HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-11-30, Page 8•4,
Aro you /11 lie ea oficita3: 411411y11:1,14H was "doing" the Queen EiteittlitIGAINIatactr
Dosee forget the Hone Foie on Thurs. Sabbath in Gederieli,
tiny ef not week. Miss Bowan, of EarriniOn, in seeiting . BIATHDAy Hum TU e Largest A eeortment of Lamps in her aunt, M. S. Fear.
I I " WWII at B. Gerry's 20 Mos. Wan MeCtimotton is visiting
SAMMY of this week ushers in the friends in Gederiell this Week,
!venal of December. Miss Haws= spent Sunday in Sea.
Proem wonder how Ar' Mr Veal sells forth renewing old acqnainteneest.
New arrivals this week. Handeome
Hanging Ruby Lamps at B. Gerry's, 20
Winn (?) geese to said to be plentiful
this Fel and they are said to be quite
tame, too.
hoe taken a drop awl some of
the farmers wish they had sold when
$1.22 we , offered.
Owners to a rush of job work and the
ihrees of ono of our staff Tun POsT was
delayed a little this week.
Orn townsman Cleo. Hayoroft is on
the sick list just now and unable to get
to the store as usual. We hope to soon
pee him able to get about.
B. GERRY was in Toronto last week
end on Saturtley tool, in the jeeiell
Synagogue service, his lint experience in
tide peculiar style of worship.
Mus, 'Enos. Ilsvonore and children have
gone to the vicinity of Ethel, where they
will spend a portion of the winter, at
least, with relatives and friends.
QUITE tt number of our townsfolk were'
interested he the O'Connor-Teemer boat
race and were, of course, greatly pleased
with the result, received by wire Saler.
day evening,
ON the 15th in•t., Ino. Robertson loft
Glasgow on the steamship Auehovitt, for
home and is expected hero in the course
ef a few deys. His smiling countenance
will be weloomedarnongst his old friends.
I. 0. G. T. -A. public entertainment
will be given in the I.O.G.T. Hall, Brus-
sels, next Tuesday evening. A. good
program is being prepared. Repre-
sentatives from the lodges at Attwood,
Ethel and otter places are expected.
TEE officers of the Army who have
been here for some months have been
returned for another term, receiving their
orders when they got to Palmerston last
week. They are .faithful workers and
are meeting with a measure of, success.
mosomAx slide is to be arranged at
the Brussels Lime Works which will
afford no small amonnt of pleasure to
our residents. W. F. Kelly and A. J.
Lowerylleve. have the matter in band, we
Then you would do wisely in seeing
We lever have had a 'liner stook Gum
we can ehow you ta the present time.
You know Xmas will soon be here and
we have made special preparation for it.
We have not space in this issue to de-
scribe our fine line of X."111,10.4
CAUX)eiti and 113030IK.J.80 EPA'
we have them all the same, Au inspec.
Tithe:gist, Bookseller end
Fancy Goods Dealer
those beautiful bedroom sloths so plump.
Bemoans Scheel Board will hold its
not meeting on Friday evening of next
&mean Brusselites will essiet in the
Attweel Band torteert mi the 121h of
next month.
TEE now V011'4111 ban greatly im.
proved the appearaneo of Alex. Hunter's
miaow, Alexander street.
Tito Band has received a bundle of
DM English musio that they hope to
present to the public. before long.
Jim. C. IftnianKr is back to town, Ile
has boon tem for several weeks in
Mullett township completing a dwelling.
Ter names of renerants 20 sets at the
Municipal and School Board are being
mentioned but nothing definite is known
.,. tie far as we know.
No RF-ridED-i team sten away from the
Storehouse el the station on Thursday
etterroan. Tho wagon end berme;
give e such nnivereal satisfaction as the
were semewhat damaged.
