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'Volume 16,
i russole Council Meeting.
The regular meeting of the Village
Council Ma hotel last Monday evening.
Present—(Reeve McCracken and Geunoll-
lora Graham elclntosh and Strachan.
Minutes of last meeting road and
A. oommenf001io11 from A. H. N. Jen-
kins was read and if
Tho following iogount& worn pre-
W, le. Helly, st. improvements ,.8 10 0080
Robb, Medico, .. 1
A. McKay & Co., mioocllaneotls , . 14 14 788
B. Gerry, Fire Rept., fie
Lewis McDonald, st. impts. 140 85
Il0) 000 t & Tuenbull, mieecl'oua, , 0 40
1.13. 3'IaConeb, salary, &o. 50 69
Mrs. Brown, rent, Mos. Wallace, 18 00
Jae. DIaxwell, rent, Mrs. \Villianes 18 00
John Meadows, et. impts.
F. 0. Scott, salary, &n.
Mae, I:lashill, charity
'Ales. Williams charity
2 25
64 14
5 25
Mrs, Bart, charity 3 00
Dr, T. G. Ilolmes, Board et Health 10 00
W. H. MOCC0Ok0n, miscellaneous 4 00
Moved by 3. 101. McIntosh, seconded by
R. Graham that the foregoing accounts
be passed and orders issued for same.—
Report of Board of Health read and
Comrcil then adjourned,
4%tt,test elrere Pv`ctWei.
Imre Ontarle lei lower than it lute
been since 1878,
Col. Ouinlothoe resigned the command
of the Win 13attaliott.
Hy. Schram, of Carniachte, has a
potato weighing over 6 ills.
Over 100,000,000 feet of lumber aro
piled in the yards nt Ottawa.
An Owe❑ Sound Orn of music dealers
shipped 51000 worth of instruments to
the North Share the other day.
A.81000 pipe organ has been pieced in
the Trivitt memorial church at 1'lxute•,
Orillia I'reihytorians aro woe satisfied
with no working of t+lo free pew system.
(:has. A, illoCardlo, town oouncillor
and mcrohaut of Dundee, is going to
Toto wife of Jae. Mowat, jr., of Wal-
pole, presented him with triplets all
Jnu. Pnpplestone, of .Exeter, it than 00
years of age one day lately walked live
muco hi lege than lilty ininutes,
Thus. Comet, of Oshawa, has return-
ed from atrip around the world. He
spent considerable time at Honolulu.
Mr. Scott, of Waterloo, has 500 heed
of mettle in the stables for winter fowl-
ing. Ha intends to add a couple of pigs
Nixon Rosa, of Eganville, while clear-
ing np some old logs in a slashing, ex-
tracted six large pails of honey from a
hollow log.
In the garden of I. Welland of Han-
over, Ont., last week could be seen a
lilac tree in bloom. The foliage was as
green se in dune.
W. 10. Bell, of Indian head, N.W.T.,
is at Ottawa, on his way to England,
where bs goes to re -organize a company
to run tho Great Bell Farm.
James Molders and Todd Quick, of
Colohester, have boon arrested on sue-
picion of boiug oonoerned in the murder
of John Halton, in Tilbury East, last
At Cho annual session of thin Grand
Division of the Sous of Temperance
Wednesday Thos. Webster, of Brant.
ford, was re olooted Grand Worthy
Governor-General Stanley and suite
visited Hamilton on 4aturday. The
place was decorated with arches, over.
greens, liege and bunting, and his vioo-
royalty was addressed and ohoered in the
usual fashion.
Tho C.P.R. are pushing forward the
count uetian •t the lino from London to
the west. Oyoo live miles is completed
and Beady for the rails. By this time
next y, ex the lino will be completed from
the Falls to 1Vindsor.
A young lad about 12 years old, grand-
son of Mr. MoXutoeli, watohman at the
G.T.R. shops Stratford, was shot in the
hand last Thursday. He was handling
a revolver when it acoidentally discharg.
ed. 110 is nob much hurt.
R. W. ov.iokons, of Kimberley, has a
two,year-old sow which downs the record.
Within 18 months past she has given
birth to, and raised, 87 porkers. She
is now oaring for a litter of ten. The
so,v herself is black, and the pigs are
Imre white.
D. S. Horning, Auoaster, planted two
bushels of potatoes last spring, and took
from the field in which the seed had
been sot no fewer than 52 bags. In ad-
dition a family of night had taken their
daily supplies from early in the season
151 the final harvesting.
