HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-12-14, Page 82
IN00.,===.gotgimiproputm:nu=„M-Qo.+, s. ..,c - - . .gra %eat=s+m,W+:uww•,afi”wi"'laZ'S"..,r,'.4M1e-r:ti�'7rd1hZ7rJi&.':3'^ Jx'!"x4^c7iww
WEE space allotted me is too snail to I Veee.'ti furnitu'''• beats everything,'
L desorlbe, as I would like. our stock t nem grocerice at S•enncuaN linos, ,
of mendh.y Geode. IV is with pleasure ! Deem tea drinkers alien/LI read Adam
We anasltow you an assortment unequal- Good's Al h
edit former rears. Our I'lueh Goads
l' THE Poser fur 1"b0 if you aro Trot ;
already a subscriber,
1 Conn WOOD, hard or soft, taken on a0- i
count. Dn. cou.uAaf.
SCIWOL$ close Oil Friday of Obis week
for the Christmas holidays.
Near Tuesday will be Christmas.
Santa Claus an Monday night.
NEW arrivals tide Beek. Illtndaolno
Hanging Ruby Lampe at B. deray's, 20
PIONS KELLY and Uen, 1:, C'oaper have
their r s e
a to
t oCabo nn chis reedy o•
n g
s nd for
1 SEMI it, Commit meeting 'as hold on
Saturday eveningt, arrange the financial
statement for nomination clay.
Fon Albums, Books. Bibles, Xmas
Cards, Plush 'hest ing Cases and hewed
bate tele eo to G. A. Ifeadman's. 23
ALONZO HALM:NI:2, W110 has been in
?Milton fn, several menthe was in town
thea neck on his way 91 visit Ilia l.n-e'els.
Nodes on ltev. Mr. 110wie's dierourse,
last Sabbath, are crowded ant of this
issue. They will appear next week, bow-
MI:''s Red.linod Overshoes R.
Heavy Rubbers for rectos 01.20, I'
Sacks 70c. Fell Boots very ohs:
ADAM Goon, 91.
REV. W. T. CLprr•'s name is mention
as a likely candidate for a seat at
School Booed. Ho would make a fir
class trustee,
EAST Huron Farmers' Institute in Br
eels on Fridley anti Saturday, 11th
lath Janette y. Prof, Mills and one of
other Profess ors, not yet named, will
in at cadence,
Do t'T forget the song sesvice, "Ale
slab's Star," (ocoupying about 1} hou
in the Methodist church an Friday ev
ing of this week, 160 voices in the s'
vice, No admission fee, silver colleoti
Olken. Commences at 7.30 p. m.
see Speelal Value, the greater pert having
lken bought direct from the manufac.
Curer, We have a Ane line of Bibles, in -
eluding the Bible aud Methodist hymns
om�QQ ibjned, also the Bible, Psalms aud
.tr'dtraphreeee and Presbyterian hymns
emntltina(I. Our Xmas and New Years
herds are beautiful, au,l the assortment
of Booklets never (o large. Onr stock of
33'Dakealso have been 1,er-tonally selected.
We have a number of ether linos, all
suitable for the Holiday Theist, which we
would like you to Call lad tree,
ffxv e".'o PEaruxt'$eha
Druggist, Bo ,kscller and
Fancy Goods Dealer,
NO Io t il1)1'
eteeves such enivereal satisfaction ne the
4J31UGH REMEDY manufactured in
l3ealortie called
+"-LUMSDEN & WILSON'S -4'e".
lDyY3�vt,0�0� �,; Nn/t•/,n �. „Uae �: ]
oya.1 1ycorate balsam of f it °°
N r�N t1 ry t 6t P! a S?,S7,!V,.0 n a m
Its wonderful virtues have created a
demand for the Prrl,oration from all
parts of the Province.
Druggists sell it. Price 00 cts.
000T0EEN EXTENSION, w. a. ti• n, E,
Trithisleavo Brussels Station, not and
south as follows:-
t;oing South. (:oini North.
➢rail 7:02 a.zu.. Mixed 0:80 son
lSltpress 11:45 a.m.I Mail., O:OO p.m
Mixed 8:55p.m. Express 9:45p.m
oral :.chs 3frins.
A chief's amang ye tehin' notes
An' faith he'll Arent it.
Manny Christmas.
