HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-12-14, Page 1e'.-cintlu':, coo in Prose act otlg." AN At,1,111Sen ,11:1.111111?n 110 1111, J. (11e111:f,., 01' SSAroni'n, A'r tiominll•Il, on ST. ANDIUM'S ltntll'1, 1 Illmlk you for tin tumor you have conferred upon MO in coupling my Immo with this toast. Though a processional noon, 1 have always tauten a deep interest in Literature. Literatnro 1100 boon to leu what the g1eoa oasis hue been to lh weary traveller wandering over' the parehre desert - it ilns boon a fonntaltl tot which 1 always drank with avidity, and way abundantly s:ttisliel. Whilo on 1110 threshold of the enbject,I WO Id say 221 at no country of a Biro extent and population nus ouch a Literature in ev. 1'y do artlnont us Hvotlalll has to- dos , noel none whatever --no matter what the extent or p'pidatioci--is so rich itl song writers, as Dur 110:'1' 0111 Fa t hel9and. Thu C1'alsn—It h" 1nterestin o to outdo Cm cause of this litornry excellence. 121 tho lira; place wo wattle. soy that much is owing to the 01,00. Beeohm' ))Fool to rot -nitric that 111011gl1 g(10111 stress None laid upon the fact that a men was born again, in his opinion it was of equal importance that ho should bo born well the first thnlo. This rule holds good in nati0"e, fmnili s and individuals. Tho Scotch were morn well the first time. 'They were a 11011ie, manly, ind.•pendont, sturdy, liberty -loving race when the Romans flrat stoppod upon their shores. It only required the introdnation of the Arts and 1011011000, with the benefits of on000tion and the blessings of t Christian- ity, to transform them into what they afterwards became,—bhe foremost men of all the earth. Tim physical geography of Caledonia bad, in my humido opinion, much to do in moulding the character of tiro people and in producing the magnificent litern- tura of the country. Here we had aloud of lofty monntahns, deep glens, broad 101150, daubing rivers, wild cataracts and 021111010 storms-- a laud which macho Lord Boron break out nod say in ecstatic rapture 1._ "Away 1 ye gay landscapes, yo gnreeus of fuses, In you lot dm minions of luxury rove; Rt'turcmo the rocks whore 5110 snow -fake re10000, Thnitgl, still they are sacred to freedom n.nllove.i England thy beauties aro -tame and do- 01cstics. To olio who has rovedo'er Cho mountains afar : 0 , for the crags that are wild and ma- jcatiel The steep frowning glories of 21011 Loch 00 Garr. 11 'c may lay it down then a0 au India pro 11lo fact that the incomparable snowy of oho old land is calculated to produce activity of mind, fertility of magivatfou, treeless of thongbt, int"n- pity of feeling and all those qunlltios nhith go to pro loco t11e intolleetnal ghat s of our race. Undoubtedly this has boon at potent factor in producing tin 11111110nt cou0•ollation of men of gonius whose 11010115 0oin111101ions Mum. Moate tho intellectual firmament of (11.t far famed Northland, whose memory is frost and green in your heart or hearts to -night. History.— During the brief space of time at my disposal, I can hardy men - Hen the names of a few of 511,1 mor0 famous workers in each department. In Iliotory we havo the honored names of 11 tome Alison, \lacanley,Robertson,Bur. ton, 1Ylcnoriof, McKenzie, and many otters whoeo writings have delighted the mil:ions, and whose histories have not boom excelled and rarely equltll'd by tit so of any other land, Macauley in pa;tioular raultiug as an English olassio of oho • ery highest ardor. Eoclnyists.- As essayists we mention wit11 pride the name of Sir Jas,MoIntosh also a philotophor and writer on ethics, eve would next mention Francis Jeffrey, ono of the moat masterly c,itio' and most 0loquout writer.. ht oho English language; then Prof. Wilson, tho famous Christopher North, whose humor has brightened many a Scottish fireside, and 111s1but not least the sago of Chelsea, thofnnlons 50011011,0e the stern moralist, 111e tater of shams,—Tom Carlyle, the foremost writer of )lis day. Philosophy.—But wo hasten to speak of the writers in Philosophy, whose names havo townie household words wherover oar language is spoken. Their names mod only be manthuaed; We loom Dr. Dick, Sir Wm. Hamilton, David. Homo, Jaru00 Mill, Dugald Stewart, Adam f30190son, John Stuart Mill, Mc- Intosh, McOosh, and our own Paxton Young, of Tbronto, ono of tho clearest 111i11kete0 and most accomplished P11Ilos- ophers of the cloy. Soienoe,— In Science WO havo Sic Rodoriok Murchison, Raptor, Hugh Ariller, Alfrod Wallace, Sir Chas. Lyell, Sir David Brewster and a host of loarnod men who are an honor to the land of their birth. fiction.