On Wednesday evening the freight
house of tho G.T.R. at Guelph were
burned down. Three cars of way freight
whioh were standing at the platform were
also consumed. Cause of the fire un-
known at going to press. Nothing was
saved from the building, freight, books
&o. all consumed.
Robt. Dickson, formerly of McKillop,
now a resident of Wheatland, Dakula, is
visiting his brother. W. 1., the well-
known and popular horse -buyer of this
section, Mr. D. says wheat in his ssotiotl
only avoragedfrom five to ten bushels to
the acro this year, opts about forty
bushels to the acre. ewe
A three year old girl consigned to Mr.
Clark, Salton, was among the passen-
g&re who vend through Woodstock on
the C.V.B. express Monday evening. The
little one had 0, card tied to her dress
with full 9001(00ler0 concerning her des.
tination, and made the trip from Toron.
to without the slightest fear or inoon-
A subscriber to the Woodstock Times
writes from Vanoouver, B. 0.
nationalities aro mot in this oity of 8,000.
Chinon swarm everywhere, Negroos,
Indians, Japanese, French and Germans.
The welters, cook and 'maids' at our
hotels are Chinamen ; no othor servants,
A °Micah has a negro organist. The
first evening I was here I hoard conver-
sations carried on in English, Gorman,
Xndian, Japt se and Chinese and heard
'bon torr' best i4A"
A farmer from Caiater informs a St.
Catharines paper that a fow evenings ago
the good people oobneoted with Merritt's
church in that section arranged to have
a niee little social and tea party. The
edibles, whioh were all of tho daintiest
kind, were depoeited in the ohuroh dur-
ing the afternoon, and no surprise of the
elders, pillexe and good people nosy be
imagined when they came thorn after
and fennel them all gone. Ibis supposed
some scamps in the noighborhod came
there with a wagon and oleared riff with
the tea taoltlinge for their own special
Gray Council Meeting.
Coe mil met at Tuck's hotel, Oranbrook,
on November 25rd, pursuant to adjourn-
ment. Members wore all present, the
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last
meeting read and approved. Moved by
Ed. Bryens, seconded by A. Hislop that
the nomination for Reeve, First and
Seooud Deputy Reeve and Councillors for
the year 1880 be held in Tuck's Hall,
Cranbrook, at noon on Monday,
tho 31st
day of December, 1688, and, in case a
poll is demanded, that the followingper-
sonsbe appointed Depi
uty g -
Officers in the respr0l0ve polling sub-
divisions, viz.: No. 1, Duncan McDon-
ald, at schoolhouse S. S. No. 4 ; No. 9,
Thos. Calder, at schoolhouse S. 8. No. 1;
S. No. 2; Nou>4,bJlamat schoolhouse
0.os McNair, at
aeboolbouse S. S. No. 0 ; No. 5, Wm.
Spence, at Burton's Hall, Ethel ; No. 6,
James Lindsay, at schoolhouse S. S. No.
5 ; No. 7, A. Reymann, at Dames' Hall,
Cranbrook. A 13y -law was passed con-
firming the above appointmeets. The
following accounts were resented and
ordered to be paid, viz.:—Thine. Mitchell,
ditch on sidoroad lots 15 and 10, con. 9,
513; Wm. Mitchell, gravel, 512.12; John
Hewes, rop,dring road scraper, 51.75 ; D.
Campbell, treeing scraper, 75c. • L. etc -
Donald, lumber for oulvertt, 520.45 ; P.
Sinolair, culvert on sideroad lots 15 and
16, 000. 16, 58.22; B. Gerry, keg of spikes
for bridge at lot 5, con. 12, 83; Bob).
Scott, repairing culvert lots 15 and 10,
con. 15, 500.; Frank Beiroes, grubbing
stomps and oros0way at lot 33, oon. 6,
51E1.75; Wee. Hanna, cleaning out ditch
lot 35, con. 6, 527 ; L. Bolton, Eugineor'e
expenses, Dltobes and Watercourses Act,
and seinen at of 29, confees, 0, 87 20;Geo. Coate,ditch
anco for grading at lot 26, 0011. 0, 600.;
at lot
25, con. 0, 81; balance Wm. Brown, ditching and
grading on boundary Grey andElma, non.
