HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-12-7, Page 4New Advertisements.
Locals --Arthur Veal.
Locals—Adam Good,
Local—I. C. Rio horde.
Stag route --H. 'Walsh,
Fruits—Geo. 'rhenium.
Lemala--Straohan Bros.
Ah: apology --Adam Good.
Legal advt.--E. M. Chadwick.
Leta) udvt.—E. lit. Cliladwick.
Christmas Goods—T. Fletcher.
c bbt Wfintssels ` ost.
FRIDAY, ,DEC. 7, 1888.
mamma prepared statement of the
votes oast at the recent presidential elec.
lion in the United States shows that 5,.
569,990 ,otos were cast for Cleveland and
5,490,491 for Ilarrieon, leaving a major-
ity of 79,499 for the Democratic nominee.
Time it appears that, notwithstanding
the defeat of Cleveland through the op.
eration of the election machinery pro.
'sided by the oonstitutiou, a substantial
majority of the American electorate de-
elared for tariff reform. Adding the
votes cast for pr,.hibitiou and labor nom-
inees it will probably be found that up-
wards (f twelve million votes were oast
for the Presidential candidates..) change
of seven thousand votes in the state of
New York would have given Mr. Cleve-
land a second terns. Thera is no com-
parison between the manner of eonauet-
ing elections in Cauad:t and the United
States. A. successor has not yet been
appointed to Lord Seekviile,
Tire Irish land commission has order-
ed a reduction of fifty per oeat in the
rents payable by tenants on the estates
of the Earl of lienmare, in Kerry oounty.
This amounts to a deceleration from the
government commissioners that Lord
Kenmore has been for generations ex-
torting from his tenants double the
legal rents. And yet it is aeserted that
the Irish tenantry have no cause of cow.
plaint. The reports of the land tom.
miesioner show that they have been, and
in some parts are still being, robbed by
cruel and selfish landlords, but yet they
are stignatized as rebels if they venture
to oomplaiu. The fact is the unfortunate
tenantry have exhibited exemplary
patience. The Earl of Kenmare resign-
ed his Beat in the ministry and joined
the Conservatives when Gladstone intro-
duced his land bill in 188L The reason
of the resignation is now quits clear.
The commissioners appointed under Mr.
Gladotone's bill have ordered his lord.
ship to reduce his rents fifty per sent,
and have advertised to the world the
fact that Earl Kenmare has been robbing
and oppressing his tenants.
THE farmer who sells his pork live
weight at the prices said to be paid, viz.,
,. ,about 54,75 per cwt., with 5 per cent. off
shrinkage, instead of killing and market-
ing them at Brussels, where the market
runs from 86 to 86.00 per owt., is losing
money right along. A farmer reckoned
up that he saved nearly 510 by killing his
last Wednesday. There would not be
such a noticeable difference if the hogs
were sold after harvest, but when pen
feeding has been carried on for months,
the weather cold and the market steady,
with the prospect of a rise, it is a very
different matter. The buyers dednot
5 per cent. per owt. for shrinkage in pur-
chasing live weight and it has been as.
certained that the offal of a 250 pound
hog will not average more than 50 pounds,
and in that is included the heart, kidneys,
Iiver and lard, so that a person does not
require to be much of a mathematician
to figure out the difference between 94.75
with 5 per cent, off and 56 to 56.60 dead
weight. More than that, a live hog is
not a pleasant animal to handle, and as
they have to bo delivered at the railway
station, sometimes some milds distant,
the farmer will find he saves time as well
as money by butoberiug at home. Kill
your hogs and try Brussole market is the
advice we offer you.
Aar exchange comments, editorially, as
follows:—Tho great railway race between
London and Edinburgh has attracted
general attention on this continent to the
speed not only of suede phenomenal trains
as the Flying Su:Mintan, but of the or-
dinary English and continental express
trains. There are twenty-four trains fi
running oat of ,London daily, which run
from fifty-one to a hundred and fifty.
eight miles without etopping, and these
trains make from forty to fifty-four miles
an hour, not as spurts but as their ordin.
