HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-12-28, Page 5Deo. 28, 1888.
Di5friti netus,
It is said the pad yertr's building
operations in town atmount to about
The Times gave a very interesting
sketcl. of the pant and pr000nt history of
our town last week.
Doutiat Jerome, who Imo been fll for
several week'', is now able to attend to
his heirloom no of yore.
Robert Mobilise and Walter Seed aro
in the field for the Mayoralty. Tho
irrepressible John Hanna is opposing
Geo. McKay for the ReeveshilL
Adam McKay Ilea rented Jas. Com-
mons residence and has moved there.
Our flax mill is booming, giving
steady employment to about fifteen
The Young Peoples' meeting in Knox
church was bold on Thursday evening of
last week'Rev, D. B. Maim in the
chair. A debate took place on the sub•
jam ellosolved that we loam more from
observa,ion than rending." jos. Porde
and J. M. Robertson spoke on the side of
aboorvation. while R. F. Cameron and D.
Robertson took the dile of reading. :Do.
Melon in favor of readg. Sst the next
meeting, 0 addition tu the usual pro
gram, another debate will take place
having for discussion the subjocit "Re-
mind that novel mailing hoe im•
moral teielancy." The evenings of
meeting wore changed from Thursday to
leacsailicsist SI.
The merchant's aro doing a fairly lively
trade this Xmas season, considering the
open weather.
Ono to withal the stir at the station
lately could not help but know it is a
holiday season.
Rev. W. Smyth, of Stratford, preaohod
two acceptable sermons in the Methodist
°introit last Sunday. Mr. Smyth is an
earnest promisor.
The Hendry Bylaw is sure to be ear.
ried next week, Voting on the question
takes place on the same day as that of
the Municipal eleotions.
John n Lyon, contractor, and Miss Janet
Anderson were united in matrimony on
Xmas day, and received many congratu-
lations and expressions of good wishes.
The closing of the Collegiate Institute
last week was an interesting affair. Dr.
Ormiaton, of New York, Revile. McDon-
ald, Howell and Barr distributed the
Mr. Langford, who succeeds Mr. Car-
ruthers as Science Master in the Insti-
tute, comes with excellent testimonials
and is a gentleman of extensive travel.
Wo welcome him in our midst.
Illeeve Milne is sway to Loodon this
Miss Sellers is the geed of Miss
Davies this week.
Mra. Clement, of Hartley, spent
Xmas with her sister, Mrs. J. M. Davies.
David Milne bad a trip to Peterboro'
lastiwook. He came home last Monday.
T. 33. McDonald. teaoher of S. S. No.
6, is spending his holidays ab home near
A 3(r. MoToggart has been engaged
as Principal of the Public school for
next year.
Mrs. Conery, of Toronto, is unending
the Christmas holidays with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. (Dr.) Cale.
Mrs. Lawrence Dobson is away at
Toronto attending the fnnoral of her
eider, Mrs. M. Fisher.
Municipal matters aro very quiet this
year. Every one seems wall satisfied
with the present Council.
What about enforcing the Crooks Ant ?
There are not only rows outside of the
hotel but ructions within. It is time a
halt was called.
Rev, J. T. Legear and family are
away at Goderioh to spend their holidays,
Mr. Buyers, of Brussels, will preach for
him next Sunday.
Fogel Bros. have 'purchased the patent
right of manufactoring and selling the
Sborwan Slide gato in the townships of
Grey and Ilowielc,
The Ohristmao box social held by the
,Isadios' Aid Sodety on Thursday even.
ng of last week was quite a enemas.
amu of tho young mon present bought
Some very unique articles.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. It. Paul
!preaohed a amnia sermon to the child -
ran of the Methodist Sabbath school.
Rev. 3, T. Isegear preached a fonoral
sermon bearing on the death of the late
' Mr. Monier in the evening.
