HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-1-4, Page 5Jan, 4, 18 49.
District lues,
A fire broke out about two e'nleals
'pueilay morning in a frame dwelling
owned anti oceepied by lure, \Vilna, which
was totally destroyed. No ineeranoe.
Cando of the nnlulntvn.
The nestles of S. M. 810411 ural lir.
Shilhtrod were burned Wednesday morn.
ing. 1 ins, over and above insurance,
0. M, Smith 0300, Mr. ,S`hiltllrod 0200,
(in-: aiOea•liaeletn.
At the last emoting of the High School
Board, of Liotowel, R. A. Perqueson, 13.
A., of Whitby, wan appointed to the va-
cancy on the teaching staff caused by the
resignation of Mr. Swanson.
H4tb ca l ,
Joel Panabaker, of IIespeler, \VM visit-
ing friends hero this week.
James Buyers oconpled the pulpit of
the Methodist church lust Sunday even-
\Vliile Harvey Dobson wan playing
foot bell on New Years day some ono ars-
aidontly ktuked hirn on the leg, which
will likely lay him up for a few days.
Joseph Wholpton was elected trustee
to take rho place vacated by Lawrence
Dobson. Slime think J. M. Davies in
also a trestoe. The school meeting was
not the best managed meeting iVet'
Thorn has been ronnidorablo stir this
week over tho agreement between J. A.
Young and the trusters. The teacher
claims two months salary on aeeonnt of
not receiving written entice of the agree -
anent c eeeing by tha trustees.
Cli I m, Peernne,-The anima meeting
of the Ethel cheese factory was hold in
the factory on the 27th of December.
There was a very 'good attendance of
patroen present. The auditors report
was read enrl adopted by a large major-
ity. The prim nL)al items of interest aro
here given: --There wen received at the
factory this season 1,058,048 lbs. of milk
which made 91,981 lbs of cheese, average
lbs, of milk to 1b, of ahoone, 11,-
087; cont per lb of cheese, inoludiug all
expenses, 2.000 per lb. Patrons aro well
satiefied with the way the business has
been carried on this year.
Cyan l rook.
A bur, McRae is in charge of the store
of the late Thos. Harbottle for David
Blackley, official assignee, Hamilton.
At the school meeting last tvoelc Rey. D.
B. Mcltao was oleeted School trustee.
He will fill the position admirably, in
more ways than 000.
Thorn was a large turn-ont of interested
electors at the nomination last Monday.
Speechee were made by the onndidates
and the result left until 5 o'clock p. m.
next Monday. Fourstrong men aro in
the field and a lively fight is expected.
There is a division of opinion as to what
the result will bo.
The usual meeting of the Young Peo-
ples' Clhrisciau Association wan held in
Knox Aunts last Monday evening. First
on the programme was a debate. The
subject discussed was, Resolved that
Novel reading has an immoral tendency.
On the affirmative wore D. Robertson,
Neil McNair, and R. F. Cameron, and
on the negative Alex.Perrio, Jno. Robert-
son and J. W. Robertson. The disous-
sione were spirited throughout and may
tend to 0 more careful selection of the
books read. Arch. McNeil gave a good
reading ou Temperance entitled Only one
Fault. The meeting of the Society will
bo hold fortnightly.
Dien. -Last Monday evening Thomas
Harbottle, merchant of this place, passed
to his reward after a brief struggle .with
gniok consumption. Ho eoutr'acted a
oold which settled on his lungs with; the
above result. The deceased was the
oldest eon of John Harbottle and was
most highly esteemed by all who knew
him. Ho followed farming for several'
years and Has two years in Manitoba.
Retiring to this locality he embarked in
mercantile life in Oraubrook about
3 years ago. Mr. Harbottle was married
twice his first wifo being Miss Agnes Yoo,
of Turuberry township, by whom he had
two otltldren. alis now bereft partner
was Miss Mary .Howard, of Grey town-
ship. rimy have one child. The do-
eoaaud was a willing worker: in the
Methodist church and he oleo took a
lively interest iu the Forrestors Order.
The funeral ou Thursday afternoon was
under the enspie i of Court Woodbine,
and teas very largely attended. Intel: -
meat was made at Brussels comotary.
Mts, ll:Lrbotblo and relatives have the
sympathy of the uoultnnity in their be-
-•s- -
(Se rrSy.