ary running time. The average distance
run by these trains, without stops, is
seventy-six miles, and the average speed
is forty.eight miles per hour. On the
continent, the hest Maine are found and
fastest time is made in Holland ; France
comes next, Belgium is third, Austria
fouttb,and Germany fifth. In Germany,
bowmen., ., the trains aro managed on the
same principal as the German army he,
While no brilliancy is aimed at, the Ger •
man train service can be depended on,
and is generally equal til an emergency,
The three fastest Frena' trains aro
thosoaonuooting Paris with Marseilles
Bordeaux and Calais, The Marseilles
train Intakes the distance of five hundted
snd sixt three miles at an average speed 1 at '' j A 1,0 $_ ' )(31-y
oS forty-two miles, including stops, and ' 1 @ d $ .l 7f
the Culais truiu runs one huudred and
eighty-four miles an hour while in mei We wish to topologies to our Irian and
Jima The fastest Cerman•Auetrien scotch austolue,$ fee not having the
train is the Berlin -Vienne express, wbioh Genuine Amain Toa before this, Wo
runs four hundred and seventy-six miles, bought a tea which was said to be Assam
at a speed of thirty four, wiles an bout, but taken it reached ea we found it to be
including stops. The secret of 'tltsse t4 Ceylon tea and we returned it. C:•ylan
great speeds is the uaters of the road- teas aro very good but they are not equal
way, and until as much acre is bestowed to 1105011,
on their road hods by American railway ' Wo aro tsstiug $ome samples from an -
mon es is given by European engineers other large Importing House, which,
these speeds are, except on a few roads, if they are gehuine, we will still be able
an impossibility on this continent, that to givo our Irish and Scotch friends
19,00 a usual and every day sort of thing,
some of this Magnilioent Tea in time
for Christmas.
TEES Ottawa Free Press remarks :—
Joseph Williams, a Gedsrich salt manta
Lecturer, whose annual output is from
forty thousand to fifty thousand barrels,
is evidently not afraid to compete with
Amsrioan manufacturers in a free mar.
kat. He writes to the papers in favor of
unrestricted reciprocity with the United
States. Mr. Williams also condemns
the proposal of some pusillanimous salt
men to secure a monopoly of the Cana-
dian market by inducing the Dominion
government to place a high duty upon
salt imported from Great Britain and
the il'eut Indies. "f do not," says Mr.
Williams, "approve of the imposition of
heavier duties onlangli-h salt. It appears
to mo disgracefoI, cowardly, to ask for
ourselves the removal ca a burden, and
with the same breath petition to have a
heavier one put on the shoulders of our
Nova Scotia and New Brunswick country.
men." These sentiments bave a truly
Cauadian ring about thein. Manu-
facturers like Mr. Williams, who are
prepared to face competition no matter
from whence it Domes, are a oredit to
Canada. One man of the Williams
stamp is worth more to the country than
a hundred of those who are constantly
forming combinations to make them-
selves rich by robbing the general public,
while at the same time preaching the
humiliating doctrine that Canadians are
such a poor lot that they cannot stand
competition in any line of business.
Unroll County Notes.
J. D. Smith, formerly of Gerrie has
assigned. He lives in Mt. Forest now,
W. A. Spedding, of Milton, has gone
to fill a position in the Bank of Hamilton
at Wingham.
Stapleton cooperage supplied in the
neighborhood of fifteen thousand barrels
for apples this fall.
Geo. Kilpatrick and Mark Wilde, out,
split and piled 11oorde of wood in one
day recently, at Dashwood.
Clinton town hall has earned more
money from shows this fall, than it ever
did before, in the same time, 970 during
Samuel Greer and Edward Day, of
Gerrie, each lost valuable cows. The
animals got a turnip fast in their throat
and were choked to death.
A5 special melting of the Clinton
eounoil last week permission was granted
Reliance Electric Light Company to erect
poles subject to approval of street in-
The English church people at Ford.
with are talking of erecting a brink
church next summer as the old one is
becoming badly dilapidated and is a
continual cause of expense for repairs.
The wife of Mr. Halliday, of Clinton,
who resides near the river, made• an
attempt to commit suicide by drinking
some Paris Green. She has been in
depressed spirits for some time, which
was evidently the cause of her action.
S. A. Moffatt, of Stanley, has threshed
his peas and the new variety of pea call-
ed the Mummy, of which he bad two
bushels, and sowed in the one field with
the same cultivation with the Common
pea, turned out more than two bushels
to the one of the common, with less seed
Al a meeting of the Ssaforth Caledon-
ian Society, the following officers were
elected :— Chief. Dr. Campbell ; 1st
Chieftain, J. A. Lyons ; 2nd Chieftain,
Geo, Patterson ; 3rd Chieftain, Wm. Me.
Lay; Secretary, A. Dewar; Assistant
Secretary, W. J. Fear ; Treasurer, J. S.
Roberts ; Chaplain,l%ev. A. D. MoDouald;
Bard, Itob. Carmichael; Marschall, Chas.
Strong; Pipers, E. Beaton and W. Mo.
