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The Brussels Post, 1889-1-25, Page 5
Jean, 25, 189.. v.:lt'f9e, Reeve Kelly is away at tho County Council this week, Mre. Whitt has resigned ws m'ganfst of the Tr„ l'' -h shat°h. Y J. e'bifllpn, aeaistaut 1 o';tmester, is at present Sr mouldy indisposed. Slater se, Simi are anklet; for tenders for the erection of their proposed new brink binelt, J. T. Harter hoe reeeiv,ltf au order for eighteen sate of harness from A. McKellar for :\fanitobt el totsteloreeeelr. Rev. I), Ii. MoRao was away last Thurscley delivering hie interestiug leo- tura an "A trip to the Plmina," on Ileo. D. l'eirrie's charge, near St. Marys. .A. large turn out It expeolad at the publics meeting ou Friday evening, of this week, when Dr. Macdonald, M. P„ E. E. Wade and other gentleman aro ex- pected to deliver addresses. All the old township onion; wore re- appointed at the Council meeting last Monday, excepting the Collector. Don- aid McLacnohin, who has filled the of. fice etlioieutly for years, refused to ac- cept at a reduced salary, Walton. Hnecosa£ul revival sarvin•..i aro being held h, the 1\lethadist church. Rev. Mr. Fairbairn;roamed in Doff nhurch test :sabbath. Ho will oleo con. duet ;service next Sunday nod dispans! the sace..ment. On and after the let of Feb, rho UMW Workmen, No. 205, meet too 1 t8 and 3rd evening of each moth at 7 p. m., in the Orange hall. This lodge is iu a flout'ish- ing emulate. A moetieg will be held fu tho Presby• teriau church, Walton, on Monday ;von• ing, comm-ncing at 7:13e, to ostablieh a 13ranoh of the liiblo Sooiety. Rev. Mr. Murray, of Kiuoardine, and Rev. Mr. Fan bairn will address the meeting, Hi eA1ffr vet The annual tea in connection with the Henfryu Methodist oburoh was hold last Tuesday evening. Tho weather being favorable there was a good at.eudanoe. After all had satisfied themselves at the tables the program of entertainment was introduced with "All hail the power of Josue mane." Rev. F. E. Nugent led in prayer, then followed the finest and chorus Jesus lover of my soul," after whioh a few remarks were jocularly given by Rev. J. T. Legear, who dropped in. The Trowbridge friends gave "Whiter then enow. Rev. 1. E. Nugent made a practical and telling address on "Self Culture." "Oh, mitt I had wings" was the next piece, by the choir. Rev. W. J. Brandon held forth in a teoso and pithy way on "Ohmmeter," after which Miss E. A. Covens gave a solo, "There is a land." The musical part of the evening's enter. tainment was oousidorably enriched by the clarionet of J. Ademo. The meeting was closed in good time. Prooeede $85. A:L•1t©1. Eptt'rahn Caber and wife ware visiting at Belmore last weak. W. II. Herr, 01 Brussels, supplied in Rev. Mr. Legear'e absouce last Sunday evening. The want of snow is felt by our mill men and carriage maker and blaok- smiths. •Tho next meeting of the Townehip Council will be held here. What about the Township Hall? Moe. Fletcher, Mrs. G. L. Ball and Mrs. W. II. Harr were visiting at the parsonage on Thursday of this week. Communion service in tho Presbyter- ian church last Sabbath. Rev. Mr. Stevenson, of Molesworth, preached in the evening, Rev. J. T. Legear will preach mission- ary sermons at Gorrie next Sunday. His work will be taken here by Mr. Watson, of Molesworth. A number of the people from this locality will attend Ulla meeting at Cyan - brook nn Friday evening of this week, to bo addressed by Dr. Macdonald, M. P. Tho Dr. has a large number of friends hero. Li 4tt:o qe' a+7. $300 reward is offered by the town for the coevietion of the supposed Piro bug. Tha Methodists