New geode at Semmes Boos,
Ovencosrs from 88 up. Adam Good.
Tun Largest Assortment of Lamps in
town at B. Gerry's, 20
Om; bntobers are preparing for a
Xmas display of meats.
SexunnAY night is people'; night at
Hargreaves'. Free to all.
Mns. SPEEN, of Listowel, Was visiting
Mrs Geo. Boger's this week.
Fon Vases, Cnpe and Sauo'rs, Dolls,
Toys. dx. go to 0. A. reeeneen's. 22
Mise ]BATE DUTTON, of Stratford, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. G. A. Deadman.
CALL at Tan Pose B. okstore and get
one of the well-known Pavey series of
stories. .2n
O'Covxnn may be a good oarsman but
Arthur 'Veal can knock the slots oil him
selliog cheap furniture.
HavR you seen the immense display of
:; mac goods at Hargreaves' ? Every
person can get e present.
ORANGES and lemons 20e. per doz.
Candies by the ton. Spices and peels
the ft eshest. Oysters, siscoes, Eaddies.
Ass tt Goon. 22-
Tiez London Free Press Christmas
number is n very neatly gotten up
sheet. Some of the illustrations speak
volumes for the Lithographing Depart.
meat of the Free Press.
A GREAT CHANCE.- By special arreuge-
rtrents with the publishers of Toronto
Saturday Night and Canadian Fireside
'Weekly, we are enabled to offer both those
valuable journals togethe. with ours at
the following remarkable low rate, viz.,
Cuaannoe SALE.—During the month of
Iteoetnber I, C. Richards,harnese.maker,
wit bold a cost price sale. Great ber-
gltins given in single and double harness,
Biters, do. Be wants you to call in :,nd
ageertaiu bit prices. Shop opposite the
Queen's hotel, Brussels. 21.
I be
•r -
smiths, who succeed Bobt. Mattice in
John Wynn's shop, have opened out in
fall blast. They aro young, steady go.
ing young men and will ne doubt do well.
Mr, Mattioe is in Port Heron, Mich., at
present, we believe.
MAITLAND SsAT1VG Buez.-Now is the
time to seouro your tiakot for the Riuk,
15 single tickets f.,r 81,00 Season ticket,
82,00. Special terms will bo made to
large families. The liink will be open to
ladies every Wednesday afternoon, ad-
mission. free. Ticket,' may be obtained
from the mannger, A. J. Lowery. 21-2
GOLDEN BONDS.—On tl:ednesday, Dec.
6th, George Whybrew, of Escanaba, Mich.,
formerly of Brussels, and Bites Maggie
Ernst, of Port Huron, were united in the
holy estate of matrimony. Mr. Whybrew
and bride are now the guests of R. Leath.
erdale and wife of this town. Mr. W,
has been in Escanaba for about three
years aud is ding well we are pleased to
lr is said the Conservatives have a
full ticket in the field for the municipal
helloes of Brussel. for 1800, as follows :- 1
For Reeve, Geo. Balker. For Councillors,
J. Ament, 33. Gerry, R. Leatherdnle and i
W. F. Vanstone, By the way, what
about the a,mpr.mise that was talked of
viz. electing four Counctllors, two of
each side, by acclamation, and let the
contest he for the Reeveship only.
DIEn.-On Wednesday morning of
this week Arch. Dickson, postmaster of
Goderioh, died, after a brief illness, aged
49 yeare. Mrs. I.tieksun died about three
years ago. Eight ohild,en are left to
feel the lose of a kind aud loving father.
The deceased is a nephew to Robe Dick.
son, of Brussels, aurl was most highly
esteemed by a very large circle of rel.
atives and friends. The funeral takes
plane on Saturday.
LAST Sunday Rev. Jno. Scott, Id. A„ of
Wingham, preached too excellent dis-
courses in the Methodist church, At the
ev' ning service the rev. gentleman otiose
as his text "Hie name shall be called
Wonderful." He showed how the theme
of Christ and His work of redempti.,n
had given a power and an impetus to
architecture, seelpture, painting, music,
poetry, literature, du. and proved the
through the power of this wonderfn
Saviour that many of the troubles of thi
life could be decreased if not averted ' I
was a sp:endid discourse.