KA Mr Little, of Hullett, exhibited in
Clinton the other day a specimen of the
feline speoies which he had killed on bis
farm. The animal was up a tree and, it
being dark, Mr Little could not dis-
tinguish what it was, but the flaming
eyes of the boastie was a light unto him
and he fired in that direction and bagged
the game. But not literally at the time,
for when the brute Dame tumbling down
Mr Little made tracks for the house, not
knowing but what it might be a bear cud,
fearing he had not killed it, he preferred
a fast walk to the house rather than risk
an embrace from bruin. It measured
ve feet three inches from its front
sinewy legs to the hind onee, when
stretched out, and it stood two feet high.
The Clinton New Bra says :--.D. Can.
talon left last work to look after the
disposal of some apples that were to go
to the old country by the steamer Pom.
eranian, of the Allan Line. After ho
had left a telegram was received There
from the managers of the Line, asking
that some one go to Montreal and look
after the apples, as there was a pos.
sibility of them being lost, but this was
refused, as the apples were virtually out
of °iharge of the shippers. It seems that
after the vessel was loaded, it was found
that too many apples were on board, and
about 400 barrels belonging to Cantelon
ee Steep were taken oft and plated on the
dock, where they got frozen, The vessel
started, but got frozen in again at Sorel,
four tugs got her out of the ice and took
her to within 85 miles of Quebec, where
she anchored and wag again frozen in
(the weather being very severe.) Sho is
still theta, and it is fearad that her
entire cargo of apples will all be lest.
Whitely & Iidwards, Goderioh, es well
as Cantelon& Stoop, have te lot on board,
d It is eepected that the law genets
Il be called upon to settle the damago
cl plats the responsiblltty on the
otter shoulders,
and thirty.olx miles at a speed of thirty. an
seven miles an hour, inoludieg stops, the
The Bordeaux train rune three hundred pr
J or rjt^`.>1r° 2roA bre' .'' dfa°''gs3 .(
Pursuant to chapter 110, socu0n MB, 8.0.,
t]le creditors of Anpnnw Onions, tate of the
Village of lhressels, in the County of linen,
Dutcher, ir1r0 died nn or about the L'ifteeuth
day of October, A.D., 188d, and others having
claims in respect to his estate are hereby
notified to send, an or before the Mb day of
January A, D. 1580, to Alexander Hunter, of
the Village of Brussels, 10 the County of
Huron, for the executers of she estate and
(Areas of the said deo mud, their nauhos and
addresses and the, fall particulars of their
eluirus and of the securities fit any) held by
there, and also that immedtntoly after the
said date the assets of the said doseaeed
will be distributed among the parties en-
titled thereto, Laving regard only to the
claims o1 which tbo executors have thou
notice, awl the executors will not be liable
for any assets so distributed to any person
of whose obtain they shall not Lave had
notice, Randal Ruxusnrronn, l Executors,
duet Comas), f
ALEX. 1O15)1(111,
10.1 Ageut for Executors.
Dated at Brussels 2151 November, A.D. 1888,
In the matter of the Estate of SARAH
AIMS/IM ES, late of the 'Township of Mor-
ris, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased,
Pursuant to section thirty-six of chapter
one hundred and ten of the Devised Statutes
of Ontario, we hereby give notice that all
Creditors end other persons having claims
against the Estate of Sarah Armstrong, late
of tbo said township of Morris, Widow, who
died on or about the 27th day of September,
A.D.1888, are hereby required to send by post
(prepaid) or to deliver to Messrs. Dickson .Si
Hays of the Village of Brussels, in the Coun-
ty of Huron, Solicitors forlames Ireland and
William Clark, both of the said township of
Morris, Farmers, the Bseoutors of the last
will and testament :of the said Sarah Arm-
strong, deceased, on or before the 17th day
of December next,a statment of their names,
addresses and descriptions and the fall par-
ticulars and proof of their claims (or de-
mands) upon the said estate and of the se-
curities (if any) held by them, and that after
the said 17001 day of December the said Ex-
ecutors will proceed to administer the estate
end distribute the assets of the said Sarah
Armstrong amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of
which the said Exsoutore shall then have
notice and the said Swatters will not be
liable for the said assets or any part thereof
so distributed to any DDotson or persons of
whose claims they shall not have notice at
the time of such distribution.
Dated at Brussels this 17011 day of ;Novem-
ber A.D. 1888.
19.4 Solicltore for said Executors.
In the matter of the Estate of GE011,071,1A
0413LEY. lata of the Township of Grey. In
the County 0f Huron, widow, deceased.