The entertainment on Xmas Eve in
the Methodist church was a grand enc-
omia Tho Christmas ship and Jacob's
ladder were loaded with preaents for the
isachera and children of the Sunday
School. Tho proceeds amounted to 815
which will be applied to the funds of
the school
DEAR Si, -I Can't help thinking that
the trustees of our wheel have made a
inies in the question of teachers thio year.
The matter of 625 spread over a section
like ours is ri, mere bagatelle, especially
when the majority of us were agreeable
to boar our share of the tame oheerfully,
In my opinion the trustees rather m-
ended their duty in refusing to be guided
by the petition. Mr. Young has done ex-
cellent Work in the sohool, has been a
first -clam resident and it is a serious loss
to Ethel to lose him ancl hie family. Of
the new teacher I have nothing to aay,
as ho may bo all that ',could be desired,
but I am always in favor of holding on
to a good man when wo have him. From
what 1 kuutv, and I speak with a degree
of oertainty, it morns the whole affair was
considerably bungled, and I would like to
have the matter explained at the annual
Nomination next Monday at rho Towns
W.P.-Frayse, of Detroit, Mich., was
vieiting, relatives and friends in this
Wm, Rands, wife' and children and
Thoe. Rands, of Dakota, are hero on it
holiday visit to rolatives and Mende,
The examination an2 entertainment
held in the school taught by A. Audor.
0011 was a groat success and, speake wehl
for the teacher and those taking part.
The teetlacro present wore Mastro. Blitok,
S. Anclersoit, MsCofl5 Towler and Aft..
Prodon mad Mama MaDOilgall and Holly,
and the qttostione put to the pupils by
them showed that they were well adVatte.
id in all the bra/mime.
biles jowl Ireland ls home from Sea
forth on 001511,
Willie, oldest . ,, "1-00 Mooney ha
been seriously ill k but wo hop
the moans 11,`,11ratinil 0011
prove effectual.
A very ploasitrit v 0 ant oval
the annual Sabi.eil, o aoul etnertaingi en
at Sunshine on 'Plitusilay evening of las
week. Tho puffer, Lor. A. V. onf.,e,
occupied the ohair. The program eons
aided of recitations aud dialogues by the
whole" ailcirusees by itsv.Mr. Godfrey,
of Belgravia and David Hogg, Musio
was supplied by tho school and Wm.
Jackson and wife. Before the 01010 Pre-
senta were distributed from it Xmas tree.
Proceed 822,00.
HxzniXPrIcnr.-The pubhi examination
of pupils in S. S. No. 6 was held ou Fri-
day of last week. The towbar, A, 3.
McColl, was assisted by Mise Kelly, Alton
and Stanley Anderson. Tito work done
by the pupils demonstrated to tho large
number of interested visitors that the
instruution °calved Wee not superficial,
and the examination was creditable to
both teaohor and pupils. The following
program was pi merited beim the pre
coedings were brought to a olose :-Sir
ing by the school: reading, John Dun
recitation, Lizzie Reid; reading,
Dune ii; recitation, Mary Ramie •
ing, the Harris family recitatio
Mason; dialogue (concerning to • am), six
boys ; reel tation , Maggie Rose, 1; singing,
two girl reading, Moeda Contolou ;
recitation, Ephraim illstfrkholder ; read-
ing, Cord. Bone; iitaitatien, John Reid;
roading, Roselle. tiochritne 1 singing, the
Harris fansile'; reading, John Parkins'
recitatio4 David 0o.ulelon ; reading,
Lizzie Ireland; singing by the sohool.
50 0041 Addeo wrote at the Entre ..e
vitamin Sue to the nigh Soloed bore.
