The Brussels Post, 1889-1-11, Page 8TLe feria ng ern n fc,v of rhe ninny
I3nDks wo Here for sale:
In the Polar Regions 00e
VaertOue Caves and Cataeombe 70
Among the Cannibals 00
"bin head ltereeq "0
Fenton Boys
3 t tur(s'WVonders
' The World's :Bitbday
pnldotre .( arra n., \i', r''or-
Self taup bt leen
Stories t+i invent101'
Nature's wonders
Lale Euphrates and the hi rf .. , 70
We:eters of the Heavono 35
G. A. Deadman,
hr:,;gt at. ToskartlrrrP
Fancy (code l'.'a,'r
600 fancy cutters, for style, material and
99 flinch
70 IT is0afd that rowed of the betel.
?p keepers have got thetusl'Jven into trouble
by opeutng their ear rooms after 0 o'clock
s nit election any,
E. E. Weer was at Clnderieh on Tues•
day attending a complimentary supper
to M. G. Cameron, prior to the latter's
removal to Toronto.
Tett smiling countenance of Giff.
Elliott was seen in town tine week. 110
expects to leave shortly for ,liontreel
where he takes a situation an the legal
stall of the 0. P, R.
}1111nnoCl111lci, s,.as, more familiarly
known es "3fl rdi0,"war, in t' w1' an Wed
nescla>•. Mrs. AltLenc an and family re.,
moved to I.w"ion 1 1 week and is cont•
fortsIly setthi on Sil.ief street,
Tar union p , co'•race oil Tuesday
evening, in 1t, t1 cnnrch was in c} urge
Ifooreet cough in town.
Totter school re, opened last Monday.
141n+,v. e'er. Of pori( (,hipped last
le vett have not renewed your suh-
eeriptiou, now is a gond time to do it.
New arrivals this week, Handsome
Hanging Ruby Lamps at 13. Cieriy's. 20
Nunn, Love & Co. take the lead br
give :4 l,t.i1 i [rite i :(*: the
COlUI: IikM1.10; manufactured in
Seafarth. (1(110,1
err, Moan] of Fig
1.te sae rad varees 1,,,vo r, ato,1
::110 ;or f o.to011
sell it. Piero 7,1 et
<,r Lev, it. Pent. On Wednesday t.
Di. 1 f'., Eur,,,11,r -.firs Ballantyne ,vnll .
l •g in the 11 11 ,.!1st church, Ile,
Swann t•r, aid, 1 ,tu.t on 11, ,1..l av 0
g in 1tc1vi3l elunc'1, I ev, ,T. la s
4., e 1)duct -'l the envies,
,131• 1 CO, 1t.tD Al It'I111L, l'ro): rI.• or.
.. _._ .:.. .t 11 ke _._._
111119, G. L. Bate, of benf.,rtlt, le ,Jsits r' r' 2121 /7 p} t�,�1 r1yS ((yy p,,nn
lug friends in llruesols. i PEOPLE'S UWit,f �'tl119 a,
ado. MItAD9)ra has boon very ill an 1 is
not out of danger• yet.
mean, N1nr. rifeLdueutax and children
11x00 roturnod from a visit to Chesicy
., Itarfor Halo. \1'i11deliver .t fu neap%
CALL at XI*: POST Bookstore and get TIIOH. rJ'.1'rIr1I,
ane of the woll•ltuown Panay series of 191 1 of 5, Con. o, Oroy,
stnriva, itl d,r•,i'lilsll D IFROki THE P1t1�ii
T1tr, greet s1augilter of I''urnitnro still ' f` loon of the undart,gued, about 001, 2G
cantinues 1't Arthur Voal'e vitae Fur(i• a heifer eon, red in eider, Ac'.r lnforTnatinu
turn 0tnre , ..,1
titles le suit por¢hauor. Apply to
D A. Su.u.11 and family have gone to
Berlin where they will melte their bead_
quarters kr the present,
WIRT does Geo. Levo & CO, do with all
the Sewing Machines they bring to
town that is the question 7 24.
lbw. G. B. Hewn( and wife aro away
to Toronto, The reverend gentleman
will ]emtnre in Auto before he returns.
Tint sudden obange in the weather on
Thursday morning dissipated the idea
that the bnokbone of Winter was broken r pmp3 rt' • I'ny expeO0rs 00,1 take thing
neer 21x011;, waltWP R.
,n tots 0000van will bo thankfully
0, \5 11 'Ii,
emmn float' eGrnn,l 'Menk;' will be
1o''t for service on lot 11, con,' 1, 0211}•,
'terms 3)1,00, to ho paid at limo of service,
with prlwiO3,e of returning if ueen•enry.
ti d" A. SHAW, 1•ro! Bator.
'VU APED ON TRE PItli:ll li;ES
of the undersigned H hnlf 10117 condi,
Morris, cc or about Nov 10311, too 0;,101, and
a lalnb. "the oltlnr Is 0033,300lcd to prove
EAST Huron Agricultural SO'c awe;
Directors annuli meeting in the Town "I" Rmevol3, P. n,
Ilall, 13rnssols, on Wednesday of next f((i t: CHESTER. \\'i1111', 1 O'tlt
,reek. 11 } (hnnrplvu 11 ) rt e h • 1'd,
Uo ton want yam' organ cleaned, re. 11 C , rate an, Ont., 1.113 )"' torte for
rant), sad timed or your sewing machine rt rt '. lot Si, cm', 11, el•er, '1'.•r m 1 ,,
cleaned 110.1 tared ? Call on T. Moor, t , •d t tines of nerric.', -with )"'"I';"
like sd's e` U11'I fa' Illip. 11 lleptwenty.
