The Brussels Post, 1889-1-4, Page 3Jabal. 4, 18b9. I HE $kdlJSS1 .S POST
ozso 600/0403 enlasat.`°"`=1f'' - a.n.issa':t ,%'CT.d2vcJ7.kfo-osu....:2=rattorl!o=smin^ "stmoz :{13 'mR"tsomari!ttrotaos K- o
'4.1:11\ 1N itIAZt.
1.1 3 etnan+r" of j31 I"', 111 Vt't'1'(3,1
631' hies, 1113' Pilllitl. uu+s, le 33)E wt'11
int ltlterf°t-to l7' ,v•ol
err. atologi-3 at the present day,
Deriving ha 11'0113' lr'n1 PIn11'ti to, a
pra n, 1=rtandsou ul 1t'uu it - oonutry
ouunld• d by hie d„ (1 , t.t„1., .x'0114
O i. .e e Ar•e I,• 14 - • It i+ 111•
• . tt'. "ba, J' 1 I:. '01,1110104
Lo•ti, Lilt t11.! 1•[. ,• 33(11 i 11',1111141 ,•'o•
h,,.,a i❑ 111: .t' 0 1 ,In"'- bald
,1413 ((,%:ni0 21: 84) awl
oleo i' „ t 113 .1'. ni U .z • ab •til 300
3. !•• a=o'el•itr t, 111 ,i, • (0"r70.48
111): I13) a•, 3L ;'. h•• e , 1111 1 "f that
benoOrly grow. nopuloue and in
flulw•l I oily i • bo .,, it di•poo• It
and tim urn /lani tint li"dolor
rem •t• no, 1,ti nun from various
elova"•I p,i., edilio:; none her
. flu ,.3• 'i t,l'• r, •1 to (1•'3(13 3338'3)
1• oto t I•a'orably stud pit?iuro• (piety
sit matt ,I 11 1 • ••uppn.•a (l 11131 used, rn
is 1,48881- o11 1r,i• ,it( of tn•
an11n11 01•y• `.1'raditi. ,o, S.3 well ,ti
many nl mumenl.trl 3' 'u tier', in the
s:; .i. f hrnknn u.ou,no•, 14,1,,. s 50
th't COJO-,lslon. T31 1$71 it h d a
1101'4' 3ttioll 1'f anon?. 10,000, its chief
industry is the minufllcturcofsoap,
which is trnn• ported across the desert
to Egypt. 131 still derives some
ndt'aftago from its positiou on the
Caravan route from Damascus to
Egypt, although, of course, very
Wile compared with formerly, whim
a regular traffic an a large stale was
carried on, crud it became un empor
item for goods from Egypt and
Northern 1Syria. It was a place of
considerable importance iu the 12tH
century, B 0., and Was one of the
strongholds of idolatry. When we
coneuder the small, dull, dilapidated
ooudition of modern Gaza, it is
somewhat difficult for us to realize
that mu'titudes once thronged ata
111711kota, that the noi(eltud tumult
iusiparable to busy, active lila rout
the stir and that largo houses, palaces
and temples crowned and flanked
111( hills that stand to day silent
witnesses of tiro vanity and trans
ienoy of earthly pomp autl grandeur
Gaza is interesting to the brblaoal
as atoll its to the profane etutlent,
(1'0.11 the a+r )tltttion • eu,inedted with
it. '1 he scone depicted in Jtldgoa
13;, upp,ah' futcibiy to the imagine
tit 1'8 31(1,3 gil'em spilt) (1411(1;33 materiel
to .,Ito poet ,7111 Nbill3.1 Imagine it
311 Io city wilts 33311,13 t,xcitelnent ((3131
fit 1 Witt( i, latmtic z,: al, rushing til:':
a rued() unto])' 3..rwaid, jot tling
1)' nnt'Ihrl to ib. it tat melees "•
▪ ti0 it (('3031 of obiorvOloc.
11 cy ,?314 r )sure ed 1 1''r .Int
f.+..31n1u,.0.- p ,•311 and day .0
PI lis'ulw re•uhly ou•'y •,e cal; of
t• " ',barite t” oto honor t , their God,
ttbull they 1180x1110 the victory
0,: :r their mama; Many of them,
n tL fie, co Mau ea battling to their
b hist and flashing eye, recount how
their lauds nuc] slew
63(0 moot part alahal11lneilan. `Nitre tion 10 the 1no1111m131111 near i'lttriln{, 11113((15 here were seen to M (('11
is alms a 1'ruteetiut Matruh, and if, and a 31'1deo3atet the, It will be haat an St ..,•.!,Q
as therm 1; every r0asun G.1 believe, banded to bun tat 1• .:..3 13' day by Ut. 3 low Unwired lu„li p,, r, ,k of
a railway 31111111(1 ,to 110 very 111(148411( the eflioor(3113 mo0uueu<l of the ea33311(3 the free b,' akfaat in Torun'.
'I'lte 1/osmosis, Iles. Jo.of'1'ori no°, i
aloft a $1(1,0110 1100110 from Paris.
date ounum:t Northern Split with of .Dumbarton and 11 1rlluu, iu pros
iiuypt, Giza will once hero rise to mute of the euatodntnl oflhe mono•
a city of eon:adorable importance,— hent, 8o whose Iwo lumping the
S. F. Ilona, 131uxoola. 4ouernblo two Inn 11 i w'1.ip.ln, 0.5
-- 1r11i0h modern (31114313311 ,;amu with
'3'1 i' 1latnel'31113 (33$. 113110 11.ahlnetlt, will 170. (1.11 .3) 0 )33"..y , 1
Structurally, of courso, tho i,1'1'tiittl, IIISTOItY,
hnulpe are nothing—more lump, --
of fat. enlIn stud under a ((103elllent A '1'on0 ,31.,') mole r'oltoti 11110 it
fold of the aloin, and nttnrly nnpro barrel after tats (3 . I , o his bead
villn,l for in the framework of tiro fast. 1114 (mime was mad about it,
(3133 1etnu When the animal is a+, and made !tint wear 3110 barrel three
hie beat and well fed they are fall dap, triton he luta .:if W43 barrel ad
and 33,uutp, slaullini up un his up o0 a warrant for era'3(13' to ani
bank firm (('1(1 upright; but cu a male..
loug journey Only are graduall1 1 is ,.aid that it Burk°11iru turkey
absorbed to kaop up 4110 limy that :rite observed on rt tents the other
work in the heart and h'„ 1. Tu the day 11138tttly Btudyino ,.n ehultuaa
08r3Vatl 0 3111.11( .3hiult lurk%) at, the and ruokolin;4 0,1 1111 ''e3 it nv son g
x'11313 tho Klatt 11inys over, au it 13301 ala)" ' (1tl(lkg, Rail
empty bag, upon the crea tol's's then raised bis op.'s to the iliroution
fl.u; o, b:•ar(n ;