The Brussels Post, 1889-1-4, Page 80 8 pros M ±-)ROOF Only bots, per Bottle, dna n. Fine Stock of School Supplies PASIOillitere 1101.-,, lit Bookseller and Fancy C -ode Dealer. NO REMEDY gives such universal satiefaction us the COUGH IU flt1L'Dl manufacterod in Seaforth, called �'=---LUMSDEN ee WILSON'S- Wo.•e'n °,na`,'aeu a... ,',lie .. 0 ��lltiil 0� �' T ��ay`al O1 coratei N tl � Its wonderful virtues have created a demaud for the Preparation from all parts of the Province, Druggists sell it, Pelee 50 cts. 17 -Gras. GRANS TRUNK RAILWAY. sonTEERN EaTENsiox, W. 0.,k D. R. 'TratnsleaV3 Brussels Station, uort and south se follows:- Coins ollows. Coins Aonth. Going North. Mali .... .003 a.m. I Mixed 0.80 a.m F,xpress......11:95 5.01 Mfii7...............3:03 p.m idixed 8:55p.m. i Express 0:46p.m ,ocat iD5 aces. A cbiel's amang ye takin' notes An' faith he'll prent it. NEW goods at STnaonao BEM,. Voso's furniture beats everything. Comm meeting next Monday evening. Scnoo. Board meeting this (Friday) evening. Ancuir. firc.TT was in town for several days this tittle Ter, Largest Assortment of Lamps in town at B. Gerry's. 20 TUE Bell Organis a winner every time. Ask Alex. Wilson. Tire THE POST for 1559 if you are not already a subscriber. Comb WOOD. hard or soft, taken oe ac- count. DR. GRAMM. Nsw cutter for sale cheap, word taken for it. W. H. Mc0eacxes. 23 - GET married and save money by buy- ing your furniture from ARTHUR VEAL, New arrivals this week. Handsome 'Hanging Ruby Lamps at B. Gerry's. 20 CALL at THE Pose Bookstore and get one of the well•known Pansy series of etpries. •20 OWING to a pressure of job work THE POST was somewhat late in publication this week. A communication from Thos. Stracban is crowded out of this issue, It will ap- pear next week. ORexeoe 180. a doz. alto a largo assort- ment of candies and nuts at lowest prices. Geo. Tuoafsoe, 23- RonneANDJOHN W. Gonnox, of Amar. atatb, wero visiting their sister, Mfrs, (Rev.) Paul for several days. Mu, earl D' ns. Mercm=T, of Peterboro', were visiting the family of W. A. Cal - hick this week, Mrs. Matchet is a sis- ter to Mr. Calbick, .Feta minded electors should be on the look out for election yarns, told in the ia'tmoment tocatcll votes. Tato then with a grain of salt. Ar the horse fair Donald McLanohlin sold a general purpose team for the cum of 3315. Mr. Mallray, Morris, sold e, heavy draught horse for 6212 and Itobt. MloLanohlin, Grey, is said to have re aeived 3226 for another. MEAT MAnxET.-I have opened a Butcher Shop, "lid door south of the mflrket, where I intend keeping good matt at reasonable prices. Orders de- in/bred in any part of the town, A share of Publlo patronage solicited. 20-4' Ivens Bowen. CLEAUINe SALE, --Mrs. Kirk will sell at cost for cash the following goods viz:- HOpds, caps, jackets, mufflers, leggings, &ar, Berlin and Zephyr wools, 8a per oz. Noav is a chance for Bargains. Call and see. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels, NEXT week being the week of Prayer, union meetings will be held as follows, beqginning each evening at 7:30 o'clock: Ti3esday, January 8th, Knox church, sub- ject, ub• j ot, "The Holy Spirit;" Wednesday, Jy`a^nuary Oth, Methodist church, subject, "The Family and the Church ;" Thurs- day, January 10th, Melville church, sub. jeo'li, "Reforms." Went.Dlr,rrxe AND Dttmr.nse,-George Birt has all the rdt ceave v Machinery for digging and drilling nolle and is prepared to attend to all work entrusted to him in teWay thatWill insure ta-ideation. Wells cleaned Out and put in proper shape. Teems reasonable. Ite'eidcuce second doer north of the bridge, west side of .Curhberry street Bru eels. 5.tf CUTTERS AND SI r r- Hs,--soott ,k Will- iaMshave asplendid lot of cutters and sleighs just finished. Thu timber is the best, thoroughly sea solitd and the work. mrynellip eann01 be beaten. We will not be undersold. The customer with the smash in his hand can make it groat bar- gain. Give us a call and see our cutters and sleighs. Scot r . \Vrr,IaArts, Mil) Street, Brussels, n10 ti Kim Grimm tlu:t::r