HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-12-28, Page 6jl. Ir $ THE BRUSSELS POST EtInReXalItt • 23 tion. goitre, balance contract grading Plii,-e�rrrw► c y l s aA :t' -y k'", a CT Int 22, lien, 6 aenhe McNiohol, hal. grading lot 2r eon, , r It ie ltfhrmed of Bev.Bugh Afoot• gome3', in his Budget, that in Bd• lvaide County, Ill., no liquor has been sold for twenty yeas, and , taxes aro 88 per cent, less than in any other county of Illinois. A.1'nebel of porn makes four gal lona ed whiskey. It sells fcr $1 0 at retail, The Government gets $8 00, the farmer forty cents, the railroad $1, the manufacturers $(t, the von dor y$7, and the drinker all that ie left—delirium tremens, Seven drunken men, taking with them a keg of beer, recently, at night, trotted into a little akin at Louisville, Icy. Soon a cry for help Wad beard, and four of the men were pulled at•bere by re,eners.l The other three Were drowned W. W. Drummond, who for the 1 last all yearn has been known es a dru' nken pauper, living in the 1n saloons on the West Side, Clticteen,1 dropped dead in a grog'ehop in thee on November 21. tie nae at one time Supremo Judge of tb't Territory of Utah. The statesmen who discuss and propose remedies for our national evils, omitting all allusion to the greatest evil of all—drunkenness— are se numerous that they keep each other in countenance. The smothered thunders of outraged humanity will yet awaken them. A striking commentary on why the baleen don't go is furnished by an incident which occurred at Black barn, Bugland. A house was built for a beer•ehop at an expense of a thousand pounds. A wealthy man living near the intended public house objected to a license being granted. The magistrates refused the license as long as this man lived there, but when he left, al- though a petition signed by several hundred persons was presented— . the working people objecting to the demoralizing influence for thelr ebildren —yet, the licence was im mediately granted. A hotel keeper in a certaiu c:ninty hall, or did have very recently, 50 barrels of beer holding 60 gallons each. If all places that sold liquor during the last year of the Scott Act lead boon ...snitched...snitchedat the same time. it would have been very tallow to find. 50 barrels of beer or ale If one hotel can lceep 50 barrels in stock, how many \gill 27 keep in stock even supposing each had only a. few barrels. Any of our readers tan count up haw much it takes to bo.1 50 barrels of beer, when sold ever oIi ' bar a' 5o a glass and this.. drinl'e to 'Le pint ; it w'tuId amount to x,8,600.00 hard cash ler beer aline, Wei ce-tenting other liquors. '11A, t ae! at d the is hl: l.ry soil s 1 1, it, matte a large number „I amuse:. mit . and onuse a great deal 01 pov- erty and ri,i.ery. Our Pt0O0 \nils, , FINANCIAL STATE6" '';rr 13 \t m, Prager, rep, rulv„rt lot 20, non 31 ' 2 �'repared. pursuant to 51 Victoria, Chap. 28, Sec, 2 18, and