hal'' invited Rev. G. II. Cobble lick, eT. A., B. D., of Guelph, to hmwme their pastor foe next year. Thu County Orango Lol to of North Perth will hold its aunuol meeting in tho Orange hall in town on Tuesday, 5th lab„ at 10 a. in. Adam 1V. Heidrich, a graduate of Ilamilton :Mishima Collage, who is ab present in the employ of Sohiubem rb Wildfnng, intends t.tkiug stops towards establishing tt Coiamoroial College in this town, Th., i3aptist aangrogation aro to be coag atllhtlad upon the completion and eti, esh1l opening of their ehurch, which, theagh not it very largo one, is certainly It very neat steuottlro, It is built of white brink with stole facings, and is ex. ooedingly iittraotive in design. The body of the church will seat, comfortably, bo- tiween two and three hundred persons. The sohool room at the rear is so eta ranged that it can be utilized for services when occasion demands. The most of the building was about $18,800. 111i1,s Jomlio Murray bee returned to her home 111 Lo bey malting a visit �to her aunt, elle, 'rlulTatl, whoro else spout a very a time. .There was a' 1• • at 1Irs,Woitley's 10th con on 'lam 1 iatt week, end a haute el Ill,+ Ja+. Fivalnir was the vlailniat, eon ltnmvs how to use the bow, The neral debut' was held let `.Ietr'i- bull's solum 11011110 last Friday evening. The eubjtot diseuseed was "Resolved that nature is more beautiful to the eye than art." The anbjeat was well bandied on bout sides by the dilnarcut 8ponkurs, Deoieion in favor of nature. N. M. Richardson, of this township, hae leased hie farm for a toren of five ,,years to Yuill Broa. Mr. Richardson 111 tends holding an auction sale of farm stook raid implements some time in early spring. N. M. will now have more time to devote to the implement business. The social held last Friday evening at the residence of Jas. Strachan was a de- cided success both socially and financial. ly, After a short address by tho Chair. man the following program was present. ed; -.-Quartette, "Star of descending night;" recitation, Milton Molwan ; inetritmental, kiss Lizzie 0 H. L. Jack. sou ; quartette, \tisane Herr, and Messrs. Stranhan d, Ilhrgreaves; solo, A. Stre. °bail; recitation, bliss I. Bryan; sone Miss Jessie Straohan ; reading, Donalcl Simpson; song and oho.ue, "Drifting with the tide;" speech, J000plt 13-ev- Inan ; recitatiu,l .John Snell ; qutrtette, "helm lover of my soul," Stranitaa Bras,; ;Mott, Misses Strachan ; in.t, umontal, I11iee 0C Mr. Jackson ; recitation, Maegl Simpson ; gnartetrd, 1Tissea Ko r, and Messrs. Ilargreavos (C Straehau; son' "Cold winter," J. h W. Mels'wan ; in- strumental, berm:mica ,t organ ; duett, ,dies t0 lir. Ilatgroaves: song „Whip poor Will ;" Bolo, Miss Kerr; solo, Mr. Hargreaves. An abundant supple of edibles were dispensed during the inter- mission in the program. Tho proceeds amounted to $20 which will be applied for Srtbbatb school purposes. Gire ee. Jas. Cusiolc, 171h non, feels several inches taller since Friday ovoniug last. I1 18 a boy. John Harbottle, of Cranbrook, has loft for parts unknown, A number of credi• tore mourn his absence. Miss Maggie MoNair, eon, 18, and Miss Mary Mitchell, of Logan, have gone to 1 Toronto, where they intend remaining for a few months. • I,lmsnaue,—The literary mooting in connection with the Debating Sooioby at Shine's sohool bowie was hold bast Mon- day evening. There was a fair attend- !Cage. The following is the program which was very interesting throughout : Rending, Jno. Perri(); song, Geo. Alcock; reacting, A. Persia ; song, MieoDolgatty i stump speech, Thos. Tdrnbull ; song, Miss Meitio ; recitation, 3, Perri° ; song,, Thee. Turnbull ; dialogue, by Jas, IInrrm, Thos. Turnbull, Oliver Harris, Oliver 'Tttrbull, 3). 