Sceool.. --On Thursday evening of last week the an• nod social of the above mentioned school wee held. Aftora supply of pr..Visioitc had boon taken care of, .Ghee. Strachan took ibo chair, and after an appropriate address called for the following interest- ing program :-Singing, school` song "The Unfinished Prayer," Clara Hunter ; sibghig, seven 5irle • reedit*,, b2isu K. Dutton; recitation, D. Glt6itetPp Nog, "Toho Viewer Girl," Alla°' Clow bell f,. ids (freak Rev. Mr. Howie;' pin a.. j. 0eve4 girls; reading; 11111, Hermit singing, girls; reading, recite/heat 1!Iaotak Willlaijjoi DcEblogyr itravessetimatuealonfes THE $,RUSSELS • HOST ! Furthgroceries at STRAcii.tN linos. ( )Hoes CLARA MVADOws is borne for tt few situs F. MoNTtiosilliE was in town Olio 1',rook. MIS. MISTIME is on the sick list Chi 1 week, D.'NIHILISM and wife, of Stratford ar in town. Mrss Mutant MCINeeentTON is Visiting in Wingbam. ARDSTRONO ]i.LIM, is on the sick list with itdiammation. Ronr. Brace and wife, of Gorrie, were in town this week. Ma. Cams is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Bruce, Miss Ge riz Teca of Sbelhourne, is visiting friends in town. Rom. KNEOHTCA is home from To routo for a brief holiday. Miss Pnlnoee, of Bampton, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs^ Fairfield, Miss apple VANs'rox)t spent several days in Seaforth this week. Mas. A. Crime, sr„ is making visit to iciativrs at Iiarrlstor. Roar. Noxi, a former well known Drns- .:ehte, was iu town last week. Otto. Goon and Jno. Stanley, of Sea - forth, wore in town on Tuesday, Hiss Penes, of Galt, wits the goett of Mies Cara C'rei htnn this neck. Fetes Slattern x was home from Ron t da 10-1 me k. cardiae for a ft days GEO. BAElil:t received w rd this w: ea of the death ..f a theca from elyphthcria. S \V)i. J. Bet -ries wife and cltildreo, o 1 ,t rd era visiting : t the .menial I' arfe , P home. Goo. E. Coornn is partialis inoapaoi- .lattd for work owing t0 a Polon on his left hand. Tum Methodist ohurch choir sang at the Walton tea meeting on New Year's evening. W. J. Smith, of London, was visiting his uncle and aunt, 13. Ward and wife this week. NATHAN Jones and Richard Bowdon, of Colburn, were visiting at Wm. Vanstone's last week. THE toboggan slide at the Lime Works was in operation on New Year's day. It is great sport. Mrs3E8 BTHEL AND LINDe McCLYarorT, or Wingham, were visiting T. S. Humph- ries this week. Mess PAULIN& OLIVE;, who is ill with typhoid fever at Thessalon, Algoma, is slowly improving. BEV, E. A. Fran, wife and family, of Hensall, made a short visit to the paren- tal home thin week. Alt interesting sketch of Samson at Gaza by Mrs. Howie may be read on page 3 of this is.uet En. CunillnroN, freight agent of the G.T.R., Galt, was home last Sunday on a visit to his parents. PEnov WHITE, wife and children, of Port Elgin, were is town for New Years. They returned on Wednesday. Roam. schools opened on Thursday of this week. The town school will resume opeations on Monday, 7th inst. Joliet Slum and wife, J. W. and Miss Shaw and Miss Green attended the Masonic Ball in Listowel last Friday evening. Ir is said that Thomas Webber, shoe- maker, contemplates moving from Brus- sels to Bingsmi}l, on the Canada South- ern railway. Do you want your organ gleaned, re- paired and tuned or your sewing machine cleaned and tuned ? Call on T. Moor, Brussels. 25- Mts. Tues./Inner, of the Moose Moun- tain District, Man., is making a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Dougald Strach- au, and other relatives. A TENT of the Maccabees is being or- ganized in town. They start with some 15 members. The Society is much the lumens the A.O.U.W. or the 0.0.E. THE annual meeting of the Grey Branch Agricultural Society will be held on Thursday, January 10th, in the Coun- cil Chamber, Brussels. There should be a large attendance. THnnn will be two polling places on election day in Brussels, -viz : at George Lore's officio and the Council chamber Ronald MfoNauahton and Wm. Aldridge are the Deputy Returning officers. Tun familiar face of our old and high. ly respected former townsman, Thomas .Lown, was seen iu Brussels this week. It is rumoured that he will shortly— bat then rumour is not always correct so we will await developments. MAITLAND SEATING RINE.