The Brussels Post, 1889-1-11, Page 3Jam. 11, 1880. 4loetrn. IN INIBINIORIA:11 or Tun 1'4,1111:,1118. EIRMILINil. it not dead Ida eeepoth."--Mark 1:35 Though in the grave her body lies She is not dead but sloopoth ; 1ln„pitit it did higher rise, She is not deat but ideopeth, *Her sun went dowu while yet 'twas day And she cavo up the ghost Early in life she passed away To be with heaven's host, Why she should die we cannot tell, tTis not for us to know; (Jur Father doeth all things well, In heaven and here below. Weep not for Ina as gone forever, nor suint now 0 keepth; SIM'S (1111 V stepped across the river, She Is not dead but sleeve( t. 'Milk not of her an in Sho tomb And crumbling in ,he dust, But think of her whore flowers bloom In heaven's eternal rest. Now to husornal and father dear A word to you I say, Troio up tho children, in Ws fear, To walk tho narrow way. Ted them how hard it was to pert, And how Ow loved them, too, And how she p eas,d them to her heart And bid yon all adieu. Toll them haw dear the children aro To Him who reigns on high, And if they love and serve Him hero They'll meet her bye and bye. Brothers, sioiers, and parents, too, And ml the friends that weepeth Do yon prepare to meet her them, She is not dead bot sieepeth. The time is shin t, and you mod stand Before the Judgo who reapeth The golden grain from off this land, She is not dead but sleepeth. *jeremiah 15 : 9. Sale or the thidlion, God, Nu sere. 211111114. , Sou, and Neale, ot Nettie, of Nev, Bowl etreet,recent• foot. hy audio'. a long' ouileetiort Buw,eo, lethal, and Japanese cur e, the pr lc, ly of a gentleman 0 formerly ;,can plod an official position in Italia for many peer . ' pet at attiee, ien r the 01510 '.11 11 ini,^)0 L. .i.tion Gad,' conei,t 11t• • • .4 cloy.. 1,. (VI c-t'd.eye tl in e1 een coal intended jbn 0 pyra not, levee it•tehttei nni h diamonde and r• clone stettes Thiel anion,: rt 1:4. —wet. 21 merits in height. It leeecrved t.1 in rf than a 10001i yt1,: au atotieltt temple at, Delhi, ! where eau 01 /1.•votion were paid be• fere tt by 1111X10118 to have el !Hien, The !wen it- of solid gold ouna it nra set eine gems cf el nby, sapphire, cloy,obetyl cat'e•eye, coral, Peerie hyticinthine garnet, yellow eapplitr, tole mertild. These gems are e!t rudeey carved, aucl would, no doubt, be more Eck ntific cutting, be great • 13 ir eroved in vnlue. Round the apcx of this gold pyramid is a plinth Pet with diamonds. On the apex Is a it pnz 1 10•16the inch in length, aed 9 16th e of an inch iu deptlt. Blipped like a borseehoe: in the scums of the horseshoe the great el.*, eatery' ce Vs eye staude upright Title is 15 lathe of an Molt and dark brown in eoloi. std haped like n pear. An ex trl neely reobile opalescent hell( I croe:as the length of the stone in ni. eblique direction. When Bad Stiol Bithadtet Moth, the lint Icing of Dt Ihi, watt ceptured and exiled to the Audramen Isles his Queen se meted this gem, and it was never 130E11 again Until, being distree•wel during the mutiny, tabu sold it to the plesent owner. The gem was finally knocked down at 42,450 to S. J. Pbillips, jeweller, NSW 1301:1C1 street. --Loudon Alvaye yam I meet an honest man I velli not back wards. Dot lo, so I eau Fee him der most and long. Os dime. Don't vote agen der Sabot Act peeause it wait no good, Vote for dor Act p001001 dor viskoy peeznese ie pad 1 I say, wieldier broacher, dou't der life frr vd,d der root ov all efil Yea 1 Oxnuee 1130 den yen 1 snbb000 (let auf loin except a (ball nia 30 pigger salary, you Mout make a crab At der money mid led der Iola to etilide. 