HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-12-14, Page 625e --y• 4 THE BRUSSELS POST •arise✓ -,9.11 *7.4 i `^"r' 4-." :a Tvr,r vn :7 _ t r :::,5,w,40%:1101AG�dw,uiu 3sc .x...-szattAnn.,=€w,4„ a5alf./:121 4mnNin,: g3Yuimargii,x4=e CRAZY QUILTS. "Crazy exclaimed 'Papa Browne when femme shelved bum the quip which the girls of the "Band" bad been piecing, "I should think so. Wily, Louise, what is the Matter• with your blocks ? Why didn't you have some ono cat them who ecoid cut true e" "Why, Papa Browne, that is the idea to have it all put together overyway; that is why R is oalled e crazy quilt. You sen there is tie ro gularity to it, but it is just lilto a parson who has no plaus in his bead," "I see ; just like a good malty things I kuow. Well, Louise, 1 did not think you of all girls, would take to doing thmgs withont tt plan." "01.1 ! we bad a plan -to make it just as pretty as you could." "I see, again ; ami these gine I am speaking of, suppose they have o plan to have just as good a pan as possible, and they order their daily lives just lake this patchwork -hill of hale happenings without any plan or design as to synmerri cal lives." ''But. papa," said Louise th:,ught• fully, "the quilt is squaro when it is finished, Don't you see aur liven maybe squared at last, Seems to me that it is a good way to do it to make the most of every bit of time -no matter how small or how it may seem to corner iu." Papa brown laughed. "Well, Puss," he said, "I guess you have the best side of the argument, after all. Where did you get ell these pieces ?" asked Mr. Browne, after carefully inspecting the quilt. "Oh! We all contributed of our store and begged of our friends, and then wo bought a few ; you know that there are dealers in materials for crazy patchwork, and the pieces come in packages." "Weil I declare," said Mr. Browne " r hat next ? Modern ingenuity will exhaust itself, I am afraid in schemes for making money." "0, no 1 this is n scheme for saving the pieces," said Louise quickly. I am sure that is a very praiseworthy result of man's iltveu tine genius. But, papa, we, girls had a dispute, the other day, about the manufacture of silk. Ella I -lays said that silk was mads of the die - carded house of a worm. Aud Fanny Price disputed her, and said the worm did not leave the cocoon at all. Ella said it wee a butterfly when it left its old home. I wish you would tell me about it," Mr. Browne whistled softly. "Seems to me, Louise, that you ex pect me to be a walking cycicpredia." Then setting himself comfortably in his arm chair he oontinued : "The silk worm was first discovered in Northern China, among the moue - tains, and it is supposed that all the silk worms come from those found there, though none of the wild ones can be found now. "It was many hundred years ago that a Chinese emperor suggested to has wife the idea of cultivating the silk -worm, to see if anything could be made of it. And for two thous- and years the Chinese kept the art of silk -making a secret. And at one time the exportation of silk• worm eggs or of unreeled cocoons was for- bidden on death. A eort of moth lays an egg which hatches out a worm and this worm feeds upon mut berry leaves for while, then begins to spin itself a wrap, winding deli- cate threads about its body until a ball about an inch long is formed, oontaining about one thousand yards. The color of Ibis is a yellow- ish white. "Both your Irionds are right. When the cocoon is left alone the moth remains inside about a fort night, their breaks his ay out in the form of a moth again, and so discards his house ; but this pro. eel s of breaking out spoils the co coon for reeling, though it can be need for floss, and the outsides of all cocoons are used for the same purpose. It is only when it rs de- sired to raise