The Brussels Post, 1888-11-30, Page 5Nov. 30, 1888, 5tritt elm :.:Ilei h. Tho ratepayers are on Lho look -out for the tax colleotor, Lan week Mr. Morgan made an as- signment and the trustee is now in charge, Rev. Mr. Shorn, of Angst Craig, will officiate in the English Matruh hero next Sabbath. Lent Friday evening tho revival ger. vl0o0 in the 11Tethodist ohurelt ware brought to a close, Work has bean commenced on the ex. monition for the basement of the new Methodist church. Tho building will stand on Queen street and will be ahand- eOmo structure when completed. Walton. Rev. Mr. McKay is expooted to offloi. oto at Duff's chnrch for the next two Sabbaths. There hag boon a great ,deal of eioknese in this looality this past season and the doter has been a frequent visitor. A Cliriotmaa tree entertainment is on the program for Christmas eve. It will bo gotten up chiefly by Mise O'Connor'e music cines. It promidea to be a success, • Mrs. Sago and, Min Annie aro making a tour among the Canadian town in cnn. neetion with the oonoerts of Prof. Mollis. No part of the program will gnuersenlo that furniolied by the above mentioucd ladies. lel orefr-yu. Ditching is being pushed quite briskly • in Uiie neighborhood. \fiat Dyke has removed to Guelph, whore she hs taking a profeasionel course in tnusid. A new arrival came to the parsonage last week. The young lady will call Rev. Mr. Dyke "papa." Hay Bros., of Listowel, have sold the maohinery of their sawmill hero to a party in Munitoka. The price paid was 31,800. Sorno mean sneak killed three of Mr. McDonald's geese last wook. The thumb screw is the plaything such individuals -should have, brit perhaps they are like some Brueselites that don't know a tame goose from a wild ono. i 4 thimf Virroxo tor. O Tho purling club is talking business and hope to not only hold the groend taken last season but expect to acid to their laurels. Rev, George Brown supplied the pulpit of the Presbyterian churoh last Sabbath, and will also oonupy the pulpit next Sunday. The rev. gentleman is a uni- versal favorite. A union Sabbath Sohool Convention, of a (goal oharactor, will bo held hero on Friday of this week. A. good program is eeprepared and a pleaaent and profitable time is expected. The Presbyterian congregation of this place met on Tuesday last to give a call to a minister, Rev. John Ross (of Brus- sels), moderator, pro tem„ presiding. After several votes were taken the call came out unanimousfavor of Rev. Thos. ) 1n Davideon, M. A., late of Woodland and Worth Luther, in the Prosbytory of San• pen. Tho pall will come before Mait- land Presbytery on Deo. 11111, when it is hoped Mr. Davidson will accept. Winer]1am. Aspirants for muniaipal honors in Wiugllnm are so far rather backward in•1 coming forward. John Hanna is in the field for the office of reeve. A car load of furniture was shipped by T. Boll, Wingham, destined for Winn'. peg via tho new Bed River Valley rail- road. J. T. H. Brown, for gome time in the employ of W. F. Brookenehire, loaves at an early date to open a gallery at Lie. towel. The boiler and engine for tho Union factory arrived and have been placed. Everything ie now in readiness for the machinery. About sixty hands have been engaged steadily sinoo the work bo. gan, Under the auspices of the Royal Temp- ters of Temperance a series of temper- an0e revival meetings began in tho Meth- odist church on Thursday evening of last week. The members of the "Life Boat Crow;' Messrs. Irieh, Maeeon and Mills, were present. The second ono -hour go,as-you-please race between the champion long distance runner LI Simooe county aucl A. Sebas- tian, of \Vingham, took place in the Wingliauh roller rink on Monday evening, for 060 a side. About two hundred spec- tators witnessed a keen race, Sebastian winning by a lap, or ono-sixtoeuth of a . mile. Considerable money changed