17, Grey share, 511; H. Alcook, two oul-
vorte, one et lot 18, cou. 15, and one at
lot 15, con. 16. $6.75 ; W. J. Cooper,
cloning ditch in N } lot 82, con. 9,
Engineer's certificate, 547 ; J. Roddick,
gravel, 53.60; II, Ball, gravel and dam.
age to field, $10.20; ie. Bishop, error in
dog tax, 31; Chas. Demos, plank and
spike for bridge at Cranbrook, 51.17 ;
Thee. Straohan, gravel, 518.08 ; Wm,
Statton,deopeniug ditch at lot 81, sons.
9 and 10, 58; E. J. Williams, repairing
scraper and bolts for bridge, 5825; Wm.
Fraser, repairing culvert let 20, con. 9,
51.50: D. S. Campbell, examination and
survey on disputed road allowance be.
'Wise lots 80 and 31, cons. 19 and 18,
52e;; W. 3, Cooper, digging ditolr at lot
29, con. 9, Engineer's award, 55.40 ;
Moluel Shines, repairing at lot 4, nu.
12, 51; Robt. Colette, culvert at lot 30,
con. 12, 50 ; J. Fulton, rent for road to
Kendall, 57.50; H. Granger, two cul-
verts on boundary Grey and Howiok,
Grey ahem, 510 ; Henry Armstrong,
gravel, 52.80; Wm. Pollard, ditohing
and culvert at lot 20, cons. 5 and 6, 514 ;
Dougall] McTaggart, repairing culvert
lots 20 and 21, con. 15, 51.50, Oounoil
then adjourned to meet again at Demes'
hotel, Cranbrook, On Saturday, the 15th
day of December, 1888,
SrEuos, Clerk.
Perth County Metes.
Mr Barnett•, the superintendent of the
G. T. R, works at Stratford, states that
the shops 000 ngw far enough advanced
to admit of the transfer from Hamilton
being made at ono. Mr Barnett has ao-
eordmgly given orders for the removal of
the men and remaining machinery to be
pushed actively until the transfer is com-
om-plThe excise eolloo1ione itt Stratford di.
vision for the month of November were
W. J, Freeland of Strabford has 125
pepile in his choral glass, fifty gentlemen
and the remainder ladies.
The re0ootiou roe Stratford'a electric
light on the heavens can be seen in
Mitchell, twelve miles distant,
'Rev. Me. NoLaurin, of St. Marys, will
preach his farewell sermon. on 8 uuday,
9th Nov. 'Ile gone to take the pastorate
of the Sarnia Bapti&t church.
T, M. Orr, son of A. B. Orr, of Strat-
ford, baa lately boon appointed assistant
intendant of the Union PaoiO0sn11-
The 811et anniversary of the Ortlinatioli
of Do %Gilroy to the priesthood was Ole.
bated Sunday, and Monday morning at
Stratford the 'Melted.
of Benno 'weed
separate school Melted. the Devotee to the
sehool 11111 presented him With An Odessa
and st 1111da0nie silvee tea Service as m
commemorative gift, and tribute of 0s•
teens aitd veneration.
Huron township will eloot two Deputy
lereevee in future.
Three trainmen were ]tilled by a coi-
liaion at 31orribton.
The Canadian Pacifico elation nt St.
Banlfaco, elan., was burned.
Thew is a deficit of 310,322 in the
treasury of the county of 1"ront:mac.
There was a loss of 51,000 in operating
the Megaton street railway last year.
Ono dealer has shippoel over ton car
loads of sweet chlor from Aylmer this
Glaris Bros., of London, have shipped
two oar loads of crockery to British
Jas. Mercer, who has been court crier
for Wellington county for over 30 years,
has reeigpod.
At Kingston a colored man married a
white girl, and a white man married a
colored girl.
M s. Doming, a Gananoque lady, 93
years old, oat, fitted and made a dress
for herself last week.
Lopine, the agitator of the Northwest,
and friend of 131:,1 during the first re-
bellion, is fn Montreal.
A groat many barrels of apples shipped
were frozen solid during the blizzard at
Montreal a few days ago.
A settlor drove into North Bay the
other day behind a peouliar team. It
consisted of a cow and a steer.
A years work of the ladies' aid society
in 0.00,-o1ion with tho Oakville Presby
torten chetah shows 51166 receipts.
A man appeared on the streets of
Kingston the other day driving a pair of
oxen, which had bits in their months.
