HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-12-7, Page 8Are You In Need of
Then, you would do wisely in seeing
We never:iave had a finer stook than
we oan show you at the present time,
"Sou know Xmas will soon be here and
we have made epeoial preparation for
We have not space in this issue to de-
eosiba one fee line of X1vZ•, a4
CID,*, and UOOSLE fits
we have them all the same. An inepea.
Mon solicited.
Druggist, Bookseller and
Fancy Goods Dealer.
gives such universal satisfaction as the
COUGH REMEDY manufactured in
aeafortll, called
c LUMS0EN & WILSO %%%%%%%%%%%%%% giro%%%74/90
a Royal Olyooratod Balsam of Fir%
vex, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%pie
Us wonderful virtues have created a
remand for the Preparation from ell
;parts of the Province.
Druggists sell it. Price 50 pts.
'41.7 -ams.
`Traineleave Brussels Station, uort and
•conch as follows:-
ColinS South. Gettig North.
..-r.,..9to2 a.m. Mixed 9te0 am
Evpress......11:46 am. I Dia11B:Ce p.m
Mixed 8:56 p.m. l Exprest 9:46 p.m
'rxai .es
A chiel's among ye Lakin' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
Dzerete a.
1 -Rue Adam'Good's apology.
New geode at STRACtux Bnos.
OVERCOATS from 63 up. Adam Good.
MRs E. 0. Lowery is on the siok list
-this week.
Pone 60.60 on Brussels market on
Thuredry of this week.
Omni TUnseuere of TUE POST staff, le
seriously ill with typhoid fever.
So/11Exnnoo New. Get your choice of
Silverware this week at B. Gerry's. 20
CALL at Tats POST Bookstore and get
one of the well-known Pansy series of
stories. 20.
Wm. Were, eldest son of Jno. Wynn,
has been on the siok list this week, but
is improving nicely now.
Jho. MEADOWS has been down sick with
a severe attack of biliousness and indi-
gestion, and is very little better yet.
Omni Suety is laid np with a cut in his
Wit., He was up in an apple tree cutting
off some limbs when the axe glanced and
•struok his foot.
Coen -maim service will be held in
the Roman Catholic ahuroh, Seaforth,
on Tuesday of next week, llth inst., by
Bishop Walsh, of London.
Tan following horse buyers were in
attendance at the fair on Thursday :-
Meson. Archibald, Seaforth ; Honey,
Vitobell ; Smith, BIyth ; Oleimie, Jones
end Scott, Listowel.
Tem London Free Press says: -J. D.
Foryath, recently with the Hercules
;4tanufaoturing Go., Petrolea, (formerly
of Brussels) hos left for St. Loots, where
he has accepted a position as stenograph-
er for a railway company.
NOTICE To TAXPAYERS. -The ratepayers
.are hereby notified that all taxes are to
.be paid to me on or before December 1st.
I will be found at Ross Bros.' store ready
to receive the same. JAN. Roes,
17.3 Collector.
Wu. Dovrgoso, who has filled a position
'on the United Empire all summer, ar-
rived home this week. He was away
.about seven menthe. The Empire is
chid np at Sarnia. Mr. Downing left
Beueeels on the 7th of last May. He
says the Presidential election interfered
with the passenger traffic.
Wein Dwaine Atm Delerrsu.-George
,Birt has all the necessary maohfuery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepared
to attend to all work entrusted to him in
away that will insure satisfaction, Wells
'leaned oat and put in proper shape.
":terms reasonable. Residence escond
door north of the bridge, west side of
TTrnberry street, Brussels. 6-tf
CUTTERS AND SLElens.-Scott & Will/
fame have a splendid lot of cutters and
sleighs just finished. The timber is the
haat, thoroughly seasoned and the work-
manship cannot bo beaten, We will not
be undersold. Tho customer with the
cash in his hand can make a great bar.
gain. Give us a call and see our °.utters
and sleights. SCOTT & WILLIAbrs, Mill
Street, Brussels. •n19•tf
Twee intending to pnrobase Presents
for tho Holiday Season call and see our
extensive etuok which omelets of a full
line of Silver plated ware, Gold and Sit.
ver Jewelry; Plated Jetvelry, Watohes and
Cloaks, Gold Rings, Searfpins, Earrings,
Br000hes,Bxaoelets, Chains, &o, Violins,
Bows, Strings, &o. A long experience in
ray business warrante me in saying to
the'pnblio that we buy right, as to Price
and Quality, enabling ns to guarantee
our geode of A 1 quality and cannot be
undersold. Reppairingoheaplyandprompt-
1y done. T. Ft,o onnR, Jeweler, 20.