0 lise. Cmigen.--Thls church, of 0111 ch
0 George Durand, of London, was the
I 1 arehito it, is ono of the finest 01100011
e116e0e in 1Vestirn Ontario, and has
t fell' Bra iii ill atiy of the provincial twine
t or cities.. 17711 le built of white brick
t with Obleteont dello trimmings, on a
solid steno •*1 -emulation and is roofed
with slate, T ho arehitectural design iti
4 onfitle labiotegnrolortna8i4letio'fa
is at augies with omit
The °itroit is bnilt in two
other. The
with two ma,
front eorne
Jul 1
sing -
Lizraisny.--The eetni-monthly meeting
of the Morris Centre Literary and Do.
baIng Society was hold on Friday even
ing, 21st inst. Owing to the severity of
the weather and 'the want of sleighing
the ettendance was not so largo as on
former occasions, several of those who
00000 to take part in the program and de-
bate being absent. The meeting was
oalled to order by the Vice -President.
After transacting the mintier business of
the Society the election of officers for tho
ensuing mouth was token up resulting as
follows : Pres., M. Blaok ; Vice -Pres.,
Miss Maggie Scott; Sec.-Treas., C.
Miohie ; Managing Committee -S. Love,
P. Kelly, Mimi Annie Miller and Annie
Clark. Next came the program which
although abort was very good. The first
was a reading by T. Miller, followed by
a reoitation by Annie Clark, a reading by
Maggie Scott and the debate. The sub.
jeot was "Resolved that wood is more
useful than iron." The following names
were called on each side : Affirmative,
Geo. Armstrong, W. H. Oloakey, S.
Irvine, and J. Miobie and, on the nega-
tive, 0. Michie, M. Black, G. Hood and
0. Agin. Only tho first and last named
speakers on the affirmative and the firer
two on the negative responded to the
oall, all the rest were unavoidably absent.
Although the speakers were fewer than
wore expected the debate was very in.
teresting. The four speakers occupied a
full hour in the disoussion. The chair-
men, T. Kirlmonnell and M. Clark after
summing up the points made gave their
decision in favor of the negative. A
vote of thenks was tendered ;he two
gentlemen who acted as chairmen. The
meeting then adjourned to meet again on
tho first Friday in January. The sub.
led far the debate is "Resolved that ib
would be in the interest of the country
in general to do away with statute labor
and keep up the roads by taxation." The
affirmative will be taken by Wm. Scott,
N. Black, S. Love and A. Conery. The
negative by J. Hirkeonnoll, P. Kelly, T.
Miller and Wm. Russell. A good pro.
gram has been solooted for the occasion
and a good time may be expected, An
organ has bean scoured by the Society
for the next three months, whioh will
materially add to the musical exercises.
The Dwyer farm has been purchased
by J. H. Grennan. The price paid was
Tenders aro being received for the
building of the new Methodist church
next Spring.
Christmas day passed by very quietly.
A few got off on their annual "bender."
Tho wont of snow rather spoiled the
Last Sunday Rev, Mr. Fisher, of
Holtnesyllle, preached interesting Sun.
day settee' anniversary sermons in the
Methodist church.
Reeve Kelly is now the President of
the Dad Huron Conservative Association,
They will make P. ride the goat at the
Orange Lodge yet,
The examination of our public school
hold on Thursday of last week wetted up
the old year most satisfactorily. There
W0.6o lerg0 attendance of Nisitoro. The
program and closing exercises was placed
in the capitol° hands of Rev. W. Tor-
rance. •
The Christmas entertainment of Miss
O'Connor's was 11. very suocessfel one.
The school home was full and the pro-
gram heartily enjoyed. At the close the
presents woro distributed from the Xmae
tree and, as a, wind up to the evening's
entertainment, Chas. Sitehle stepped for-
ward and, in behalf of the Walton pupils
and friends, preaonted Min O'Connor
with a handsome =roam purse contain-
ing 810,25 aud a kindly worded address.
Alunioipal modem aro warming up and
a lively eleotion is oxpoetad.
F. E. Hilyert and Mise Minnie Barber
were united in marriage, by Rev. Mr.