hands, d to 1 being offered on the loeor of the rano. Sebastian is yet quite young and ho may soon bo heard from in raoee of greeter importanoo. Dietaneo cov- ered, Of miles* II31taevale. Mise Duncan hag been apppointed or - gimlet in the Methodist church The ice has been provided by Jack Frost and now many ere seen enjoying the pleasure of a skim on the smooth floor and taking in the invigorating river breezes. A little girl, by the name of Maggie Welsh, arrived here ono day last week on the train from the Orphan's home, Niagara, Sho is to be an adopted daugh- ter to D. Erwin, 2nd Morris. Menlo Farrow, returned from Mani-tf tobn on Saturday evening. He looks as if tho climate had. agreed with him. It is not his intention to remain long in Ontario but will soon return. Frank Patterson was called off go early on Saturday morning he could hardly have had time to feed his horse. Well, bugineee is bueinoae. Mr. P. now drives h fine looking beast. It is young and gives promise of being a good travel- ler. The eider mills have ologed fot this year. A. Patterson hag taken up the power. 11will not bo put down again as it ig given opt that a mill run by mach- inery will be put in next year. Mr. Patterson always was an enterprising man and nothing now surprises tis, Quito a of ournt- tended tho femobral of the late er eMrt. Mof- fatt, Turnborry, 011 Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Thompson, who Wap well acquainted, took the half day, and tot that reason Mtge Laing, took charge of Mr, Thoinp- son's room. Ilcl, Coulton, a 5th elate soliolar, took charge of the Junior divi- slen. THE BRUSSELS POST '72-074.= Vanat0n0 Ilros, will remove the machinery f-otn Lho planing mill at Sun- shine and will tali, it to Southampton whore they aro gutting a bones. The removal of the mill means the loath of Sunshine as nothing will bo loft to give employment to the families resident there. Tho poatoflico and church will mark to phtoe w 101 Sunabiuo once bloomed, Drniir:. -Thera wag a largo number at the debate in S. 5, No. 0 on q'ues,", day evening. There were a numbest preaant from "Morrie Centro" and "Barrie's" Debating Soeietlee, Officers were appointed for the month of Deo. with the following results ;---Proeiclont, Alex, I, McCall ; Vioo-Prosident, John Sample ; Sao, -Tread., A. II. Coahrano ; Com. of Management, Thos, Bone, Frank Armstrong and Wm. Bowman. rhe debate wag "Resolved that there le more information to bo gained by road. ing than by travelling," The affirmative was aastained by John Mason jr„ Chas. Artnetrung, Diek Armstrong and Alex. I. MoCall. The negative by Jas. Brown, Jeo. Bowman, Wm. Bowman and Freusl Armstrong. Tom. Robertson, of Barrie,°' was chairman of debate and decided in favor of the affirmative, to the satie- faotion of an. After tho debate, readings wore given by Sim. Bowman, Alex. Ma'. Call and Jas. Bowman. To the P0diterof T1111 POST. noticed lo last week's Poor on item but led 'Needs tho Salvation Army: It refers to soma vLunnt house door being open•(on the P:nm of ,lo- spit Stubbs, a common 0000tYonen in windy weather. and of no great prime. As for the coat of the supposed crime your renders eon gee with a glance how this evil -hearted oorreapondent grapples with Satan to trump up his fictitious fables. This trumped up yarn is loft on some person in the vicinity of the so-called Bodmin. Now, sir, your readere may any if the oars docs not fit why do. I wear 11? I can positively say I am not guilty, but, in feat, the correspondent fails to show any crimp, even allowing him all his own compounding. The object of this evil - hearted correspondent is to keep the sunny side of the supposed injured that he might avenre his secret g leen on the innocent. Ho darn not do it otherwise. But to let your readers see I oars no more for his pen than I oars for bis sword, for his