HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-12-14, Page 5Dec, 21, 1$88.
•atatleuanrt�•11s - n
13istr 1,t l,cly
Ct'rt1 l! t)ns, amination, After the loosens and reel•
country, crops, animals, vegetable lifer, ' Solidi, hetet, Laing and Miss Robinson,
tho prespectiveteachcr, 11, was a wonder.
ful day, wond•nful roads, wonderful
people, wonderful schools, wonderful ex.
botanical tolled and Hound, political and
Ilio of dna people %veto all folly explained,
S•m0 thought 113 •ev. gentleman would
he prosy but tine rare agreeably 11IA.
Tho oete1tainn'ut volts 1 is on the appointed, the Ireel, bring varied wit!1 L chaos and innate haul boon compluiul
loam and will continue ;war New Year
Thu annual meeting of do 0110001 fa
tory was held on Wednesday of tit
The annual tea meeting of the Motlro•
dist church will bo hold on tho ovening
of Now Yearn day. A big trims is ex -
Rant summer it numlee1 of new lest.
down will be erected in this Locality,
among the number being one for Johu
rte..C) 11,W.—A now lodge of the Anoint
Order of United Workman was organized
in this plan, on Tuesday evening, lith
last., by George Patterson, district
plaster, assisted by a number of tin
members of Brussels and Soaforth
lodges. Tho following officers were duly
cloacal and installed : Past master, Rev.
W. Torrance : Master Workman, Robe,
Blair Foremen, John 11. Campbell ;
Overseer, Geo. Pethiok ; Recorder, D,
Campbell ; 1Pinan11ior, W. Neal ; Receiver,
John S. Welsh ; Guide, \3fni, J. Carter;
twain Gaud, Josiah IIewitt ; Outnido
Gnarl, Wm. Iiolrnes. Trustees, D.
(Campbell, 11. Blair, and J. Ii. Campbell,
Dr. Smith, of Seelforth, was elected medi.
cal c atteincr,
s 11001111 01 ol(qucl:. , • re nd and glowing tie following address ws read and 111"
o. word pletnres and sallies of wit. Dun. Macho. (Fontan JlarLlo.) presented with
in can Icing 11111111n' 1,1111 duties of chairman a plush dressing naso and collar box :
satisfactorily to a11. Deana Ttaea1is11, -We, tea pupils of this
suhool, being ab0uttonay farewell to you,
have wished to embrace) this opportunity
of expressing our appreciation of tour
servioen with us daring tho past three
years, Yon found 11s strangers but you
Mayo 118 devoted and admiring friends
who shall follow your tubule career with
interest and hope wherever in the Provo•
denim of God your lot may bo amt. Wa
cannot eniilalontly oxpren our appreate.
tion of the way in which roe have so
carefully and diligontly looked after our
nlontal training, and wo rejoice also to
say that aha moral inilnenoa you have
had over us while here has made, wo
trust, a lasting impression for good on
our hearts. We shall long remember the
pleasant ass0oiations we have had, and
as you aro looking forward to a new field
of labor and wo to a new teacher, wo
trust rho new relations gnat, if possible,
bo even morn pleasant and profitable.
We wish 1 r oelll'
0 n you of our aoniidoloo
and ee.eem cel to friend and we beg ,you to
accept this present as a slight token of
111-- sante, cherishing a hope that you will
''10ea1 them, not so mush on account of
'•eels a 1.
himself 1 y f 1 office.
their intriu.il/ value' as on racial/1 of the
memo)ie4 w111311 they may mull.Signed, on behalf of ilio school,
frattle (1.tionss,
1.1111:11 slogan.
Ir. lla133h p, in a fete words, taladead
his pupils Gar their beautiful Its well is
OP 11)3,110111111 at11 •100131. 111000111. HO 1,70.0
they a precieted his efforts and
only wish° t that ha had been able to
pe form aha dntfes letter. It was rho
most pleasant three years of his life and
through life would °11017911 fold memories
of the happy Browutowu echo .1. {V
Jewitt, trustee, as 6 0k0131nai1 for the
rest °xessed himsoif so well satisfied
with the 3xaminatiOn, Mr. Stewart,
Johnston's Saboot, also expressed him-
self well pleased. The teacher then took
tho opportunity of thanking parents and
the young ladies for their very great
kindness and good cheer extended
towards himering his sc11oo1
term, for their kindly interest in the
school matters and th0irhearty sympathy
and co•operntion when required. The
young men, though he had heard they
were a bad lot, were as gentlennanly,
kind-hearted, splendid, good fellows as
he had ever met. Mr. Jewitt then pro-
nounced rho benediotion.