'Sellare and W. Fowler. D. llobteteele , occupied the elude. The nett dobeto will be held on Monday owning, 11ab. 4111. The tubjeot oI eismussion is "lboselved Ihet the an has suffered mere: at the hands of the white lean than tho negro*" g a ate, vett te. Dr Macdonald, M. 1'., has postponed his political meeting until the evening 01 the Nth inst, It was formerly anno0110 ad for the 28111. Bursae.—On the evening of the 28th inst. D. W. Campbell, who lectured here in December, on "A half liour in Loudon" will deliver his lecture on "Around the World" iu the Presbyterian Church here.—Rev, A. Y, Hartley is spending the week in T'or'rnto.—Tho re- vived services in the Methodist church hero are still being continued.—Our sohool boys have tired of playing marbles and hove provided themselves with a foot ball. A r wood. FLAX MILLS Bunxrn.—Quito a collator nation was created here on Tuesday of last week by the report that the flax mills of the Elma Farmers' Flax Manufactur. ing Co, were on fire. The mill had been shut down for a few days, during which time the pipes were frozen. In attempt- ing to thawtthem oat the fireman drop- ped some five coals among the tow and dust, which at once ignited, and before he could do anything to prevent it the fire had spread in all directions. In an hour's time the building was in ruins, with all the machinery and the engine and boiler. There was also some manu- factured stook in the building, though, fortunately, most of it had been shipped away during the previous week. The exact amount of the loss has not yet been ascertained, but will be heavy. Itis partly covered by fnsuranco. The fire is a bad set -bank to the company, this being the fret season in operation. 'VVleteratlt ssi. Wingham beasts of having four barber shops. About $110 were realized ab the Tisk Jubilee concert in the Methodist church. Tho town band making preparations for holning a concert to eventuate about the latter part of February. Wingham's Council this year is made up as follows :—Eight Reformers, 010 Conservatives : seven are Methodists, five Presbyterians, two Episcopalians. Burns' Anniversary is being celebrated here by a supper at the Dinsley Howse. Dr. Campbell, of Sonforth ; Dr. Sloan, of Blyth, and Dr, 14laodouald, of town, aro to address the meeting. The 'Methodist ohneali anniversary ser- mons will be preached Sunday by Rev. Dr. Hannon, of Iiinoariline. A tea meet- ing on Monday evening will be addressed by Rev, Dr, ]Cannon, Iles. G. Richard• son, prroident of the Conference, and ranula it ministers. The annual nicolieg of the Turnberry Agrianh•.'.ral elociety wits held at Knrnutn's hotel. Memel were cleated as f0110w, Prosictont, JOlnt H101011; vioa•Prosident, Geo. Moffat ; Directors—Thos. Goy, Amos Tipting,'I'hos. Jenkins, John Little, Win. Isbister, Chas. IIenderson, Alex, Yonne, Jas) Elliott, Jot,. Anderson; Auditor.;, Ibbs. Maxwell, Peter ]fowloe, Tho Wieghatu Ilortianitn al Sooiety elected the following °Moore tit its auntuel mooting hold in the Mechanics' Institute rooms on the 10th inst. The merest of the Soorotary and Treasurer were re- ceived and adopted:—C, Willson, Presi- dent ; J. A. Citno, vioa•President ; lli- reotors—B. Tennant, J. A. Morton, S. Youhill, W. F. Brookonehiro. J. 33.1Pergu- eon, T, Agnew, R. Sperling, W. Taylor, R. Malndoo. 