submitted to the Nr need Pee. 15. • 2 2 LXP13ND111TRE, ' 2 March 1. By Hugh D)r l{nl, c, t„ r 1 u 9 ' W. 1T. Se• r. r' u o .:'r it • Tao. Bite, ell, peer. i ,,,o,,,. l..00 9 ' ' \Vet, 73'Kelve , h 1 • eilrh he h, n.. 1 i, .l ' 9 1 3119011 leu a-er, -.1 .9 r - 5 18) n0 00 13 • A. t G. Campbell, gravel IIowit ii h d.y� 59 16 00 4 ' o,, Coate, ditoh lot 81, eon. ('i 28 ' IRobt, Scott, rep. culvert 1.4 15, con,' i 50 31 • Toter Sinclair, culvert lot 15, t•nn". 3 22 3' ' Jon. Mo0ntolicon, aravol 1n 20 31 ' W. J, Cooper, clearing ditch lot 80, con 12 ''4 f,11 23 11, J. Williams, rep scraper anis 0'110 3 25 231 i W. J, Cooper, ditch lot 29, eon 0 5 40 231 ' W. J. Cooper, clearing ditch lo, 8'2,1 47 0 ear. 13 , . , .1 231 ' Jas, Fulton, rent Kendell's road • 7 50 241 ' 1)otn:'dd MoPeggert, rep. culvert 1 111 20, eon. 15 1 1 50 91 ' Aliuh Shine, rep. bridge lot 4, con, 12i 1 On 2:3 Chile. Dames, plank for bridge .. , 1 17 2e ' V. 11'Nabb, gravel \23 22 ?; , \\'nl, Pollard, ditch and culverts lot, ', 20oon. ES 1 74\.00 26 , Rnuk, of Ilamilton, paid note 18, 0 i10 10 las. Kelly, two onlverte and ditching ' lit k, 90, coil. 14 10 (1 23 luoh, Alcock, culvert lot 14, cell. 14„I 27 00 2:3 ' W0, 110,11, ditching and f,;radin,l lima bonndal'y 11 00 2:) Jim. Coats, rep. approach to bridge lot 35, eon 7 :3 n0 2:3 Henry Bali, gravel 10 20 93 ,win ria battle, bolts for culverts,... 4 OU 23 (110. \lcl{av, rep. crasaway lot `22. eon. 11 0 7 9:3 ' frank lienees, crossway 10333. coo. +”, 18 . 3d. • \\'m. l•isb,p (0d,w• & nails 3 r culvert ., 48 ' 9 , ' Alcxuu n, Steasrt , ,•• audit r 3)) 35) • 0 Adam Mt hay, error doe inx . 0 ' Jas. Kelly, •',,]vett lot 35, c•in. 11 • flay 10 ' 1). V' Slingcrinud, ,rr :, ltir ? 1,9101,1: erg, (trey and 1 1,' • 25 • las.3)etnueo, Jenner n _,'310.11194.. • '25 Geo. lien:nen, gravel's!Llum huund'y 25 ' W. 13, Kerr•, p•"i, (i... 1' ..0 hide, 0,i : ;Michel Il.vman , 95 11„1+00 5 3111 2 \cram) ul or, far (,• '.: u'.. 0 - 1p '000 Pink nails, indolence Ptd nails, a lvitrlikn lattice. Nerrow nails, incline to mischief. Filbert nails are a»eooiated 01:11 deer ,t. Sinott tocud naile denote obati nervy. C.•„ keel emits indicate a fieroo nit')I1 Nit .it,..rl1l1I•y pie, 00 trial elect, 01.&eks nn them, denote sick 31c •. Ditto... :1(5318 are Collate i'cal 3. he in+;eat.tiva of bashful and gout!:: natere0 Long nulls appertain to shoes of a tnmpr'rizir„ disposition. 111000 are 'he na.tls ',f persons who bate ace0e0. 34Eyslutr E IAri I 'ii Rand and practice this from The 'W'nlnat.'o Magazlue :— Don't. worry Dont't burry. "Too swift arrives all ,.'rdas slots," Simplify ! Simplify l Simplify 1 Dm') overeat, Don't ,.carve, "Let emir moderation be known to all wen." Court the fresh air day and night. '-Ch, if you knew what was 1u 31(0 air 1'' iJeep and rest abnndautly. Sleep is nature'e bonodictiou, Spend Lose nervous energy each day than you make. Be cheerful, "A light fteart lives Tenet, Think only healthful thou lits, g "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." "Stele peace and pursue it." "Wont lilco a man, but don't be worked to death.' Avoid passion and excitement. 