—As to distinguished writers in fl0tlou wo would give the first place to tho Wizard of North --the immortal Scott, wlto woo not only a novelist, but a distingnishod poet and moralist, and perhapo oho foremost man of 1110 ago in 50131011 ho lived. Ilia works will livo as long as tho English langaag0 eudurss, He remold o00upy a roomy spot in tho hearts of his eountrymen, second only to Burns 11ims015, next we would n101112100 Smaller, Alox. Wilson, Prof, Wilson, Dr. David Moir and in our own day, Goa McDonald and Annie S1van, the 101100 do- ctored by Qlsdstono to be the best femal0 writer in the British Empire. Theology.-- Wo 0omo 11,110 to :1100:logy—ane yOu will Allow mo to remark here that this 1s peculiarly 1,v Scotch sub• jeot. The Scotch aro a nation of Theo. iogtans. The celebrated Dr, Chalnter0 booth onto +shed 10 00°011,11 for the solid - 'sty of 510 Scottish ohn1acter, replied that it teas all owing to the Scotch boing fed upon mammal 5111111 they wort fwontyono years of ago, 0121 on trio dorms! d0or000 over after, In 'Theology BR USbEL:�, ONTARIO, 1-� FRIDAY, DEC, 14, 1888. the following name0s1110dout promilu»nr- ly 1 Knox --John Knox, too nol'nitg star 1--- Wool ow, Blair, 1toburts1n, C1ha11o'1rs, Guthrie, MoLenl, Candid', Ounningham, Bugg, Chord, Cairns, 5111. Illlau and MODu1'aid, 22110 upuetle of the north, What a glorious .21111xy1 headed by tho noblest H„,tsmau that 0.001 livid --the fo11nd0r of 1100111111,1'8 melon 0uhools --the immortal Knox, Yob many MOM 11821100 alight bo given of '!len who loom ltd lis 1 111411'° 10 y,m 1500(1,11 pulpit, 1(14.1 ,.11'2 f,:.w 10111 1 '.1.) cal wnt11 the Christi/to dispensattall. 00121'110. We 002110 now to the 020021111 groat division of our subject --5110 Retry of Scotland. Gazing through the vista of the past at tho sweet (lingers of Scott , ud is kilts looking dawn the warm. of a mighty river to the estuary where it old nus out awl its 1105 re Merge into, 11(1 aro loot 111, the lmn,en'itc of 5110 Jeep blue 0111. 'rho ;nighty stream of nom; which 111.11 flowed from t1111t old rooky laud, and w. Ila ear expands until through and boyulul 1,11,3 as210ry we aro lost iu the '..s1, want , of utornity, Though Scotland 110,4 never pt•0duc •11 wither @ Sh.tkespeare or a Milton, 0he 001LIN off 11(0 paint in lyrlo poetry, while in the domain of 00/190110 re1gus supremo, She can boast of an 0-sian, a Drum mond, a Ramsay, a Montgomery, a Pol- lock, a Ilome, a Thompson, a Tanner - hill, a Cuuuh,gbam,a Campbell, a Bruce, nn Ayton, a Motherwell, a 'Thorn, a Hyslop, a Beattie, a Hogg, an Aird Ballantyne, a Pringle, a Leyden, a Fer- guson, a 111aPher0on, a M01(ay a Gray, a Wanless, a McLachlan, a Scott and a Burns, besides a boot of stars of lessor magnitude which adorn the podia fir- mament of tho most intensely poatie country on the face of the earth. Soot - land 10 pre•emioently a laud of smog. In (his respect slo stands nnr1v4t110(1 and it is hard to ealonla10 1110 in(ineucs those sous have had over 111e ch tractor of the people, as well as 010 destiny of the ,1,411.111. A 1100 man onoo sold, "Give ma the making of all the ballade of a p rople and I caro nob who snake the laws,” There is more truth thou poetry in this remark. Tito songs of Suotloud have had a potvorful influence over the great minder of the nation and we believe they woo d hove a still 410001,10 inflneunu over the masses of the people. It is re. toted of Carly 0 51105 when he visttod hie old 3011.201 at Kirkaldy the teacher, with, ing to ma .0 a:, good a dig ,ley a3 p0411014 before the groat lean, 3402 1110 pa Bila t.. Wag uumb..r of these Moo Mao m ,d ern pieties Mutt are familiar to you all— .ery nice, but of course mot moon to them. Carl le woe observed to be .2 lith.,, uneasy ; he (dire god his shoulders, knitted hue bro,vs 22,4d at last taming to the ro,oher, he s ud, "Can they s,.14 auy of the songs of Burn?" The teach n said that they could not.