-Now is the time to secure your ticket for the Rink. 16 single tickets for 61.00 Season ticket, 32.00. Special terms will be made to large families. The Bink will bo open to ladies every Wednesday afternoou, act• misstou free^ Tiakete may be obtained from the manager, A. J. Lowery. 21-2 Lest Sabbath morning Ivey. Jno. Roes, B. A., preached an interesting discourse to the young people of Melville church. His text was "Wash Inc and I shall be whiter than snow." Ho considered let David't prayer with the pub -divisions lst, Plain prayer; 2nd, Penitential prayer ; 3rd, Pressing or urgent prayer. 2nd David's persuasion grounded on (1) The Promises of God ; (2) The Power of God. 3, ROBERTSON jr., of London, Was in town on New Year's day. He purposes returning to Scotland in the course of a month or so and will again engage as instructor of dairying in the land of the heather. lie enjoys his work immensely and has promieed to give the readers of Tan Pose an acoasional sketch of his work, aka., during the Doming Sommer. He is cut intelligent, agreeable young man and is well fitted, no doubt, for the position he holds. aForm's Division Cone last Friday, ',Foot boots, shoes anti overshoes go to S'rntCutO Intoe. Pon the pew embroidore'I dregs edule ' at STiacuox B1tos. s W. NmariNoamit and wife were in Mount Forest this week, o TUE English and the Germans should i read Adam Good's uxplauntion. T. FLo'rcnl.n and wife were in Ham- ilton for n couple of days this week. Cirtc. Urn tk Co. take the lead in fancy callers, for etylo, material and Sole'. l. IL PAUL supplied the pulpit of Rev. D. Rogers, of Londesboro', laat Sa[11;bbath0, L. ovo tC CO. aro doing a rushing business in straw-outtors and grain • grinders. Tea horse fair drew a big crowd on Thursday' of this week, Several sales were made. Dtvistox Comtr CLERIC BEATTIE, of Sea - forth, wee in town on Thursday slid gave us a call. O'Coxxon may be a good oarsman but Arthur Veal can lcuock the spots off him lolling cheap furniture. Wirer does Geo, Love di Co. do with all the Sewing Machines they bring to town that is the question?. 24. Geo. Hewn and wife were away at Peri, last week attending the funeral of Mrs. Iiowe'e mother. The old ltd lived in Lrrtseels for roma time with Jena -than Kitchen. Alf::. 0,A tie: ret e ft LL entertained t t party of ite'frieeds at an oyeter supper on New Years evening before her depar- ture, on Thursday, for her mime in Bay City. She will remain a few days in Stratford. THE East Huron Farmers' Institute will be held in the Town Hall on Friday and Saturday of next week, llth and 12th insts. The first business Friday , morning will be the election of officers and the seleotion of a representative to the meeting of the Permanent Farmers' Institute. Prof. Mills, Mr. Pettit, Mr. Kernighau and a number of other prom- inent agriculturalists are expected. An entertainment, free to the public, will be g'ven Friday evening. Somem-Last Friday evening a social oras held in the basement of the Metho. dist church and was attended by a good- ly number, the mojor portion being ohildren. After it supply of victuals had been partaken of Reeve McCracken was vo'ed to the chair. Addresses were given by the chairman, Bev. M. Swann, B. Gerry, Rev. R. Paul and S. Fear ; reci- tations by ABM Young, May and Eva Turnbull and A. Hood. A portion of the church ohoir contributed the musical e elections. The Government's oasts in the Ayer Customs case alnsunt to 31,930. It will cost four million dollars to cern. plate the Grand Trunk tunnel at Port Huron. A great deal of the holly used for Christmas desoratious came from B. C. this year, instead of from England as formerly. A company is about being formed at Gaspe, with a capital of 6,600,000 to carry on the fishery trade of Labrador. It intends to ooastruct spacial steam vessels for the work. Patrick C'Leary,ta