COUGH REMEDY manufactured in
Seaforth, called
?)°,loyal Glyoorofted Balsam of
Bopse I000 be Improving 10 the
carriage making line na a new hana has
come to assist T. S. Humphries, of the
firm of Walker & Humphries
Doter forget the leettne le the liethod•
is' ehurell on Friday eveninte of this
week. Subject, "Lights and Shadows,"
by Rev. David Rogers, of Lonclesboro.
NEXT Sabbath Rov. 1M, Swine ma
Its wonderful virtues bare created a Rev. D. Rogers, of Londeaboro', will ex.
demand for the Preparation from all °halm work. Mr, Rogers was once the
parts of the Province. junior pastor of the Methodist church
Druggists sell it. here.
17.6028. As opportunity is afforded some push-
ing man to manage the Maitland skating
and curling rink this winter. W. M.
Sinclair has the matter in hand as to
terms, &0.
LAST Tuesday afternoon Wm. Smith
received a cheque oo a New York bank
for the $8,000 be won in the Louisiana
State batten.. He was within one num-
ber of drawing $15,000.
LEOTME.-Rev. Mr. Auld, of Palmer-
ston. is announced to deliver a lecture on
"Inventions and Discoveries" in Melville
church en Monday evening, December
17th. He comes under the auspices of
the Y. P. C. A.
WEAT we EAT ESFECT.-Promotion SX.
aminations in the various departments
of the publics School. -A boom in oysters.
-A drowning accident if people are too
ventnresome on the recently formed ice
oe the river. -People will express anx-
iety for winter and growl like sixty when
the snow comes to stay. -A rush of
poult7 on the market.
WELL Meanie AND Damiasie.-George
Pat has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepared
to attend to all work entrusted to him in
a way that will inenee satisfaotion. Wells
cleaned out and pet in proper shape.
Terms reasonable. Residence second
door north of the bridge, west side of
Turnberry street, Brussels. 5-01
MED. -Last Tuesday acmes Pelton,
father to Mrs. RobtWilson, of George
Love & Co., died after a lengthened ill-
ness, aged 64 years. His home is near
Innerkip, Oxford County. Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson left on the noon train on Wednes-
day to attend the funeral. Mr. Pelton
was a men of strong religious feelings
and was a great worker in the church of
his ohoice.
TriOs14 intending to pnrchtuse Presents
for the Holiday Season call aria see our
extensive stook, which consists of a full
line of Silver plated ware, Gold and Sib
ver Jewelry, Plated Jewelry, Watches and
Cloak% Gold Rings, Searfpins, Earrings,
Brooches, Bracelets, Chain., &o. Violins,
Bowe, Strings, &c. A long experience in
my business warrants me in saying to
the public that we buy right, as to Price
and Quolity, enabling us to guarantee
our goods of A 1 quality and cannot bo
undersold. Repairingcheaplyandprompt.
ly done. T. FLETCHER, Jeweler. 20-
Exox the course of his
NOTICE OF REMOVAL. -Dr. Graham has remarks on the lesson last Sabbath Mr.
removed his office and place of residence Howie said that Sheol:tem, the scene of
from his brick block, Turnberry street, the incidents of the !mon, lies in the
to his new residence, opposite Melville
church, William street. 14-
NOTIcE TO TAXT&YEES.-The ratepayers
are hereby notified that all taxes are to
be paid to me on or before December let,
I will bo found at Ross Bros.' store ready
to receive the same. JAS. Ross,
17-3 Colleotor.
res Sa."-Thials the title of
a eong service to be given by the Webb°.
dist Sabbath school on Friday evening,
December 21st. The service will take
about an hour and sehrolf in its presents.
tion. It is a splendid selection. Don't
forget the date, Friday, Deo. 21.
A erty Specialities at T. Fletcher's.
Wedding Rings and Marriage License.
Telegraph to your friends you're ooming.
