HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-12-28, Page 3Dec. 28, 1858, 'KANSAS LAND. (`puno-"Beulah Land.") O'o've remelted the land of 00x1) anll wheat, Of pumpkin pies end potatoes sweet ; Wo got the laud freun Uncle Dant, And wo'r'e as hardly at; a 012112), chimes. Ohl Kansas land, sweet Kansas land, 0s on the highest bluff I stand, I look 11,l011.y across the plain, And wonder if 'twill ever rain, And when I turn to v100 my corn, 1 think 1'11 keep my Holum farm. AL flew the unlit grew brown and sear, With (1(0(201 and graselioppers every year, flu now we have both rain end anew - The sowir,ya aro convened to go. When firs, I curve to get my start, 'I In, neighbors thou were guiles apart ; Bat now a man 1,11 every elate), And sometimes three all want the some, A"d n"w• at la•4 the esrs are hero, We wanted them for ataur a year 1 \.'.I Iv•'u't von with nm take a smile? 1"'r I have freight..i vuu)y a utile, chanes. (lb! )tole: r, t'i'ts, sweat Kansas girls, 0th slq' blue ey' a 0.411 sunny curl.,. That It ring :old on the or au play, 111. seine Yanlu:o d. de comes Ont this way, They meet him at the parlour' door And be must skip forever more. .1'0vrille, Lt Jewelry. Chatl'laitte• watches in mer0000- 0( ve1) ill cn(•es have launched out. A neat hairpin is 000 topped with a small oxidized silver revolver. tlinin.ture bath slippers in varie- got,d grid form cute little sleeve buttons. .A f,Ictsirile of 11. hall of twine in b1. , 5' 11,'w (1008 8210 38 as a paper wri(tbl. Frosted sil01r tea bells have made iheit advent di-gtliaed as full-grown len„ ris Scuue(l,i R 0(0111 in brooches is a hte•o add rider of siker, encircled by o wl•ip, Steel tablets bearing raised Cliumsl• hieroglyphics is an odd fat et tee No obtnelsine, Earrings in the form of polished r t'rt ill w (,r- ate becntuing con Fi ',.I , e•,), I I i, ori...lrnuo Link 1118C(.10Is of 0x121)521 silver 1)1 d sr' with stones of different ce 7 r• are mach in vogue. Y, I lo' !ut, .1 t1' v, by ill Queen et:it, p, Minn, 10 a lioy gold tltiw bl' with the 1)3(103' totally engraved 3(1) titt(1 the run ('h.trmint' 3033 a Il('ali1)0e 19 a row of pearl finished silver beads with a pear shaped pens) suspended bo• to wen each, Tile' 1 830018110 end 10 whims in Qu, mi chain pendtll,ts. Now comes the l' 12»' in beaten gold and of natural size. Another Quern chair. pendant 0' 1. 11 1 to ibg about i• a miniature hand hellov produced with gold and pintiuum. Quest, chains are saes with pan• ditties cooristiug of wickerwork buten:, disclosing: on the outside a erte,i citcle of bright rnbiee, .loan i or Ian 00811" 000 the new brie: fitly peliubed gold lockets de- col'Iuci will, It raisedenamel star and o 111811i 11in11,1111 centre. Household Hints. To remove spots from marble 3180 a 137412 of )))klieg Alc1 bonz)ue, A salt ham should be soaked over night in plenty of soft water pre- vious to boiling. After washing a wooden bowl place it v bare it will dry equally tiktr.on all aides, away from the stove. >,. If yOtt want pouched egos to look particularly nice cooly each egg in a muffin ring placed in the bottom of a eenot•pan of boiling water. ):live syrup is )rood for croup or inflammation of the lunge. It mast be kept in a cool place, for if it sours it ]s very poisonous. When lifting little children by the wrist, the bones of the arm, not being wholly formed, or rather solidified, are very liable to break. The bands 81(01110 be placed under the armpits The French method of adeniuistor ing castor