HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-1-25, Page 8THE BRUSSELS I'OST Jon, 25, 1b69.
,,""—• m•c�ra.,•„nawsyrssam a :mrauanaateentoonstutat It - . '•star. attar t Statirr?,mmta v"'m1.10..aren. m c suss v'7' ea'+ta seers inFAv 9
t , ' four nna(12'to order, from 510 to 320, Reeve GItAntti is attending County 1 Hamilton tennis nisinull police. 1 y,Tlt AYF D ON TUI: PREMISES A n1rf 1 !
—MORE— ;,t 1i. 1)untoras. Connell this miss. I "1`11.11 rafts of timber were tin I'ziday A coi tee n,:drrr'];,.o 1• lot 11, rmi, 4. Grey,
'}lta 4A��6� a
(lot view old jewellery repleted al 1I. 311CRsni? of u'ttt work will umber in melted tleongi4 the "hl Weiland calsis 00 ar: to 111,1) •e,mber 1nt,tonr enh'ea„Throe
�yq�,�ijr[,�� qp �'i'��j _ '�� l to l.. 1: l,nuu's .Iiw4ltr, the itonth of Fohroory. 'Aliso ihinh:in'u is ut present holding' Thr„ sacrad rr,lrlu`cul nits tL'ulne4 maul' ail MO INIC)SII tit . oL'A( iii\.l. 1.r
^�-""' �" � 1'1.4;3•. Fingil,T i VT11p and Pure •West 1 (ln to 1: llnrfo•d's tit" ekes set 'a` :pf l 1 I
1 ]1, ai 1 11 Nat. a.wu 11 lI'VIVO Ilteetxnie In that on a is nearly a hi to. The owner is ter
ques(odt' proysproperty, pity expenses and BAN$l;ltfi .;• BRUk3ldl IzS
takettem away,
21.4 A.000E Brutsols P,.O..
. rTi5ea collo m FIR/NI 'PILI; PRE 11I,
t re clic lot 4, mem 12,
tinny, on Gee. 7(11. a black sow, white strips
no vow. au ll a 12111e white oa o eh rout,
tl,i ho shout l m•Av. Snv i:f're,"t: a
leading t:, lint r,eov,.ry will •le thnalkftdlt
received. Any ped non retaiulug her atter
this mice wilt Ln prcrt00b-d,
2-tf 111:NI1Y CIALI .
1 R„ar for Berrien,—r'i'le nedersirued will
keep the thormbred HnrkehiS Boar, '.Fir
It02nrt (truce," 1100 try ,1, G, Buell, of Ed.
mt nt: t , Cut for ',orrice on lot 1, eon. 7,
Cray. t'arnre 1,0(1 to be pail at time of
service , with privilege of returning,ifnecws-
aurr, DONAL1) ArcLAuCHLIN,
e.;obi >, )'ropriotor.
,(`t f)itltlp.:tNl) SIEAFOUTII STAGE
°lA 1 rtl
to England to give co/merls, + , ''r, nb„uc li•J)n 11. m., reach -
i i 1 t r'1 tri ,• 111 a. On., (Mil w•i11 orrh'n
The Ontarin (1-overtime:it ha, -tippodnt• •• et e. 1:, ut a lean 0, tn. linter..ing will
ed the follow hu' perenns L1e.nse COM. ' hot, .', rot , x 11. 2,202 p, 111. 1 nebir g
Illiso0ne'122 for the Sou 11 Milne of 1,;,'',;:';' 1--; 1 r , 1 Ill 1i,ue t ,a,: rpt v nth
!, on 1. 10- make
11 tiro, : -Id bl Selma', 1 � ler act tarp :, ,,1 i t
1 t.��::,n -wit is F. V, � l•r mil.
Dnu:1',L1'1,, l,.n,u1, 1),1,111\ t.11iet', lirtt'e- d, , wet ,., t' rut't0101.
' elia. ;o mal.: r idiot, •1 Smith, who n
Dj,"e'OI1L�It]'_1 Of 1.4 art
]its been nu4tyr;;iug tLc IL,!} -tired (di... far ____ - _
4 4 1 ry f r the part cough t' y, ap s, ba0 0, a ,d (1 t,,u ,
left for parts unk' own 2012 le.t" s behind stem,” t' I
,Bednting the Lions ofro
'Tile to the Bost 116
Anstralian Adventures 36
• David Livingstone, the story of his
• lifo and travels 115
Scenes of wonder in many Lands„ 1311
The Sc•ottieh Cmamnrters130
The R-nndcr, of tate World 50
Bear Binders 70
ThrillingAdventln'es 70
'The:Wild Man of the West 70 •
Rturice of the segacity o5 Animals, , 70
Cyclopedia of Natural Ilistory..,,
The Isles of the Paeifie sit
The Adventures of Capt. Hatteras„ 00
\Vonders t I3eapties ref the Year,00
Groat Waterfalls, Cataracts and
Geysers 110
Saionee Gleaninps in Animal Life110
The City Youth 1 00
G. A. Deadman,
Al'ullll ., I c:rt ^d'+f'on. ; tio,p'2' Daly
,p- b ..l l .,� ��
�, f. ,et
•give Fal- 1- it'll ' 'ti, -. atl f.t t .lt
COUGH F.?1; 1)1: lrtalutfaetti'i l 11
Seatertlt, milled
%Royal GlyosraWsWi Balsam of Fir
Its wonderful virtues have created a
demand for the Preparation from all
parts of the Province.
