The Brussels Post, 1889-1-25, Page 1Volume 16,
Gt.elie Poetr?.
OIIAN D'0N MINN 111011,
a ohaidlt a dheanamh ann an Glasaalm
ail' laths u0. h-Iubilee, 1887 :—
Ant FOSS. "Slainte choirleril Osinuli,"
no, ",tn C11Injt ilianti 1110 chain cig?''
Sidon :--Coir mu'n wain an t.alainte BO,
Britt a' 01104011 'n uair thnaghar
God tha mi bnchcl guar paighinn
'S chs Ckaidheal fear nacholi.
Dh' olnjun fheiu '11 gtt'n trangliainn i
Do flrior »mage DAD aonianhean
3)o bharra ghueog a' chkichain i
'S oho in. a mit glutol then paoltc,
Alt' eirieh fain le 11011 10o -iron,
Tho in til:o h 4haaun 111 smniil lu4,la,
'I'Ita leth eh•1i,1 blindlrin dlutinu nn diugh,
O•n ,.galla an Orbs talo og ort.
The tff,d,l 1141 go gleensadlr
ADM, an athar, 'a eufd air ghengibh cliugh.
The gram nam buadh o'u 1111'eit'ich i
A lausadh spear ro uirdheare.
Tha gair fo tbris each ionusramaid,
Tha ooisir dhoa is srlunnd ata
Tha sgal fo Ohiadan 0eamlOair ann,
Is dh' oirioh m' fhoun gu oran.
Gar moasail air an duthaieh tint,
'S a bhi 'n ar mow gu'r muirneooh heat,
Gu'm fag the patois luohairteaoh
A ohealltainn etuodh nam mor-bhean.
Bu mbaighdean bllensach bhanail tbu
Du ohoilo gbaolach ahennalt' thu,
Bu mhathair mhalda 's banaltram,
Le iul is reaohd is ordagh.
Tata soirbhoaohadh is gniomharachd,
A. our do shealbh an liomnhorachd,
Tha beannaohd bhoohd un milltean ono -
'S a chair gu'n d'chinn thu'n storms.
Do mboraehd toinuto 'a sitheaitachd,
Gu'r li.or ann am nteosg Righrean thu,
'Stu 'n diamon 11'measg Impairean
'Au ouirtibh grins nit h-Eorpa.
Do luiugeas air naatuadh-thonnaiblt,
An domhaun mor go ehuartachodh,
'S ag aiseag saorsathruaglranoibh
'N uair eboirear was do shrol-bbrat.
Cuhllremm sine Iaithcan dhuit,
is do'it uihao a dh'a raich flan,
11 fein'b11i liath moan fog thu sins
1 nrun a s oink, '11 (Ante dhuit,
IAN MAC P11Atn1I88.
(Ilschu, 1888. --111ulligh--
.iSrUeiie11 COI.1111c11 Meeting'.
The first meeting of alto new Council
was held on Monday )tt 11 o'clock, a. n.,
its per statute.
The usual deolaration being taken the
Council, composed of Ruevo Graham,
Corrnoillors Molntosh, Stewart and Ain -
lay, took their respective plows. Ooun.
cillor Strachan was not prltlent•
Moved by J. M. McIntosh,eeoonded by
W. F. Stewart that F. S. Scott be Clerk
for 1889 at a salary of 700. Carried.
Moved by Watson Ainlay, seconded by
J. M,.1vlolntosh that D. Stewart bo As.
sessor at a snlary of 8.40 per annum.
Moved by J. M. McIntosh, s000nded by
W. F. Stewart that Jas. Ross be Collector
at a salary of 940 per annum. Carried.
Moved by J. M. Molntosh, seaonded by
W. F. Stewart that Thos. Belly be Trea-
surer at a salary of 640 per annum.
Moved by J. M. McIntosh, seconded by
W. F. Stewart; that J. It. Grant be one
0f the Auditors of last year's accounts at
68. Carried.
Tho lloove appointed J. X. S. Tiirk as
the seoond Auditor.
Moved by Watson Ainlay, seouuded by
J. 111, McIntosh that Thos. Ballantyne,
Tiros. Maxwell and Thos. Pierce be
Fenno.viewers. Carriod.
Moved by J. M. McIntosh, seconded by
Watson Ainlay that Thos. Bradwell be
Pound -keeper. Corried.
Fay -Late No. 1, 1889, confirming the
appointment of Auditors was rand three
times and passed.
1i"vod by J. M. McIntosh, seconded by
Watson Ainlay that the Clerk prepare
By -Laws for next mooting confirming
above appointments. Carried.
Councillors Straohan and Ainlay were
appointed along with the Reeve as Stroet
Committee and Couuoillors MoIntosh and
Stewart, with the Reeve, Finanoe Com-
Council then adjourned 'until the 1st
Monday evening in February.
Annual Meet ig'.
The annual meeting of tho Directors
and shareholders of the Morrie and Grey
ohoose and buttor factory was held in the
Counoil obamber, Brussels, on Monday
of this was, Ino. Straohan, President, in
tiro chair.