tongue is no soandel, nor yet the faitlhles, miser. I can go further and defy either of those venoms to prove or show ' a cent's worth of malioioue damage done by any of this family raised in this go -called Bodmin and as for my- self I have resided in this vicinity for nearly 21 years and had many diffioulties to contend with during this time. But I still fought my way, single-handed some- times, with great odds against me. Yes, even the notorious correspondent and all his aideoamps, but fortune favored me in driving out all vipers, and then I closed the gates against all future rebels. Yet I have plenty of good neighbors to help me thresh my grain without hiring any vagrants, or yet canvassing favors from pretended friends. Cones oN Bmoxrmss, [Nunn BY Enxroo. We wish it to bo distinctly understood that the columns of Tun POST are not open for a war of words between neighbors, and we will, there - f010, not publish, from either sides of the question, a oontinnation of what is of no real interest to our readers, gen- erally.] 1 D. Ryan, of Heating, shot a beautifu female golden eagle last week. This species is now very rare in Canada, and the bird in question was a particularly large one. Rev. A. McXibboe, took Inc the ;:sub. feet of ]tie =nuke Met Sunday morning Tho Uupardonni•! Siee, In the even- ing ho eddresee,l , rogation 00 the subject matter of" Christ's para- bles, "'Tim soul .d also tares," Ile Walt listened ter ' - •.ib attention. ,rt Robert Stewar, No, 7, Morrie, heal boon appointed eup,:rintendent of tho Mothodiet Sunday Schoch RIr, Stewart 10 a young man of excellent oharaeter and though the position is ono regal:lug groat caro and special applioation itis oortain be will spare no pains to fit him. self for the position and perform the duties which have been elatted him, Rev. A. Y. Hartley addressor) his 000• grogation on Sunday morning from lath oh, of Hosea, lith v. Ind last clause of the verso. The subject spoken of ins Israel, but it was also apeliod to the Christian. Not only should a nation be high and exalted, but a Mutation should also be so too, Not only should a nation be enduring but a Christian should also be the same not changing with every wind that blew. Then both should bo useful. .011;1101 . Soottrr IINo WOItmn I.<NowlNo.-W. Simp• son re Sou have received a choice stook of grooeries and Xmas goods which thev will sell at speoisl prides. Felt boots and overcoat, at bottom prioea. \Vo will pay leo fur dpsige butter dm. up its fib rolls. Visit our troll filled establishment. Yours truly, W. Simeon et Son, A. Panabalter, of Ilespoler, is visiting his brothers hero. Dr. Macdonald wag the guest of J. M. and Mrs. Davies last Friday. A. loutur° entitled '?eights and Shadows" will bo delivered next Monrlav evening in the Methodist church by Rev. D. Rogers, formerly on this eirouit. A. telegram was received by Lawrence Dobson last Tuesday morning conveying tho sad intelligence that Bennet had been accidentally killed at Field Station, British Columbia. His wife (a daughter of Thos. Maunder's) is now on her way home with the remains. No particulars were given only that the sad event tran- spired on Monday. Tho bereaved families have the sincere sympathy of the entire oommunity. On Friday evening the 23rd inst., a very interesting meeting was held iu the Methodist church. It had bean announa- ad that Ie. Macdonald, M. P. of Wing - ham, was expected to delivera lecture on the aubject of Temperance, and at 7;30 p. m. the ohuroh was well-filled. The Doctor based his discourse on the "Par- able of the good Samaritan" and handled tIte subjeot in a very masterly and common sense way. Some very find music was 'rendered by the choir. Rev. J. T. Legear 000upied the their end made some very pointed remarks. Tho Dr. went borne on the night train. Meer vet R. David Smith, of the 6th line, left