switchman in the G. T. R. yard at Stratford, while coupling cars was caught between the bumpers of two oars and badly squeezed, breaking his shoulder bone. The Department of Justice has noti- fied the Militia Department that the Federal Government is not liable for the expense in connection with the calling out of the mi'itia at the railway cross- ing near Winnipeg. Mr. Justine Rose in the ease of Gooder- ham & Worts v. the 0. P. R. Company decided that the company has not power co give notice to ex-propriate 221 feet, as they seek to do, in making their entrance into Toronto by the east and south. It Remus almost a certainty that this is the last season the 'Lakeside' will run from Windsor on the lake shore route. A number of Pelee•Iel.sad people have become interested in the beat and she will run from Leamington to Sandusky. Mrs. Evens, of Queen's Avenue, kindly remembered the prisoners In the county jail on New Years and presented them with three or four doz. n oranges and some cakes. The tnrnkoye also bought thein a bag of apples, and did everything to make the day p.tsa as pleasantly as yossiblefor the unfortunates behind the bars, W. J. Wilkinson, oho city editor .of the St. Thomas Times, had a narrow escape from being burned oub on Sunday night. He awoke shortly after midnight and discovered that the house was full of smoke . On going down stairs be found a chair, on which he had plaoec] both his undercoat and overcoat, in flames, and be carpet in the room burning brikly. Both coats, together with some valuable papers, were destroyed, the total loss be- ing about 3100. The fire is supposed to have originated from a pipe left in the overcoat pockets. S, S. Aesor,LtrroN.. -On Wednesday evening of thie week the monthly meet- ing of the Sabbath School Association of Brussels wee held in St. John's church The devotional exercises were conducted by the inaulnbqut, Rev. W. T. Cluff, after which the President, Rev, John Moss, I3. A., presided. The topic "\tusie in the Sabbath wheel," was introduced by J. Hargreaves by a host timely, pointed and well prepared paper fully covering the ground. His obief divisions were : (1) Why we employ music. (2 ims should music be ern loyod 7 8) Why music is necessary. 4 Tho quali- fication of the leader. (6 What kind music should wo use ? )((0) How much music should there be ? W. H. Kerr, A, Good, Bev. M. Swann; Bev. W. T. 'Olutf, Rev. lb, Paul and Rov. r7, Ross, 13, A., followed in the order named in short apoeohos, It was an enjoyable session, Miss Hargreaves preeided at tho organ and led the singing. The next mooting of this Asnootairon will be hold if; the Kethodist churehon Wudnettley oven• )ng, k'eb. 6th, whento object of •1"J.on,-- pgrai(cd in the S. S.,' will be introduced Pit te!f, )to lwann, 730R.1sT. Donsox,-In Ethel, on Dec. 0th, the wife ofliefr. David Dobson, of a daugh- ter. Lrvlxesrox-McK.u:.-At the residence of the bride's parents, on the Inc} that, by Rev. D. 13. McRae, Mir. llobt. W. Livingston to Miss Chris. tina J, McKay, both of Grey town- ship. IINntLTran,---In Cranbrook, on Monday, Jan., lst, Thos. Itarbottle, Merchant, aged 85 years and 8 months. Fnlpar, iTAN, 4, 1880. -Farm stock and implements, at W lot 11, con. 9, Grey, at 1 o'olorlk sharp. Thos. McGregor, prop., Geo, Kirkby, anal. - =1-2.1.7`M1221x.21 S2.A.=. 121M1:0, edittIct'lili e.thilruLLy EVEEY 1VnE11. Fall Wheat 1 00 1 01 Spring WVheat. 1 00 1 OS Barley .. 411 Oats.....- .......... .. 32 Peas. C8 Butter, tubs and rolls.... 111 Bg's per dozen • 18 Meer per barrel,. , f) 00 Potatoes .. ' 25 Hay per ton..............03 00 14 00 Hideo per 111 4 6.1, Salt per bbl.,whdlesttlo,,, . 60 80 Sheep skins, aaeh 60 1 00 Wool, per lb, .. 22.......... 6 18 6 5060 00 33 60 17 00 00 aimaxesus, ersme,. :at 2f/.„,,,,,,r. 11001) 1!11113 IN/It KALE Tiff' ▪ M llorl'i,,, n» 1'eaenlinhlo 3 1ms, In enter rn close the attire of oho ,,,,:as of lien late 1,', C1. lililgstoa, the 01eeet,i0, offer the nil - lowing Valuable lauds for sem worth half of Lot 30, 13erloessiou 6,Tmvnship of Morrie oontaialug90 acres, Ou tools int le created a good frame bare with stone hive. dation, good. nroluird, well andpninp.. 