Harvey Talbot, recently mads heir to
a fortune of 545,000 per annum, left
Winuipeg quietly for England last week,
leaving numerous small debts.
A debt owing to the late Platt Nash,
a Dundee (tatter, who has been dead 42
years, has just been paid to bis daughter,
Mrs. W. R. Gray, for 1)w heirs.
E. Simpson, of Toronto, is charged
with leaving stolen gas from his neighbor
Mrs. Fierce, in a building on King street
by means of a rubber tube for months
While a drove of 36 head of cattle
were aroesing the wooden bridge at Mat -
Mem it suddenly gave way, precipitating
the animals into the rapids below Six
were killed.
Arrangements havo been completed for
introducing a 1301.5 and much heavier rail
on the Michigan Central Railroad. It
will weigh eighty pounds per yard,
against sfx'yOve of the old iron.
A Santa boy soaked a p:clt of wheat
and rye in whiskey and spread it on rho
ground where the quail could find it.
They found it and he gathered tip 66
drunken birds and sold them for 10 cents
The Leeds and Grenville Conutios,
Council, has decided on oontinuiug the
bounty on wolverines. The village of
Farmersville, between Brookville and
We•tpurt, with n pouulatiou of 900, has
become iuoorporated under the naive of
Champion oarsmen William O'Connor
returned to Toronto Monday night, and
50,000 people witnessed the procession
which escorted him to the Horticultural
Gardena, where he was presented with
an address by Mayor Clarke, a ohequo for
51,000 and 5300 in gold.
Some congenial'spirite got tegether one
night lust week at Perth, and held a wake
over the body of rho late "Yankee"
Brown. The proceedings were some-
thing ghoul -like. The dead than was
dragged from hie coffin, and placed in a
sitting posture on the table, a pips stuck
between his teeth, and other horrible de-
vices for unearthly "sport" carried out.
The affair has created quite n scandal.
Engineer Frank Young, who is driving
a constrsation train l000motive on the
new lino between Siotcoe and Port
Rowan, met a lady bite other day who
had never seen a locomotive Until she
saw hie, and who had never been more
than five miles from home since her
residence of 63 years in this country. 110.
Young gave her a 'bort ride over the
nowly.builb road ou his engine, end the
jolting of the steam horse made her sea-
sick, besides soaring her pretty badly.
She will now see trains regularly, as the
line passeth through her township. The
old lady in question is but 65 veer§ of
ago. A. well known citizen of Fort McLeod
not very long ago hired an endian to go
out and shoot geaae for him, and provid-
ed him with a ride aha 50 rounds of
ammunition. Th'e Indian sallied forth,
and it was fully expeotod that, after he
got through with the gem, the remain-
ing few would not think 11 worth. while
to go south for tho winter. Arrived at
the scone of action, the Indian loaded
his gun to rho muzzle, and crept about
two miles toward a look of oast iron
geese which had been put out for decoys.
When ho got within ranee be began
firing, and crept a Iibtle oloser'oaob time.
IIe tired off the whole 50 oartriagea, and
thought he had killed all the geese be-
tween there and Peace River. But he
shot some of those decoys so full of holes
that the man who mado them would not
have reoognized them,
The sew railroad between Simeon and
Port Rowan was opened with mull
jubilation. The road was builb by the
South Norfolk Railway Company, and is
seventeen milds long. But the popping
of the inauguration corks had hardly
ceased when Sheriff Deeds served ori
the company a writ of 550,000. Some
years ago tate Port Rowan and Lake
Shorn Railway Co., of which Col, Collier
woe president, secured a oharte1to build
a road along the &koros of Lake' bi rie, be.
tenon Port Dover and Port Rowan,, and
continuing along the lako shore from
oaolt place. Work was 00100lel0ed, and
eight nlilea of road, roaohiug from Port
Rowan to ler astvilbo, was graded, Otafng
to tho fact that, the promised money Was
held back the company foil into liianciel
difficulty and Work was suspoodod. Sob -
Eloquently 1110 South Norfolk Railway Cc,
secured a charter to build a road from
Sennett to Port I0ceean, This tioniptny
appropriated the eight miles of grading
W111011led been done by Col. Collier's
company, and the $56,000 suit is brought
to compel Cita naw company to pay for
the wank demo by the old 00mltauy.
