HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-1-11, Page 44 n New Advertisements Locals --A. Veal. Notre' -•-P, Adamson. Books—G, A. Deadman. Farmere—A, II. Dennison. Auction sale --David Blackley. Big reductions- -Peer Bookstore. uutnbor of failures fur last year is 1,609 Farmers' iters' Institute -wm, Bishop. against 1,..,8 i the 1 rrcrdinq year, and , ,..-„.•---v 4 ._. the total amount of liabilities $13;27:,,,666 hu,'- r ) rp t.: against 810,720,480. The s are �, ',I L lel1 fa P _ .. J&t. greater than for any year since 1885, as am be seen from the following table : Number. Liabilities. 1888 1,607 013,974,788 1087 1 866 16,070,595 EAST HURON REF()RhfE RS. 1889 1 252 10,886,884 __ 1886,.......1 256 8,861,600 1884 1 827 19,101,306 A meeting of the Reform Assoclabion 1883 1 884 28,408 667 of Last 3luron (both Local and Domiu• , 1878. ..... :1,597 ion) will be held in the Town hall, Erns- Indeed, the number of failures is greater eels, ou Saturday, Jan. 913th, at 1 o'olook ; than for any year ein10 1883, and is near. p. m. A toll attendance is desired as ; ly as great ae in 1878, though it must be imperatut business will be transacted. • 8remembered eater than in 1878. f traders cu in Regia . Leader announces that the ' temporary seems to think it strange that Salary o' Mr. Royal, lieuteuant-g.vernor ' Manitoba, in spite of its large wheat of the Northwest Territories, is 10 be in. crop last year, should be so unprosporons 0 t 810 Ono a yen Is SS it is here shown to be. Our conitem- THE BRUSSELS POST there have been considerable inoron:me ill both the numbers and amounts of fail- ures. In British Colutnbin and Prince Edward Island only is there any de. crease, and in these provinces it is hem. siderahle. Leaving N. 11. out the total Fla—DAY, JAN. 11, 1889. creased from this his reward for nullifying the pro- notary, wbie.h is a Government organ, hibitriy 1i;3,ror 113^ and f •rein,' his four should remember that large on•p+ are of per .rent hoer noon the people of the little avail so bog as the Governmeut persists in saddling the province with a Territories? raihvey monopoly. Ex. Tile debt of the Dominion was in crease i over doyen ntillinn dollars, or from 9973,187,626 to 91281,671.814 in 1888. The interest npo•1 the debt is now over twelve million dollars a year. If this 1e e” -tinned a few years longer it will tante the entire revenue of the Do. minion to pay interest upon the debt. Gieats trar tel .,•••, aa Marnatalannetataretrearrenaantrintrar=a1MCF, The Sing of Ilolland le at the point of death. It is believed at Cairo that Stanley and not Emiu 16 the White Pasha, Shares of the 1i1.01390 Sugar Reit ging 00, have fallen to 30 shillings n1 Liver pool. Hon. 11. f tanley,son e; tiro Governor- General, was married on Saturday to Lady Alice Maude OliverMonts e , daughter of the Duke of Manchester. On a faun ten miles wort of M'anclan, Duk., lives Churlee t,u,.,cedml wiih 1.36 family, consisting of hie wife and two little boys. On Saturday last Casnordon cameto Mandon to sell stock andrenlaln- ed there visitiug friend'. On Sunday night the chicken roost was visited by wild cats. When Mrs. Caoperdon heard the noise elle jumped out of bed grasped em axe and sallied forth. Rushing in at the door of the hennery she ancounrered a wild cat, which sprang at her, catching one of its claws in her left arm, and lacerating it terribly. Pushing it away she struck it a blow which rendered it n000000iou0. Another of the alta serene( at her, seizing the calf of her leg and cutting it severely with its teeth. Mrs. Casperdone aimed a blow at the beast which miewd, but rho animal became frightened and ran into tho woods. The third cat, which had been crouching in a corner, then sprang upon the little wo- man getting its teeth entut3t10r1 in her clothing and tearing it almost from, her body. She succeeded in pushing tlto in• fnriated animal from leer, and as it sprang at her throat a second time s18 — _ _ cleelt it a blow which killed 1t. Mrs. Tae Toronto Globe of Wednesday says: faR in a fni ,t, a so nd o found ethatere bs he R o oro informed on good ,tuella. ity neighbor, who had been summoned by that Sir John tlacdonall has intimated ono of the boy.,. She will recover unless to several irieuds his intention to go to blood -poisoning sets in. the country no soon after the close ,If ib1e. lie is said to hare stated he would do so oe, head off Unrestrieed Reciprocity.' That the next session as pose . - Liberals can win by n firm, held purse - Tan Temperance orgnuizatfons of this once of their fiscal policy wo have never locality and persona who take a leading doubted, and Sir John appears