Take a good Columbus Watch to time the
trein, and if you forget your baggage
bang she goes by next Canadian Express
train. Hello before you start pur-
ohase tioket via C. P. R. 20.
lams have a splendid lot of °littera and
sleighs just finished, The timber is the
best, thoroughly seasoned and the work.
enanship cannot be beaten. Wo will nob
be undersold, The customer with the for 1,000 feet of hose at 00 ate. a foot, end
cash in hie hand can make a great bar. the clerk instructed to notify Ronald to
gain. Give us a call and. eee our cutters
mid sleighs. SCOTT & Wmx.rcws, Mill
Street, Brussels.
Tnsent Yon GEETLE3IEN.-To the many
who have, within the last few weeks,
promptly paid their subscription amount
to TEE Pom we return thanks. We niusb
again request those who have not settled
to do so at once, as we, like almost 00017-
0010 else at this 500.0011 of the year, are in
need of every cent due us. To those who
are still indebted we wish them to look
npon this notiee as a square, good.natur.
ed, imperative dun.
5510210(1 00 $1,000 is offered by the pub-
lishers for the best letter of suggestions
fox Christmas souvenir that will equal
the Christmas Number of the Montreal
Star, at the publishers prem. Competi-
tors to give their full name and address.
Tine year's Christmas Star has twenty.
eight pages of beautiftl illustrations,
articles by eminent writers, four :superb
supplements and other attraotions of a
surpassing (diameter, Itis for alla away
ahead Of anything yet published. Orders
for copies to be sent to England are the
largest on record, Those who cannot
procure it from a newsdealer will receive
it by sending the Mall amount of 40
cents to Elie publishers, Montreal. Foe.tage stamps of one end three 20220 ao.
ro*ttlion Will In accepted,
Erma 50 oto.
5001011022 EXTENSION, NV', 5. & E. a.
Troineleave Brussels Station, tort and
south as follows:-
Doing South. Going North.
Mail... 7:02 a.m. 1 Mixed 9.80 am
press11145 am. ...US p.m
Mixed '3:8011.04. 1 Exproes ..... ....9:45 p.m
vocal gam Pius.
A elders mans ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
AnvESTISE your Xmas goods.
Cowan meeting next Monday evening.
OrnitcoATS from 63 up. Adam Good,
H. L. Demme was in Seaforth last
Mao. W. G. Et/seamy has become a
resident of Brussels.
REPAISS in harness doue cheap and
well at I. C. Richards.
ALEX. STRAcitiri 10218 ha Toronto for
several days this week.
No use talking Arthur Veal is selling
all kinds of furniture very cheap. 20
Moss Beenestx, of Seaforth, is the
guest of Miss Lily Moss this week.
Semen= New. Get your ohoice of
Silverware this week et 13. Gerry's. 20
CALL at TEE POST Bookstore and get
one of the well-known Pansy series of
stories. 20.
Aur quantity of fresh lime at the Kiln,
Brussels, for 11 cents a busthel. W. le.
ICame, Prop.
Amur Goon expects, in a day Or so, a
lot of fine Indian Teas, the Genuine
Assam Black Teas, 18-
CALL and examine my etoak of Watch-
es, Cloaks, Silverware, Jewellery, &o.
H. L. 73039012, postoffiee block. •
Tun concluding chapter of Rev. G. B.
Howie's lecause on "A. journey acmes
Lebanon" may be read on page 3 in this
:lame of Ton POST.
WANTEn.-A. plane as general servant
in a private family. Any person desir-
ing a servant should apply at Tun Pose
Publishing House at once. 18
valley between Gerizim and Ebel, 35
miles north of Jerusalem. Jacob's well
(John ra.) is close by and hence he
grouped old and new Testament incidents
on account of their connection with the
spot. The town at present goes under
the name Nabsous, having it Illoham
medan popnlation of over 10,000, about
1000 Christians and over 100 Samaritans.
There is a Baptist missionary laboring
there, but as in any other part of Turkey
the work is parried on under a distal -
vantage. -Thos. Strachan has been re-
appointed to represent Knox ohnroh at
the Presbytery and Synod.