—Carlyle re. plied, "Scotolichildren ina Scotoh school and they 0041,210 sing any of the songs of their great matioual pont, the gre.test song writer the world has ever produced," and he took his hat and left the room hu disgust. Swill was the influence the songs of his country had over tho mind of on • of tum wisest man of his day. ft is told of Sir Walter Scott that wit 12 he visited Italy to recruit his health 0110 11y before his death, and whom climbing Mount Vesuvius, he was heard humming something to himself, and his attendant, wishing 1011110w who the thoughts of the great man were upon that occasion, weal] near and listened— and heard him 0iuging; "My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not hero, • My heart's in oho Highlands a•ohasing the deer. A•:haiing oho wild deer, and folio wing the roe. My heart's in 111e Highlands wherever 1 got, Ill sunny Italy with its balmy air—its clear bluo sky—its classic history and its magnili0euasoonery, Sir Walter's (tear% was still among the rude mountains of his native land. Such was the power of Scottish song over the greatest writer and ono of flu foremost men of his time. Lot negiv2 011 illustration from humble life and wo have done, An old Highland Scotsman ryas dying in a foreign land. A minister also 0 Highlandman called to see him and speak of the concerns of iii soul, but Donald turned ids Noe to the well and would not listen to him. The minister knew the nature of 111'1 country - mon and so he sot down beside hint and sang: "Farewell to Lochaber, farewell to my Joan, Whore hoarbsome wi'hor, I ha'o muny a dao boon, To Laollaber no 111010, to 1400habol' 110 Moro, We'll lnaybo return to Lochaber' iso mor0," The dying Hlghlaudman turned around, the tears ran down his weatltmr- beaten 01100110, ho sobbed aloud as 1111 frame stoup with onlotlou and he said, "3 'Darn' frac Lochaber, my wife sang that song to mo long ago whoa baith of us wcro young, now she sleeps her last sleep by tho bonito of Loohaber, and I'll return to Loohabol DO more," Tho minister told him of a boner place than tho Highlands of Sootland he told'him of the Highlands of Heaven, to which he added go. Ho uufold0d to him tho pion of Salvation. Ho 000120001 his attention; he convinood hie nada- standing ; and so the old, o1(1 Gospel found its way to an old IIighlandman's Mart through nn old, old Sootoll song. T1100o songs teach many important lessons. It is hard to Oal0n10t0 l0 a filial point of 0101, tho In'lluome° of tool. songs as "John Anderson my Jo, John," or "Auld Robin Gray," or "Tho Lend o' Ilia Leal." Such songs ham diffneod oho sunlight of levo and 111ndno00 ground many an Ingle sicio. They .have )node ninny a heart hotter, for looilcating n femme state of thee take Burns' address to Mary, in 1Ie0VOn 012 "Tho Cotter's Sat. nr10y 1119111," Well might the poet say of the moo ie the That he hod Mist been depicting: "100,11 ge01100 Iiito tlteee old Scotia's grandour sprieg0, That makca 11or hived at home, reIe ori 1br0ad. Prinoe% on 1 Lords aro but tho breath of llt 4 111 or' 1 5.110' 11,1111005 work of 0,' I1». heath lin.=er . den:u, nn ly In 1 1.e ,1011, nn)1.191iane, a ,11 0fn'1i1g honesty, '011e1.0 1s Cho son„ to .nmpaee with, "A Metes a 1.1,1n for a`'elute" Or for 100111iug in. dulnitable courage, a bravery that can. net :20 00000014 or for ;making It Seotenutn'0 blood hap wild as that oatar• auto of Itis own rooky land, what song Can Onlnp:2 1,1111 "Se , 'e 10110 (0,1 w)' Wullaoe blot," the graudcet war ode out ido the Bible. '0)125 a tog 11 is otirrod `10otslnon to dao is of daring On many a wall fought day, and will still continuo to ,fug down tllrm1911 the oentnrios and maim ty'ant1 aid oeprc1mrs trem11lo fu their gilded pa1a000--1111 this egos y01 to be, Are wind say that WO have great feith i e both the pie y 4e1 patfiotiutn of 2 p •opts 1,00 the 21 ;ash of (°.day, who dog by 51,011,1 the p+,lint of Devin and 1112'+0lt;d of limits. 