Those i:'tending to purchase Presents
Dee 91 1888,
10It bonen, shoes and overshoe go
to VIE
Dies, G. A, Beer and family removed to
Harriaton on Wednesday,
New cutter for wale cheap, wood take
for it. W. 11, MrChterxtN, 28.
MISS TEB1tY Panrrrr, of Delaware, i
visiling with Fanny Rogers.
Quiz a boons in the wedding line, n
leas than fire or cis on Wednesday,
Mns. JoeErn Mc0o11rierx, of Ayr, i
visiting her sister, Mrs, T. O'Neil,
Dftes, ilwtttu, of Atenitobh, is bore o
a visit to her neither, Mts. Pearson.
CEr married and cavo money by buy
ine your Earn 1
t, ao fro
A ,1 nun
SAMPLES of poi hone on a beautiful fa
for laches z t Ilatgteavee'. Ask for one
T I o r't oors has had a new style o
telephone put up between hie store an
his residence.
OeANoEs 180. a dol, oleo a large assort
meat of candies and nuts at lowest prices
GEO, TaoAfenN, '33-
Tirs sleeting nntl curling rink is ec•
petted to he ready for operation an Fri
day evening of this week.
13Eernirut, handsome, elegant, orna
mental, us 'fel, lovely, necessary an
cheap are the presents at Hargreaves'.
As employee in W. R. Wheelie'foundr
named Edwards, mot with an acoiclen
whereby he lost part of ono of his digits
in a machine,
“TheBerry Pickers," a cantata, was
given in the Town Ball on Thursday
evening by the members of St. John's
Sunday School,
Leer Wednesday Silas Jaokson, of
Brussels, told Bliss Sarah McGuire, of
Wiugham, were united in marriage.
Further particulars are not to hand.
WE are iudobted to Editor Bryane, of
the Lucknow Senteoial for an advance
proof of the Maitland P.eebyteryproceed.
ings which are given in another column.
FAnuens' BALI, AND Surrtn.-- The
farmers' ball and supper will be held in
the Town Reil, Brussels, on Christmasnicht. Admission 50 smuts. Good music
will he in attendance. A committee has
the arrnngsmonts in hand and a good
time is expeoted. 21.1.
MEAT MAngET,—I have opened a
Butcher Shop, 2nd door south of the
market, where I intend keeping good
meat at reasonable prides. Orders de.
livered in any part of the town. A share
of public patronage solicited.
20-4' 'Teems Bower.RAILWAY HOLIDAY Renee -The G.T.R.
will issue single faro tickets on tho 24th
and 26th gond until the 20th ; also on
the 31st and let of Jan. good up to the
2nd. Fara-add-one-third tickets will he
ie:ned any day froth Deo. 2lst to Jan. 1st,
good up to the 8rd of Jan.
IT is worth while going miles to see
Adam Good's decorations and to stand
under the holly and mistletoe. He has a
big stook of Jordan almouds, 7 crown
des walnuts, filberts, every discription of
canned goods, oysters, haddies, emcees.He expects to do a big trade.
AT the annual meeting of the Liberal
Conservative Association of East Baron,ield at Brussels, Deo., 191h, a large
number were in attendance. 'Phe follocv-
ng officers were elected : Pat. Kelly,
B yth, President ; Geo. "hake; Vice
President • J. J. Denman, Secretary ;
11. L. Dickenson, Wingham, Treasurer.
Tun Fireside Weeks is wade up ex -
elusively of stories, po ry, and mimeses
to correspondents. The Sheppard Pub-
lishing Company truthfully claim it to be
the cheapest family stony paper in Amer.
ica, its price being 02 per year, while
that of its American riva's, nob ono whit
better in style and much inferior as to
contents, are each $3 per annum. We
offer The Fireside Weekly and Tae Poer
et $2.75 per annum. Could anyone ask
RURAL SonooL TEnsTEEs,—The annual
school meeting for the eleotionof trustees,
etc., in rural sections, and the nomin.
ation in urban sections, will be held this
year on Wednesday the26tb inst. Notices
of the annual meeting should have been
in each section in et least three con.
epiosous places on Wednesday the 19th
inst. The notices should be signed by
the Secretary or by two of the trustees,
t It is not necessary that they be, stamped
with the corporate seal.
t , axa.mmx=a,
• WnY11nuw--Enxso,-In Port Huron,
r Il4iah„ on Deo, 5th, Uy Rev, 31r. Jen
1O nings, Mr. Geo. E. Whybrew, of Es-
oanaba, Mioh,, to Miss Maggio Ernst,
of Port Huron.
