HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-1-4, Page 1Volume 18.
Qitizen's Opinion.
To the t:ditor of Tun Post.
Snt.—As we now know who are the
candidates for honors at the coming
election, and as it has been my custom
for the last year or two t0 criticize thorn
ttud as the defeated Reeve last year
blamer' the defeat to my criticism, I
will again do 1110 001110 with rho hope of
equal auecess. Pot the Rooves the lutvo
(sellae and Backer, both of whom have
boon tot the Council hoard for several
years e.ud Wo can judge then by their
actions. Graham Was one of tlte. Council
that grappled with the deficits of Cory
rale motor Drcwe & Co. and who wiped
them out nod left a surplus that Las been
on bold ever since. Ile tons also one of
the Council that obtained the Order in
con toil Ito Land Improvement Fund with
the Township of Morris which scoured
us nettr'y 5600, while. according to this
settlement we would have received $700
from Grey, wo only, through the hauls.
ling of Drewo, Beaker Or Co., got $170 or
a loss of $525. He has always bean an
active member of tbo Street committee
and has always advocated the keeping of
streets in good repair and to make each
year bear its burdens; to always have
the streets better than ho found thein all
of which he has reduosd to pra0tice. In
ongagiug men bo do work it was never
oonnidered by him whether they were
Grit or Tory, aa he has had as many
Tarries as Grits. Outside of council
inettors be has done more to make a
good market in Brussels and thus draw
farmers from a distance to our town so
that they can dual with our meehenios
and merchants, than a snore of-Baolcers
or it dozen mon in Brussels and while
doing so ho has given universal sutisfac-
tion to his customers and made money
himself. He has always advooated the
keeping of the peace on our streets and
has reputedly brought it before the Coun-
cil. Ile bas been a member of last your's
Council, which has reduced the local rata
as low no it ever was and leave a surplus
of several hundred dollars to its credit.
On the other hand Mr. Booker was one
of the party who bungled the settlement
with (trey; ho voted to lose $18.00 iu
the rettlemeut with Morris; has always
been kicking against keeping the streets
in good repair ; he has always believed,
from his actioua, to let everything go to
the clogs but show a low rate. Why if
he and 1 rewo got the running 01 affairs
with $1,500 on hand ns is the case this
year heawould run it next year without e.
Local tate at all. Had he had his own
way the last year he was in he would
hate left a deficit, or have struck a second
rate as was done another year by his
party. Why in the year 1880 Messrs.
Bogen and Kerr went on and repaired
the side walks nud streets in opposition
to Meoors. Backer and Wynu, or they
would have bean impassible. Mr. Van -
Moue agreeing with Rogers and Kerr as
he had the tender for lumber, but they
were hardly up to the stundard that year.
He also appointed an assessor and wan
willing to keep him on after he had dis-
franchised all the female voters in town
and non-resident Reformers and missed
sumo $6,000 of property altogether, and
did everything possible to stuff the lists.
If circulating false statements behind the
packs of his opponents is s qualifioatiou
he is all right. Had the present Oonnail
bad n deficit instead of surplus Mr.
13aelcer would haver no faith to find with
the statement. He has not been an ep
holder of the lawn himself for last year
Ile had the privilege of paying $50 and
costs, a nice per -on bo would make to
sit in judgment on any person. Dona
any aaale person imagine that he is o.ip.
able of attending to the magisterial
duties, of a Reeve? If not wiry should
hp elected? For tho Cuenoil Mo-
st Strachan, Anent and Vanstone
eats et the Board, The
-nail, as shown by
bas not been
10M141.1‘NifIrayili‘0011:0121M4111.0.1.4111.11.M492/10..1,PAYPN9.•a• 3111101•0111111M•22
Wiry good sum yet lute real t,utatu valued
on the roll at $700. rooting that my
fellow ratopayera will consider my
criticisms and vote for the beet Wigs.
J am, Respectfully yours,
Drum's,Jan. '2, '811, Comics.
Washington Lettn3:'.