Goo. Stewart and sifter, of Zorra,opent
Now Yeare with their smote, George
2• 13'orrest.
\Yin, Hislop sr., 10th coo., who has
boon ill for 00100 time is recovering wo
are pleased to gay.
Ernest Harbottle is home from Mani -
t, tobe, Ito likes the west null speaks 110110.
fully of the outlook,
Rev. D, B. lteRne is the now truetob
cleat in the Cranbrook school eootion,aitd
Wrn, Fulton, jr, in 0. S. No. 8.
Wrn. MoKeo hoe been engaged as teach-
t or of Union S. S. No. 10, Howiah and
(trey, as successor to E. V. Smith.
Goo. Hall, who wont to Dakota six or
seven years ego, is porno on a visit. He
likes the west well tLnd will return be-
fore long.
At the school meeting in S. S. No. 8,
on Wednesday of last week, Thos. Strath-
an was appointed trustee, At No. 8,
Joseph. Raynard was the choice of the
Mies Ella McNeil, daughter of L.
McNeil, of the 14th coo., is re•engagod
in Ethel sohool at an advance of $50.
No comment is neeessary as to her sue.
ceea in teaohing,
Robert Fairbairn, of California, lato
�Vof this townehip, is vieitieg in this vioin-
` icy. 170 likes the Geldon State pretty
well and intends to return in the near
future. We don't expect him to go alone.
Mrs. Duncan McInnes than boon vory
eiolt over einc0 Wednoedey of lest week.
Sho hue suffered much pion, but as the
is ender the treatment of two nivel.
Diane, hopes aro entertained of her
speedy reaovory.
ileove Milrt'o and Councillors Brown
and Hislop wore oleotod by aoclamation
last Monday. Ed.donnoillor MoDoilaid
.was nominated but declined to aodept.
il. lively race will be run for the lob
Deputy Reovosbip between Walter Olivet
end Jas. Forguson. Eor tiro and Deputy
Reovesbip I',dwse& Bryant; and John
133010;itan aro the oontosbents.
T. C. Harbottlo and Minnie Slonlulou
are both still very law end there are no
hopes of t11e111 ever :..thug bolter.
:) Jao. Oughton • .d family, aro
reser en It vinit ft tit • sleet. Mr. Ough-
ton dirt not ha. • ' ettsktitie dente e'
as his wheat we , • • 1 it. will r'etdrn
to the best, hi,.r. I1, hes great
faint b its future.
!here is ten 0 than 111 01111014 to the
pound of it -Attest r.,- ,, 11 Inn ten
t ruatee eleetionn In gen11, etfiil,ol 41441 tee
ie ;tie towneelp, I t 34 o-.1 (lie p4100 f n'
it and sometimes the oriole mestere ever
reaeh and defeat tlmnn•••.'Ives.
There has bean a great mangy of arri-
vals fr.en the Northweet tine fall. Alex.
McIntosh, eon of John Malntosh, of the
7th eon., arrived from Langdon, Dalt.,
last weolc, and aleo Thos. McLaughlin
and Mira, Wen. Campbell, oldest sot and
daughter of Donald Mol,anehlin, of
Cyprus River, Manitoba. We hope our
111L011510t1 friends will see fit to take a
par -nor of their joys and eorrowe back
with them, indeed it is beginning to look
that way,
Soden.--A ,maim in conneelon Lv'th
the Sunday Seheol was he' l i 1 Sh1011 e
eelhool house 1311 Ir`d It .{ of hast
week. The :nil I.. Ica M3; sees n 1I to
peons. ive, Fuel f Bern lye, ,unp3• It :1 ie•
ion m -01u for the eater( 'i '11ent 1 1!1s
tarot- enmpauv Loth to min to elib!10
as 1 outer :in r e1.,1n4 11,110 1.1 1011111 Ire•
e:told-re. Af1,„ 1.-1.ae 1 a few 1.111 i. I) r'•••
1111 14 11•. rel. , , vu' 1 11 o11:1 1,1 1
5141 ! 1( Ve0u11 •Lel 1'1,1 1e11.I1 11 ,n,j3 (1,
r,-1 , I. ,3.131 :111 •111
\Via -0•, 1110.1v4,41;,ear. tr.i 1•. 1 •,
wail n .-1 11111 :4i3,31• to p13' ., . 11:1•
Wt. 11'3,01 .. ,i 0 1 1•' .•, I• •t ),
1110 YI+r• ' 111.1.Yn' 0111111 14111.1-r ,
tri 11 lt es Ir 1;11:.:
1t'In 1 watt tit 1 id .1.1s 111-_11 1. i...
