HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-12-14, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST rarrra.ut' dci�1!%7'+7t7`..u1+ta,rr-• ^" ,„ter 'row i°4 ' r l�'ll'^ . ,d r 6 ,�' And peeked all among those little 1 Good 'Words• �I'1(� attlulex, unaunsuimtsly, Invisible t 1 • ` -" elsevul.n Curium.. • Sabbath1^ tt, ea uiort,ti torus, wore faith, holm end i A. week mind la like n inhere. et 11 a.m. ami t :10 p.m. Sunday teetoeti O d charity and pelf dental ; Nye sleet scope, which magnifies trifling at :JU V. in' ltev. ,lulu+ Ross, 1 . •A"wotllll bleat their efforts to thiege, but cannot receive groat miter: matte born Glees r - ., t,.,.,,,. cutis [t,Ucstarfiold. Nothiu�; ie so strong ds gentle- ness; nothing su goutlo e,s reel etroogtlr.-tlit Fronde du Setae. Nothing ie more pitiful then n life 'Tout eu 01111%111g of nothin^ nut, eel(' ; yes, oven iu thialrin' of nott4 ing but one's own r;.,al, a [Farrar& If the wry of rat eeaven be narrow it is not loth, tuna if the gate bo straigh l it ln'atis to endless life.— t13isbop Peevericlgc:, Tho theologiuo earnest afford to bo es tguoreut of philosophy aid 1 %clone° as a Ianilteophee and eoien• fist aro ignorant of theology.—Dr. Fairbairn. hi a king is "noaurod in his im- ago, tto Gott is loved and bated in man. lie cannot !tato tuan who loves. Goa, uar oan he who hates Gad love man -• [Saint Chrysostom. He apered not ilia Sou t "Pis tine that silences each rising i1, n Dural n - HSundtlt Schen' h a t ,0 sem anti. WO pan. Sunday Schen' all su hope Chet tiro t,hrist child would re p.m Rev. a it it ,wig M.A., paxtn. I cavo tbo gifts (liven to hie Hilttla los. Joneee Ventee. Sabbath. Nle t u' mica " charity, in that the gilts 1)411,3101,a:: and , „nnldv 9e b d at I wires math' 1e. love.., 1tud self dental ;. a n t t . 'I'. t hili, tinran Dent. Mermen net:, Sabbath ht l e'e'3.x I as malty of Circ articles wOrO eYid9let• 14 ' and t}alro i at at 0:;10 p.tn, P.ev. t1, Swat;(' \1 a til+d coall box securely, ulna lug upuu i' tl slip of having upon it the name of is e•t.recipient, v.vrt Sand tf vii 1: p,, au Sunday nod t 1U 30 t d i' 'o p• m. ,.il[utay lv given fuse tin lr own treasur a tot ilio entail s re Hoene CATrtohic 011110 13, Sabbath Ser. i vice third 1•Sunday in era ry month, at 11 paa1Brer ig also that of tbo daunt, eon. B. P. J Sinn, 14 rvi es tit and 11 hitt. ov Aauv and a few Clays before Ghristm'ts we sena every cveitieg to the welt et g (''til e, et the eatraelta Net. ('tenth 131 commend, Oat Pr er ee L013 34 ovary '1:1iut'ltey evening, ie Graham's bl•,cl<. MAHON It! Lone:: hue 1 r' alt or ler fore fell moon, in Garfield ld hl :Sc. A. U. U. \v t 3u or: , u first and third Monday GY( illi ,f -(43.13 month. Faskti S o osce;ax 1 u ,; •3ur1 awl !est !Conley hall. f,Iaced them all in a largo box, on the Cul) put tl b,ekutitoI quilt made by the Lilies, and soot them ou their nuesien of love, Au ae0enut of their reception 1Y0 now give in Sister We own words, tt ""Ta 'iris tY:tll teeny pleasures t Chrisemas,bat nothing plowed them evenings 0.s uE each month, ui SnialB„,„„t„, I V) much ae the little boxes. Sister K. ,ted myself of L e L. ) at !!onlay iii teary opened the Christmas in Orange Hall. j Poor Orra�t-t)11icc hours trent tS n.m. I box Christmas night. L bolt out to 7 sU p•zn, the beantifnt quilt filo Guild i o fear. Maell413i , Bennis. -Reading will I kiucll nu;l lovingly made for ule, noel Library, in Moline, block, will ) 3l 1 14(311 111811 wu caw that the hos oan 1'T s this that bids the bard thought open from b to is teelockpen.Wedneolays all na turd eye ! . I tabu 'il a box fear each child, 11 1 th box, disc t pear, t I tlry minute Slum', .t He spared not lite Sou. braiiai, ' \, a lett them in o . repine ' p 1 ui 81. W. l„ '1', V. hold r, outhly ed the quilt, replaced the top of the We are members of ono groat meetings ea file 11rd Saturday n each I lar a box, nuc! waited tall Christmse body, Nature planted in ns n 'mouth, at S ,eene1 m. Mrs. Swann' g mutual levo, and fitted no for eoeial Prue.; Mrs A.11,. -.Stilleben, Scc'y. day, TOWN 1;u3.v311 --W. 11. Me eraeken, I "Then the children were called in life. We must consider that the '111K, • it. thethrou. J. Aman(, 1). Strada' Everyone was present before were born for the gocxl of the whole —1 Souew4. God is 1lnmutablo in all thing' ; and it is among his immutabililies that he will always, in dealing with men, have regard to their desires, humbly and trustfully presented be- fore him.