(From our Regular Cerespnutlent.l
WAa171dar:T014, 1100. 28, 15811.
no question of the present in the Re-
publics foreign rri ltions is:--"1Ia11 Seem.
tatty Bayard, representing thu Uciterl
States, been snubbed by Salisbury?""
The alleged snub has boort ,nbjeoted to
qualitative end quantitative awtlyolo
but the diplomat bitrhriniis differ in
theirreports. It is Wetted th„t 811, (til.
urs of the English governinol t to appoint
it snccr.scor to tinckvdle tool Halisburv'e
virtual rldit :nl to to tet is vitved iu Bur.
opt as 1 nl„rkod 'arrow( to Amorist.
clearly ludicating diplenatiu resentment.,
which would be followed in any Euro
peau cattutry by the immediate with-
drawal of the ambassador or minister to
Great Britain ; and the alternative is
Presented to ourgoverument of recalling
Mr, Phelps or of pooiceting an insult and
sacrificing self-respect. The State de-
partment view of the matter is that
while the United States can refuse to re-
ceive an offensive minister, it cannot
dictate how or when a foreign govern-
ment shall bo repsented at the capitol ;
that our representatives in foreign coun-
tries are theta mainly to protect the
nations' business interests, and that
it is a mattor of difference to our govern•
ment whether or not Groat Britain ne-
glects to look after Ler own business in -
tercet in thin country for the next few
months by failing to appoint a successor
to Sackville.
Mr. Talbott, cleric of tho 1Vays end
Moans Committee, has boeu set to work
upon a critical review of the Senate tar-
iff bill and the oolleotion of data bearing
upon the portions of the bill which are
not in aocord with the viows of the tariff
reformers. This information will be at
the nervieo of the Demooruts of the Sen-
ate in the future discussion of the meas-
ure, and will bo at the aerv100 of the
Detnoorats of the Senate in the future
disoussion of the measure, and will be
useful to the tariff reform leaders in the
House in making 00 their statomont of
objections to cnnonrrence in the Sonata
substitute .or the Mills bill, whish is ex.
'seated to reach the House before ibe first
of Foto:oars.
The bill and substitute will take the
usual course of reference to the Ways
and Means Committee, but how long
will be required by the committee to
review it cannot be foretold. 1t is safe
to predict that a majority will recom-
mend non-oonourreuce. Tho Senate will
insist upon its substitute and ask for a
conference. A conference may be order-
ed, but puobably it will be too late in the
nosaion to expect buy agreement to bo
reached upon a, question about which the
parties differ so widely.
During rho two months the Persian
minister plenipotentiary has been in
this country he has learned to speak
English so that he oan converse in that
language. He, of course, cannot speak it
fluently, as yet, but what is very un-
usual in a foreigner, he keeps within bis
limited voontbilaty and avoids errors,
oummon even' among Americans. Thorn
is a peculiar grace in his speech that
makes him a pleasant oonversoeionalist.
He appears a man of rare intelligence
and oaoomplishtneets, and will probably
take a high place in diplomatic society.
Being the first representative of the Per-
sian government in this oountry, there
has been a ouriosity among many people
to see what this man from far off lands
looks and acts like. In many instmmos
they have potmittel this curiosity to
load them beyond the bounds of courtesy.
An odd sort of notion that the new
minister ropraeents savagery appears to
bo current, They look upon him as they
might upon a barbarian, anct talk about
his dress and manners without much re-
gard to politeness. As a matter of fact,
8 is a very refined gentlemen, a eoldio
t,fgltort rank, and a scholar of
•' g, and is not tho repreaou-
uncivilized coentry. In
s little from thePrenoh
-doh minister, the
or the Austrian.
e uniform of
• army, and
,shout it
1Vdonday't3 Nominations. What the Candidates aid.
tllll'sal I a - 11111:YE,
W, II, oleCraeket )loved by as,
Buyers, seconded by 13. Gerry.
Robt. Graham---Move.iby E, 13. Wada,
scowled by D. G. Rose.