1,1011.1, 11 all neared, and IS on the grave rend 110:01)' atlielelug the village of lira oasts• 'eels lite 115 a valuab a one, is well folioed and to a good state of attltivution, For Prima and terms apply to THOS. ICIILLY, 13rus,.01s P. 0„ tiEnot innirg.s's, Victoria Square P. 0., or JAatlis Rural, Movie Lodge 1'. 0,. Middlesex County. =11^0T'• ,MME fid' -1:157; ^.- TO.1. ---- con itin'Tltn 11A1t1:Yti1.1.Y 1110111 WEEK. Fall Whrat 1 110 1 01 Spring \Vhetet 1 00 1 01 Oats '12 33 Vette 68 119 Barley - 45 - 00 Potatoes 21 9-1 Butter, per lit 10 17 Eggs, per dozen - 18 0h Apples, per bushel 65 00 1lu.:s, dreseetl 0 0 li lie 13841 4 50 6 50 Bay 13 00 14 00 Wood, per cord...,2 50 4 n0 Sheepskins, each 40 75 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. If AIIGE QUANTITY OF GOOD nay for Sale. 13111 deliver it hl onion - titles to suit purehase r. Apply to THOS{ PEPPER, 1 PL.It 23.4 1 1- Cut 9, Cies, L'11.1 YE D FRU NI THF 1'ItC.3I A 3 is;; : of the undersigned, about 001, n Leif.'r calf, red in color, Any it tenth ti lit le.,,luie t., its 1•eaovaly will bo th tdilull) received. 8. W1L0H, Lac:1111,1i 1'tiOIiO'-I31kE1) ISL I1 :sinal Dear "dried '',Renk," wt,l be kr t 1 ! e c r r rot n 1.4 11, cert. 5, filly. !, lttold 110,,,of n , roll privilege of rctur: it ifnat;,:.a 11, 4, A. Slin1 1.00 , , Y ni, tr• 1 L.510% 1 RAYED ON T11I Plll .11lS1:1, of -the mineral fined, 9 hall lot 17, con.11, Morris, or or ;Mout Noy. lOb11, two sheep mud n lamb, The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and talcs them away. PHOS. IVAleW1(IR, 91.9• Blusvals Y, 0. rLIE CHESTER WHITE BOAR' "Young Ohampiou," Imported by 1d. D.George, Putuam, Ont., will be kept for s.rvice on lot 24, oon.11, Gray, Terms OA to bepaid • t time of eerVlce. with privilege of returning if neoeseary. 90-13 CON11AD MICIIPL, Proprietor. ��RAVY DRAUGHT AI A R E _8. For dalo. weighs 1,900 petunia and is 23 years old. The mare Is supposed to be in foal to au imported horse. Also a beery nraugbt 001t, 0 menthe old. Both took prizes tioG1tPthe Olt, 0041ot 11 eon. 0,pJrey, 01408. 111 C,„Z 'RAYED ON THE PRE#Y.[ISES 1� of the undorslgoed, lot 11, con, 4, Grey, on or about December iso, four calves,:Three of teem aro ewers and tbo other a heifer., They oro all red iu color, except one, and that ono is nearly white. The owner ie re. quested t- prove property, peY expenses and take them away. 91.4 A. 00011., Druscele,P. O. - 1 rIiA l5D F11,031 THE EIU4I1S 1. 7 ices of the undersigned, let 4, con. 10, Gray, on Dec. 710, aM ace saw, white stripe oa +rime and a little white on each tout. Weighs about 20.) pounds. Any information leading to her recovery will be thankfully received. Any person retaining net niter this notice will be t,to eeuted. 21..31 HENRY: BALL. f�;HHr0I10'•l3111D_ BERKSHIRE 1L hoar for Service. -She uudcr.li gued wilt keep the tnaro-broil Berkshire Boer, "Sir ltnbert Bruce," bred by J. G. Stith, of Ed- monton,Out., for 0errioe en lot 1, eon.7, Grey. !Perms -51.00 to be paid. at limo or eeroiso, with Privilege of returning, if mime. eery. DONALD AtaLAtallILlN, 13 3m x Proprietor. GORRIS AND SEAPORTS STAGE ROUTE. maga leaves Gorrie about 0:30 0. tn.. reaon- ingRiussals about 0:30 a. an., nnu will arrive at Sealerth about 11:30 a. es. Returning will leave Seaforth about 8:30 p. in.. reach lug Brussels about 0:46, in time to eonueet with trains going north end south. Also make onnneetious with 0. P. 11. at Wroxeter and Gtorte. S. WALSCt, Proprietor, REAL ESTATE. [18 S OICE FARMS FOR ALE.— A few splendid, improved farms for sale in the township of Grey, Morrie and McKillop. Apply to A. DPLGATTY, Oo. Auob(oneor,Bruasels P. 0. 13 OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, On the corner of Mitry and mechanic e treats, in the village of linnets. This pro• party is very conveniently situated and is n bargain to any person having a fancily of young children ae it is so soar the school. Good stable and well on the p remises, also some young fruit trees :cul in quantity of small fruit. Apply to the owner on the premises. 