Druggists sell it. Price 50 etas
Trains leave Brussels Station, wort and
south as follows:
4Aotna South. 60108 North.
Sisal............ 7:02 a.m. I Mixed 050 a.m.
r1SPresa......31:45 a:m. 31011.............. e:aa p.m
Mixed 9:t5p.m. I Express 0:45p.m
'.o.cal. .ecus t.ems,
A chiel's amang ye train' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
Fon the best fitting suits go to E. Dun -
Costco to rent. Apply to ,1, J,
TOE 33311 Organ ie a winner evert- time.
Ask Alex. Wilson.
Two new and two second hand cutters,
away down. B. GEnnt, 27.2
NEW cutter for sale cheat`, wo'd taken
for it. W, H, Meelmeeme t -
ELECTRo gold and silver plating done
by H. L. Jackson, Jeweller.
Frninernn delivered free to any part of
the town or country. ARTnrR VEAL.
BARGAINS in Harness, Blankets, Robes,
dm. this month et I. C. Rienards. •
Geo. LOVE 4$ Co. are doing a rushing
business in etraw-cutters and grain
TIIE Aliases Fisher, of Paisley, and
)hiss H. Reynolds, of WWinghanr, were
visiting at Jas. Wilson's.
MRs. STACEY has been at Harriston
assisting in nursing Chas. Ainley who
has been and nti11 is seriously ill.
Do you want your organ cleaned, re-
paired and tuned or your sewing machine
cleaned and tuned ? Call on T. Moor,
Brussels. 25—
Mos. W. A. Maine and daughter, of
Thessalon, Algoma, are visiting at her
old home in Brussels, Mrs. Jas. Oliver
V also home from Toronto.
Tete regular meeting of the District
Lodge, I. 0. G. T. will be held in the
Temperance Hall, Brussels, on Wednes-
day, Feb. 13th, commencing at 11 o'olook
a. m.
"Coyteronosz JUNE"by G. Manville Tell,
a popular writer, is the title of a thirty -
cent novel issued by Wtlliano Bryce,
publisher, Toronto. Tho story is B'ng-
1ieh, and of interest. For sale at all the
Centime SALE,—Mrs. Kirk will sell at
Dost for cash the following goods viz:—
H'oods, naps, jackets, mufflers, leggings,
sec., Berlin and Zephyr wools, 8o per oz.
Now is a chance for Bargains. Call and
ode, Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
IT is reported that Dave Wilson, son of
W. R. Wilson, will leave for Dakota next
week with his brother. This will prove
a serious lass to the Brussels Band as ho
hits filled the position of snare drummer
for yesas and his place will be bard to
MAITLAND SLATIN0 lexox.—Bow is the
time to secure your ticket for the Rink,
15 single tickets for 51.00 Season ticket,
52:00. Special terms will be made to
large families. The Rink will be open to
Wiles every Wednesday afternoon, ad-
mission free. Tickets may be obtained
from the manager, A. J'. Lowery. 'al '2
S. S. Cawvnorroi.—The seventeenth
annual convention of the Huron County
Sabbath School Association, will be held
at Clinton on Tuesday and Wednesday
qhe 2011* and 30th January. Leading
ministore and Sabbath school workers
throughout the county aro chosen to take
up given topics, besides there will be die -
cessions and innate.
• SILVER CARNIVAL. --0a Friday evening
of next week the Brossols Rand will
hold a masquerade carnival on tho AIait-
land skating rink. The prizes are with
two exceptions, silverware and are on
exhibition at W. Nightingale db Coe. show
window. Tho', 'adzes are for costumes,
races anel a spectator's Vito, particulars
of which may be found on the U111. A
big limn, is mooted and a Largo atten•
danoe, weather permitting, is assured.
PREss1N1'A4'ION.—Last Tuesday evening
0.13. Harris drove the b-Iethodist church
choir out to the residence of Jno. hili,
10th con,, Grey. After an hour had
been spoilt in practice an . address was
react to T. S. Flemphrfes (Who (mimeos
to Wingham this week) by Miss E. E.
Kerr and Mise Issie Swann presented
him with a cabinet phto album as a tok-
en of the appropriation in which he 10
held by the mernhare of the choir. Mr.
br-es implied in a suitable manner,
Im n ID
n p
a sun tenor for upwards of two
eh *
II s
Aare and wag always in brie place, The
h6at and .hostess provided a bountiful
a d vet ablysastaim
supply of ediblesn
oil their ro )ittafion Inc Whole sealed )los•
pi (50111.3'.
India, 3lolasees;at Ticomson'e, 28• I m town for ardorad olotlul)g, Sttntfarrl.