Geo. Bolter—Moved by Wm. Slashill,
ascended by Jno. Wynn.
E. E. Wndo—Moved by P. Soott, sec.
ended by Jos. Ross
I3. Gerry-liuved 1:y P, Lowery, see.
ended by 11. Leatherdale.
R. Leatherdale --)loved by .1, J. Den-
man, seconded by 'Thos. t'feree.,
,Lm. Almon --Moved by Thos, hall,
seeouded by 11. Dennie,
17. 1 Vatrstonn Moved by Geo.
Bmkc.1, sore,ode 1 by 3'. (hill.
1.). Street nt v i by T. O'Neil,
*woos led by \V. lT sn1 luir.
J. M. ,)Teint.> h lo,+ci by P. Seott,
scaou.11.a by 1;. A illiaur;.
Wat::olt Ain lay ?tov' l by E. E. Wade,
seconded by J. 1 oss.
W. F. Stewart -Motel by Jas. Inose,
seeotdod by 1). Strachan.
A. Jeukins—Moved by Wm. Norton,
seconded by J. Young.
501100I. TIIINTEiia,
J. Hargreaves—Moved by E. L. Wado,
seconded by R. Graham.
James Buyers--1Tovod by Jae. Wynn,
seconded by Jas. Oliver.
:I. J. Denman—Moved by Jas. Oliver,
seconded by A. Bruce.
W. H. Kerr—Moved by D. Strachan,
aeaonned by D. Stewart,
J. J. Gilpin—Moved by S. Hinds, sec•
ended by R. Leatherclale.
Rev. Jno. Roes, 13. A.—Moved by W.
H. Kers, seconded by T. Fletcher.
J. A. 1IcNaught„n—Moved by E. E.
Wade, seconded by D. C. Ross.
On motion the speech -making wan
adjourned until 7 o'clock p. m.
Gaze.—Room \Vat Milne, ace. ; tat
Deputy Reeve, W. Oliver and Jas. Fer-
guson ; 2nd Dopnty Reeve, Ed. Bryans
and Jno. Strachan; Councillors, Wm.
Brown and A. Hislop, ase. •
Mcllioror.—Reeve, James Hays, ace. ;
Com,cillorto--let Ward, Bennowis, aoo ;
Ward 2, .Jae. Evans, \Vm. Dynes ; Wadi
3, John Morrison; Ward 4, Chas. loodds,
J. Grieve.
Exzreu.—Reeve, Dr. Rellings;) De-
puty, W. G. Ilissett (by acclamation( ;
Connaillors, ;his Pickard, T B Carling,
I -I McCallum and Jas Willis.
Srcrnr•.x.—Reeve, V Rate; First De.
puty-Reeve, H Either 1 Second Deputy-
Iltwve, Chas Either (till by acclamation) ;
Councillors, J Shorret, D French and W.
Lzartcvat.—Mayor, 8 Brisker, (by ac-
clamation); Reeve, D D Campbell, Dr
Philp, R Woods, R Martiu, Q E Hay, W
G Hay, ; Deputy Reeve, A W Feather-
ston, P Lidice, Wm Welsh.
Moi i is.—Old Council re-elected by
Eder Wow.tvosu.—Reeve, Robt Currie
and Thoe Taylor ; Deputy Reeve, Jas
Potter and E Anderson; Councillors,
John McCallum, Wm Robinson, John
Bone, Wm Roach, Wm Sutherland, Robt
MaGowaa and Donald Patterson.
WEST WAWA\osn: Re008, John Stone
and Durnion ; Deputy, Loohart and Ste-
wart ; Councillors, Bellie, Gibbon, Bow-
ers and Todd.
Gonanren Tow,rsnm.—Reeve, John Cox
(acclamation)Deputy Reeve, John
Beacon, Joseph Whitley ; Connoillors,
Thos Churchill, Gou A Cooper, Jas
Elliott, John McLellan, D Purvis Sam-
uel Sturdy and Wm Townsend.