foci Manitoba last week. Robert Oantleton, wife and niece, left for Boisevain, Manitoba, on Thursday, last. Mrs. Alex. Forsyth, sr., an old lady of about 80 ears of agowas nott expected ed to live last week. n 1 A largo quantity of wood will be out this coming winter as a number of con- tracts are already made, The Sunday School social to be held in the Methodist ohurah, Sunshine, is fixed for Thursday, Dao. 20. Rev. Mr. Howie conducts service at Mr. Anderson's, 3rd eon. of Morris, on Friday evening 7th Deoember. • Itis said the local apple buyers have lost heavily this Fall and would have fared worse had they not reduoed the pride in buying from the farmers. Mrs. Otham, and her sister, Miss Haw- thorne, of 3rd line, Morris, left for Turtle Mountains, Manitoba, on Monday. They' intend to meet Mr. Otham there. At the annual meeting for the election of officers in connection with the Metho- dist Sabbath School at Sunshine, on Monday evening, the following persona were chosen to manage the school for the coming year :-Superintendent, G. G. Hood ; Assistant Superintendent, Joseph Clegg Secretary, Goo. R. Stubbs ; Treasures, Cieo. Parker ; Librarian, Jno, Wheeler. Teachers, Peter Oautelon, Jas. Russell, Mrs. Joseph Clegg, Jame Bainea, Miss Jeanet Hood, Geo. Parker and Mrs. S'rencis Babies. A oonplo of the former teachers tally of going to Southampton. Their absence w111 be a loss to the sohool. Lrrsnasi.—Lash Friday evening a Literary and Debating Society was organized at ilio Township Hall, to bo known as "Tlio Morris Centre Debating Society." The following officers were elected ;—Geo, Hood, President ; Chris- topher Michie, Vice -President ; Robert Agnew, Sec. -Treasurer ; John Michie and Robe. Russell with the foregoing officers are Managing Committee. The first meeting will bo held on Friday evening of this week. Tho subject of debate will bo "Resolved that it is better to emigrate to a forest than a prairie oonutry." Chas. Agin ie captain of the affirmative assisted by Maloolm Blush, Wm; Scott and Jim. Mioltie, For the negative Chris. Michie is captain and will be backed by Geo. Hood, David Hogg and Robt. Russell. The meetings will bo held semi-monthly, oommenoing at 7:80 o'olook p, m. There is the nuoleus of a good sooiety here. Holm Poreonxse Cess.—On Sunday morning last when I went into my stable there was one of my horses lying dead in the stall. Tho horse was rising four yearn old and Uriah McFadden, of Grey township, has ono that I wont to to buy, aboutitsequal, that he values at 0150. I was rnuoh surprised to find thin horse dead as it appeared in such good health on the evening before. At first I did not think of foul play but on going aroundon the feeding floor to see 1flit had oaten the oats 1 had given it the night before about nine o'clock, to my surpriao 1 found in the feed box about ono pint of oats mixed with Parity -green, The Paris -green also appeared upon the sides and bottom of the box. Then I had no doubt of what caused tho horse's death. I then hitohod up another, horse and Wont to Wingham for Mr. Ridd, the horse dootor. Ito 00010 and made a post-mortem examination and Mt'. Ridd's verdict is, that the horse died of poison and not anything Glia. This poisoning Daae took plane in Morris where 1 live, about 11a11 way between a plane 01100 called Bodmin (whore Joseph Stubbs had big apples) and Belgravo. Moro partioolare of 111e ease; next week--oweso and offeot. iioutchx Aonisenoga, THE PEOPLE'S CO LUMN. ri1WO GOOD COWS, SOON TO -L Calve for eale. Apply to ADAM BOOTY, Si le t 16, con.4, Monis, nlO-tf 9 WELL-BRED LEICESTER Lambs for Salo. JNO. RODDIOR. 10-8 Lot 4, eon. 18, Grey, QTRAYRD FROM, JAMESTOWN an Nov. 14th, 1868, 2 black -toned ewes marked T. W. Any information leading to their recovery will bo suitably rewarded. THOS. WRIGHT, 10-2* Jamestown, Ont. TUE THORU'-BRED BERK- R earns Boar "Grand Trunk," will be kept for service on lot 11, 0011. 