. 1, ! 3 11 1r . 011 1,1',
31)3, 1.) 1,11.'2,1'... _ i.1 ;t• .. o)( 13 of
mere[ t, ,e1lu013 1 SlltOn ! l ,,erg
bleat at 0ason,Lic
livered in any Fart of. the. town. A sl
of public patronage .103ieited.
111 at tllo Bra ell eggenlponomon Need- ',A DEA DEATTti1IT al .3 It 1?
L„s}Ily nn•1 h•Iturda � ,�0•
r1'(' ,o •,3 c.,
1 ,
i of
1 1m:civing !.°49.
v of each week fon , sal; t.el h t 1 of I an
e <.Id. Y'h' mere r, suit t
in 1 to :o' inR•urind hr - A",u
? a i alts; 31 0.1 111.101111, 101)4 went 1 11 •.,t min, 1; ,noire a 011:
tIl , Thes tuna, Algoma, to trait on her sister00;- . at 31:0 Fell sites,
1 07ho was fel with typhoid fever is nu,,, l'c'o oiiafui:, 331 lot 11, run, a, nine•t if
.. ___ - ... ..... ... 20'. -�1• .1,](ES BOL,.EI,.
dr -
GRAND D1 TRUNK .f\'A.RW10vL1. A seri0s of fortnightly Musical and
Literary Evening., fu aid of the Organ
in -
oot'1'71En1 EXTE0830x, W. G. A• 11. n.
T3'.¢inaloare Brussels Station, uoet and
0onth ns follows:—
. aping:km(1h Gofing. North.
0•S0 0,m
kxpreos....,.11135 a.m. 1 Ilool...............1130013,m
Mixed 3.•00p,,u, 1 Express 0;4Gp.m
fatal ` ictus „items.
A chiefs amang ye ta;in' nates
An' faith he'll print it.
Reeve Grams' sound« all right.
TUE Bell Organ is a winner every time.
Ask Alex. Wilson.
Tire Largest Assortment of Lamps in
towel at B. Gerry s. 310
Tar TILE Pert for 1�e'tti if yen an 110)1
already a subscriber.
C 're wcmn, ha00 Et soft, taken n', at..
emr Du. Gn.UA23.
t 311113 for ale tierce wool :alt• n
for3', :S', 11. McCrea; ,:1 '
b nether reduction in a pan: of
Furniture1't .t. Vaal
Tee 11 G•sunetl 'rill the 1(1331 Mon. t
clay c,e.0 to aa.tle "p 1110 Mfai1•s of
Gila _L i C e 31'in 1 11 x:);:11311
businc.:, r., straw („ttet:3 need gt:•tin
pet -eine.
(3)1511(1);9 1oc. a daz. x190 e. large assort.
meet of candies and nuts at lowest prices, i 1
GEo. TU051SON, 23.
Geo, Goon, of Seaforth, a former well 1 v
known citizen, of Brussels, wall elected a l h
Councillor last Monday. g
Ricuono HLYeST01 &S: Son, of Wingham,
have opened out n stove and tinware
business in W. F. McKinnon's old stand,
Burson Ca. Council will meet on Tues-
day, 22nd inst. It is hinted that D. D.
Wilson, of Seaforth, will be elected War.
den. He would makela good one. •
AT the municipal election, last Mon-
day, Anson Dnlmage, merobant at Lek.
olet, formerly of Breeseb', wee elected lot
Deputy Reeve of Howick township, de.
feating Samuel Johnston,
CLEAn3xo SALE.—D1rs, Eirk will sell at
cost for cash the following goods vizi—
Hoods, caps, jackets, mufflers, leggings,
c&c., Berlin and Zephyr wools, Se per oz.
Now is 11 chance for Bargains. Call and
see. Op osito Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
1i,uvL • D &ATIM,3 ItixE,—\Taw is the
time to meets your ticket for the Rink.
35 singk tickets fer 01.00 Season ticket
142.00. Spctal 103014 Will be made to
large families. The link will be open to
ladies every Wednesday aftern-on, ad.
mission free. 'Picket- mar be obtained
from the 1ntm,i33er, A. J. Lowery. 21.2
C01313Efte 8113 SLEta�.—Scott & Will-
iams have a splendid lot of cotters and
sleighs just finished. The timber is the
best, thoroughly seasoned and the work-
manship 0a3,not be beaten. 'Wo will not
be undersold. The customer with the
Dash in his hand vale make a great bar.
gain. Give as a cell and see our cutters
and 01014'330, 0001T & \\'ILu nts, Mill
Street, Brussels, n10 tf
Tna East Hum Farmers' Institute
will be held in the Town Hall on Friday
and Saturday of nest week, 11t11 and
12th meta, The first business Friday
morning will bo the election of officers
and the selection of a representative to
the meeting of the Permanent Farmers'
Institute, Prof, Mills, Mr, Pettit, Mr,
Iferrfigban and a ;mmher of other prem.
beentagri031•tillalfet% are expected. An
eutertoinmeut, free to the public, will be
" given Friday evening.