(Logs .—Old Council elected by too
alumation—Reeve, P Kelly ; Councillors,
D 13 Mollinnou, Thomas 13awden, John
Wilford and Robert Symonds.
Bt exzo,a.—Reeve, T J Moorebouse,
Geo Castles; Councillors, W W Connor,
1 Grainger, Jos Wild, 11 Stanbury, Dr
Niohol and 11 Rutledge.
ST.l0auv. --Council elected by naolama-
1 13LLETT.—The Council of 1888 return-
ed by acclamation.
CLINTON.—Mayor, Joseph Whitehead,
can. ; Reeve, Alex. MoMurohio, ace. ;
Deputy Reeve, A. 11. Manning, eaa. ;
Councillors—St. George's Ward—David
Canletou, W. C. Searle, Thos. Doherty,
D. R. Menzies, Robt. Fitzsimons. St.
James' Ward—Thos. McKenzie, Thoe.
Jackson sr., H.R. Walker, Arthur Couch.
St. John's Ward—Clots. Overbert, D. 13.
Kennedy, Win. Cooper, 0. S. Doan, Hugh
Moore, Jas. Cook, St. Andrew's Ward-
- Johnston, Jae, Smith, Horace Poster.
Wruontst. --. Mayor, Robert Molndoo,
Walter Soott, J. 1: Tamlyn and Thos.
Bell; Rsove, Thos. Gregory, George Mo.
Kenzie, John Hanuok; Councillors—
' Gard 1 --Thos. Agnew, Alex. Dawson,
Neolands; Trustee—George Petty -
Ward 2-107. F. Brookenshire, J.
Mb, W. B. Towler, R, Hill);
3. A. Martin. Ward 8-3. A.
Smyth, R. Sperling ; True.
hieholm and Thos. Bell.
elnderson, Thos. Holmes,
rohit Coad, J. W. Inglis ;
'nglis. :.
we, T. B. Smilers ;
Hand, John David.
Tones Paulin, Wm.
W. H. Brown,
Bryan and Jno,
dicDouald, G,
of Lyons, A.
peptone J.
hod by
On Monday evening the Town Hall
was filled to overflowing with the electors
and others to hear what tho candidate,
for the various positions in the gift of
the ratepayers, (lad to say. It was moved
by 13. Gerry, seconded by 1). iitraobail
that F. 8. Scott take the chair. Carried.
It was arranged that the candidates
wouldspeak in the order in, which they
were nominated,
Renoir 1'Icbra01pet wets (Inc first speak•
er. tie ret: o st thanks for tit' umber
of inn: , the. alactorg had honored him
with their e:,;dt longe. Tho two ye'trt
lot wu$ 11, eve 1; t l bevl p1eaa•tnt1y 8110o0
n .l v''d IP. or 1 1'pots in his them ,r;.
IIs sposooto ;hooked _d the young mss and
lndi n t . npp''I1. 1I pin;; the
11—.0 ne c •� , i I b,_ .,.nt.r 1 incl that 11ru•1.
1,Volt!! •1tm .011 nth WI lt'-J
all the. •111 ,!iui ; + of thea 1t nl
0001:1. .l bien•,at 011 of th nest.
l;.,bt. 001.0.11:1,a aqu -11' 1 os .t e ti li late
Ger the llrevoship of Brussels after au
experience of t- goo years at the Connell
Board, Ile thought !Brussels in a bettor
financial position tluut for years. The
consolidation of our debt, the Publiu
Works, Fire Limit, and Butcher's By-
laws- were referred to briefly. A sinking
fund had been established toward tbo
payment of our debentures as they ma.
tured, $000 being now placed to the cre-
dit of that fund. If Bleated he would be
ono tt1 advocate at the County Council
the reduction of representatives and
thus anthill expenses, It was argued
that he had nu real estate. In the grain
business he required all his money and it
was in the interest of biro+elf and the
town t.. have his money nt hand. How-
ever, he expected to acquire real estate
as he bad faith in the future of our town
if the mm» cipal affairs wore properly
managed. Brussels market was second
to none itt Huron and he a aimed a share
of the uredit for this fact. All were
fully aware of the necessity of seonriug
the C. 1'. It and as in the past so in the
future he would do all he could to secure
the road. Ile would be greatly benefitted
by it and so would the town. Ile con-
sidered the money ?sod in going to Mon.