311,10imp.,110:,311111i1ae ,le. 'I'h-'.1
In : 11 ,.!a p- l:n: - • •111 na ,
11 nn,. 0 1)0 \VIr L'
r::.f.L., o, 11 • 1, . ,1.
00.1111131-..•. , 4'I('1.I .., 1„
21.tv A. Ho'ute, ,.1,,, . .1.+.'a Id - 1
11111,1•• \Viit,l 0,e �0 , 11131.,; 1'.11'.13110,
D. Its...edit,.It1'... eso. Gov 11-.r,
Lv- ., -r;• Li
Iu, C. -'t 1; r...
h,u'n,ou!1ee0elee.iun,A. S,ie,., 1.„,v ,
1i1 -4e1 1i41331; 1141 tattoo, \V, it,. .1.
0111. 1, TO 31 'I'n- :"; re :1,i, r' 31. • •1
(I:trail'!' 1 mne-r• Int 1 • '1''.Lve--. '
card; ,'e.e,sth6
e,,11, ,(:.0;.1. • • .Ii -
D, Maher teen ; 1111.01010 V 1'00.1111;111
011as10, Tbc Il•apers; tat ,1,-I. Ile,. e
Create; reading, Jnhn 11331 ,'1. 11 w
Biebop;reading, ltieiiatat 0'e tiff; no'o
with guitar accomeaoymen3, lf,- 1,1 Rol :;
reading, H. 1-1 it l,irk; selection . f unto a
A. Steins; mn,iu, Hour of part:ug A,
Hill; benediction.
Rev. Mr. Stewart will preach in Du ff's
chnrch next Sabbath.
Jae N. McDonald, of Moose Jaov, N.
W. T., Was visiting at the Methodist
parsonage. He intends commencing the
pnbliea:ion of a newspaper to be called
"Tho News," on his return to the west.
Tel Msorrxo,-The annual tea meet
ing of the Methodist church was held 00
New Yeso's night and the church was
crowded with a very orderly and atten.
tive audience. After the wants of the
inner-mau bad been fully satisfied Samos
Smillie was voted to the chair, a position
befit ed to a nicety. The following par-
sons delivered short addresses :-W. )7.
Kerr, of Tun POST, Brussels ; Rev. Mr.
Godfrey, of Belgrave; Rev. Mr. Howell,.
of Seaforth; Dr. Smith, of Seeforth;
and the pastor, Rev. Mr. Torrance. The
Methodist church choir from Brussels
discoursed suitable eeleotions of music.
A very joyous time was put in and the
meeting was brought to a close after the
customary votes of thanks. Prooeerls
over 060. A social was held on Wednes-
day evening. The Walton folks know
how to get up a tea meeting.
131ae vat e.
Rey. Mr. MoNabb, Luoknow, stopped
off the trate on Monday. He was an his
way to the induction et Wroxeter.
There was no service in the Presby-
terian (March last Sunday owing to Rev.
A. Y. Hartley being unavoidably absent.
Wm. Dimont, of Bruce county, was in
town ono day last weak. Ho has given
up the store end intends applying him-
self in another manner.
If the cheap fares to Wingham on
Saturday overload the accommodation so
that it cannot get down till 10 o'clock,
perhaps the G.T.R. could oblige us with
a special engine for that evening.
Rev. Mr. MoKibbin spoke strongly in
favor of keeping Christmas, not as a day
of note or oven of amusement butt an rho
anniversary of the great event which
happened nearly nineteen hundred years
In looking over the names from the
Model Examination S. S. No. 8, Morris,
will bo pleased to learn that Miss Robin-
son has succeeded in passing a very
creditable examination, May Miss
Robinson be su000ssfu1 ancl have a happy
Now Year,
John Patterson, boundary line, had a
sale on Friday last, the bidding was
dull, and part, at least, of the stook was
not very profitable. 11'r, Patterson has
not made up bis mind whether to stay
another year on the farm or to seek
some bettor employment.