Accoomr.--The Mikhail Advertiser
gays :--In'Mitchell on Monday last, while
attemptingto rate a spirited horse, a s0,!
of 10. Foy 110001 Iter of the Royal Ilotel,
was thrown eft olid barely escaped being
instantly killed. The h„res stepted say-
erel time0 us 111'' buy's head, and -when
taken up be wee rmnlplotoly paralyzed,
Everybody tit: agbt he 0111(1 killed but he
soon recovered oonsei0usnes0. Medical
aanistance being called, it was soon as.
pertained that his injuries wore not fatal,
although a very narrow escape. Tho
horse has a habit of fearing up and no
email boy should attempt to'ride him.
WEnmhn BiLL9.-31'110 Abilene (Kan -
sits) Chremtgl0 eays:—"On Sunday even-
ing, Dec. 30th, at t3 o'clock p. m. at the
residence of the bride's parents, N.
1013 N. Cedar St., Wm. Johnson and
Miss Clara Merrifield were united in
marriage, lieu. 'Zimmerman officiating,
J. J. Angus was groomsman and Miss
Belle ,Armstrong bridesmaid. A large
number of relatives and friends were
xp},�resent to lvitnoss this happy occasion.
11 112 Johnson is one of our most promf0•
luq youg business ),len and is well liked
andrespeoted by All. Miss Merrifield is
otos of Abilene's most charming young
ladies. They received quite a number of
presents. The many friends of the
yyOto g couple nein with the Chronicle in
rig he it a 0af0 ,journey through
Tile's stormy sea," She fortunate groom
is an old Bennie boy and teas a graduate .
. ,.
f , '
o it Nett's iailormy,.0etatilitlsmeltt,
fund of St. John's Church Sun
School, wilI commence nest Thurs
evening, nth fist, at the residence
Mrs. Hargreaves, over Hagreaves' D
store, A pleasant sociable evening is
tended from 8 till 10. Admission,
WELL Daettxo mut DnOLLIx0.—GOO
Birt has all the necessary tnachloery
digging and drilling wells and is props
to attend to all work entrusted to him
away that will insure satisfaction. Ct
cleaned out and put in proper sea
Terms reasonable. liegtleneo sow
door north of the bridg,', west side
Turelbel'ry street, Brussels.
Tete Gerrie Vidette says : Rev.
Howie of Bru•sels deli v. red his pope
lecture entitled "Mount Lebanon and
school days,” This 'vas both mteresti
and nista melee ,, .,1 the audfenee
pleased wall it, 3lr, Bowie appeared
the native dress of :he inhabitants of t
East, which 'se his 300113(0 a striki
t1fect. Should this gentleman ti„a
visit our town w, i ul h' we...d 113),
]rrge if not a lar- raudience.
0.11113 NOT T i. I "--1,'ts`t Sand:
Bev. 11, ,,a,tno pre tolled an i
ereotieg discout c from the text "0:37
301211 10 a ea",.? n-, 31011011: ' Ile show,
11 ell ..ranee a1 esti sided man anii
rally cic .loped now after Ixpiainin,t ti
eastern :node of belting. The folios -eh
were the heading; showing tip hers.
one sided : (1) The pleasure seeker
2) The mum whose only concern
business ; (3) The men who only cul
sten hie luteilret ; (4) The man ha
e"reed ill relegate 4Ir, Swann is
ood preacher.
BorcaTT.—Certain rumors have cOm
to tis of yarns circulated to the effeo
that some 15 or 20 Conservatives bands
themselves together and "stopped" Tn
POST. 80011 le not the case and Tu
Peer still fiourishes,up to the time of go
ing to press ono solitary paper, address,
to James Stratton, has been refused
There may he some tru111 in the rspor
because once before when the sant
wrinkle was tried and James Dam and
a few others wore )eft to shoulder all th
blame, we saw the list shortly after ia Drewe's possession, on which figure
the names of m,11 who were doing tbe business to perfeotiou and ns
Bassin like were playing the role of
sympathiser with TUE POST while their
names were 011 the lief. There is no law
to compel a man to tape a paper if he
does not want it. if his sllbso11511013 fa
paid ie full but people r0nlolnb:,r
33.,1,33 w]1e.,. ,hey a,.1serrb3 for a newspaper
they don't control tiro wholo institution,
The boycotting business is not safe
thing to fool with au it cute both ways
and James Steelton or tiny other man
who tries it may very easily put a gaud
many times 51.50 cut of their reach even
in yen. We ask 1:0 Leona but we
want our rl;,bte and intend to see that
we get them. If we have quietly
submitted to a tirade of Billingsgate
weekly because we considered it beneath
our notice and look for d more manly
order of things from those who do not
champion faletemod and scurrility. If
boycotting is to tie the rule let it be um
derstood by all so that a fair start may
be taker,,
liatecT1ox Norr•.s.—A. H, N. Jenkins
complains about his name being on 1110
ballot but why did he not take the may
Iegal course and it would not have been
there. The Battening officer was per.
featly right in putting it on the ballot
and was liable to a line had he not done
so. 1110 compromise offered by the Re.
formers might bettor have been aocepted
by the Conservatives, viz. 2 Councillors
and a run for the Roevesltip, or•the Reeve
and a Councillor.--\Ym. Bryan arrived'
at the p011 two tato io vote on Monday. --
Tho "straight" ticket appeared to be iu
order, jndsing by an analysis of the vote.
