verney. "Tile next an+tea, Boulauger has declared that his pro. aryl wall proceoed without delay. "The Goderioh Illustrated Signal meeting and 12th :July celebration to be gram was to adopt the American oon. In the Renee of Commons the Poet. Star" will be published in about a held at Exeter. $50 was granters to aid etitution, but with a ten years' great- master -General stated tbat the Depart- mnuth• in the rete diol of the Right Worabip dental tome, meet would increase the limit of weight is nThe tremae of peeve MoMurobie, of fel Grand Orapge Loege at Godoriele Snoweterms 375.014 throughout Great for' einele rate imam to an oaeoe, oon; a will:be pleave his to know- that he Britain, France and Germany, Moaknig The Kingston City Council voted is now able to leave his room. , , ti i r 4 • railways and intercepting telegra down a mo010r1 to rediae a 0unl107 of Afarmer named Wanner drew to F, t.NieEl �'fll141 'J i�f))f.,"+, P g p11io Baker's log yard, Dashwood, a load of oorornuniiatioa. liquor lioecsea, but adopted n petition Jogs that wetted 2,200 feet. Wm. Forroq bas e'art,•d a furniture The law is taking hold of the keepers to parliament in favor of total Proltibi- Tate vital otatieties for East Wawa and undertaking busmen,' in At1w:n:3. r'f v" divas in Wfthwit'n, One has been tion. Hoch last yee.r 91'0 as follows: 61 births, An 'effort is being made to form n l convicted d and sesnteneecl sed others are . A man t;ivy og the name the lithe Allan la marriages and 22 deaths. Young Men's Christian Association. at leaving the locality. was arreatto in Welndaor' the ether day Thomas Gibson, of Goderioh, aged 00, itrutlord.• TheJewe' fres school at Spitalfields, for trying to work the grapevine fad on a was married in St. Thomas on Thursday "Who Painted the Devil Black? Eng., le said to be the largest school io farmer. H0 was set free for lack of wri- thet)oiMrs, Hate Jens McLeod, aged 70, of Snob is the beading of the posters lat°1,y 0 b ye audit 050 girls. 8`500• pupils- `dense. atter plane, ieeuod by tuna of $irktou storekeepers forOpposition is developing in Hamilton The work of preparing the stone for a month's sale. It ie stated that ill. M. Ietoe, of Cali- to a proposed ,per of the G.'C;R, that the new Governmental buildings at William Shearer, Elms, sold, last week foruia, has been offered an.l has adept• will take trains from the Bridge to 1or- Gnderiohis progreeeingaad a large quare- hie.two soar old C,ydo (illy frnnn import• lid the Secretaryship of the Interior in onto aero -s the Bente thus giving ]lam- City is already on the ground. ed stook and realized the Moe little sum Gun. feted a t two F Elton the go-by. Geo, Tervit, of Zetland, has in hie of $200 for lege It is ststed that two Franoh profaners A Dfra. Stewart, who has PriOnda at possession a lien's egg measuring 8 Mr. Tobin, a G. T. R. yardman c : havanti alp�leutified evsntatti preventative t bsmeansmicrobes 01 mode- fngec•oli, gave ninth to a bonn0+(1 boy inches in oireumferenee, by 6e inohee Stratford, was eaught between the bump.era ation is expected to follow. 0u a O.P'ti. train, in LeVre Superior and veveighingla gUtrar('r�ndf aori 110 h'aa ss• Hie rf 1 EoluTewas Undl 0r,ithe oars e obi. rand hip There were in the asylums of Nosv dlstrnot, o" Mntiiay. Mother and child g v York State lestear 14,772 ius,11ue Por- ay now, doing well. orad Mine Phelps, of St. (lathering, the richt Sete injure,!, " Foruuuatoy no bows seem, On Weaned/yrof Iasi w-ele E. Leslie, ate at North ,l e e,1-itn0wn temperance advocates, to de. were broken. se e, an inm•eein of 710 in asylums. year. Of of I{iurardfos,'arnaa•'d the :beer ricer of thee. 714 wore in private asylums. liver a lecture in that town on the 28th The sermon et tate opening of the new death and jlsbe the great unajovety, He Mel. church of St, Mary's, on Sunday nos , The 'leach is anncun0ed at Oberlin, on had for years been troubled with asthma, J'uo. Fritzley, of Prince Albert, hes will bo delivered by Bishop Walsh+,of Sunday last of lion. Ansley Gray, the vhicM ovee4vaIly became a chronic trapped and shot i28 partridges, 21) London, tvhu wag Ent many years priest Ohio tomperanoa orator. His early trnubla oft 10 lungs. r,bbits, 11 foxes, 26 mnakrats, 9 minas; of the pariah. T11e other Roman Catlto- d' 0th is sinoarely regretted by all who 18 venoms and 4 