S. S, Coevette000.--The second meet-
,ing.of the Brussels Sabbath Soltool As-
sociation was held in Knox church on
Wednesday evening, the President in the
chair. Atter devotional exercises Itee.
+G. B. ]Howie introduced the topic ',The $all; harmonica selection, D. 11ToDon•
.....,,-,.....-.•m.... .. ........ ...........�.wue+w.wrnw�o.,wramwec,+>s dRYS'�'. ,asset serat 'terse lat"M1`;• eeet tL.: 33d7T.t etre «"'s,W` en:glCA'
tt WE'VE
��/g-�•��+''q;�;�/'��•9. ap ,7-'�7 •��y�q���j�ry�•' �-yg�'�'ryp�• •�'�g--..�_�@'^yf-•a�.....
g iii weeit, .P.:.I' V ]3J s...9 O E IVI W..►• .B, V THE RI:IN
Mits. Benne:re has recovered from her
until- recent llllreen,
I F13Esn groceries at FITRAt'1{A\ Halts.
J01TN GIrliY of Or Ilia, it visiiiu
town this week,
• T. G. McCracken paid his usual um
ly visit' to town this week.
New arrivals Ws week. Mande
Hanging Ruby Lamps et B. Gerry's.
GooexessI Gracious] bow oan Arthur
Veld sell such beautiful furniture so
oheap ? 21.
STANLEY ANDERSON, teacher at Shine's
school, and wife have become residents
C.srr. Atrettm> was in Oodcriolt this
One the new embroidered dress. goods
0010 at STIUMIA i I3nos,
20 Tug Largest Assortment of Lampe in
of Brussole.
Restore has it that e second h
band will be organized lit town with
Jones as leader.
Beene Bees, have traded their
ning pony "Billy" with a party in W
ham for a driver.
Tem min.np in our story "Me
choice" was occasioned by a defect in
stonotyping. It is all right this week
Jusi to hand at Veal's, now andbea
fel designs in bedroom suites and S
boards. Cheaper than the cheapest.
SUNDAY, December Oth will be "Ch
Wesley Sunday" among Method
throughout the world. Wesley died
years ago.
Metes Redlined Overshoes 51
Heavy Rubbers for gooks 61.76,
Socks 76e. Felt Boots very ch
Angst Goon. 21.
Ws understand that Robt, Wynn,
has been in Wingham for some tie°,
taken a situation in London. He'll
osed all right.
Pooz.--The item referring to Bras
market and the buying of pork the p
per ewe. should have read 50.45 inete
of $1.45. The market report was
Wee violated the Crook's Actin sell
liquor to a minor Usti Monday? You
member this law was never to be broken,
if the "terrible" Scott Aot would only be
Tam was nothing particular done at
the Council meeting on Monday evening
except the passing of a number of ac -
()mints. Nomination will be held on
Monday, 31st inst.
Tne Forest Free Press says :-The
Brussels curling olub, which will oppose
Forest for the District Medal this winter,
is making energetic preparations for a
busy season. Our boys should capture
another medal this season.
Is you are intending to make any
purchases in eilverware or jewelry you
will find it to your advantage to see T.
Fletoher's stock. He has a splendid
assortment of seasonable goods that he
can guarantee to purchasers.
MEAT MaurET.-I have opened a
Butcher Shop, and door south of the
market, where I intend keeping good
meat at reasonable prices. Orders de-
livered in any part of the town. A sharp
of public patronage solicited.