GEANT—AsinN,—Ab the residence of the
bride's parents, Greyy, on the 10th
inst., by Rev. W. T. CluIf, Mr. Jno.
Grant to Bliss Bella, oldest daughter
of Mr. Jno. Askin, beth of Grey.
GEnne-Senwenr.- In the Methodist
church, Brussels, on Doo.19bh, by Rev.
M. Swann, Mr. Noble F. Gerry, to
Mise Jennie, only daughter of Mr,Win.
F. Stewart, all of Brussels.
A rew Specialities et T. Fletcher's.. e
edding Rings and Marriage License. i 1
' legreplt to your friends ',infra coming. v
Taken good Columbus Watch to time the c
r n d '
as ifyou or
forget your ba ga +e
Y g
fang she gore by next Canadian Express I B
train. Hello! before you start pur- n
obese a ticket via C. P. R. 20. I th
WELL Dxsonee AND Dnmrt.*cs.-George a
Bairt has all the Beceeeary machluery for 10
digging and drilling wells and is prepared ( u
to attend to all work entre-ted to him in 11y
away that will insure satisfaction, Id oils
cleaned out and put in proper shape. t fu
itetme reasunable. Residence second Il
or the holiday Season Dell and see ou
xtensive stook, which consist. of a fu
ins of Silver plated ware, Colts and SU
er Jewelry, Plated Jewelry, Watches and
looks, Gold Rings, Scarfpine, herrings,
r000hes,Braoelets, Chain., dec. Wolin ,
o„5, Strings, de. 3A long 89580150oo in
1y busiuess warrants ale in saying to
e imbibe that we buy right, as to Prise
ud Quality, enabling us to guarantee
ur goods of A 1 quality and cannot be
ndersold. Repairing cheaply and prompt -
done. T. FLETcnEn, Jeweler. 20.
Ws have reoeived a Dopy of the boauti.
1 premium, "Falls of ',hegira," photo-
thographed and copyrighted by the
publishers of the Western Ad.ortieer,
London, Ont, They give this picture ab-
solutely free to every subecriber. The
premium is alone worth Oho amonut of
the subscription, but the Advertiser fa
bound 'o kotp iota poeition as the most
largely -circulated journal in Western On-
tario. Its circulation ie now more than
double that of any other 0i3ario joureed
outside of the Toronto press, while ite
numerous editions (Wit -Morning, Noon
and Eveuiug--are circulated far and wide.
We are assured that the combined Gime.
latibn of the Advertiser is Larger at pres-
ent than ever before. It has a prosper.
one look about it and. deserves ite iuoreae.
eon BEADING.—At this time of the
O when everyone is endeavoring to
vide amusing and instructive reading
tho fireside, Toronto Saturday Night
1,14 bo remembered as one of the best
Olen, cleanest and west elaborately
strafed papers published in the Do.
pion. 1t contaihe twelve pages of
ding matter and pictures, many of
teh are reproduetions of the finest
rks of art in Europe, wkile its pages of
mous selections are direct reprocluo.
a of the 'choicest pioturss and para.
pile of the English and Americas
to papers. The publishers challenge
world for an equally attractive film-
ed five -dent newspaper. it contains
T'amily herald stories which appear
ultaneously with their original pubif-
on in L'ngland, and throughout itis a
or for which every father of a family
114 subsoribe. By special arrange.
is with the publishers we are enabled
door north el the bridge, west side of
2nrnberry street, Brussels. 6.tf
GUTTERS AND SLEIGna,—Scott tl; Will•
zetas have a splendid lot of cutters and
s }j"ghe just finished. The timber is the
lost, thoroughly seasoned and the work-
tuanehip cannot be beaten. We will mot
bb undersold. The customer with the
oath in his band can make a great bar.
gale, Give us a call and see our cutters
zed sleighs, SCOTT d WILLIAMS, Mill
Street, Brussels. nlettf
TSE item in last week's Budget con-
temning Oran Turnbull's illness was on
par with many others, both false and
misleading. 111 tho first plane a half
dozen persons, or more, have sat up
different nights. In the secmid place
alae W.C.T.II. were not forgetful of their
deity and in the third place Mrs. Turn -
bull's neighbors and frisods have been
metteedingly kind and thoughtful, even if
tone of them hesitated about going
where the fever was. Folks who puff so
tench about being charitable aro like the
fellows who blew about ellaling, in the
Summer, and cricket in mid -winter.