Andrew Cant, proposes starting out,
the that week in Deo., 0900 a lengthy
and interesting trig Along with a fow
Other 13uffelontane it is ltfr. dent's in-
tention to sail from New York for Gib.
natal, and ft'om that point go on to
Egypt (1,11.4 up the Nile to the first cata-
ract. They will then spelled eked it
month in the 1•loly Land, taking in hen -
galena and: other eiti0s made memorable
by en0red history, A Wiert timo will
also bo spent in Spain, Italy, Greece and
other Countries in Southern Etiralie, 1'e-
tu1.01)1g via France and lengland. The
wholo trip will ocoupy about four menthe,
the party expecting to bo back in Buffalo,
about the beginning of April, -Galt
WaBllington Letter,
('Prom our ltosulav Uorrasperdent.)
WAstr1v000N, ivnv, 10, UK
Congress will reesaembla next Mon.
day. Final properatione for the event
are being mado at the capitol, Clerks
d dinette who have been off on a
vacation are appearing on 11)0 scene, but
fow Senators and Representatives have
as yon put in an appearance. The appro.
printtons sub-oonl,nittee of tbo iiouao
and the joint committee inve•,tigatieg
the aqueduct tunnel fraud in this pity,
aro tho cooly fragmcnte of Congress. that
have gut ;ogtnher y -t. Tho only sugges-
tion of the approre:Mug session about the
House this morning was the eppeerantt0
of teepees Matteis L'liao aid Buohanan,
bard at work on their correspondence at
their desks iu the ball, During the
session Mr. 13nell:man is always one of
the first to reach his seat, rind 110 is nen.
staidly nt work.
The only thing bo had to say about
politics was that if it majority .8 the
3bopubecene were tented they would
certainly organize thin House, whatever
sharp praobioo the other party might
resort to. Each House he said had a
right to judge of the election of its
own members, and the announcement of
the clerk would not bind them if it was
known to be based on false returns. The
House would be judge of its owe affairs.
He said there would be uo play about it.
Very little but the possible complexion
of the next House is tallied of at the
Capitol. The employees are straggling
with the hope of a Democratic majority,
with all no indications against nom. It
sow appears that the Repnbhmms have
all the dietriots in dispute, upon the
Mae of tjte returns, and that it is only re.
meant or mandamus proceedings that
they can be deprivod of the certificates.
The faoo of the returnee as is understood,
gives the Republicans the ono disputed
disteict in Tennessee, the ono in North
Carolina, that in Louisana, that in
Kentnoky, and three in West Virgiuia,
besides leayner's district fn Maryland.
It is not thought likely that thele cast
be such a wholesale overthrowing of
apparent majorities as to reverse those
returns or enough of them to change
the complexion of the Hoose. If D moo -
ants should be certified from the dis-
ptited districts of Tennessee and North
Carolina that would not give the majority
to the Demoorate.
'Whatever apprehension tho olerks in
the Departuteite may have in regard to
their termer. el office under the incoming
Administration would seem to bo en-
tirely without foundation.
Now of course, every one eopeots that
within a reasonable titno aft •r the i'1-
angur4tion all the heeds of bureaus,
chiefs of divisions and other officers not
protected by the Civil -Service lave will be
replaced by Republicans, and no one
knows that bettor than the man who All
these positiens. They expect to go.
,But as tee as the clerks in the depart-
ments are concerned there seems to be
no reason to fear that they will be in
any more danger of losing their places
than if Cleveland had been to-oleeted.
The only exceptions that are likely to be
made are in the cases of some fete clerks
who have been offensively partisan. The
general impre0sion aeome to be that the
fact of a clerk having voted the Demo-
hratio tiokot will not militate against
ufm, but ,iii the comparatively few oases
in which clerks bare left their decks and
gone to their homes to deliver oampaigi
speeches or otherwise take an active
part in the campaign they will probably
have to go. This was a chance they
took when they adopted that course.
Comparatively few prominent Repub-
licans aro in the City at the present thno,
but snob as are here seem to think that
the Civil -Service law will guide Mr.
Harrison in his administration of the
There is some talo of an extra session
being called by President Harrison. It
is desired by the Repo esontatives of the
Torritories awaiting admission. Delegate
Gifford, of Dakota, stopped at Indian.
apolis ou hie way to Washington, and
had a oonfereu0e with President.oloct
Harrison on the subject. He wee in-
formed that the call of an extra session
would depend largely, if not altogether,
on the wishes of tho Congress, and Ido.