1811 dot so, or ish it Von do all der pine ne.edlee go, eh 2 'Veil, look here, wine triton, eetieb told me vol po merino ov tier eleinge py nt eo toiler 1•111 yeti a men pays 0 flys/ COW noil 1 will oxidant do oder I n 1 matter before 1 dot (11.0110 odd you liren,ty e et-Mete:al N The C mut leethaeg will meet on the ilili met South re Fit one loot midterm' en eeeely ee 11 11,1, Steaeler- (t the Iludeon ciontitne to make daiiy time. The leleer. tette. j teal Dill has passed the U. S. !thine. Th fleeds in th • email of Patine caused etiormoue damage. General Boulanger denies that he Menu et a dictatorship: Coate Rice had been severely shaken be earthquake shocks. Priam( Di -marks heelth is again °cueing a ueod dotal of anxiety. The German War Department ordered te;arge number of shells. It is stated that yellow fever has broken out on the U. S. steamer Yen tie By an explosion in 011er colliery in Astariass, Spain, 27 peramn were lolled. John Panicle ii again reported 110 ill that 110 hopes] atm entertained of his recuyt ry. Eighty seveu people were legally hanged in the United States during the pas, y4 er. Twenty eeven minors wore killed by an explosion of fire damp in a Spaniel, wine. Oopielle rains have fallen in South P°11' 1!' end to the die. tressing deaught. There are 30,000 colored childreu O tInry:1111d deprived of public ode(' eatictual facilities. In BbLox o 200 persons have been lost in the show ad frozen to death during the putt week. The churchee of the Sonthern Stateare iocreneng nearly four times ILS fast 410 tbe nainiatry. A nowly-dimoverod fossil ape ia maned the dryopithecue. It was not found in Kee tacky, either. A Chicago clergyman married three couples on the ears the other day. Ho bite refined to allow him- self Ip bo patented Its a car coupler, however. A. Buffalo bachelor won a wife by writing hie love letters upon $5 bills He will probably find out before a year that he paid a fancy price for the articie. Michigan eatile•breeders propose o ask the Legieltiture to enact that al meat entiplied to State install. tione shall he from animals fattened and killed in Michigan. Sims Reeves, the English tenor, celebrates the fiftieth auuiversary of hie operatic debut next March. ISaSnakes his popitively last fare- well torr of Eugland this season. Thu only bleekennth of a town iu Arizona was eo happy over his first be by boy that ho r0f1.18i1d to fill order e Inc anybody until he hacl made for his heir a baby carriage, elockicgbieds in California are a iiseipated set of ornithological drunkards. They feed on the ber ries that grew on the °lithos° tun brella tree, rand this tort; of food makes them tipsey. A. diamond owned in Buffalo and known ati the "Buffalo gem,” weighe 130 carats, and is supposed to be the largest in the United States. It is about the eizo Man almond, tend be- fore cutting weighed 95 (carats. It was bought in Amsterdam for $60,000. There is great glee in the western part of Dakota over the discovery of a largo lump of anthracite coal. It was tested and found td bo of moot. lent qnality. Hard coal was not known to exist in that region. The lump found was 'on the eurface,' eve the cloapatch. The luau who took it there from the east and left it on the ground will probably turn up next, The Dia pound weights go out of use in Germany with tiio present year, and with their final disappear. arm the motrio reform in weights and measures will be complete. Tile fixing of weights and measures was for centuries controlled by the city or town, says Der Mueller, but now all gauging is done by a epeeist anthotity, the Standard Gauging Board. NeXt year, -whoever is fOUnd utting 510 pound systein it that country will be liable to pun KV 1.811118 IlEteIEIVS siyixos. 11'310 V100 1111.1), VOt 1.10 1V8 11111 OWnInuitaar-iu law. A Hidden:cat has nine lives. But a Inlander lie beats der hidden cat py abotild 5300 dousand oda mejority. A. man's a men for all ov dot. ateppe ; but auf it vasn't for so much "all ov dot," vouldn't dot mau peen somovat more of a 101013, gueas 2 To say "let 08 haf peaces 1" is on easy way to got oaten ov it Motile vightin' now and agaim, ven you clink yoa vas goin' to got licked, Von I find mea voman-shpolcolt on Demberance mid a husband who shrivels op abouid ofery day nv his life, 1 weld lilcon to seen dot *onion. slipolcer do most of her elipoken at home and beck it up Mill a club vonos in a vhilo. Dot's so, py grecs- ions I Yoa rix me 'seriously, la life vont Jiang ?'' I say, "No ther 1 ,Dalte alis und Inv a dose of I1iOugli on Bats at der gorner greedy roubd der Oat" You vent to leaf der farm und shtart pennon in town, eh ? Voll, dot's all ride enough. 