104f MRS, TU1RNBULL, Brussels. J.I� ARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 83, 000.6. Grey, containing 100 some. 10 acres aro cleared, under grass, cud the balance timbered. Alien 70 acres of dry laud and the balance cedar and blank ash swamp. There is it log house ou the pi(=isea. Will be Bold on very roaeonable terms us proprietor does net require the Int. For further particulars apply to ROBT. MaLAUOl3LIN, Ornnbrook P. O. or 24-5 ALEN. HUNTER, .Brussels, I.,A1 WFOR SALE.—Ti3E SUB - L ecnrnitn offers his valuable 100 more farm, being lot 8, con. 10, Groy Townehtp Huron 00., for sate. Where are about rd acres cleared and In good heart. There ie a log house, good (lank barn, boning oreliard, and all the necessary conveniences on the premises. For further parbiculare, as to nem -terms, eta„ apply to the - Proprietor, 1'3 9 D.11'OUGALD SPT ROA CN(AWN. , llruseols 41AR111 FOR SALE.—THE UN• ▪ DicnomGNnn offers for sale the north Gest quarter of lot 28, concession 6, Morrie, County of Huron, containing 00 aaroe, The land is of drat quality and in it high state of mtltlyation, well fancied and uuder-drained, i'8 :oras cleared. New frame house, 8 morn 0, milk hone with concrete walla, 2 wells, good barns and shed. orchard, ate, 1013)1t aarea 01 fall -heal, This desirable property adlnfusthe corporation of ]lruosots. Melt- able terms will be givou. Title perfect, JAMES GR11 )016, Owner, 30• Box 26813 reseals P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. TheExeoutore of the oState of the late WmerauMlooNEY, Pstetmes, d000aend, now offer the follo0ing valuable lards for Rale, via. :--The north half of lot 27, and the 0000 half of the north half of lot 28, both in the Oth oonoeosion of the 'Township of Morris, County of Huron, containing lee acres. About 110 soros 51'0 cleared and in good condition, oho grantor part beteg in grass. The Wanes #s well Withered, chiefly with hooch foul Maple, Tlie farm 13 favorably sheeted within oma mild of thevilldga of Brussels. witioh affords an excellent newliet. There ie upon the Premises n good been barn and house ,in orchard of ehOleo fruit trees, a 0OVer 10)1111- erring, ORO it good well and pump, and good fancies, Thin proiorty will be 6016 in 0)10 or two 'wools, to suit attending purohasors, 1yu1•oboserwill De allowed to enterMidhave n 0 House on ml til alter s of 1 promises iv any Mine a l l llarV est and to ilo fall plowtug. Fuli posses - Mori wt11 bo given Mist November next, For teens and further patticnlars apply t0 the ttn,1orole8neil Pxaatltero, ar (o J0nil aloe:Me, eke., l3ruesels, Out tl.'egrae (itlrliil(r l7'ritr.(',1 1003) etIITU0tt ii, tt of Dated lie l3xuat5]er,lt1ne 18th, lase, - 00 ".. 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. 1 first -plus farm for sale in the Towustt#p of Burris in the County of 11 eras being south half of north hali bits li R nLd 0511311 bolt of 20 in 511 5,15,, 005) Laioiitg 150 acres more or leas, 191 neves 0,1,311 • clear of etutnps and in a good *tato of an1i1. ration, There is 0young heavi01 orchard,a pent 'mune and Tin it barn 50 t Ns feet with Storm stable underneath, 1'bo farts is ann. et cd within o mile of the 0)11015 of ln'ussels nod in a geed farm for grain or 5300), "110- 1,11' a• )t Is watered with the rive' llaltleu I ad 101er falling spring careen. ' 1d lou •rill bra Give: n; any ante. i : ;.i p uar- tiuntnva ninny on the 1 etui•a'a or to A, It. 11 U)11t'PSON Brussels, 1'. U 1.15 TALUA13LE EARN! P011 SALT) 3' being the 0ou til half lir let 'amber 'i0 in 110,1 0reteenelnn n1 oho nwnabip n£ )1 a amara ns the hounchtnnd dirt Archi- bald Tailor, ooutnining uhu•tvo•tna aarea. :analy damn a ri rieered,tho wo„e_ o,i with veinal timber. er ll,ceberis bail I. tea targe o,','li' 1 of ,i; oto it- es, soil in gitilti d , ittlit1011 0111 , hitll lt. t 0110 0111 n quarter mites north of t..i ViIlo t ,.l Jrua sets, on the , , 1.1 f ••n+dd This ono t gravel ill a lie , l Lou tinu.t limeei,tood Lgms in the Could,: of liarlint ,and •..ill