Tho at%,nclnnco was not as largo as
nand owing, no doubt, to the inolomonoy
of talo weather.
rafter an opening address by lair. Stra-
ohan the Ahditore' report was submitted,
discussed and captained, It number of
those present joining in the (lisat:soon,
It was tweed by Jos, M. Martin, oco-
ndod by J, N. Kneahtel that the report
bo reaoivcd and adopted. 0011180.
Election of °Mtocrs for 1.889 was tiro
next order of business, Thos. Strachan
Movod by Mr. Wilson, seoondod by
Iiugh 11lalflunoa that Juo. Straohan,
James Irolttncl,9l G00ngo Minter, Jno.
Porbos and Jacob I{rauter 1 e,libo. Board
of Directors. Parried.
Moved by JAS.Iroland, seoondod by
Archin Lamont that Jno. Fb0 es. b0 re.
oppointod Salosman on the sante torn
s last year, 4-aacriod.
Moved by Jas. M. Marlin, s000nded by
Hugh Lamont that tho whey bo returned
to tho patrons 'for tiro 5005081 of 1880.
The following are a few of the items
tnkan from tho annual iopott ,—lT
pounds of milk te00fvod, 1,208,435 ; total
panda of olteeso Inad°,108,022; average
pounds milk to ono pound cheese, 1.1'13;
averago primo per galloifor hauling, 104
101118; i0atory opened May 14th, and
olosod Ootober 18th ; running 127 days,
BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JAN. 25, 9889. Number 28,
Th„ auditors werO 1'. B. Scott and A.
M. 91oKay.
The Direoors will mete in Gin Powell Monday, b'ubruary 4111 1' lot
.tato varioue ?milk routes for rho conning
11r, 1:dtiar, elm t1heesom.eller, 1146 11vr11
epleudid satiefnotion and the Directors
have mluutged tiro 11,1511005 oucfully,
urollomiaally and sotisfaotrrily, the
.sok of 108,;.,1• wino thine of milk being
the purple -ohm question of tho year,
;Our L.g•
Tor ',.. .1ALY'11108SPIN.L.
SC 4luy•s ,13.tautenally n•'nttdel all
TinI103101y 101,1 1Ve11nesLty of this week
metro 80 ell,.. h1.mpi i ho progr.- a 41 1110
cn,1111,) rink there. The nliair 1111.1 boon
"rc t 111. The he following 1101.1 ,11-
tereci the comp 1ici, u : Loudor, 13'1131•14,
Unmpft, Se. L
,, 4t, 110•rd, ?),•iglu, tiL
ill uy'e, Sarnia, 11,iterl0g, Forest and
1,isto.vel, All i , olube put in a.r ap•
pearanee, and all t.,olc part in the games
except Listowel This club rutnrued
home for sumo unexplained reason on
Tuesday. 'Elle first drew resulted in the
following list of games ;—
mtera loeqk3. ohslop ...... Cr, Moore, 9) 17
W.'redal°, ship •••••• 16 J.tieepeier, skip... 17
110 04
Majority for Waterloo, 4 shots.
T.ltaaberry, (lop 9 W. Andrews, slap 5.1
M. Ste wart, skip 00 B. sometime skip .. 18
98 818
Majority for Bt. Marys, a shots.
1100001Tn, BTnATBonn.
R. Common, skip34 A. MoLaren, 4k1p 11
A, Young, skip 17 d. Watson, skip... 12
41 911
Majority for Stratford, 18 shote,
1'AnIB, - 0107110N.M. Cavhn, skip 28 7. Wilkinson, skip 12
J,13rnekbank,ekipel 14.Fy 1i, skip 10
0.e si
Majority for !'arts, 19 shots.
TIt' platy in the second draw wont on
with this result ;
Auris 8.1 Guelph 94
Seuforib .....................43 1"oroet -- "•1
In the next round St. Mary's defeated
Paris by 88 to 113, lea ing St, Mary's and
Sbafarth iu for first maw, the losers
to play Paris for seoond and third
r'he final gam) in the b01109101 series
for (trot prize was played Wednesday sv-
eveuiu,, between the Soaforth and tit.
Ilory's Curling Clubs, resulting in au
easy victory for the (forme team. Scorn :---
a'.T. MARY',: ' ANAF0aT=
W. amirnws. skip..., 19 .9. Young, skip.., , 111
8. Speriur4,skip.......21 It. common, skip,.12
Total 10 Total "11
OlitjorIt.y fo 1111, Alarv's, 11.
The last game of the series, to deoide
the seoond and third prizes, was played
ou Thursday morning between the Sea.
forth a ad Paris Clubs. The mild weather
on W.'dnesday made the playing heavy,
but all the games were !keenly contested.
Tho home olub entertained the visiting
clubs to an oyster supper on Wednesday
Perth, County Notes.
The,Stratford dry goods stores close at
6 p. tn.