11'11:1'c i 1 loins f 4' the Inter; of such a people,-t\'lnlo Gott „of I3ntnlm wo wo dd say that Ile e lleot„l the gouge ,1 hitt country, chi• .nmat:11 any 11nellaste langnago they coot:doe I, adder) many glorious idoa0 of his 0,vu, wolclel Chum to oho grand old tunas th,2t wore familiar to tho Soot - tiro, ear and gave the wllol0 as a lega03/ to his country, a legacy of which any 3100910 might welt feel proud. This was aerh:fps hie groatoet work. All honor then t0 Bobart Burns, 300b1(Lncl'a great- est poet and the greatest song writer in any language. In conclusion, we would site ti of no Scotsman need be ashamed nit ,er of his 000011y or .the Literature it 11as produced, and 100 would earnestly 005001(1 Scotsmen everewhere to act al ways in such a mauler that their 001111 try may never have reason to be shamed of them. Let ns all emulate the meritorious deeds of the departed horoeo of the old laud, avoiding their mistakes and Mair blunders, then this fair forest laud of ours, now in iii glori- ous; youthful prime, will go forth in 1 4 might, fu the di One art of peace, fair .1s the mora, clear as the 0011 and ter- rible as en army with banners. Let he masses of the pa plc to odu- cased, 1.0 even haud•+d' justice be dealt out bre ;motive of lace, language, color, of 0011,1011,3 belief, lot 1,r llhfulnese and nan0sty '10 the guide of our business trausactions; 1•1, temperance sit at :he helm end l neigh in t ,o 2102003 0111 pe.,- p.; e ,- p.0 ; lot .'111 laws 11:1011 their £onu'lations 14.1 leen on those ,, ereal peincip)o a of 11'1.., 4411.i 311 1,l•.: ;ha. 010 000012 1011,1 21110 thrnn0 of God ; ie; het gland old hoax, 51,11 palladium of the world's liberties, bo hon 0.011 by our legislature, revored by the poop o, lona tot tete faith, tea gluriou4 both 01 £1•eddutu, be pro - ...Dieted in its pros inn putty from our pulpits—then 100 may 00,0 assured that whatever anomie may arise, aro.'nd all the g try 1111:1.4 will bo it defence, Grey '1lounail Mee tin;. Council met at Dames' hotel, Craw brook, on Deo. 15th. Members were all proseu', tho .peeve in the chair. AIMe otos of last meeting read and approved. t number of Engineer's certiftoatt00 were rood and passed. PetIfon of tVm, King and others, praying for grading to be dorso on side road between lots 20 and 27, oon. 10, 5110 sem of 6.40 Das wonted. In a0cor11anee with the 000005 amendment to S ction 263 of the Munioipel Act the Clark was instructed to have 100 oopi'•o of the Treasurer's statement of receipts and oxpoudlturo0 printed, much t., ave the ne00ssar3 number of copiesposted up in conspicuous places throughout the township. The following moo albs veru 112121011 in and ordered to bo paid, viz,: Wm, ]1Iilne, lumber for road., $25.68; Ghee. Schnook, error in dog us004•meet, 91; J(13. Huston, Orl'or 111 nag 11s2e0s- wont, $1; J. K. Baker, ropai1i119 road lot 29, oon. 9, $20; Robb, Kerr, 01110•' at 1060 00 and 31, cons. 9 and 10, $31; Thus. Stevenson, repairing road at lute 2d and 37, con, 10, $17.80; D. alol(ay, under - drain across road at lots 27 and 28, ecu. 7, $1,25; Wm. Cook, .epairing culvert lots 30, con. 10, and gravel, $5.86; David Mi111Lma. for trooping Wm. Mn111n, an indigent, $8 ; S. Bosons, ditoll and wa- ved at lot 70, con, 1, $17.50 ; 110112 aVhite, 44011 at lot 70, 004, 1, $8,56 ; D Sp11. lett, ditch et lot 29, eon. 3, $6; J. Ho,- linger, ditch and lovelling earth lot 15, Don. 9, $9; Wtn, 8111ue, 001eo:111g jurors, $4; d. Rayneann, selecting jurors, $4; Wm. Sponoo, 20100ting jurors, $4; Alex, Dolgotty, repairing bridge lot 4, eon. 12, $1 ; D. MoLauchlin, salary as C,llo06ot', $100 ; 'J, Ilighbino, clitoh at lot 08, non. I, $8.90; Wm. Milne, 0tt0nding to Council business, $51 ; Wolter Oliver, attending to 0o1noij business, $42; Edward Bryano, attending to Comloil basin0011, $40; Wm. drown, attending to Conn0il businoos, 144 ; Aroh'd Hiolop, att0111ing to Connell business, $80 ; W m. Sponoo, salary as Gloria, $150, Ditohe•s do Wat01'oonrs0s dol, $25, Board of Health, $5, trip to Gordo ou Ooctn0il 11ueiioss and witness fops, $3.45, postage and stationery for yomr, $23.25 ; John Bain, error fu dog assess moot, $1; john. Brown, damago to baggy, caused by dofeotivo culvert, $1.25; A. Minnie, grovel, 01.62; Wm, Mol(olvey, grovel, $4,38 ; Goo. Elliot, ropairing beidgo and 260 yards gravel, $20,68 ; Jn,,. Eoktn1ior, bolts and spikes for Ethel 11011)90, $04 ; R. II. l012900on, plank for road, $3,35 ; F. Millet', 1111011 at lot ''20, con 3, e8.50, 150110 Emmet, renewing road serapor and etono hammer, $•1; John Ritchie, gravel, $5 ; lo, Ilolniea, under - chain across rood lot 80, oon. 9, $2,50 ; Henry Anna/tang, gravel, $2,04 ; Thos. Elliot, und0rdreon norm, rood lob 58, con. 1, $2.50; John S0gago, repairing onlvOrt lot 20, eon, 4, $8; R. Pearson, 1091ir0 to road lot 22, con. 4, $5; Quin. tin 3lcBlain, tilling up culvert and goading at lots 4 and 5, airs. 5 and 6, $5; `)'hos, Harbobtle, judgment in gain. ishoo against 1). Taylor, $90. Council then I111j0n1'I10d. Wo. 1144100;, 1)Ierk. Out; clay last week oh'. deserters front AIlleri0an troops, statf011ed at Sackett's llarh01, arrived at Wolfo Island, near K111gston, Sotnc of thin 05111 worn th01r aniflrms, Gc).,1M11N1GAT)ON Nntifan;ll olL..7v., National Robbery '1'o the I:.iiter of run otter. Sm. --f. observe 111 the host issoo of Toe POST that J. 1), Ronald greatly adn1ir00 312' farseeing atato+maasllip of Amerie, en Htatosmen, wbo would manitain and pre- sorvo their 0011(111ar00 within themselyee. n;o v, I 111,22)1 'ern•"+l'ei's' rind prod.