to share part in the important question of Pro- the opinion. It may be confidently pre- hibition should arrange at once to send sunned that they will take his hint to the delegates to the meeting of the Dominion effect that they have the winning polioy Alliance, to be held at Toronto on Tues. Of course the more time they have to in - day and tiPednesday, 22nd and 23rd inste, street the country the moro likely they By reference to another column pnrtiou- are to rout the Restrictionists all along Jars as to the character of this gathering the lone. But 8 great deal of time may may be obtained. Naw is the time to be gained in the time he must allow them. lay the ground work for future operations. It is impossible that he will dare to go Before long representatives will be chosen to the country on three-year old voters' to carry the politician banners in the lista. They cannot be revised before the forthcoming elections and that will bo end of eight or Wino months from now. the time for temperance ratepayers to ex - Let the Literate utilize every moment press their opinion relative to the items - of the time by impressing on the people sity of curtailing and abolishing the the necessity of declaring for the prin- liquor )raffia in this Province and Do• 0iple of trade extension and against that minion. of trade restriction. Let them also at -.—•at-- once set about preparations for revising BEBE is the way the Ottawa Free Press the voters' lists, a work at which the puts it: The valve of the lumber ex- Tories have been already. ' ported from the Ottawa consular district to the United States inoreaeed from Gra'..'. 0698,230 in tho last three months of 1887 Miss Ball is home from Oweu Sound to 0601,549 in the quarter just ended. on a visit to her friends stud relatives. Mre. Jas. Pilton Ina been ill lately Our lumbermen know where the most profitable market for their merudandise is to be found. An increase of 0100,000 a quarter in exports of lumber from this district to the United States is not very substantial evidence in support of the tion that there is nu market for from an inflamed throat and a kind of rash,0alled by some the German measles. Mrs. Joseph Hodgins, Of the 16th con., 1s at present very low. She is suffering from inflammatory rheumatism and heart disease. Miss Maggie MaLauohlin,oldest dangh- assar ter of Duncan MoLanablin, Grey, is vis. Canadian products in the neighboring re. iting Elgfriendsin. at Tiverton, Underwood and Part public. The exports of lumber t0 the The Society in Turnbull's school house United States for consumption therein held a Literacy meeting last Friday even. during the last three months of 1888 ing.. There was a good program and bho reached 35,199,124 feet. The duty col, audleoce was delighted. Miss Mary McNair is teething in Al- locted upon this lumber by the Amerman bion township, Peel Co., nt a salary of customs authorities amounted to 970,278 If we had commercial reciprocity this large amount of money, instead of going to swell the unnecessary surplus in the United States treasury, would have gone towards increasing the profits of our lure. TO THE PUL5LIC In order to pay increased attention to my ready-made boot and shoe trade and Grocery busiuoss I have disposed of my CUSTr08I BOOT end SHOE I1USINs3SS t0 Mn. Psrsn Rrronra, who will continue it in the same place. I desire to return thanks for the large share of patronage which I received during the past emu years and ask for an increase to my suc- cessor, Mr. Ritchie. 0230 per annum. Her many friends and acquaintances in Grey wish her success in her new vocation. A Sabbath School social will be hold at the sesidenoe of Jas. Strachan an Friday evening, 18th inst. A good pro- gram of readings, recitations, *0810, etc. will bo prepared for the ()women, her merchants and the wages of our num airs. Geo. Shiels, of the 1641 son., au bar operatives. old resident of Grey, died on the 4th _ _ inst. of dropsy and heart disease. She two Tor; year 1838 has not been a prosper- days and was oared to beut to tettinhe barn thebetter thelast day bo- nus one in Canada, owing partly to a fore she died. Her loss will bo sadly failure of the crops of last year, but felt by her many friends and relatives, more largely as we believe to the burdens especially by her grief-stricken husband laid upon our farmers by the protective and family. Direa'ra.