oil to children is to pour the oil 1010 a pan over to moderato fire, break an ogg int.) it and etir up.; whou it is dune flavor with a 110110 salt or sugar or currant jelly. A quick curd for burns is to apply a layer of common salt and saturate it with laudanum. ilold it in place an hour or Bo by a simple bondage. The smarting sensation disappears tepidly, and the burn gets well. Do not let your laundress or washerwoman put clothes into the blueing water until they have boon well shaken. If tossed' in while folded as they 0om0 through the wringer, they aro almost certain to 'bo streaked with blueing, and 121 though after repeated washings those streaks will cotno out, every ono ltuowe how aggravating it is to tree napkins or handkerobiefs that have Inures of careless washing; For cleaning bras!, n"e a thin Prescott i paste plate powder, two tablespoon 81030110 hg Tule of vinegar, four tablespooufnle Tho I1 of alcohol, Rob with et pleee of )lava 800 t flannel ; polish with sllaroole. 701112 I c Ws a oommon =tweeter) for onion wsi children to got beans, grains of There si corn and other foreign substances cdidates iu. up their 110.05. Tleid dimple remedy Coal it is worth remembering : Yr„t Ills been etre child to upon its mouth, apply your mouth ov,'r It and blow herd Tho offending subst,amp) will bo oxpell ed from its mouth, A. very Ioluplets filling for open (macks iu floors may be made by thetrougllly'eualting Uo'%spapers 10 1.1 panto mado of one ponnd of flour, three quarts of water, +I tabloipoun ful of 01u' ther'ntghly bolted and mixed ; inako Beal mixture abort as uncle as po1,y, a hied .4 paper 'pithy, turd ii. .,ill learAon like papier to lobi+. q(tk 1'11'11'- / •• 11.1(1 b(ou'1 • A man lvit .412 h h 7btI ()flying (Milk a, nothyhresdi•('1v„r cel et remedy for stotpl1-snow. IL' threw- aside tint illido w, 1111.1 olof, s the pretence, of sleeping with his heat) and buy wary on the sumo level. bran is the only nue of the outmode that requires a pill./1Y to sleep on, A new bullet proposed for the English army is of lel unusually small caliber, and is encased in au outer shell of trickle, which increases its power of penetration. It is used with a rifle of grantor thickness of barrel, in which a heavier charge than usual eau be fired Several hundreds of the rifles have been made for experimental use. A. new and peculiar elass of time- pieces hoe lately been brought out, which illastral' s rho steady progress that is beteg macro iu the arts o' skill and precisi01. This is o watch of ordinary eizo, of which the ease and itiataa are made of Brazilian pebble, Or rock crystal, thus render ing the watch transparent, and ex posing to plain view the wheels and all other parte of the interior me chauism. A curiously considerate invention has been produced by a Freuuhman in the shape of a nnisolses clock for lee more „spe'Ci3lly iu seek room., In ! lac,' of the neon) pendulum, mot bands aro set ue motion by the on rolling of a chain, the end of whie'I is fastened to it buoy floating in a tttuk of fluid, This fluid escapes in a uniform rate, end own bo utilized t( ford a lata p• wick, tints giving the apparants the double oharaeicr of clock and lamp. When th(' lamp is lighted, the ueeeseary diminution of liquid takes plume by eombustto., lu other times by carefully regulated dropping Camphor is made in Japan iu this way : After a tree is felled to the earth 11 is out into chips, which are laic) in a Labe or large iron pot per tinily filled with