4•A. moment's anger may be fatal," Associate with healthy people. Health is contagious Its well tis disease, Don't carry the whole world on your shoulders, far less the universe. "Tenet the Eternal." Never despair. ".Lost hope is fatal disease." "If yo know these things, happy aro ye ifyo do then)," l (ill MI (0) ,n) , 10 (0) O' t1' Oct. Labe ' 11! 110 25 Mrs. Peter '(li,riu ...A'• , 110 • 25 • A, ra (,to ll wk , ,,,, , s Pitch,' - , k \\ ,ttw'ronr .tit • ', it , 0 • 25 • II, (Son t(u '40,1, ,. i 10 • 25 • .7no.1 ln'ier. 1 . r ....,!I. r 1 4 00 1 • • 25 ' G. A. Pc,'nuu,, .,i f , t 3,0.-1..,, for fur:' 13:17 Dee' 1, • 1lol, . \olden, ditch lot 28, con, 4 17 75 25 ' A, Baymiten, en h;r} t. Asses r ,.I y0 no 41. June 1 ' 5 . July 8 rates Die 7 415 00 Bank of Hamilton. diecnunt of note., 17 45 B. Ito i-, dl , i...,g ut Ic, o:,, tun. 1;d 00 1 Canadian Batik of 1'.ar)13c1.1.e, 1153' R. 15. coup+•ns ] 50 42 3 ' Thos. Cardiff, gravel d 30 ' 3 • Wm. Glom, two R. R. coupons 60 00 ' G ' Mrs. II. McKay, gravel a 70 • G • V. Foster, grevelhug et Int 10, con. 12 4 a0 6 Jno. Taylo , gravel 7 14 ' t3 • A. Delgatty, sone enlvoet Int 1,cou12 8 00 6 ' Alex. Del£ntty, gravel EI 5: 6 , Ohas. Hudson, culvert lot 98, eon. G.. 3 50 G ' Chas. Hudson, gravel 0 ' Chas. Hudson, shovelling gravel ,. G • J. A. Fraine, error dog tax 6 ' Jas. McNair, rap. onlvert lot2co; .113 6 • Doug. \leinggart, cols ertlot 20', .con,10 6 • E. E. Wade, level servioee & wit, fees 6 ' M. Shine, planking bridge lot 5, eon. L2 6 ' J•rooh Kreuter. gravel 0 72 G J. J. Lindsay, cutting hill lot: 30,000.3 10 00 6 • Wm. Brown, cedar foe culvert 4 00 G ' Win. Graham, clearing out ditch Int 43. c..11. 1 50 E; ' Malcolm McNichol, eu ting bill at. lot 25, eon. '3 9 00 G ' Wm. Milne, lumber for culverts anti bridges 16 83 (3 • Bold. 1,'odden, rhe'lih g tot 20. ani. 5 r; 00 0 1 ' E.0"Ilis, pluul,n2bridge lo Bl, COILS n7 00 G Juo. Brown, gravelling lot 20. con. 12' Sri (15 G I • Jun, Breen, culvert lot 31, en,. 19 7 !+5 d I ' Miobml Mullin, gravel s :35 • fi 1 , Luke Spearin ve el ' lot tun. 14 5 00 • 101 • Co. Tre a 001 int 99 191. (10. hat 7,.,.y 116 7 r. T' -p ”rd. ] ,d_r• •.+ J 17 0J DI ' Jas..3-ckeon, rep. culvert 1 r 9, can. 3: i 00 13: ' Jos 1 rynard, ditoh lot i.,, aim. J,, 10 00 • 13 ' Wm,ling, lumber, ie. 1 10 42 131 ' J.'Clark, ditch lot 30. coe 7 20 July (3 By George Clark, gro s el 1 2.7 00 ' G ' Jas, Bishop, £rat' )ling Int 6. can. 5,1 23 00 • 0 Jas. Bishop, 1, velem, edge of ditch, lot 11, con. 1 2 00 (', ' • Rob,. )lattice, rep. iced .SID per 2 25 0 • Wm. Cook, culvert and rel', bridge, 3o 10, con. 10, 7 25 0 ! • 1). Lattfg, part payment rep. Ethel', ridge 50 00 fi ; • .fun O•borno, ditching at lot 80, con.15 2 •,0 6 ' Trnsrres F, S. Nn. il, nae of anhool