—Tho usual debate was held policy of the Government which isin Shine's school house ou Thursday gradually reducing the agricultural class- I evening, 3rd inst. The subject dia. es to poverty. The mercantile agency 1 heneftcialto 1 ss oouut y thanoarstates firm of Dun, Wiman &: Co. have just than." On the affirmative were W. issued their record of the failures which Perrie and 1. Bain. On the negative A. took place in Canada and Newfoundland Perrie and Jas. McLaughlin. Decision for the year. The following is the record in favor of the statesman by two points. A. Hislop occupied the chair. A Literary for the your 1'•--• as camp:trod with the ' meeting will beheld on Monday evening, year 1307: 21st inst. Euulbo;. Liabilities. The following item concerns a young 3 1e;ltleman known to a number of the ioe7. 1188. 1887. 1880. readers of 'Ins Posr • On Thursday Ontsrio..8333 915 01,037,3755 06,70.1,343 even ng at fbuifty of .J.asH. Mcled atins ' Quebec —KM 482 4,085,026 4,406.824 home, Attwood, and after umbar of N. Bk. .. 88 65 5,320,115 741,501 ohoruses by the singers present, the nom. N.Seotia 120 126 716,860 1,805,603 pany was requested to take seats. Two P,EIelaod13 8 102,090 148,678 young men then came forward and an Manitoba 87 52 261,760 478,045 the other gentlamaddress was read n, Eeo. . Bristow pr Sent on and B. Col. 26 10 185,060 128,808 ed J. Ii. MoBain with Spurgeon's "The Treasury of David." This commentary Total. 1,8G6 1,667 16,07"0,605 12,574,782 ' on the Psalms in seven large nicely Newfoun'd.. 10 106,882 bound volumes, written by such an The striking feature about this nom- eminent divine is of the greatest value to parison is the great contrast between the a stvdent of theology. The reoipient of increase in the total number of failures 3118 valuable gift and appropriate lie dress replied stating that he valued rho for the year and the decreased amount of present for its real worth and for the un. the total liabilities. An examination dying memories it would carry with it. shows that the whole decrease and more With heartfelt words he thanked his is duo to the immense reduction, in one friends who had given ]lien this signet of their appreoiation of his labor, After province, namely New Brunswick, where expressing his gratitude for the presence the liabilities for 1887 amounted to 96,• 0f So many of his friends, he oonoluded 300,116, as against only $741,001 for by wishing all prosperity. The remaru• der of the evening 88115 59851 fn amuse• 1.888. This is explained by the disaster menta. 3.11. MoBain has been a 00m. to the Maritime Bank in 1887, which plots, success in the past. As a public brott ht down same largo lumber firms, school teacher ho hold no secondary and this with its own immense liabilities pia°e' lis a young 1nai1 among 11101 h0 ranks high, talented in many 00090015, brought up the totals to an enormous coming years will certainly pima him 11 figure for that year. Tide year the eminence At present he is attending; liabilities have anile below ell0 normal figure, A comparison of the failures in the other provinces shows that in On- tario, Quebec, Nova Stobiaand Manitoba flan ministry. ADAM GOOD. Having purchased the Custom Shoe business of Mr. Good, I am prepared to attend to the wants of the Publio. My five and a -half years work in Brus- sels is a guarantee of the satisfaction I am prepared to give, not only to old elastomers bob to as many new ones as give me their patronage. 11 -nota P. RITCHIE. Read what People who • have used sthhee ABC REMEDY SISI 1110917 IT. ESTATE NOTICE. 1 AMO VIM %V F!,IP011l S'l'Q Fvi I"i Pursuant to Ohnp.1la, Rae, s0,at, S, 0. the ] are,iiters of 1AN, ri,IALT00N, 101,, of the lownshin of Gray, in the (lonely of Huron, who died on or about th 0 rourtonuib day of I Jul, 11)Ick1, and other,. hotting rlahus In , • r H t 10 11.4. 1.51)1':+ are uo,iftd to sand, on 1 or Lon .1v 9.0011 .o the Village 1 -us to y l•A { e' F H1H 1 L; • Aadmi isv Jh c 1 0 s ' age utfor line administrator of the personal . estate of tho said deceased, their names, ad3300,0N0 ani dull n lrtirulnra 01 01,10 ctrl Ina 011603 the oeoul'lUoo of fssy1 1016 oyy them. I and also that immediately atter the sald date the assets of soil 800008ed will be die. Itrlbutodamong those .entitled there to, laving regard only to such 81,001s of which no • administrator has then noilee, and the I administrator will not bo liable fur any I` wets so distributed to any ner,on of whose alydnl ho shall not nava hod notlae. 8. MINTER, 8)4051 -for or OEI Buuls,Dewo,a1. n.14 .NAc ninis80ao. -- 3110,92.1 Big celled. lotions Will be made in All Classes of Ma. I. V. 'none Druggist, Dann Srn.