The Brussels Post, 1889-1-4, Page 6illetastitenteatetemorosserawsienossecossummaitnavr TOWN N I IR•ECTORY. 11111 ua,:: Curium.- .. Sabbath Servioos at 11 mat. and G:30 p.m. Sunda} School at 3430 p. m Rev. John Ross, 13. A.., pastor. Reox Cnvncu,-Sabbath Sorvioes at 11 a.m. and 0:30 p,m. Sunday School at 3:30 p.m. Rev. 0.13. Howie, M. A„ pastor, Jow's Menem -Sabbath Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 0:30 a.m. Rev. W. T. Cluff, ineumbent. Marnoeisv Cnrncu.-Sabbath Services ak 10:30 a,m. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday School at at 3:30 p.m. Itev. M. Swann, pastor. WARN O.lrnoLrn Comae. --Sabbath Ser. vice third Sunday in every month, at 11 a.m. Rev. 1'. J, Shea, priest, S.Lvlrtos Anse, -Services at 7 and 11 a.m., 3 turd 8 o'clock p.m, on Sunday and every evening in the week at 3 o'olook, ak the barracks. Capt. Smith in command. Onn 11:r.Lows' Lonos every Thursday evening; to Graham's block. \L soxtc Lever Tuesday at or before fall moon, in Garfield block. A, O. U. W. Lenon on first and third Monday evenings of each month. Poeis'u:ns' LODGE 2nd and ;est Monday evenings of each month, in Simile's hall. L. 0. L. 14 Monday in every month, in Orange Ball. Posy OFF/CU.-Office hours from tt a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Mrrneitres' Ixerrrrr1:-li.eading Room and Library, in Holmes' bl,ck, will be open from 0 to $ o'olookp.n,. Wedn'sdays and Saturdays. Miss Minnie Shaw, Li- brarian Bnrsslcr,s W. C. T. II. hold monthly meetings on the Ord Saturday in each month, at 3 o'clock pan. Mrs. Swann, Pres. ; Mrs. A. Strachan, Seo'y. Tows CooxcIL.-W. H. McCracken, Reeve ; R. Graham, J. Aunt, D. Strach- an and J. M. McIntosh, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thos. Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor, and Jas. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the 14 Mnuday in each month. Scnoon Bouin.—Bev. Joo. Ross, B.A., (chairman) F. S. Scott, H. Dennis, T. Fletcher, J. Hargreaves and A. Hunter. Sec.-Treas., W. H. Moss. Meetings 1st Friday evening in each month. POnLio Scnool, Tw ones,-Jno. Shaw, Principal, Miss Richardson, Mies Humbly, Miss Abraham and Miss Taylor. Boaan OF HNALTn.--Reeve McCracken, Clerk Scott, J. H. Young, A. Stewart and T. G. Skone. Dr, Holmes, Medical Health Officer. r{ Ijzl rest's garnet-. SOMETHING TO D0. Dean Burn AND Gnus :-Iie'rn',s a pian fir you to make lone r1•..niI� an:1 bt .•ia days pa•', quick:y. To execute 11 you need a blank book made c.f thick paper, a Lead 1,, , ail, to box •"f l:amts, and a heats, c 1,,u111 dug the flans of all nations. You'll find the Sega in to..;:, rlplain's Yoneg Folks' Cyclel,aedia of Com morn Things," or in a modern Web- ster's Unabridged 1)1441 ❑nary. Slto1e.t your flag us hn r , the model. Perltap•' ye: ,'ilweed the help of older fiegera to draw Austria's eagle end ~den's alephant; yet I imagine you'll find is fun to do them every bit 4onrse vet'. Lasts paint. the flags. Tlieu write the name besale them of the coun- try ilio,' rt ['resent ; and underneath, the name of the ruler c•f Ibnt c•'an- try. If you dr11't lar-lv ti,r tui. 1Y' names you Call find thew iu :ile 9.wtricuu Alm nee, pnh •I!, 1 •y the librarian of the 13Ln Library at: Waehil gt,.n sinal sold uo news stands for twenty five cents. The rulers' names learned, you u)a; want to know Alton lit: inlets themsciv,s. On,iroh yt new Yowl 'a Compass' ,, a nit :i ren's magazines. You'll get 11 lot of clipping. Put them in neatly Labelle,. envelopes to a•tait :i Christ masamen book. Go through your mothers aid Harper's B•,zer' end your ft. 