shanks, all since the lie Bishops 2i the Province will abtand knew hint. A weleknown Montreal jeweler got P The leeti•Horse Thief Association, of some watuheo from Swilzeriaud Inst 15th Sep. last. the aervioe' Kenna, has presented a petition to the rvaek. FVhOu tie entry passed the At a meeting of the ofiloiels of Batton. A vary painful a0oident orcurroa et St, Legislature asking the assiug of a law teres there were Sts more wa)04100 00111318. - bury etroet Methodist 114ltroli the question Mary's on Satnrdny morning at the Mas. P the euvoi00 tailed for and the, were of building 2) new church was informal) well works *o a workman named Norris, 6 1 a70747az¢ the lynching of $Drat! thieves Y wherever found, sized by the out+•oritlos. dismiss cl and the stun of three tlottsuud A spring which wee 14tt0ohed to 0n064 0.1 Tuesday, March 5th, Grover Olen. The actual number of settlers In Can. do Jars at o,00 subscribed by six of those the heavy trip hammers broke, and the livid limo Peosident of the U. S„ will ado. lest year, as shown by the returns whale premed. Olintan pays 1E0 constable $960 with Dotting offhis 2four of Awes. WS bend, ,2„3,)100 a rssidelut of the city of New received fr an all parts, is 88.708 : this fee. arta 12 hours' duty, boil ringer $6D, Serener Salj'bfr.; of Alltohoii, Ynrk 1006 a member of the law firm of is an Menne of 4,200, ifs aompere.l with lir, engineer 675, Mlorle 0200, treaeuror was praatioing shooting Tuesday when Beggs, in' er o'f 'APettey a too, has 1887, 18800e thorns that year• harlot' $9;150. $100, aaoeeeor $60. Tavern licences, tate barrel of the gen burst a pine of 110 The Attt er 0f (1 thauatan has Dolle°• In the ,469. re numbered 69,150, were fixeu at $45 over the statutory fee the loceiog steering him in the for.heal3 d 20,0 0 men ou iho frontier for tebe ttndm 1885, 78,169. making $195. tearing off a portion of the 00(0 4 14114 Bessi10 el dssiEnglan lock. Khith am his beAlfreu Walker, Yarmouth, wont The South Huron Ministerial Asso- blinding both eyes. Tho results may ops enwEngland to doing with hernhis his the Harold tong bolto he found oiation Mooted the following ofBeers ; prove fatal. A sister of the young man r preventing Lim from anything his brother Herold witting upright Rov, Mr. Fleather, President ; Rev. 0. tva' married the same evening. 013. in has °attar dead. The clowned lead 11, Bridgeman, Vi°e•Peooldenl ; ltev, E. SVm. Gorrie, of Stratford, hoe tnede a 1 child named Annie Redmond in driven home from a neighbor's on the A. Fear, Secretary, and Rev. Mr, Simp- contract with the G, T. R. Co. to Silas and her MO kidnaps d about n year ago, previous night and was 0 13L'ieu down l tea, E7orroepondin:;•8earetwry. " Ono houtred Dare 0f ice from Stratford to and her fn,ther wont crazy over 1t. The heart theeus4 ae be was driving to the Dr. 13rowrtlee, formerly of Gerrie, has Point Edward; Heretofore the o0m any'0 child hoe been ru0ovsr 1 and the fathers barn. The roans were still 111 his hand. V mind was restored when he foetid his feat returned from the Old' Ooaetry " 100 houses at titratford weref{iled"with"100 daegister. Oharlas Jopp, livitrg an Glengarry When he was more than ueuslly moons- from the Point, but «Row the situation On Saturdnight t avenue, W,ndoor, brought to Ohlef Pill, -1lav1ug neared L.M. Le L.R,C,P. seeing to be reversed, The 100 oer0 aro av a negro burp', Bain50` 00',00, ET, 9atti 11 4h1th P i0c entered an inn in London, Leg. from Edinburgh with flyjug colors, being worth $700, the greater part whioti will be of' wood, ane en rum heev t loaders Naos the only eneeesofnl candidate at the re. be distributed onion the laboringclasses landlord grappled with the bungler aura Y teeth wee killed lveth m ray.0r. The landlord's grant powder, HH stated lie found- them eget"exanenation, 04 tine Ola0015 City.. tvite shot 0110 412"70 fu the• thigh' 141141 he ou ]na doors4'1, and bht 9ome,m0. For some time a Jew tamed Sunni The nnmerona friends 03 miss Agnea w00 o.!terwt4rdH BLL lured. g thmight he would put them in the stove: Aropisnoki bat) been running a small Knox, the ttylontecl elocutionist, will be Tostimou has net boon EvenbeforeIf hb road clone so the 00.1? 