Tho Christmas timo has dome with all
its memories and friends coring ,and
going. We have not a public, register
but there should be properly. Tho
following are visitors near here as far as
learned t Mies Collie, Listowel ; Miss
Bella Dunkin, Bruce ; Geo. King, Wing•
ham ; Thos. Xing, Toronto University ;
Wm. Snaith, who suc000ded in passing
his Model Exam. well up among his
classmates ; Thos. Smith, Manitoba,
who intends taking a young lady back
with 11 t whon he goes. However your
Bluovale oorrespoudent dons not wish to
take the news that rightly belongs to
your Gerrie correspondent, Armand
Hartley, Zurioh ; Miss 33. Messer ; Wm.
Stewart, Whiteoheroll ; Mise J. Bleak,
Torortl.o University; Dr. Scott, Soafortlt;
John King, Kinburn. Tho following and
vory likely others spent Christmas c)way
from the "eines stifled air" t Mr. and
Mrs. Messer, Mr, and lie. Perrin, Mr,
Sheridan and Mary Robertson.
On Thursday ovoning 'justi before the
tiloso of sohool, the senior division goicic-
ly left their department and moved. into
Miss Laing's room.. Tho young lady was
somewhat surprised, but the seniors
mado tlhomsoleee at home and after
Hotting seated Maggie Hartley rend the
following addreeeno behalf of the eoholers
and Mende 8111 presented Miss 'thing
with re sliver cake basket and napltie
ring Dent Mtn 1,.01~1,• -{,Vo
pupils and friends, desire before your de -1,
pertut'e bout our midst, to exp1008 e•1r R S `:[1 A. t.,1 H A NT
nigh. retinal, end esteem for yea, both an
a teacher and friend. The deep Internet ;you
.1 nn chnraken ha he advennt unset of !
(eel e ander 0 n I1)1 )' ') 30331 tin plLtunre it ggpp pppp (+ ,
f exercised 10 seem : - 1 3. ,d. f1l e Jr1.l 1 11,, 1�,I
tryiug,o11 u'dn„na task. 1351041131,1 it Orr .
gentle and 111111801111111114 rloportmeut have
gained yen 1L Ili81h enol wiener. loner, in
tete esteem 0,11,1 remembrance. Aenept
therefore, bila token of our regard and
we trust that when you look on it in
aftor days it may remind you of tho
many blends who will think of you with
feelings of kindness, unminglerl with any
recnlloction of a single unkind or un -
lady like net in your conducts while
dwelling among us, With best wishes
for pm: future well being both here and
hereafter wel bid yon. Ian affectionate
farewell. Mies Laing repli• d in an
appropriate manner, She left for her
110111:1 in MItobnli on Friday afteruoot.
Tui: Posen re•oehoos the i'Goo'i.Dye" and
good -wishes,
(The above wan intended for last weelc.)
Tule Sa:x,- Mrs, Scotb i5 on th.. motel.
- Mrs. 10. Blesser is getting around
again,---elrs. Farrow is getting better
and will MOS be well,
Aeoe,ie,--Miss Glary Robinson le away
on a visit to friends in lCineardlee,.-•
.11,dward 33.303,01) le visiting friends in rho
old part. -Aggie Maxwell is visiting
friends in llfito1)011.
V0) ,c.,. Mt'. p'itagara'd a:t,1 31au;4h.
ter. 111 Louden, are guests at the 111031100
this eve It. -IV', lsbistar, 21111 Morrie, maid
a llyelg • tett to hie deter, 11 it. Smith. -
Mist; Withheld. Etlhel, 0 a guest of Mr.
Keil Mee. Tlin e4ou.--.lees. M0Cra)ket,
or , mi part of Brune County, in vliittog
;:le pat did,.
A4 th„ year rolls ro0ed, 00 01004 Nom-
ivaouu 11:33', ,314 once mere i'- hen 0ame
and game, \Vm. 1icl'hersun and air.
