HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-12-28, Page 22 - TOWN DIRECTOII Ar tl '�Taivnnx: Clanton, --Sabbath Services s at 11 a.m. and (1:30 p.m. Sunday Sellout at 2;30 p. in. Bev. John Ross, B. A., pastor. Iioox Cnancil,—Sabbath Servleee at 11 1 a.m. and 0:80 pan. Sunday School at 2:30 p.m. Rev. G. D. Rowie, DT, A., pastor. ST. Jour's Curncn.--•Sabbath Services , at 11 a.m. and 7 pan. Sunday School at 0:80.e.na. Rev. W. T. C.lni'f, incumbent. 8 ETUODIST Cuunas. .Sabbath Servioes at 10:80 a.m. and 6:30 p. m. Sunday School at at 2:80 p,m, Rev. 11I. Swann, pastor. BoaHAN CATn0xxC Cnuacu.--SabbathSer- vice third Sunday in every month, at 11 a.m. Rev. P. J. Shea, priest. SALVATION Atun .—Services at 7 and 11 a.m., Band 8 o'clock p.m. on. Sunday and THE BF:USSEL,S POST �amr9: • bat iu N ne to Loan rare rowiled teument house, l o Y , neat flat high np it is tree, but he bad three c r four nice rooms and many conveniences about her, 12on0 to. Lours 1111 tvliicb her Lard earue,l awl earafully 1car0 4 aid•up funds and those of Miobael 11 3'' bad together furnished after their l marriage, And to these he had 1ddeit others an 111e need-, of hid family increased. iso \Irs Grant rather enjoyed a little call 1ww and tlicu upon her once faithful do'nes- tie. Her children, too, loved to take toys and books to Jaue's chit. drew, and Dennie, her oldest boy, t f e -Its with them all. Nu \N how chaugec allwan Knell They were living 111 two rooms one every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the barracks. Qapt. Smith in command. ODD Fax.nowe' Lows. every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. MAsouxc Lonea Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. third A. U. 1L. W. Lgnaa on first and Monday evenings of each month. Poeasrans' LODGE 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month, in Smale's ball. L. O. L. let Monday in every month, in Orange Hall. Posh OFFICE.—Oflice hours from 8 a.m, to 7:30 p.m. Mccntaucs' InsTxrt o. -.--Resiling Roem and Library, in Holmes' block, wilt be oays andnfrom toSaturdays. S Miss Minnio'clock p.m. e Shaw, Li. brarian Bneseas.s iv . 0. T. V. hold monthly meetings on the 3rd Saturday iii each month, at 3 o'clock p.m. Mrs. Swann, Pres. ; Mrs. A. Strachan. Sec y. Tows Cocrrcm. --W. II. McCracken, Ree, e ; R. Graham, J. Ament I). Strach- an cillors F. S. Scott, ClerkThos. xKelly,17Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Collector. Boardmeeta the 1st Manday in each month. Senors Botnn.--Rev. Inc. Ross, B.A., (chairman) F. S. Scott, H. Dennis, T. Fletcher, J. Hargreaves and A.. Hunter. Sec.-Treas., W. H. Moss. Meetings 1st Friday evening in each month. Femme Scum, Tescnass.--Jno. l ss Iticlxardsor, Miss Hambly, Principal, . Miss Abraham and Miss Taylor. BOARD of HEALTH.—Reeve McCracken, Clerk Scott, 1. H. Young, A. Stewart and J. G. Skeins. Dr. Holmes, MedicalEealth Officer. LI,.trten's tam. Farm Pro - LOWEST RATES, PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS DICKSON & IIAYS, Solicitors, 13russels, Ont. was a glen h - PLUM 1 ! g l of their nice furniture wan gone tobacco General Blacksmith and other sickening fumes that POOP LITTLE DENNIE.. "Have you heard how Dennie is, Maggie?" asked Mrs grant, as Mag- gie MoOnff-ry came in to do a morn- ing'e wash. "I Lear the poor boy was hurt badly." "Sure, and ye may well say so. Such a blow, and wid the doubt: d the child. "Come to Dennie,papa. fief 1 It c, as most enough to knock As tenderly as a woman Michael EH os over, let alone a half starved bent over his precious boy, stroked etr, ugly smelling of stale caused firs. Grant to almost catch wishes to intimate to the public generally her b,eatl,. to an inner room she that be dons all kinds of Blnoksmithing founi the pal worn min a, Workmanlike ke Manner.other. seated Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters by her poor sufleriug child• made to Order. "How is he, Jane ?" asked ire Repairing promptly Executed. Gran . taltius. semnear her. "I IA. C 11 n Speftedty of Romembeiog. have only jtt•t heard of t e—arc!• r the Stand NEAR THE BRIDGE.dent," she hesitatinuly said, "and caws at once to sro what I 0011111 do , S. Plum. fur tun." "X11, Mra. Grant, this is no place far v ii bri 1 ever ll ugh( i./ Mike atoll bring tt•t all to this;" �•..}' � � ,tail. bowing her ho vt up.'n tit t pil- lory near her, she gave away to no 1 controllable tears, sobbing and weeping as though her !D'art would break Deuni, in the meantime stroi.ed her face and tried to eons fort her. "Don't weep so, Jane; you mttice Dennie worse. 