Thu dinner and lecture was in itself a
num, and if the crowd did not turn
out 1t was their loss. Thu ladies of
Illuovalo Mathudiet ohuroh always give
good fare and this twee relator better
than anal. Fowl of all sorts was pro-
vided and the tables were decked and
trimmed out in artistic style, with all
the delioaoiee of the season. Rev. T. M.
Campboll,of St, Marys, delivered hie
soul -stirring, thrilling, patriotic Rectum
"God Savo Thn Queen," He retorted
to the grand old country whom God do -
lights to honor, how victory porches on
her bauners, blessings shower on her in
°very wind that blows. Our good and
noble Qoeoil was referred to in glowing
tonna, and her sagacious, wise, nod good
rulo, ltnglauf was compared with
other nations, and 1,11 the world was
singing with her praises .dlev, A. Y.
Hartley, tnovorl and 11ov. A.. B. Smith,
\V'e'x t a•
1 O c , seconded a hearty vac of
thanks, 3eh1011 Was onder.od by the
,wdien0o by tremendous applause. Pro-
ceeds nlnoml;ed to 4951 Roy. Mr. illc-
Ifibhin oe0npied the eh dr and prover!
tense' worn u 1,10 o -c8.
Too notion of Rev. Mr. ,Campbell,
of Uuizganeetn, wan listened to with
greet att titian. The clay ($uilday last)
teas wormy and the attaldauee 3yas
poor. 11 r. Campbell spike in the morn.
Mg directly to 1111 • lililth'1' 1 and itl thee
ov011111,t to 1110 p0101118 !u r04:vd t, the
ehi,dren, or' "God's value of children."
Hu took for hi,. text Mat. 18 oh. 14111
verse, and road his first lesson in Genesis
an ancient of Abtabam being told by
God of the destruction of Sodom and
Abraham's pleading, pointing out that it
was bocaus0 leo baro raised his children
well. His 2o31 lesson was about the
rejection of Eli's House, in the book of
Samuel. The address was a strong plea
for fin sncour.lgement of the children.
In Mr. C's opinion children were some -
tines discouraged by parents. The Sun-
day School was described n, the training
sohool for the ollurch and oyay parent
should take an interost in the good work
going on in no Sunday Schools of our
land. Mr. Campbell made n deep im-
pression on his bearers and it is sincerely
hoped this anniversary service will M-
inna. all 3v11.11 better incepves and higher
ii1)1111)10314 \V011311 11113rixu. Is , 51mp.
mon 1C So] have received a choice stooge
of groceries and Xmas goods which tin)'
will sell at sneelal orlon. Peet hoot, and
overcoat -8 at bottom prices, We will pay.
Wu fur choice butter it 4111 up 111 '91b .01 It,
Visit our well filled establishment.
Yours nub , W. 1ibu'eoN & Sax.
II. F. &Ie.,1'istcr was nt Toronto for a
few days last week.
The annual meetil:g of the Ethel
Choeso l?aotory will be hold, at the
factory, on Thursday, 27th inet, at 1.
o'clock p. m.
Tho Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
church are counting on a largo] tine at
their box sooial. It is a novelty.
An anniversary sermon to the young
people and children of the Sabbath
salon! wil be preached by Rev. R. Paul,
of Brunets, in the Methodist church,
next Sunday at 10:80 a. In.
Fred Milne, Bennie Davies and John
Burton, three pupils front our school,
aro at Listowel this week writing at the
entrance oxmnination to the. High School.
Dna,.--Last Sunday Mr Bckmier died
after a leugthen>1d .illness. The funoral
on Tuesday afters' on wam'lai'gely attend-
ed, Rat. J. 1'. Legeat Conducted rho
oer1ice, Mr, BekmierWas a well-known
and highly respected resident, Mrs.
Eclinlier has enjoyed grod health for
Soma time.
