HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-11-30, Page 44 4 THE BRUSSELS MUST New Advertisements. Loaais---B. Gerry. Locals—T, Pletcher. Loogl—Peas' Bookstore, Looale--11. L. Jsokson. Meat inerket---Jas. Bolder, Loc•d--W. Simpson, Ethel. Clubbing offer— W. H. Derr. A 13 0 Remedy ---I, V. Fear. Boar for sert-i»e- Conrad Michel, Golden Padlook—A.111. MoI Ry & Co. t7lexussels ` l.gs#, FRIDAY, NOV. 30, 1888. Wnurt some of the Conservative journals are waxing so eloquent on "Canada for the Canadians," the "old flag," etc, and kindred topics, it might be interesting for them to devote a little spade to explaining why a man named Brockport, of Now York, was awarded the contract for the Galops oanal, on the river St. Lawrence, and why a person of the name of Harvey, another U. S. sub- jeot, is one of the principal contractors for the Seth Ste '+r:::... weal ? The principle miry ho ecel enough but it wants in be backed up by practice to prove o' ts•factory to m;l,iessed epee. tater.. Tun attention of dairymen and fanners generally is called to the series of letters on the dairy interests of Canada, the first of which appears in this wrek's edition of Tan Peer. W. H. Lynch, the author, is an experienced writer on dairy topics, and the fund of information which he collected on his extended visit to Europe, and which will form the subject of his letters, will be of deep interest to our dairy farmers and will well repay them to possess themselves of this knowledge, which Mr. Lynch so generously purposes furnishing through the press. Tha cheese and butter department of the farm is a very important one and has reached a stage in the history of nations when nothing can beat the Canadian manu. acturer. A erontz is brewing in British Colum- bia over the Chinese question and it will be no easy matter to settle the difficulty. John Chinaman was a nuisance there before the United States enforced the exclusion bill and since that the Chinese appear to make New Westminster and other cities in that province their head- quarters with the hope of smuggling into Uncle Sam's territory. Not only do they work at starvation wages and shut out white men but their habits are filthy and worse that all they ;aro inveterate opium consumers and the habit is being added to the other "accomplishments" of their white brethren. Whether Canada will be compelled to pass an Exclusion Bill or not is not ours to say but the question, sooner or Later, will come up for debate and it will not be easily set- tled. The revenue collected at Vancou- ver during October under the Chinese Immigration act amounted to -$$12,000, indicating that at least 240 Chinese per- sons landed at that port during last month. Tim Ottawa Free Press speaks as fol- lows on a very important question to Prohibitionists :—The resolution intro- duced in the Northwest Council in favor of submitting to the people of the terri- tories the question as to whether they prefer the present prohibitory liquor law ora license system, has been carried by a large majority. .Ss the Northwest assembly has no power to hold au elec- - tion cm the question the Dominion gov- ernment will doubtless be asked to ob- tain the opinion of the people in the manner suggested. But even if the pro- hibitory law is sustained by the popular voice, that will not prevent Liat..Gover- nor Royal from nullifying it by issuing liquor permits to whomsoever he pleases. The members for the Calgary and Me- Lood districts in the Northwest assemb. ly declared in favor of a license law, and announced that, whether sustained by a popular majority or not, the prohibitory law would never be observed by their constituents. Mr. Cayley stated that fifty gallons of whiskey are now being sold daily in Calgary at six dollars per gallon, _Ee-twood. What about a public Hall for Attwood ? W. H. Hill, our new tonsorial artist, is going to do well here. It's what we've been wanting. Lovers of good music will be sere to keep the date of the Band Concert, viz., Deo, 