treat and Guelph was well spent, al-
though the amount did not by any means'
recoup him for his outlay. Our taxes,
owing to bonuses, Co., were on the high
side but with unity and the advent of the
C. P. P. we cannot fail co prosper. If
elected he would d:1 all iu his power to
advance the iuterusts of Brussels,
Geo...Busker, had pleaattro in coming
bt fore the eloetm•s for the seventh time.
He hod suffered throe defoats but he
looked for a victory this time in con.
testing the Beeveship las he was rusting
in the interests of Brussels, lie had tor
fault with Mr. Graham anti believed him
to be a good Councillor but he thought
his claim etrongor, He was longer in
the place, had been ;freeholder for years
and had watched the interests ..f tate tax-
payers very closely. - The ildaneial'
statement was not correct and instead of
the surplus claimed the amohut would be
a groat deal less. His 16 years residence
should entitle him to a good "ora and his
calculation in the management of nun.
icipal affairs hod always come out right.
Ile returued thanks for past support and
hoped to be placed at the head of the
poll and if ro ho would do ell in his
power t0 advance die interests of the
Some time tris wasted at this juncture
as to who should speak next so A. H. N.
Jenkins took the stand. His fiat sen-
tence (altar thinking a gloss of water)
wet "That will be a surprise party to my
ato,naoh.” Jne opened out a personal at-
tack en the editor of Tut•: Post and dwelt
on his advent to 13 Lt -sols all'l how he
had got along. After being r'peatodly
corrected tool forced to admit he was
telling barefaced lies, he was called 10
order by the chairman. Thera had been
reckless expenditure, Ito said, and de•
elated that the financial statement was
not what the law demanded. The money
to tutod to Messrs. Garry and Graham
when as delegates they went to
Montreal was an Hiegel expenditure and
thoir visit was worthless las they had no
scheme. The railroad would never be
built by the 0. P. R., but if at all by a
private company. The delegates to
Montreal should have given a written
statement to the Council and an itemized
auoonut of expenditure. He found fault
with the way the town printing was
done, tIrusauls was head over firsts in
debt and there was no room for new in-
dustries. The assets were improperly
stated as the Town (Hull, Piro Engine,
Band instruments, t&n., ware not really
assets He was not a eaudiclato. (loped
the best men world be Misted. Thought
both the candidates for the Beeveship
were good mon,
E. E. Wade said bo loaned back in his
seat and olosod his oyes and imaginal
he could hear Jenkins delivering his
epeaob to the people of Gorric. Ila then
proceedocl to dress the Budgot nuts clown
and did it very effectually. The speaker
believed Ito exolnding politics front lnuu-
leipal elections and in proof of this had
voted more than once for Conaorvativea
but when a compromise was talked of
this year Jenkins was ono of tt,ostrongest
opponents unless the majority were Con-
servatives. Oar debentures sold well, 111
a profit of 5400 or $600 ttud the interest
had been reduced from 7 per ;out to G
The Council had acted with judgment in
this ]natter. IYIr. jet -drills' found fault
. with rho expenses of the oonsolidatiou of
the debt, but Ito wanted to arty that
Wingham paid 578 for the same work too
get stone for $50. Tito finanolal state-
ment mot tho requironionts of the late.
Tho ascots wore all right. IIo wa0 not a
candidate list he hoped text Monday to
see Xtoht. Graham returned as Reeve of
Bruseols for 1880.