water, and placed over et Blow fire. Through bolos in the butte= of the bub eteem slowly rises, and hooting the chips, goner atos oil and camphor. Of course, the tub with the ohipa has a closely fitting rover, From this cover 0 bamboo pipe leads to a 811000eeinn of other tubs with bamboo couveo- tious, and Ibo last of these tuba i`' divided into two compartments, one above the other, the dividing floor being perforated with small holes to allow the water and oil to pass the lower compartment. The up per compartment is supplied with a straw layer, which catches and holds the camphor in crystal in lie posit as it passes to the 000lmg pro 0660, The camphor is then sopor (ted from the straw, packed in wooden tubs and is ready for mar )tat. The oil is used by the natives for illuminating and other par• poses. Those timid beings who ars haunted by apprehensions of being bnriod alive, and who make testa menLary provisions against such a contingency, may now take oourage, for 8010000 has supplied an lural)- ible means of determining whether 0r not the vital spark has quitted the mortal frame. Electricity en- ables us to distinguish with absolute certainty between life and death. For two or three hours after the stoppage of the heart the whole of the muscles of the body have com- pletely lost Choir eloctrlo excitability. \Vledi stimulated by oloctricity they no longer contract. If, then, when Faradism is applied to the muscles of the limbs and trunk, say five or six hours nftor supposed death, thoro earl be no contractile response, it may be eartified with certainty that death has oceurt'ea, for no faint, or tranoo, or coma, however deep, can prevent the manifestation of electric muscular contractility• Hero there is no possibility of mistake, as there certainly was when the old tests were otnployod. Oa y►41Min N et -we) - Four below zero at Pt, Hope I Thursday. Navigation is still', open on Muskoka lakes. IE BR`t ISSELS PONT putting up 11) snore, 'p,1. c)NF)! )'0 1,11.1 01 1(4 4. 11 oris works, Brantford. teen at ,ark, '00, of \V.iagbaln, has ao 3 i1) 5 oz. rang , 0 ter"„ mayoraiy. eau - deo 1i'Id at Hardt,. 1 pitying gttt),ities 11 tie ',1 1t '\..11'0' o , 10 O. A. Chin' loan 0 ,Inad llu,l .3 tun Iota boon 1.n O'.tii'',, 'l :1 1.111111 2' I. I3o1/0 I ,,,;,.0:, has .4 X41,0 baud Glu cogine ,Y)lett 011'11 18 11 str.•am 50 f, h hl.,l A colnpany l4 beiag form:)d Lo 010 the oral mines at Dvt 11'am', 1111!.12, t:ullevinn has It Oil' lo;;;ad boy �' wltn skates with the anti of t:1 erntef). Mise &1(21.(1, 11 . o, L., .10,1', is .'; Mg 1 . 1/' i 1, If,' ) 1, .19 Irl-$ionat•). Sir Donald S with, '7f 1I w'real, n lila proud nwd 1'I 0)71 ill $27.0010, \801 \Vrire, 7f 1'_112,., ti,t„, [i51',k,0.ilt,.j, .1 1.1 :t $;l to for 71 Thor ,'i Jho,'' t '-00 v. over 5,000,0,)'1. ; on n' 1.l t '11:1' wore 11,4,1 b" tl'r I,'tld„n fire 41,! partulont dei'ulg rho lleCiary fire. Undue, Le the tun Incas of the Meati)O', coal ,ales ,10" ,yt0.000 loss in \Viunii:c'i than let this blue last winter. St. 3athariues 01))1in14 the oldest St Andraw'e Society iu the D loin. 1011. It i11a '19711 .•'�,hlis fol 58 years. Mrs. Isabella Housing, sitar of the late Hon. Gob Brown, died on Tuesday at Cloroae,, Italy, ago(' 06 years. Over 100 o tet 1.1,1, 11001)1' were shipped on Friday to the States from the 0:1,1td•) Atlantic railway yard of the ctt'ndiere. ABuffalo buyer w'nI iu ShOib:lnrne last weep buying ever.