ate clout' 131 • Beek of Hamilton. discount of note.. 7 81 14' • Canadian Bank of C, mmuro-. debeu tura and 300011 0onpous ' 1135 00 14! • R. Laing, bel, for pie. and epin'oaale to Ethel bri.lge. 111 01 28' • Conrad Neebal, ditching lot 99, 0011.12 E, 50 23 ' 'Win. I{ing, melee for culvo Le .....13 50 23 ' Ja•, Bishop, £ravelling lot 6, co. 5 ' 13 90 93 ' Jos. Baynard, grading at lot 11, oou.3 4 56 23' ' .los. Reynard, .hovel in gravel cuu, 4 5 40 23. ' ens. Coombs, shovelling gravel c'n. 2 5 00 283 ' Henry Attwood, bent under bridge let '15, non- 8 3 70 23 < Ino. Lindsay, lo' 20, con. 5 7 00 211 • Wm. Ftutney, ditch lot 25,aon. 3,I 113 24 23 A, Alexendo1', unit, rdruit, nt 57,con1 4 00 28 ' Jia L indeay, sin ,41-11 ,ravel) 2 00 28 ' Jno, Lindsey, culvert lot 3(1, con, 38 5r' 913 ' Jim. }bone, olea.ring ,ou:.dary Grey and E ma 0 30 23 ' Daniel .Eck, ier, goal's 10 98 23 • W. ", herr, p1 et paymt:ua printing•, 2)1 00 23 ' Adam S3,oldic,, (;rave] 13 44 23 ` Jas, L,:gen, levelling r. atllot 29,cou,12 1 00 28, • Micheal Shone, gravel 2 40 28. • 0(,'s. Iloberrso", charity 5 00 931 • Inc). Bishop, ebovedii,g gravel . , . , 6 On 28 • Jae. Feweter, rep, load 8 00 23 • Peter Sinolair, gravelling lot i5, con.14 G 25 23 ' Ino. Amont, /Reek for bridge lot 11, 1 con. 9 72 23 ' V. Gram14m, gravelling lot 15, con. 1222 84 25 ' Chas. Dames, rep. bridge con, 12 .. 9 48 23 • Adan, McKay, gravellieg lot 14, con.14 5 12 25 • Peter McDonald, belying dead animal 1 00 23 • Peier S,ualair, rep. approach to bridge con. 15 18 00 Sept. 10 ' Jas. McIntosh, ditoh and onlvert poi 20, con. 1G, 84 130 Oct, 8 i ' Bank of Hamilton, fm' debenture and nine coupons aide draw, 8 Bank of Hamilton, note 8 • Bank of Hamilton, int, On dote 15 • Bart Lang, levelling dirt on road 18 • Thos. Larmont, clearingObetrnotiOn off road 38 • Sinclair & Larmunt, widening road lot 14, eau, 14 18 ' A, Hunter, judge. & wets, Brown case 18 ' Farris Boirnee, culvert lot 130,00n. 8. , 10 • E. Clark, rep. oulvort lot 15, oon. 17. . 10 ' J. Fewater, rap, crossway lot30,eon.14. 10 • Wm. Minna, lumber for culvert 10 ' E, Collie, oulvorts lot 35, nous. 7.y; 8, , 10 ' J. I{. Baker, culvert lot 233, con, 10 19 ' Andrew Malebo], gravelling at lot 15, oon. 15 25 00 Luke Spearin, rep. road lot 25, cou.14 5 00 Bank of Hamilton, paid note$5000 600 0 5 00 17 40 5 40 5 00 1 00 2 50 7 00 32 87 Lug. 145 1:0 800 00 9 40 8 50 5 00 3 00 89 87 8 90 1 50 24 00 10 08 21 20 19 00 10 Nov. 20 20 2020 20 28 28 28 25 23 28 28 28 23 13 28. ' 28 ' Ina.11oynard, gravel Inn, Reynard, ditching lot 25, con. G.. Farris Beirnes. gravelling' I]ligali )Rao, gravel and damage to crop 5 50 Wm. Campbell, gravel 24 00 Jno. Ridley, culvert lot 28, con. 85 00 Jno, Ridley, ditch lot 27, con. 8 1 50 Thos, Mitchell, ditch lot 15, eon. 1013 00 Thos. Strachan, gravel 10 98 Peter Bishop, error in clog tax 1 00 Ino. Barris, rep. scraper 1 75 Jno. Radicle, gravel 13 80 D. Campbell, rep. scraper 75 Henry Alcock, two culverts lots 13 and 15, con. 16 (1 75 Henry Granger, culvert Howick bou'y 10 00 Jos. Armstrong, refund dog lax • 1 00 Henry Armstrong, gravel 2 80 John Ridley, ditclt lot 20, can. 4 .. 