—Personal and eaergetio Canvassing was
the leading factor in electing J. J. Den.
man mate Jas, Buyers to the `t'rust,e
Baardl—T11oco were very few spoiled
ba,lot.,, - Som0 of our townsmen dropped
from 3)10 to e.2:7 ou the result of rho oleo.
tion, ---It is quite remarkable the atten-
tion paid to the Indy 010020130 about elect.
tam time. --11, Lealllo1dale ran well fon' a
new man.- Tho Methodist c1111rch was
done paned. this year, no less than eight
candidates being members or adherents.
Four of them were elooted,- .A week from
next Monday the now Council will bo
sworn into 011'loe for 1889.—•If t1131'e was
no polities in the ' trustee elootion \vhy
Ives it that bogus ballots wore put in the
hands of doubtful votes on the Conserve.
Live side bearing only three names?
--Is ft not little Netlike, if nothing
more. thatsomo of the candidates who
frowned down polities in municipal elec.
tions canvassed for a "3tl'afght" tiakot,
but it diel not work. --It WAS a common
eepressio3) h1 munioipal elections "If too,
hada paper of our Own 100 would sh0w
you." The 73u(1 et hag 11 aim hero for
two eleotions without making a "radical"
aiteration. Of ail the 0C'ldidates RIP'
Torted by hint only btesal,'; Denman Lind
lilyer's were t"leeta(1.
1111 up at Toronto with the same disease,
111/ s. Oliver wuut to her on i%Eonday.
Geo. Seamus and wife,of Flint, Miele,
who were visiting relatives and Mende
hero for several weeks, returned Homs
lost Tuesday. Mrs. Hugh Williams and
little Mies Ida A. Williams accompanied
them for a holiday visit.
Tots week we had the pleasure of
shaking hands with former I3russelites
as follows :—Hendy Sonde, Waterford ;
"-5 hlai,YI O ON '3 3,1 LJ Pith, ,a [11E:i
of Elul 11 lnln'g„od, l'411, eon.4, (trey,
on ,N• ahnnt Dentition' 103, four calves :Three
of thein are users and the 0111(T n heifer.
They ore ((11 and in colo)', exoept 1300, and
that one 1e 50,1013' ,vhito, The owner is ro-
quested t. prey¢ property, pay Mentes and
take them away,
21.4 A. 00001, 1313100010, P. 0.
, isms of the undersigned, lot 1, eon, 10,
Grey, on Dec, 70, a black sett, wink, stripe
. Watson s1., Thos. Watson jr., Geo. on nose and a little wbito on each foot,
Fulton G. L. Ball,1L. D S, ofo9eof afor hh�trtston ; leading ighs to her 5recovesy will be thankfullyInformation
Dn. Salaam,received. Any person retaining her after
the great Scottish Ulla 1101100 will bo prosecuted,
specialist, of Toronto, will be at the 22 -ti B1113t3 Y BALL.
Queen's Hotel, Brussels, on Tuesday, 1^ lH0B0'•Z'RED BERKSHIRE
January 15th. Consultation free. Treat
mont of al/ chronic diseases, diseases of ](cooar for thorl d-bre—
ed The undor1lgued will
p the - Service.—le-bred Bur7< lir 1
the broil) and nerves, diseases of the 1<obertllrnee," trod by J. G. Sit?, of Ed -
heart and lungs, private diseases of all menton, Ont., for e.zvioo q1' lot 1 q.n.7
successfully y treats 2G. ' ornta•—> 'o )e pend at ti
sar,2ae 9vatl• anteing a M if
lligLyILGE Church �•. F. 1i. S. elected D CL 1 I. iILIA,
n 1 rc loar "Sir
kindeheart f lI d < � 1' 1' loot 1 we of
„031', , 1)OteL M returning, 11e0e0-
18 230 x Proprietor.
the following as its ofecers for 1889: --
President, Mrs. I. Ross ;
Vice -President, Mrs, A. Stewart' ,! '4 (MIMEAND 1l•.AFORTH STAGE
reasnrer, Mrs. Malcolm ; l
Executive Committee, Mrs- N.lioLauc11-
in, lairs, ]Cern, Mrs, Shaw, Mrs. W. 111nr-
Secretary, atm Graham ; IIopTE,
slave leaven (torrid about 3:55 0.011., gooob.
1(0 eaforth0aj,nu3 1: 0 aa, in, 1(etuaim rning will
learn 6eafo th about kW p. tel., reuchlep
330. lire, Jas, Vfflsmn, Mrs Barrio, Mrs,. lea 1',l , i,,nt 1:12,to 111ge to "3)10113 with
Whitley and Mrs, A. McLanehlin. andi. anal f r. untth •tel till.,
.i tee u,:.Le
torn, a ,8 tit '•i ti,'ttn C. P. 1:, tG Proprietor, ter arta
C,t-1,c., 14. \\:SL:,21, Proprietor,
12eneren,•-•-On New Tear',' Charlie
Town, of Wiauipeg,fornlerly of Brussels,
and Miss Kale 3aiernit'h, of Woodland9, " oat aat en
were unit.11 fn matrimnnv Charlie's
old friends Hero wish him and bride long
33 ((1 3 of happmo8.—A few weeks previous 11:0IOE 1 \.E3IS FOR .4ALl'1.—
p ',mom he splendid, improved farms for
saloin the tow ushtp of Grey, Morrie and
Molfi1303,. Apply 10 ,l. 1)1•:I)G,1'r1Y, Go.