(renes for Christmas .lecoea.ious, Ho b1)1.4.11: 1500 small balsam 1911, Two barge,, loud•1d with 800 Ions of hay for the iIoutroal Str.:00 R -til• way Co., are '4ttle'4 1 1 1110 MC ba• ttv0en Bertheir and loop '.110 13. 1+', tatelk.. lien I7istnwnl woollen mild, roc i 1: ;)lien'( 181 ':00225 of wool. 14 P 172 .fleet,, .'1.: vomit of the pr.elnct !ting ab on 5G:7t1U erode ,llri,,..v, . a 61.1 011 ''hc (3 P. 11 itt the Noel ;1 0:04, to the Cvpnls4 Hill., I •li. 1'100 of 200 11171 1, ilut .1 11..!'1 r(' O,n be eu- ct1o" tel'. ,1 Tile Pei-shy:eern-0I of Du,'Ilam have 0m oved the "g'tt) from their Monet). A ill 014. i-.,: of toe cot gregal301 are nppos11 to using it in then' services. A briok of gold from the Malaga Alining (lemf.al.y'1 )nine, Nova Scotia, eigbrd 1170 ounces and 14 v-7lued nt. 7.100) It was the re 13111; of 12] days 11ruehing,mili time The Tilbury Centro waterworks helve just beou completed and turned nvot' by the contractors 0) the cor pnration, The water is procured from Lake St. Clair, a distance of Mee miles TAILOR SOP "LPta1P4.'11"bnllprt,4pyd'h"17'.71. y .,,,n :First -Class Suits, either Bonucl or Unbound, inacic.for $4.00. >i d ,Lit Guaranteed. Produce taken in exchange for Work. 211. Cr. RIC IlZSO V, 8-4 Marchant Tailor. Largest Ciroiilation in Western Ontario. FREE PRESS, LONDON. - ONTARIO. The "Pm 'Prose 10 Uro only noweryahar in Mho West 600010114 the Associated P0084 Despatches, It ooutains all tau Nowa, by °able, 'telegraph, Telephone and Man, up to 01.0 hour of going to gross. it gives in each issue ()righted (1)11 vah1(0 10 Illustrations of mon and. things, (ltd 18 (1)0 only newspaper is Canada employing its 064)1 artists, The Weekly Free Press tG1,00 fox ' o x, 1005,6 1117513, :IJetabliahad nearly nails, 1110tury, 811"16't1131 dmwO" 6m"day ate e baoiat• tilllluatrated Q%hrtatrnlS dumber 00m- prisinp 80 peace, given away nice to every 100001(011' lOr 1080. $8,000.00 IN i?11EMlU1119, 'OoinprtsingNow and 'Useful Artletos, given away free to Agents. The most fibers,' 111• 1100em81116 eve)' offered in 0an0date Attonts, 80124 for 0geut's outfit and terms, The "Pyre A rows" is the Only horning and riming i'oliOI' published In 'Western On. toxin. 11Is ferward01 on a11 early morning trams, reaching all 0)x0(0 between Toronto'' and Windsor by s u; ill, and is thr,enly daily paper received at )roots most of Loudon uw ore:the afternoon. Tho Live Newspaper of the ''eet,111a,42011pm. Sear, postage free, 1 Hold by Agents 0v0lywhero, Address; • FRET= PRESS PRINTING 00. ,07.40,016, 00ooa,o4o,.. Any Amount of Motley to Loan on Farm 0r Village Pro- perty, at 6 61; Per Cont. Yaariy. Straight Loans with privilege of replaying w11Ut1 required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division court ('lerh, Brussels. TO THE PUi LIC Ile order to pu' iner('a'ed attention to my randy -nada bunt and shoe trade and Grocery business T have dispooed of my (1IOITt1YM 110001' /tall 0,11113: 113,61631 8 to 11Tt1, PETE': itiretun, wit, will continuo it in the same place. I desire t0 return thanks for the large share .:f p111111lu:{;e which T received during qv, put>t 5800(1 years 011.1 (1222 for an increase to my su0• cc-s.t. ".Tr. ADAM GOOD. Having purchased tee Custom Shoo business of 14Ir. Good, I am prepared to attend to the wants of the Public. My ave and (•half years work in 'Brus- sels is a guarantee of the satisfaction I am prepared to give, not only to old customers but to its many new ones as ivo me their pato o nage. n011-tf P RITCHIE -THE- Brussels Roller tills being now in full operation the Proprie- tor