ho „vld lit a barg!'t't and on toren to snit purchaser. Fon farther partlOUlara app0' t0 the Protrlotnr..0. M. 1,6.01,110, llnuni,q Arcade, Tempo, or to a120H1I3ALH 'TAYLOR, Sn„ on the prom- loee, tf• JVCJIIIiied17.0,Nt The Nomination for the Village of Brussels for the year 1888, of a peeve and four Coun- cillors, and three Trustees for the Publlo 650001 Board, wlil be hold in 1110 TOD/ HALL, BnusaaLa, on Monday, Dec, 3103, at 12 O'clock, 5000. B.TI•ICJI 0 2111.1 l{ The lIlootlon, if needed, willbeheld e1 MoNDAv, JAN. 7114 1880, between the bourn of 0 n, re. and 6 p. in. Polling Sub -division No. 1. -At Goo. Love's Ol3ae, Ronald MoNaugtt. ton, Deputy Returning Officer, Polling Sub- division No. 2.-6.t 0ouncil Chamber, Wm, Aldridge, Deputy Returning Officer. 23 P. S. 81000, Returning Officer. GREY BRANCF, Agricultural Society. Th .1000 01 \h'r 1, f 1 u Crroy Demuth Aerie,' .1, evil be it..d iu the 7 ono tl: na„ Int., .srt.s, .:n - Thursda y, Jan. 10,'89, AT 1 o'ettett r. 11.. for 011' purpose of re- ceiving the 1'3no•tcilll )31"' u•t, :mewing Officers for the peening year and tram: - acting any other nest ,sae that may 00100 before the mace .ng. 3.oe. rgitousox, D. STEWART, President. Secretary. AUCTION SALE --OF VALCIUil.,: ----- FAR lit PROPERTY 'Under and by virtue of a power of sale dontainod in a certain registered mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, and upon tallith default in pay- ment has been made, there will be offered for sale by nubile Auction at the American Hotel, - Brussels, ON Thursday, Jami. 24th; '89 AT THE IIOUR Or ONE o'CLoclt in the after- noon, the following valuable land ted premises: The south half of lot number twenty, in the fifth ooncessiou of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, con- taining one hundred acres more or Lees. The above is a very valuable property, situated about two and a -half miles from the Village of 73ruesels. The soil is a good olay loam and well cultivated, and on the premises is said to be erected a good frame dwelling, and other farm buildings. TEntis.- Ton per cent. of purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale; for balance terms will be made known at the time of sale. icor further particulars apply to F. S. Scott, or to JOHN LENS, Brussels, Ont, SoMerrulc,'1'oaua4'o AUCTION— ,SAL: R( 01' VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY --IN TiIE— • Towns hip of Morris. Under and by virtue of a power of sale aontainod in a certain membered mort- gage, which will bo produced at the time of sale, and upon which default in pay- ment lies been made, there will be offered for halo by Public Auction at the American Note I, Brussels) AT 1 O'CLoalt 1x Tet ASTININOON, the following valuable lauds and prem. ises:---All and singular, the south half of lot number sev0nteeh,in the eighth con- cession of the said Township of Morrie, County of Heron, containing one hun- dred acres, more or leas, The abovo is avery valuable property, situated -about seven miles from the Village 01 Brussels. The soil is a good slay loam and well cultivated, anti 01, the pron1itan is said to be erected a good frame dwelling. 'Ten its.-. Ten per cont. of 10110has0 nloloy to be paid at tine of sale; for balanco tonne will .be made known at time of sale. Per father pai.'ticulars apply to h''. S, Stays', Brassols, or to ,TOIIN 11I31'k, 25.3 SOhiorrolo,Terot}tt. ,Til,;. 4, 1889, BAN I'Ifil;': . VircINTOSII tr. \It:'i.''t(I0A11'1, BANIIPBS -.- BRUSSELS Transact tt a0)3053'ai .13a okIllu Business, 100019 1)0110017000(1.3 11,0nndian road United.; totes Denko bought mil sold. Iateresbitdlowod on deposits. Cotleoltona )made on favorable terms. [teenier Asents-Mnn0nANT's BANE ov' CANADA. NOW York Agents-tarran'r,nto A1IBTnAn nits NaTraNAL 5610. LEGAL AID CONVEYANCING. '� 7 • MI. SINCLAI]I, t1OLTOIT- nr, rnnvoyananr, Natory Pahl#s, &c, OtSco: 1rnleln'a Hlnaix, 1 tnnr north 0f Hargreaves' Drug Store, Private lhuds 10 Loan. 41 Ii WAD E. 13AfU!is1'l.R, J e Solicitor aiel Notary Pnhlu , Con. veVaeslll:l. Oolleation, ml Ioanfn1. .Hr, Waite All attend t l lit N. ario ovary 110,0505• day attic,, TCH:30N lC HAYS, I Cote with Darrow r udino• , n o- (1 holt) Bce,t irrs tols Mock, 0oel .jeneney &e, Office, Els-h, Bxussau,. Money to loan. It. 6, IIAYS, W. B. 11100040x. Alit. TAYLOR, B. 0-. L., BAR.