Toe animal meeting of Melville 91100011 I 00011011 HArcttor'r doss not improve 1 Fire lu the Dominion Baby Carriage
will be held on Monday afternoon. 1 very much in bedtime regret, to ray. ' Werke et London late Monday night
ee 13'1.4r.nr4:Ot, wife and Alies Burgon. Mits, Jong TArr isvisiling relatives in caused 21 lo'.:, of ¢1,1100.
of 2eoforth, were ill town on Tne0 lay, the ueighborhuod of Brantford and Ayr. The St, Catharines electrio street rail.
Bur. R. 1'ncl, supplir'd the Methodist Ilonr. Tnon'soN is malting a visit with way is now a 1pnr»o railway, 'Gino snow
church pulpit in Listowel last Sabbath. hie sister, firs. Al. Mol,ounan, et Lon- interfe 00 with It the motor power,
don. ll, -,1 1 r f) , o1'i,•rtn • in the vicinity
A. Al. McKee and his sister wore nn of Brookville in large quantities. Fodder
I,0 mach list Met week suffering from bad 1s 1(0100 seed dear and far'e's prefer to
colds. hill.
GEo. Loons ee CO. take the lead in D. Mal+.ney t'f the Postoffine Depart.
fancy cutters, 531' style, material and infant et Ottawa has been promoted to
finish the position of assistant inslreetor of the
Mils. W, J. Emu and children, of Sea- Stratford divissol,
forth, were visiting at Samuel f'eat's this Efforts tiro teeing melte to collect the
week, back dues of the Essex Law Society so
A change in the proprietorship of our they eau get the grant of 0600 worth of
bnsiuess firms is contemplated at an books front the head moiety.
early dato. Bishop 3)isuey, of Chatham, is being
Miss MAT Coerrn, of Toronto, is malt- sued for salaries by members of the
Canadian troupe of jubilee ..wgere who e<ta+
ltrt ::t raw for collar 102021111g wan tod.
,L C. l(tchards, 711rue„s Aleker, Brussels
LaLnrj quantities of 1(1000 nod °era -
wood have been brought t.' town this
Nisi; 1;T11r:, C''nnn,nTON, of Slressis, is
vial lug at .Mr, \Yin. liogarth's, lifioam
ANY quantity of lamb .'0 or lfaod taken
in exchange for furniture. AnTnvn
\'Rlty docs (leo. Love 4 Co, do with all
the. Sewing \laehines tliov bring to
town that i9 the t,n2'Sliml ? 2.1•
Tw., ear !nada of cattle were alftppe( ung a holiday visit with old friends in
from 1. eels (0(1041 on i'hureday by Br reels.
,. , . .!, t ra, 54,rtt :tut11)nrucs.
• 2l l.y('1 will be held in the P. C.
a •b t+•1,, Bear l by Father Shoe, on
24-il.b � th Feb, Pith, :at 11 o'nlo49t n. in,
B1 BOT 1. 1 of l t.rl p Pott„ of
[3't• v t' n:hip, is henpl on t.' it from
leerereis bareni's, for i30 dors i0
Tweeds and wnratods at E. Danford's,
for cash only.
.INn, l,t facie, of Toronto, a former wall
Mere:, T 1,olto•w mon of llrlissele, was in
got ) thisweek on a business trip.
rii..x , , ,,Meru le, ha.; been for several 3 mince n:e of the 00120)s offered for sale
vut91 alt Thursday of thin week were sold.
i le th here ref rrtrp, to the nmrrir.go '1'1.e farms were the property of John
of. Curtis Green of hu gat111e, his bride's Skelton and Duncan Lfvregstou.
i,,-' should have rc:0l her.; instead of A VERY enjoyable evening was spout at
4,'111, the residence of Mrs. Hargreaves on
'1'. O'Srre old Ftrctton Bros. contra- Thursday evening of last week in con.
tarred ;20 tacit to t11' Provincial License usetion with the musicale. About 310
Fend for violation of the Crook's Act on was realized,
election day. Mae, Jorx McEiraoo, of the 8th con,
A TELEd1A3( from Reeve Grabens states of Grey, wee Adam Good's best tea ous-
Jaime Bays, Reeve of Mcliillo wastomer between that J sv 1st of October and the
X +Pr
elected Warden on Tuesday, defeating 23rd of December, 1088, purchasing 29
Reeve Griffin, of Ashfield, by a vote of lbs. She got the hanging lamp,
25 to 24. DON'T forget the lecture in the Metlro-
A 0.0E11 on "Temporary vs. Permanent dist c.-urch on Friday evening of this
pasture," read by W. R. Bishop at the week by J. Arlington Cooke, His sub -
meeting of the East Huron Femora' jest is "Out of the valley of Death."
Institute, may be found on page 6 of The tedium. is very highly spoken of by
this issue of T112 POST, It is well worth people who should be competent judges,
reading. REV, J. A. WILLIAMS, D. D., will
1iTExv Sabbath the sacrament of the preach the annual missionary sermon in
Lord's Supper will be observed in Mel- the IN.ethodist church next Sabbath
villo church. Rev. G. B. Howie will morning, service commencing at 10:80
preach an Saturday at 2 p. m., and Rev. o'clock. , A -platform meeting will be held
D. 13. McRae, of Crartbrook, on Sabbath iu the evening to be addressed by Dr.
evening and Monday afternoon. Williams and others.