is prepared to supply the public with the best grades of Roller Flour, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour. All kith of Mill 1%4 always on and, and for sale at reasonable p ices for Cash. 11. AAA. g I Et/` Liao will find that hey aro doing the very best for them - elves by patro isiu', n mut their Grist - Mg int chopping. SPECIAL RATES FOFLUH to any person taking 500 pounds or more. J11,i4. ROSS. HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest Rates of .Interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 8, 4, and fi per cent. interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time lot. Oriwcr11: --Corner of Market Square aoicl North Street, Godo - rich. Horace Horton, 1MANAoru, BEE -HIVE CERY Great Bargains al the "Bee -hive" in Teas and Crockery For the next 2 weeks. �SGVER MARMAGE 221 UNSiiIJi W. H. McCracken. x `m, 114G MITE undersigned is prepared to buy any quaattity of Eggs at 1110 old - EggEmporium., N TO T dolt Brussel Post Offing L Farm autos call depend upon getting from ert� touri the voa'y highest :lfarko+ 1'11 iso [N CAszz this season as w'o um going to 83118) extensively 1111 1) quire largo quantities, Don't forget the o1)1 stand next dour to the Post (Mee, brussels. 20.45. WM. 1rta• Tei e • SOU. NotiNotice ."" 1 Hiveumrh pleasure ill tlforining all my ce "0111 friends 111121 my (1:11.4111( r :old 101'n1 118011 will continue the 1( 1)usines, a1 the old stand r:irrir-(1 0t. 1.y me last yefl)' and 1 110110 111)" will rl'ril•vc lib l tl i,;t'r,ot11 J,.\'0. I? t) L) L)I'(`TC. FA ER ! FARMER ! Look to Your Own Interest and get your Gristing clone ;"at Where yon will got Flour second to none in the Dominion, and yield per bushel equal to the highest. Chopping Done While You Wait. Farmers Can Have Manitoba Wheat Flour Without Extra Charge, if required. SPECIAL PRICE GiVEN FOR 500 -Ib. LOTS OF FLOUR. All Kinds of (drain Bought for Cash. CHOP, BRAN, SHORTS, CRA.CK.ED WHEAT AND GRAIHA1I FLULIR ALWAYS ON NAND AT THE NATIONAL ROLLER MILLS, BRUSSELS, Oct 1, 3,m STEWART & LOWIOK. LARGE ASSORTMENT --OF If you Want a No ober Suit CCS IVL±iJ TC ROSS EIS THE LEADINE, MERtDHANT TAML9RING AND GENT'S °9 FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. Wo ]iavo the Finest Assortment of Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds, Overcoatings and Panting( that can be shown in Brussels, also a splendid and -well selected stook of Gent's Furnishings. Our Hats and Cabs aro of the Latest Shapes. All will be sold. at liloderate Prices. Suits Got Up in Latest Myles and Fits Guaranteed. Give Us a Call and be convinced of what We say. All Tweeds bought from us will be ant Freo of Charge. Hear What the Poet Says: Arrau Pat phawt is that you see Watkin down sthrato Sura its Mike with a now snit from -head to the fate ; And Whore did tha spalpeen get fitted so nate P - Why up at Broadway -at SS, Thim Iloss by's get its snc11 illigant Tweeds, And everything else that n, giutleinnoi needs ; They can fit you up like an Ould Country gint, And inor thoy'Il not cliato you for novor a chit. They'll suspend you with Braces the loike couldn't be, Putt a shirt on your back that will fit to a too ; Their gloves and their stockings sure river will wear And their tweeds are warranted novor to tear. If you want hat or cap, or oven a collar, Fist call on the boys it will save 3Fou a dollar : For boclad its t1Ttn truth I'1n sphakin to you, There is everything there that is styligli and now. ROSS ROS., OLO'PJI/