113Co ne hale]. Jae. Bowman, of the third line, lost a very valuable two year old gelding from pink eye last week. Wm. Cochrane, of the third lino, 0080 severely kinked by .one of hie ltorses a few days ago. Iio isgotting.arontld,how- ever, with the help of w dia. Reeve Mooney and Deputy Reeve Howe aro away attending the County Council this weep, Next Spring James Sherrie, lob 05, eon. 5. intends bnileling a bank barn. It will bo 50x54 foot with stone stabling, tte., underneath. Wm. 13 yclon lues the conbraet for the mason work and Chas. Proctor will be the framer. Debate in Friday ovening of this weak at the Township Hall on Independence; vs, Attnexettou," by Morris Centro club and rene :ctltativas of Sbino's 800101y. Adam Ferbos, of Itathwoll, Man:, and lee Donnie Forbes, both bormorreeidonts f this towneluip, ate here on a visit to rotative% And Mende, They art greatly pleased with the west and aro able to tenet* front experience after a, rosidolloo of 000050voe years in the prairie pros• ;)leo. THE E3R.USSELS POST .W !!tier,^ ,... -easel rw .r est teu eCed1= .wettest etr'rnoseer-ant Xer ..„e a7.1.rr~1 eaf a taxa a:ca , The Sunday Wheel at Anderson's sohool horse. hue Kenn termed tmtil next Spring Jea, Jetta e 1, of I ,nd,.ty, was vieithig with t he feneil' of due. Duncan fnr may- 'prat ay'prat weeks, Walter lone; i., talking of relehrg his barna anti 1 ttl. NIai stabile i411(r- n°nth rash summer. A nnteiea' nod literary entertafnntent ie beieg arranged for Friday evening, I'ehy. lst,at Barrio's school house. JOiHA;n 10 4011131Y.- -4)11 the 10,11 Inst. the residence of 11. Thompson, Otll con. was the sono of mirth and good humor, it beteg the 000asion of the marriage of Mira IIanutth MoDonald,Mrs Thompson's step.dangnter, to J. Smith. Tho earn. nlony wits performed by Rev. W. T. Olult, of Brun;els, in the presence of a large nrrmb•r of relative; an friends, Miss I'. MoDonlilrl was the bridesmaid and A, Smith groomsman. The bride has ucatly dreeeed in prune colored vol - vet, trimmed with garnet plana ,old white bloc; 404. Her sister, the brides. maid, woos it brown Jamey trimmed with b'owu pinch and white blossoms, After the usual eongrat-ilatious supper wits ann,uncort. The tables fairly gr etc. ed elide!! the Load Of rich viands. The wants of the inner man being well satis- fied Ilev. Mr,CleIT proposed the health of the bride end groom ion fel f c1' 00 0 speoah. The pre -ants t° rho bride were of a vale. Able wed useful ohmmeter, They con xisted of : -Table enc 15 by sire. 1V, Rands ; pin eus111011 by 3NT1s0 11oC0111'r ; parlor lamp by Mrs. D. Mo• Ontclieon ; Lru't l plate by lirss. Linea fruit p tato by lira. W. II. Clnakey ; oaks 11011 by ;Ire, G. Smith ; sot of preserve ditties oontpleto by Hannah Forst lh • stir pickle bowls by 1liee Smith ; card receiver by \Ira. 14. \Nellcor jr. ; preserve ,fish by Mrs, Il. Mc- 00toheon ; 11:1 of glassware by Mrs. Deane ; preserve dish by Mrs. W. filo- Carter ; butter ;Rah ey Mle, 11 Nichol ; water pitolier by Mrs. F. MoCuteheon er. ; cake dish rind boost by Mre. Bow- ley ; parlor lamp by Mrs. S. Forsyth ; parlor lump by Mrs, 3. Walker ; bracket ourtaiu by \110; 3, McCarter ; table cloth by F. McOutoheou and wife ; pair towels by Mee. S. Walker sr. ; cup and saucer by Miss Rebecca Forsyth ; white bed spread by Miss Armstrong ; wine biscuit holder by Mrs. 11. MoCotoheon ; card receiver by G. I7. MOCahl ; celery dish by Hiss A. McCall ; salt collar by Miss Kate McCarter ; card basket by Miss E. McCall; one dozen silver spoons, butter knife and table oloth by Mrs. Dougald McDonald and sister ; preserve dish by the Misses Hanna ; butter knife by 0. McQuarrie ; ailver pickle bolder complete by Goo. MoCarter ; silk hand- herobief by Dan. McCallum ; butter dish by Miss L. Kelly ; cake dishes ,by the Misses White. The older people %vent home