7 20 In is rite Slake, rep. culvert lot 27, min.) r1) 0, (h,3. Hudson, grndiu4 lot 98, condi,. 3 50 10 A. (1 . Welsh, gravel L'3 231 10 Chas. Hudson, rep, c dvert lot 20,cnn,6. 1 `(1 30 ' \Vm. Elliot, shovelling gravel 500 10 ' Thos, Stevenson, gravel . 4 32 10 • Jno. Burton, error in dog tax 1 00 10 • Wur, Mitchell, gravel 12 32 10 ' \fr0. P. Morin, gravel 10 20 10 ' Jas. McNeish, ditch lot 48, con. 1.. , 7 25 10 ' 'Win. King, cedar for onlverte 18 03 10 ' Jas. Martin, gravel 15 45 10 ' L McDonald, lumber 20 45 15 , Wm, Spence, for note 200 00 15 ` Jno, Ritchie, gravel 5.00 10" ' R. H. Ferguson, plank for road - 3 35 15 , John Bain, error in assessment 1 00 15 ' Andrew McGinnis, gravel 1 62 15 ' Dan. Spillet, ditoh lot 29, con. 3 0 00 15 ' Sem. Holmes, undo,drain lot 32,con,2 2 60 15 ' Juo. White, ditoh lot 70, con. 1 8 96 18 • Time. Elliot, underdraiu lot 58, con. 1 2 50 15 ' Jno. Forrest, rep. sarapor and stone hammer 4 00 • Wm. Mngelvey, gravel 4;18 Henry Armstroug, gravel 2 04 ' Alex. McKay, rep. culvert lot 25, con. 28 00 15, and rep. road lot 30, oon. 15 . • Alex. Dslgatby,rep. bridgelot 4,3:23.12 1 00 • Jno. Bollinger, ditch and lovelliug road lot 15, con. 0 0 00 Jas. Hoestou, refund dog rax.,.. 1 00 • Wm. Crook, rep. culvert lot 80, oen, 10 5 36 • Quintiu Mclelain, grading lot 5, eon, 0 7 00 ' IEich Pearson, rep, road lot 22, cuu. 4 5 00 15 15 15 15 15 15 1la 15 15 15 ('les. "chtmek, cr or in assessment. 1 00 16 ' 111o. Lineage, lep erne- way lot 9 1,0,0.3 8 U0 15 ' Relit, Coutts, cul me 1. 530, con. 12. 6 .O 1.5 • Juo. K. Baker, rep r ad lot 29, cue. 9 n0 00 15 ' 11 .(4. Kerr, ditch lots 30 & 51, con, la 31 00 15 ' David Millard, boarding \\'. Mullin,. 15 indigent, 13 ve eks 4 00 A. Reymann, eelectiug jurors • 4 00 151 ' I1. Dilvo,tlt, gravel .. 1:3 G2 151 ' Dan. McKay, uudmdrain lots 27 ,F 98, 151 o'n.7 1'25 15 ' Jno. IIighbme, ditch lot 58, o'n. 1 8 90 15 ' Sand. Love, gritvel 1 74 55 • St, phos Cousins, (advert lot 70, oou1 17 50 15 ' Geo. Elliot, rep. bridge hit 00, ao,,1., 20 88 15 ' \Vm.',bine, lumber for drain, &o25 68 15 ' Wm. Speuue, int. on note for 2 mons. 2 00 15 ' F. Miller, ditch lot 20, con. 3 8 50 15 ' 300. Eekmier, reg bolts and spilus t3 95 15 ' Wm. Spence, seleetiug jurors 4 00 15 ' Wm. pence, postage and stationery 15 for year 23 25 15 ' Wm. Spence, Board of Health 5 00 • 15 • Wm. Sponse, Di(ohes & Watercourses 15 Act 25 00 15 ' Wm. Spence, salary as Clerk 150 00 15 ' Wm. Spence, trip to Gordo ou Conn- 15, oil busiuecs 3 45 13) ' Thos. Stephenson, rep. road lot 27, 15' oon. 10 17 80 15 ' Wm. Milne, Connell fees, &o 51 00 15 ' .Edward Bryens, Council foes, &o40 00 15 ' \\'a, ter ()liver, Council fee'., &o 42 00 . 15' ' A. Ilish'p, Council fees, &o...,.,..,. 