Miss Agues Knox, the elocutionist,
ooutempl'atoe making another tour in
the Old Land.
County Counoil in session this week.
Siecvo Freeborn, of Morniugton, is the
Warden for 1886.
Politically the Stratford pity oonnoil
for 1886 comprises eight Conservatives
and an equal number of Reformers.
1. L. Corcoran, of bIratford, has ono
of the fittest oollartions of chiakons in the
Province. At the recent St Ootharines
poultry show he captured 17(priz00.
Two young follows had a pugilistic
enoountor on tiro market square, Mitohsll,
the other night over a girl. Tho Fuller-
ton lad got a severe pummelling.
Two young men were fined 92 each
and costs at the Stratford polio° court
on Friday morning, for trespassing and
stealing timber from lot 45, 2nd con.,
South �D' asthope.
The Georgo '1'. Smith Company of
Stratford, have arranged to manufnetur0
the Cyclone Dist Collector, formerly
manufactured and sold in Canada by the
llnielcerbrooker Monufaotsriug Co. of
Jackson, Mich.
If Mr. Butler, of Stratford, was ac-
cused of drinking last year, when he had
a voto of 887, what will he be accused of
this year when he has a vote of 660 ? re-
marks tho Hamilton Spectators. To
whioh the Stretford Times 5ugge510 the
reply of tobbing graveyards.
Boferring to the adhesiveness of the
Stratford's mud, the Hamilton Spsotator
00010,180 that si000 tho Hamilton wain -
gout went to Stratford the lotter plane
has become quite citified, and tiro 135aa.
8088 aunounoes the arrival of a boot-
black. Tho artist has to u5o a pick and
shovel before ho begins the brushing
On Saturday awning last tin editor of
this Doper ,net the ill-bred and ill-natured
thing who °ill° hfineelff the manor of this
town, on the street, and asked him a 8101)3'
reasonable and a very civil quostion.
Intend of receiving a civil answer he met
with nothing but insolence and natural.
born impudonos. The intellootually be.
niglithd entity, who temporarily calls
himself the mayor of tho town, 1)05-
S05Mes neither tho oourtesy nor tho
oivilfty of a common oad,—Mileholl. Re
Tho District Lodge of Elmo, met in
the Orange hall, Jan, 8th, for the put-
poso of winding up the bnsinoss of the
year and for tho eleotism of officers. The
W. M. and Sec's. roport gavo evidence
that Oraugeiom was still otl the holmium,
Blore being an 90010ase both in member.
ship and fin anclafly. Talo following
of(foors wore duly (looted and onetallod
into their eespootrve o8ioos :—Bro. ill.
Long, D. 181. ; Bro, E. M. Alexander,
D. D. big ; Bro. I-1. Willoughby, D. Chap.;
33to. T. 30, Ilay, D. R. 5, ; Bou,' C. W.
Oousino,: D, I''. 8. ; Boo. 30, T. Eomp, D.
D. Otte., and Bro, Jos, Bailey, D. ,Loa.
After nevotal spe0011es by the oIileers tiro
10896 was duly closed.
.wit.-•,s0.,s fauwtaxmcnuwmxi •namsA,arsum wrow.ravemr,uace�s,e.,an+vm,„,;, se.M
Grant v. J01111 13.8.
A. 11. N. ani11INN 41:'1'5 LENT AGAIN AND 1156
T11111 now somewhat celebrated caro lots
last enurluded title tho deliverance of
FusHeo Falc1n11tldgo giving the plaintiff,
d, It. (1148111, pltstun••ster of Brnssela, o
vor•diot for full costs. Tuesday's dailies
didpn0(8 of it as f411ow'0:
"'Paris wee err action of libel against the
defendant 0.0 publisher of the Brussels
ilndg'at, 1 , which t1)0 alleged libollaud
w t•'.or u
1 Ito nc1inn was triad a (loderioh bof'ro
led • mor; idle, .1., and a j Iry, ,8111,1(0111111
ier for Op - plaintiff to. tr1
• he gne5. 181 of ':,0..1 1,713
:W3_083.039 In Turns,,, mot ju'l ' '1 • 11 naw .I.r.
lost •3.
h,tlr n,b 1114 J. The dofendant pima.
1 ' ieia.liratiun, whi':h h18s br•(.n
tived i.v (1u, ,jury. At the trial ito. 010/1.
211u,1 his WN) defuse; -crr ainly with
great ltbility -but not as cor8aiuly ,vith
(Vial jtl-l;lu,on1, in at 1hast ono or tore re-
spect,. He ,vao, of comae, all 'wed great-
er latit"de, iu the examination and cross.
examination of witnesses and in oddress-
iug the jury, than 1 would havo allowed
to any counsel at tiro Bar. The ueces-
eary result of this WAS tbat tha plaintiff
,vas handled with great severity in the
witness box and out of it. Questions and
.'ugvostious, gravely affecting his moral
character and quite unsupported by any
s"bstantive evidence, were unsparingly
and unmercifully indulged in.
