HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-12-28, Page 44
New Advertisements.
Locals --Geo. Love,
Strayed—S. W alah.t '.':
Stra;e(1--Thos. Warwick.
Farm for solo—A, ilmlter.
Au explanation—Adam Good.
be 1ltssti$ post.
.I IIID:11, DEC. 28, 1888.
Tits decision of tho Court in the Man-
itoba railway squabble is that the C.P.B.
was in the wronk and is a decided and
important gain to the Province of Mani -
Jobe. It is rather a peculiar thing that
Hon. Oliver Mowat, who condueted the
case for Manitoba, bobs up serenely with
another legal victory added to his un.
paralleled record. The Manitobans will
push fhe new road as soon as Spring
opens and a fresh grip will bo taken by
the electors of the prairie Province, in
not only °.king for their rights but push.
ing their ease until their rightful de.
mends are acceded to.
AFTER the terrible ado about the Scrip-
ture readings and the "pandering to
Rome, eft." made by not, a few of the
East Huron Conservatives not long since
is it not passing strange that at the
Convention cast week these very identi-
cal men elected the well-known Pat.
Kelly; of Blyth, as their President " ;lir.
Kelly is possibly as out and out a Roman
Catholic as any man in Huron. The
only way it can be accounted for is, as
one of the persons attending the Conven-
tion remarked, The Grits were bidding
for the Catholic vote and they (the Tories)
were going to take the start of them"
According to their own argument they
were in the wrong last general election
or now. Which was it 4
e1' eXre 'adr0e 'r
The Nomination 1ur tae': iilagn or Brussels
for the your Rise, of At Reeve and four (lcuu-
Sciooltes chol hoard, three
int hold 1m Tor wn BAur
Itfusaa.s, ou 1tIondaY. Dee, fetes, ,tt 19
o'eloee, noon.
WuEx you hear people talking about
the dismissal of one teacher and man-
aging the school with four you hear them
gushing about things they know nothing
about and bad they the reins at the
School Board and once attempted such a
move they would shut off the school
grant quicker than wink. They harp
about the attendance, number ou the roll
not being 300 and cousequently there is
lees than 60 pupils for each teacher,
when the facts of the case are that the
school population of the village alone is
311, with an addition of about 20 or 30
more in connection with pupils of the
outlaying section. It is to the interest
of every ratepayer to keep down expenses
but it must be done in a legal way and
not fecklessly rush into trouble. A
handle is attempted to be made about
tie meagre attendance in Department
No. 1 but if the croakers had read the
minutes of the School Board, published
in Tux Pose, they would know that the
average attendance in this Department
for the month of Nov. was 30. The
School Board has managed affairs very
satisfactorily but there is no small'
amount of blame to be attached to
parents who in the face of the law wil-
fully violate the regulations concerning
the regular attendance of their children.
We repeat what we have stated before,
viz. -that the present staff of teachers is
as good, if not better, than that at any
time in the past history of Brussels
Nk iferiox r
Tbo Election, i1 needed, will be bald on
nm. and a p. MPo ng Sub -division
1.—At Geo, Love's Moe, Ronald NaNaugb.
ton, Deputy Roturntng Otncsr, polling Bob.
division No. '.1,—At Council (:bomber, Wm,
Aldridge, Deputy l(etsrniug (Meer.
13 1.6. dao rr,11•oturning OIAcer•.
of Private Funds have just been
placed in my hands for In-
Borrowers Can have their Loans
complete in three clays if title is
Apply to E. E. WADE.
1\111AT d1ARK ET,
Rain Street, • Brussels
FieSh ^y1( Salt Meats
Of the best quality always on hand and de-
livered to any part of the village free of
Terms very favorab le.
For which the highest market prior will
be paid.
I also maks a specialty of buying Sides
and Skins.
Don't forget the place next door to
Fletcher's Jewelry store. A. CURRIE.
.ill Explanation.
Some of our German and English
friends were a little offended when we
apologised to our Irish and Scotch cus-
tomers, a few weeks ago, that we had
not included them. The reason was
that the English do not as a rule care for
the strong East India Black Teas, but
prefer the mild flavored Congous, Sou -
change and Hysons, of China. Any per-
son who prefers this kind of tea should
try five pounds of our English breakfast
tea, either straight black or mixed. For
our Berman friends who drink very little
tea at all, we have a splendid lot of Green
Coffee, a4 20 and 25 cents that will suit
them exactly. For our Canadian friends,
the best and most numerous of them all,
We have the Japan Tea. The Carnuok
nine times out of ten goes for the Japan
because it is cheap, wholesome and re-
quires very little care in drawing. ell
youhave to do is to throw it into a pot
and boil it. Our Japan Tea at 250, 30e,
85o and 40e is good, gives a strong, clear
liquor, and is very cheering. Try five
pounds of it. ADAM Goan,
The Toronto Grocery.