'ler,'a Harper's rttea, for itic.a es of their royal. ins I. rte enroll , ill we -I repay you Out them ou ready for the Bristol board and portfolio Santa Olause may bring you. Soon you will Ascii a big box to hold yt-.ur • s are ani afterward you will feud then nlo,t interesting to your play. nos ee, <4; ae); ea yourself ; when tir, ani ',awes hey want something to l ,t'tr But, beat of 'ill, you wl:i l)a you have gained 1 4104 plea' all Is1107.l..age in a picas:alt way ScetooL I1OA'ANt. .1' id, ord, N Y. ,OUG \Ii. - ll. t f leo ( I i rt have is u . ro1 t. • s 41 j ,.,,1 of all ;, r tr i,'-1 , C -r. 1 8.14.,:•actiVa icing and 1. ha : 1, l'.41 pus l41 candy shop tvi b ut: ;,:C ? in and spending a fete 1 :.:du, 1,r eat least ca0!iog Ion :lug and wistful glances at the tempting display in the confection er't. window, When made of pure sugar, and e<.ten moderately, candy is wholesome ; but, like many other good things, it can be abused by too con':atallt irons too excessive nee. Sugar la the sweet subettinco of plans, stirred up for our use. And mos` all 00 you know that much of the sugar we use conoa from the sugar cane, by crushing the cane• etallco between cylinders, collecting the jaice, and evaporating it by boiling in largo open vessels, The portion that crystalizes, forms raw or brown sugar; the syrup is mo. lames The raw sugar is shipped from New Orleans and Cuban per• ' to some of our northern eiti.s, it is refined. The c uof io lustre lu Brooltl.vn is the refining of war, and my children who •ivs lu -Init city know that all along the Eaet River are many tall brick buildings galled auger refineries, iu whish brown auger is converted Tufo white. Grern ooru atolls, also yield sugar. In France, touch -tiger fs made from beet roots In 'Vermont and other States, the ample 'roe yields delieit.u9 auger, which 11 ..eve in cakes to the deligb' of nitlldr:<n, pr melted lute syrup, t0 I e used i11 the wiutor on but Nowak.- Theo, is still atttdher kind of mer in! ported from G"rnnany. I i. cot tell grapy sugar. b-ot.nen esti 01.tl'l' nbtludau1 in !ceole.. N • tee tu.. white, sw.,et grains i i aro grape sena • T'10 stun ' In; tl of tt ,r is pleuti`lll in frtl' t sweeter the fru]', the to :e an o. 1t contains 011 trio, leo • rt htt'1n per cent of Fin fir. Some ye:rn go, before any of my cli• lr' 1 wore born, swear '('aa produced 111 v'^ y email tjlllnil'I`8, end e. ',l - . , h. apolhecarf s (is (t lnxu y N everybody use, it in t•••., e fe.,', cocoa ; fn pudding', mos. chic s and jellioe, etc We have it on t'c table at ev.a_c meal It pre.o•rve- fruits by separating their inter, and fixing it in the syrup, and by excluding the air. Sone use it to preserve meat and fish, Ire a roach smaller quantity is required than of salt. You often hear of sugar cured hams. The properties of sugar may be summoned up iu this way. 1t is sweet, soluble, funiblo. sparkling, erumbline, brittle, and nutritious It i. estimated that one Inilliou tons of sugar are produced every year. Tho large' lye n l of Cuba, prod noes the greet e•t amount. The Stale of Loeitiaua yields en immense supply of both sugar and molas-es Vats' numbers of town aro bu-y in vii ions parts t,( the world, working o1• the suger pl.