—I willingly give my testi- monial in favor of the A 33 0 Remedy, as by its use, and only one dollar's worth at that, it restored to mo my wife, who had been wasting away for eight or nine months, and for whom there seemed no help. I tried doctor after doctor, travel. ling many miles and laying out a great amount of money to no good, till I tried these remedies and her cure was miracu- lous, for she lost all coughing, spitting and wasting, and in fes place gained health and strength, and brought happi- ness to our tome. Recommend it to everybody and use my name as author- ity. Winton DYNES, Winthrop, Feb. 3rd, 1888. It is Unequalled in Lifting the Phlegm and Easing the Cough. Sold by Druggists or, on all orders of 2 bottles, sent frog of charge by Manufacturer, I. V. Fear, Druggist, Seoforth. ras•e'r3ee 50.00I1er 0'u@rage, FAR ERS LOOK L,' ,OK M M IRY ;GOODS —FOR TEE NEXT— AU 30 To make room for more Seasonable Goods To Arrive Shortly. I, the Undersigned, have now on hand the Best Assortment of Good Tweeds, 'Flannels, Blankets, Yarns, &c. Ever offered in Brussels, which I will sell for Cash or give in Exchange for Wool. 1 would simply say that the Goods now offered ar8 matte of Pure Wool and nothing else. Ca11 and Seo for yourself. Don't forgot the place—Sign of ihe Restaurant, Opposite Poslgflice, the Collegiate Institut, Belleville, pro- l3rl(ssels. Yours, etc., watery to entering the University, y, Itis Imanyfriondo will watch with much .A.H. Hermiston: interest his future roman in the (;hr•is• 1, .tin 6'olonrtlion VII* the atro'assr'fs OYeeten 33ilt., Private Funds to Loan, E2O,OOd Have been placed in my panels for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RAGE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers Can have 10a1133 50111- pletetcl in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCL3AIR, Solicitor, Brussels. If you require Anything ,in this line now is the time to make your Purchases. SPECIAL VALUE --IN-- Phot0, Al-bunis'`; --.,J Full Line of— School f -School Suppii e s Always on Hand. CAFila EN - and See for yourself. ,Tall. 11, 1889, 'ONES' TO LOAN. P14117:4 3'T; P. n1'1 of Private Fund '"1v0 just been plae0(1 fn Ray )3.333(18 for In- vestment AT 7 I'ER CENT. Borrowers can have their loans complete in throe days if title is satisfactory. Apply to E. E. WADE. 1 i'EAT MARKET, 11 aralu Street, • ttrnsStlS Anatni1 CURRIE, PROPRIETOR. BOOKSTORE Fresh AND Salt Meats 01 the beet quality Always on hand and do livered to any part of the village tree of charge. Terms very favorable. FAT CATTLE WANTED) For wbiob the highest market price will be Maid. I also make a specialty of buying 133dos and Skins. Don't target the Witco next door to k'letcher's Jewelry Store. A. CURRIE. E,1 ST HUROA aT .ors" Institute IIII1t014 AND DEITC I Loan & Investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money o11 Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Interest. A Farmers' Institute will be held in the TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS, on Friday and ,Saturday, • January I Ith & 12th, '89 Professor Mills, of the Ontario Agricultural College, will bo in attendance, and the leaching Ag- riculturalists of this section. A cordial invitation given to all, particularly the farming community. Wm. BISHOP, U .1110FADD= , Scc. Treas. President, BEE -HIVE ROSE HY Great Bargains al. the "Bee -hive" in t -->a ntwlu3 (74ith5 For the next 2 weeks. W. H. McCracken( i'v9DNNTta/IG'ES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. S, 4, and G per cent. interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time let. OFFICE.. --Corner of Market Square and North Street, Godo - rich. Horace Horton, MANAGER. —THE— Brussels Roller Mills being now in full operation the Proprie- tor is prepared to supply the public with the beat grades of Roller Flour, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour A11 kinds of 1111 Food always on nand and for sale at reasonable 'prioesjh Cash. I Ai MER" will find tba' they aro domg the very best for them selves by patronizing no with their Grist ing and chopping. SPECIAL RATES FOR FLOUR to Any person taking 500 pounds of MOM. > �,11.Z. RQ&' NEW Yr t RK GREAT BARGAINS —IN— GLASSWARE, CHINAWARE, STONEWARE and all kinds of Fancy Good. As I intend going out of this Lino of Business Won't beUndersolci. Lal'go Stock of FRUITS, CANDIES, NUTS, ,(•r., fir„ fie, Call in and See What We Have. 3.gyt L.,St rd,y. Sterling Machine Oi is daily becoming more widely who try it oontin00 to neo it. No other Oil is *otos well adapted for all Mill Machinery, opus, Mowers and. Threshers I and favorably known. Those citable for general tree. It ie• Ask Your e ci RANT jor it ! 111anufaetul'ed by McMillan, Kitt tele/u r9 o., Pclrot 1i ; 13i'anria ar Stratford, Ontario. FOE SALII BY A:0M-McK.A Y & Coad J31k ISSEL,s;. i ILI'.'tt„•,I r terse liri, 'Ethel ; J. 1'1aI13I.Vfi, 131unvnll 7,13 1