more moths that the chrysalis is allowed to develop and Work its way out. For the purpose of making silk, the canons are heat- ed in some way, either by exposure to the noonday sun or by baking in an oven in order to kill the chrysalis and prevent injury to the delicate thread" These cocoons ate called dry eocooue, and are ready to be reeled. You can easily understand that after the silk is reeled off in large skeins, it is ready to be doubl- ed, often several times, and twisted and also to go through varioue pro. 00e080 of clanging, dyeing, etc," "Do they raise silk -worms in the United ,States ?" asked Bettina, "Not herd, tit ti' h they retlni • attentive. Aro you deinking of g low tnusioeoe "No; onlyhI thought it would t nine to have ,some jst to weft them," replied I:ouise thntiglttfull "So tt would. And 1 think will try to arrange it so as to tai 141 it up on a small 114. It is col sidered very nice work for ladle I; is even raid that a girl eon ma) eousiderabie money by si .. caltur There are several scales upuu tl subject, and if you tl •cede to go int it, I will buy them for yon to 0tn,1 re (lol(l 11111 born,lisem••rrrd at Pue. IVIOIIey to Loan, Money to Loan ou FarmPro- porty, at LOWEST RATES, ettku il, N. S. The weather in the Northw•oit is be reputed to be very mild. ch WM, Brown was ba,lly Nailed at y. Ottawa alile elnektug N lime Ye Active upl•rnti•xus U''mmence'1 at to the Alpine 011 Works, Sarnia, ) 11, t1. 111nss,•y hes entered .y oriel n. brill libel tolit iia. n111ai 'l'bo \Vrtr'd to A fitall bag olio, tate tl• t' bl+l tl>.ie e. luail fee 0tta,ve ivy s'"!cu a Len 1e den c My,. Ga -roe ,rel:, found guilty at AAvimer of the murder of her I uband. St. John, N. I3 , will spend a qua ter ofa mallet' to improve its waterworks. The T 1 Y.iele: Oinb wil l amalgatn.tte wr'c .Ir) lttt•a" 0au- adieu Yeeht Club '1',;,• li It -dee -ye f 1'or" L',•r,y t14v," cl0.e1 th'1 pr " 111.', In 113• gust with the Seett Act. q� itl,t Pref Lh e,tp eu, ,11 11111 >11, I -1, nand, t a i t fano ,J . that Diener ,. !11•,11 ••el.l� -t wl,i' 1 fnc:ury :c ' mpl.+y 500 i6110,1. orltete,, is to be • siubli,lt d in ll lntiton by so I:iglish dune Th • Supeem, (lour, tr: exle card to give jntietnent in the lltuutoba cre.sing ease on 6 rtiu day next. A ' erkn:au 1111110] Oman.t got a coueeutjudgmeut from the U'.nil• ten Industrie! Works for the to a of a hand. The Supreme Court on S i urday cuuliruled toe judg meet. of ,hu Election Court, voiding the election of ;Ur. Guiibanit 111 Joliette, Que. The Attorney Cameral hair refused to accede to the demand of the "tutu," for a stay of proceedings in the matter of the Parkclale annexa. tion ptocbuwuiou. The hard ,Ir bnffaloea formerly owned by Wn11 tan 13., 10 .11, ".l, Stcuv Mono tern , .tj"ul tub 1, aro @ tieing tfau,port'd t•, Eenvaa by tit" -i• putt,• chaser, .hr, J. •. Ciro app. el u: \Yin 1?.. nt"', Con• vietetl of mnr,ier in Novt, ^c,ttia, has been tln•.>wn out by the Su preme Court. Proopor is seutencrd to be Imaged on ,Jail Itis A. volae nrin hawed McQuade WITS 101111,1 11111) half his 11."1 blown od by a ;;nn et Amhert.tbnr:' nn �irdn"sdity.it., 1 it i, supp,l'u;;l he shot himself on account of diso-gr e. a tueete with his wife. r The liev tither O'Couuor, who O for over a quarto):of a eetttttty has e been A president of ,snrnptinu Col. lege; at Sandwich, lot, been bna- quetted andpre,ellted with a large urnouut or tnouey by priests of the dioceee at Saudwich, SCIENTIFIC »ISUELL IN Y. DELICcTe 11EA9UitE71ENT.- Tit. tl•� radio micrometer of 0. V. Boys-'• therms steetrio cheat: suepo dwi 11 n toreit,n fibre it; 0 magnetic field slr,We it tempe1:here Omega of on ten milhoi;th r,f a tl uugrati,l (loot! Peoente•'a6,--Atr-o11 recent camera ucbtevumente Is portrait copy talteu by the it lit a Cuban lire fly iu tlurty ecoud >tucl a photographof the ii. reaii To obtain the latter 111 l been do Glared art totter impel•ioili,y FUTURE SciENOL.