13. Gerry was a oandidato for Couto.
ilor. lied served four years before
me time ago so was not new to the
vition. He did not intend quarrelling
h his neighbors as they had as good a
It to sank olnotian as anybody oleo,
kept ant of munieipel mattprs for a
Many years but owing to being-
ly pi:essed this year lie had 8011-
85 run. IIs wanted to economise
ip cope with the tattlettlties. \Vo
are killed in llrtisaels with polities. IIx
wanted the Menton to look over his re.
toted acs it (16:1,11 and if elected would do
the bust t• could. 1.10 tyae naturally too
fist:; but ho did not want to loss the
Biohd. Leatltardaie 1111 no promises
to make, taxes were highjbat lie did not
sae how they could bo lessened for 50010
years. If elected ho hoped 1111 record
would be such as would give oatlafac-
Jno. Arrant was 1100 pretreat.
W. P. Vanstone bad a municipal ex.
po iottoc for ,ievoral yenr1 and after a
riot woo an,.,: mora tt r. tnlidate On' It
heat at t';e Board, Had httetndrd Mak.
in;; 0 ion; npet.ull but to 1 W.1,1 f'tlt11:1
IMO 110%1.1111 ft alr>rr. `k hr old (.,,11110/1
h•td .111)18 tilt', bot they It,,mv bot. Thr•
0,0:01.ti1'.Inv dnot dto, Ise duty and Ito
thought it sial try to I+ecp ono on
alt 111 your oi tlia 11,' nits out ltr,c
ouo.l• ii. rho 541111: nl tree:; of hrn--
sets contpm'ed favorably witlt the (Alec
nud towns and 110 00111 ./ not 1Uml thin.
Wu should prartice ocouomy. Exemption
from taxation for afoot years might secure
an oatmeal mill or a good tannery if looked
after. The fire limit for the bock streets
was not correct. Approved of the nom-
ination beim; hold in the evening.
(loped to be elected next Monday.
D. Strachan appeared before the elec.
tors for tbo second time. If again elect-
ed he would try, as he had in the past, to
economize all hs could to keep our taxes
J. M. McIntosh took up the financial
standing of Brussels and gave afall ac-
count of what had bean epeot. Wo will
have 5400 or $600 in hand when every-
thing is squared up. Had no fault to
find with the Connell as he believed they
all worked in the interests of Brussels.
It elected for another year he had no
other object before him than saving all
the money to the corporation he could.
It woo bard to keep the rate down but
economy should be practiced as well as
Watson Ainlay thanked the electors
for the vote given him last year and 0.8
be was a candidate again he hoped to be
elected. If so ho'd serve the corporation
to the best of his ability,
W. F. Stewart was before the rate-
payers for tho first time and had conse-
quently not ,catch to say. At the solici-
tation of a number of the electors he bad
consented to run for Councillor and asked
tho aoppott of the people.
's concluded the nsec 1
es of the
.hn ca c
c:tndidntes for a poaititlin at the Couniul
Board and the chairman called of per-
sons nominated for the trusteeship.
J. Hargroavee said as a great dual of
time had already been taken up lie would
only toubriefly on School Board
affaitouch briefly
Tao years ago he had been eleo-
ed ab the head of the Holl and ho did
not canvas then nor did he intend to
now. If the ratepayers were satisfied
with the ooursn he had pursued he look.
ed for ro•olection. A. saving of 5200 had
been made this yeor over the previous
one end he felt entitled to a share of tbo
credit of reducing expenses. If elected
would do the nest he could to keep the
school up to its present standing.
Jus. Buyers had been a candidate two
years ago and was thankful for the sup-
port given although nob elected. Objec-
tions were rased to the expenses of the
School Board, if Mooted be would endeav-
or to reduce in. The debt on the school
had. been wiped off. The oost per pupil
in Brussels was 55.21. Wboroas it wlt8
$3,60 at Blyth and 54 51 at Wroxeter.
The average salary w08 more in Brussels
than other plaoes. Had not his mind
made up to reduce the teaching staff but
wo ad cut it rl• 1011 if possible. Was in
favor of a common ednuation and was
auxions to keep the school to the front.
11 ' would not favor any individual and if
elected would do the best ho could.
13. Dennis, who is a trustee, briefly re
plied to \Jr. Buyers and explained why
our sato per pupil was higher in Brussels
than in some of the other muaioipalities
in the Canty.