80 00 15 ' Wm. Blown, Council fens,&o......,, 44 00 15 Thos. Harbottle, judgment, garnishee 15 agarost Taylor 20 00 151 ' Jno. Brnwu, damage to buggy caused 15 by broken culvert 1 95 15 ' Wm. Holmes, Co: Trees:war, on no 15. count of Co. rates 2504 00 15 ' T,usteeeschool Lax 4892 25 15 ' Charity to Isaac Pnwson for year... CO 00 15 ' Charity, i33rs. A. Annie 50 00 • 15. ' Charity, Win, Pawson sr. 50 00 15 • Charity, Mrs. Ruth Dobson 15 00 '_o. Expenditure 018881 81 RECEIPTS. Feb. 23 To Balance on hand 25 ' A. Gcvenlook, taxes 14 77 Mar. 9 • W. Sponee,I]ngineer'sexpenses, Ditoh and Watercourses Act 0 00 May 28 ' Alex. Hunter, 3. P. fines, re Blashill & B1,mmon 3 00 • 24 ' A. M. Ross, Land Imp. Fund 205 90 80 ' A. M. Ross, Land Imp. Fund 56 02 80 ' Bank of Hamilton, Borrowed 800 00 July 10 • Wm. Holmes, Co. Treasurer, town lino grant 1813 80 Aug. 13 ' Bank of Hamilton, borrowed 500 00 11 ' J. It. Miller, License baud 120 00 Oct. 4 ' Bank .Hamilton, borrowed (renewal)800 00 4 ' Wm. Spenoe, borrowed 200 00 Deo. 10 ' 33005 Hamilton, int. on deposit 312 75 ' 10 ' 13nn11 Hamilton, rebate of interest,1 80 ' 18 ' 1'. F'ullocton, drainage tax lot 1, cone. 5 and 6, Elm, 1888 5 64 15 ' Donald MaLacuhlin, taxes .. , ... , . 15145 00 ,S'1 G,111' Olt' TTTE Coto1' «anal' 25'. A 51•It'Inliti Stock of dors • i;i,u k'-ts, Halters, Whips. &t., &e., 0n Italie]. ✓tl7 19Ilars always .1 \. 1 bo, 1110 11111 111 piling ;;,.,oil vt Int' 1(1 t rtt11/fs. if y"u 1\u11 it '1 01' I:1011•' • ar hIC.,VY' 1.1 t1,ir':h8, if ;1,11 li alit 110)13)I'111g (Irhie ! 'l1' iJl ,r 1"? teeel o' 1- . DI N.N 3 204 24 Total Receipts '318558 92 Ws hereby nortify that the foregoing is a oorreot state- ment of expenditures and receipts sine last audit to this date. Wm•trAtt IMImnri, Reeve. Grey Deo. 18th, 1888, A. 11IcNa1n, Trois ASSETS. Bank of Hamilton Deposit Railway Award, Brussels Wm. Holmes, Co, Treasurer, non.residont taxon,&o 33alanee Collector's roll for 1888 Township of Elmo balance boundary appropriation Balancelon hand 37000 00 0 431 0 700 01 2046 10 13 01 177 11 310967 70 I•IA3HLITIES. To annual rental Government drain cons, 154:16, 11 duo Jan. 1st 507 84 Toll, R. Coupons, deo Jan. 1st, 1880„ ...... , 210 00 Debenturea , . , ... 7000 00 Due A. McNair, salary as Treasurer 80 00 • Duo Donald MoLauohlin, salary as Collector., 100 00 Balanoo Co. rate for 1888 1182 80 r Bale= due MoKdlopboundary appropriation 22 72 59052'02 READY nit rALL AND Des. 28, 16•x;, T T)L 1TCITE R, 1'1(AC1Tlt •11, WA'1'011 MAILER AND JEWELLER, Thanking the public for pest fee ors and support nod wishing still to 000111e your ntronsis'. ' '0'0(•' ripening out Pall linos ,: A WATIM Ilial; 8 • KISER PLATED 57.3101 free, ,•stablh:lted and reliable Inilhcrs, fully warranted by ttrt, C/0(1718 of the 4 VV 565.50'3' : Wed,3jup,.Rthg. , Im ir• a Cum Ring., Brow:hoe. 1'1 r i e, ,tc. \1-n terve 3n otocle a full Lin.. of Viol inn :1,i Violin Strings. •('u. i "i¢ ria,: • Lr