5, Grey.' Terms 41.00, to be paid at time of service, with privilege of returning if neesesary. 10.4" .1. SLAW, Proprietor, QTBAYED ON THE PREMIS- ss of the undersigned, lot 0, Ooh. I, Grey, on or about Oet, 1, a red cow, about or 7 yearn old. Tho owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take has away. 10-4x JNO. CUTT. TRAYED ON THE PREMISES o1 the undersigned, 101 14, eon, 9, Grey, on or about Oat. 10th, a red heifer and a roan steer, either one or two years old. Tho owner is requested to prove property, gpoy expenses and taste them away. ROBERT HALL. 19.4x rrHF, CHESTER WHI'T'E BOAR ' Young Champion," imported by 17-01. D. George, Putnam, Ont, will be kept for nervine on lot 24, con.11, (grey, Terms 01.00, to be paid at time of service. with . privilege of returning if necessarryy. 29.11 OONRAD MICHEL, Proprietor. HEAVY DRAUGHT MARE Per Sale. weighs 1,400 pounds and la 01 years oul to au imported hore mare n. Abe supposed heavYy draught colt 6 months old, Both took prizes at WIloShow. n fl to 10 1! 01110 RENT.—THE BRUSSELS J. Skating and Curling Rink will be leas- ed for the oozing season .011888 and 1889 on reasonable terms, Applications for the same will be reooivod by the undersigned rip to Doeeinboe let next. For partiouiaro and conditions of tenanes, apply to W. M. SINCLAIR, 10-2 Solicitor, &d., Brussels. r'i1HORO'•BRED BERKSHIRE Jr. Gear for Servide• -Tho undersigned will keep the thoro-bred Berkshire Boar, Sir Robert Bruen," bred by J, G. Snell, of Ed- monton, Ont„ for Service on lot 1 con. 7 Grey. Torent-111,DD to be paid at tImo of service, with privilege of. returning it noeore Miry. DONALD MOLAUCHLIN, 18 8m x Proprietor, Ci_OOD Ii"AR&i ]i'OR SALE IN Morris, on reasonable terms, In order to olono 1110 affairs Of the agate of tiro late loiviGngMvaluableiia ds dforrsOsle tho bttu half of Lot 80, Oanoagsion fi,Townoblp of Morris °Obtaining 40 acres. On thin lot is emoted a good frame barn with stone font - Union, good orohard,ovellathdpnmp. Near. 1 allolearol, and ts'oei Ilio grave roast efosoly nd3edufnngy( the village of cru orale.. This/arra ieItvaluable one, to troll fonood awl iu a good state of Onitivation. For lwines and taring apply to TH08, BELLY, iruaaela P. 0„ liavuy JnvNxN8e, Vlataria Squats 1'. O., or Jatrms 01nrot, :Maple l,odgo Nev. 20, 1388.. P. 0„ Middlesex 0ohmty. uu re ,, beton , Courts In•an JOY and earof oily utesad-d tn. Upon remdpt Of ,uod- a or sketch of 1n virion, 1 lenlie careful a=nutlnstlms,un 1 !Orbit. ns to paloutebility 1'roo of Char e. iood utnd,rate, and I make no charge 111 10111 .swot le !me ed. Iafnnrt- atlon,advice and 01e, eta( referenaea dont on application, J. it [,1rT1:1,4, Waehingtou 1/.0., getout ()Mee. le. M ,r,t, a, , , E�.. nn j ONEY TO LOAN Onveats,Itutense, rotaTrade Starkest/thud . and all other pn tee t 1 ,.ueoe0 iu the l'atout _-....- 001 fil f "i t O d 2"() ACRE FARM FOR SALE, h arat•Olaasfartn for side to tlu, Township of Morris la the Con ntyot Hnum being eolith half of north half 101020 & and south hall of 26 to nth con., containing 911 acres more nr lose, PLK soros mnatly clear o1 stumps and In a good state of eniti- vatlon. There is a young bearing orchard,° good benne and hank barn 00 x 06 feet with stone stable underact tit, The farm le situ- ated within is mile of tho Village or Brussels cuills n good farm for grain or stook rais- ing as lt10 watered with the river Maitland and never failing eprillg oro0k. Possession will be given at any time. Por further par- tieulere ripply on the premises ur to A.1,.. ROBERTSON Brusoela, P, 0, 0•tf ESTATE NOTICE. 7aa°no& l eimiro s° 1 Pureuaht to chapter 110, smitten MR. S. U., the ereditsre of A141)111M Onnn te, late of the Village of lira eaole. in the County of Buren, Butcher who diad 511 or about the Fifteenth day of October, A 1) len., and others havi,,g r..7aims is ts oro hereby notified to pond, r Tru the :7th dmv or J 4noarr, h ll ise) 0. 