•.ut : tions, preparing the raw article for sport. ',Chen many 440/1011 ce-ry this wonderful production to other ports, where lrorktnen change it, complexion from brown to 'shite, Al. last, grocer- sell is to n; for many nurpoeos.- Christian at Work. V aar•ietlei•.. Ila that impugned thy frit•ud to thee will likewise impar;❑ ll.e to illy friend. aaarchlxt ut:niverswly in this country was chi.:fly noticeable for its Lock of anarchy. The young m111 who Lae teamed to ork late solved the greatest ,,: r lbloiuu that tends td entios,13 Thom iz uothiug •11at you and I maks so many blunders about az the aktaal amount of our junior ranee. That elute of life is the most hap- py where superfluities ar,., not re- Tuvecl, and where necessaries are 1L1 wanting. Tho creed of a narrow mat. -If a ' fried changes 1114 'hied, •e is a traitor; if a strauger clues not thief; ex you do, he Is a fool. Esso:. says 111.41 "the resistance o e;if lo the ete04rio current it i 8,000 ohms." Aud a calf is not a fair test of resistance. Try a mule. o Pesitiveuesa as a mOsi aosurd I6 foible. 1f you are in the right it 1 lessons youa triumph ; if iu the .ttottg, it adds aheme to your de. e fe,1t. A theological spstem winch den nes the divine purposes is a system without a God. A. system winds a deuie, free agency is a system with- out. 4t elan. a Yoe fill a man with religion, and r you could no more get him to go to 0 the theater of the club than you T conal toll is pig out of a corn pen o with gravel. q le. P.iddl",tbo Roston leturar,ia 1 giving public readings from Brown. I p 1n5. It is au iutereating coiucidonoe 1 tL that both the lecturer and hie sub ru jt:ct are Riddles. lc, Young iluuaowiin (to husband u who says he knows how to eoolt)- f c, How sol i- 30 Sun broil 4) cuic'•' 41. • -1.*.11; Nett Ula , et' -- ntiw ii 10 t+ is for 011ie! n Lrttl o l ( (t , ;s eo t ccnstunl 1 ; te, sae baby (in.:it that she think, it ., 1r. his natural mode of travollinr,'1--- ,i 011 Ieatuma, wino quick Baby a:,• tri standing old his hind lo'ze. wi When asked why woolen never n1 haus abetting on their throats what, oe is celled the "Atlion'o apple," a sour v old baeholor said -Oh the foist wo • HUM atvallowecl h,r. apple! Adam's stuck in hie throat. Iso Mr. Pewront-Your Herman oft le Economy tine horning, Doctor, was alienable dieconrse. Dr. Church- Iii mus --'Plank yeti; ft seems to bo op- an predated by the appearance 00 the d contribution basket. Young wife--I'ortorsl See hero a1 sir, your dog as rue oft with a B. whole apongo cairn I left outside to in cool. 'i'1'amp-Don't worry, mum ; 011 that clog's 'tougher than ho loolca, si Ile kin eat any tiling, ua THE BRUSSELS POST A pewee is of the nature a t. u• qtr t; For then both parties it h 'rn .111 b• du1t1, Aud neither party loser . Sometimes It is hard to tett whother'a man is firm 111 i•rinoiele or simply' ubetio te, but l turn, himself never expresses , 't , douhi, \Vh(lrever there it • eeeesivr, well It nesse iN oleo 1n tl) i' lin ,• 11 eX,Ctreeiv4 poverty, a; writ re the sou i.. lai.iliteat the ,'hale is de deep',: Sirs Selby-Doctah, tin oldie don 5,(44 , s„,.ilot' )a pint oh ink. Doom Hot) yu' uuu ennythinr i'�,' de t, lie' eb 14101? 