House F.an.--Tho monthly horse fair LAST Wednesday Chas. Dutton, who
will be held on Thursday of next week. , has been employed in G. A. Dsadman's
It comes a week. It comes a week ear- drug store for several years, left for
liar than tonal owing to the next month Stratford and after spending a few days
coining" in on Friday. A number of buy- at his home will go to Detroit where he
ers will be in attendance and persons has secured a remunerative position with
having horses to dispose of should attend, the firm of John Davis & Co., wholesale
THE aminal meeting of lbs Cnntral manufactures of essences, extracts, dal,
Farmers' Institute of Ontario will be Charlie is an agreeable youth and will.
held in Toronto on 5th, ttth and 7th of no d ubt, prove a very satisfactory ern -
February. Each farmers' institute in ployee.
the province IS entitled to send two dale- A GOOD REcotnp:tn."A Farmer"writ
Osteo• President McFadden and Vico log to the Listowel llanneron the MN'S.
President Gibson are the representatives city of a public .market remarks :—"Ilow
appointed by the East Huron farmers' often do wo hear complaints that pori: in
Institute. particular does not hold out weight when
WIiLL Drcome AND Dnnrrxe.—George - being weighed over in Listowel. If you
Hirt has all the necessary machinery for had a public weigher this difficulty would
digging aid drilling wells and is prepared be, overcome. I know many that are
to attend to rill work entru-tell to hien in taking their pork to Brussels, both this
away that will insure satisfaction. Wells and last year, olaiming they are better
cleaned out and put in proper shape. � dealt with. This is not the only in -
Terme reasonable. Residence second stance in which Brussels -market Inas
door north of the bridge, west side of taken the lead and wo want no better
Turnberry street, Brussels. 5-tf proof of it than such etatesmelts from
CARNIwAL,—Last Friday evening the wide awake farmers.
first carnival of the season was held on
the D'aitland skating rink. There were
no prizes given for costumes. Robt. Mc-
Naughton took first prize in a race for
boys under 16 years and Russel Fletoher
was awarded 1st and Jno. Grewar, 2nd
in a raoe for smaller boys. Noble Gerry
and Thos. Town, of Seaforth, took an ex-
hibition whirl for a few laps. The Brus-
sels Band was in attendance and en-
livened the proceedings with excellent
ON THESE EAE.—During the progress
of the sermon in the Waterloo street
Methodist clinch, Stratford, on Sunday
morning last, the pastor, Rev. Mr.
Smyth. had occasion to refer to the
choir giggling behind him. It was bad
enough to have children giggling, but
when it came to grown up people, ho
thought that it was about time 11 draw a
line. In the evening the service went ou
without the choir. The songsters got
their hacks up and failed to put in an
Canadian Ne'wvoo.
There aro five doctors in the Bruce
county council
The International baseball season will
open April 27 and close Sep. 80.
Counterfeit 52 bills are said to be fn
oirouletion in Western Ontario.
The Toting Conservatives of Uxbridge
intend to establish a reading -room.
Andrew H,-Yerex, the oldest inhabitant
of London, died Tuesday aged 85.
Hamilton has been again admitted to
the L•ternational Baseball Association.
The Dominion Government has deuid-
od not to interfere with the Quebec
Jesuits Bill.
The funeral of the late ,Henry Becher
in L-'ndoe was ono of the largest ever
seen in that city,
The Ottawa Orangemen say that tb ey
will continue the agitation against the
Jesuit Estates Bill.
"Joe Beef's" funeral in Montreal was
D1E0.—On Wednesday evening of this ou0 of the most largely attended that
week Jno. Meadows passed tawny to his over took place in the city.
reward after a iaiufnl illness of over Thus- Young, hostler at a Campbell -
seven weeks. Ho came to this country, ford, Ont., hotel, has eloped with the
with his family, some 1'2 years ago and cook, +eavdug iris wife in destitute 0freum-
by steadily working and the practice of stances.
economy he not only provided for his 'While the mail was in transit between
family but secured a comfortable little Wheatland and Graswold; Man., it was
home. All work entrusted to him was robbed, 5700 of Wheatland municipality
carefully and satisfactorily performed. money being taken.