oven it leteher, WE have one of the nicest assort- ments of COOK, BOX, IfARLOIZ and COAL Stoves ever exhibited, and they will. he sold at Reasonable Prices. Our "ORIGINAL" Cook Stove Leads the Van. TO hand a large ,Stock of new ms LAMPS and lamp goods We a wiedi to call special attention to a new kluge of handsome MPS, They IVO dandies { A.11 kinds of Gran i.futrr•r e, /'7w`le7'11, Go.,d o always in Stock Our Stock of Tii,u?s r r is always first-class and Goods WO have not got i11 stock 1\'ill be made up on 1 Short Notice Ice took of Silvorware alwq,ys 01 ' ilea People can save money by trading with US. 1 d1 in and see OUT flood:) meet 83 •-011-15 Il VP 11101'7' 1'UB. \ . LL. CMS A ETHEL oz.9 set, ,rw The undersigned having completed the change iroln the o- .• to the 'celebrated Hungarian System of Griud1ug, luts now flu •11!1 131 First -Class Running 0x 'err and will be glad to see all h18 Told emit:mien a0,l 118 10,• •new ol:us as possible. • lou,w anti reed..( .WWV'r Cal, Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good (Train. WM.. MIL `. it •..., n .. _ i'3 f e 3 iC. 1•::'i 0'. A Pt 1ti•' t'd u; 500f r 1':• -\ .i'�,,.a�`,ui 17,1)71° A ;.iv L .M2:Y: +.5''a < 33 t RAN 1•TC:1., 13y a c / ere '.7' 4 t G$) :'";•! y' t"3",E.9e°., n t g'haavr 2 lied, Ines, ^t'�' .i ., r',l aan1,l•.. ,n tot 0(5urlincreOiott, 4 0.340. etre Es1011 d0S,e1901.11r, "& C�'L.fJ511' t v 1. ,_., u 77,71 J C�,S.,:D M/.1":13315I' SVbo aro broken ° stir , 1 "Tient Cttr3 for 00000( 0 I 53501 ,011e35lr 1 , 10 Vol lig U,owow, of Verrone, Of Sight, 0, 0,101 arell a o, , vo)d.umo of «r,vrenie,, dash'ofnceollnu{ - .,ur I. 0,;,in?y 1.0 ie do, lusnrun, 0111, paa•tieuinr snbiuot, oowardiue dOin83,491,91 a s• t ricin' •'. (103 of MOO, n v, nxelLatOity el romper, spur. matorrbrna, or hew of ,•' :r 4 0 , . .1 111110 t 1Ir of sgUa((own i r 100(35,3 exaeoo-lmpe- tonay, innutr)ttatr eine. oho., i i"eencr,, rnlpttotlou of th, ltcor4 byntario feelings hi fomalee trembling, 111.mown I1, rh.rter, wr drrauls, ate., aro ell symptoms of this tarrihh, )habit, oftentimes in , vocal v nogntred, In short, the sprier( of vital force hn,vin(,t lost itt tension, nvory function wausa in nn'1so!3ecans, 30310330(1 *MOOTS 504 the enportnteneents of ingnn0 asylums Indio in sacra, lig 10 the cifatts of self•ebuoe the 1tl!reat majority of wasted lives which oomounde/ their totted. If you are inoompetnnt for the arduous elution of business, incapacitated for the mn9oy,nouts 051151e No, 8 offers au 005000 from the agitate:A early vies. If you ere n1vanuerl in years, No. 1) will givo 700 full vigor suit otrondth. I3 you aro broken down, physically autlflorally from earlyindiserotiou, the vomit of i nornneo a.n0 folly, send your. addreen and 1a eeute in stamps for. M, V.Lunaa'a 'rron14oe in Book Born: on Diseases of Man. Battled and sodero from obsetvatict, A ManVwithout wlate a liven iIn a Inol's pe nr d)se,Ttn 310 0 A ANTEED n St. IiSA 'STH 8(031 r'