1 goin' to dlny ttnd alter you in der Ass,. anyvay 1 Pmt auf you vant blain.shpoken advise, my wale poy, you chtiFt try virst to Whtart der \Tam und leaf peeenese in town vote it polongs, and you 0n't. 1HE BRUSSELS POST' 8 .1:111=11,1011ManDeiTenestairtatierinzatestratazintatraertentennetlearatenarelneAtaranantlealfteranintlerlatianteratatt,VO1ernMataraMetratinttanlalare Cannelestee 4,5W14. hose in nati 17'3 •eare Montreel 1150 had part of 118 115'' VI' 7 El G., V V Keewatin hAs a newspaper calle The "Jostler. R. Sutherland has taken hold the Dutton Enterprise. The weather in Halifax on Ni Year's day was lilie the month of id 110, Reunion has fortetted lta Iran. (311013 ie the Internatioual Basebell League. A. Moreton match between Grits 101)11 Tome was played at Vancouver on Christmas day. 15. despatch states that arrange• notate for the Sullivau•Karain fight will be made 11)1Torouto. Eva Sanford, 2b•-year•olcl St. Thomas girl, had her face badly peeked by a rooetor the other morn Mg, Robert Woods, of Ilyde Park,was left $2,000,000 by the (loath of his grandmother at Philadelphirt not long ago. Manitoba mill rejoices in the mild weather, eieeept the contractors for wood cutting, who want snow Rod frost. The Lincoln pulp mill, year St. Oetharines, waa bur013:1 00 Saber. dtty and a man named John Boyle lora his life in It. A letter receive(' from Vanconver ws :I tathat two cars of Yokohamatilk, silk, valued at $300,000 lett there for the east recently. Tho :flapping of the three Mari. time Provinces declined 1.5,208 tons daring the past year, the present tonnage being 387,355. The cam of Lioutegant•Governur Schultz a ;ainst the city of Winni- peg over arrears of taxes has been decided against the city. A.lex. McLeod, an elderly Arthur township gentleman, slipped on the ice while trying to catch a horse cud broke one of hie legs. J. W. Fullerton, lately of Strath• roy, is now editor and proprietor of ihe Orange News, published in Orange, Los Angelos Co., Oal, A Mrs. Fraser, of Rockford, Ill., who was visiting her enter near Fergo, Out., minified on Wecthes• day night by drowningn herself i pond, Tho 0. P, B. is about to build a culd storage warehouse 1313(1 station at Ingersoll at a coat of $10,000, if the town exempt them from taxes for 10 years. It hoe 1)01313 decided to procure a elm in Victoria or Vancouver at au aggregate cost of $6,500 for the extension 01 150 Methodist Chinese mission in B. C. It is proposed to lessee the clan. ger of spring freshets in the Thames at and near London by cutting a channel from the river to Lake Erie through the township of Alclborough In West Elgin. Thu Manitoulin Guido says that 10 man in the township of Burliest who had a fight with hear sue coded in getting hold of the bear's hind legs and knocked hie brains out against lo xi tree. -4 .t al 10 ''L 1 Roy Solomon Peter 11+110 1,ie 010 V identified himself with the voile o the Salvation Artny. 