shortly after supper and the young people of the community took their places. Dancing was indulged in until on toward morning to mesio sup- plied by Messrs. Kirkconnell, Smith and Dm Rands Bros. Tho company in separating for their respective homes wisbed Mr. and Mra. Smith long years of happiness. "1Oltttertll. Very gond sleighing, Splendid ourling and skating on the rink. Mrs. Fareburn, of Sacramento City, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Grant. On Tuesday last the curling club went to 8t. Marys for a little 'devarshun.' A Bachelor's Ball is talked of as an event of the future. Some hope it may long be an event of the future, Kenneth McLeod, who has boon some years in the store of Wm. Pickard, is going to Manitoba for a few weeps. Tho Caledonian conoert gives promise to be an entertainment of dome worth. Prominent parties from a distance are to take part. 0. L. Balland W. A. Hartly attend the Provincial Convention of the Y. M. C. A. at Ottawa next week as delegates from the Seefortll Association. We are informed that the old foundry owned by Dr. Colonial:1 is about to be put into operation and that Mr. Hendry will not be leaving town. Messrs. Rubber ,4; Roach, of the Com- mercial hotel, drive a very handsome span of Arabian horses, which take the nye of horeemou in town. 11. Jamieson started last week for the Old Country for his sami-annual purchase of dry goals, Mr. Jamieson has crossed the omen Rhone 137 times. The Mitchell lodge of the 1.0. G. T. visited the Seaforth lodge on Tuesday 1113111. A very element time was enjoyed in resoiving ted entertaining. Mrs, (Dr.) Coleman, who had tho min• fortune to slip and fall on the sidewalk Iamb 1Veduostl1Ly, breaking het arm, Is doing an well as can be expected. Mr. Cadman, of IIiunilton, has a largo writing ;lase in progress in one of the Y. M. 0. A. rooms. Great opportunity is afforded the youth Chia winter for solf- improvetueut. Rev, Geo, '[Deli :eaten, president of t:n, Gneipph Conformtee, preached a very ac- ceptable sermon in 1:110 Molhntliet ohurch last Sunday. morning. Inahe e1a0103 a platform missionary 100011/13 was 11e11, at which Rev. J. B. Mellor, of Hohnee. vino, also spoke. Ileo. 3.7.'. Leeeer, of lahel, conducted the services, both morning and eveta ea 1u ltsllenbury St 1f tl eli+t etutrrh last sut]day in nest ;esti lfae ,cry m u nu'. Huron is well r pr,-,,"1t,^l '1t the (1u1- leginto lustituto but the other ;entire; tiro not neglelte 1. Puede are here Iron as far east 00 001/01111A amt west and north en far as sue lakes. The Melt Jubilee Peine;, a errs, }tern urs the 111111 i no. l hr t111,74,11111 1*, 11111111111 of the rant and mud, turned out and WON 1101 dissapoilnhed, file 111'3"111 wee an excellent etre, did erselif. to the performers, and also plea:eel ani gratis tied the audience. Special service were held in the Pres- byterian church this last week. On Fri- day evening Itov Mr. McMillan, Man- ohes'er, addressed a very largo (toug,ega- tfen on the subjoin: "The Lont Sheep." On Saturday also he again preached. On Send.iy the servi001 were onndueted by Rev, A. Stewart, the pastor, whore the Sacrament was admintstorod. Rev. Mr. Smith, Baptist minister; prea011ml fn the 000 Lieut..Governor Shultz, of Mani- tobn,18 progressing favorably. J. N. Sheffield, who was shot by Chan. filer in Montreal, gill lives and may possibly recover. Rev. N. Patoreen, Prc.byteritlo nein. fete: of Ilanover, broke his leg Friday by steeping on the ice. Drs. Landerkin and Iley were summoned to attend }tiro. Hie i jury was f ,wv.l quit.: scrim.; Ito -1 wilt lay him up for a 1„110 time. Our render, Wrought) 11 