Auotioneel•,Stvesols P. D.
Gu the corner of Mary and nlechun3o
0 treMs, iu the village of buccal,, This pro•
pertyis very couyouiontly situated and is a
bargain to any person having a family of
young children As it is s1' near the school,
oma young and
(rol es and premises,
small fruit, Apply to rho owner On the
15-t1 AMEE. TOB.NB11LL, Brussels.
ut 10 .1•eon, of Bingsvflle, at ono time
a Brusselito, also "committed" matri-
mony. Itis choice was a Miss Hood, of.
that section. He has the best 9019110.3 of
Tee Pose for happines and prosperity.
MAT), cues re—The following item eon.
ceras a young lady well known in Brim.
sols :---On Wednesday of last week in the
Methodist o11arc11 at Teeewater was cele.
braced the first wedding since its erection,
entitling the happy couple to the custom-
ary Bible. The church was well filled
with invited guests and friends to see
the marriage of \lies Lizzie Hamilton, to
ilir, George R. Tbeobald, of Brigden, Ont.
The brides -maids ware Miss Jessie Chap.
man, of St. Jaoobs, Ont., and Mise Lena
Hamilton, sister of the bride. Grooms-
men, Charles Golding, of Birr, Ont., and
J. 33. Theobald, of Teeswater, brother to
the groom. The bride looked very pretty
in a travelling dress of navy blue, trim-
med with otter. Rev. Mr. Sperling,
pastor of the ether* officiated.
Vatee1:ELr,-335nn,—In Morris, on 7011.
gad, at the residence of the bride's
OA els, by Rev. G, 33. Howie, 32r.
Alex. Campbell, of Gaylord, Mich.,
formerly of Morrie, to Miss Chris.
t•iea, third daughter of Mr. Samuel
Harr, of Morrie,
1(1101,—Stamen--At the residence of the
bride's mother, nn Wednesday, Jan.
2nd, by Rev, A, Henderon, M. A. of
Atwood, Mr. Jas. Niohel, of Telma, to
,hiss Fanny Stmd011 of Grey town-
Tow)—Nexsanne—On New Year's day,
at the residence of the bride's
parents, Mr. Chas. Town, of Winni
Peg, formerly of Brussels, to Miss
Rate Naismith, of Woodlands, Man.
Smoco, In Grey, on January ,rich, Sus-
annah, beloved wife of Jno. phials,
aged 61 year's, 6 menthe and 10 days.
TUESDAY, JAN. 22nd, 1889•—farm stook,
implements, R.c. Lot 26, eon. 10, Grey.
Salo at 1 o'clook p. 1'l. Mrs. F. Hem.
sicker, Proprietress. (leo, Birkby, Auct.
=.^'=' ,5".. »..Int 2vLAm7:1=TC,
[,0000131)) c2UE1u11nv 110111tl3 leers.
Fall Wheat 1 00 103.
Spring \Yheat ... 1 00 1 01
13arlo7 48 08
Oats :12 33
Pe s ,., • 68 69
13t11tor, tubs and mile1(i 00
Legs 501' 1eze11 15 00
Flour per barrel 6 00 00
Potatoes 26 130
Hay per toll .. 1 3 00 14 00
Hides per Ib" 4 6e
Salt per 11b1., wholesale.., , 60 80
Sheep skins, ouch..., 00 1 00
Wool, per lb: 18 22
Pork,.,.,.. 6 00 8 70
0E0 a- ozena -1: M.Ea".:w. =("G.
33011,11u0rnn can1501301 0033' 01tY w0i 11,
Pall Wheat 1 00 .t 01
Spring Wheat 1 00 3 01
Oats 32 33
POas 68 60
Barley 48 58
1 otatoee 25 30
Butter, per lb- 16 00
1'iggs, per dozen .. .. 15 00
Apples, per bushel 65 00
X13gs, dressed 0 60 6 70
Beef . ........14 60 6 60
.Play.,,, 13 00 1. 00
Wood, pee void „ 2 60 •3 ,i0 3
Shoope1;i11a, e,Geh.i�,...,.• 10 ti
03, con.5, Grey,-eontnining 100 none.
15 Corea arc cleared, under grass, and the
balance timbered. About 70 ),ores o1 dry
land and the balance cedar and black -ash
mann). There ie a log house on the
premises. will be sold on very reasonable
tonne as proprietor dogs not require the
lot. Per further particulars apply to BO13T.