-- (Hallam. Whet the Bible brings to you will depend, in a large measure, on what you bring to it. You may havo a crumb, or a loaf, or a gran- ary full to bursting, just ea you choose.--1Dr. Behrends. A. perfect faith would lift us ab• solutely above fear. It is in the cracks, crannies and gully faults of our belief, the gaps that aro not faith, that the show of uppreheneion settles, and the ice of unhindneoe forme.—[Macdonald. The reformer of practical abuses first begins to be wise when he allows for the obstinate vitality of human error and human folly, and is willing to believe that those who cannot see as he does are not them solves neeesearily bad mon.—[.J. 1I. Lowell. -ata and J. 11. McIntosh, c'nnncillori ; `:1. Seat, Clerk 1'Ph40, Belly, Treasurer ; Stewart, t Collector.. Board meets the.1st Monday in. ee4a11 111011111. S011)11 13oaun. Rev. 7 ua. Ross, ILA., (*airmen; 1'. te. Scott, Yl. Dennis, T. l letohor, J. ilorgar,avoe and A.Monter. seo.•Troas., W, II. Moss. Meetings 1st Friday evening in each (south. 1.'C111xo Senoe& T1d4H118.---Jae. Shaw, Principal, 11 hie Richardson, Miss l3amhly, Miss Abraham and Miss Taylor. Bonen 13, lial.t,1i1.--itesve McCracken, Clerk Scott, S. H. Young, A. Stewart and J. (1. Shane. Dr. Holmes, Modiaolilealth °Meer. gb�.1�rtres garner. AN IDEA 1±011 CHRISTMAS BOXES. A writer for the Ladies Home Journal having made 0 suggestion for the use of the little boxes which come to eveey house with fancy dry goods and stationery, another lady tolling how in one case the idea wax carried out Ite providing gifts for an orphan home in a southern State. Others may fend the idea useful. She says Our first stop was to write to the Sister in cbargo of the home and ascertain the names and ages of the girls in her oare. Nary soon the answer came. and we hold a moetiug and went to work. Wo found the list eontaiue,l the names of 24 girls whose ages rouged from six to eighteen years. - "We theu made up a list of 24 of our girls, members of our S'nuday- schools, whose ages corresponded with the ages upon the other list. Then we cat 24 el,ps of letter paper, and on each wrote a name and age from the first !let ; on the next line tho word "from," and be. lose, tho name of one of the girls whose ago was nearly the 5341113 ns t11at of the girl abuse name was on the slip. In dale way wo went through the whole list. Then we err•:fltgcit to notify our girls to meet tot en the nfteruuon of a certain day. At the appointed time nearly all were present with bright, expectant foo- s, and dee reading "Celia's idea" to them WO gave to each ono the piece of paper upon whiclr her namewas w•rttteu, and explained our plan to Mum, 1Vo told them each to find a pretty box, about the eizu of those eu which stttuunery coulee. Iu each box to be sure to put at tenet ono Christ. mac card, and to 1111 the box with any other articles they thought would please a girl of tho ago on their paper , on tbo top at the box place the slip of paper we gave them, and then we charged them all to bring the boxes to us early in De - comber. All seemed pleased and willing, and we dismiseod them and for sov• oral weeks waited results. When nearly time for tbo boxes to bo brought in, we hada notice read in the Sunday -school for fear some might forget. Christmas week came at last, and all the boxes were brought in except one --ono girl being absent from town—but the deficiency was quick- ly made up by another. the box was opened.. "1 cannot tell you all that was said, nor describe the joy of the