HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-1-4, Page 4New Advertisements, Local Mrs. Kirk. Laced- - Thee. Moore. Ink- 0, A. Headman, Legal advt. -Jun. Leyx. 1 Legal advt.—John keys. Election card- J J. Gilpin. Eler'l•'n caul 1 J. 1k'ninan. Election nerd - J. A. AteNeughton. East Iluron AO l Society—D. Stewart. Grey Branch Ag'l Society- -D. Stewart. Inc 3xu155ds `' frst, FRIDAY, JA N. 4, 1889. IT has bean arranged that a date for the trial of the Halton Dominion election petition shall be fixed in the Queen's Bench Division of the I -light Court the first Court after the legal v aoation. A row years ago two Australian Colon- nies fought out the question of Protection v. Free Trade. In 'Victoria Protection won, In New South Wales Pres Trade won. The fruits of the two policies are now being made manifest. Proteotianist Victoria has increased her populatiun by e2 per cent, in 20 years ; in the same time Free Trade New South Wales has increased 130 per cent. The average wages of e. workman m Viotoria ie 185, in New South \T'ab's 8l00, with cheap- er living. The working men aro leaving the Protectionist Colony and going to thence Trade Colony. Tun total receipts from Wee of Domin- ion lands in the Northwest last year amounted to 0404,282, compared with 0412,317 in the preceding year and $1,727,280 in 1882. And of the payments on account of Dominion lends last year $313,527 were made in scrip and $52,238 is cash. This can scarcely bo regarded as a satisfactory statement, in view of the inexhaustible character o[ the soil in the Northwest and the increasing demands for farms by the "landleas millions" of Europe. It is evident that the federal government's policy of railway monopoly and trade restriction is not promoting settlement in the Territories. During 1887.88 no less than 035 homestead en- tries and 454 preemption entries were cancelled. Tan letter of Inspeotor Malloch, given in another column, should have some weight in deciding who is right in the proposal to reduce the teaching staff of Brussels Public School. The heavy rate- payers, such as T. C. Rogers, J. D. Ron- ald, Dr. Graham, W. R. Wilson and others, are not the persons who are com- plaining about the expenditure of the School Board. We hold to our opinion, expressed last week, that with the sohool accommodation and school population we have; the possibility and probability of the loss of our school grant; the personal responsibility of the trustees, and the over -crowding of four rooms, we aro in- finitely better as we are. When the question can be legally dealt with it will be time enough to move. THE last Bulletin issued by the Pro- vincial Board of Health for Ontario, states that small -pox had been defivately stamped out in Ontario, by the end of November. Diphtheria and typhoid fever, however, which cannot be dealt with in a like manner were very preval- enduring the full and early winter. The conditions are thought to be suoh as increase the the danger of tyyhoid, The long drought in many parts would re. duce the level of the ground water, and I thus increase the area from which wells and springs draw their supplies and, with it the dau_'er of contamination from drainers. It is pointed cut that Gies. gow, which is supplied with Loch Kat. trine water, had not a single death der. ing the month of October last from , typhoid fever, while Brantford, where the water is got from wells, had a death rate of seven from this cause. €xo siea•ta1 1X etwvie. Au earthquake Shock was felt in Ramp. shire, l5i;gland, Saturday inuruing. A dispatch says that 22 persons wcr° killed by an explosion in the magazine at Messina on Saturday morning. The official journal Paris, announces an increase in the army of 15,000 foot chassours by the addition of two oom. ponies to each of 80 battalions. Mr. VanIoan says the C. Y. R. Co. is willing to