P. S. Those who are using our Assam
Tea should not nee so much of it as
other teas as some parties werecomplain-
iag that it was too strong for them.
'1di`iltertti ' 4) V'4.
Remarkably mild weather prevails in
The r bbaw flour elide, at Waltham,
Eng., have been burned. Loss 6450,000.
Ex•Qnten Natalie has been received
with ,oyal lmnora during her Russian
The I'oy;e has givll '4,Ot0for a college
to 1;a 11 mimierl(,its to Lc sent to
America. +.
A 0, 015 Mee has been appointed to En-
quire into the question of local govern-
ment for Scotland.
.A. lire at Matbhhead, Mass., on Tues-
day night burned 87 Luildiugs, causing a
total loss of $800,000.
it is . aid that the post of British Min-
ister te, V,ashington was offered to and
x0111, 0 111y ,li'. Chi/ mbtrl.iue.
An electric omnibus le the latest Lon.
don Mile rinpnt in traction. It is said to
have been successful in its trial trip; is
easily e.eere(1, and mut ml a 0001110D
road, without rails, et a speed greater
than that of horses,
The Bev. 3. W. Stokesbury, of Water-
town, Dak•, has received intelligence of a
terrible struggle his brother, Prof. D. B.
Stokesbury,recently had with a bear in
themoantaias of Wyoming, 10 tvhich the
Professor was probably fatally injured.
Prof. Stokesbury is a geologist connected
with Prof. Marsh's party: About a week
ago, while he and an assistant were en.
gaged at a point sixty mites north of
Carton, they ware overtaken by a band
of seven silvertip bears. Observing them
approaching, the men sought refuge on a
large rook, and, being well armed, sue-
oeeded in despatching four of the bears
and wending a fifth before losing sight
of the game in the thicket. Flushed with
his 8050885, the Professor sprang into
the brush in pursuit, when he was and.
dandy confronted by the wounded animal,
a monster female. 7n turning ha fe11,.
and was at once caugbt by the bear, and
received a violent shaking: Dropping
him, she caught him in the inside of the
right leg above the knee, tearing off the
flesh and splintering the bone. She next
sprang at his face, but he intercepted
the attack with his left arm, which was
bitten entirely through. She flaw at
his aids, and with one blow broke three
ribs. The Professor who had through.
out retained hold of his rifle with his
right hand, finally succeeded in giving
iter a fatal shot in the bead, The bear
Weighed 700 pounds. Stokesbury will.
•robably die.
Pursuant to (crap •110, Sea ICU, S. the
creditors of JANE, g51ALLDON, Lite of the
Township of (lro , in the ( suety of Huron.
who died en or about tun Fourteenth day of Statement
July, A•1). tem and °there having olalme hl
respect go her astute are notified to send, on
or before the Nth DO :.'1 130 of caber, 1869, to
Alexander Hunter, of tiro village of Brussels,,
agent for tbo admhlistrator of the personal
estate of the said deceased, their panics,
addresses and full part ,eulare of their claims
and of the securities (If env) bold by thorn,
and also that imulodlstely aftor (Be said
date the assets e1 data doenasoa will be dis-
tributed among those entitled thereto haying
regardonly to ouch donne of which the
administrator kite thou aotioe and the
admiuietrator will not bo liable for any
The undersigned desire to in-
timate to the people of this sec-
tion that they have bought
out the
assets so distributed to any parson of whose
011(101 ho shall not have had notico.
A. HUNTER, for
WM. 8150LLn°N, 1l.dnl5111 �a.Jt,OT.
Brunels,Dec 13411,1899, -��
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in ni3• hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels.
of MR. BOBT•MATTMME (Next Door
to 211r. John 117,0tn's Wagon. Shop,)
and they are prepared to attend
to the wants of all favoring them
with their patronage.
All Kinds of Bidcksmithing
Work Done,
We make a Specialty or
Roberts & Jefferson.
Clubbing Offer.