Gifford came on to consult with members
about it. He s^; s the people of Dakota
are expeoting an extra session, and
arranging to take advantage at once of
the passage of an enabling act by Cont
Following his newel custom, Secretary
Whitney on Wednesday presented, to
each of the employees of the Navy de,
pertinent and to the representatives of
the prone who watch over rho ieteresb of
the naval establishment, a Ono large
Thanksgiving turkey. The turkeys
given awaynumber about 400.
Stephan 'Williamson, el. 1'.. for Kil-
murnoclt, 11 es subscribed 1:1,000 to the
Parnell defense fund.
An Irredentist ]las been arrested- at
Flonna on nus 11111, en of dc.. igoing to kill
Emperor Francie Joseph,
The (Governor of Lithuania, Reseda,
has expelled all English Protestant mis-
sionaries from that Province.
Prince Ferdinand is said to bo seeking
a marriage 0111auee with the Russian
branch of the Oldenburg fancily,
`.'fr., St. ,John, Ganda/es backer, nye he
is willing to match the latter against
O'Connor at San Francisco in March.
Emperor William is suffering with an
ear aff,'rlien. It is ewer -wee that a
growth ?vis; been discovered inside his
^.0001,1 the students at Princeton Go)-
i:.ge is on, 7d years old. ilo be studying
for chin 111i11iabry an't expeeta to graduate
tbie term.
1:x -Empress Frederick took with her
to England six immense trunks crammed
tvitlt precious artio'ce left by Emperor
The Chicago & Nortlnveatern bridge
across no Mise -mei at Soex City was
cc'onol for trafte ouWedneadny. It cost
A menagerie man at Hamburg esti.
mates the number of olopbante still
living on the globs at 5,500, and that
they will not be extinct for 75 years yet.
Ex Queen Natalie has been returned
all 111e presents which she had given to
Icing Milan, and 1,000,000 francs has
been placed to her credit in the Bank of
It may interest the curious to learn
that Mrs, Harrison will be the 33rd lady
to preside over the Executive Mansion,
although Mr. Harrison will be the 23rd
President Cleveland's message was de-
livered to Congress Monday, and proved
to bo oven more eggressivo than its pre-
decessor regarding the tariff reform
A Now Kersey man, aged 83, and a New
Jersey woman, aged 70, have been mar-
ried to deoide a bet on Harrison's el •c -
tion. The giddy bride bet a wedding
with the frisky groom that Harrison
would not be elected.
Mail advises received here £ro,n the
west coast of Africa say: A ruiner has
reached Bonny from the Upper Niger
that Henry M. Stanley is proceeding at
the back of the great oil rivers under the
British ling, and that the natives aro
The llancbester Ships Canal now
gives employment to 8,508 noon and
boys, 51 steam navvies, 98 locomotives,
40 steam cranes, 3,221 wagons and 104
pumping and other engines. As show=
Ing the popularity of tho column, itis
stated that there are over 40,000 share-
holders, no inconsiderable nunebor of
these being working men.
fir' 001attra.t,1 1'tf ctervae•
Emperor William has recovered from,
his indisposition.
Admiral Chostakoff, Russian Minister
of Marino, is dead.
Coffee prides had a sharp rise on the
Nott/ York Coffee Exchange.
A. blookade of East African ports hoe
boon officially gazetted at Berlin,
General Boyer, the mend of the lato
Gon. Bazaine, is load in Paris,
Tho relations between Germany and
Spain aro becoming very nnploasent.
Tho Belgian striltors aro becoming
more 'violent in Snit domonstoations.
A roan came from Natal, South Melee,
11,000 miles, to New stork, in order to
The Dayton (Ohio) Plow Co, assigned
Friday. Assets, 500,000 ; liabilities not
The Popo will take renege et Vaduz., in
tits Tyrol, in the emit of Italy b000nifng
involved in war.
Tho. railways are malting heavy alts in
passenger retort from (thtcege to irIis-
souri (liver paints,
The largest carpet in the world has
been on exhibition at (1bnelnati. 11 colt.
farms 2,700 yards.
The POpo has ntttpohlted Dee, 31.0 as
e da • of bnorei tttattlregiviitg ill Nemeth
Catholic el811011ca,
Number 21.