11outreal will have 1,000 letede employed ei 00 new Oninoliati Pe oillo Ilea wey shops there. Wm. Colliere of Sinnott, haft Shipped A eq11,;igt1111,111 of butter aled bacon td '1 51010111I, rreeivitof 1011 111 return. • Hiram Pettit, ,,1 Beh.11011t, hag 90110 1'1 J11111111e11, Whore he will spend a fade 111o11155 for tho benefit Farnaerc' and ()theme can depeo,..! ,,pon 5(13. )Ig from , . A peculiar skin disease 910,111510 tie the yory highest Market Pt leo lie Cetus of Ins health. this season as wo are going to ellio extensively anti r (rine: large in Q uebee, Medical export; say quantities that about one third of the pollute, tion are afflicted with it. It started Don't forget the old stand next door to the P., 41: (Wive, Brussels. t.w, years ago in Letle St, John (Its trict. ri ••4' e ' of tv The Dominion Government is advised that Orowfoob, Chief of the Blackfeet, now on a visit south of tile line, does not propose to remove to the United States. Crowfoot is holding Ilia annual pow- wow among American ludeans. A. J. Leitob. Reeve of Danwich, woe sitting in Doyle'e barber shop, Dutton, the other day, when a rifle Mellott sneaked through the window earth, almost grazed Mr. Leitclfe eoalp, and struck Mr. Doyle in the leg. Fortunately its force was spent, and it dropped to the grouud without inflicting any worse injury then bruising the spot where it came in (=tacit with Mr. Doyle'a Ig. Peter Smith, Colinville, Moore Township, has invented a simple and easily adjusted fire escape ladder, and is taking stein to havo the same patented. It le of mall rope, running in grooved eprilloyo, tot in strong shift or spindle. Strong bracken are affixed to the whitlow featnes, into which tho shaft upom which the ropo laddqr is wound, can be placed when requirod for nee. The ladder when unwound affords an easy and safe means of dement. Practiced men who have oxatninod the invention say 11 has the advantage over anything of the kind over Intranet', A numbee of sample coats have been made up feotn dark cows 'tine with a view of tooting them for use by tho Mounted Police. The skins were dressed by the Same Indians, mud 11 15 hoped that the Indians may be encouraged to make this a lucre. Sive industry, Since the disap• pearancio of the buffalo the 1VIonnted Police Department has had to look around for an available eubseitate for buffalo pelts, out of which to make warm winter overcoats for the police, and much satisfaction ie ex• pressed at the really neat coat Which can be made from a. well dressed cowskin. Of late years polled Anglia utile have been 1089013' imported into the 'Territories, rola by crossing those with ober tirade a good dark Ain is mewed. TuLtiollereigned prepared to buy any qt. !laity or EggEi llpopittni, To T NEVI' i.m)011, erri ;lir/ lee 1.104 .*.t. out' n Le59 1.113,11 Inc yeare aga the she ! of Vauecnver, 13, 0 , wa,‘ 3 ,1,•1143 i to riot ; to day a flourishing city is 1 located, there, and it it. rapidly bo 1 coming a piece of cetninentiel int. poi twice. Meeers. Guggiebarg Buie. of I'reeten Iseve secured frein E. Philips, 81 11.111(5 , oreet, the right to manallte•ure his 0.1ent leltor filo. The royally Si be paid. will net the foritunte inventor $1,000 per year. The Kingston Asylum has the lint braea band in the ccuutry, the members uf which are immune—sumo of them incurably so. The 10611110 musicians are devoted to practice, end the baud promisee ore long to be moat effieient. John Boutz of Port Dalhousie, chums to have killed there on Ohristmae day a porcupine which was minima gorged witu fish. Bentz hooked him in the jaw with to fish gaff, but before he was killed the infuriated beast ruched te4ainst his lege with his quills and wound- ed hie shanks a) that they look as if nicely currycombed. This speeies of animals were thought to be ex- tinct. The Rev. Mr. McDougal, of Palo ley, Out., Ny80.01100 at a 111110011 whop a Men stepped °nee up to him jnet as the coffin was being lowered into the gray/viand mid, very eulemnly, 'Doe ye ken, Mr. McDougal, what I ayo think en an otteasion like this, just ellen they're lettin' alowti the coffin 2' 'No, what do you think, solemn thoughts of etereity, 1 sup- pose ?"N,,, 1 nye think I'm awfu' glad it's no me.' Big John Caundien, Cross the River, Joe Reed and Lazaire Stacey, of 0auglinawage, with two news- paper reportere, deem:ruled the La- otian Rapids 1110 row boat ou `Tues. day. Tho parry left Cauglinawaga at 1080 a. in. laud arrived at Mon- treal at 1 p. m. They came down the main cheunel aual reported the river full of ice and extremely da- m:tit to passage. A. large crowd as- sembled at the river side to see them arrive. The boat was thirty feet long by five feet wide. Big John performed the feat on the same clay about ten years ago. raizawmaaskir TAILOR SHOP First- less Suits, eithor Bound or Unbound, made for $4.00. Tiit d wtranteed. Produce taken in exchange for Work. M. 0. ./11/611,12W8021', 3-4 Merchant Tailor, Largest Oiroulation in Western Ontario. FREE PRESS LONDON, 0,NTARIO. 