1 ;nudtr 110nter, of the Village of 1: , h, 111 the finality of Huron for the a of of the e: tato and • eta r t VIE., 0,.41 1, their uai.100 +nut a,ldt•enses and the fall pu.rrinulare of their °Jaime awl of tl,s seetteitloa (if any) Ovid by tltetn,aud also that immediately after the said date the asote of the said deceased will be distributed among the patties se- ttled thereto, loving regard only to Oho Matins 0f whish the executors have then Helton, and the (=routers will net be )iablo for any assets so distributed to any person of when claim they shall not have had notice. RoumnT Ru'rurnoonn,L lr xeoutore. Manz CnaIoTit, f ALEX. HUNTER, 10.4 Ageot for Executors; Dated at Brussels 2.101 November, A,D. 1888, SUYEZIMICCO In the inattor of ilio Estate of SARAH ARMSTRONG, late of the Township of Mar - rig, in the County of liluron, Widow, deceased, Pursuant to eeotiou thirty-six of chapter one hundred and ton of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, we hereby give notice that all Creditors and other persons • having Malmo against the Estate of Sarah Armstrong, late of the said townabip of Morris, 'Widow, who died on or about the 2711 day of September, A.11. 1888, are hereby required to sand by post Hays ,roftthto Village of Bruasele,,iin the 000u- ty of Huron, Solicitors for James Ireland an n William Clark, both of the said township of Morris, Farmers, the Executors of the last will and testament :of the said Sarah Arm- strong, deceased, on or before the 17th day of December next, a etatment of their names, addresses and descriptions and the full par- tioeilare and proof of their claims (or de- mands) upon the said estate and of the se- curities (if auy) bold by them, and that after the said 17th day of December the said Ds - enters will proceed to administer the estate and distribute the assets of the said Sarah Armstrong amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claim of w hich the said p:xeoutors shall then have notice and the said Executors will n t be liable for the mild or any thereof so distributed to any poreou or persona of whose claims they shall not have notice at the time of 00011 distribution, Dated at Brussels this 17111 day of Novem- ber A.D. 1888. DICKSON &HAYS, 10.4 Sellcitnrs for said Exeoatote. NOTIC130 1/'� sail �y2 4;711-3% Su tike matter of the Estate of GEORGINA OAhFY. Tato ofe Township of Grey. in tho 0y o , , Dunt f Huron \vidow, deceased. Notice is hereby given in pursuance of Section thirty-six, Ohap. ono hundred and ton of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all Greaten and other persons having (Jaime against the estate of Georgina Oakley, late of the township of Grey, in the Oonnly of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 20th day of September A.D. 1888, are hereby required to send by post (prepaid) or to de- liver to Messrs. Diolceon de Hays, of the "Vill- age of Brussels In said County of Huron, So. Haters for Thomas Oakley and George Nicholson, the Executors of the last will and testament of the said Georgina Oakley, deceased, on or before the 12th day of DO - COMBER n03.11, a statement of their claims, addresses mud descriptions and the !fell par - 110e1 rs and proof of their Maims or do- mande upon the said estate and of iso se- curities (10 auy) held by them, and Ghat after the said 12th clay of December the said Ex. "auburn will pr000ad to administer the estate and distribute the assets of the said Georg- ina Oakley amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the clmimv of notion, and the said u]tixooltthors will not have Itabio for the said aeseta or any part thereof es distributed to any person or persons of whose claim they shell not have