'Tell me what I eau do for him and you all." "Dennie can't be made much wore».and my heart is most broken, ma'am, to think my man. should Lave done it." A. father's blow had inched nl• most taken the life out of him. The child fell heavily down some steps and ass taken up unconscious. Not only was his head badly hurt, but it was thought some internal in- jury from the blow in the chest would terminate the brief life The shook seemed alm`ist as great to Michael himself. He sat like one stunned—sober, but oh, so crushed! He would nt that moment haveegiv• eu his own life could he have saved his Denim. "Don't feel so, papa. I know you slid not mean to do it," feebly said chap like Denoie. It almost took what little breath he had left in his ht dy " "Why, I thought Moline' was fond of his children." "Pond, did ye say ? Why, he dotes on them when he's himself. And Dennis be thinks as 'cute a fellow as can be found anywhere. But it's all the driuk that makes • him like that sometimes." "0 Aleggie,yon don't say Michael has taken to drink! Such a sober, industrious fellow as be has always been!" "Sure, and its just that, ma'am. La.. -t spring some friends of his came from the old country, and tLa, must have a grand time of re- jcienr!, mi meeting Michael. He, yoor fellow, tried to get out of it, said Iiia v.tf+, std children would be af',r waiting for him at supper. But 00, 1,» mew ju-t take one glass to e ieL (Lew sure',:- ,11 findutg vv,a k iu Awerac;t du,t so they got htur into a ae0.0n1 near by where telkiee u,sil tt late hour A ,1 it ,t n8 10. ru 11„11 One glass 0 Ai before they b, 1 e0. Alit 1,011.1 111111 1i, e tii Oh , i h e 1 - idly been a8 steady 1 il, lie roto to Lc." ,. ;,se's oat}, very sad ! I have u out of town a ;sed deal of la,, and so Levo Known 10:,8 01 ;fa, . , ,i har children than usual, 0 . lard ,soil Irk. d iu inc family or, r len year anal we all thought her cull nlarria•d when Michael took bit nom, us.". "Iudade, ma'am, ye may well say ',bat. A finer looking couple you vvould hardly see anywhere, nor a bettor provider for wile and chil- dren when they came, than Michael Flinn. But it's the liquor that has little by little taken the senses out of biro." "Oh, how I wish this terrible curse to our land could be removed." "You may well tall it that, ma'am. Many'' the fine fellow that has been turned into e. brute almost through the liquor. And it is that made Michael give his Dennie the blow that knocked him over and nearly killed him," said Maggie. "I must go at once and see what, I tan do for them. Then, turning to her own girl, Mrs. Grant Bald, "Bridget, while J. am getting ready to go I wish you would put up something nice for mo to take to Dennie, poor little fellow! It must bo terribly hard to suffer through a father's blow:" Mrs Grant hastened to the place Whore she was told Jane now lived, 'Whoa she had last seen her she was comfortablylsettled, not in an AIL his cheek, but could not utter a Bound. The throat seemed convul- sed and closed, as though be was choked with grief. "Papa, promise your Dunne you will never again touch that horrid stuff," "I promise, Deunie, God helping me." And with this promise the spirit of the dear ohild passed away. And Mrs. Grant turned from the sad and stricken home, again la- menting the evils of intemperance. —Cbild'e Paper. V as i;c:ties.. A railroad is one of the things of which n little doesn't go a long way. Perhaps medicine taken internally is more efficacious than that applied outwardly, because it has the Weida tract,. After all it is not remarkable that th.. gaarrel between this country and the United States about fish elu.:ad tr,, on enimluiugly. 1 t ra'• (to prisoner)— Yott '100 i.d, sir, v illi beating your wife Fri=ones:—Yes, sal), an' I'se proud of it, nab. Magistrate -- Proud of it? Prisoner—Kase, soh she weighs twenty pounds mo'n tae, Lady—ked what dons your father do? Little Girl—Oh, Papa is n doctor, .Aarly---Indeed) I suppose he practises a great deal, dons he not? Little Girl—Oh, no. He doesn't practice any more. IIe knows how now. A. lady etoudhanging on the strap of a street car, when a workman in the far earner arose and politely of. fered her a seat. "I thank you," she said, 1n a very sweet tone, "but I dislike to deprive the only gentle- man in the oar of a seat." Scribbler-- I understand that Manager Poster