The plaintiff has dearly bought his small
verdict at the price of numb mental tor.
tura. and I feet bound to give him fall
-hero is another consideration whish 1
tbiuk places the propriety of this order
beyond controversy. 73y this action the
plaintiff sought not only damages but an
injunotion. An interim injunction woe
granted, for wilful and porsisteutdefiance
of which the defendant underwent im-
prisonment„ in the 00121113011 gaol for days.
That lujunotion was made perpetoel by
tho judgmont after the trial. I think the
plaintiff is ou this ground entitled to full
.lnclgmont wji1 bo entered for tho plain-
tiff fo 71 damages, with fall costs of snit
aotj without any set-off by the defsn-
Osler, Q. C., for the plaintiff.
Shop!• •y for the defend .nt."
Tho Baso from its commencement had
evert appearance of having been a pre-
nrc,3itateclattnok on the posttnodtor. The
papers containing the most villninons at-
taoks on the plaintiff would hove in some
part of it a statement to the offeot ,bat
no malice woe intonclo:l. This quite too
clever ruse exposed itsolf.
A properly oouducted nowspoper serves
a useful purpose in that it keeps the
publics acquainted with events eacurriug
from time to time, and, within proper
limits, deserves and should be protected,
butinuroased power brings increased re-
sponsibility, and we cannot ignore the
flat that private citizous have rights that
most be maintained, whether they be
postmasters, editors, merchants or any -
ono else. Tho editor who transcends the
bounds of deoency and the legitimate
range of newspaper criticism is not only
a disgrace to the profession but is not
true to himself and will, sooner or later,
get his doserts.
This naso has already attracted a good
cled of attention. It was all unprovoked
attack on a trusted official, where every-
thing that malice oould suggest lend an
inflamed imagination picture was ground
out weekly. Not only the postmaster
but everyone who hod the cotu:age to
igooro this self -constituted Diotator mine'
in for weekly tirades of abase, until the
w•h, le. community was ml 011;0. Nothing
good was there unless it received his
sanoLion. The bast motives were dis-
torted to snit the viloxt ends as "evil
minds change good to their own nature,"
but as everything must havo an end so
tho flight of this too daring Pegasus has
been cut short. Tho postmaster, after
many months of almost fiendish peraeoa-
tion, and after due warning, commenced
an action for libel (a thoroughly orthodox,
but expensive, proceeding.) Almost a
8100511 motions, mostly by thedefendant,
wore made at Osgood0 Hall. The first
resulted in "coats in the cause," but as
tho true oharit0ter of the defendant da,vn •
ed upon the judioiolniends of their Lord-
ships mole succeeding motion was mode
"costs against defendant•in any event."
The cumbrous naohiuory of „the law
now began working in earnost. An in-
junction was granted against the de-
fendant to restrain his further libelling
tho plaintiff until the trial.
"The Godwin bounty work up storms
about us
That give nutultind woman to exon
Their hiddon st1•ongth. "
But our hero disdained any attom to to
clip his wings. He only dipped deeper
and shrieked for gore without co 118109
tho Dost. Justice Rose granted the in.
jatteti011, and 'Justine 112a0MIQion shortly
after issued on Order committing the
clofondout to the County jail for 811 days.
Boma thio salutary lesson was lost neon
him, for from bahincl the prison bate is
continued to d0),nonetrate
"That evil is ,vrought by want of thought
As well as wont of )cart."'
He appeared nt tho trial a pr senor from
tho cells, but tam entoecod rest was well
utilized in preparing for tho sk'nggl°.
Tho triol oamo on, 27 witnesses r[
to ev0ry sort of evidenos, extending over
a period of 23 years, on behalf of tho do• .
fondant. The plaintiff had no witno'Oes,
relying upon the defendant establishing
from his papas and from his own mouth
the 00000010137 malice, This ho did to tho
perfoot sotlsfootion of tho judge and jury,
the result being o veediot of libel on every
count against the defendant, It io trio
tho donlogos wero only nominal, but 80
those' aoglulintOd with sotto of this kited,
especially Whoro tho dofetidant, swing toll
hops was gone, charged the jury from a
par(15an ttondpo in, that will bo cagily
Recounted for. Tho gnostionof 4bebs wet
ro0arvo11 of Mae Wel, but w0 ghat above
111(0 deliveranod of Juehoo Fitlaoebridgo.