• 5111+ 1014110:11 of Delilah 86.tteen1011 who have anon, liri(aill the greatest nation for wealth, trade and e°mmaro„ 111 the world, and who have discarded their m101111.41101101 pnliey of 60 or 70 years 1240. 1)111 even 1„lveenilnl.lb, 110 nave, he dniug wonders un lel the tree 11:2.41 or )' 10,1,1,21 Pulley, 1 a' 'epos% that infant iad11.411141 in 2`.' 01.1.11, wholly, by taxing those tvhn pro lncet the wealth of tide country, Io 't us s'Ipsoes 113 envoi., that the u1120f produe1 by which )hie onuntry was enriched :1.1 fire em: 1, r:, do Mane of agricultural prodncte,sn1 that it requir ,l an immense Inttn11101' to supply 511,1 1:)0' mllldOn itself; that thou were more en- gaged in that branrh of ind110try than any other; not only was it the chi f branch of industry here, but in 511,1 United Statos,100sia, lndia,all countries produced lmmou.0 numbers of fire 00- gules, (1111 oven 13ritain itself produced n vary largo number where our markets t ere rolerl, Not only did wo supply: our 09711 country but 100 exportod 311 lniltloi0 worth, and alae had to compete in the 02211022, A.merioanand all other markets with our iiro engius. Under dices piv- ot -too -Maces I sooner then if Mr. Ronald would have cousiderod American states- ;netl farseeing, and the Canadian Gov- ernment was doing wonders under the false flag of National Policy? Tho fact i-- (•hat through avarice on the part of otlulrs, the farmer, the worlcingman, and Other classes, are being plundered, by this infamous system of National Bob - miry. By inoorting the above you will oblite, Yours truly. Tit )s. STn.tcnAN. Brussels, Deo. 10th, 1888. Modetites. Rumba': of merits obtainable, 300, outnbor required to pass, 540. CLINTON. Blackwell), Geo, henry 641 I3r.wn, James A. 621 Fowler, Fred, 660 Gramm, WM. Ed 1133 Gregory, :\tart' 076 10,1011, Samuel M. 008 Kahle, Robina V. II. 316 Mur ay, '•Y2. liam 6266 Mu1(lair, 312(22y 009 Morrison, Je ,tin W, 637 Oldraviall, John 015 Plummer, .40rt1e 666 2obinson, Elizabeth 009 Roith, Bella 67.4 Richardson, Florence 044 Shortreed, Goo, D. 711 •oobt, A. D. 597 Spotton, Anton 674 W (eon, Bello , . , . , .1153 Weir, Jenuie 770 001)2111101L Andrews, Hattie 740 Baker, Laura 707 B,'otheratone, Joao 547 Calder, Collie 602 Oo.lins, Jessie 639 Hudson, floury it, 676 Johnston, Lottie le 630 Rnochtel, Thomas 6119 Belly, Beesio 642 Lowry, Reb1001 705 Morrison, J. Boyd 632 Malone, Dmnli0 •J. 70.1 MoK.,y, Thonuaa, .. 615 Ma5won, Addie -006 Nobe, Jobn 684 Ross, Hugh A 610 Smith, Wm. B. ,.,608 .Dominion Dzallglit <'lOrse •ireeCdwig 001 et' Atttutai 2leeting 01ol” 110 Clinton, en Wed "Oaday, Deeolntler 10112, lost Tho meeting was calls.) to ordsr at ohm o'olook by Joim 11,\111010, prusid0111, all the oihloors and about 70 mew0era boing 910111nt. The first order of b.lsineos was Um reception of reports, nod Mr. Smillie ron,t the auditors' report, which 8110,v0d that up to the 80th November th0 Secretary had remind for entries and roomiest% fees the sum of $2.41.3,50. The dieburee• moms for various pl1rp,see left 0 helium. in the 1roaeur'or a hauls of $1,491,42. Tho number of appli(ations for registry in volume "A” was 512 slltllion. and 537 mares, mud of these 457 Otal.1ous tend 480 mares had been 000.91011. The member- ship roll contained 217 names. For volume "B" the millibar of onlrios to date was 67 stallions and 71 maims. The report was adopted, as were also the report of the s00retary and 011, troa^,- i2r0r. The eleotion of offloors resulted in that re-oiecti(n of the old 2fdcor0 and the co - tire board of dirootors, as follows : Sohn 2loMfllau, M. P., Presidont, don- 020uc0, D. McIntosh, V. S., Vioo•Prosideut, Btuoollold, Jomos Mit,iholl, Seoret013, GOdorich, J. J. Visitor, Treas11(011, 130nmi11er. Dirootors—Janlo0 Henderson, Belton; John Monson, Londosboro'; Thos. Green, Dublin ; J. 1'). O'Neil, London ; John Mc- Daitmlcl, Lnoknow; P. Curtain, Adore; J. 3, lislor, Benmiller; '.Phos, MoLauoh. I in, Bette:ads ; J. Smiillc, Hanear; Wm. Wollwood, St. 1:Iolon's ; J. 1,. 