12th, in view as the hest (available. talent has been secured for the occasion, Bills are out annonnoing the concert. Give the boys a bumper house. The Methodist Sabbath School intend holding a Mneical and Literary enter- tainment on Monday evening, Deo. 24th. In addition to a good program of read- ings, teoitations, music, &o. W. H. Har- vey has been seoured bo give a lecture on A trip through Prance,' It promises to be geed. :°geaitorth. Rev. Mr. Stafford and wife of Mitoholl, Wire visiting friends in town'laet week. Owing to good wheeling great quanti- tiee of wood, potatoes and fowl are com- ing to market. A four days' Meetingis being hold at Alma church this weeunder the man- agement of Rev, P. B. Howell. It is reported that Mr. Davidson has dispelled of the Commercial hotel and is about purchasing the residence of Prank Spading. The Fisk J ubileo concert was well at tended last week and the usual satisfuc thin given. The troupe is evidently, the best of its kind. Rev, 1)r. Ormiston, of Now York, preaches the anniversary sermons in the Presbyterian church on December lath, A good turn -out is exported. I1ev. Dr. Briggs, the ailvory-tongued orator, is engaged to prcaoh the anni- vereary sermone in the Methodist church ou Deo, 14th. Iile coming is looped for- ward to with muoh interest. A. gvmnasiam in connection with the Y. M. 0. A. is in project. The amuse- ment already available in the above Society is duly appreciated by the young men and boys, judging from the large attendance. The by-law for the new foundry was not earned on Monday, As two-thirds of the voters had to vote it was found on counting the ballots that while a suffioi- ant number had voted to favor of the bonus there were still seven wanting to make tip the two -third vibe. Lic tenet. Foot ball is livening up. The High School club has some good kickers. The old station house is a disgraos to our town and the G.T.11. should remedy the d• feet by the erection of a new brink structure. Tete of our marksmen were defeated by a like number ircc,t..wood, last wevle. The •;hootint sr:::: atbslls thrown from a -rap. A. Twit of the illeeeele, n has been org.uniin town with 24 charter members. It is a benevolent institution somewhat after the order of the Odd Fellows. The introduction of el::ctrio light has received a six months hoist by the town O,uuoll. Tho question of dealing fairly with the local Gas Co. was oue of the atioking point:. The new Presbyterian church will be dedicated on Sabbath, Dec. 10th. The pews are all upholstered and the aisles carpeted. It is a very tidy, tasty edi- fice and reflects credit on the Presby- terians of the town. The Standard says :—We understand that the Reliance Electric Light Com- pany bas decided to put in a plant, erect poles and have electric light in full operation by the 10th Dee. Whether the Ball Co. intend to also put in a plant for the purpose of making a test has not as yet been ascertained. The electric light furnished by either company will of course be submitted for trial before a contract is entered into. 4 re_tr. What is known as "The Brussels beef by-law" is causing considerable dis- cussion. Miss Lizzie Simpson is about to leave our township and become a resident of Wingham. Miss Pearl McQueen, of Saginaw,; Minh., is spending a few weeks with hart, aunt Mrs. Stokes. Thee. Cardiff had a wood bee lasts Tuesday in which a large number of the neighbors were assisting. Mrs. Farquharson, daughter of Mrs. Wm. Blaine's, 12th con., is very low with consumption and there is no hope of her recovery. Chas. Hooton left a short time ago for Montana, where he will push his fortune Charlie is a steady young man and will likely succeed well. Alexander Yuill left this township for Michigan s few weeks ago. He has. gone to work for his brothers who have an extensive lumbering contract in that Stats. Jas. McDougall arrived home last week from Dakota where he spent the past five or six months. He likes the country and says he will return next Spring. Neil