20-4' Jazzes BOWER. 1
Tan first monthly horse fair for this
season was held in Brussels on Thursday
of this week. There were quite a num-
ber of animals brought in cad several
sales made. The next fair will be held -
on the let Thursday in January.
We notice in the Toronto Empire that i
a murder trial has just ended at Sault o
Ste. Marie, in which M. McFadden was
the defending lawyer. Mr. McFadden is
well and popularly known here, being a 4
son of Uriah McFadden, of Grey, and all
will be glad to hear that 'Mae' is succeed. 7
ing so well f
A raw Speoialities et T. Fletcher's, a
Wedding Rings and Marriage License. m
Telegraph to your friends you're corning. b
Take a good Columbus Watch to time the '
train, and if you forget your baggage A
berg she goes by next Canadian Express
train. Hello! before you start pur- o
obese a tioket via 0, P. R. 20- d
RrtoENEAL.-On Wednesday of this
week our young townsman, James W.
Turnbull and Mies Isilda Smith were
suited' in marriage, at the residence of S
Mr. Addie, Stratford, by Rev. P. Wright.
Misr Kate Addie acted as bridesmaid
and Joe. Ballantyne, of Palmerston,
officiated as
town at B. Gerry's. 20
Sus handkerchief fogad. Ask at Tit
POST Publishing House.
A. Douse shipped a oar load of batt
on Thursday of this woelc.
A. l3Ausa.reu and wife, of Seaforth,
rase were in town for a short time this NAISS.
Jae. Attrnun Tree is knocking the bottom
out fthe ria
n o es of furniture, p r tore, Call and
run- see for yourselves. 21.
ing. Rev, S. JONES preaclled at the Presby-
terian church Wtngham Saturday, It was
no's preparatory service to the communion on
the Sabbath.
Moosos, Bstrrir & MALCOLtI )cave pnr-
Uti• Cllae tl the Wroxeter planing mill and
ide- will run it in conneotion with their in.
21 creasing trade in the northern portion of
this County.
ists OsrvEn ibimo, son of Alexander Smith,
100 of Wroxeter, and nephew to Smith Brea.,
of the Brussels plana mill, has entered
.95. the navy of the Unites States and is now
Felt away ell a melee,
cap. GONrNDltrtr,-How is it theta letter
will be carried from San Francisco to
wire Quobeo for 2 cents yet 11 oents will be
has (barged from Windsor to Detroit ? The
sue- letter postage in Canada should be re-
duced to 2 cents the Name as in the
sets U, S,
rico Ceme Ne S:trn.-During the month of A y
ad December I. 0. Richarels, Harness -maker, 011 (i 11
all will hold a cost pries tale. Great her- ruga tt Ute lR CUdIl
gains given in single and double hat'ness,
ing halters, &o. He wants yon to call in and
re. ascertain his prices. Shop opposite tite
Queen's hotel, Brussels. 21-
INsTITUTs.-The Directors of the East
Huron Farmers' Institute have arranged
for the holding of a public meeting, for
the discussion of topics of interest to the
farming community, on the 11th and
12th of January. One of the Professors
of the Ontario Agricultural College is ex,
peoted to be present also severalpromiu.
ent agriculturalists.
TUE annual Meeting of Liberal Conser-
vative Association will be held in the
Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday the
19th inert, at ono o'clock p. m. In ad-
dition to the regular business of eleclion
of officers, eto, some matters of im•
portance will be submitted to the met.
ing for dieoussionand oonsideration, and
it is also expected that the mooting will
be addressed by some prominent 1nem.
ber of the party. It is therefore hoped
that a large number will be in attendance
and take part in the business, eto. Lo-
cal assooiatious should be well re-
owing resolution was passed ou Nov. 6th
and this week a framed copy of the same
was presented to Mrs. McCullough: -
Moved by Bro. T. G. Holmes, seconded
by Bro. John Mooney and resolved,
'That we, the members of Brussels Loyal
Orange Lodge, No. 974, learn with feel.