• /Henan, Soltnttor oto., of the firm of Diokeon, Taylor Al tifaijullongh,l Barristers, Sollmtors, &o., Manning Arcade, Ring Street Went, Toronto, Stoney to loon. ALEX. HUNTER, CLERK OF the Fourth Weldon Oonrt,CO,Huron Conveyancer, No Wary public, Land, Loan and Laurel= Agent. Funds invested and to loan, Oolootlons made, Ofiloe in -Gni- hare's 6loclgllrnesole, AUCTIONEERS. • EORGF3 KIRKBY, LICEN- SED Anotioneor. Sales conducted On reasonable torme,.farnts and farm stook a auoolalty. Orders loft at Toe POST Pablish- ing 11011 go, 11 russets, or sent to 1Vniton post office will n'sssive prompt attention. ALEX. DELGAT'TY, AUCTION - 1 nen, is prepared to attend to solos COI the shortest uotiee. A svoclalty 1nud0 of sales of tuormtg'n-'red stock. Terms nada known be application it ret Pier PttLl#slt- ine Rouse, whew orders miry In, left, or sddrere to Brussels 1' 0. • Ott, It:1YMANN, AUCTIONEER, 231..,. is aiw t)c toady to attend salmi of farms, fare Mack, .0c. 'Perils cheertudy gown. Oraubrook (1',O. Saks may be ,u. chased at Tun PosT 1'ublishleg douse Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS. viT H.IIoCIIACKEN, 1SSUEP y v • 0f Marriage Lisonsor. 02IIae al his Groaory,Torhborry Strout, ISS HENDRY, Teuton of 011 Paintinr., Rooms at Mr, Weir. Wilson's, Priucens street. Class days, Thursday and Saturday, ISS O'CONNOR, TEAOIIER 1 of Piano and Organ, Torws-on aepll- nation, N.B.-Walton class meets every Thursday and Friday at tars. D. Campbell's, Walt un. 19.,/1(' toUAcRGREAVES DESIRES 1lR t0 receive ;pupils far insbieo. tiny on the PIANO and 0)1501.4N. 8 years Experience. Residence with Mrs. RRar- grCavee, ever liAltiCRtiAVES 00153101 STORE. no6.lyr DN. BARRETT, TONSORIAL Artist, Shop, next door south of A. M. hfoltay & Cee, hardware store. Ladies,' andalildroo's ltairetttlog it setrenelty, A choice stook of cigars kept. it McNAIR, ISSUER 01+ 1tIAR- .CA.: Mao Licenses, byappointmento. f,fout.-Governor, Commislor, &e..,,Q. It. Conveyancer and Agent Pira Tenet -twee Cc. Olilee at too Oranbrook Poet Officio. �i1 'LV. O'BRIEN, V. S , HONOR • Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all dloeasoa of doulestioatsct animals on 'RADIUM, and ap• proved principles. Office -Two door's north of bridge, Turnbotry street. �Id, RODDICK,110TJSL, SIGN anrt Ornamental Pnintnr. Graining Gilding, Sign and Do5orotive Palnthlgin all its braueoos, Shop Blinds done up in style. Paper Banging a specialty, Shop ono door South of J.11uyors' Carriage Works, so,a5AT CUNNINQi.f44' INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE,Iu3 GUELPH. MEDICAL CARDS. �] M. F. OAI1E, i1..D., 0.11. Member ofthe 0011oge of Phyoioinue and lmamma Of Outalfio 113 eXI(minatiOD, ONae andllosldeRe--MailI St, Past, l: the Ontario, EYA. MoNATTGTI'TON, n O. M., 7411. 0. I'. Edinburgh, 11, 0. P. H, Ont, At Ilargreavoo' Drug Store from 0' to 11180 a,m. unit from 1:38 to 4 p. in. At other home may be found at the rroidsnco formerly oaoupiod by Dr, ltutcbinson, (1111 street, DENTAL. M� tlla7 SUC'lit , G. L. Doll L, 1), 6„ Boner Gradnute and at, B.G. D. (9.'1'oratltn. Vitalized Air given 11.S.Morioe,1). D. 6., Aaide tan t Opomdtot' Oa'110E--)l erns Bloo t, 6eatorth, 1330N OEICM;'][. W.3, Foar,L.f) E. Graduate of To - Conte Selma] of llotatiotry.An oper- talons gep,ranbood. Oitlee-0ady's. Bloolc, Soaforth. Artiflelelteeth , arsttluallty, Anda guaranteed nt,100 $12,00 per set. El .A., ,'t2.Ai=JS'Si`si', MAIM, t , Graaltiato Of the Royal College el Dxntal80rgeonn, tlhbr rite, N00nes -OXIDIC G s lid nllhiatored n the nein teen extrao. WI: Of tooth. giltlflClii•-ols4. item- Sell W 7tf.lbt 11e 81'i: I'y( tl } 2' V, op al pi .1i be •r 'e of ga 1'e] for 311 up an In nu Pr ale Co me for pia for Pr( giv cel obi can per the ie Obt Tor aro tqqt did itos otht pre* ager met A 10 it ing fart yart ard elle Alli root