7311ckall, Clinton; 3. Aikenhoad, Godoriob; .flex. Innes, Clinton, The enteetfolt as to tho acceptance for registry of 00101810 bred in the United States was decid1od by m motion that re- gistration in this Sooiety be 11mitocl to a1111na10 bred in Canada, but that the (progeny of animals registorod in its stud Books, bred in the 1Jaitoil States. be allowed to be ontorml therein as progeny, wi1110nt a number, et n tlnininuntl fee of 1 8). An nnlem11m071t to the standard 0f re- giltration, allowing tum registration in + v0lunno 13 of 3113 progeny of sires and sr�oa�m,mrsnar.rauna>.0010,a�„c1',Frasr�s.,w,u+vc�.cca�acror. -s„-:,:.•c 1,30.,0-cso-;.-.•,,a-.nicer Number 22. 91121(11 re;,i-:11'r,.1 ill 01111,11; ;1, 13,15 :1'l+nt.. ed, it WU., 101 r 1' 13' : 1411141. 11:.:00 h.., 11•11 •'1 1.0tt11 1111Th etartill2etta, t witllout wtiti',g far 'll.. O'.)rt,l)letl,tlo ,1 ., "Irme• T1111 41 :'etary was in. -Arwood no pro. pare foil /•ep91•1 of the proceedings of the ma onto, loud the a..•,nu,t, and finan- cial stmtanlnnts 1213.1 11pm1, for (113tH• 111151,101 amo224141 t.he nl.unb :es "f the So0ety, n.nd for geneepl )aform :time ho (loo ;e.l.l 1,1.1,1, ,,f 1,101, Ite.t 1,1 meeting were fleet at she Dante as for 18:34, and t Inn, „f t41'2nit watt 1'1142' 1 to the 1.0W11 o.rnn+il or'.11i11ton for tlr, 1112 of the e1ancil eh:unbar for the plossnb mooting. T1,is 1)11.1 .:eocral 11 t 1,11133, a ld Oho 1)i,'ector',: mot "0 1 pi —tot ( :soca-lor- a/10 amullat -t roe/lee :tad eper.iai bud - nee,. Th, , '.v,rl , .rel ', ttt fn,511)0 ,c1, 111., 1/111g1.1,105 1,01i1.,, et shown by oho volume: 0,t r.:11.1 h-,: 2.'e 14341 •1, 2101 th•a:p n 3 of OM 11 ;1, 12,4,1 0119 h 1'l) thetas 12 ,. 121n* (h 70+11 award ;sleet- ing :rill he eye ;11i, it o,1,: 11 :11. lee 1'142-y 14 11,60 di trtbutul4 the ;env :,.1 h, lit 1.1 members. a'1'd °titers. .1reabytery of Maitland. Tho Presbytery of Maitland met in Lucltnow on Deoomoer 11th, Rev. D. G. :atneron, moderator, 1 the Oewl . There was a Jorge attoudauce of mem- hors, tho minutes of lest meeting wore read and sustained. Elders commissions were received. The modoratnr stated the time had arrived for the appointor •nt of his suo- 000001. The nam,( of Kr. Stevenson being the next on the roll, Mr. Stev- ooson was on motion, appointed mod. orator. The thanks of the Presbyery were tendered the retiring, moderator for his conduct in the chair The session records of Huron and Pine River were attended as carefully and correetly kept. i')10 0.m nines pointed to visit Chillmor's church, fiiacerdino township rop0rted. The report sets forth that financial matter• were arranged. satisfaot ,rily. Tho report was receive l and adopted and thanks given to the committee for their diligence. The congregation of 011almer's church, Kincardine township, expressed gr121)1ndo to monitors of Presbyter+ for grateitott0 supply. Toe following motion in re511'd to the resignati0.1 01 'Ii:, 11;:. Charles 13.1(11 leen was unanimously poised, moved by Mr. McQueen, 00'londed by Mr. Murray, that the Presbstory mucin ',grate 11Ir. Cam; or„u's departore from among us end ex- presses Re eo row h0 the cause that le I him to resign his charge oven ill health. 1l brother that hath endeared 11101001 to all that h'at the pleasure of his acqua111. tune and hath ospeoiilly endeared. him- self to his brothreu in the Presbytery . his ogre -able c0nv rection, Christie 04:rooter and wise counsel in all 122 deliberations of the court. A man em neatly qualified by grace and talent declare the riches of Christ to the pa haling multitude+ of sinners end for 511 0/1431119 of the chard'. It is the prays of tho Prosbytory if it be the will of 122 Lord that his health linty be restored an in the evening of his pilgrimage ha m0 be mn01111'0 to the cause o£ Ohriet an that his own happiness in the Lord ma abound. The Treasnrnr gave in his annual n port. Thu auditors gave in their repo also. rh•se reports were roceivod an adop:od and the 1110nite of the Presbyter given to the auditors for their work. The Roy. Dr. Strongman of