Tun POST will be Clubbed with the
leading Weeklies as follows:
The Globe and Tae Pose .. .. 32 25
The Advertiser .. .. .. ..
The Free Press .. .. .. . • 2 25
Montreal Witness .. .. .. .. 2 25
Toronto News .. .. . • . • .. 2 25
Toronto Empire,. .. .. .. 2 25
Tba balance of this year will be given
Free to all New Subscribers.
Wo ask a Comparison of Tun Pose
with the leading journals of Huron
s9 . 11a dls�`+, es,
EDITOn & PuopiusTan.
Farmers' institute
A. Farmers' Institute will bo held
in the Towit HALL, BRUSSELS,
on Friday and Satoe'day,
January IIth & 12th, '89
Professor Mills, of the Ontario
Agricultural College, will be in
attendance, and the leading Ag-
riculturalists of this section.
A. cordial invitation given to
all, particularly the farming
Sec. Treas. President.
Deo. 28, 1858
Ab7@41,55.EnnaiB.umuci".'.'''TR' ;FfCa'-o'.
pnta,l4,'1n4p4,^I,^I, �t MA114'll'4, I�'414 Ir'I,'h141414'4,"11414.4141idt, t,•I,u,•
aired by
(ice' WPM
stunt 1(1astaudit,,..$ 9 81
To credit of County account t 15 DO
School acoounb at audit.. turas 115 85
Interest account on deben 1878 126
Sinking fund bylaw, No. 88
543 8—$1210 'l3
Local account at audit ••,'"' 0 20
J. P. fines 240 00
Bast Huron License Fund .. 30 00
Butcher licenses. 1 00
Shooting gallery license270 00
Givens lioene° 2 1 00— 0 00
Provincial school grant . . 64 50
iIav scales root" 68 00— 127 50
6456 (i8
5271 39
0. S. 81, Viet., Chap. 28, Sect , 1B, S. Sect. 8,
for the year 1888.
1 and all kinds of Fancy Good.
As I intend going out of this
Line of Business
Won't be Undersold.
Large Stock of
NUTS, &r., kc,, &c.
Call in and See What
We Have.
31( L. Sturdy.
Hall rent
Proceeds Coueolidated Debentures, 3500
Taxes received to date
Total Receipts
$12520 30
SAlAblESt.- T11oo. Town 340,00, Thee, Kelly $40.00,
3. R. Grant $8.00, A. DI. McKay 38,00, J. McComb
$120,00, D. Stewart 310.00, Jno, Meadows $75.00,
1?. S. Scott 345.00 $ 8741 00
CueuiTr.—Mrs. Stacey $1.00, Mrs. Hart $2.00, Mrs.
IVallaoe, $12.00, Mrs, Williams (rent) 312.00, &Ira.
Wallace 50.12, T. O'Neil (tramp) 32.95, Mrs. Stacey
6.4.00, Mrs, Hart 32.00, Mrs. Blaehill 34.00, Mrs.
I3lashill $0 00, Mrs. Wallace $1.00, 111re. Blasbill
36.00, Ament Bros, (wood) 33.00, R. Leatherdala
(Billing's funeral) $7,00, Mrs. Blnsllill $0,00, 11.
Verona (Billing's fanoral) $1.50, Mrs. Ifart $2,00
llirs. Bla •hill 66.00, Amentl3ros, (wood) $8.00,Mrs.
Hart $2.00, Mrs. Blasbill 3(1,00, Mrr. Bart $0.00
Ament tiros. (wood) $1.00, Mrs, Wallace 32.00, Mrs.
hart $2.00, Mrs. Blasbill 36.00, Ament Broa.(wood)
$1.00, Mrs, Williams (rent) $18,00, Mrs, Bllaehill
56,00, Mrs. Hart $8.00, Mrs. Williams $5.25, Mrs.
Wallace (rent) 318.00, Mrs. Wallace $8.17 $ 153 79
501055.1' IM"ltovsM1tx11e.—S. Hinds $1.25, Jno, lrioadowa
563.00, J. B. McComb 311.87, J. Meadows $4,00, A.
](shod tson $14.00, J. McComb 322.50, 3. Kelly 62.10
J, Meadows 38.02, F. Stewart 33.00, J. Meadows
'11.05, ,i. McComb $26.87, 1'. Kelly 3281.11, J.
Meadows 54.38, J. McComb $20.00, Ameut Bros.
"l; ;0,02, J. Meadows $0.13, D. McNaughton $19.25,
P; Scott 94 25, B. Burns $3.00, A, McKay & Co.