TO any intelligent person, with 'a mind
tapable, of , the poser of rojfooliou, it
utast and is evident teat fir; plaintiff .11084
wholly right umti tiro ,11fendaltt wholly
d.'foolant, roe e081ten8 to eat otos•
lex elleuee and learn 0 10840811 from Iris
00110 than folly, hos, by implication,
diotatlon to 818, ur pepers, elan'lerous ut
teraael,s, writing 1.LLers whore lin thought
it would injure 1110 plaintiff and an at.
tempt, at a pall!, meeting in a noigltl'ar-
ing valuate. endeavored to acennlnli lei
what ha was reairai•t"1 from 11011.) fly the,
injnl81i'a, made perpetual at the trial,
Huts h.:nn weeying 1. web wh)ah, if ca.
f 8484 1, ,vir relc''.'e trine t4 )1.5 doom ha
11 foot 981''9)1t8 im; for him•:elf,
We, .. with i'41 8111 81':4 p..,Ile war,
h 0.o th•, nom( 0' I he 3•30311113:3 nity •t', 111,1.3.1,
333•31 0 1111,8 11:, 83:era is •,i hif 88.,84
-oat; ,I..te x18 or.rubs, by th+ hit':rsL
11,1t y the i 18',:1, fr,m th<,
m0per-,io ,+ a -11..19V. -1 to 1O' 811 ,1 1110011 (8911
581 88,1tlr, 13 di; :e '.n .,'rein! :811.1 a eat-
re.,,,,,w0. to . ;h � ::p.;:i.•.t. of tea,
fowl:tot u1 c' pros'n a warning to thn:w
who urn diep081ed to nee, too arbitrarily,
1110 power tv.,ie11 they ftmtgine they pos-
se4e, forgetting to point the moral taught
ie Grant ve. Seinti,10,
"lloiv sublime a thing it is
To suffer and be strong."
,t nation of p 'moire is she. 1110 1, issue f
thin;: that 1 11 111' 0001' even 1•, pilot. No
nation does or ever call produce whit it
co18umeo or consumes what it pr lacca,
° All nohow find it 11 +•eseln'v 11 e0111IIVr.v1
oorumndities and tiro higln,r in 11131 010.1,3
of intelligence. and wealth that the nation
rises the more varied does that exchange
b0eotne. B fore, dreg isolation which
Mr, ]tonal l desires nonan be es•abli 1,o4,
eivilisati to w,nl:l have to disappear a :d
the ivorl:1 would relapse into oorbarce.0
awl the slam tint ad vocal 848 s,inn 1:3 :111
mutiny of tie roue, A t ,.f whie , gens to
prove tiro, anile MI It ol'd 1 1 111-V1 of
l.tn1testilrtbh. (hall 1 urs of rear
hn4inee4 1. 1.):•y vr.1, 111.0 11:1 0 /1:83.811 l I' of
111: 1'0.^,' r,tli,u;r.lta or ite.ri -.1 'teen
331:1 eunli•y of '843. 1O 8'. 1, 1n ,1..;.,1•
so2011,11h• Wort of my etar.l-' ft•i.•'r,
111 ' te.• 11.1 In ;1;..8
1(11'1,•(8 m,•, ri01181• ,1'1.1 t'," no,r maul
9)'t n•,•r ; that ll't, for , 1 fore I 81.,88 '.It
gre,1 .31, ;431, 1 ::,1 IInn 4,1111: -11 n l:,, 1 an 1
g181 '1 7n• ,'.1 011i -,f .1:8.08 r.
dans", welt a 110i this rotors a more
even chetrul.i 8uu of ,14,11811, itwvlll4 for
its foltudnti::n, the graft at good t' rhe
greatest nnnrh::r :ttrl the glulioa( prin-
ciple of 8111 oniv0rsal br.tharho0_t of
man for ito corner stone.
In conclusion I pr0teat again311 this
evorbtstiug belitbling the ability and en-
terpria, of eaoaditens by saying that we
Cannot hold our Own for we 03n and do
hold our own. We see Canadians going
over to the United States and more ;Ilan
holding their own, and why cannot they
do it on their own soil? The terrible
vim and push Of manufactures of the
United Staten, which is such a boa b'ar
to Mr. Ronald, did not appear to much
advantage ie the late eloution when evory
mothers son of them were shaking in
their shoes lest thei protection w„uld be
reinovod and Canadians ruin them.
Thanking von for yout4epaoe, I am
Yours rOspeetfujly, Antu Goon.
Free Trade vs. Protection.
To the Editor of Tar Peer.
Deno SIn.—In It communication, over
the signature of 'J. D. Ronald, in your
last issue, he asserts as it crusher to his
opponent, Thos. Strachan, in the disous-
5ion of the aboat subjeot that : "Auy boy
knows that if our citizens hero go to
other towns for their dry goods, boots
and shoes, furniture and all they non-
eume, our merchants and shoemakers
and other producers will be ruined"
Nov as there oould um be a better illus-
tration of the absurdity of the contention
that protection is a 50nrce of National
wealth than the one used by 31r. Ronald,
and as the purobasing of goods at outside
places prevails to a considerable extent
among the good citizens of Brussels, even
Air. Ronald '%clare Day oocasionily motes
a purohase at other places if he can get
better saite:l than at Brussels, and he
has a perfect right to do so if he wishes.
Now euppos0'lhat our village Counoil
should pass te By-law, if they had the
power, imposing a. fine or duty of 35 per
cent. on 011 goods punloosed at retail
stores ontsido of this corporation; 620
worth of goons they would bo r,gaieed 1,
pay a fits duty of 67 on their arrival a.
the station 11aac, this, ac0ordin • to Mr.