-‘`What wonl<l nus rot give," gilts Luubac;t, "fur a science primer of the next century ? for, to paraphrase a well known saying, even the boy at the plow will then ltuoty more of science than the wisest of philosophers do now." Wa.sen or ENERGY, -In the ordin cry sixteen candle power iucande scent lamp, according to Prof. E. Merritt, only from four to six per cent. of the energy actually expend ed is available as light, Ute rennin der being wasted ire heat, T • le :see thin loss is one of the granted. elec trical problems now awaiting so lutiou. B0B011,11;119 EXPLODED. - After pro• longed official investigation, the most extensive and complete destruct, tion of steam boilers on record heshesbeen attributed to the sudden igui tion of coal gas, mixed with a1r, that had accumulated iu the flues. The explosion occurred duty 25th, 1837, in Upper Silesia, Germany. Twenty two boilers, each with more than 1,000 squaro fec-r, of heating eurf,toe, were instantly blown to pieces, buildings eeveriug half u here were deetroyed,i>ud three ins,/ were !tilled. LIE ELECTRIC AGE. -Prof. Elish Gras remarke that electrical salvia has had a greater advance in th last twenty years than iu all th 0,000 historic yen re preceding. illore is discovered in ODE day now than in a thousand years of the middle ages. Wu find all sorts of work for electricity to do. Wo make it carry our messages, drive our engines, ring our door bell, and scare the burglar ; we take it as a medicine, light our gee with it, see by it, hear from it, talk with it, and now we are beginning to teach it to write, - INTELLECTUAL INFLUENCE OS THE Nose, -Aprosexia is the name Dr. Gaye, of Amsterdam, chooses for inattentiveness, and he quite eingu lerly finds that the nose is one cause of it. A. dull boy became quick to learn after certain tumors had beou taken from his nose ; and a man who had been troubled with vertigo and buzzing In the ears for twelve years found mental labor easy after a like operation. In a third case, it m diene student was similarly re lieved. Dr. Guys supposes that these nasal troubles affect the brain by preventing the cerebral lymph from circulating freely, A. MEoitADIOAL NOVELTY.-Tba ro markable Mannersman process of maktug seamless tubes is described y J. Siemens as consisting iu pasti- ng the red•llot bar of solid metal r glass between revolving conoidal ells. These rolls are so arranged hat the varying voloeitice of neve- ution with which the different part•, f the bar are brought into remnant apse the formation of it hollow hrougll the bar's centre. Telma it not iu diarneter, with a shell only a uartor of an inch thick, may be roduced in this way, and great treugth ie claimed for them. Tubes Rh sealed ends may be medic, the allow centre being a vacuum. A NEW FLORA.. -Tho luxuriant e recti g ou of Krakatoa was totally °strayed by the eruption in 1883, of a living germ being left. Three ears later the island was visited by r. M. Trueb, who now reports bav- ug found six species of microscopic lgao, which coated the rock and seemed to have formed the coil on hiob eleven species of ferns bad lters root. A cotumon grass of ave wad growing, and there were trite a number of such species of owaring plante as first appear on rat islands. Seeds or fruit of neral coral island, trees were found the shore. Krakatoa is ten ,miles oro the Island of Siberia, contain - g the nearest terrestrial vegeta= on, twenty miles from Sumatra, d twenty-one front Java, (ion ctttfistiat iN e'¢vi4. At the nlerriokvillo tnrliey /air rf tons of fowl were sold. b 0 r 1 0 e q p w h v d ryn� L i a w ta ,7 11 Co se "To some extent, At presort { on there aro several large establish- fr orients, where sewing silk, ribbooe in and dross silks aro made, so that , ti American silk is holding its place (art rely, and large quantities of sew, i ing silks are exported." ""Is it hard to take ear° of Olt,' ' we1'lna?" said Louise. 