Pusesc;'ranox.-- At tho oloso of the
3011001 exe.mluati'n held on Friday even•
ing, of lost week, the teachor, J. A,
Young, was presented with a beautiful
silver cruet, butter cooler and butter
knife and rho accumpuning address:—
To .1, A. Young,
1)13.333 4nl,---117.•, ,your f1ieude andpupils
of 4. 5. No. 11, desire to take advantage
of this opportunity to give expression to
tho very high ration in which you are
held by us. Wo wish to publicly recog•
uize the faithful and zealous way in
whish you Ilavediseharged ynrtr duties as
teacher during your stay with us, oftimee
eact1110ing your 00.11 eonv011011031 and
pleasure for the benefit of those under
your charge, and though your labors
have been very inadequately rewarded,
it must be gratifying to yen, as it is to us,
to sae that they leave been succ089fnl fn
bringing tho soho0l up to the highest
standard of proficiency exhibited in the
examination of to -day. Those of us who
have sat under your Instruction also de-
sire to express to you our appreciation of
the deep nil Brest w11io11 you have always
manifested in us and the painstaking
manner in w111o3 you have sought to
lead us np the pathway of useful know-
ledge. And two deeply regret that the
happy relations which ban so long ex-
isted bot3vo11 ns 111o01 so soon terminate.
As a Neighbor,, oitizen and Christian
gentleman our ostoom of you io no less
high. It is with admiration that wo
have 1,otl:c t tow manly staid which yon
Inv: -ration 'Ton the right side of all
1nm'13l gnestimes 3131 well as your hearty
zeal in revery good work: We boat testi-
n11111y to rho 1311) that the .influence) of
Your upright Christian uharaoter Ills
been no Bina)! power ior goodam0nst 119
and if I'1311videne.' should direct your re-
moval ftom mgr midst it is with drop to -
c1 that 31,) 0111411 bid you adieu. But ati
cell. 1110 - 1-. 111010 10qurnt1y 1$1111
tv01'de'00 diet -n',-. to accompany our withal
expre shun of rogerd tt'itll a tangible tole•
on of the same. Therefore we ask you
to accept at our hands those 111101118
whiu11 aro but a slight mark of 1110 re -
0101t and estoom that wo have tried to
13001301 t„ y01) in words. Wo hope that
they will ever be to you and your estim-
able fancily a pleasant mornento of your
n01)101300 amongst us and the happy 10•
nations Mat liavo existod between 110.
Be emoted that whatever you go, our
prayers and best wishes for your 91100058-
111)11 long contorted usefulness will follow
you. Signed, in behalf of Monde and
scholars, ' Ado Niche,
Aaron Cober,
131anait Milne,
Bennie Davies,
Mr, Young replied appropriately.
131uevao.l e.
Miss Ross, Belnlor0, is a guest of Frank
Patterson this week.
Very little stir about municipal politics
as yet, although a few now candidates
are talked of.
Geo. Bently, Into of Timmins' store,
has joinorl a company to go to Louisiana
to make 511441, May they be eneoesnful.
Rev. A. 11. Hartley took for his tort
Int Sunday "A time to dana0," It was
a rognlnr claming annum, but only tho
faf13.w1ther C11ristiane heard it.
Tho locture on Thursday owning by
Iov. A. Y. Hartley, subject, "Tho Sunny
South," was well worth !rearing, but the
night was very stormy and the attsad-
an00 not what could have been wished,
yet oonoidoring the molting it WWI vox),
good. The lecturer 01000ti11ed the ninny
minutely, tatting a snrvoy of all parts
and all objects. St, Louis wag d000rlbed
as a beautiful oily and the sln`roanding
country e'0 very attraotivo to tho oyo.
&111 rho South was vividly Motorail till it
111111000 00011031 330 rifle 1101010 the llstonor.
The climate alio ryas reVira Od and vory
fairly olitioised, oonolnt0ing with tlia to-
marks that it might bo bettor than our
uonutry in 001110 reepeots'bnt 3104 80 good
uheu everything] Wats nitrated, il'he
Min vital.
Alms. Campbell, a former resident of
the 3rd lino, is here from Michigan for a
short visit. It le said ho may tante a
Canuck back with him.
Dnuars.•—There was uo debate in S. N.
No. 0 an Tuesday evening on account of
a ttnmbor of the debaters being absent.
The debate was adjourned untih the
second Tuesday in Jan. for to give "our
great spouters" (1, rest. Tho following
oaken were appointed for attn. 1441) :--
Presid.vt, Joel Sollars ; Vice.President,
Joseph I. maroon ; Sea. -Trees., .1lox, 3.
McCall ; Thor 'cooper, Thos. Bone ;
Committee, Alox. Warwick, Jas. Bow.
man and Win. Cochrane.