J. J. 1) .1001 had consented to b0a0tn0
n candidata and hoped to be elected.
Hugel teachers had more work to do than
town or village teachere, ae the latter
were graded. Ho did not agree with the
editorial in !tot week's Pogo. Legally it
might be right, but praotically it was
wrong. If the teething staff was reduced
he did not think the Government grant
would be shut off. The Inspector and
Minister of Ildnoatioa would not oat off
tit„ grunt without giving us a hearing.
A teacher that grumbled at teaohing 50
pupils had barer stein down and out.
The error in Brussels is in having ono
teacher loo many. The School Board
was directly responsible to the rate-
payers. Truancy was more the fault of
the tesaoher tbau the pupils, but did not
know how it was in Brussels. IIe quoted
the law relative to school accommodation.
If elected would act independently.
1V, II. Kerr was in tho field, 111 response
to the request of a number of the electors,
for a volution at the School Board. Had
no fault to find with the School Board,
believed they had mauagecl affairs as
economically as possible. Was not
connected with any ring nor was he
pledged as to what course he would per-
sue, As tt ratepayer he was in.
torested in 1110 51000058 of the school
and in keeping donna the espouser.
The school Levy was pointed enough on
the requirodinumbcr of teachers. Wo had
a school population of 311 without the
pupils included intthe union portion of
the section. 00 pupils to emelt towbar
is the limit of the law and it fa not likely
that after having five departmmots open
for over 10 years and the soltool popula-
tion fully up to tho requited
number that the Inspootor would sub-
mit to the roduotion of the staff.
If the staff worn rodnoed and rho grant
cancelled the members of tho Board be.
mono personally liable for tlto amount,
Thought parents mora to blame for
truauoythan the teachers, If the laW
would allow a reduction of toa(slieii and
the school work could be done as oftloient.
ly there was no reason why anybody
811001(1 oppose it but if not he woukYsey
hold ou to the 0ours0 w0 have been
Rev. J. Ross, l3, 2., rottObtoe 1 t1)ntiket
Number 6:
for the vote given hint iu the para. no
was 1101 a oancilate but thought ft his
Marto to give a brief aoeriunt of his
stawartahip. Ile had done hi, boot in
the interests of the eehool en 1 l>alieved
the work of the Board was on tbo whole
most satlsfartory. In the rofereulo tore.
diming the staff of teachers he would
read a letter written by inspect ,r 1Ta1•
loch to a member of the Boards --'•I am
decidedly opposed to the r deo:ion of
your staff of Teachers. The number of
pupils in the u,,n>ioipltl•.ty rc•tu't:n five
teachers. To employ only f"'u• wottlrl
ove•erotv1 l v h 1 ,it are 1 t1,» work
would not Int its ehtoi'nt t a t 0,1. 1
ennsitler tlt;tt von neig r bo , ,z!t,rrs.
\',,,1r 1 1
Did not censido- tits od s t,', -1 to Dur
t";usit'l•x too hi ,l, 10 11' 1,
turns tool the go .1 ', 110: '- Gir
our ulotn,y. ., Ira•• 11 t. :it
dtt., 1'r,tlnty. Incl vi .'it I : ' ,1 for
9yen•.; and oh.":t o. 1, c •.:rib:( of
its Ivor -Mag. Shotun p a u�•,u.a: pu:u;Y
when lin went 110 the Door I, ba. , ,taring
his term the noticeable points 3,tned
were, the reading of the Bible every, day
m the school; the introduction of the
Temperance textbook; and the vitcitstion
once a month by the trustees and the
reporting of the same to the Board. For
private reasons he was not a candidata.
Dr. McNaughton was not present.
Tho meeting was then broogbt to a
Canadian New -r. -
Several business places in Dolornino,
Man., were burned on Thursday night.
The Canadian Pacific has registered
the plan of one of its edrvoyel routes
through Windsor.
Diphtheria is said to be on the ineroase
among the wealthier °lagoon of English-
speaking people in Montreal.