stock and run a railway that shall bo built from Cobonrg through the townships of Hamilton, Raldimand Aln- wick, Percy and Seymour to some point on the 0. P. Iine. If the road is built the C. P. R. Co. will run it, and in ad- dition will pay 40% of thio gross yearly receipts to the company that couetructa it. This; sasms like a very fair offer, says a Cobonrg dispatch, and one that that the municipalities will likely take up. They are moving in the natter. A part of the abandoned workings in the Busk Mountain section of the West Shenandoah Colliery caved in Monday night, and did groat damage. The sur. face, upon whish stood the Pennsylvania Railroad tarn.table and round -house, eank eight feat for en area of 200 yards in length and 80 yards in width. no tracks of the Pennsylvania & Lehigh It R. also sank several feet, and the rails and sleepers were left suspended in the air for several yards. A large number of boys wore etanding on the turn -table when it sank, and had a rniraaulous es. cape from death, as at ono place the sur. face tenth to a groat depth and caused a great yawning breach forty feet deep, and the boys barely escaped being thrown I into it. 7'g the Ratepayers ar Brussels : lams AND G11NTI1'lSS,--I de - desire to state that I have been nominated as a candidate for It seat tit tllo Public l70llool Board, and 1 take this opportunity of soliciting yottrvote and irt.leeflee. 1t elected it will be my earnest aim to assist in keening down expenses, consistent with the proper management of our school. Wishing you the compliments of the season, I am, :Yours respectfully, J. A. MONAUGUTON. 7'o the .Ratepayers of the Village of Brussels : LADIES AND GE:NTLE:IIEN.—I beg, respectfully, to solicit your votes as a School Trustee. Should you honor m0 with your approval I shall, if elected. practice the most rigid economy t'oltsistelit with the necessities of the School. As !t parent I 11111 iii iel•eeted in the etin- eatwu'ot the \et; of oil;' v '',tge and ill serving \ 51111' interests I am serving my own. Relying,. with confidence. on your support tend pledging myself to a con- scientious discharge, of the ditties of the position, 1:111m, Ladies and Gclltlotnen, Yours i'el'v truly, J. J. G1L1'I'. To the Rat"payers of the Tillage (I/' Brussels : LADIES AND GENTLElll(N.—Hav- iug been nomivate1 as School Trustee I beg to request your votes. If elected I shall endeavor to economize, as I believe that a saving of several hundred dollars can be mads without injnriug the efficiency of the 8011001. The objection urged against me on account of absence is an uuten- able one, as I can so arrange my trips as to attend any meetings or other bl,sint» requi.iug the attention of the Board, so that this objection used by opponents really does not exist. The posi- tion was unsought by me, but, as an old teacher, having experience in school work, 1 was requested by a number of ratepayers to be- comea candidate, bat, now T 1101 in the field, I naturally wish to be elected and hopetomerit your support. I am, Faithfully yours, J. J. DENMAN. .Agricultural Society. The Annual Meeting of the 'East Huron Agricultural Society will be held in the Town HALL, Menem, me Thursday, Jan. 17th, 89, at 1 O'clock p. m., for the purpose of re- ceiving the Financial Report, Eleoting Officers for the ensuing year and trans- acting any other business that may come before the meeting. DONALD McLauchlan, D. STEWART, President. Secretary. MONEY TO LOAN. PRIV',fl TE FUJVDS. .,lactic. —10 of Private Funds have just been placed in my hands for In - Vestment AT 7 PER CENT. Borrowers can have their loans complete in three days if title is satisfactory. Apply to E. E. WAISE. THE BRUSSELS LS .POST ATEA T Mel RAW, dselu Street, • unwept ANDREW CURRII , Pl10PRIETOR. Fresh hilt Salt Meats Of the bast quality always on hand and da. livered to