Lccrunro-Last Monday evening Rev. wo
101r. Anil, of Palmerston, delivered an in- hum
teroeting lecture in Melville church on tion
"Inventions and Discoveries." He came gra
nailer the auspices of the Young Peoples' cont
0 tristian Association. Rev. J. Roes, Ii, the
occupied the chair and after a few in- trat
'teeductery remarko called fora quartette the
from Miss Jessie ]loss, Miss Taylott,Alex, sin,
Stewart and McKenzie. :lbs rev. loetnr• cati
er spoke for over an hour end handled pap
2$m subject in a very happy style. At shot
' Otte olese a vote of thanks was passed to men
Mut on motion' of A. Good and A. M. to o
71tcXtsy. The choircontributed a cele:. , 1200,
tiers a mi the meeting was brought to a as
ohm. Roe. (.4. B. Howie will address the line
uantr ogulae mooting of the Association givit
ma the I'empertnee<,luest on. sista
tier Toronto Saturday Night and Ten
r at $2.50 per enemy. Itis certainly
opportunity of which all should take
edzale advantage, for we are really
tg our paper std Saturday Night for
oat the price of the latter.
Drcx,ox.-In Goderioh, on Dec. 19th,
Archibald !Ankeny, of congestion of
the Mugs, aged 49 years.
FnnnoY, JAN. 4, 1889, -Farm stools and
implements, at W ti lot 11, con. 0, Grey,
at 1. o'clock sharp. Thos. MoGrogor,
prop., Geo. Kirkby, anat.
00111130TEn CAn19ULLY E0E119 WHEN],
Spring Wheat .•, 1 00 1 01
Barley 46 60
Oat( 82 83
Peas50 60
Butter, tabs and rolls1(1 17
Eggs per dozen 18 00
Flour per barrel 0 00 00
Potatoes 25 130
Hay per ton .. 13 00 1.1 0c
!lidos per lb. 4 611
Salt per bbI,,wholesalo.,.. 00 80
Sheep skins, each 130 1 00
Wool, per 1b. 18 22
Pork 6 60 G 70
009100 i'nl1 C,tBnl$L0Y 1:03110 weer.
Fall Wheat 1 00 1 01
Spring Wheat . ' 1 00 1 01
GaAs 32 88
Peas 58 610
Barley 40 00
Potatoes 2i/ 83
Butter, per lb......., ... , 10 17
Eggs, per dozen
Aoe par bei
18 00
05 00
Hoge, dressers ....... , ., 0 60 0 70
Beef 4 60 6 60
Hay 13 OD 14 00
Wood, par cord 2 50 60
Shreptkins,each, ,. „ 40 Iii
is 4 0034
Should Auld Ac uaiiit-
a1uoe Be - 'orgot,
No ! don't forgot it ! Brush
up your old Coat an 1 send it
to your brother in Manitoba or
British Columbia and then hay
our New Fall and Winter Cloth-
ing. They'll suit you better in
the streets of our town. Brus-
sols Clothing House is the "auld
acquaintance" that we don't
want you to forget or to avoid.
We'll promise to wear well.
House last week. \V1lat it week for business. A rnl;h, a cri,lvcl
continually WIT.: lug, hardly enough salesmen to wait on tbo Negev
throng, What makes it ? Why ;such a business ? The sante i;atn
of increase far a. 31:-1" Or two Vlore; and Brussels won't hold its.
Why is it so ? liimply because right goods at right l riot:11 11:Ive
done their Work.
G 03,9;.`( ,
n.< 0'0 D MMS A K N ,
We believe in, and the good value we have boon giving, not only
bring customers back but bring new ones with the old. See our
Overcoat Stork this week. It includes everything new, everything
stylish, everything durable. The finest goods the market affords,
as well as all the medium and lower grades.
.A•r,ir� j
OVERrIPATS Y dip, FJ ll•'�,
T h USSELJ C1,0THIN G 110UAS'.L+;.
REAL- ESTATE. t1f N/11tY r
A few splendid, improved harms for
sate in the township of Greyy Morris and
McEillop, Apply to A. DELGATTY. 00.