13.lams'e Ltxseosr AND Doneg0Na
Soexsxr.—The usual weekly mooting of
this society was hold on Deo. 12th, in
their plane of 11100110g and tools the
form of a literary, entertainment along
with a spelling match in place of the
usual dobata. The entertarnment con-
sisted of soup and readings by the [dims
McCrea, Walker, Smith, Bath and Barrie,
and Messrs, Weaker, Robertson and
Robb, with instrumented music by Win.
Smith. The spoiling match was entered
into with a zest that speaks well for its
futuro and cannot help to bo a benefit to
all concerned. Subject fur next meeting
night "Resolved theft it is better to
emigrate to a forest country than re
prairie country." Captains, J. Robb,
affirmative and Jas. "Telt, negative. We
aro happy to state that this Society is
now in a very flourishing condition and
although it was a lid 'u uphill worts et
first owing to have started rather, elat'1y,
yet now there is a determination on the
part of o.11 he mombers to mal.0 it the
most sn00008fu1 session that has yet boon
held here, while evory nigut adds to the
mambas' list.
1131'rsnrexinnnrr.-Last Weiduostlay atm
ing Gm annual Sabbath School 0ut0rtlin.
molt was hold in Anderson's school
110nso. After suppor had been partaken
of \V. II. Kerr, of 'Tun 1'ovr, was eall.,1
to the chair and aha following vary in•er-
entiNalprogt•amn1'w.ai pean aged—Open.
lug piece by tho seined r1(airluatrs 1.13(0cll,
"Welcome t' might," C. S. Hann mid
fumily ; recital Len, Annabolla ii1o1. uoli
recitatiote, Laura Parris; reading
Mary Sau1ple; singing• by the school,
ha 1110111011 and organ, Miss Lattin Bill
Alta 1110(110):; recitation, Sarah MILana11.
lin ; 1'oadfng, May lIarris; singing, 0. 13,
Ifarris and faintly ; address, Bev. Mr,
Howie; dialogue by 7 girls; singing,
school; recitation, Liszt° MoLattehlin;
reading, A. I. McCall ; organ tad her.
niouioa, Miss Lottie and Bddio Hill; re-
011011ou, Peter 0.tntelon ; rocftation, J0n-
nio Mason; singing by school ; reoitatiou,
Miss Mason; obliging, 0. 13. Harriet and
family reading, Mies Ireland ; dialogno,
by 8 girls; dialogue, by 9 little girls ;
olosiug piece by school ; benediction by
338r. Howie. About 10:80 the mooting
was brought to a oloso after votes of
thanks bad been passed to the ladies, 0.
13. Harris, for training the children to
0i114, those who aosistod in rho program
and the chairman. It was a very plea..
sant entertainment, Prooeode 135.50,
S. S. No, 8 held its high day on Fri-
day last. Tho pupils oven dressed in
their best, wearing their bust omiles and
behavior for the company. Glad parents,
with 100110r's and mother's pride, soon
began to assemble. Tho 00001 fathers,
known by their wino loops and sago words,
were all platoon 1; young 1.111100 with a
smile in ono eye and a tear in the ot11013;
young 33100, who wiehod to onoonntgo
everybody• boys, with their roguish oyes,
smelling for miselif011 girls, with their
faces wreatllod in 0tullo0, trying hard to
look as if they dict not caro whether
poaplo tact° pleased with them or not,
;Ciao school also had o1 its holiday dross.
()vet tho blackboard littng its -peon sol•
lar, two colored naps in oaeh ammo for
ear.17nge, a tero0ah in rho oontro with
"Woloolno," -tIte sido0 wore 1nt01'1aa031
with omen and drawing on alto Side-
boards, while its foot, and tho atovo too,
Were as shiny e'0 a looking.giass. Ida
\vond0r Oye13y1110 was ploasocl, Tho
teacher twits assisted„by Mr, Stoma t, 111
Bay for Salo. Will deliver it 1n quan-
titios to suit purchaser. Apply to
23-4 - Lot 6, Con. 9, Gray.
'J1HE TIIO11O'-lildl'1,D B1aRIti-
snuts Boar "G1•au! Trunk,” .vitt be
kept for service on lob 11, colt. 5, Grey.
Terms $1.00, to bo plaid at lingo of service,
with privilege of returning 11 neoossary.