refuses to continue the .produotion of your play, "Tho Fatal Pie." Sorawler—Yes, but I am going to fix him, Scribbler— How? Sorawler—l'll have him put ander 'bonds to keep the piece. Ohumley--I'm in a little fix to. day, Brown, for money; what would you say if I were to ask yott for a temporary loan of a hundred or two dollars? Frown— Well, Chumley, if the loan will be temporary, I might lot you have the two dollars. Little Wilhelm came to school one morning with a big cold in bis little head. The old master calls the little toddler to the desk and asks him what the matter is. "'Ugh, I don't feel well," says Wilhelm. "I3ofe my eyes is lealrtn', au' one of my noses won't go " TINTYPES, • 'For - ri0 • Comte:. OYorlc from the Senallcst to life size front Io a (IrsacIitss manner. of iteIIeenera, rift., at Reasonable Rules. W. J. Fairfield. '-DR HODDER'S BURDOCK'' SAND :.t,.. COmpouND Poll Bookstore, Liver Cornpl nt Dyspepsia, Biliousness, - Sick Headache, Kidney troubl's Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, and all impuri• ties of theblood from whatever cause arising. THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. .— �a�. ,a:raD2mar's LITTLE LIVER PILLS, (very small and easy to take.) NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA Sold everywhere ; prion 20 cents. UNION :HEIIICINe Co., Proprietors, TORONTO, CANADA.. rotioe ©f Removal it .A.. Well Asserted Stock of ORRIST..S GOODS To1-land, and Mere to Follow. Having leased the store lately vacated by Mrs. Aloxandor I have Removed my Business there. 1 have Purchased a Nico Lino of New Tweeds, &e„ and will be pleased to show. them to the public. Give mo a Call at the New Stand. E. Dunford, )1ZP1RCr to'.r TAmott. sirs. skier's Block. Ileisieli. ^ .SMITH is prepared to attend to Carriage Painting, in all its branches, as well as Sign and Ornamental Painting. ALB MS Dec. 28, 1888 iSR169.-" •.b 11'21"••'L'72:7F.idi=Tr^ 5:123=1=47Sii+Z YLT.'v''TlliS 216VeCI I'IISHFII1IIIFO EllIl1PI'!P'I!. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE I I have a splendid Stock of Furniture at my Show rooms, rrzberrz/ Street, B1'1.688e11s, consisting of Parlor and oom Suites, Sideboards, Tables, Chairs, Lounges, &c., big pilot be excelled for wear, or value. Always a bIb t choose from-. Bec that Stock A Splendid ,,Steck BM. at Close Prices. See Ho has had years of experience and guarantees his work to givo satisfaction, A rig all painted is half sold. �tr '307, 0x.A11., 13 A. 18.G.'t1rI" Ma As I have a verb; large and well made stock of Bedr own Suites and Sideboard .I yTill sell them at 5 r'eCLtl y reduc- ed Pi'i•ef s• We have made -a specialty 'of these lures and now is the time to make purchases. Hand -made Furniture Furniture a special feature of our lous- iness .A. large stock of tip-top ,illoulding for Picture Frames. Work done with neatness and despatch. A nice lot of Pictures, Foot Stools and fancy articles for sale, REPAIRING NEATLY ATTENDED TO. A full line of -Caskets, Coffins and Robes always on hand. Two 9Learses and a free Delivery Wagon in connection with our Establishment. I pay special attention to Cavity and Arterial Ei mbaZrn .im . Raving taken three series of lessons on Embalming frons. Prof. Renouard, of Kansas, and having a Diploma for the same, 1 feel confident in being able to do this work properly. - A beautiful range of McFarlane, McKinlay & Co's patent Liraen0 Wimclow Blinds to hand. Every housekeeper should see them. They are .Dew cies. AGENT for the KA RN ORGAN. Save money by Patronising the Old .Established Furni- ture Emporium. B. LEAITHRRDALE, Bibles Hymn Books, Prayer Books, (i 86c., 8% 1!d,titnatos and tenni cheerfully given. GIME iIIM A CALL. Shop in the old Posr Pub- lishing House, King street, Brus- sels. - -.ILL T11E-- SL° Poll Boo1ore8 0417 1,014.11 BRUSSELS BE USSELS. 1 We, the undersigned, call the Attention of the Public to the fact that we have put in some -0W WACHINIPARY and are now able to do better Work than has been done in the past and as good, if not better, than most • MILLS IN THE PROVINCE. We will endeavor, to the best of our ability, to Please all Oustomers and fill all Orders at Shortest Notice, Those Parties having WOOL would do well to give us a call before going elsewhere. We have a fine Assortment of 13LAvittl arta3E TAS, IM TWEEDS, &e., KNIT - GOODS - MAB - TO - ORDER. Hoping you will favor L's with a Gall, We are, Yours Truly, GEO. HOWE & Co..' -on sept. 10, 10.11 BRussrwS..