the Meth dist almrch being present was invitod t eft and deliberate with the Presbytery. Oil motion a 0.m111itt00 con010ti09 0 Nae.,u s. Stevenson, McDonald. Murray A1oPh: rsun Ked Elder 9200 ,199010 od t confer with the congregation of Charmer' ohnrch, Kinoelydine township and Bervi With a 01010 10 nu011 icto one charge an vapor: to next mootiog of Presbytery. '1'220 clerx read 0, 0)r0n sr from J. K McKenzie, Convener of A.s0elnbly's ewe mittoo on the egad and infirm minister fond setting forth that $280 aro require for the yeer from this Presbytery for 1,h aged and infirm ministers' find on 1122 liberality 0: the congregations. It wa n11vo1 by Mr. Cam••r"n, soeunded by M McQueen and agreed to that the ciranle of d. K. Afclemizio bo received and it 011.; gossion0 :toted upon, That the Rev ?dr. l'oQ'carrio bo appointed to attend t the inaOrOits of this fund in the Presby fury of Maitland. Thu clock renal a oomnnnioation fron tots Oonvoner of Assembly's committo on tet;od and infirm ministers' fund in timothy; that tho application of tho Pres bytory in behalf of Rev. 0. Cameron had bean approved by ohm committee ane would bo forwardsd to the next Getters A0a,nnbly. Tho amon1110 requir0d for the scheme of the ch011012 WOW road, for tho \Vestorn s0otion comprising Quebec, Ontario, U.auitoba, North \Vest Territory and British 001001bia. Teo following are toe Otlt11 0400: Homo mission, $16,000 stipend augmentation, $28,000 ; foreign missions, $00,500 ; )renal evaugolizotlon 950,000; 00118(os, viz.; Knox, $6,700 Quoon's, $:4,000; Montreal, 51-1,600; minietor0', widows' and orphans' fond, $5,000; agod and infirm ministers' fund, $14,000; Manicotti collage, $10,000; As. sembly fond, $4,500. For Fennell ovan- golization, Manitoba college and assembly fund the 0o0grogations in both Eastern and Western sections should contribute, For tho other sohm:nos the 60th110100 are for the "Moslem section, An avorag0 of. about $2 per monitor would furnish tho 0monnt required for the ordinary whams. Ses01on0 wont iotrustod to nee their diligence to 0110111',1 11113001 contributions Ito the vttriuoe 0ch2lnos. Meson, Steven. eon, 1:lnQu12rrio, Ross, McNabb and R. Harrison were appointed 0 oominitteo on the book of forma foul report to heat. moot- ing of Presbytery. 'Moser% noes, Howie McRae, 11ar,ley F ). anclt}IehT ob ert'he�'st• e. 1' r s y1, eider. were aplolut. 01 to en1101130,' the remit on telex 821(0 and settlements anti import to 1101,4 meeting, Moms, McDonald, MoQnoat', :)other 1+.111, lurrat' :oil their prenhvte, v r!-114,1 "fore k 1701:21 1 t, l':r 1' 1 r .'1 J'l 1571,15• t P1t;e'; ,„ of 0,1,11 a (,l 0111 General 1 •,:.obey an) .121, )1,t to 11,-x5 mooting. Y'he elor1 ann 1111 '! 1'1 1f141,4'.:4 en- titled to 3101.1 .: 1 1 IL 1'114 0 14 to t81 y -DIA Assn 111110 lI a on lit i.vcd ted 31,' Lode 1 leo of )1,1;.:11'3) 00rdiuo, fine 'i'cr 1nl,u:ir' ell :lsbfle.ltiMehillu churc ll, Bro.; .s 1 Ford ",, and 2,orrie, t.'rseh 111 :0, 1 I , 1. Walt In l l 1 ••, Ai• 111 It-, 11 .1 ''1 '1'.,... 11. "t.C- el0r hu [mew: oL 1.,,.v, 511,nlas 1)1 , 1 on way ellst'ti11' 1. '1)1". 0011 wa 1311 •.1.'ted by :1,L ear It6:'rt, Minn.. a111 1, wale Tho ntip1211 l promise is 37000 per annum and ma2(4e Thu attp,111 to bo pie 1 1101f ye triy. I D0 11 e 1 1, lis ( .;t the 0:'_011 was pl•a:.•-1 i., 12114 11'411 I, 1(11 I W''1,$ ac- 0ept01 by him. .A ,3, 1 :21 in .:rind of Yr..byture 5.1:1 It, lod'i :, 11 ,::..,e:' for this h'ln 1:11:1 ,11 io1' t , itt 1.1=;;..at 1::10. 1Ir. if ,, , eta ow Wo. 13 to preach \1r .Jo;,• t, all ,' .a n1, :.,tor, Art.. It:re 1 , ail s 11,11 w;,l eG (doe, 11:. 1.5001 s1 8 12. Air. Smillie ; 2 ,42212' 22'3 'y will 1Ove at next 111Letlll4 t11 Lt 11.11 roott181 mooting.; of Presbytery 2.,o held at Wing- ham. Vin„ 11am, 1120 following worm appointed to +•isit aid -receiving OOn0rogmtione, Pine 111000, Mr. McDonald and his Presbytery eiders, Laneside, Messrs, MoQnarrhe 04.1 R. Harrison, D11aga.ul-.11 and P.rt ilbnrt, Messrs. 