10.4. A. 01.14R', Proprietor.
"Young Champion," imported by 1111.
13.Goorgo, Putnam, Out, will bo lcopt for
service on lot 24, eon. 1.1, (troy. Tarns 03,03',
to be paid.. t time of service. with privlloge
of returning if necessary.
10.11 31001111) 3110011711, Proprietor.
ig For Sale. walgbe 1,400 pounds and is
31 }ears old. The mare is supposed to be
in foal to an importod horse. Also a
isobhos Both
at the colt,
Shw. Apply oT110
afc.,B1400k,1y1 lot 11. con. 0, Grey, 10.11
of the undersigned, lot 11, 000,4, Grey,
on m• about Decomber let, four calvoa,'Tbree
of blew oro steers and the other a heifer.
They aro all rod in color, moot one, and
that oasis nearly white. The °Amor is re-
quested 1:: prove property, pay ex°enses and
take thein away.
21.4 A. COON, Brussels, P. O.
L 7 le; orate undersigned, let 4, eon. 10,
Croy, ou Doe. 7th. &black 00(0, white stripe
on 11080 aid It little 3011110 on (moll loot,
Weighs e.bout''253 11,1111014, Any information
lettatig to her recovery will bo thankfully
received. Any pursuit retOiniug her after
this lotton 0111 b0 prosecuted.
2.31 1LNt21 BALL,
) llll)RC'-1111RD 131JRIi611110
Boar Ler Sorvioa.-The-undersigned will
keep the thnro-brod 11(rkshiro Boa', 'Sir
11abor3 itruoo," bred by J. G. Snell, of 18•
iocuun,•.Ont., for service e'1 lot 0, 0011.7
•tart 110111:1--31,00 to he paid at time of
ear+1'' 11.11(1 privilogo of returning, if 11ueo3-
emry, DONALD 3k 1111AoOOWL.ti',
10111, x Proprietor,
4,3 Roore.
Stage loaves 1ioi11011110tt15:20 a, 111., 180011-
10glirlteselsnb•etWOa,m„and will aryivo ;` .`i'iu 1.
atvo.41orthabout llr33 1:10, lt01,, ougwill Y i -� � rat 44,7 1,17'14�'-re"'�r Erik
n�°a '+.
lcavo eafout about o;eU p, m„ rotating
wall •ial
trainbruss about sets, in 0,1 0 to eminent with
trniulgilled Mirth P.11. sonde. Alen Inoku My Stock is ver Complete and 'r, '- ,r' 1, '
n.•110(o3,Oas tclrh t:, t . n1, \Vmxat(r and y 1 e ll always Largo iLll1,l Well 1x)11:1. 1. )t:L'� e Gold and Silver Watches of
toned s.rsana,
Al R TIT 1,"y f 3O R' F i
Just to hand a splendid stook of
of all ]finds, &e., 4Cc.
All Finds of Biscuits, Canned
Goods, Tobaccos and Cigars.
Direct from Baltimore, in Can
or in Bulk.
Call in and See our Sioch.
Oysters Served
Hot or Cold.
1.00 Coed Arrorlu11011U Ll ml. fur Sew oral
More Boarders.
Bead what .F'eoptc zae,19
f t?,'e used the
SAY A110U1' IT.
Mu. I. V. Mien, Druggist,
DEAa Soo.—I willingly give my testi-
monial in favor of the A B 0 Remedy,
as by its use, and only ono dollar's worth
at that, it restored to me my wife, who
had been wasting away for eight or nine
mon tis, and for whom there seemed no
help. I tried doctor after doctor, travel-
ling many miles and laying out a great
amount of money to no good, till I tried
these remedies and her cure was miracn-
lcue, for she lost all coaghiug, spitting
end wasting, and in its place gained
health and strength, and brought happi-
ness to our home. Recommend it to
everybody and use, my name as author-
ity. \Vmzseu Drxss.
Winthrop, Feb. 3rd, 1888.
It is Unequalled in Lifting the'
Phlegm and Easing the Cough,
Sold by Druggists or, on all
order's of 2 bottles, soot - free of
charge by Manufacturer,
1. V. Fear,
Druggist, Seajorth.
r_`s'B'rlcc $,i 0 0 pct O'nc:ulra
Grocery Department.
We Hever had such it Large' and Well -Assorted Stock of Raisins,
Currants, Peels, Pure Spices, Pickles, Canned Goods, Crosse &
Blackwells Janes and 'Marmalade, a lnalilde, &c. &c.