NOT 'OP TO Blairlai,-The Chesley En.
terprise save :-Our village council
ought by this time to be pretty well
posted in the matter of hose. J. D. Ron.
old, of Brussels, from whom the engine
was purchased, offered a hose at 85 cents
a foot, The Connell took 15 days to non.
eider the proposition and 01 the mem.
time, from inquiry, apparently became
satisfied that the "Paragon" hose gold by
Blakey, of Toronto Rubber 00,, was ft
much better hose than Ronald's. An
order was, therefore, given to MoIlroy
take his hose away. MoIlroy promptly
/filled his order, but when it arrived it
appeared to be different from the first
sample. In foot the difference could be
easily detected by the most inexperienced
in such matter. His hose was therefore,
promptly shipped back, and Mr. Ronald a
hose finally purchased. Them can be no
doubt tho latter ie a mum superior a-
! ticle.
i Warms' LIST Coanz-Notwithstanding
the gabble of the Budgeb about the re-
sult of the reoently held Voters' last
Court in Brussels we adhere to out re-
port of last week and we defy him to dis-
prove what we say. Hero is the list, as
certified to by Judge Toms :-Reform ap.
eats to put on, A. Brook, John Clark,
in. MoItay, E. EL Tompkins and H. I.
Whitley -5. To strike off, J. Denman,
sr, and jr„ J os, Laird, J. Mooney, T. Nor-
ton and Richard Sperling- O. Total 11.
Conservative appeals to put on, 3. M.
O'Connor, 3, L. Sturdy, jno. Stratton,
Geo. Mooney, Goo. Jamieson, Ino. An.
gus, It. Watt, 3% Cooper, 3. 7. Denman,
J, Cook -10 To strike off, R. Taylor -4.
Total 11, makin? it even for ratimorl
Aft ft parliantentary voter. Now, Who
is right? Bring along your proof.
Neither bliss O'Connor, l'awitilis 1101'
Costs were struck off nor was Mrs.
Brent's name pat on.
. . inge' name Wail lta 'ea
TEE Kingsville correspondent of the
Amherstburg Echo writes On Thuriday
G. W. Green & Sons (formerly of Brus-
sels) shipped three car loads of haloes to
the Bain Wagon Works, Woodstock, over
the L. E., E, & D. Ry. This is the first
ehipment from Kingsville.
313.35 11.2inxise.-I have opened a
Retailer Shop, 2nd door south of the
market, where I intend keeping good
meat at reasonable prises. Orders de-
livered in any part of the town. A share
of public patronage solicited.
20-4* Jams BOnonn.
Tun weekly Sand weekly) balderdash
h hied nt Tnn POST does not 089 On Us.
We are able to eat and sleep as well as
usuel. We know the name of one fellow
who will never receive a chrome for
minding his own business, however. as
au old Englishman remarked, "It pleases
he and don't hurt I." Fire another
Cnevanies.-The second meeting of
the Union Sabbath School Convention
will he held in Knox church on Wednes-
day eveuing of next week. The topic of
the evening will be "The relation of the
Sabbath Scheel to the Mission field," in.
trodueed by the pastor,Rev. G. 13. Howie.
The pastern of the various churches will
kindly announce the same.
DVss.-At Efenfryn, on the 21st inst.,
the wife of Rev. J. H. Dyke of a
Hustemuse.-In Brussels, on the:720th
inst., the wife of Mr. T. S. Humph-
ries of a, son.
KTDEN-GounoN.-At the residence of
31r. Robert Gordon, Grey, on the
21st inst., by Rev. D. B. McRae'Mr.
Nelson Hayden to Miss Annie Gor-
don, both of Grey township.
Gonnox-Dsex.-At the residence of the
bride's parents, Grey, by Rev. D. 13.
McRae, on the 1 i
4th net., Mr, Robert
Gordon, to Miss Clara A. youngest
daughter of Mr. George Dark, both
of Grey township.