Thompson worn elected Roo e a"d Do
puty by neclametion. but Ch.' pry•beh9•' ies
cue that there will be 311 ele1tiori 110
Councilmen. Meagre. 133rc11hll, -.1t0-
well, Elliot« and Oralcehank woes nr1.•1.
inated in opposition to the peel. nt
Uounoil, Messrs. Dirrheua, ttarton aed
Gemutil, Mr, Burchill, however, rt•.
fused to run
The friends of Mr. Thompson, roache r
of Bluevalo public sebool, will bo pinese1
to hear of the total rout, defeat and 0-03'.
throw of his enemies on Wednesday 1•rst•.
ltir. Thompson has taught here ,noesss.
fully for nearly three years, and it is
with pleasure the announcement i0 ma')e
that he is re -enraged for next year and
the coarse of the trustees almost una,i.
mouely approved. Some time ago e
petition was drawn up h, some o' :be
dissaatisfied ones and banded to the
trustees, praying that the teacher be re-
moved, but no notion was taken of it and
the teacher was re-engaged, so school
meeting ens looked forward to with a
great deal of interest. The able and
efficient Secretary for the last three
years, Win. Messer, was the retiring
trestee but was nominated as a most
suitable candidate. 0.'hos. Stewart, a
would bo lender of tho malcontents, wan
nominated in opposition. Jos. Leech
oecupted thecihair and after a long pantie
the vote was taken and only 19 was the
sum total for Mr. Stewart. It is hardly
ne0esso.ry to state that lMr. Messer ac-
cepted his elsctioa with becoming
modesty only glad to see that the ooerse
of his colleagues and himself was vindl-
Mrs. Wm. Thcrnton's mother, from
Virginia, is raying her a visit at present.
Leonard Rattan has returned from
Michigan, looking none the worse for his
James Shaw and wife of Listowel, aro
visiting friends on the 1st and 2nd linos
at present.
Miss MaryMoVe3y has gone on a trip
to Michigan. She purposes remaining
there till next fall.
Robt. W. McVety, of High Bluff, Mani-
toba, is down visiting friends and rela-
tives in the J ohnston neighborhood.
The school meeting in S. S. No. 10
washeld last Wednesday. Same, Cakl-
biok was re-elected trustee for next year.
Nomination day event by very quietly,
the ratepayers saving from 050 to 075 by
electing lust year's Council by awls.
No. 10, No. 8 and No, 7, re-elected the
same Board of trustees for 1880. Thus
the sections show their con6clonee fn the
00ico bearers.
Robert Hoover paid our neighborhood
another visit last Sunday. There is
50100 attractive force which draws Robt.
pretty often to these parts.
The young mon of S. S. No. 10, pur-
pose stetting a Debating Society on Jan.
3rd. The meeting will be held in the
School house on'Thuraday evening.
L. 0. L. -The dl5triO3 meeting of
Morris will he held in Sunshine on Taos.
day, Jail, 83h, commencing ab '2 p. m.
Thorn will be a degree meeting 11.1 the
hall of .150, Sunshine, on the evening of
Jan. 8111, wbea 13 is expeoted several will
be aclvanoed to the Royal Arch degree.
l t I000rtr1Ox.--- On Saburday, 1)rc.
tend, l/ubt. Stewart having met with his
1011101urs to bid them farewell, was soano-
wh'Ic ut„on by 10014 iso when ho was
made the recipient of a story handsotne
as well as orIlanlental and useful plush
covered dressing caro, fully furnished,
and also a watch guard bound with
beads of gold vory presentable to the
oye,es well as a very appropriate article
for every day nos. The presentation
was accompanied by the following ad-
dress:- Dean Weaouaa,-As the pre-
senb year is now drawing to a close and
Christmas is near at hand, wo avail ours
solves of this opportunity of wishing you
a very happy Christmas and a bright and
prosperous New Year, and w0 ialso wieh
to express our gratitude to yon, for your
faithful labors amotgst ne throughout
tho past year. It is with foaling of deep-
est regret that our relations as teaohor
and soliolers must be severed, and sve
would ask you to =opt thio trifling pre.
soot as a souvenir of your stay amongst
us, and you May rest aseurod that you
will nob 80011 bo forgotten by us. With
many good wishes for year future pros-
purity wo subscribe ourselves the scholars
of S. 0. No. 10, Morris. Mr, Stewart ep.