In Sugars we always Lead. Good Japau Tea 211 Cents1e r Pound;.
Finest 40 Cents, Our own blend of India, China and Ceylon I31aciz
Tea at 25 Cents a Pound is unsurpassed. Our Coffee at 40 Coats a
Pound is the finest grown.
'roc .er& Glasswara
Our Stock is now Complete in Plain and Fancy China Goods,
Glassware, Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, and at very Low Prices.,
Bakery Department.
Fresh Bread and Cakes always on Band.
Wedding Cakes a Specialty.
.,l'e77,t for Fleischman <Y' Co.'s Compressed l`od'e
This is the Season of the year when people are trying to decide what to procure for Presents a
where to got the Best Value for the money.
has just received his Largo and Well Selected Stock of
• a
and asks you to Call and Inspect the same,
I show the nicest lot of Silverware ever brought to town, consisting of New Designs in Cake Baskets,
Butter Coolers, Cruets, Berry Dishes, Sugar, Cream and - Spoon Holders and ;1 host of other
articles.. No them' gift can be made, as they fere 110411 .handsome and Useful.
\VALSL1, Proprio tor,
n":fr x7F s4
Uaye14ta.11, i0011ne WO T1111101larlt0 secured
and 01 other 1ffit011t 0(10000 in 3110 Patent,
0Mee and bosom tho Courts promptly and
oarefully absend031 to. Upon receipt or to [M-
el or stretch of invention, I make oar. 1111
oxamioatinn,and advise e'0 to patentability
Frau of Charge. Looe moderate, not 1 mare
110 charge anloss patent is s00dr011. Inform.
ation, advice and spools,' rotOre,00s sent on
application. 3. IS. LI1T1LG, Washington
D,O., U,S.Patant Office. 10-
'lliorrie, on reasonable torms. In order
to oloso the affairs of rho imitate of 1110 tato
W. G.1(ugstmt, the &x80113 rs ober the fol-
lowing valuable laude toll Oslo North
half of Lot 80, Con00Oefou 6, Township S
nlorrlo containing 00 aeras. Ort this lot is
eroded a good frame barn with stone Muir.
dation, good orchard, wool aldpnmp, Naar-
lyalI018arod, and is on the gravo rota
olosoly ndlalniog tea village Of Brussels,
This farm is a vnloabl0 One, 34 0101! fenc0d
and in a good state of Cultivation. ,Per
m1000 and terms apply to MOB. KELLY,
Brussels P. 0,, 10101117 4 11 34141 5 0, Victoria
Siivars r.0., 01 .7ANts05ttMa, Maple Lodgo
P. 0., Middlesex County.
O' (�A0 RE 1'R14i SALE.
V —A 11014 8113A00 fatale 109.110 ele to rho
Township of Morris in tho County of }Irvin,
botng south half of north Half lots 20 As 20
noel eolith halt of 20 1110111 con., 3031010hlg
831) Mores more or less, 123 hens meetly
Ont. of stumps and hl a goodstate of cult'.
+ration. ''leaps a young bearing orchard a
13804 1101108 and bank barn 361 50 feet with
tomo stable \lad44++rn00111, Tho farm is situ.
atool within a inlla 0) aha Vlllago of 111•us0010
011,091L ggcod farm for grain Or stook 101).
Ana ,,11,13 lttswatorod with tiro livor ;mamma 1101'a1 failing alining crook, rosoosslon
wll 310111000 at any time, 1.''nr.tarthm'nat.
tion,14° apply t n tho premises orinA.:K,
100.1304 111103015, P. (1 5.1,8
roliablo Makes. Cheap Watches from $2,75 11)3.
Handsome Range of 01oc145 in all Stylus, and Prices, We warrant them to g1vo t(atisfectisl8
or no sale.
A only stock of Violins, Bows, Strings, Bridges, &a. to hand and Bargains eared in them.
Gold and Silver Speetaclos of the best makes always kept in stock.
Special Value in Ear -rings and ]3rooehos, Watch Guards, Breast Pins, Bracelets, (lull
Buttons, &C.
Christmas will soon be hore and as 1 havo bought my Goods with the intention of turtlingtheca
into money as soon as possiblo I solicit all Early Call.
AL1, Repairing Nea'Iy and
T ,A.' L E 1. HE
13[E V.X;'_ L 113[33 BRUSSELS.
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