Hughes, in (lariat's church, on Wednes-
day of last week.
L,O.L.-The following officers were
elected and installed for the ensuing
year in the L.O.L. order here: W. DI.,
Bro. 0. A.ndersoniti. M., Bro. Willough.
by; ohap., Bro. Robine ; Meoording 805.1
Bro. £L. Ilomee ; Bro. Evans •
Teem., Bro. 11. T. Kemp; Loot., Bro. A.
Melton ; lat Com.. Bro, A. Hay; Sad
13ro. W. Spears; grd, Bro. Win. Mc-
Keever ; 4511, Bro. T. Riley ; NU, Bro. 9,
Hint 3o.
citation of (Aeon of
Listowel Lodge A. 0. U. W. resulted au
follows : M. W., A. St. Cleo, Irawkine ;
rotation, W. R. Clayton Overseer,
Chas. Altman ; Recorder, J. B. Dinkel;
Receiver ,i'. W. Soott;
Bradley; Guido, P. linapp; I. W., 3.
Seeburger ; O. W., Jou. Loo; lieproueft.
tative to Grand Lodge, Wm. Dixon; Al.
tornative, Dr. Bergoss, Trustoes---13. Is,
Brook, 0110 year; Wm. Llarroall, two
3805010 T. 11. Hay, Ibmos pare,
main building lti SW feet,
sive towers on mall of the
5, ono of which ruse to a
heigth of 12 feet. In this part of the
building * s the auditorium, whioll is both
comma(' ants and arranged with a view to
and oonvenienee. Tile floor
owarda the book,at which the pul-
nd choir aro situated, The seats
semimironlar in form, and aro made
0 oak and finely finished in the natural
' vood, and are all cushioned. The floor
of the auditorium is carpeted witn a rich
tapestry emput of approprido pattern,
A very/handsome gallery extends about
two-thirds of the way around the audience
room. The 'interior of the building is
urniolied throughout in exoellont style,
The massive cathedral glom windows
form a very striking feature of this mag-
nificent atructare. The auditorium is
heated with two largo hot-air furnaces,
and lighted with gas, the fixtures being
solid brass, purchased from the eelebrat.
ed firm of Mitchell, Vance d: Co., of New
York. The eential chandelier contains
79 jets, and is oue of the most elegant
in tho °Gentry. The gallery and
facinge were manufactured by the
Barnum Iron Works, and aro very hand-
some. The choir is loo tted on a raised
floor in roar of the pulpit, in which the
magnificent now pipe organ now in
course of erection is to bo placed. The
remaining portion of the building is di-
vided into vestry, Sunday school and
alms rooms, of ample proportions and
complete in appointments. The entire
cost of building , including organ, is
about $20.000. The dedicatory services
were held on the leth inst., by Rev. 13,
P. McKay, M. A., of Toronto, and Rev.
J. W. Bell, M. A., of Newmarket.
A--4 202f0r Sale. Will deliver it In (plan-
tl ties to suit purchaser. Apply to
234 0.01 11, Oen, 9, Grey,
tees of the undersigned, about Oat. Se,
a heifer calf , red In color, Any information
lending 00 Ito recovery will bo bilaukfully
received. S. WALSH, Brussels.
1. MUM Boar "Grand Trunk," will be
kept for servino on lot 11, con. 5, Grey.
Terms $1.00, to bo paid at time of service,
with privilege of returning if necessary.
104. A. SHAW, Proprietor.
1 ex Kzo undernIgnod, S half lot 17, 0000. 2,
Iforris,on110 abent Nov. I.5th, two snoop and
a lamb. Thu owner is requested to prove
pawroap3.erty, pay expellees and 1 take them
9,4-e Bluevale 1'. 0.
"Young Champion," imported by Yid.
D. Georgo, Palmtop, 000„ will be kept for
aervlee 00 lot 24, 005, 11, Grey. Torras 01.00,
to bopaid 10 time of service. 'with privilege
of returning it necessary.