His death was the result of an abooss on G. R. Patello, of Woodstock, Regis -
the liver. A wife and four children are tree of Oxford, and Miss Biggar, sister
left to mourn his demise, The funeral of the City Solioitor for Toronto, were
will take place, from Ms late home, John married at Belleville.
street, on Friday afternoon. The de- A petition is being largely signed in
cea„ed was 51 years and a mouths old. Hamilton asking the civic anthorities to
TnIE Acton Free Press says :—Rev. G. ounrpol the street railway eomaany to
B. Howie, preached in Kuox church, and put their oars of runners.
succeeded in convincing the congregation d young man named Meore,af Corinth,
that even if a mann is deprived of his eye- i Elgin county, was shot on Monday even -
eight, he can preach powerful and elo- mg by unknown parties while driving
quent sermons, and conduct the service in his buggy. He may recover.
with graoe and ability. He was greeted Farmer Oko, near Watford, found a
with a fair-sized audience at his lecture burglar in his house the other night, and
in the town hall ou Monday evening, without waiting to don his pantaloons,
Rev. Mr. Rae was chairman. The loctnr- chased lha culprit two m1105 across
0r gave an interesting description of the country and captured hint.
land of promise, including its position The Paris youth Flabass, charged with
and boandariee, climate, elevations and purloining chickens, and then putting
size. He referred also to the seasons, them up to be raffled, has been eontenced
the Drops and the weather. In this to three weeks in goal at Brantford, the
connection he stated that while in March sentence to run front the date of liis
or April the country 1001 all abloom with first commitment.
flowers,—some. 2,400 varieties being it is rumored that a proteot will bo en-
feund—in July all the splendor has coni: tered against the successful candidates at
pletely disappeared and a general barren the meat municipal eleatio0, fn 'jar.
appearance prevails. Li winter at an ton, oi, the grounds of perjury and bsib'
elevation of 2,000 foot, two or three feet cry. The principal object, it appears, is
of snow often falls, while at all times of to unseat the reeve.
the year temperate, semi -tropical and Rev. Dr. Kilroy, of Stratford, recently
tropical climates prevailed at different announced that by direction of Rt. Rev.
points in dais limited territory. Harvest Bishop Walsh, of London, he assumed
commences in April and d'ontinnes until charge of the Catholics in and around
September. In 4,000 years 010 manure Listowel, and would have divine service
or other fertilizers have been used in the in future in Listowel on the second Sun-
llelds. Referring tb the Cedars of Leb- day of every month.
Canon be stated that 400 of those giants Be,. Mr, Cripps, late pastor of the
still stand. They are'found 0,000 feet Eden Baptist church, is a hustler on the
above the sea, are 40 to 50 feet le sir- marriage question, and is most empha.
cumfsrence, 100 beet high and oompnted ticaliy opposed to the idea of marriage
to he more than 3,000 years old. The being a failure. On Monday he rode 110
lecturer also spoke of the wheels, and miles on horsobaolt, On Tuesday ho
showed that besides the Mahommedan rode 0 miles and married a couple of
ooh of
o s there are
8,000 children n attendf
nun people t
a Courtland
a' $0y5 'C `
g yt o'clock.
protestant pp
pp� 0 sant schools under a distinctly .then he rode anothermileand married
Chrietiafi influence. Mr, Mewls appear. two more cauplo8. Again ho mounted
ed in Oriental costumes and delivered a his charger and rode another' mile and
portion hie lis lsot
oto dressed ori fl a
y made another cotpis happy and made
costume similar to that worn by Alm. his journey home in the dark. Who can
light. beat lhia record of a day?
'1'7'nllsrtet ti ((('1111711 hrtu]<in;1
/:;OT11F iliac Ol N'PP;U
(' nta,liru r.ud I'tril+ italop 34.1 •1I•.".a:1. f
not s0id,
In terosliallownd on deposits...
;Coffee/ions ample on 11r ei b1r herons,
(rtundl4l Agent, -31,.11, to9,'9 1H• 11.11CW
Now '114111 .meaty-I+n'arrrns tNntTnen.
tsps NATtnvnl, 304'10,
•' 111. SIN OLAIII, 1O1rIOIP-
o0, "onreytner) 302-1v lathe,
R•e, (t11ee: (1rahniu'4
Hargreaves' Pent: Store. Pr! v:,!,• Ponds to
E IX 1.1)1 1 1ftI I
5 J• Sol , ,1 i s 1' .1.1:s.
vcr mcin•r it ,.,r , r -, 'Or.
Wilde 111 lis ,,',' •v• ",'•••1••••s•
.aa attpv
1'tCiKallti 1:11t�
p t1, i 1':1'1 Ilvrf : x S l 11 - y;tarn•g,
hila a number o5 unpaid drbt:4 It f: re- U pvk:—ll'o,.1s ut - �l.p1L'". r a,p1 t. , Or3c,, 4.i4,n .:1 t,iu:'/-.. +, Nuiry
potted he hes g+.ue to \\'nsla`u:;bOit torn- 4 to „s F II a1ibl+i• dos, f . nerdy tem only to!otitt,
tom Sums of Val al fir • 1, •pl2na business ns 12. S. HATS, W. I' ilic'Ii•30N.
earring., handers in the Village of Brussels,
Alis. Rath WOOdger, an aged member in Au Oonnty of Huron, under rho style of
of the Mai11 Street Methodist Chnreh, es•tl pu ,h Hucnphr5, 0 df2 ecr1Uo than the
said nu ary, b 1) was, , dissolved
edxtbynm day
Mitchell, died suddenly just before the of January, A. D. 1890, dt,,solvod by mtttnnl
service commenced last Sunday evening, caneent- Winl0egollrballds and 50115 nt Lim
V'U f A 1 9 b C t t Huron,
She left her home in good spirits and in 1 ago u rusty s, n t n ay, w o
g P this (eeso,nth day of J2441100y, \4o.1
N'itu W.