05 011 lwould store 111 diiuton and peddling through the glad to haat of her wonderful eu00005 m the grand jury n.t met Ky. ,tahave wreaked his hous0. country, 310 oaeaeeded 111 borrowing Now York. On the 25th of Inst month, a fernier recently had all 0x 112 1v50 The white elephant stear, formerly money from a ample of perO00 to the tho'anniversary of Berne' birthday, she driving etiuk fast in the muct, where- awned by Pani MOInnee, 'of _Kinnardiue, extent of a couple of hundred dollen and read in tbo Masonio Temple of that city, upon be skbuned the animal alive, and : which reeentlycaute into: the possession last week skipped ant. under the 4auepioos of the New . York takingthe hide left thepoor brute to of G.A. MOKu , Mar Port:E1 g in . Reeve Kelly and Beek,' 11s. Holmes Soottiah scanty, to nearly 9,00,0 people. die in lingering agony. . proving in weight and N p e 110 end F. W. Johnetonwaitod on tbo finail0e At the close of the re1nd111011 of ea0h of b e g Y g g e l ettpped minister ab Cttawa, to urge 011' 1110 goy- her scloetionolille re 0Oieed a reread n, despatch from school 1011/Dak/20 1110 holy. Recently the' mm40(40 tipped ornmonb the tenuity of n 0 p fat ova• Jap. edst says :Two school i ght and tits boom r eek IUs. e. inetey p of 150 a1 y f egtializw„ the tion, perished in Ilio storm l"rads „ night and, lbs. In four wOaJr9. Mr. Melia ur aces duty on imported lIont tend wheat, mud telex, Jr, MOLareree eighteens months' a t'i d is got . feeing him Y P and likely put in a word for P', W. in refer- old boy, of Stratfo •c1 was playing with a b r o expend to Frontlre 11 feeding for sono lino yet lid Y h , 1 Y the pet Tonsi names werelit Fronde and peals to get him nousidorably beyond en0o to the Goderitlh poet office, tuella on Suudnyand altar going through the party consisted of two little boys and 110001b0. Wm: Moodie end ,Ino. Crown, ' of Kip. nylon mana01vree with the iaatrumolt an eider 010101aged 18, The lerenah '!The Canada, Coaolr Horse Peel, 4 000111.11' 0114 4wo onto with a °rose. swallowed it, The Iteife was about two amity lived ggSociety" Breeders'11441 °lit 0aty 111 the built of D. 33. MOLean of o y vo about 140 soli o bs 101110. week, awag ar l owing at n of olt .lass , anatase long and coutaened four blades and soak,. When talren to shoot byen older gg the hippo, Mills, ono out being 20100hos,. goof, and the 2, gs5 were 0112 0- is i; i corkso'ow. A. medias, pras0rib- brother the children ' r4°mload 110 wail: goofiest dawn; 7'rotident and the other 17 inches in dramater; rein ed an emetic, but it failed 4,0 Produce the f h4 , Je1111 (lit• bowl). The former wag out off in 40 sec 1 longi g osteo for Rhona' 4w002(41. 511 eon, London; rioli;ro6edent,Jahn Ameo closir0d aiPept, Dud tb0agh the ]tnii!D"is" longing to other fatnilies wcra taken onhcad, GorlOreolt; searotar "Jam mule lied the latter. in 20 soontlds. still in the ohil'd'e stomach, 110 0°110110 hone bet these r Y, jd R, Adoms, of .Londesboro has a horse resting ere ex eeted. , rose efwoll proffyr°� nest. 2ltlo r, C Gtiobi; i hr,vs,Joh hes y' P ansa, saying they tvottld stay till theft Fislior, :Licderl°b ; dlrcota4s, John. Emmy whale esloeing all lie stair; itis dropping The 1,111ina1 Mediae of the County L, brother Cama, Atter waiting until: dusk and Lcanard Ilntider, Exe Off alone Ile largo as a Pete, leaving -0.1,. for South Perth, w,te held in `dtrat- the little ones started ionic, but lost the tori Andrew R I» 111(111 as bare ea 0054110. No --,arson - i,r•il . There' her n e end William , 'sewing, tun,, l sol. ,P 1 £r on TnOaclay, the .5th lest, road and wandered in the deep suety un- bonen ; A. T^ Comm,tV1u hu that has seal itiilititue 10 twee ewer teen was a 011at2g lepr°0entetion of the differ. tel exhiut0tad. Whim found in the morn- lis, t Elliott, P ; l;, e.1 NVll, t n otos-,Y't;3.17, (41ge. anything tetra ft before. " The animal le ortlpdgca .n'0sont, and Uh0 order is galc3 ing the t,vn little onus Were tl0sed, if the tendon n P. Jt,, in t110 best of u*nditlon and ' a 41(41'0 10 gg ono 2 , T . olton .1 . leobield„ , St, pp to Shea a tlooidad Novena in nu,ltt,urs. 'dol sarvfve' -she will lose "h l • bo eu good health, It is 0911antl a ver.' Tho the In vor ICerylrs11, Holter ; J. W. 4114 1)4, .1 St. f, Y y ft/Bowing diens were elected for li1.orti0u ni her limbs'apd'"lias0ihl _ane of Meryl; • ,7. P, Melee', rate case• the col rt d ear :'IV,;4I., Tiro. it.:l.'lrou r. 40tl1 TMI ie. y Y . rt) e. , Aubtrt•n t Dr, .1. IL yew, 1 Whitely, lrrpdelecln.