00-03 ()OSHA)) MICHEL, Proprietor.
J.. For Salo. 'weighs 1,400 pounds and Is
=31 1111110 old. The snare is supposed to be
in foal to an imported horse. Also 11. bony
ciraugbt salt, 0 mouths old. Both took
prizes at the Fall Show, Apply to THOS.
AfoORISGOH, WI lot 11. aon. 0, (+0s, is-tf
kJ of the auderalgued, 100 0, 000.9, Grey,
on or about December 1st, four calves.:Throo
of them are steers and tho other a hoffor.
They are all rod itt color, except one, and
that ottani nearly white. The owner is re-
quested b prove property, pay °smarm and
take them aunty.
21.4 A. COOK, Brussels,P, 0.
7 tens Mahe undersigned, lot 4, cop. 10,
GrOY, (= Dee. 7th. a Math sow, whith stripe
011 11000 and a little White on each foot.
Weighs about RIO pounds. Any information
loading to her recovery will bo thankfully
received. Any person retaining hor once
this notice will be prosecuted.
02 -ti HIP,NRY BALL.
# 1 .9.0110'.1311ED BERKSHIRE
0. Boar for Servico.,-Tho undersigned will
keep the [novo-bred Rerlisblro 110,19., "Sir
Hobert Waco," bred by J. G. Snell, of Ed.
111110100. 10110, fur eurvIOO on lot 1, 0011.7,
dray, 005rms-e1.00 to bo paid at Limo of
servieemith privilege of returning, if neces-
sary. DONALD AlorlAuCHLIN,
188101 0. Proprietor,
431 Rome..
nags leaves 'TOMO about ROO 111 mob-
inspruesels about NM 11, 311., and will arrive
at nenforth tboto t 110100., 10, Returning will
Wow, Son forth about 0;30 5, la., reaching
lirtisriehl about. 048, In {Witt 10 connoot with
tondos doial north :nut south. Aleo 001,0110
onnueatioes with 1, l', If. ab Wrbatoter and
orrlo, waLsa, Proprietor,
- 80, 000.0, Grey, contaluing 100 eines,
18 acres aro cleared, ander grass, and the
bale,noo timbund. About 70 moms of dry
land and tho balance cedar and black ash
swamp. Thum is 0, log house ou the
piemises, Will be eoltl on very TORS011able
terms ILM proprietor does not require tho
lob. For further particulars apply lo ROST,
111oLADOITLIN, Oraubrook P. 0,00
24.0 ALBX. ntiriTtn, Brussels,
Morris, on reasonable terms, Is order
to close the affairs of tho estate of tho late
W. GI, lllogobos,tloe executors odor tho fol.
lowing valuable lands for sato North
half of Lot 00, Concession 8 Township of
Morris, containing 00 aeres, On this lot is
erected a good frame bare with atone foun-
dation, good orchard, wall and pump . Nbar•
ly all cleared, and is on the grave road
oloSely adjoining Km village or Brussels,
This farm is it vadeablo 0110, is well fenced
and in a good state of cultivation. Per
pylon Ond terms apply to 71108, KnriLY,
hlrooeeis 1'. 0., USN= J108I5X3068, Vlotorie
Square P. 0,, or alarm Siam, ,11rople Lodge
0,, 12111(110551
c.)1-7 V -.4 lliatt•oless term for sole in the
'Township of Morris in tho Cieuntyolneron,
being 001101 half of north half tete
and South half 09.13 in Atli con., containing
SOO aoros snore Or 1005, 138 aorta meetly
Oloar 1 stIttnpe and 111 a good state or Outti.