71t's Selby • 1's dna mode 1111❑ eat free shoats v.: cleans parer, 1 etch Wee dot rite? Lave lioy (at (oyster. indo'.; -li,.n:nl , won't jou ney rel '.i top? uttmula (meditatively) It ..,11 strut h, to., wilt t0 -still tela. Well, hen, hay me a doubt rrp ::r al, d 41 s m0 new skates, •„au we'll 1, t4 1„(1 5 • 'There are two ways to dispose til -l:'3pieiatll. ami one of them eilou: l 'Il i'rs 1):, osoop't•d, It 'my ()Mice nu eilted to the bottom, and it nth -r- r established once fu' all, or it may be abandon, d as nn o,•tlly of a place in the thoughts, Which of these two methods to l ,p' must dopeud npou many air 0nms1entes If there a. n Brave iu e' eats to j ustioe involved, as in the cetsn of annpnsed disbou•. •l., if the saint we fear is One with lvhfoh wu have personal concerns, Lod if the suspicion appears to be w, 1 founded t ,en uudonbtedly it is our duty to examine it Household Hints. Keep largo pieces ,,f charcoal u1 damp corners and dark plaeee. Lamp oil such rubbed ill will re qq move the white spate on trebles ^�� ®6� ®% oauerd by Lot plates, . Coffee is improved by keeping i •1 It cool, dry placo, hut, loses its flay.) 10 kept rung after bro ;ling. What ibis oonulry needs is more hn'bauub to keep their wives, scissura, and kitchen knives al)atp. 13urtw it the rlusl.13 water is gond Ivy ,vbiteuiug i;- cheats that have b:.come yellow by lywo, away. Anything fryltlg iu rt pan aril cook mt.oh more quickly and evenly if another fryingpan is tur17') over it. PSS( B[OUflOit A Well Assorted Stook of lAS G [ODS To Eand sand More To preserve the elasticity of India r ,uber, ' ash it five or six times a year v, tit silently alkaline Mater. A brilliant b, .4411 v..r 1is11 for iron st:,vex and lir pbace.t fa .do by atirriug ivory blank iu c,.ilnwr3 shell:to var'lll.•I Cracks i11 h .ors and pertltione may be filled with commr,u hard swap scraped and pressed .11. No insect will venture through it, In mixing mustard for table neo novor acid vir tear, wh'ah 31 -troy its lite and 1i.tvor. Boil_ nater f., moistt*nor• it one' let rile a•alor b0 come 1)10(13 .arm. The best way when hot gre•tso has bee soul1 t on tits floor is to dash coil wit over it, 30 as to harden 1r qtt slily and prevent 114 slrikiv!' 1' o • to boards. A 81 ... , '.Iy to 00014 0, heat Il(t,h a to p"" , it a buttered batting disk at ,2t c bake mown in Use yen, oh row, it 1a a hit buttered ltillot . ,;yttler and ilia fold over lite an nt.i,,t Oilcl. ..huld 3114•'41 boajwasb. 11 iu b l• Hoop suds ; "say should firet b.. a"he;l eloau with wild water, t 1 rubbed dry with a cloth wot in t Is filo sum,, treatment pplics , ,tutu) or ohs al hearth. A lamp atnutling its a cool ruoui nd then filled full of cm 1 oil will un eye. thtuogi1 the exptuisien of 11 whim Mato: where li la warm. he lamp is blamed for i.,tltfag. To bviate 1144±8, never fill rho lamp elite fill.. It is claimed hat if melons are melted lu tltwdust nod stored fu u °eller' they will steep for several eetlls. ilqunsilos may also be rpt in the stunt way, bot caro 1it,t bei cseiaiw+cl, ria bruising ,uses tl