IStanw-Barsx.-In Pueblo, Colorado,
by Rev. Mr. Hicks, cm the 16th inst.,
Mr. Allan McLean, of Walsenburg,
Treasurer of Huorfano County, to
Miss Kate, eldest daughter of Mr. J. VIAB,111 POR SALE.—'PHE UN-
P. Brine, of Seaforth. L Duns/mum offers for sale tho north
east quarter of lot 28, eoncession 0, Morris,
County of Fluron, oontaining 50 acres. The
land is of first quality aodto a high state of
oultivation. well fenced and uudor-drained,
45 notes 015210821. Newham° house, 8 rooms,
milk house with concrete walie, 2 wells,
good barna and shed, orchard , ote. Eight
flares of fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the eorporatiOn of Brussels. Suit-
able terms will be given. Title perfoot.
80. Box 258 Brussels P. O.
14... • 44.. kemouvrimmuraszaravrosesssocasu
Nov 30, 1888.
Should Auld Acquaint-
alloo Bo Forgot.
No I don't forget it ! Brush
up your old Coat and send it
to your brother in Manitoba or
British Columbia and then buy
our New Fall and Winter Cloth-
ing. They'll suit yon better in
the streets of our town. Brus-
sels Clothing House is the "amid
acquaintance" that we don't
want you to forget or to avoid.
We'll promise to wear well.
:k3A itx1f,,w!,
AHouse last week. What a, week for brisines5. A rush, a crowd
continually hurrying, hardly enough salesmen to wait on the eager
throng. What makes it ? Why such a business ? The same rate
of increase for a year or two more and Brussels won't hold us
Why is it so ? Simply because right goods at right prices have
done their work.
000D S—UFF,
00011 MAKING/
We believe in, and the good value we have been giving, not only
bring customers back but bring now ones with, the old. See our
Overcoat Stock this wed:. It includes everything ; new, everything
stylish, everything durable. The finest goods the market affords,
as well as all the medium and lower grades.
A. tow splendid, improved farms for
sole in the township of Grey, Morris and
MaKillop. Apply to 21. DELGATTY 0o,
Auetionser,Brassele P O.
On the corner of Mary and Mechanic
s treats, in the village of 13ru seals. T11113 pro- 'NOTES DISCOUNTED.
party is very conveniently situated and is a
bargain to any person having a 'family of and Bold.
Con adiationd United 3 totes Drafts bought
young children ne it is so 130(1.0 the school.
Coed stable and well on the promisee, also Inierestindlowed on deposits.
sizti.eily.o.ung fruit trees and a quantity of Collections made on, favorable terms.
small fruit. Apply to the owner on the
Canadian Agents-Iffnummer's Boor or
15.42 EMUS. TURNBULL, Urns:401c CIANAliA.
New York Agente-Istrotruns AND:VrnAm•
Transact a General Banlang
1. 50111:81115 offers his valuable 100 sere
farm , being lob 8, eau, 18, Grey Township,
Huron Co,, ler sale, There are about 50
acres cleared and In good heart. There 15 a
log house, good hank barn, healing orchard,
and all the necessary conveniences on the
premises. For further particulars, as to
price, terms, eto., apply to the Proprietor,
11108•HISLOP, Clare P. O., N. W. T.. or to
2-11 DOUGADD FiTHACHAN, Firuseels
Pmecur.-In Innorkip, on Tuesday 27th
inst., Seines Pelton, aged 64 years.
Senweite.-In Brussels, on the 20011 inst.,
John Stewart, Batrister, aged 81
years, 4 months and 0 days.
Tottrants.-In Brussels, on the 25th
inst., Eva Georgina, infant daughter
of E. H, Tompkins, aged 11 months
and 25 days.
Minnedosa, Manitoba, on
Nov, 17th, Ida 122., youngest daugh-
ter of W. P. Mann, formerly of
Brassels, aged 8 yews.