girls,,but they wore 80 absorbed in their )efts that they could think of very little besides. "I took gent the quilt first, and laid 1t aside, and distributed the boxes, handing each girl hers es I came to it. "1 had some books to distribute, but I could hardly got their atten- tion, they were so absorbed in their boxes. "I heard a great many oxalama• tions—as, 10! I've got just what I wanted!"'01 bow pretty!"'I have a collar and cuffs 1' 'Look at this worsted and crochet needle!' and so they continued to the end, Surely those boxes gave great pleasure." Vareeties. Jumping at n conclusion—A. dog chasing his tail. An eel lays'0,000,000 eggs. How insignificant thy work, 0 hen t Go to the eel, thou cackler, consider her ways and glut the market. A citizen bought bimeolf a book the other day and wrote this on the fly -loaf: 'Presented to John Jones by himself as a mark of esteem.' 'Do you know what gives a woman the most eatisfaction?' 'Her beauty, of course.' 'Not her own, but the absence of any in some other woman. Tore are some things which can never bo expected to The in the world. For instance, carpets and sidewalks are always being put down and kept under foot. A lady, with a sigh, exclaimed, 'Well, I've lost my lawsuit 1' '011, mamma, how glad I am,' said the child, 'that you have lost it, for it tormented you awfully.' Little threo•year•old Arthur was pulling the cat's tail, when a gentle- man stud, 'You musn't do that ;• she will bite.' Tho little fellow replied, 'Cats don't bite at this end.' Lady of the ]louse (urging com- pany to ort) -'Please help your- selves. Do jut as you would in your own house. I am aleays too glad when my Monde are at home,' '1 think you must be un same De. trait newspaper,' said she as they sat together on the sofa. 'And pray why,' fro queried, as hie arm relaxed. 'Bocanse you seem to bo feud of the l 10se.' 'No, young man,' said the jeweler, '1'm sorry, but I can't give you an advertisement. You see, I'm troubled with heart disease and my pbyeiotau has ordered me to stop advertleiug, so that I may enjoy absolute rest and quiet.' 'Bobby,' said his mother, 'dill you givo half of the orange to your little sister?' '0h, yes, me., I gave Ler more than that,' replied Bobby with a nervous. air. 'Did you, indeed 7 Why that was rieo of you,' 'Yes, ma, 1 suoked the juloo out and gave her all the rest.' A superstitious subscriber, who found a spider inside his paper, wants to know if it it considered a bad omen. Nothing' of tho kind. The spider was merely looking in- side of the paper to eco what moroh- ant was not advertising, so that he could spin his web across the door `�et+thion Notes. 4. groat many black hats and bonnets are worn. Laoo is the favorite trimmings for evening dresses. Armure silk is the latest fancy for brides' drosses.. Triple capes aro a feature on the long redingotee worn as capes this fall. Sealskin jackets, by all accounts, are to have a run greater than last winter. Bright plaided studs are com- bined with plain once in little girl' drosses. All white flowers are used by brides for decorations of their toilets nowaday7. Corduroy suits are to be fashion• able this season in all the now colors and shades. Bats aro almost universal, but the bouuats will soon could back in great oleganeo. Lizard slain is the fashionable material for portfolios and other tertml08 of the kind. Tho fur muff is to be very large and something like the ones our grandmothers carried. Tho general opinion seems to be that marriage is a failure because people are not successes. A bleak silk underskirt embroider- ed iu red with all the chess figures is a new and startling thing. , Umbrella handles of silver are almost as big as a muskmelon, but dudes do not find them as palat- able. Some advance girls of Cho period 1440 wearing the real Scotch cap, after the manner of Itoys and Mo- Gregoro, Jet and beached capes lira already out again, and in the sun or gas- light just as brilliant a shoulder cover as ever, ii'urriors say the boa is to continue in fashion, but this may be because they havo, perhaps, a largo stook of them on hand. Womon's visiting cards are to 'continue square in shape an d moo's very small. This it the edict from tboso who doal$in pasteboard. It was astonishing !row manly Vodigris i8 t1 now shade 0f green - 'tier), pretty things could be put into and be free from disturbance, ash gray wbioh is seen in some of Den 21, 18814, ,::eere�av'�•arz:�[cw.