ngs of deepest regret of the decease of
nr late and worthy brother,' William
McCullough, who departed this life on
November lot, A. D. 1888, at the age of
8 years; 1 month and 11 days. And
that we, the brethren of L. 0. L. No,
74 sympathise with the widow and
amity of our late brother, who had been
worshipful Past -Master and a useful
ember of L. 0. L. No. 774 for a num-
er of years, and whose motto ever was,
Malice toward none ; ebarity for all."
nd that a copy of this resolution be
forwarded to the widow and family of
sr late brother, humbly offering our
aepest sympathy to them in their sad
Great is the loss that we sustain,
But hope in heaven to most again.' "
ig ned on behalf of the Lodge,
Josskti H.BOwtfAN, D. Master;
Lees= Gunny, R. Secretary.
groomsman. Mr. and Mrs,
Turnbull returned to Brussels on Wed-
nesdrey evening, Tae POST joins in the
congratulations for a long and happy
wedded life.
LAST Monday evening the meeting in
connection with the Y. P. C. A. was de-
voted to missionary topics. Rev. Jno.
Ross, B, A., read a very interesting
paper on "The catacombs at Rome."
Solos were rendered by Miss Kate 'Wil-
son and Miss Maggie Stewart, the choir
joining in the choruses. The President
occupied the, chair. Al the next meet.
Mg, on the 17th inst., a lecture will be
given by Rev. Mr. Auld, of Palmerston,
on "Inventions and Discoveries,"
L, 0. L. -The following officers were
elected and installed for 1889 in oonnec.
tion with L. 0. L. No 774 :
Bro. Matthew Wilson, W. M,;
' Joseph H. Bowman, D, M.;
" H. Atooncy, Chaplain;
" A. Gerry, Reo..Sao.;
a' Geo. Cardiff, Fin. -Soo.;
" W. R. Mooney, Trees.;
' M. M. Cardiff, D. Cer.;
" John Bowman, Lecturer;
• John McOutcheon, lst nom„
" F. Mooutcbson, 20J Com.;
" Jas. Oakley, 8rd Com.;
" Geo. Mooney, 4012 Com,;
Joseph 'smith, 6th Com.;
Dr. T. G. Holmere L. A.;
B. Gerry, M. A.;
" Geo. Fitzpatrick, C. 2,;
ENrEoTAINttENT.-Last Tuesday even.
ing a public entertainment was given in
the lodge room of the I. 0. G. T. The
program consisted of musical and liter-
ary selections and was as follows
Greeting song by the choir ; recitation,
',Chatterbox," Miss Allis Young; song,
"Killarney," W. Scott; reading, "The
Newcastle Collier,'" Wm, Roddiok ; quar-
tette, "Ch1 carry moback," MissesMoore,
A. Hood and A. Langdale; harmonica
selootion, D. McDonald; reading, "The
reckoning night," Mies Roddiak ; MUSIC,
"Come where the lilies bloom," Misses
Hawkslraw and Hamilton and Seo. Ilar.
nay, of Atwood ; "The college bell," by
the choirreading, Morton Young; doett,
"Has father been here," Misaso AAgie
Shia' and Lizzie Roddick • solo,Wes
Nellie Stacey; recitation, ,M
armien and
Douglas,' A. Hood 1 duett "Tile boater
land," Mies Edith and T. Hill ; recite. censer -rap esnt:FULLY 11VE14Y u'EEx.
tion, "Darius Green and hie flying ma Fall Whoat 1 00 1 02
chore," Geo, Harvey ; dnott, "Tho hamo
that need to be," Miss Hannah and J. J.
Sr8m.-In Morris, on Daoember 4th, the
lvife of Mr. Jas. Speir ofa son.
SpEIEAN,-In Grey, on Nov. 24th, the
wife of Mr. Edward Speiran of a
MOGILLtarnne.--In Goderioli, on Nov.
21st, the wife of Mr. D. MoSIllionddy,
of the Signal, of a son.
Tulxt tee-BnTTu.-In Stratford, on
Deo. 5th, by Rev, P. Wright, at the
residence of Mr. Addis, Mr, dames
Turnbull to Miss Isilda Smith, both
of Brussels.