Y06)l'c k
thanked d his attached invite
The lighting of the town of Goclorich
by eloobrieity is now an accomplished
fact, and on 1tondey the contractors of
the Reliance) Elootri0 Manufaeleuing CO.,
of Watford, Ont., completed tho eon.
tract with the town, and the Now Year
wan nsloeted in with a bleep of 110 eleetrio
lil�ltls, mnidat the ringing of bells anti
the firin • of gmiu.
Just to handl a :111011-1ol :1",,lel. o1'
ORANGES, 011)30NS,
of all hinds, &e., &c,
All Kinds of J3isetiits, Canned
Goods, Tobaccos and Cigars.
Direct from 73altimore, in Can
or in Hulk.
Call in and See our Stock.
Oysters Served
Hot or Gold.
i Gend Arcomm1dufioe 1'er Severna
]fort, warders.
Read zvhat .People who
have zrsecl the
SAY .\310UT IT.
Mo. I. V. nun, Druggist,
1)ra11 Sec. --I willingly give my testi-
monial 110 favor of the A 13 0 Remedy,
as by its use, and only ono dollar's worth
at tliat, it restored to me my wife, who
hap been wasting away for eight or nine
mon tbs, and for whom there loomed no
help. I tried doctor after doctor, travel-
ling many miles and Laying out a great
amount of money to no good, till I tried
those remedies and hor clue was mira00.
lone,for she lost all coughiug, spitbing
and wasting, and in its pleao gained
health and strength, and brought Ihappi.
nese to our home. Recommend it to
everybody and use my name as author.
Icy, Whsle, Dm'cs.
Winthrop, Feb. 3rd, 1888.
It is Unequalled in Lifting the
Phlegm and Easing the Cough.
Sol(! by Druggists or, on all
orders of 2 bottles, sent free of
charge by Manufacturer,
I. V. Fear,
Druggist, SeVortl.
l 'I'rtct, enmities. 0nedcage,
-170 r, ,-.....,
Grocery Department.
We never had such a Large and Well -Assorted Stock of Raisins,
Currants, Peels, Pure Spices, Pickles, Canned Goods, Crosse LY.
Blark:wells Talnsgand Marmalade, &Sc., &e.
In Sugars we always Lead. Good Japan Tea 25 Cents per Ported.
Finest 40 Cents. Our own blend of Indite, Celina and Ceylon Black
Tea at 25 Cents a Pounce is unsurpassed. Cats Coffee at 40 Cents a
Pound is the finest grown.
Crockery & Glassware.
Our Stock is now Complete in Plain and Fancy China Goods,
Glassware, Dinned', Tea and Toilet Sets, and at very Low Prins.
Bakery Department.
Fresh Bacad and Cakes always on Hand.
Wedding Cakes a Specialty.
J15ent for Fleischman, 6' Co.'s compressed Yeast
la 1
This is the Season of the year when people are trying to decide what t0 procure for Presents and
where to get the Best 'Value for the honey.
has just received his Large and Well Selected Stock of
and ask you to Call and Inspect the same,
I show the 0300;4 lot of Silverware ever brought to town, consisting of Now Designs in Cake f;asksts,
Butter Coolers, Cruets, Berry Dishes, Sugar, Cream and Spoon Holders and a host of ether
articles.:NNo nicer gift can bo made, as they aro both .Handsome ;red Useful. -
..; Yeo y�s,;;,,at� .1141,
My Stock is very (illnpleto and always Large and Well !;ought, ! Il eve (told ;;1131 Silver WLtr of
reliablo makes. Cheap Watches fros�llm)�'$12.713 u,p..m
Handsome Mango of Cloaks in all Styles, and Prices. \Ve warrant them to give Satisfaction
A1'il<or 110 sale. '
XAE 5.
A ettw:stock of Violins, Bows, Strings, Bridges, &c, to hand and Bargains offered in them.
Gold and Silver Spectacles of tufo best makes always kept in stock.
EPvs aglEzelers
Special Vain in Earrings and Brooches, 'Watch Guards, Breast Pins, .Bt'a.eelots, Cliff
Buttons, &c.
Christmas still 50031 be hero and as 1 have bought my Goods with the intention of turningthein
into lu0ney as 00011 as possible I solicit an Early Call.
11 llepairing Neatly and Cheaply Done,
p E WV .E.i..d LER, .4` R U SF•.. E ..•11._. „
issuer of Marriage Licenses.