notion at Olio time of such distribution. Dated at nrusselo this 0th day of Novem- ber A.D , 1888. DICKSON & HAYS, 18.4 Solicitors for until Executors. • MEAT MARKET, nein Street, • 0truasets ANDREW MORRIE, PROPRIETOR -Fresh AND Salt Meats Of the Unlit quality always on, hand and de- livered to .auy part of they village free of (large, Terme very favorable. FAT CATTLE WANTED! L'orwhiohthe highest market pride will bI pstd. oleo make a specialty of buying Hides and Skins. Don't target the plane next door to Flotober'sJowelry Store. A. CURRIE. Clubbing Offer. T11D POST will be Clubbed with the leading Weeklies as follows: The Globe and Tna POST ,. ,. 42 25 The Advertiser .. .. .. , , .. 2 00 Tho Free Press . .. .. .. 2 25 Moniteal Witness .. ., ., •. 2 25 Toronto Nows .. , . .. .. .. 2 25 Toronto, Empire.. ., ,. ..• .. 2 26 SCho belanco of this year will be givon Free to all Now Subscribers. We ask a Comparison of Tun POST With tlfo (lalling journals of Bora( County. WS ,wR 1131./ Ea Ifprr00 ch Peoroloi'on. PRIV4TE .'FUNDS. ar�17, o Private lluuals have just halt pinsso(l i11 my hands for In- vestment AT 7 PER CENT. Borrowers ean Have their loans complete in three days if title is satisfactory. Apply to E. E. WADE. Private Funds to Loan. 20,000 Have been placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. NO Commission, 1)011'0W11l'S cum haw pleied in Three hays if satisfactory. Apply to W. M. SINCI,.XIlt, Solicitor, Brussels. 111 fitta --THE- 1 }. Brussels Roller fills beteg now in fall operation the Proprie- tor in prepared to supply the public with the beet grades of Roller Flour, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour. 111 kinds of Mill Food always an hand, and Inc sale at reasonable prices for Cash. vAatlYi7UIt.7 will find that they are doing the very best for them- selves by patronizitt 0' with their Grist - Mg and chopping. nnll•tf ,1.111)1 .i 3 pcand) ar 14 OSS- sTER r� AOHlhc mi0 Sterling Machine Oil is daily becoming more widely and favorably known. Those who try it continue to use it. No other Oil is more suitable for general use. It is well adapted for all Mill Machinery, Reapers,Mowers and Threshers As1 Your - IER RANT - for if ! D2ctnatfaetcored by 1lfoMillan, Kittredge 2t• Co., Petrolea ; Branch at Stratford, Ontario. FOR SALE BY 11. mc Ay (Ai Co., )3R JSSELSi H. F. MoArmierne, Ethel ; J. Towns, Bluevale. 1hue1s �r�r�inuP 7m 11 FUi RNIT h ` 1E FURNITURE 1 I have a splendid Stock of Furniture at my Show. rooms, Tzzrmberry Street, Brzbssels, consisting of Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards; Tables, Chairs, Lounges, &c., that cannot be excelled for wear, or value. Always a big Stock to choose from. fl*P]z1CIA.L., r.*.e3-Fw,a13IN!*Si As I have a very large and well made stock of .Bedroom Suites and Sideboards I will sell them at di'eatly re,d e - ed Prices• We have made a specialty of these lines and now is the time to make purchases. Hand -made Furniture a special feature of our bus- iness, A. large stock of tip-top „71lozi1clin4 for Picture Frames. Work done with neatness and despatch. d. nice lot of Pictures, Foot Stools and fancy articles for sale. REPAIRING NEATLY ATTENDED TO. A fn11 line of Caskets, Coffins and Robes always on hand. Two Hearses and a free Delivery Wagons in connection with our Establishment. I pay special attention to Cavity, and eir'feriil Embczlrnind. Raving taken throe series of lessons on Embalming from Prof. Renattard, of Kansas, and having a Diploma for the sante, :t feel confident in being able to do this work properly. A beautiful range of McFarlane, McKinlay & Co's patent Linen Window Blinds to hand.Every housekeeper" should see thew. Thai are.Da;'71CG,,j zeeSr. AGENT for the KARN ORGAN. Save money by Patronizing the Old Established Furni- tlil'e Emporium,. p" 'moi THERDALE E. LEAT r�. 1 17 - it014,ti Br ,SSJ '