Ranald'6 reasoning, if Mr. Strachan will
portion inn for calling reasouiug wham; Mr.
Rewind publishsd,would be a great source
of wealth to Brussels, the (18105 or duty
would lilt tho treasury; The storekeep-
ers would grow rich by being releived
from outside competition. They could
advance thoir prices say 30 per oent.
above what the merchants of Winghom
and other places are selling at. Every-
one can see that the people of Brussels
would be very much dissatisfied with
that state of affai,s, yet that is just what
we are doing in a national way.
But let us examine the principle of
protection by means of this illustration
a little fortlior and its evil results will
bo more fully apparel/ . Suppose that
rho merchants of Brussels, being releivea
from outside competition by a paternal
Council, should form a ring or trust,
close a large number of the plaoes of
business, and allow the parties . who had
boon keeping these plaoes a large aura
yearly on 0,nditian that they did not do
any business, and you will hove a fair
representation of the (loots of pruteobiou.
That a late which would permit with
Wings, would be a very unjust one and
detrimental to the best interest,of Brus-
sels everyone, with tbu exception of bI:.
Ronald, will readily, 1 think, admit
tho oitiz,•no tvottld gaurubie, ms
they certainly would, at the clear goods
and express a desire to purchase at Wing -
ham or Listowel, we oould tell thorn, as
our protectionist frionds aro doing, that
this policy is necessary to build up the
inorohauts of Brussels, we oould show
them the fine houses they aro living in,
how rich they ate becoming, that ,810 )lad
to protect our pets from the rude nom•
petition of the peeper storekeepers of
Winghom, the rich storokoeps of Soo, -
forth (very consistent argument this) and
the terrible vim and push of Listowel.
If such a thing was a reality in regard to
tirusaele the people would leave by the
score just as they are leaving the country
by the thousands,ohovingthat; protection
as a creator of wealth Is a fraud and
"fails to connect" a5 a preventative to
tho gold and the pooplo going out as Mr,
Ronald would have us behove:
It is poor consolation to the (armor
who is eearoely making a living i,,ud the
storekeeper who is spending hie capital
to know titan we "built top' Peter Rod -
path euiflorently to unable him to buy a
palaee in Nngiond and retire ,hors with
his tbuusaulia, or that the fitesoys and
the Gurneys and 111, Huss' and the
Drummonds aro waking colossal
Asking the 1 months in ro• ord to the
pros erity of !the United States. Has
this unparalleled developomont of wealth
not 000urroct under a pretcotivo tariff ?
Does not this provo that the high tariff
was rho own o(that prosperity? Pamela?
has had a high tariff fur eleven years and
yet we two not prosperots. Groat ,Bri
fain boasted fro( trade for nearly fifty
years' and talking everything into con-
animatlon sho js firs most prosperous
of notions. A8 the late Presidential
olbotion in tho United States,a majority
of thio doctors dooidod that a high pro-
teottvotariff is' a hod thing for that
country, it boing o notoriolts fact J'resit
dont.olaot Ilatrrlson is not the ctioioo of
a majority of that notion by many
11onoand0 of voice.
Mr. Ronald very prudently does not
attempt to piovo that Groot Britain laid
tho foundation of ho' grest:mos nttder
pratoation, so it falls o1 n0 0110 to dia.
prove it, If 0050/810 s like tido would
pass 0.0 proofs, there would be no (Iiill•
may in showing that "1110 moon in node
of grew olioose."
Tho statement that owing, we pro:
Blum what tee consume w0 well boomer
t1al>'oll Cola. fty °otos.
Tho new organ factory in Clinton
seems to be progressing.
A Lew society 0,01101 the "Sons of
Root," is about to be organized in Exeter,
Geo. E. Pity WAS re-olooted chairman
of the school .Board for the ensniug year
at Clinton.
The establishing of a factory in Clin-
ton for the nlauafactare of furniture is
spoken of.
?Sr. Irwin of Clinton filled au order for
20,000 bushels of b.trloy for the New
York msrk:'t. This r,pre,onts 50 car
A petition i0 in uirunlation in Clinton,
and is being largely signed, asking that
R. M. Racey be oppointed to the offica of
postmaster of Goderich. '
The raove and treasurer of Blyth have
efloeoed ti,o sde of debeatureo to on i t•
sureties company in Benin at Sag((, prem-
ium, which is 997.50 on the 93,000.
D,13. Panatela recently ofCalbick t
Reith, furniture deolora, Clinton; wid
shortly move to Winghonn where hs uas
parchased a business in the same line,
Pheannuol meeting of the Seaforth
Public School Board was held on Wed-
nesday. On motion F. G. Noelin teas
elected chairman and Wm. Ballantne
secretary for the current year.
John Thorp sold his farm on' Wm 2nd
con., Tuoltersmith, to T11os. Carter fur
93,800. This farm contains. 110 soros of
good land but there ore no buildin. s on
it. Mr. Thorp has gone to Kansas.