Fall Whoat 1 01 1 00
Spring Wheat
Peas. 58 00
Butter, tette and rolls.... 17 18
Eggs per dozen 18 00
500 00
:15 40
10 00 14 00
Hides per lb 4 64
Salt per bbl., wholesale60 80
Sheep skins, each... 00 1 00
Wool, per lb... 18 22
Pork 000 O&
1 00 1 00
50 66
33 34
Flour per barrel
Potatoes .....
Hay per ton
V being tho south half of lot number
110 in the htli concession of tho township of
Morris, known as the homestead of Arehi-
bald Taylor, containing ninetrnine acres.
Ninety item are 01 5211150, the balance wood-
ed with valuable timber. Excellent build-
ings, large orchard of onoloo trees, 0511 in
good condition and is situated one and a
quarter miles north of the Village of Srus.
sole, on the main gravel road This is ono
02 0120 finest homestead farms in the County
of Huron and will bo sold at a bargain and
on terms to snit purchaser, For further
naktieulars apply to tho Proprietor. A. X,
TAIL0)1, Matting Arcade, Toronto, or to
ARCHIBALD TAYLOR, Bit,, on the prom-
The lexecators of the estate 01 1118 late
Wirsame Moony, ltsmnini, deceased, now
offer the following valuablehaute for sale,
mis,:,--The north half 01 15027, and the west
half of thenorth half of lot 28, bah in the
gth coneession of the Township of VOIT1S,
Idoinity of Muron, =Anteing 130 soma.
About 110 acres ere cleare(0 and in good
condition, Esc greater port being in grass.
Tlie balance is well timbered, chiedy with
beech andinaple.
COMMUTED 03117001300I 11001111 WENN. This farM ie favorably situated within ono
11'611 Wheat 1 04 1 06 mile of the village of Brussels, width affords.
Spring Wheat
1 00 1 0(1 an (moollent niarket, There 19 open the
Oats83 34 001011055 514001 frame barn and houto an
58 60 (=hard of cholee froth trees, a never Sailing
spring, 21100 21 good well and pun*, and good
Potatoes 60 WI femme. This property Will 00 geldn. ione or
301 410 w7 8 1 o parade, to tent intending pureheners,
roer Will alternate enter and have
Dutton, p01110 use of Muse on promieos at any time after - --- - - - • - -
fleet ......
4 50 $ 50 , mealier, ns0,, ranahtelit,
a 00 n 85 FM. tornui and farther particulars apply - 1.-...... -,....._ . .
to the tuatersi nod Excniters, or, h 3002121>xiivrytirkipTijEtv ,,
. .
Lgge, por domm 18 00 harvest end to do fan plowing, W11105808-
Apples, par bushel 65 .. 00 scan will he given at 1st November next,
flogs, drassad ,
Bay ... .. . .......... 12 00 14 001 0, L. Belt I, D 8
2 en ,1 go . IIINVITIA, IlItovIrroull. .g. 15. 0, /a k. Toy'entinllititil'igirlitrgati
Wood, per cord
., ;g24)fettrt 0"rtt°1
Sheepskins, oach„,40 /6 Driod etIlressels, ane M111. lel, CO (gi4i;Poeftrt,
• or, ConveYarmor, Notary Public,
&o, °Moo 'Graham's Bleak, 1 door north of
Hargreaves' Drug Store. Private Puede to
12...1 • Senator and Notary Public. Con-
vaYinicing, Collections and Loaning. Mr.
Wade will attend in Condo every Wednes•
day at two o'clock.
(lotto with eintrims Proudfoot, Gods -
rich) Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers,
.te. Office, Grant's 13lo0k, Brussels, Money
to Man.