Segs, -In Grey, on Deo. 0th, David
Sides, aged 25 years,
KEYS. -In Grey, on December 611h,
Henry Keys, aged 60 years and 4
Rozzar,.-In Morris, on December 1st,
Clarence Addison, infant son of
Charles Rozeil, aged 7 weeks.
Son (re w, -In Brussels, on Dec, let,
Charlotte, beloved wife of Johu H.
Sperling, aged 28 years and 8 months.
FARQ1IIARSON: Ie Grey, on Deo. 1st,
Mary, beloved wife of Wm. Far.
quhaeson, aged 22 years, 1 month
and 21 days.
Fall 'Wllen.t , .. . 1 00 1 02
Spring Wheat ... 1 00 '102
Barley 48 GO
Oats 82 88
Peas, ,.. 58 69
Butter, tabs and rollti, , . 16 18
Eggs per dozen 18 00
Flour per l arrol.......,(3 00 00
Potatoes....26 30
Hay per ton. 13 00 15 00
Hides per lb 4 6,}
Salt per bbl., wholesale.,, 00 80
Sheep skins, each.,,60 1 00
Wool, per Ib. . 18 22
Pork G 00 6 60
relation of the S. S. to the mission field," ald; chemoter song, "t)on't you
to a neat address, Rev, S. Jones, limo. Tommy," Mies MAT Kerr, A, Langdalzi
1t13. Swann, G. A. Deadman, Roe. J. L. and A. flood; wading, "The old man in
Spring Whose 1 00 1 02
Oats 82 38
Peas 78 F>Si
Barley 48 60
Butter, per lb
Jitter, W,R. 'Wilson, A. Stewart end lite, the stylish cherish," T. Hill ; metra- gg1i j tr boron ..... .
s r•
W. T. Clilff took part in tate discussion mental selection, Goo.henry ; "When. Apples, per bathe)
auoe Be For ot.
No ! don't forget it ! Brush
up your old Coat ani send it
to your brother in Manitoba or
British Columbia and then buy
our New Fall and Winter Cloth-
ing. They'll suit you bettor in
the streets of our town. Brus-
sels Clothing Douse is the "auld
acquaintance" that we don't
want you to forget or to avoid.
We'll prolvise to wear well.
House last week. What a week for business. A rush, a crowd
continually hurrying, iwi'dly enough salesmen to wait on the eager
throng. What makes it ? Why such a business 2 The 810)0 rate
of increase for tt year or two more and Brussels won't hold us
Why is it so it Simply because right goods at right prices have
done their work.
Wo believe in, and the good value we have been giving, not only
bring customers back but bring new ones With the old, See our
Overcoat Stook this week. It includes everything new, everything
stylish, everything durable. The finest goods the market affords,
as well as all the medium and lower grades,
:..! few splendid, improved farms for
sale in the township of Grey,Morris and
Moltinop. Apply to A. DEGATTY, Co,
Anationsar,Braecs3sP•0. Transact a General Battktng
On the corner of Mary and mechanic
s treets, in the village of Brussels. This pro-
perty is very conveniently situated and to a
bargain to any person having a family of
young children as it is so near the school.
Good stable and well on. the premises, also
some young fruit trees and a quantity of
small fruit. Apply to the owner on the
ses. s. MRS, TURNBULL, Brussels.
sanmmn offers his valuable 100 acre
farm, being lot 8, non. 18, Grey Township,
Huron Co, for sate. Thom are about 60
acres cleared and In good heart. Thera 18 a
log house, good IMnle liar, beating orchard,
and all the necessary eonyeulonoos On the
premises. Per further particular's, es to
price, terms, Oto„ apply to the Proprietor,
l'1TOS, HISLOP, Clara P, 0„ N. W. T,. or to
0-05 DOUGALD 8'OIiAOIIAN, Uremia
DltnsiONED offers for sale the north
east quarter of lot 28, conaoesion 0, Morris,
County of Huron, containing 60 acres. The
land is of first quality and in a high state of
cultivation, well fenced and under -drained,
46 acres cleared. NO /frame house, 8 rooms,
milli house with concrete walla, 0 wells,
good barna and shod, orchard, etc, Bight
soros of fail wheat. This desirable property
ad oius the ootpnoration of Hrusssle, Suit-
able totes will be givVen. Title perfect,
3A31115 wlc nvn,Owner,.