The election of ofiioers of L.O.L.No
818, MoKiliop,resnited,is follows —Bros.
John doarlett, W.M. ; Jam31 Homey,
D. M.; Wm. Dynes, Chap ; Henry Soar.
debt, R. S.; Robert Boyd, 1. S.; Anthony
Boyd, Trent.; 1Vm. Bullard, D. of 0.;
IV 118:'ucy and R. S.arlett, Lootnrers;
A. Robertson, If. 13oberts,m, J.H. Camp-
bell, D. tIcOncheon, J. Bullard, Conl-
Tho annual Meeting of the Hallett
District Orange lode° held in the
Orange hall, Clinton, on Tuesday! Bros
ltobt. Scarlett, District Master in the
chair. .0. large number of delegates
were in attondauoe from the different
lodges tbroughotb the district, and some
very important business transacted. The
following officers were elected for the
ensuing yoar Bro. Robert
Scarlett, ro•eleote 1 ; U.D.1I., Bro. 1. at
Todd; Chap., Jas Horsey; See., faro. P.
Cantelou; Treas., Bro. D. Oontolon ; D.
of 0., Bio. W. A. Ross ; Leoturere, Bros.
W. Kearns and W. Hervey.
A meeting of the Medioo) nssooiatlon
took place in the tarp front room bo•
longing to the Meohanics' Tnstitut4,' Sea -
forth, on Taosdayl5th inst., at 10 o'clock.
Dr, Elliott, of Brnsefiold, noted as chair-
man and Dr. Worthington, of Clinton, as
secretary. The other members present
were Dr. Sloan, of Blyth, Drs. Coleman,
I,ieTavisb, Campbell and Mukid, of Soa-
forth, Dr. Irving, of Eirldon, and Dr.
Gang, of Clinton. Tho meeting con-
tinued until about 0 o'alook. Sevou18,1
patients were pr0sontod and disonssions
had thereon, while Otllor 1110109)0188 road
papers of an interesting oharacter: On
the whole it was u0udidored n wiry profit.
able mooting. Dr, Gotta was e10at0d
presfdent,Dr. Irving vica•president, lurid
D1. Elliott woo re•clected aaorotary for
the present year,
Tam MCK)Ia.or INsrn,N1i COMPANY,—`
The annual 10eetjng of tho members.of
tho McKillop 01010al Tiro'inor/rano°
Company was ]geld in the town' hall,
Seaforth, on Friday last. T1toro was
a fair ottonllaneo. Tho annual report
was rood and adopted. From this rot
port Wo learn that Chore aro now 1,604
pohcio5'in foroo, covering all iu50ran00
of 92;281,405; Tho' onlount of tho
osmium :was now held is 958,520,131.
During the past yoar thorn were 800 new
po110i08 talton out wowing nu in501a1100
of 9482,275. It Will thus bo soon that
the company is making 5atisfactOry pro.
gross. The assessments 001100180 during
the year amounted to 93,280 mad the
losses paid amounted to 91,819.80.
Tliero was Oleo timid daring the year
91,000. borrowed last your, The 'so.
want for the year was closed with a
13 1aune of 9260,48 in tiro treasury. The
assets of ,tine' company amount to 7110,.
072,50 wltilo 1190x0 aro nt liebilfti53. The
: only carina, ml•• in ti/,',
18 1111113 0 181 'are elation of Jangle Evans
' O'r 1teKillop in 31!a•0 of John 3384(115,
' and 1,9 1 4. 1 n:"tt for Golerneh ('' w'wl,-p
f , plao3 of tit ., late 14enry
it ton la of 'f'"ekeremith, was 9ppo ntcd
1Ha :ager, Ata nnn.titnt of 111, 1)ir••u ,)v0.
gnbse88lntly Held 'I'. E. 11u)-; two NI..
sl,ntml president In.! 1('1 ,111'! 111,0, p,'tn•
ley, Vice•Pre•:ident. W. J. Sala mon was
r.1pp1)iaterl Seor.'t•try aa'1'1'r ...•..,r.,:.
.,,10311.811 glom 841+-
011,111 sr:, 3'' .,. 111,1 e t 0, 1
lir• i r e i 1!. •;hos•4 .',14
,, ,!lit, 1111 + n -.,K•
foe ni.1,
'l`h„.•,'t 031 ,'3303 '.+rr :, •. , . 14
s.tE-3 1.0 }PI :1r. ..., n . .
'1'31'•1.€, .33....;••• li,18, 1.1 , fY'To
'11,,N1:111:1:8,11 `a11:r,t, n„ 1+i ":a-
teei t its di '„ i :m/,r 1.1 .. , 3331I9 8,1 in
Smallpox is epr..eatiug to a ,.:-isle ex,
toot. in Monroe wet nta1Qr lot, tea., t.'nit-
ties of liiehigan.