]torsesjtook fright and started t'r 11313,11)01
tongue droppo t down and the wager' woe
upset throwing Mr. Hees out on his
back en rho hard ground, injuring him
internally. This wee the ece0nd time
he had been laid up tide yeor, ono of rho
horses kicked hint last winter breaking
his leg. Hopes were entertained for his
re001101'y but they wore Wttltl au death
cams and relieved him from pain. He
leaves a wife and Revere! children to
mourn his untimely demise. Thr'
Memel takes place on Finlay forenoon.
Forex. Acinic ir.—Lust Tuesday after-
noon the funeral of the late Bennet Dob-
son took place from Brussels station on
rho arrival of the express. There wee a
large nnnlb"i• of people fie atten•lunoo
dectrous of allowing their sympathy with
the rolativoa in tbo limey strolls. Law-
rence Dobsen and 'Phos. ,]launders, the
father and futhcr•i n I tw of the ieceaseil
wont to Toronto 0111 met the widow and
remains of bar husband The particulars
of the sad occurrence are about ee !al-
lows;—Bennet wee menhirs', on the sec,
Lion of the (1, Y. 10., at Field station,
British Columbia, where they also kept
a boarding license, On Monday deceased
went away, along with the gang, to Otter
Tail station for telegraph poles, was
home for dinnerandthe train was shoat
e, mile from Field station at 0;30 p. m,
when the accident happened. Bennet
was on top of a freight oar and was lean-
ing over to speak to some of the men
when his head was caught bebweon the
projecting boards on the top of the cars,
for the brakeemen to walk upon, as no
train was slacking up, There w00 no
serious mutilation but his neck was
broken and the spark of life extinguished
in a second, before the body was taken
from the top of the leer. The body was
prepared for burial, coftined and packed
in a rough box and ou Thursday the long
and lonely journey, of between 2,0'10 and
3,000 miles, was begun. mfrs. Dobson
says no one could have received better
treatment at the hands of the 0. P. R.
company than she did. Before she start.
ed for home a number of the friends in
that locality met and presented her with
a parse of 5800 as a proof of thin eym-
patbythey felt and in token of the es-
teem in which they were held in
their western home. The subject of
this notice was 24 years of ago and was
united in marriage to Miss Sarah Mauh-
dors, daughter of Thos. Maunders, last
December. The young couple went to
British Columbia last February Bemired
a good situation and were doing well.
Field station 1s at tine foot of a munntain
and two spare engines are kept there to
assist loaded trains to the summit, hence
them is considerable stir all the time.
attire community deeply and sin-
oeeely sympathize with the young widow,
the parents mid friends in their sorrow.
Nast Sabbath evening Rev. J. T. Legear
will preach an appropriate discourse,
bearing on the sad event, in the Ketlto.
dist church.
Township Council will be hold at
Damon' hotel, Oranbrook, on Saturday
of next week.
The nomination for Reeves and
Councillors will be held in 'Puck's Hall,
Cranbrook, on Monday, 31st Inst.
Simon Grant is pushing life insurance
and s000eedo well. He has taken a large
number of risk- since starting out.
Our threshers are still doing consider-
able work with their steamers, orating
straw and chopping grain in people's
The past week or two has been splendid
for cutting wood and everybody seems to
bo taking advantage of i1 to get the win-
ter's supply piled up.
Zuoh, kloKee split the big toe of one
his feet last Monday while chopping.
• e had the injured member dreseod and
will soon he richt side up,
The new barn of Maloolm Lemont, to
,';replace the one destroyed a few months
gage by lightning, is up althoagh the
cold wsatllsr and snow somewhat detains
the work.
A tee meeting will be held at Roe's
chunoh on Tuesday evening of next
week, lltb inst. A number of speakers
lu.ve been invited and a pleasant timo is
A groat number of fat hogs have been
betigltt up in this section during the past
week by shippers. Prices range from
410 to 50 per lb., live weight. This is
something new in these parts.
The funeral sermon of the late ]firs,
John H. Sperling will be preached in
Whitfield's church next Sabbath, at 2:80
o'clook p. m., by Rev. R. Paul. The
pastor, Rev. J. II. Dyke, will also assist
in the sorvioo.
S. Y. Taylor, teacher at Smith's sohool
house, is away this week writing for a
higher grade el n lot close 0ertiOoate.
He now holds a 101 0. He's a great
worker, Malcolm Black, of Morris, is
teaohing for Mr. Taylor this week.
Dtttn.—fin Thursday morning of this
week David Sides, a young man, aged
25 years, di013 on lot 10, oon. v, after a
Mad illness. The deemed wee at
church on Sunday but left for home es
he took a severe pain it his right leg.