MClAUOBLIN, Oranbroolt P O. or
24.1 ALEX, IlnJN 11:lt, Brussels,
/I.' gamma offers his valuable 100 acre
farm,lleiuglot 8, eon, 18, Rrey 1'owrabip,
203,1011 Co„ for We. There ore. about 50
acre,, olonrorl and in good' - There is a
log house, geed bank bare, hen, ing orchard,
and ell the. 1)10080aryy conveniences on the
p1010( 0,1, troy further 30331'010010119, as to
priee,101'1315, etc„ apply to the Proprietor,
ILLS, 111p33,0P, Clare P. 0., N.W.T., or to
9-tt DOt0OALD ST13.3.CIJAN,.Brusuots
n):ns10NEa offers for elan the north
oast oil artnrof lot 28, concession 0, 0100330,
County of Huron,00utainin g 00 acres. The
laud 10 of ern quality thud in a high state of
oulti\'ctioa. well 101100,1 and uud01-draiuo<1,
:5 acres cleared, Now frame house, 8 room0,
mills (muse with concrete wails, 2.1vu11s,
good horns and shed, °rebard, ote, ItIght
ems of fall wheat, "[his desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Brussels Suit-
able telia0 will ho given, Title perfect.
JAMES G1311391 <, Owner,
3C- 1300 35813 russela P. 0.
200 ACR3 PAR117t"0R SALE,
V J 1 itoriala t farm for 0010 in the
of Vitoria to the Oouuty o f If neon
being uoltth 11132 of north half late 25 h 20
nud south half 0(30 35 6th 0011„ oontaini0g
200 acres more or lege, 125 sores mostly
eloar of grumps and in a good state of culti-
vatlnn. T1,0001s a young bearing or0bard,a
good her no and b1331t barn 06 x 50 feet with
Stone Stable underneath, 311e 10101 le eltir-
ated within a mite of the Village of Brussels
and is egged farm for grain or nook rais-
ins 310131590113301011 with the river Maitland
and never failing aprieg .rook. Poaoossion
will be given at any time, ear ful'tller par-
tig111a1'S apply On the premises or to A,lt,
It21E110N Brussels, P. 0
V beingtu„ south half of Int number
80 in the 4th conecssion of 13,0 township of
Morrie 1(nown 110 the homestead of Aro111.
bold 13,aylor, oeltaining ninety-nine soros.
ninety (torus 11ra 0301tro3, the balance wood -
e(3 with valuable tinlhor. Excellent build..
Ingo, largo orchard of (Melee trees, soil- in
quarter meleenor611 (0 theuVil<llage 03 hoes.
eons, On the main gravel road dlhis is 0310
010110 hues* homestead farina In the 00unty
of Huron and will be sola at a bargain and
on Lerma to suit purchaser' Vor further
particn1are apply to the Proprietor, A, Df,
;PA911011, Manning Aram)", larant0, or to
A$0331113ALD 13AYL01t, S1E„ on the prorn-
iaes, t1.
Mortis, on 0008011010 terms, 30 order
to ol0se tiro 1(111(1x0 ei tlio estate of the ]ate
W. G. liing,ton, the exeent0r0 oiler the fol.
lot Me valuable lands for sale Nortel
halt of Lot 30, Ceneos3lon G,Townullio,.,ef
Anomie bontniuing 00 cone, On this lot 10
erected a good 10100 barn with stone fcun-
dation, good Orahal•4, 9,511 au(t pnn15, 140111'-
1ya1101o0rsd, 11ngd to Ob rho g1'avc 700131
Sola rnr ud3004c 3033 3,03) village of Brussels.
211tH. 11, 1089.
00111137"f Strom ,will meet 1n the+,30'one*
Arouse, In the T0011 01 Bese;'8e3, 011
Tuesday, Jan. 22, '89,
(713,1,rich,(3mn. 17.TLllt ADAM )t Clerk.
gricultural Noddy;
The A11 11001 Meeting of tho East Heron
Agri,nitnt'al Society will be held in the
'Awe. ILto,o,, Melons, ex
Wednesday, Jan. I6, '89,
at O'olnek 5, m., for 1110 purpose of 1.0•
coking the Financial Report, 1;leetlug,
Officers Eur the slatting year and term.
anti '•L3 an7 *Aber business that 1111" conte
before the meeting.
1)o1.u,1' 110 ertee I,, 11. fiameee,
President, Sceretaty.
'rhe RX0011 , 8 of the o t t . i re0
WILMA.%..31ou„m, liserni u - ', „ w
19 l t),o roll w , nal l 30.
„ ,»-llh 1]ofl, 11(1'•
lfofib ant.,1,3f-.f'-1
, 1- u 1 u•>t , f ' 1 ,4'9 u), 1f
C unit ,f Porte), ' u” Maud,,^ 1 )1 rme r.
Al ,1t 110 ,1,1 '., aro elearu•1 utt.1 In good
0rnvhty 017, len &treater part 3(1301) ire .)1x000.
'rho bu1a0m, 10 103,11 timbered, chla3y with
boreh and ample.
n) 1u of the tubbae of Brussels. wltfol, affor s
an excellent mnrk01. Tllero is upon the
promisee a gond frame barn and 11ouee an
orchard of el,oico fruit ,rens, a mover failing
spring, aloe a good well and pump. and good
lonees. 'l'hie property will be sold is ono or
two percale, to snit intending purchasers,
Purchaser N9111 be allowed to outer told ltav:
use 0r 1Io0e0 on prO1n1809 at any tlnlo after
11819'1et (3031 to do 1011 31 1 0 9010u Full posses -
will no given at 1st No,'orubor next.