VRtiOn, '11(005 10 07031110 bootleg melte:Mr
good libuse and hank horn 05 le 06 feat with
stone stable underneath. The farm 10 01 W.
s4edWltiolu a, polio of tion Village Of Preamble
audio &moil /mut for grain or Stook rms.
lug as his Watered with the river Maitland
and never Whig spriag meek. PcseimelOn
will be given at any time. Vor farther par-
ticulate apply on the premises or to Alt,
ROBETtletON Prussel P. 0 143
Ji1Jj (5.1i
Just to hand a splendid stock of
of all Kinds, &a., &c.
All Kinds of Biscuits, Canned
Goods, Tobaccos and Cigars.
Direct from l3althnore, in Can
or in 13u1k,
Call in and Sec our Sloch.
Oysters Served
Hot or Cold.
ra-Cood Areemmedation rer Several
Bore Boarders.
4. O. Juan-v*0m.
Read itilz,at Pe,opte unbo
hque used the
.S.SY .001.1'
Mo, I. V. FEls Druggist,
Dust; Sur. --i willingly give nty testi-
monial in favor of the A. B 0 Remedy,
as by its use, and only ono dollar's worth
at that, it restored to me my wifo, who
had been wasting away for eight or nine
mon ths, and for whom there seemed no
help. I tried dootor after doctor, travel-
ling many miles and laying out a great
amount of money to no good, till I tried
these remedies and her onre was miroon-
bus, for she lost all coughing, spitting
and wasting, and in its place gained
health and strength, and broughthappi-
ness to oar home. Recommend it to
everybody and use nty name as author-
ity. Wimasx Brims.
Winthrop, Feb. 8rd, 1888.
11 18 Unequalled in Lifting the
Phlegm and Easing the Cough.
Sold by Druggists or, on all
orders of 2 bottles, sent free of
charge by :Manufacturer,
1. V. Fear,
Druggist, Seajorth.
Ing -Price $100 per Package
Grocery Department.
'We never bad such 11 Large and Well, Assorted Stock of Raisins,
Currants, Peels, Pure Spices, Picddes, Canned Goods, Grosso &
Blackwells Jams and IVIarmalacle, &o., &c.
In Sugars we always Lead. .Good japan Tea 21 Cents per Pound.
Finest 40 Cents. Our OW11 blend of India, China a,nd Ceylon Black
Tea at 25 Cents a Pound is tinsurpassed, Our Coffee at 40 Cents
Pound, is filo finest grown.
Crockery & Glassware.
Om: Stock is now Complete in Plain and Fancy China Goods,
Glassware, Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, and at vary Low Prices.
Bakery Department.
Fresh Band and Cakes always on Hand.
Wedding Cakes a Specialty.
d-iont for Fleischman 6- Co.'s COMPreSSed Yeast
This is the Season of the year When people are trying to decide what to procure for Presents and
where to get the Best Value for the money.
fins just received his Large and Well Selected Stock of
and asks you to Call and Inspect the same,
I show the nicestlot of Silverware ever brought to town, consisting of Now Designs in Cake Baskets,
Rutter Coolers, Cruets, Berry Dishes, Sugar, Cream and Spoon Holders and a host of other
articles. No nicer gift can bo made, 108 they aro both Handsome and Useful.
_,J,a,mroxims JWCIATEMATC"ir.
my Stock is vors Comdata and always Large and Wal Dwight. 1 have Gold and Silver Watches of
reliable makes. Cheap Watches from $2.75 tip,
Handsome Range of Clocks in all Styles, and Prices. We warrant them to give Satisfaction.
or no sale.
A out' stock of Violins, Bows, Strings, Bridges, a. to hand and Bargains offered in thorn.
Gold and Silver Spectacles of the best makos always kopt in stock.
Special Valuo in Bar -rings and Brooches, Watch Guards, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Cuff
Buttons, &c,
Christmas will soon be hero and as num bought nay Goods with tho intention or turning ilium
into money as soon as possible T. solicit 1112 Early Call.
All Repairing Neatly and Cheaply Done.
Issuer of MarrHBUSSTilLS.iage Licenses.