1 to • TO THE .PU.LIC Xn order to pay increased attention to my ready-made boob and shoe trate and Grocery business I have disposed of my CUSTOaflliOOT and 5,101E RUMNESS t0 Ms. PETER RITCHIE, who will continue It in the same place. 1 desire to return thanks for the large share of patronage which I received during rho past seven years and ask for an inoroase to my suc- cessor, Mr, Ritchie. ADAM GOOD. Having purchased the Custom Shoe business of 11Ir. Good, I am prepared to attend to tho wants of the Publfo. My five and a -half years work in Brus- sels is a guarantee of tiro satisfaction T am prepared to give, not only to old customers hitt to as many now ones as ivo me their patronage. 11011-11 P. RITCHIE Largest Circulation in Western Ontario. FREE EE PISESS LONDON, - ONTARIO. I tc 1'1•00 ✓roes a„ t.lm only newspaper 111 the 11 u,:t 21300lv11g rho Anee01110d Prose Despatches, 11 Iantrvins all the -Now,, by cable, rotegraph, Telephone and Mailn, op toonr of going i quq ach oriele/a etdt valuahie Illoss. TO ustrations of 111011 and Clntn(10, a11d is tho only newspaper in Canada euployiug its own artists, The Weekly Free Press 01,C0 mor '2'ewr, Thermal, Front T.otablishod nearly Half a ern Lary, "The Three Oraers," n1141 "Ay the bake. 01410," two handsome chromes, also a beau- tiful illustrated OLristmits Number nom. prising 811 papa, given away I'reo to orory subscriber for Iattt $9,000,00 I\ I'IIEMXIJO1N eoinprlsing Now and ilsotttt Article,, given away f'e14., Monk, The most ii Send for anon Vs outfit and towns. The "lice rh•0et1'r is the Only ham ong and ' • 3lvening Papor, ttablished 11, Western nu- ' tarso, Itisfsrlvat'dedon all early Morning trains, teething ell places between Toronto and Windsor by t a. in„ and is the only dell y paper re0nivet at points wast of Landon 4)0110re;ab0. af4ornoon, 'flee hive Newspaper Of the Wart,. $3,00 Mee Year, enntegn true, ' Sold by A Bente everywhere, Address,-. FREE PRESS I3RINTtbt3 00,. burn! to - du , cmentseverofferedinDenudetoAgents, '•rE.,NV- P'IIVAYF IND COMPANY FUNDS! -DICKSON t1- HAYS, Solicitor's, B'r'ussels, Out. s PLUM, frelel1ala.S111111, weiltna to intimate to .hu publro neutrally that ho da v all kinds of BI tclornithing iu it tt orkrnanlikn Manner. Wagons, Buggies, Sleiehs mut Cutters made to (Wet. WI:miring promptly Executed. I anti a t Specialty of Rarrn-slrneing. A ('all Solicited,. t. T`Iteniomber tho Stand - NtntTtn, Brtnor„ S. Plum ii-oxri" ro L,rA Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty, at 8 h 61 Per Cent. Yearly. --- Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels, Oil RH Liver Cotnpl nt Dyspepsia, 1iUousness, Sick Headache, Kidney troubl's Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, 110 all impuri• !icsof the blood from whatever �• ! tl NAA; cause arising. azar MGM Pn20TJ- 07.5c. I'i-,. t.th .?311a $-) R, , If PtValerV LITTLE LIVER PILLS, (very smell and easy to take.) NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA Sold everywhere ; price 211 gents, UNION 34951)1108;011 Co„ Proprietors, TORONTO, CANADA - SIGN OF THE Scotch dollar i .A Splendid Stock of Horse Blau- iiots, Halters, "Whips, &c., &c., on Hand. Our Collars always Give Satisfaction, I lead the van in giving good value in Thinks, Valises, Satchels, Etc. If you want a set of LIMIT or H1c,vr Haar/ass, or if you want Repairing done Call in and See Us. H. DENNIS, T. -!._t. f JL. C HE R, PRACTICAL WATCIn7ANER AND JEWELLER Thanking the publia for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage. We aro opening out full lines in SOL" & SILhr WATCHES. SILVER PLATED WARE from established and reliable makers, fully warranted by its. Clocks of the G .GCttesf. _Des,lns, WOddtrig ];prigs, Ladies Cent Rings, J3roaehes, Earrings, tee, Also have in sloop it f'on tine of Violin() cud Violin $fringe.,tc, N. i3, --Issuer of rilarriage Levenson 1 T,. PIetohit r, i 'Notice of It;:, -- v 111 1laving leased the store lately vacated by 11It's. Alexander 1 have Removed my Business there. 