At Pisos, S.
W,Al, grim retires
'enos,l 1,5 fir mno
Mr, 20umphwill reriret troue the arm ruby
the Walker,
willhereafterill011 be a liabilities
abi i by
Air. Welter, who will assume the int of It
of the late firm aids must payment at .all
outstandiu oeoees1, benlu.tMade,
Brussels,-Jan,lath,l&90, 07-4
her usual health, and walked to church.
She shook bendewitb the lady who sat
next to her, who inquired about her
health. Her reply was, "I feel pretty
well, but a little tired," sued within tea
minutes after uttering these words her
spirit had taken its flight. She died
sitting up in her pew. While prepara-
tions were being made to convey the
corpse to her late residence the pastor of
the congregation, Rev. 0. E. Stafford,
asked the congregation present to adjourn
on singing "Safe in the Arms of ,Jesus,"
The congregation was deeply moved, and
many wept aloud.
('1(10 --711 Brussels, on the 10th inst.,
the wife of It. Black, of a daughter.
CAnnIFw.—In Brussels, 011 the 22nd Inst.,
the wife of Mr. 1f. M. Cardiff of e.
i eLeex.—In Scafol•th, on the 17th
inst, the wife of M. Y. AlcLean, of a - 104f A[ItF. TT'ItSR1.74.4 Ara=000.
r. _ =. "lel ARIII 101 SALE, BEING LOT
A. 00,0011.0. (trey, containing 100 nurse.
C11At•rLenr,,-1icGEE--11t the residence of 19 ner„a 14t, 001111'0, under gross, cold no
the b Ode's father, o1 Tuesday, Jan. ea lame (ilii', ,l. Aloes To acres of dry
and the lislituCO cedar and black ns:1
swain(,, There is a Ing Louse on the
pi 010100. Win 1 5,41 on very reasonable
`e120:1 es pi ,,rioter docs not require thn
ln., e'er hu th, : particulars apply to 11013T.
:tic LAUCHI,1N, Cranbronk P.O. or
ALEX. 11IINTO1t, Brussels,
A tow splendid, improved farms for
salein the township o1 Grey, Morris cud
AfoRlllop, Apply to A. DELGATTY, Co.
Auction00r,Bru5snls P. 0,
On the corner of Mary and mechanic
n tracts, fn the village of Brussels. Phis 1pro-
1,ertyie very conveniently situated and is a
bargain to any person having a family of
young children as it is to near the 0,10 1,
(.0001* stable and well on the promisee. also
some young fruit trees and n Quantity of
mall fruit. Apply to the owner 0u the
nary 15th, by Rev. Thomas Cobb,
Mr. Thomas Graveline, of Amherst.
burg, a former rcaidcut of Brussels,
co Hattie J., daughter of 3.1:. Alex.
ander McGee, of Malden.
=`-` "-ri'1ARiI FOR SALE.—TELE SUB-
'AtE,tDovs.—In Bruteels, on 23rd inst., some= offers his valuable 100 acre
Jno, Meadows, aged 61 years and 3 farm, being lot 0, 0011, 10, Grey Towtahip,
months, Huron Co„ fox sato. There are about 50
cores cleared and in good heart. There 15
log house, good hank barn, bowing orchard,
x. ra.,, �'a:G, and all the heeessary e011yenioneos 00 the
premises. For further particulars, at, to
)l,riOo,terms, ote„apply to the Proprietor,
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls....
Eggs per dozed
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Hides per ib
Salt per bbl., wholesale.,.. 60
Sheep skins, each 80
Wool, per lb 18
Pork 8 00
1 00
1 00
1 01
1 01
30 00
57 58
16 00
15 00
G 00 00
26 90
.. 1 00 111 00
11 3*
1 00
0 25
S<,A= OneaXa-X a,SA vas s T' ::
Fall Wheat 1 00 1. 01
Spring Wheat 1 00 1 01
Oats 80 00
Peas 57 58
Barley 46 50
Potatoes 25 00
Butter, per lb 10 00
Eggs, per dozen 15 00
Apples, per bushel 05 00
Hogs, dressed 0 00 6 25
Beef 4 60 5 60
Hay 1 00 13 00
Wood, per acrd 2 50 4 50
Sheepskins, each 40 Og
for sale cheap, on Lot 10, con, 10, Grey.
For further gPart(onlars apply to
28.4 WM,or JNO.13R0W01, Oraubrook1. 0.
Flay for Rale. Will deliver it in duan- ,( 7 OOD '13 ARItI FOR SALE IN
pities to suit purebasor. Appy to 'L71AIoirie
11308. PEPPER, , en reasonable terms. In order
228.4 tot 0, Con. O, Grey, to close the affairs of estate of the .late
W, G, ilia Ston, thor' cocutors offer the fol-
lowing tot noble lr ode for sale North
half of Lot 80, CAnsession S,Towntphip of
Morris, containing 00 acres. On this 10t is
emoted a good 4remo barn with steno foun-
dation, go0d'or' :bard, wo11 an4101.11p. Near-
lyn2leleared,'and Is on the grave road
Acutely etljbi'fing the village of Bruesols.