Mohair, of Strange, York Co., is. visiting his sister, Mrs. Jas. McNair?' He says crops are very good in that section and reports progress generally in the old county of York. A number from the southern portion of the township were at Ethel last P ri- day evening to hear the address of Dr. Macdonald, M. P., on Temperance. All say it was an able epeeoh. Joseph Coombes' sale transpired on Tuesday of last week. His stook and implements brought good prices. George Kirkby, auctioneer, wielded the hammer. Tho proceeds amounted to nearly $1,400. Thos. Ferguson has gone to Gorrie,, where he joins his brother Dan. in the hardware and tinware business. They are 00ne of James Ferguson, a well- known resident of this township. The boys should secure a housekeeper. Dun- can Ferguson retains the old established business at 'Teeswater. Jno. Bishop arrived home last week from a bunting tour in Muskoka. He brought with him a bear and a deer. Archie Lamont was also away and gave the wilds of the north a great scouring. He secured three deer one weighing about' 200 pounds. Mr. Lamont says the laolt of snow made the hunting very bad. Bear was about as plentiful as deer owing to the big fires last Bummer burning up their old haunts among the berry bnehes. DEBATE.—The first debate of the Mason was held in S. S. No. 1, on Monday even- inglast. Though the audience was small- er than usual they were muoh interested by the discussions. The subject "Re- solved that wax causes more misery than Intemperance" formed ample soope for the speakers, The affirmative was up- held by J. M. Robertson assisted by Alex. Perris and Russel Bishop. The negative by Jas. Perrie assisted by John Bain and Wm. Perrie. Deoision was given in favor of the affirmative. Stan- ley Anderson, teacher, °coupled the chair in a genial and able manner. J.M. Robertson was elected President. Llioem—The above appeared last week.)item shoals have The second debate was held on last Monday evening, when the subject "Re- solved that Annexation would bo more beneficial to Canada than Independence" was discussed. The affirmative woe taken by J. Bain, supported by James Perrie, S. Anderson and J. M. Robertson. Tho negative by W. Petrie, supported by Tltos. Turnbull, A. Perrie, R. Bishop and D. Robertson. The subject was Well argued on bobh sides, Deoision a tie, D, Richie and Wm. Hosebbsl performed the duties of chairmen. A literary meet- ing will be held on Monday evening, Dec, 10th, which is in the bands of a good live committee. This ±8 000 of the eldest if not the oldest soofety in the county and a lively interest is alwaye taken in the meetings by both old end young, TO THE PUIiLIC In order to pay increased attention to my ready-made boot and aloe trade and Grocery business I have disposedof my enewrou BOOT and 181110Th WHINERS to Mn, Psran ltrrrnzE, who will continue it in the same plane. I doeire to return thanks for the large share of patronage wbioh I received during the past seven years and ask for an increase to my sue- oessor, Mr. Ritchie. ADAM GOOD. Having purohaeedl the Custom Shoe boainees of Mr, Good, I am prepared to attend to the wants of the Public. My five and it -half years work in Brus- sels is a guarantee of the satisfaotion I am prepared to give, not only to old customers but to as many new ones as give me their patronage. "°u -ti P. RITCHIE. React what People who have z sect the Nov. 30, 1888, Hanging Lamps and Hall Lamps. We have Just Received a Splendid Variety of Hanging and Hall Lamps with the Latest hnaprove- ments and most Fashionable Patterns. Call in and See thele and get Our Prices 0 0 0 CROSS -- UT SAWS. �� y-�, 7 Just received from the Best Manufactures in Canad, and the United States a Full and Well Selected A13 C 'REM El 1-' Stock of Cross -Cut Saws, including "The President," "Lance Tooth," "Champion,' "Racer," &e, Persons requiring anything in this Lino should see them. SAY ABOUT IT. Mu. I. V. FEAs, Druggist, DEan Sm.