Notice is hereby given in ]Pursuance of
Section thirty-six, Chap. one hundred and
tan of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that
ail Creditors and other persons having
claims against the estate of Georgina Oakley,
late of the township of Grey, in the County
of Huron, widow, who died o¢ or about the
35th day of September A.D. 1888, aro hereby
required to send by post (prepaid) or to de-
liver to Messrs. Dickson i1 Hays, of the Vill-
age of Brussels,in said County of Huron, So-
licitors for Tomas Oakley and George
Nicholson, the Exooutors of the last will
and testament of the said Georgina Oakley,
deceased, en or before the nth day of DE-
OnAmitnnePa, a statement of their claims,
addresses and descriptions and the if ell par-
ticulars and proof of their claims or de-
mands upon the said estate and of the se-
curities (If any) held by them, and that after'
the said 12th clay of December the said 7'dx-
eouters will proceed to administer the estate
and distribute the assets of the said Georg-
ina Oakley amongst the parties entitled
thereto having regard only to the claims of
which tlio said Executors shall then have
notice, and the said Exeoutora willnot be
liable for the said assets or any part thereof
so distributed to any parson or persons of
whose claim they shall not hays notice at
the time of such distribution.
D:tudatlirusseistbieOtle day of Novem-
ber A,D , 1888.
18.4 Solicitors for said Execu tors,
1@,' EAT MAR% 1 T,
11 4Slain Street, Itrussehs
Tr'eslkNl Salt Meats
Of the bast quality always On band and de.
livered to any part of thoivillago free of
Terms very favorable,
Vox which the highoe% market pita° will
be paid.
I also make a specialty of buying Hides
and skins,.
Don't forgot the place next door to
5letoher's Jewelry Store. A• CURRIE.
Clubbing Offer.
Tnis POST will bo Clubbed with the
leading Weeklies as follows:
The Globe and Tun Poex „ .. 82 25
The Advertiser .. .. .. . , . , 9 00
The Free Prase . , .. .. .. 9 25
Montreal Witness ... .. .. .. 2 25
Toronto News , . .. .. , , , . 2 25
Toronto Empire.. .. ., .. .. 2 25
Ths Warm of this ,year will be glyph
Free to all Now Subset:them.
Wo asst a Comparison of 'Tani Past
with the leading journals of Huron
ELi1'on aft Paorn:EPon,
Des. 7, 1888.
c -
This is the Season of the year when .people are trying to decide what to procure for Presents and
Where to get the Best Value for the money.
1-5 ii LETO -1ER,
has just received his Largo and Well Selected Stock of
and asks you to Call and Inspect the same,
wt'Fo X1,1." `gnr,.i r!"i ./ ?£1' . ', i=w.
I show the nicest lot of Silverware over brought to town, consisting of New Designs in Cake Baskets,
Butter Coolers, Cruets, Berry Dishes, Sugar, Cream and Spoon holders and a )lost of other
articles. No nicer gift can be made, lis they are both Handsome and Useful.
My Stock is very Complete and always Large veil Well Bought. I have Gold and Silver Watches of
reliable makes. Cheap 'Watches from
q$$ 2,7755tyup.
i'7w--g J.y
Handsome Range of Clocks in all Styles, and Prices. • We warrant them to give Satisfaction
Or 110 sale.
A only stock of Violins, Bows, Strings, Bridges, &ic. to hand and Bargains offered in them.
. d i , 4
Gold and Silver Spectacles of the best makes always kept in stock.
Special Value in Ear -rings and Brooches, Watch Guards, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Cuff
Buttons, tSc.
Christmas will soon be here and as I have bought my Goods with the intention of turning them
into money as soon as possible I solicit an Early Call.
All Repairing Neatly and Cheaply Done.
Hanging Lamps and
all Lamps.
We have Just Received a 'Splendid Variety of Hanging and Hall Lamps with the Latest Improve-
ments and most Fashionable Patterns.
Call in and See them and get Our Prices.
0 0 0
'--C SAWS.
Sca1VEN tNt,HAM-N.
rn'7 hP7 't1P400145 is am nu sa-ry '..
asrograiami ti aa,r^cura.is
o Y! - r e
t. i ' ,' '''A
Just received from the Best Manufactures in Canada and tIle United States a Full and Well Selected
Stock of Cross -Cut Saws, including "The President,""Lance Tooth," "Clhampion,' "Racer," ike.
Persons requiring anything in this Line should see them.
0 0 0
A Full Line of the Best CHOPPING AXES on hand.
Seasonable Goods, such as Cow Chains, Halton, Lanterns, Apples Paters, Sleigh Bells, ie,, in
abundance. Sold at Close Prices.
—0 0------- —0
We Guarantee all our Silverware to be exactly what it is represented. & Largo and Well Assorted.
Stock to choose from. Big Bargains in these Goods. Wo have Cruets, Berry Dishes,
Butter Coolers, Napkin Icings, Individual Salts and Peppers, Sic., &e.
Staple Lines of Hardware always on hand. Quotations to builders cheerfully given,
Thanking our Many Customers for their Patronage in the past we solicit It continuance of the