B. S. HAYS, 30.15, DICESON,
.21(3.. =TEE, SOlieitor, it:e„ of the firm Of
Dickson, Taylor e51 DIeOullongli,i Barristers,
Solicitors, &o., Manning Amite, Zing Street
Wed, Toronto. Money to loan.
the Fourth Division 0 ourt, Co. Huron
Conveyancer, Notary Piddle, ,.,and, Loan
and Insurance Agent. Penile invested and
to loan. Collections made. Oilice 211 Gra-
hati's filocic,Brussele,
Itp,aeRT CUNNING/414,
M. F. CALE, M.D., O. M.'
Member o Ulm 00110(0 Of Physielans end
8011 50004 sI Ontaal.0 examination,
WI. Pear ,L.D S. Graduate of To-
ronto School of Dentistry. All °per-
atiou s guaranteed. OM oe-Cany's
Block. Seaforth.
Artificial tooth, firstquality, ands
gnarantned fit,/ or S12,00per set,
8s1 2D. 00,,Honor Graduate of the Royal colleen at
Dental 80028005, Toronto. Nunes 0=04
GAB admintateroci for the painless extrac-
tion of teeth.
OFFICE. -One Door North of the Dank.
son Auctioneer. Sales ootilooted on
reasonable term; farms and farm otook a
imeeialty, Orders le16 at Ton Poem Publish -
Mg House, Brussels, or sent to Walton post
office will receive prompt attention.
A LEX. DELGATTY, AUCTION.41.. 191011, is prepared to attend to sales on
the shortest notice. A specialty mode of
sales of thorough -bred steak. Terme made
known 1.1. appliotition 1( 01533 POBT Publish-
ing Molise. )there orders may be loft, or
address to Brussels 1' 0.
is(awn.ys ready to attend Wes of
farms, farm stook, &a. Terms cheerfully
Oraubrook 133.0. Sales may be at -
ranged at 'Pun Pose! Publish ing anuse
• cif Marriage tleonses. Ofilce at his
0-rocery,Turnberry Street.
Teacher of 011 Painting, Booms at
Mr, ,Alex. Wilson's, PrInoeSs street. 01ase
days, Thursday and Sattirclity.
ISSot„TarlA001 HER
1 appli-
B ,-Walton ohms moots every Thursday
and Friday at Mrs. D. Campbell's, Walton.
to receive 005115 for instrue•
tion on the PIANO and 00041408.8 years
Experience. liesidenee with llirs, Dar-
grea(1en, 0000'111.MItti REAVES 11)103813280118,r
o, noe.ly
, !
...e.. is., • Artist, Shop, next aeor south of
M. IffeHay .2 ,Cos. hardware etore. Ladles'
and ohildret's hair dotting a specialty,
A, oheice stook of °lifers k 1,
MoNAIR, ISSUER OF RIAR4,1!,,',.';'
0 dnde aBeeidenc-Ilfairt St, East , E the ttaute..avolayfoornLorio,SonoSuioSni, ibsysi:npopip,instt,n,,rioit. 1031.14.,':,'
Cenyeyancor and Agent Fire Lnenranee Cc i, ,,,:-
0010 0 at the CranbrookPost Office,
T A. McNAUGTITON, M.D., . . .. ”,
V • 0.M., Dal, 0. P. Edinburgh, M. C. r.
9to 11:00 non. and -from IMO to 4 5,01, At •
' Store from
and Ornamental Pal liter. Grainieg, , 1
other hours may be found et the residence Gilding, Sign add Decorative Paintingin ll
formerly eoemicia by Be. BUtehinson, its branchoil. Shop 131inds done up in style • „ ,, ,1
Min street.
Vapor Hanging's epeoinIty. 8lx0go1,s door
eolith of J.Buyerte Oration° Works,
w. (Pi3liatx, v. S., 1101\10B
1.s Gradtate Of the Ontario Votorinar
Oellege half relMined the praetice of john
tlett,V,0,, MIR it prOPOrOd 20 trait all ale ,
00130001donlOstiehted nnilrittin 00 selentifle •,
emdapproved pritelplos, Vontmontot (101-
)sots Janie a tnoohdt* Officio We deers
North Of Br Nee, Turitherry street, , ,,e••es