Aeotioneor,Brussalc P. 0 ,
On the corner of Mary and autonomic
s treats, in the village of Brunets. ''hie pro-
perty is very conveniently situated and is a
bargain to any persou having a family of
young 58115000 as it is so hoar the school.
Good stable and well on the premises. also
came young fruit trees and a quantity of
small fruit. Apply to the owner on the
35.10 MRA. TU1RNBULL, Brussels.
sonrnnn offers his valuable 100 acro
farm, being lot 8, con. 11, Grey Township,
Huron Co., for sale. There aro about 50
acres cleared and in good heart. There is a
log house, good bank barn, bearing orchard,
and all tits necessary conveniences on the
premises. Par tnrther particulars, as to
pr1rise,teries, eta„ apply to Oho Proprlotor,
THOS. HMO?, Garet', 0„ N. W.T.. or to
nEnlirGNstl offers for solo tho north
oast quarter of lob 28, concession 0, Morris,
County of Huron, containing 50 cores. 'Phe
land is of first quality and In a high state of
cultivation. well feuded and under -drained,
is acres elearod. New flame house, 5 rooms,
milk house with concrete walls, 2 walls,
good barns and Sheet. brehard, oke. Eight
acres of fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the eorporatlou of Brussels, Suit-
able terms will be given. Title perfect,
JAM105 GRiEVIO, Owner,
80- Box 208 Brussels P. 0.
being the south half of lot number
80 111 the 1)18 concession of the township of
Morris, known as Oho homestead of Arabi.
bald Taylor, containing niuoty-sins acres.
Ninety aeros aro cleared, the balance wood-
ed With valuable timber. Excellent build-
ings, large orchard of abofoe trees, soil In
quarter mites north is
'situated Vi11age of 1Bros-
on the main gravel road Inn s is ono
of Oho finest homestead fames iu Oho County
00 Esoon and will be sold ata bargain and
on terms to suit purchaser, For further
particulars apply to the Proprietor. A. M.
TAYLOR, Manning Areade, 'Toronto, or 10
ARCHIBALD 31 S.YLOR, Sa., ou the prem-
ises, tf-
'Ph 0Neu:titers of the ootato of the late
WIratttst%ooNEY, Flequntn, deceased, now
oiler the following valuable lands for -sale,
Vis, 0-5)10 north half of lot 27, and the molt
half of thenortlr half of dot 20, both in Om
66n ooueossitn of the Township of Morris,
OOunty of Huron, containing 190 eons.
About 110 tome ere eloarod and lu good
condition, the greater part being in grana,
The halftime is well timbered, chiefly with
boob andlnapla,
This farm is favorably situated within ono
mile of the village of 17russols, whIelt affords
on exponent market. Thorn is upon the
1(0000350 a -good frame barn and house an
Orchard of choice fruit trees, a never failing
spring, atm a good well and 011001 and good
foo0ds. 'Mlle property will be 5015 in 0115 0r
two 5areels, to suit Intending plu»hasers.
Pureneserwal bo altowod to outs' and nava
use of portae on 11r'elllace at any Osla aft01:
harvest end 10 ,l0 hill plowing, Poll posses-
sion'5411 be given at, lot November next.
1'br terms and further partioulkrs n1'p1y
Transact a General Banking
Canadlauland United S tataa0Dralts bought
and sold.
Intereatjallowed on denostte,
;Collections made on favorable terms.
Canadian Agents-Mnnonalm'e Bear or
Now York Agents-LAM:MUM AND 05.11)..
0r, Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Ra, Office: Graham's Blook, 1 dont' north of
.Hargreaves' Drug Store. Private Funds to
Ale • Solicitor and Notary Public. Con -
Wade will attend Con-
of Gerrie every i Wodnos.
day at two o'clock,
mote with
Soli Solicitors. roConveyancers,
,1 c, 01nao, Grant's Block, Brussels, Morley
to loon,
It, S. HAYS. W. B.1010E8021,
112. TAYLOR, 13. C. L„ BAR-
Dloltson,,rTaylorro,0, MoO,liolter,011ongb,itBarrho iste s,
Solfattors,1c„ Manning Arcade, Zing Street
West, Toronto, Meant' to loan,
the 7r'ourbh Diyieien Oourb,00, Huron
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Troon
and "'temente' Agent. Ptznde invested and
to loan. Ooleetlona made. Oiliee In Grn-
hazu's Bloolc,Breeaola,
112. F. CALE, 1i.D., C. 1T.
Mombboroftho Ooilone of Physicians and
Bureose 51Ontaaiob
OOgKtoa and liesidene-.Tfaln St. Il sot, TO bh o
v examhtatinn.