The Tariff Bill 9)81,8190.1 She I7,litld
States Senate Tuesday by 113 Lo 30 o r a
striae party vote,
The Queen Regent of Spain will visit
Queen Victoria iwmediatoly otter 11nr
arrival M. Biarritz.
The Russian Government le preparing
to introduce tobacco monopoly tlttrlugb.
out Russian Poland.
Tha Nicaragua atrial is to be finished
in five years, according to A. Ca Menooal,
fine obiof enghn3r.
Co'leetor Pompon's order iinpoeing
duty on Canadian.. .nitre pa.sine Detroit
Ilan been suspended.
An earthquake, awfullpaniea by a
violant gale, has occurred .11 Ath no,
Megara and Arachova,Grooce.
It is stated that no suoces50r to Lord
Sackville toil! bo appointed until after
the inauguration of General ldarri"on;
Air. McAdoo, of New Jersey. wants the,
U•lited States tloveramant to del:itcht
the system of representatives to foroigu
A an or has b::11 arroato' la Madrid,
having 1'1;31 4 par cent. 1,tlnisll In-
terior Debt bowl., to tots am:rnit of 9)883,-'
00 0.
Tbo New Jar'ev Demo:natic can n4
arta passed a bill for the 1111psa1 o) tate
local option law awl to 1.1 the high
Hamm low stand.
3. er50ier 4eio8191819 to to , ilrit;alt
Australian ,gnadron has b,8., . oeip:xoh-
e.1 to Samoa, whore sho will ,arrive at
tin" cud of taus ,creek.
The 1 oval College 01 Physicians and
Surgeon "(London) has censured Sir.•
:1io:•41 Mackenzie forpublishing his hook
ou Emperor Frederick.
Tha British sloop Emerald has seized
73,000 worth of smuggled opiuin tde. 12
.lbiuomen near the mouth of Port Dis-
covery Bay, Puget Sound.
The towns of Ingalls and Cimmaron,
Kansas, are rivals for the title of the
county seat and a fight has occurred in
which several were killed.
On November 21 an earthquake almost
totally destroyed the town of Quanero fn
Central America., bat despite the wide-
spread destruotiou no loss of life ooaurred.
Advioos from the Lake Nyanza region
show that the soca'ssitlt revolt against
ivlwanga, Ding of Uganda, involved the
de'truotion of several miseion etetione
and the death of many missionaries and
Hamilton has 0,1316 public ahool
Sixteoa applicants snu;llb app0int-
meet 10 the vacant pnlicetnanslup of
An olvence of ,,batt tett per eont, in
grey cottons hail haw :egreid :poo by the
Canadian cotton manufacturers.
As the opening of Parliament appro-
aohes there 10. an intlnx to the capital of
persons desiring °Menges in the tariff.
By the premature explosion of a dyua-
mito cartridge in the Albert copper
mine at Sherbrooke, Quebec, Donnie
Couture and Joseph Noel were blown to
Wm. itooey, of I%irkton, who was
once a strident of St. Mary's Collegiate
Institut° and who is now a practising
Weyer of the 'United States, is over hero
visiting the scenes of his childhood be-
fore settling down to his profession in a
new field in Detroit, Mich,
We are glad to be able to report that
tiro iron pump swindlers were recently
beaten in court suit. The case was the
Iron King Pump Co. against Joseph L.
.Richardson, of Downie township, county
of Perth. et shrewd old agent, 1t seems,
oalied on Mr. Richardson to talk up those
wonderful pumps to him. HO represent-
ed that the CO, wanted merely to havo'
some put in chiefly os suuples or advor-
Lisements to firs othor atrium round, 00
that the pump could be made widely
known in the neighboring conmmnity.
The talk was su000seful 01111gh on the
Mick old gait's part to 1mluc t Bantud-
son finally to sign s )mcthing, which ho.
did without properly investigating the
11090r, and ,which turned oat to be an
au ordoe fora dozen pump0. With nome
mendable promptitude tho pat0pe were
delivered at Ms place 0 day or two atter
by a couple of new nom. When. it came
to settle, tho head one also drew it over
Riobardson ,veli 'olo0g11 to get him • to
sign a note for 9165 at ono year'0 time.
The ordor.11ow0ver, tuenod out to :be
signed J. 1,. Riabardson, while the note
was signed J. Richardson, and this the
'stranger rontorked and asked to havo
reotffiecl. Riollardoon ' m0auwhil0 had
oonoluded that 110 was being drawn out
too far, and wales the nota was hended
book to be reotifiacl ho tore it up anti
threw it awoy and refused to have any.
thing 'mors to do with rho min. Ito
shortly after notified the Iron li,ing
Pump Co. to twlto their pnmp5 away,to
whichthoyresponded by 1Oferrfng him
to the tendar' morales 09) their lawyers.
Than the suit 0am0, roealting in' n ad -
back to thalro0 King Pump Co, and a
verdlot for ltialtardsoi,. .who will' prOb-
ably be more cattion9 Alter�this With oily