1 have Purchased is Nice Lino of New Twe.eds, &e„ and will bo pleased to sl.ao s th1al to the public, (4t\•e lie a Call at the New Stand. E. Dunforcl. 1111 ire 11,1 N'r TAILOR. Sirs. t;hfrl•a til0100, 3trlti0e10. MAN N T o SHB m Dee. 21, iSh8, WM. SMITH is prepared to attend to Oairy alg® Painting in alt its branch!, as well tis Sign and Ornamental Painting. He has had years of experience and guarantees his work to give satisfaction. A rig well painted is half sold. Estimates and terms cheerfully given. GIVE 11I1I A. CALL. Imo" Shop in the old POST Pule Belting House, Mug street, Brus- sel:;. An WINTER TUN OF 1996-o91 St'I've WE have one of the nicest assort- mEt menta of COOK, BOX, PARLOR and COAL Stoves ever exhibited, and they will be sold at Reasonable Prices. Otto "ORIGINAL" Cook Stove leads the Van, TO hand a large Stock of new gm LAMPS and lamp goods. We wish to call special attention to a new range of handsome HANGING Laps. They are dandies. All kinds of Grani,tware, Cfotlery, and Shelf Goods always in Stock Our Stock of Tinware is always first-class and Goods .we have not got in stock will be made up on Short Notice, A Floe Stook of Silverware always on. Hand, People cull save money by trading with us. Call in and see our Goods. Dept tI --.011-t1 LM YCR OFT T URNB ULL. STEL FL ILLS. The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in First -Class Running Order and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many new oases as possible. Flour ata Peed 4,1 ways a Hyla i :" Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. Positivtiy) ND.0 FACTS"tom sl+P `7 A' "tit V V Z-V',uif'1 4 Who aro broken am; 1 , $7atrtmott4 son ct' 1 tin i 4 t <,t o woad. of purpose,dinnicie 0000, of,It, , .1e tr uroi,,,ne0 c: cCacp•e,itiml, desire for solitude, 1' 1 , ,1n ty 11 Ji t ✓,:Llan on a part ianb,r oubleet. o °Mg:Mi to 1 ,, r i 1 1 u., , 1 3 t :•tenability w tompu•, aper- matatab,rtrt1„en 13 3 • •333.o.,.. 1L.i.1.4:33, 1 - i <r3 33 11 7<J nr inatItai 100,ts-.030,.. tunny, iunutllf>^n 1 r1, r,.. elft t,t i 031 tie, heart, hy010110 findings it fenaloq trumblir,, 11 habit otteutima 1' r 1., 1 < c ate ,n at tors having torrlito: 011 , 1 u 1 , s. ut me qp , i0, f ileal he s goIlacca: of inml, wary n7.1,1 one,‘ 3:,•n t t ,. - 1,. , cots o , olf1M11sand the superintendents of illtNnla o%yhll,r - 11 t, '1i , r1r 1•.1 - 1n'.filet, <t ralf•1111t7,70 tato x7001 0)1101rlty of waato,l It Jail w1n,•l1 Como out143 1,01 leo, 10 yen aro inn utputent for Otto ardnen duties ei hn ,taus incl , arttat0l 1 u < niaynionts et life l o, a offer0 an ossape from. n ooitocte if yet, only lir r Ir " "".:.'11300/3.3d in yearn, No, b Will give you flat veto? end g ?n , , 1 .,1 ,u1Y and morally from Carly iueiserotlon, the result, of, norance 0 ed 1.,.1,•, rend y e r 1 131, 0i, and 10 (30111i01)1,81111111)13 for hf, v, LusoN'o' Treatise ire Beek 1 oita or f to a::'1 et Nan. ftloalod cad mane from, obsarvatloti, A Address all communications to Pfl, W, 13,00(010 •8"J Welil0tyt 4 n fit. 34in A'oret,toe 5450 without weed ,a Hvas In feel's urreIlee, 0113E8 NARANTgEtr. 01AL THE 01011. WM. MILI\TE . Jt tion Peiptitoiium) iOuee61 Lai:y9 7 AGES. o ill"ieaa, an 1 • , , erns, 104'$1,d6Mrttio19, J ..'' .. / 1trJ CD 1:.>.b Z1B ' 1 1 .1,1 ,11.1 1 CUM Yo narvOus 0 G, k fTiher Ittp' :nitA Rif''. ra in 111. wl br 70 rt, at hi b A lv G ti tc e 1 ct -a 0 h 1a a P 'a d1 •s L