eT A. b1oNAUGHT0N, M.D.,
S. Ont. At„
0.1t, 0,P. D5rugrStore leant
0 to 11;80 a.m, and. froln 3:10 10 4 p• In. At
otherhears meyhe found nt the residence
formerly monied by Dr, nutaitinson,
Mill street.
to the nntl5(12 uud Exeentote, er to JOriN
'hlnolor,slag„1 mesa's, Ont.
Orterge 4'ardifff f7 T,, 11011 r le O. Boner Grarhlate slid
7Dlasicset(,iF llfaysa }3t11:ic0tv7;ona. hl 50 C„ 11. �, Tor 1/ VithliSot ..Lir obvert
D 11. efnrios, D D. 8.; Asaistnnt Operator
ao a IustotI,Attie lath 1893,
Oo f)>,rrcu eieyersdnadk,Soatertit,
1001:CPJI I,'a'E'
W J. Year ,I. S,GraduatrofTo-
rolrto School of Dentistry. All tuna-
ations guaranteed. 00105 -Cony's
Blease, Sealorth.
Artilloinl tooth, 11 rstqushly and
guaranteed 01,for 812.00pm-oat.
DID N7CI�±7I'.
1.2..a.'RTZST, 5.+, 9, e3„
Honor Graduate of the Royal Cotlepe of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Hanoi] OmanGAs administered for the potluck's extra°.
tion 01 teeth,
OFFICE. -One Door North of the Bubb.
N...A son Auetlonoor, Sales =ducted on
reasonabspecialtylo orders loft at TITS Pon, Pterms, farms encl fame ublish
fug mouse, Brussels, or sent to Widton lost
oillco will OeceiVe prompt attention,
EEn,leprepared to attend Io Wet. 021
the shortest IlOtteo, A e5ooaltl made of
salts of Mu/rough-bred stook, Terms (,ado.
known 1i, application tr Tint PDs' l'ubli eh -
Ong iioua0, wheys orders nuts 1:r lost, or
addrers to Brussels P 0.
-CM, isalwoys ready to attend 8,015 0f
farina, farm stack, dm. Terms cheerfully
given. ant u1 !p Inlf )cosi, Sly Ulieli a'9 lyii,.uno
Brussels, ..
• of Marriage Licenses, r d10n at his
Grooery,Turnborry Street.
Mr. ,Ai x0L1{1 iisoor u sui.P Ione ioustrmnt. Clues
days, Tlmrndo.y and Saturday,
of Piano and organ, Terme 00 appla-
N,B.-Walton class moots every Thursday
otjt,l idayatHrs. D, Campbell's, Walton,
1I'3I to reeeivn ;pupils for itsi tue..
tiou on tea 1'1AN(t and 02141AN, 8 years
Experietaee,Residence with 87rs, Alar.
moves, over B1 Al1Qut9C,t4'1iS D111t4;
STORE, I1o5-lyr
4 � dense, Shen; not c
lof.Molia ct Con, P x ecce re. 1 of A,
y outtIngn stare, l,ndtas'
and obilas stook
stair Mea ag a epoonity,
A akoiaoetootc of clears ]tout.
..C3..* risme hleensea, by appointmon t or
Lieut.-O5yornor, Commissioner, ion„ c3,11,
Cenvoyanoer and Agent Piro Insurance 0e.
Ohl eo at the Oraubrook Post 0 filet.
s Grade n
r to of the treat Vaof
dercollege stieot roparedts treat alt disease)0411of
domes ptind suhnuls on T oatde anal AV.
of bridge,
Tit pert Osteo -Two deers mirth
of bridge, TlIrnitorty street.
UT1eI. ]RCDD10N, Fj0'1k5,1+1, it? N
curl 0rnsmilntal Fulmar, Gralning
Glldrng, Sign and IJooeretivo Painting in ail
fes braltches. Shop thuds dorm tip in style,
raper Ranging a spatiality, nap oleo door
00110)_or,l, Bo rot's' Carnage IVerlcs.