em to rut. .,o1L010IIa 1.4• tea, tial. nt. ,' hut 1,,,t i thin. :icatt- i• j, , �t ti a -t • r c147:111, 11,441 be e till:t ) the juice of vt.t ; ir•it10418 on hem ii.lso ; or rusty bo cut alt and mixers til LIMO, or they rosy be sr:rved Lb strge.1' acrd cream aalone. They take a popular desert with whipped caul, swootenecl aunt flavored with anilla, poured over them. A lady at Belmont picked wild wera in tido woods on Saturday et. A commercial traveller named lis, dl' Toronto, was fined pi50 d posts at b'milh's Fills seine aye since for flourishing a revolver, Tho Renfrew w ohooi Board have ]pointed Miee 0, Alice Cameron, A.,of Kingston, assistant teaohor their high School, Miss Calver is ki graduate) of Queen's 'Univers. by. lobe will touch Modern Leg. ties and have n salary of $700. ALBUMS a' for plena 1, Stook Sou at Close � ruins, ,apo The,. J1Bs, Hymn Boo_is, Prayer 3 BQ. s1 86u., &c, 17.H_E- 65 OHS. .Tan. 4, 18-9, 7.7 Briss�l.r PllrnihhIle Et FUY,':'11CSit ELI Ir,.J 4'lY.'w4Y l l\ rm 1pr • 4 4t, rifal R I have a Splendid Stock of F1i1'111ture at 111y i+It(t1' rooms, Tu.i',,bei1'lfy, • f!'r'cf, hr'zb.s.5r.7,.s, consisting of Parlor and Bedroom Suites, 8i Lie 1/0111'd 8,„ Tables, Chairs, Lounges, t1fc,, that cannot be excelled for weal', or value. Always :t big Stock to ChOOSe from. :vitt 31? It:: .11 XA.II.. 13 alk. A.X .•. ! As I have a very large 11,nc1 well made stock of Bedroom Suites and Sideboards I will sell thein at 5 t'eil,ift y r'f�d,GG- ed Prices. We have made a specialty of these lines and now is the time to make purchases, Hand -made Furniture a special feature of our bus- iness A large stook of tip-top ,;Ifozaldin c for Picture Frames. Work done with neatness and despatch. A nice lot of Pictures, Foot Stools and fancy articles for sale. REPAIRING NEATLY ATTENDED TO. A. full line of Caskets, Coffins and Robes always on hand Two. JLearses and a t'i'er' tlel vci'?' l Vtl' ell in connection with our Establishment. T pay special attention to Cavity aid . Zr'tcr'irz,L Embalming, having taken three series of lessons ail Embalming from Prof. J.'cnouard, of Kansas, 11)1 1 having a Diploma for the same, I feel confident in being able to do this work properly. A beautiful range of McFarlane, McKinlay & Co's patent Lilz.ct, I irrdow .I;liitds to hand Every honsekL:eper should sec them. Their arei»tncZae,s. - AGENT for the KA R6 AT OR .; J ;T Save money by Patronizing the Old Established Furni- ture Emporium, R. LEATH ERD ..-ilii Oct, 17 noll-tf BR US)5'Is;L S'. R .,SLS-A, : We, the undersigned, call the i5.tteution of the I'nbli : to the fact that we have put in some NEW MACHINERY and are now able to do better Work than has been done in the past and as good, if not better, than most MILLS IN THE PROVINCE. We will endeavor, to the best of our ability, to Please all Oustoniers and fill all Orders at Shortest Notice, Those Parties having WOOL would do well to give us a call before going elsewhere, We have a fine Assortment of s� 1CTIc�� �1l ery uETl TAtrLlE,lsl,IVi 13 s n 1st �n _AIr;�c,°i•,7.Wn 17Lde1 7;tl nils r-Vmtl r tcaf� Iwo�titsl,;�9r�iddt\st,n TWEEDS, 33o. KNIT - GOODS MMAD] - T- O R1 E .I : D�I11r Hoping you will favor L's with a Call, We are, Yours Truly, GE O. HOWE & CO„ BRUSSELS. 014 sent. 10, 40.41' 1