the whale o,unty will be glare to kern that Cal, Bigear, M P.P., h e Ooutinne i t im- prove In health the last few week, and is p-op'o iug to att all the sitting of the Ontario Leglelrttiro which began "n the 21th .Inn. Mr. Biggar is still weak and can °pavers° but ale wly atilt hie im- provement le these respects erns boon cantinuons. Wo feel confident llie gel - taut, Colonel will receive a warm welcome from both silos of the House the oomiug session, A meeting of the Egg Dealers' Ass°. oiatinn of Ontario was held at the Albion hotel in Stratford on Friday afternoon. Among those present were D. D. Wilson (president,) and his son J, D. Wilson, '-eaforth ; A. G. r"labboak, Waterloo, secretary ; J. D, Moore, Wm. Danseith, St. Marys ; W. Packman, Port Burwell; D. K. MoNaughtou, Detroit ; William Richardson, Walkerton ; A. Carter, Elora ; Scott tt Hogg, Galt ; F. A. Brown, Sim000 ; Scott .0 Scott, Alliston ; Sperling, Powell, Wingham ; and Wm. Brandenborger, of Stratford. The object of the meeting, as near as could be asoor- tained, was to close up the year's tren- saotions, which 000sisted ehtafly of com- paring notes and results of the poet season's business. Dismission also took piece regarding the policy the dealers would follow should the 13. S. Congress put a duty on hen frutt, which it is fear- ed they will do. Should the duty be put on, the members of the association will likely taste concerted action. In conversation President Wilson enid the season throughout bad been a fair one for exporters, but it wound up badly and those who had stocks at the end of the season were bitten by the fall in prices. The dealers, however, almost without exception disposed, of their stooks before the season closed. The association, several members stated, does not regu- late prices and is not a oombinein any erase of the term. Every endeavor, how - over, is made to keep prides as uniform as possible, which is an advantage rather than otherwise. Another meeting will be held at Toronto in a month or so. (711 Alton. The foot ball club is in full swing and the Dominion may soon expect a chat. longe. Tho electric light is now in full blast and the appearance of it is very bine, making night almost as bright as day and throwing the moonlit the ebado, The Baptista held a suboeesful tea. meeting in the Town Hall on Monday evening. The affair was a complete suc- cess bath intellectually and financially. Mr. Hill, Welted Maxtor, C. C. I., oaou; pied the chair. The Literary Society is in full working order again. On Monday n very inter- esting and exciting election was hold. A. Budge was. eloatod President; Mise Primer, Vire President; Mies McGee, Soot; 3, floes, Treas.; Meyers. Barnhill, Bowertng, Montgomery, Masten and 11. Agnew Committee of manag0ntent Oa Sunday, lath Jau., Roy. George Richardson, Clodorich, filled the pulpit of Ontario St. Methodist church, of which Rev. T. lodge is the present pastor, its. tett evening it platform ]meeting was held, when Rev, Messrs. Richardson and Liv. ingetoto, of Rattenbury church, oda mse. eocl the collgeogotion on tho subject of Missions, IlIr. Tiplady mottled the chair. The choir favored the mcetiug with several oxr,,illently rendered select. !fore. Ono meeting 81e1111 d to he very enthtrsiattia, Largest Circulation in Westorn Ontario. pin,I- E 14. P.1 ESS? LONG')N, - ONTARIO. 1'e r 'Time 1'.r too 0115 11...nl, 4,1:1' 111 11.' 00011 1.0.01,1111110101,.\., un,ww�•1 wens Deseittellea. 11 aestrisn till too News, 1,3 n:a.de, Tul,grapb, leenen suit 3Ltd, tie to tit,, boor of gulne, to 111'ua,t. 1t ;eve. le ua01l )nsa origittel:ea ialua�4o Ian, tl. h: :r Of ilfl 0NET TO i,11,51 Any Amount of Money t15 Loan on Farm or \riilagc Pro., petty, :.t 6 d 61 Per Cent. Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege uu". 511.1 tbialln, 101111 la; 10, ugly 1 8 51..5,'0 of repaying whe]] .1.110/1111e(4.. Ill 10111!.111 011tp10)115 it); 0500 111't100i. The Weekly Free Press Alpo Pax Ycar. re: eon 19rsa. Iiatabllshes sande }1,111 a Contort'. 'Fits There 1 ray es;' and '•sty. the /Attie.. aide :' two handsome 0Il)Ul °r , also a been. ti MI lhusbratr l ('hrlattuua Nunahe,' eeul- prlmtng 38 0050), 110011 away Free to 000)Y oubecrrbor ;,;$,000.00 I N PREM 10118, Coi,rp. ening sew and WOO Art;etes, riven away Peso to Agents. 'olio most iibs,a1 no- dnterments ever G14,1'0(1111 C.ula.I,,t, :;;,art,, Send for 'soot's 1utlit al I tering, Tim'0 Dee l.rr„a" is t1 Ones Yoe' l i; and liv„uulg Poser mnbiishc.1 1 l .stern toe 04,1 1118 Porwl r-Ia i on ail il0 1 i,tr• itis tr: ire rear;n150 eet Toronto and Wlndsur by 9 ii. m., unit Iry 111,, "tile gaily 11/1111111 eit'."1 L m (11 ti 4:1; of 0101400 1, 0 ;,ora 1110 sit..• noun. The 1.1v,1 :.',•a ; (. - r of tho Worst, $5 ,110 per 00111 t. t 1 ." free. 0o1d i4 Agouti, < verywiiero. Addie 5s, - FREE PRESS PRINTING 110.. Co.xza:lr.. �lly, The undersigned desire to in- timate to the people of this sec- tion that they have bought out the BLACKSMITHING BUSINESS of 11411. IIOBT. A:14T'r1CI'l (Nest Door to Mr. John ii,nam's Wagon Shop,) and they are prepared to attend to the wants of all favoring them with their patronage. All Kinds of Blacksmithing Work Done, and i31TISPAC'TION GuAR:ANTBTD. We make a Specialty OT Horseshoeing, GIVE US A CALL. Roberts & Jefferson . Apply to A. Hunter, Division court Clerk, 73rus6a1s Clubbing Offer. 'I`ni; ISnsT will be Clubbed with the leading Weeklies as follows: The clobu and Ten Pose „ $2 25 The Advertiser . The Free Preget 2 s j Q3 .. .. 25 Menlreal Witness 2 25 Toronto News .. .. .. , .. 2 25 Toronto Empire.. .. , 2 25 'l'ha balance of thins year wi:1 be, elven Free to all New Hnb>eribers, We ask a Coroperison of T".,: Poem tvitlt tiz1, leading jonreel0 ,;' 11 tune Cetlaty '. Z. 4 oo„3r r, x Il vrxea .0 Pren'sn 111.00. NE ¥ O R e I GREAT BARGAINS 1)1— GLASSWARE, CHINAWA1RE, STONEWARE and all kinds of Fancy flood. As I iutend going out of this Line of Business Won't be Undersold. Large Stock of FRI;ITS, CANDIES, BUTS, Call in and See What We Have. 3. L. turijr0 Hanging Lamps and Hall Laps. We have Just Received a Splendid Variety of hanging and hall Lamps with the La ee;: Iuljnrove- inerts and most •Faslilouablo Patterns. Call in and Seo thele anti got Our Prices - 0 0 0 Just received from the Best Manufactures in Canada and the United States a Fulland Well Selected Stock of Cross -Cut Saws, including "The 'President,” "Lance Tooth, 'Champion,',. "Racer," &e. Persons requiring anything in this Lino should see thein.. 0 0 0 A Full Lino of the ;Best CHOPPING AXES ou hand. Seasonable Goods, such as Cow Chains, Halters, Lanterns, Apples 1'arers, Sloigll Bolls, Sit•., in abundance. Sold at Close .Prices. n 0 0 eiX.!+R. J ,!'e'4"P!r Jt, ALR.3!!P'ff3<.b We Guarantee all our Silverware to be exactly what it is represented. 1. Large and pWell Assorted Stockt, b to choose from. .laig Bargains in these Goods. We have Cruets, Berry Dishes, Butter Coolers, Napkin Rings, Individual Salts and Poppers, rise,, ho. Staple Lille:; of Hardware always on hand. Quotations to buiidet's cheerfully ;;iveu, Tllaul(iug our many Cualonlcrr3 for their Patronage in the past nen solicit a ,?Jfltiltllallee of the saulo, 9: 'Illi i4Tr!i11111')l 7'111+; S'1 Nei. A. 1 v ll: 1V1 1 } KAY e,Co.)B s5E;