This farm lel valuable one, is 90021 fenced
and 'in a ood state of cultivation. For
mines and i farms apply to TH08, MALTA,
13ru0so15 0?, 0„ 04171100 JEt,N1N90, Victoria
x90 rf y,2 .0 0( 340 ufiv. r0, Name Lodge
nEnslaNEn offers for sale the north
cast Quarter of lot 29, concession 0, Morris,
County of Huron, containing 50 acres. The
land le of first quality and In a high state of
cultivation. well fenced .end under -drained,
v5 acres cleared, New frame hone°, 8 rooms,
milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells,
goodbarns and shed, orchard, etc. plight
acres of fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Brussels, Suit-
able terms will be giyon. Title perfect.
80- Box 258 Brussels P. 0.
A first-class farm for salo tn.tho
Township of Morrie in the County of H neon
beiug south hall of north half lots 251:20
and south half of 20 in 5th eon., containing
201 acres more or lose, 120 sores mostly
clear of stumps and in pt good state of oeltt-
vation. Thereto a young bearing orchard,n
gond house and hauls barn 55 x SS foot with
stone stable un,lornenth. Tiro farm Is situ -
Med within a arils of the Village of Brussels
owl is n good farm for grain or 510021 rain-
ing as 111swatered with the river Maitland
and never failing spring creek. Posaeesion
will bo given at any time. Fnr farther par-
tion19rs apply on the premises or to A.A.
I3JB,k)11TBO.N Brussels, P. 0 5-tf
being the south half of lot number
90 In the 4t11 001300901033 of the township of
Morris, known as the homestead of Archi-
bald Taylor, containing ninety-nine acme.
Ninety aeras aro 0leared, the balance wood-
ed with valuabre timber. Excellent build•
tags, large orohard of choice trees, soil In
good condition and is eltuntod ono aid a
Quarter miles north of the Village of Brus-
sels, oath° main gravel road This is ono
of the finest homestead farms in the County,
of Huron and will be sold at a bowie -and
on terms to suit purchaser. Pot further
particulate apply to the PrrlpiIator, A. Af.
2141X21014Manning Apcado, J.oronto, or to
AnOH11ALD TAYLOR, sn„ on thte,m
autos required. general
iv of 1111k• portico'.
ars, to Q 01115. A lit. TAYLOR, r
28-tf . 1a Manning Anode, Toronto.
PRAYED FROM TEE PREM.S ise0 of the nndorsignod about Opt. -25,
a, heifer calf, red in color, ,Any information
leading to 110 recovery will be thankfully
received. 5. WALSH, )3ruseels.
ennui Boar "Grand Trunk,” will bo
kept for service on lot 11, eon, 0, Groy.
Terms $1.00, to be paid at time of 0orviee,
with privilege of returning if necessary.
St.4 t A. MAW, Proprietor.
Ai of the undersigned, shalf kit 17, can. e,
Morris, on or abort Nov.18th, two• sloop and
a lamb. The minor 10 1edeeeted to move
property, pay exi1ett000 and I take thorn
away, .12006. WAEW10O,
DluevaloP. 0,
.L "Youn Champion;" imported by lid.
D.Goorgc, Putnam, Ont„ will be hoot for
esryiee On let 21, Oeo.11, (.trey. Terme 2AL01',
to bopaidtt time of service, with privilege
of150000in7 if necessary,
Por Sale, wclgipq 1,400 pounds and is
2.4 years old. The mare le 01(111(504 to be
10 teal.teaip0rt013 horse. AIN a heavy
draught met, 0 menthe cid, Both ECO
hriScra at (IeShow, to TECO.
A1t0111)G0l(y WI lab 11, 00). a Gem/.
The3520005oz% of the estate 00 the Into
WsLL9AI1M'o0A1Rr,itsuert0, de50000tt, new
offerthefollowing 0(r11(1able lards for sale,
vis,:—Tho nor h half of lot 27, and tbo Nest
half of the north halt oflot 29, both in the
riga eoaeaesior of pho 'ldownslrtlp of Morris,
County of, Heron, containing 100 Porte,
Abent 111 acres aro cleared and in good
Condition, the greater part being 3n grass.
The balance is weal tiulborod,' eh30ily with
beech and maple,
This fawn le favo ably situated Within ono
(11110 of the village o, Bruse610, which affords
int excellent Market. There is upon the
premises a gond frame barn and, house an
orchard of (Motet fruit trees, a never failing
spring, also a good well mid ,mnlp. and good
fences, 0hie property ,win be gold in ono... or
two parcels, to suit intending puralteser t
Purchaser w111 be a110w d to enter tont have
use of house on promise at any time after
`ell 1,0 s•
fret will
InS fotofall Awin g far ,'
e0 and L
wing. v orb°rnaxE'
53on will Lerner
i dtr at tet d n
For Lormq old 1)11(1200" tart'aulars slippy
to the nadereiFgned mxee( tors, or to 001042 5
N 1,
A10o las brussels,on a .