80• Box 268 Brussels P. 0,
being the south hall of lot number
8o in the dth concession of the township of
Morris known GS the homestead of Archi-
bald Taylor, containing ninotyRino notes,
Ninety auras 000 cleared, the bodanee wood-
ed with valuable timber. Iixeellent build -
Inge, large oroltmd of Miele() trees, soil in
good ooadltion mrd is situated one and a
quarter mhos gotta of the Village of Bruit.
cels, on the main gravel road This is one
of the finest hotnestsad farms iu the Ocunty
of Huron and will be sold ata bargain and
on terms to ant purchaser. Par further
particulars apply to the Proprietor, A. M.
PAYL01,5, Stunning Arcade, Toronto, or to
ARCHIBALD TAYLOR, Sit., on rho prom.
ken. 01.
The lexooutors of the °State of the lata
Wionetat Mammy, Eiseman, deasased, now
offer bbs following valuable leads for sale,
:-'rho north half of lot 27 and the west
belief the north half of lot 28, both in the
0031 oones5sion of the Township of Morris,
County of nurse, containing 150 acres.
About 710 acres aro oleared and in good
condition, tho greater part being in grass.
The balance is tvoll timbered, °Welly with
boeeh andrnaplo.
This harm is faVOrabty siOuatOdwlthiu ons
mile of the village of Brussels, wbioh affords
an mteeilen0 merle% 9l11e1s Is upon the
Promises good frame barn and honor, au
of (hare or ahoioo fruit trees, a "or f,01tng
spring, also a good won mtri auntt, and good
louoos. This mop erty will be seri 10 one or
2I 80 two paraols, to xuit inbending purchasers,
10i8 Pero ulcer 15111 bo allowed to anter and itav:
r nae. of 1lnn0e on premises et any time after
18 o0 WW1' /0,1011,11 pl8wing, F1111pOnees-
G6 00 atonwl)) Ito 8110118.4184 November noire.
or terms and farther part:etttars apple'
tote iei„
reoe, e
le.t" the liaurlio'rtisenecudn•RzoronDo
l, no onh
,iai.et art iltlS C
AntOd at ilruesols, Ju110 18N -4183i. 60
*of the subject, 13lio next meeting 1011 be the mitre have roiled away,', by the Hoge, dressed o 00 i3 310
riiild fn St. J`oho's church on the :3ret 01410. A vote of thanks was passed to Beef 4 60 5 60 ,
'Wedneeday evening of January, whoa . the Atwood young people, of whom there liny , .........: 13 00 14 00
7Et'ar tea s will open u 5 the sub eet t Wes "
va 1 Las about twenty. ,filo chair t
g p Y was `aa- Wood, err rnrd $'0)
p 146
a ata
ttt lane ea
' 1-i] Operator 0 18 s. bi It
s aur,].... nt n V Delta tl
0 Fiar• niers Bina c, Hoatarth. Ndrih nlfiridg0.lnrnborrvstiaat,
•".iaugio ill the Sabbath 1obool,0 espied by W. 11, Kerr; of Tar. POST. 31Tet1 i'1 •n ...' 1
Canadianiaud United S taros Drafts bought
and sold.
Iutorestiallowed on deposits.
• Collections made on favorable terns.
Canadian Agents-MEI,on, 'S HSN$ OP'
Naw VOrlr Agents-IttronTRns ANnITnab•
or, Oonveyaneer, Notary Public,
dm. Oftlets ham's Blook,1 door north of
HargreaaVes' Drug Store, Private Funds to
a • Solicitor and Notary Public. Oon-
Wadeowill atteng. d Collections
day at two doleek,
l..33 l:�i'][ IRi4T.
WI. Pear ,L. D S. Graduate of To-
ronto Scheele! Dentistry. All oper-
ationa guaranteed, 011lno-Oe,dy's
Block, Seaforth.
Ar/idshtl to ath, 8 rstquality , ands
guarante ed 9t,for 318.00perset,
DE L\ TiwtT.