any part u t1teJTillage tree of charge. '1'urms very favorable. FAT CATTLE WANTED, Per welch tee highest market prise will be paid, I also make a speolalty Of buyluc Hides and Skins. Don't forgot the pine° next door to FI°toher's Jewelry Store, A. CURRIE. EAST .HUROJv Farmers' institute A Ii'armers' Instituto will bo held in the Town HALL, BRUSSELS, 011 Friday and Saturday, January Ilth & I2th,'89 Professor Mills, of the Ontario Agricultural College, will be in attendance, and the leading Ag- riculturalists of this section. A cordial invitation given to all, particularly the farming c0 mnlunity. W . BISHOP, 13. MCFADDEN, Sec. Treas. President. HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Sectuity at Lowest Bates of Interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4, and 5 per cent. interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and tune let. OFr101e.--Corner of Market Square and North Street, Gocle- rich. Horace Horton, 'MANAGER. zyla ation. Some of our German and English friends were a little offended when we apologised to our Irish and Scotch oust. tomer&, a few wceke ago, that we had not included them. The reason was that the English do not as a rule care for the strong East India Blank Teas, but prefer the mild flavored Congops, Sou. ohongs end Hysone, of China. Any per. son who prefers this kind of tea should try Live pounds of our English breakfast tea, either straight black or mixed. Por our German friends who drink very little tea at all, we have a splendid lot of Green Coffee, at 20 and 25 cents that will suit them exactly. For our Canadian friends, the best and most numerous of them all, We have the Japan Toa. The Carnaok nine times out of ten goes for the Japan because it is cheap, wholesome and re- quires very little care in drawing. All you have to do is to throw it into a pot and boil it. Our Japan Tea at 25o, 800, 350 and 40o is good, gives a strong, clear liquor, and is very cheering. Try five pounds of it. Amu Goon, The Toronto Grocery, P. S. Those who are using our Assam Tea should not use so much of it as other teas as some parties woroaomplain- ing that it was too strong for titeni. TO THE PUBLIC In order to pay increased attention to my roady.made boot and shoe trade and Grocery business I have disposed of my CUBTodtldsoOT and S/IOEE 11IISINESS 00 Mn. PETER RITCHIE, who will continue it in the same place. I desire to rotnnn thanks for the large share of patronage which I received during the past seven years and ask for an increase to my euc• ceseor, Mr. Ritchie. ADAM GOOD. Having purchased the Custom Shoe business of Mr. Good, I am prepared to attend to the wants of the Public. My five and a -half years work in Bills. sets is a guarantee of the satisfaction I am prepared to give, not only to old customers but to as SnRlly new ones as ivo mo their patronage. poll--tf P. RITCHIE BEE -HJ VE Great Bargains al. the "Bee -hive" in Teas and Crockery For -the next 2 weeks. ESTATE NOTICE. e t ,`'4tlr[n!,'oT 2eG% aliMpirafiN t Pnreusut to Chap.ite, Nes 45,11.0.0., Ilio eroditohs of Jany, sthnra,00ie, I°to of tbn whodied 0f Grab, is the County of IbOmni who died on Or 441)0111 the Newton kb ,Lay Of ,Iuly,1 .1),1455, and others lining 010101& in respect co her eenite aro notified to send, on. Or before tin nth nom el 1)oeember, 1550, to Alaxaudur Hunter, of the Village of Tirassels snout for the administrator of the personal estate of the said dOMms^d, their 050104, addresses nod full particulars of their olnims and of the securities (if env) held by then,, dao also uassete o said a ceased will the dis- tributedsaid amongthoseentitledthereto having regard only to such elalme of wlrlob the administrator has thou notice, and the administrator will not be liable for any assets so distributed to any pers0n of whose claim he shall not have had notice, A, HUNTER, Ant