Por terms and further particulars apply
to the undersigned Executors, or to TORN
Mo0NE3, 4E4 Q0.,, 8lvesels, Ont,
ItCOrgL• C1lrlilit, 1111 x$�TOna.
Dated ut Biuseeir.. Juno ln3j33,1808. 50
Ile, A. Reymann, Auotioneor, has recefv-
e,l instructions from the Assignee of the
Harbottle Estate to sell -by Ptiblio Auction
at TeeE'L Homme, ('n.t11311001(, ell
ff�edi awls,, Jun.16, 89
AT 1 ('0,03333 r. at., th,•following valuable
property; --1 131911'11 flare, 7 years old
11 ood 'Maine; 1 ('nit, 3 years old; .1
Colt, 1 year o'd 1 lumber Wagon; 1
L1 Ile'31', Son 1 Strang Wagon ; 1 Pair
Light 13ab•slel3h , -11•,u 3 Tons of Hay
and 200 Bushels of gate.
Tentlm.—Sit month; credit will bo given
unapproved J lint notes. or O pee cent. per
nllmim off for cash, Bay and Oats Cash
A, RAlutnoN, I..tv1n 13nt1EL3113,
Auctioneer, Assignee.
—or vALuwL9—
Under and by virtue of a power of sale
contained in a certain registered mort-
gage, which will be produced at the time
of sale, and -upon which default 'in pay-
rneulhas been made, there will bo offered
for sale by Public Auotion at the
Central Hotel, - Brussels,
Thursday, Jan, 241,13,'89
AT Tun 1101st or ONO o'cLoel( in tho after-
noon, the following valuable land and
premises :
The south half of lot number twent
in the fifthomlconti011 of the Township
of Morrie, in the County, of Huron, mu -
Mining one 1lundr031 aches more or less,
The above is a Very valuable ,property,
situated about two and a -half miles from
the village of Brussels. Tho soil is a
good olay loam and well cultivated, sad
on the promisee is said to bo erected a
good frame dwelling, and other farm
Tenses.— Ton per cent. of pnrc11000
money to be paid down at the lime of
sale; for balanes terms w'i'1 bo made
known at the time of sale. For further
particulars apply to
A'', S• Scott, or to JOHN A.8lrs,
Brussels, Out. 8onxotmula, Tonu31(3
A, UCTI O" ;tAL;.`+,
1719�.UABL FAN 1" a�u'('l a,ld U V
' —•I10 13110.---
!-oNVnShip O'FMorr!s.
finder and by virtue of a power• of sato
contained in a oortain 604i0tered more.
gage, w111012 will be produced at the time
of sale, and upon lvhioh default in 1ay-
lltent lens been made, there will be offered
for sale by 1'ublio Auction at tiro
Central Hotel, - Brussels,
�W.FY2,es 1:•1(!L cider. ?p , 0410,
AT 1 o'CLOct 1x ,011143=111100241,
the following valuable lands and prem.
ices.: ---Ail and singular', the south half of
lot, number seventeen, in the eighth con.
cession of the said Township of Morris
County of Huron, containing one hurl.
(Neel eons, more or less,
The above is a very valuable property,
unheated about seven miles from the.
Vallee° of 33ress010, The soil is a -good
clay loam and 3vo11 orlitivated, and on tho
mantises le said 10 bo crooked a good,
balance terms will be lead° known at
f es of sale. bee further 5artietilime.
1 to a, S. Sr,
T. ort
Brussels, ata s
ply s 01st oe to.
2ri.tS, JOON,TyA,YS
SnLr0370a, Toronto.
amo dwelling.
170u,t, - Ton per cent. of purchase
y o be paid at time of sale; for ;
nu, in well. foneod
03311 in nett
good- state 01 -cultivation. 1'011 t n
Orltoe 111101 terms apply 10 11105. EEL1290, 0132
needle T..O., A•er 2121 it,:Ha,' Victotia
1', (t.,I i 0„ 11'• JAtn.s Hin,lt, :Haien 1,adgo
1', (i.,.)f1d1ilrsox Cutler-.
1/[c1N'1'0liIl ,c 11c,1'A(1tl,11c't',
13ANISI311(3 -:- B11USS1�,LS
'1'raalaact a General 1I,tl,L•3)39
t7301'ES D15cO101y,3,,;j.
Oanediuulaml Mnitoe 11 (313stDrop,l bought
and sold:
Tutol'ostinll5wsd On de noun*,
SQollestfons made ora favorable (.'m,.
Canadian Agents- 111:nef4'<T',t 13,3:;5 or
Now York Anouts-•-7:3[003113),)3,4 ANn"T5AD-
13118 NA1rs,081, "AYx,
l7. STN CII,ATR, wlll,TflT'L'-
� . or, Douv('y00 ni', Nntnr,, 1'nr,tfo,
*01. OL9oo, (On,.1nl'n 1310.1- . '-_.•1 ^it of
1i"r reavna' i,rug 40m'e peen, t. eeeire to
1 ) .
, •ulunotn C , l n
g 17 0,
1. 1k,t C 7ru''n.
031 attend 1-a 13f kart e.0 r, twredln �e.
'+ il' 1't two 0'01,1..