Manager Walker of the Lank of Com.
merce, Windsor, on Monday presented
thepolice forge with 523.
The iii. C.111 Company intends storing
9,000 tons of ice at different points along
the Canada Southern Division.
Mr. Dickey, Conservative, was re-elect-
ed in Cumberland, N.S., Wednesday, by a
majority of nearly nine hundred.
W. F. Mwsleen w:ta 01=4.01 for
trialWedneeday on a choose of criminal
libel on H. A. Massey, of Tarouto.
Voting an the by -taw to repeal the
Dunkin Act in the village of Essex Con-
tra took place Tuoaday and Wednosday.
Rev. Principal Grant. of Queen'o Col-
lege, Kingston, arrived 1141110 0,1 Satur-
day evening and was warmly welo_1med.
It has been arrange:I to lo 1d the an-
nual meeting of the Central Farmers'
Institute on the first Tuesday in Febru.
Constable Harris, of the N. W. M. P.,
stationed at Medicine Hat, shot Ser-
geant Burgoyne in the arm with his car-
The Governor-General has ar:opted an
invitation to diuo with the Bonolters of
the Ontario Law Society on the hth of
The people of Rat Portage are peti-
tioning rho Ontario Government to have
the Dominion timber licenses continued
for this winter.
Dr. Mallory has been appointed regis-
ter of Rust Northumberland, James H.
Coyne, register of Elgin, and James
Smith, sheriff of Welland.
The costs of the Elgin County Court
aggtegatod 51,005.80, as follows : Con-
stables, $103 ; petit jurors, 5342.50 ;
grand jurors, 5185 ; crown witnessos,
There is an agitation on foot to have
the new county buil lingo for Kent erect-
ed at the junction of the Them, sand Me-
Gregor's Creek, on Tecumsole park,
A correspondent writes from Powas,an,
to the Parry Sound. District, that the
people are in a state bordering on pnnio
in oonaequence of the terrible rava;os of
The oontraot for the Teeowater waat cr-
works has been awarded to Messrs.
Myles, Hunting & Co., of Jlamilton,
Ont., and they intend commencing oper-
ations at ones.
A tlanitoba farmer drove his wife oat
of their house on Christmas Day when
ho went home the worse of liquor, and
oho was found dead near the door on
tVeditesday morning.
A dispute over the drawing for prizes
at a bazaar in Hamilton has caused a
declaration by the police magistrate that
ail suoh drawings are illogal and will
have to be atopped,
At 8 o'clock last Thursday evening
Samuel Soulp, a farmer living near
Jordon, committed suicide by shooting,
himself through the head. He R said to
have bean quite insane for some cloys
The Supremo Court on Saturday gave
judgment in fitter of Manitoba iu the
orossmgs 0000. Llx-Judge Clarke, solici-
tor for the C. P. 11,pays the disputo will
be taken before the Privy Counoil for
Labrador h. said to possess a waterfall
that makes Niagara Falls insignifloant fa
comparison. It is on the Grand River,
tvltioh is 1500 feet wide at the fall, and
the height of the fall is estimated at
nearly 2000 foot.
The Kingston grand jury roeommettcls
that convicts bo kept at remunerative
tither, and if possible make the peniton-
tiary self-sustaining. It .was snggosted
that the Government start lion smelting
works in the prism,
John Armstrong, Who attempted to
murder his wife in Middleton a few
weeks ago, and who plodded guilty at the
(spurt in Simone, was sentonoad by his
'Honor Judge Livitogatone to fourteo8
years imprisonnoant in the Penitentiary.
Last night a Christmas tree was given
by the V. W. 0. G. to the news girls of
Toronto, who emelt receivedsome article
of clothing for the winter, also a doll and
a boxof oonfsotionary audfruit. A great
many of the presents worn given by the
Dluldron's Hospital, whioh oaoh year
donates a box of presents for this pur-
pose. Mrs. int. E. Woods Isresided (01
rho ebsonoe of the president, Mrs. Her-
vey, and 1iss t35oIiards noted as Santo.