. 4,r
r e lsNi
lttietcr°n C Wye,} 3axncVAone.
Alton 12Broseate, ;tenet th.1881i SO
AII. TAYLOR, Il. C. 1, , 13AR-
.. 1115TEn, Bo(Icitnr, &c., of thn firm of
Dickson, Taylor d, McCullough,' Barr -Mims.
Roliottors, Rc., Manning Arcade, riling Street
West, Toronto. Mouov to loan,
X?. the Fourth Division CourE, Co. Huron
Conveyancer, Votary lhiblle, Lead, Loan
and Insurance Agent. 'Penchi' invested and
to loan. Co,leetiaaemade. OMOoe 1u Gra-
ham's B In ok, Rrussele.
snn Auctioneer, Sales 00010eted an
reasonable terms, farms and farm '-21. 11 n
oucelalty. Orders loft at Tun Poe, Publish-
ingHouse, 10 russets, or sent to Walton post
otlleo will receive prompt attention,
1 EEn is .romrod t attend to )'
the shortest notice. A specially roles
sates of thorough -bred. stock. Pe: %e0 made
known by application to rim Pm.- r.,1410.1 -
. 1 01tb-
10u House, where orderr alit' i 1014', or
addrors to Armada P 0.
;A RAYMANN, AUC' I )`v, rM I,
e isalwuye ready t" StIsisi 2.12.•'4 of
farms, fare, stook, .te. Terms
r.! ,rntlly
given. L'rau1rook 1P.O. Raton may be ar-
ranged at Tor: ivory I'ul-le, i t, rirce.
,.Li.McORACK.EN, I�4L;E1:
VI, 3faiziaPu Leusee, '34 ou al 1,1,.
Gro0ory,Turnberry, Strsieot.
'roaenor Of (311 Painite •. Booing et
7dr. ;Alex. tyils0u'e. Priucocs etr001, Glass
nays, Thursday and Raturday,
iv 13 of Piano and Organ. TOMIL nD appli.
N. B., -Walton class moots every Thursday
nu4 i'rtday at Airs. D. Campbell's, Walton.
1 .L to receive ;pupils for instruc-
tion on the PIANO and Olt(iA:f. 8 yeas,,
Experience. Atesldeneo With airs. liar.
grooves.. over AhtitGOt li,t'Ffin 70118'(1
STORE. n05.1yr
Artist. Shop, next door south of A,
M, McVay 44 Cos. hardware stere• tithed:'
and children's (lair ou Mug a specialty.
A choice stock of Moss 210ut,
riege mecums, by appointment of
ldout.•GOVOruor, Commissioner, 1,,., Q. B,
Cenveyancel and Agent firs IWo,ra,,er Cr.
OOleo at the Oratln'ook Post 0dlee.
Granted° of the Ontario Veterinary
Oollego, is prepared to treat all dim°.soa i of
domesticated animals on seientine and 01'-
1110,0rl principles. 011lee—Two doors north
of bridge, 1'urnberrystreet.
and Ornamental Painter. Graining,
Gilding, Sign and Decorative fainting in all
its branches, Shop Blinds done up in style,
Paper lIangiug n specialty, S bop one door
south of J. Buyers' Carriage Works.
,340 CUNNINGAi n--
1NSW1414010, '7
M. F. CALF. i'I.11•, O,:AI.
Member ofthe 0011°1!0 of Physicians and
Surgeons of Ontnaio by examination.
0(1100 andl0Ogdenc—Mahe St. Best , Pthe
Ontario. ,
P . 0.m,, L.it. 0.P. Edinburgh, M. C. P.
B, Ont, At Hargreaves' Drug Moro from
0 to 11;80 twin. and from 1:80 to 4 )'. in, At
other hours natty bo f0nnd et the residence
formorly moulded. by Dr. IItttolin1ou,
Mill street.
IDA+a1V 'IC Ih T .
G. L. Ball L. D. S,, Honor Graduate ,nil
al. tt, 0. D, b. Toronto. Vitalized Air giver
B. B; O tori0e, D. D. B. Assistant Operator
O1r1i0E—Stgyyers Bleck, Soluer2>1,
,it?IS7` IN :.0 $504 330.
1V. J, Poarr21.,b R,Graduate ofTo-
ronto school of Dentistry. All oper-
ations guaranteed, onion--Osdy'e
Itloolc, Roafter,
ArtiOninitoottlih, frstQuality, and a
guaranteed 112,4012 812.O0po r so t.
:a�rslo ac,t4�.
. .E?..
14.41t4t S`s,N., 2., 3D, 2 „
Minor Graduate' DI the Royal 00111 0f
Dentalsur ons' Toronto. N)T1108 OXIDE
lAs hdminitor0d
40r.tltorainiest, oxtrao•
• Non of teeth.
oriil('E'.-one hoer Nertlt °ptlie *Milk.