'i're Pc 19 13 tild only nower3ror in tala 0050010.4 Astanalad Dcuipaohos, 11; contains all 1,0 So,, 50, 00,01o, ToIenn ono aoa toe hoer toual pu-A. 11, gir, in vac 0 6.110 01,4i All liki 1310(11111 1-11i1111, 311t1 11,0 01110 newvapur on,,,,,da,o,n1,0.011g lin own nr1in The Weekly Free Press 02.,00 "2..O.V.2. PORTAGE VW:L. P,bi!Sileti heart; 1111,! a Century. "who Three Genves."1,1131 "ny the take. midi,,' two luoulsruno 611011On, alba a bean. tital Illasintted 'Christmas Number ooni- ln'tonn1P1 K11,011 away Prue toteiy HUDSMIDor for 1N11. — $S,000.00 IN Pltinti(131s, thonprlioot 'New and Crottil Art:e4.1.1. Wren away freo Annul, 'Cho 10015 dace:nods ovee Canada to .t1sonta, fiend for ogonVo nt. 5000(0, The '30040 1834113131,1 Only Menials told Nvoulus Pallor plibitidind in 145,1,5011 On- tario., 10 le farWer,1.10,1 all early morning trains, reaching ell phtee4 betivean Tamar) and 5Cmdsor by m a. ts 51. 01(13 daily pallor reentven oonita west 01 Louden (wore the afternoon. Too 1.40 NeWttnener (1,, Wykt, $3.1111 (lee Won, peulagn frac, Soldoy Agents oryWIturn„.kaafess, FRCE PRESS PRINTING 00. zee:sea-see., catasedeete, Mrs. W. oi 511303'01011:11much pbatsure i!.1 informing all my • old friends that my dan ..:liter and grandson will continue the egg business at the old staivi carried or by nui last year and 1.110110 they „ENO 111)(..1,11 1. .LY'O. 0 D DICK. FARM ! FARMER ! Look to Your Own Interest and get your Gristing done at 0 wry/a= uavrars.:13 Where you will get Flour second to none in the Dominion, and yield per bushel equal to the highest. Chopping Done While You Wait, Farmers Can Have Manitoba Wheat Flour Without Extra Charge, if required. SPECIAL PRICE GIVEN FOR 500-1b. LOTS OF FLOUR. All Muds (3.'11n Ilou5410. tr_r C41.8h. CIIOP, BRAN, SHORTS, MIAMI) WHEAT AND GRAHAM FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE NATIONAL ROLLER MILLS, DRUSSELS, Oct 1, 3.m STEWART & LOWICK. TM.12=.40=={971iMear,^Yrismon701.713219,/2.11/SILIZIM LARGE ASSORTMENT OF If you Want a No oby Suit COM] ro 11 THE UT TZ :i311111tRAD aTENT,s °I FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. ,1 4 FIss We have the Vinest Assortment of Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds, Overcoatings and Pantings that can be shown in Brussels, also a splendid and well selected stock of Gent's Furnishings. Our Hats and Caus aro of the Latest Shapes. All will 131 sold at Moderate Prices. Suits Got I'D Latest Styles and Pits Guaranteed, Give Us a Call and be convinced of what wo say. All Tweeds bought from us will bo out Free of Charge. Hear What the Poet Says Arrah Pat phawt is that you see walkin down stbrate ? Sure its Mike with a new snit from head to the fate ; And where did the spalpoon get fitted so nate ? Why op at 13roadway—at 38. 'Bairn Ross by's get us such illigant Tweeds, And everything:else that a 47mtloman needs ; They can fit yon up like an 07thl Country gut, And begor they'll not Onto you tor never a eint, • • They'll suspend you with Braces the loike couldn't be, Put 4 shirt on your brick that will lit to .0 tee ; Their gloves and their stockings sure nirer will 30015r ;LA their tweeds aro warranted never to tear. If you Vflh5t hat or cap, or even a collar, Xist call an the boys it will save,yon dollar For bodth ad its e truth fin sphalun to you, There isleverything there that is stylish and now, ROSS BROS.) orionumos*d.