for Wm. SmA/ MON, Admtnistr,ator, Brussels, Doo. 12(11, 32,0 Private Funds to Loan. $20,000 Have been placed in 015 hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission, Borrowers eau hated loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Bmtsscls. NEI YORK cerY GREAT BARGAINS IN— GLASSWARE, CHINAWARE, STONEWARE and all kinds of Fancy Good. As I intend going out of this Line of Business Won't be Undersold. Largo Stock of FRUITS, CANDIES. NUTS, etc., etc., Se. Call in and See What We Have. J. L. Sturdy. It/1 ONEY'10 1,OANI Any Amount of :Molloy to 440111) on Farm or Village Pro• per ty, at 6 4 6.?- Per Cent. Yeurl,y. --- Straight Loans with privilege, of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels, —THE— Brussels Roller Mills being now in full operation the Proprie- tor is prepared to supply the peblio with the best grades of Roller Flour, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour. All kinds of Mill Toad always on Band, and for sale at reasonable p ices for Cash. IC s 7t$ ill &Cl 14 will iinrl that they are doing the very best for them- selves by patronisina or whit their Grist. ing and shopping. OP O At. RATES FOR FL UR to any person taking 500 pounds or more, W.41. It0SS• Jail. 4, 1880. Clubbing Offer. Pos'f will he ('1111.'.:1 Wil.1 1110 leading 'Weeklies 118 follows: The Blobs 41114 Tun l'o-r ., ., $2 25 The A4vortiec1' . , . , , .. S 00 The Ioreo Prose .. .. .. .. 2 25 Montreal Witnoxs .. .. .. .. 2 25 Toronto News,. ,. .. .. 11 211 Toronto Empire.. „ .. .. . '2 25 The balance of this year will be given Free to all Now Subscribers. \Io awe a Comparison of THE POST with the leading journals of Huron County. R. RNA*, EDITOR aC ]�nnt'r enroll. m NE F 4G1 Tho undersigned desire to in- timate to the people of this see- to'n that they have bought out the EL ACKSMI THI NCI BUSINESS of AIR. doll]'. 1\IA'rTICl: (Nc.rt Door to 211,'. John 1T ijnrt's TT'adon ,5/4011,) and they are prepared to attend to the wants of all favoring them with their patronage. All Kinds of Blacksmith/lig Work Done, and tiSATISFACTION GUARANTEED. We make a Specialty or Horseshoeing. GIVE US A CALL. Roberts & Jefferson. STEUNC MACHB E 04`x. Sterling Machine 0'1 is daily becoming more widely and favorably known. Those: who try it continuo to use it. No other Oil ie more suitable for general use. It ie well adapted for all Mill Machinery, eapers, Mowers ail Threshers ! }�Ask Your J A o�Pl IT - for it ! Manufactured by jfc:llillalt, Kittredge 10 o„ Petrolea ; Branch at Stratford, Ch1tclri0. I'O13 SALE BY A.M.MCKAY & CQ., MUSSELS; FI. P. McAe,irsree, Ethel ; J. Timms, Bluevalo. 7m • Hanging Lamps and Hall Lamps. Wo have Just Received a Splendid 'Variety of Hanging' and Hall Lamps with the Latest Improve- ments and most Fashionable Patterns . Call in and Seo theta and get Our Prices CR 0 0 0 SS --OUT SAWS. Just received from the Best Manufactures in Canada and the United States a Full and Well Selected Stock of Cross -Cut Saws, including "The President," ``Lance Tooth," "Champion,' "Racer," &e. Persons requiring anything in this Line should see them. 0 0 0 A lull Line of the Best CIIOPP/NG AXES on hand. Seasonable Goods, such as Cow Chains, Halters, Lanterns, Apples Pacers, Sleigh Bells, Sze., in abundance. Solcl at Close Prices. 0 0 SINAVNIFtW We Gllllralltee all our Silverware to be exactly what it is represented. -A Largo and Well Assorted Stock to choose from. Big Bargains in those Goods. 'We have Cilcts, Berry Dishes, Butter Coolers, Napkin Rings, Individual Salts and Poppers, Ike., c&e, • Staple Lines 01 Hardware always on hand. Quotations to builders cheerfully given. Thanking 011r ]many Customers for their Patronage in the past 11'e solicit it continual -leo of the EAR MUM 1110ENStSI 45100. —1 E 1iti t,M13EB TH11 STAND. W. H. McCracken, A. ,. . ..4 • _C A ,i. & Co:, LJRWsSEL.L.