Honor Graduate of the Royal Oolleee 0
Gee admteSurgeons, or rt a painiose s extras
tion of tooth,
OFFRCE,-One Door North or the Hank.
SED Auctioneer. Sales conducted on
reasonable terms, farms and farm stock a
Ing Idolise, Orders3ls aat
sent toPWalton poet
°moo will receive prompt 'attention.
L nen, is prepared to attend to sates on
the shortest notice, A specialty made of
]mowales n b impltestiovttrtTEN Pear Publish-
ing 13oumo, whore orders may be loft, or
addrers to Brussels P 0.
tt,, 55ook,eRay to Terms ohooxfully
ranged atnb'1r'.HE (P.O. Bales Pgblish1 g be
DICI1SON A; HAYS, Brussels.
(Late with °arrow & 1?roudinot, Gods-
oLch) Barrlotors, Sotioitors, Oonveyauoers,BUSINESS CARDS.
&o. Offlee, Grant's Biook, Brussels, Atoeoy 1!
to Ioan.
11. S. HAYS, W B. DI01i80N.
A M. TAYLOR, B. 0. L., BAIL.
• 105TEn, Solicitor, &o., of the firm of
Dieksou, Taylor & tfoOullo,gh,; Barristers,
Solicitors, &o., Manning Arcade, King Street
West, Toronto, looney to loan,
the Fourth Division Court, 0o, Herta
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan
to loantlo()leotionetmade. cit as. in Gra
Grit -
ham's Bloott,nruosols,
vsfa T OUNNlNG6QA'
M. F. 0ALE, 117.`. D,, 0. M.
Itlomberpittro Oolleuo of1'hysioiaus and
Sur Ott ofOntaaiobv examination
B. MoORACKEN, 11813)11
of Marriage Licenses. Office at his
.R Teacher of 011 Painting. Rooms at
Mr. ,Alex. tViisOit'e, Prltooee street, Class
days, Thursday and Saturday.
of Plano sand Organ. TOMO na nn uppli-
N. B.-Walbon class meets ovary Tburaday
and ifridayatMrs. D, Campbell's, Walton.
1@:1 to receive ;pupils for teatime -
Mon on the PIANO and ORGAN. g years
Experience, ?Residence. with Mee ]Aar.
^reaves, over HIARRGItE,sM DBtlfok
13000101. 2100.iyr
Artist, Shot), next door south of A.
1af, elolay & ems. hardware. attire, Ladies'
and ehildron's hair outtlug a spoolalty,
A eholee Stook of clears kept.
o8leo andltasidena-Main 13aot turbo tp ItlaNAIB, ISSUER Ob" totAR.
Ontaric. �H a rings Licenses, by appointment Of
Liont: Governor oommissiwior, &o Q 13
McNAUGII'110N AID ofnooattho0rnnitrookp stClit
o, I', 7}d1nliprsh, nf. r„ 1',
S. Ont. At Barer0avet' Drug Store Irani DI.1?ODP1CIz HOUSE SI('`
M ll street. Y
CenveyanooraniAgont Vire Ihsuraileo
o ao.
0 0a 11:00 a,at. aunt tram 3:812 to 4 p, lit. At ..cud Oruamnntal 1'at ntitr, (arai„ink+
otltse rly r c oupiodfotrail Y)i,tlittutaltioaoala Gilding, Sigel and Daa0ro4ivs Pahltingto all
y , its btsnebao, Shop 1ttt 3o ,]Oise
lemur ll nghlg h spoeinety. -Shop ono door
south of J.I1
• uyors Oarriage walks,
F 1 W. O'13RTTt161, V. S,, HON011
r'd I t
Y)lL'�i r.I,rI�4” Y:i, S°- f:ollorta eras raeulnad tbo 105etle00f,]Obi,
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M. 11 C !i, ]arc lit Vitalised
73.13 elo ric , 7J 1r,.9., A i1 vxd Air girs Mato M»'ehl prinoiples, Dere, t iv to I oeir
o ,-.$Icy 1 two guars
• to na eo. the Oetarta, Votorinnry