Ieit:SON & 11AYH,
i /': r
l.,tr sate 4 cre, ,vt,l• li- r •, in
[brat) I3arMs-,r1' S0lit ft 1, ,• ,. ,rots,
l'3,. 4fl1¢o, t 13)tt31 81uc1 , ]ret 3.+.. , 21"ney
11, fit IL3. YS, \V, to Dh 101ole.
j,.t� 31z. TAYLOR, 13. 0' Ii it
4.01,11118Trrn, S011Cito1', Seo., of the All :0
Diokaon, Taylor R, Mo0u11oneb,' 13arr•teteroe
(30130 t5re,,ke., )tanning Arvada, Xing Street
\Yost,Toronto. Money to loan.
the Ponrth Division 0ourt,00.dluron •
Conveyancer, Notary Ileblio, Land, Loaf.
to loan u Oo leosionetmiade deOinvested1 Gra-
ham's Block,Bruosole.
sEn Auctioneer, hales conducted en
rete/Labia terms, farms end farm stack a
000oietty, Orders left at Tow 1'u eT Pwb1teh-
ing House, Brussels, or sent to Walton pont
°Woo will receive prompt attention,
-Loan, is 505110red. to attend 10 Wen on
the sh0rleet notice, A epeci:,l1• lu,,10- of
sales of thorongl,-bred stook. 'Cams ,nada
111109001101 0pp11oat1001 tr Tea: Pn„'r 1'nh13 h.
100 Hondo, whsru orders 11311 t e left, or
tedch'ors n, ]iso. goes A 0,
RAY -MANN, rl,f '';0131;1.'11,
L" o iaalways ready to (3.l,."•1 s 1 a of
farnls,narm stock, ere. 1<po,; , ::fall]'
elven. Cranbrook. nem tome luny' be ar-
ranged at lam Seam Publish in:' douse
11cp11AC1i.EN', ISSUER
'r 'f . of Marriage Licenses, Office at bid
Clsooery,Turuberry Street,
(1 ISS lI.>;NDl3Y,
1.Mr.l Wax.oner Wilsons, iP inq ua streRooms
t o Olass
days, Thursday and Saturday,
Ivo of Pf021) and Organ. Terme on amnia
N..13; Walton plass meets evury Thursday
0),1 Piriday at 1f:3,D. Campbell's, Wait on.
to reesivo ;51)37110 for instruc-
tion on tho PIANO and 010(1 AN. s years
Experiennce. Residence 901111 121,0. Alar.
grooves, over lAAlliCH iA31'iffi DRUG
STORE. 0001yr
�3...N. BCl11RETT, TON S0113AL
Arent, Shopp uoxt door south of A,
M. M,:lcay Ss nos, cutting
a acre. Ladtes'
nud elmIerau's Hahn cuttlog a specialty.
stare Mout,
¢ 0100 stock Of ol��' - —
Ls Licences. by , p iAnt., Q of
yur- Ant., 0531 21,1, P.
Onnvoat the anti Agent IYst Office. 0 Or.
O1]Joo 1't the CranbroolcPost Utiice.
if.._ZV. O'Bl11 13, 'V. 8 , _HONOR
J.c Graduate of the 03.3t87 10 To e
College, is prepared to trent 511 dis¢aeoeaOf
domesticated animals on s1lcntiflo and an-
prtvodpriucipl., Uffoo—Twu doors north
of bridge, Turn9)Crry streot.
M. ROD 1'lair, 3:IOUS1.3, S3C+N
and Ornamental Painter, Graining,
GihUng, Sign and D000rativo Painting in all
its breeches. Stop 1011nda dodo up f5 style.
Paper Hangiuga specialty, Sllnp ono door
coned of J.1133uyore' Carriage i4or1, .
�OgSRT CUNNIN,p1/q•n
M, F. 0A1,E, lI, D„ C. M.
1'fomborofthe Colleen of Physleiaus and
(Surgeons 0f 0ntanlo'by exnminntion,
0 a[0o and ltosidenc—Stain et, Best ,Ethc
Ontario,.�y` ---
30 a (. AI„ 13.13•' 0. r, I'la1)umrOla,1'r,
S, one At 131treroavo0' Da•ug Stare 113onc
0 to 11'80 amu, and -trona 1:90 to a: 1,. 1,1. -At
other' hso1's laity be l'Onm1 at tiro r5sid,noe
formerly ooen/dud by Dr,. llutee1ason,
Mill street
$S '1®7TISOCal3$ .
12, I, MOLD. D. S„ ]Tenor Gra,luato and
1)L t; 0. b. S.'roronto, Vitalised Ata' given
13,li, Wain, le, D. 8., Assistant Operator
U),'t' ee.etfeyersBrook,0earorth,
W, J, s,Oradnn:teot'lo..
rant. Salloolrof bsntistry. All oper-
ations guaranteed, Of1oo--Oadyo
111o31q Sonforth,
Artifcialtootll, ft rat quality, and*
gnat•autead3t,for t12.00perost,
A 1S1 '11..a.
331 , �xx,n_r� talzee ,, Dz, id„
Iteunl''Graduate off the Royal dolloge of
Dental Sgrgeons, joroht0. NXTnos Ox7P11
313 administered. for the veiniest; extra.•
tion of tooth.
01:1'01:. --trete. 3840,83' North o t'6e 19an)1,