714,18, 13. Gerry 32.03, L. McDonald 5140.85, J.
'McComb$5332,3. Meadow', 59.25, it. lfattioe $1 $ 094 03
DEE DLPAIrriulNT.--P. Scott 60e., Beattie Bros, 313,00
30s. Rieke 50c., E. Melsom 510.00, 3. Meadows
$1.50, Ament Bros. $1.00, P. Scott 32.00, H. Dennis
400„ 13. Gorry,026.28
Printing, W. II. Kerr
MlscsrmAUEous,-Thos. Town 310.00, T. Kelly 37.50,
Gerry and Graham (C. P. R.) 584.01, Orioket Club
(fencing) 330.00, B. Gerry 79e., F. S. Scott $19.14,
Hayoroft & Turnbull $9.40, W. H. MoCraoken $4.00
W. R. Wilson 90e 1615 74
Board of Health, T. G. Holmes, M. D. 10 00
Legal, Consolidation Act expenses 00 82
Voters' List Court, F. S. Soott $18.04, G. Cooper61.60 10 54
Taxes remitted, W. H. Moss 1 00
Coupon', redeemed, Howe By-law 84 00
Coupons redeemed, Fire Engine 175 00
Debentures redeemed, Fire Engine 5000 00
School Board, loan 3500.00, Provinoial grunt $164.00, 1380 00
pt. rate 3725.00
Amount to balance cash on hand 4220 05
Total Expenditure $12520 30
55 28
75 00
Cash on hand 54220 05
0,00 00
24 70
$5890 70
School Board Loan
School Board interest
Uncollected taxes on roll
Sterling Machine Oil is daily becoming more widely and favorably known. Thosr,
who try 1t continue to use it. 31 Vote adapted Ofo
il i r allsuitable for general use. It is
Mill Machinery,
Reapers, bowers
and Threshers 1
Ask Your
11Ta711{.frtrirtlrell by f)Tei12"iilttn, IS7itl1•edge (0 u•, .T'ett•ok'a ;
Stratford, 0ntara:0.
Cash o11 hand when liabilities of 1888 are settled 51503 86
Geo, Howe, insurance for 1886-87, and interest 2000244 00
Town Hall 4000 00
200 00
150 00
5000 00
19800 81
$32898 67
Fire engine, hose, &c.
Band Instruments
Hay scales
Howe mortgage, due 1894
Amount to balance
Branch rt.t
VON SALE BY A..M. .CK.A.Y &.co, )3K.UssF.I-Si
11. 71. i1frAt,o.isros, Etltol ; J,','Ininoa, l3luevslc. 710
Bnosssns, DEC. 15th, 1888.
Coupons falling duo 52154 00
Instalment Railway debt 288 71
County Rate 351 00
School Hate, balance 1127 13
Municipal Equivalent 164 00
Salaries 142 60
Fire Department 70 00
Band '25 00
Printing 4 50
Fuel 10 00
mechanics' Institute 50 00
Amount to balance, being cash asset 1503 86
55890 70
Debenture Debt 532200 00
Railway Debt 698 07
$39808 97
Amount of Liabilities over Assets $19800 81
anging Lamps and Hall Lamps.
We have Just Received a Splendid Variety of 'Hanging and Hall Lamps with the Latest Improve-
ments and most Fashionable Patterns.
Call in and Soo them and get Our Prices
0 0
Just received from the Best Manufactures in Canada and the United States a Full and Well Seteetod
Stock of Cross -Cut Saws, including "The President," "Lance Tooth," "Champion,' "Racer;" &c.
Persons requiring anything in this Line should see them.
0 —0---- 0
A Ftill Line of the Bost CHOPPING AXES on hand.
Seasonable Goods, sueh as Cow Chains, Halters, Lanterns, Apples Pavers, Sleigh Bells, &c„
abundance, Sold at Close Prices.
0 —0 0
Wo Guarantee all our Silverware to be exactly what it is represented. A. Large and .,Well Asserted
Stock to choose from. Big Bargains in those Goods. Wo have Crusts, Berry Dishes,
Butter Coolers, Napkin Rings, Individual Salts and Poppers, &e., &o,
Staple Lines of Hardware always on hand. (quotations to builders cheerfully given.
Thanking our Many Customers for their Patronage i11 [loo past we solicit a continuance of the
1t +111lf iiMEM{ 'RITE STAN").
A. M. M