31'oLonnan and D. Mnliiunon, ue:grllve, Mr. Hartley and his Prosbytory elders. A. paper from the Convener of the stipend augmentation) committee was received, setting forth that $550 aro re- quired frotn lois Presbytery for that fund for this year and a paper from Dr. C0ahra0 stating that $000 are required f.om thio Presbytery for home m/0aion0 for the 1101)'. Ir, wan agreed that the clerk send to too congregation the ap- portionment required from each for these fun1. on Tito basis of families reported. The suonlioo of vacancies was cousider. ed, St. tfolei0 and East Ashfield and Walton ask for half enpply and White- ohurah mod Last Wawanosh, one-third supply from the probationers list. Mr. Ross presented the claims of Alani- tob, 0011090 and urged for liberal co0tri• buttons on its behalf. The estimates for the year for tin; Presbytery fund were presented by Mr. Stevenson, Convenor of 1' in,2n00 0olnnlittee and adopted and the ta•e.ts'1ror112utl3.01',1-d t° ese000 1a" COel- gre a1io11a pro rata. A conferem- on 3aobath was held according to enpuint, aunt during oho °soi ing soderunt, R. Harrison opened the conference by giving 001 address. 19lossrs, Sutherland, Mc- Kay, Howie, McDonald and McLennan took part in the conference.. Tha next ordinary meeting of Presby- tery resby tery will be held at Wingha" on Tries. day, the 12th day of Maroh, at 2;30. .3 11 Goon= Lo:lns.-Loot Wolnesday.9 morn. e ing he Aletho chit olluruh 1008 0 wded i• to tho doors with Brossolites and p. eons to ,iving adjoining to town to witne the tying of the matrimonial Isnot be e Noble F. Corry and Miss Jennie, ✓ daughter of \Vm. F. Stewart, of the i dof Stewo't oe Lotviok. Rev. M. So porlormed tho cer0mouy in the regular "- Yd 011.rodo (fashion. rho bride was attend - ad by Miss Minnie Gerry, Miss hfaitio Y Sturdy, and lithe Mimsos Stella Mimeo and Iva Close, of Woodet elk. James • Jones and Joo. Ballantyne 80990 501 the rt groom. The bride was tastefully attired et in polo pink satin and taco, bridal veil, Y orange blossoms and natural flowers. Miss Garry wore pale blue satin and 1,0 lace, Miss Sturdy pale pini( satin and O Moo and tho little girls an white with pink and bluo bodices, respoctivoly, and f natural i1owars. As the bridal party Bled is a: ,d out Miss Lizzie Jaulteon O playol put of Mozart's 19th '(larch. s Among the ghosts were Mr. and Mrs. O Close, of Woudstoak; Mr. and etre. d Croaker, of Iixoter ; Mr, and Mrs. Russell, of SViugham ; and Miss S::tuley, • of (Mosley. The party had hardly mooted - the residence of the bride's ptroata bre 0' oro too Druids Band mar10 tmeir 11 appearance and 00renadod 1110 part O with a number of selootions. Mr, mud O Mrs. Gerry wont east on the noon train e on a wading tour, after a sumptuous 2'. wedding breakfast had been part,keu of. r Before the company left the tablo the a health of tho media was proposod by 4V. W. Kerr, 0upport0d by 11ov. Mr. Swain.,,,,,, o The groom replied appropriatoly, Tho - gifts to the brido oonsiotod of valn0blo silverware, china, glassware and house - 1 (told articles as follows :.-Plush parlor O suite, by the bride's father ; gold watch and °dato, the groom ; silver berry dish, • her brother Willie ; Ruby hanging lamp, A. Gerry and J. H. Young ; silver tooter 1 pitcher, Joo, Ballantyne ; clock, James 1 Jarmo ; mahogany oa0o cloak, d. J. Lowick and whits ; silver dinner cruet, s knives, 0900020, oto„ B. Gerry and fatni,y ; set hand patted ohina, J. L. Sturdy ; sot dishes, W. Nigltingalo and wife divot: pickle Griot, Geo. Halliday ; pair of images, Mrs. Stauloy, of (Mosley ; plush album, Jno. Croaker and wife, Exeter ; lmnonad0 sot, Geo. Thomson , and wife ; pair of vases, M. M. Cardiff nod wifo ; ellyer napkin ring, W. II, Mc- Cracken and wife ; silver napkin ring, Rev. M. Swann and hide; silver salt dish and ep002), A. R. Smith ; plush droseing ease and cloak, Miss Stella IIo111100 ; ruby leluonado get, George Russell and wife, Wingham ; silver boquet holder, T. I'lotellee and wife ; silver bettor cooler, .Thos. Ross ; silver sa11 dish and spoon, W. 11. Kerr and wife ; 0110,1,1} togunt lroldor, Eli Smith silver baguet holder, Mrs. W. Stewart • idoz, silver too %mons, Mrs, Wm, 'Von; 010n0 ; silver butter cooler, J. A. mos. 2nd wife, IVoodotoolt ; biscuit jar; bliss Stanley, 011001ey ; ruby lemonade set owl troy, 1I', D. Neelanda, Ohesley ; silv0r pickle cruet, Goo. Love and wife ; 3(1000 dinner gong, J. J. Denman anti 10110 ; music rack, 122. 141atherclsl0 and Wife ; rattan rocker, L. Stewart, Wood. stools ; )rand` painted plaque in • pluall, framed, Alex. Wilson and wife ; oil painting and cup owl ; 1505,1:00, 33rs, and Miss Hunter ; liuml table olclth Thos. \Vatsntr and wife, Tiax'ristalr, en sly