This feeling went up to his head whiob
soon ended life, Interment_ will bo made
at Elmo, Centre on Friday.n
Mrs.Fargnhnreon, of whose illness we
spoke last week, died last Saturday ovou-
iug, aged 22 years. Her death was
another 1ritlmph for the Christian faith.
The funeral took place an Monday after-
noon from the re8idenc0 of her mother,
'kers. Wm. Shiuo, A great many calls
have boon made by the grim monster
death on this family during the past
eight or ton years.
Soaln11111Io Wutrrit 1(i awtxci.--W. Situp-
sof & Son have received a choice stook
of groceries and Xmas goods which they
will soli at special prions. belt boots and
overwrite at bottom rums. Wo will pay
19e for cuoice- butter done up in 211, rolls.
Visit our wall filled establiehmont.
Yoat0 truly, W. SIMMPSON 1 SON.
D101, -Re lora MOM u0 that Henry
]toys; a well el� known
farmer who livoe
about 16 miles W051 of here, died On
Wedltoscfay of this week. A few weeks
agoat he and him son (,'rank were driv.
ing along the side tend near hence theft
Local News Items.
Two weekelfrom next Tuesday wi31•,be
Christens day.
Fon boots, shoes and overshoes go to
SrnecnAN B1100.
THE Presbytery of Maitland will meet
in Lnoknow next ]nudity.
Rev. A. W. Tongo, of Blyth, and Rev.
el, Swann, of Brussels, exchange pulpits
next Sabbath.
A nenGE quantity of pork is being mar-
keted in Beussels. Onr buyers pay the
top prices always.
THE firsb sleigh bells for this season
wore heard on Monday evening. Cutters
and sleighs were out in fall blast on
J. PsIEN❑atlrr, of St. Johns, was enjoy.
hog a holiday visit with his sisters, Mrs.
James Boss and 1Ira. Andrew Currie jr.
last week.
Dor Sunday Rev. D. Rogers preached
two excellent discourses in the Methodist
oburch. His former friends were 5100.1ly
ple•.sed to hear 1),01 again.
ANNonNCElluors were read for no less
than four funerals at the morning service
In bbe Mothodist chitrah last Sunday,
They wars for the infant of Chas. Rozoll,
Firs. Farquharson, Mrs. Sperling and
Bennet Dobson.
eleenrs Axa Snunows."—Last Friday
evening Rev. David Rogers, of Londes-
bore', delivered a leotnro in the Metho-
dist church. Tho audience was not
large but those who were present greatly
enjoyed tho timely advice given by the
rev, gentleman. The lecture ie well
worth hearing and people who are con -
tinnily in no ehndows should try and
hoar ib.
"DIED.—LASS Saturday evening Mrs. 3.
IL Spaeling, whose illness was referred
to fn the lust issue of Tin Pose, passed
away. Two weeks previous oho gave
birth to a daughter and shortly after
fevers:set in which, despite all that could
be done, culminated in her decorum. Mrs.
Sperling was the second daughter of
John Whittleld, a well known resident of
Grey, and before her marriage took 0,
great interest in church work, filling tbo
position of orgauist, very officiontiy, for
pare, Slee was united in lnarrio.goto
her now bereft partner about four years
ago and they had only recently become
residents of town. Two little daughters.
aro left to bo mud for. The funeral
took 91aoe on Monday afternoon.
Xerox Ouellette—Israel under the judges.
—Thio period of the Jndgoe rule oxtendecl
from Joshua to Samuel and witnessed
many apostates and as many servitudes
by. Iereall. The chief cause of DeraePs
miseeles was twofold, Ist, They tee-
gleoted to rid themselves of badoomplany,
for they neighbored and befriended the
Canaanitos, 2nd, They failed to toaoli
the law 06 Jehovah to their children,
,lust like Christian Israel el this day,
Wo suffer groveltiug, inOdelity and
drunkenness to neighbor ns and, fu one
way or other, we seem to befriend both.
Tltoaeeptioat prose and the bar of the
tavern aro the Moabitee and Midlanitee
and Philistines of modern times, and if
nue tans and enngliteee Otto carried ileo
emotivity by them We havo 0111‘0013305
largely to bintno,—Rina. Mr, Howie loaves
for Lnekno0 on 1Vtontlay, but is oxpotted
in Ilruesels the following Stttur(lny,