—I willingly give my testi- monial in favor of the A B C Remedy, as by its use, and only one dollar's worth at that, it restored to me my wife, who had been wasting away for eight or nine months, and for whom there seemed no help. I tried dootor after doctor, travel- ling many miles and laying out a great amount of money to no good, till I tried these remedies and her cure was mitacu- lous, for she lost all coughing, spitting and wasting, and in its place gained health and strength, and brought happi- ness to our home. Recommend it to everybody and use my name as author- ity, WILLIAM DYNES. Winthrop, Feb. Ord, 1888. Itlis Unequalled in Lifting the Phlegm and Easing the Cough. Sold by Druggists or, on all orders of 2 bottles, sent free of charge by Manufacturer, I. V. Fear, Druggist, Seaforth. ts'II'rice 81.00 per Fnckage. 0 0 0 A Full Line of the Bost CHOPPING AXES on hand. Seasonable Goods, such as Cow Chains, Halters, Lanterns, Apples Parers, Sleigh Bells, &e., in abundance. Sold at Close Prices. 0 0 0 n_ d'-.. I L til t We Guarantee all our Silverware to be exactly what it is represented. A Large and Well Assorted Stock to choose from. Big Bargains in these Goods. We have Cruets, Berry Dishes, Butter Coolers, Napkin Rings, Individual Salts and Peppers, &c., &e. 0 0 0 Staple Lines of Hardware always on hand. Quotations to builders cheerfully given. Thanking our many Customers for their Patronage in the past we solicit a continuance of the same. i 'REMEMBER THE 'STAND. A. M. McX.AY & Co., BRUSSELS. EGG I v. EGG I® THE undersigned is prepared to buy any quantity of Eggs at .6. the old Egg Emporium, N TOTTHE R Brussels Post Offioer Farmers and otherscan depend upon getting from us the very highest Market Price IN GASH this season as we are going to ship extensively and require large quantities. Don't forget the old stand next door to the Post Office, Brussels. Mrs. m. Ballantyne Son. Ot o I have much pleasure in informing all my e•m""'old friends that my daughter and grandson will continue the egg business at the old stand carried on by mo last year and I hope they will redeye liberal patronage. JNO. RODDICK. FARMER -I FARMER Look to Your Own Interest and get your Gristing done at 77 AMU ZIOIVO maw" Where you will get Flour second to none in the Dominion, and yield per bushel equal to the highest. Chopping Done While You fait; Farmers Can Have Manitoba Wheat Flour Without Extra Charge, if required. SPECIAL PRICE GIVEN FOR 500 -Ib. LOTS OF FLOUR. All Kinds of Gran Bought for Cash, CHOP, BEAN, SHORTS, CRACKED WHEAT AND GRAHAM FLOUR A.LWA'YS ON IIAND AT THE NATIONAL ROLLLR MILLS, BRUSSELS, Ont 1, 1.411 STE1WART & LlOWIOK. LARGE ASSORTMENT —OF— If OF— If you Want a Nobby Suit COMA; TO THE LADI�tiE iat9EC4f�slT ` 'E?IaEtIe34!1�� 6�2[arP' n 9 FI1RNISIMTABLIS H.i1E 1T, We have the Finest- Assortment of Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds, Overcoatings and Pantings that can be shown in Brussels, also a splendid and well selected stock of Gent's Furnishings. Our Hats and Cans aro of the Latest Shapes. All will be sold at Moderate Prices. Suits :Got Hp in Latest Styles and Fits Guaranteed. Give Us a Call and be .convinced ofd what we say. All Tweeds bought from us will be cut Free of Charge. s Hear What the ,Poet Says : Arrah Pat phawt is that you see welkin down sthrate.2 Sure its Mike with a now suit from head to the fate And where did the spalpeen get fitted so nate Why up at Broadway—at 88. Thim Ross by's get us such illigant Tweeds, And everything else that a gentleman needs ; They can fit you up like an Ould Country gint, And begor they'll not oleate you for never a eint. They'll suspend you with Braces the 'once couldn't be, Put a shirt on your back that will fit 130 a tee ; noir gloves and their stockings sure niver will wear And their tweeds aro warranted never to tear. If you want hat or cap, or even a collar, Jist call on the boys it will save you a dollar : For bedad its the truth I'm sphakin to you There is everything thero that is stylish and new. ROSS BROS.) OLOTHI + BS, tiCc,