�mca�v�r�u••rF.�n�aatam4tim�rFw oRstoiii8 e?1 Assorted Stook: of OTIRIST IiA8 GOODS To llama and More to Follow. ALBUMS so small a space, and Trow nearly .An advertisement appears In air the now itnporteel models. It is equal in beauty and value the boxes I American paper reading thus :— very ngly in itself, but combines wore. "Agents wanted for fast selling well with bright colors, Wo found in them besides the i articlo needed in every family. It 331ec114 ix worn in some part of the cattle, handkerchiefs, collars, cuffs, I catches them all. Samples light and costume and helps to satisfactorily noodles, thread, thimbles, 480481ed, ? clean, and can be carried in the snbdne brilliancy of welter which is crochet needles,bottles of perfumery, I vest pocket, (Send 1,;1 cents for ' everywhere ancien every aootte1on so buttons, button books, pencils, pens, • sample and rake in all that's going." msnrfest. A. black hat of the start - paper; envelopes, aprous,pnpor dolls, It was answered by a resident of the ling pruportions of the I'ampirs is thine dolls, doll's drosses, satehet neighboring township, who received the proper thiog to weer with a bags, la feet everything to be by return mail a paakago containing I bright toilet and renders it :afore thought of that girls Bile. Dna lino tootle comb, picturesque. Splendid Stook sold. at Close Prioesv See Them. Bibles, 3yin Books, Prayer Books, c1, (to, 8 --,1LL THE— BO IRE-- rIlPV1111PC 1 htt,ve a splendid Stock of Furniture at my Sliow rooms, T. urnber'ry Street, I3r'tissel.',, consisting of Parlor and. Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables, Chairs, Lounges, &c.:, that cannotexcelledbe furweea, or value. Always a big „ Stock to choose from. Pool BoekInre. e.4 10 CI E A. 1L 13 l4i,,,,CA' X IN d; • A.s 1 have a very large and -well made stock of Bedroom Suites and Sideboards I will sell thein at ,greatly recla 0- ecZ Prices. We 1111ve Tilade a specialty of these lines and now is the time to make purchases. Hand -made Furniture a special feature of our bus- iness A large stock of tip-top Ai-mad/424 for Picture Frames., Work done width neatness aucl despatch. A nice lot at Pictures, Foot Stools and fancy articles for sale. REPAIRING NEATLY ATTENDED TO. A. full line of Caskets, Coffins and Robes always on hand. Two Hearses and a free Delivery Wagon in connection with our Establishment. 1 pay special attention to Cavity and ,Arterial Embalming. Having taken three series of lessons on Embalming -from Prof. Itenouard, of Kansas, and having a Diploma for the same, 1 feel confident in being able to do this work properly. A beautiful range of McFarlane, McKinlay & Co's patent Li72e77. T47'inclow Blinds tt hand. Every housekeeper should see them. They/ aro Dctnches. AGENT for the :KA RN ORGAN. Save money by Patronizingthe Old Established Furni- ture Emporium. R. LEATHERDALE,. 034, 17 no1441 BRUSSELS, We, the undersigned, call the Attention of the Public to thea fact that we have -put in some NEW MMAOHINE1.RY •anti are now able to do better Work than has been done in • the past .and as gnoc1, if not bettor, than most MILLS IN TILE PROVINCE. We will endeavor, to the best of our ability, 'to Please all Ousto)rters and fill all Orders at Shortest Notice. Those Parties having WOOL would:do well to give us a call before going elsewhere. 'We have a fine Assortment of SZE TING, BdsdANs6i E dt Ari, TARNS, TWEEDS, &&oei KNIT - G-OODS - MADE - TO - ORDER, Hoping you will favor us vw:i1h:.a Oall, We are, Yours Truly, nit ecpt. l8, le.tf GEO. 1-10WE Sc Co.. BRUSSELS,.