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The Brussels Post, 1888-11-30, Page 3
Nay. 30, 1888. THE BR'U'SSELS POST �L�tlt+la�•YpYr7we.:*�."�'2!f.,•°^..'.eA'?c�ie,�,gflY{:'�3'7'PS5'.�IF773e'!w,wnrAS�°*.'+7rri::P1�'!`.Z?".wry',+t'�'F';7,.,,,,,°-1,w.,-yZi �.-_ r:tp`, A JOU rney Across the street, hones the customer Gospel of Jesus Christ, of whioh ho Lebanon, etaluls without the atop and le weir not aybatned, barmanit over _ served by the beeper from within. ]lastingly is the power of God unto ee 1tJ71'. nowI13, A, A,, ewers Or• The worst featuro Of a Damaarlta attivati0n to everyone that beliaveth, I[NOx 011Uni7n, IiRUa:iEl.a, bazaar le the iusuflerablo, the waste - ---.r---_._ All and most iujuriotis custom of POINt:; (IN Pf'rANLeeti. belshan, in addition to being the bargaining. Alueb precious time is tans or out' r'urteatlta's or the Yepctabp eapitel of the country, le rho point wor. o than warted Iu endeavoring tunaaone of connection between the 1ouutfoa tO bring the seller to reduce hie on the I+lllphretos and thneo on the prise, and be, in turn, with n, The peanut le a leguminous plant, eit'dttel•reuttan_ It le to rlittnral anetltnnanfd Dntbs, finks to make you be>taItleally ltllDw'll 41 t7 the amble ne:ceeeary Milieus pleat= foe march believe that he iiiselling at little I3YNol rano It .has several other ante caravans, whether prooeeding more then cost price. (minion names than that by whioh onatward or Rea' ward. The chief In the city 0offee hem, me num we are accustomed to call it, among annual event itz 1)amnsouM le the mons, rind fir lel orae may go in, thein being ground pea and ground mat of El Hage (pilgrims) to Mecca. have reunite, a little coffee, rest a nut. Iu the southern states it is Hoerrall the faithful intending a while and dna depart. Pnblio 1c10 811 as pindaraud goiter, while piluriniege are drawn, leer several beetle& in this aoentry's Reno, are by the l+ranolz it is called the pis week- Htrangora constantly arrive, antonymous, brit only by their torte do terra. Ib is generally be until a molly crowd, roprosentiog Osman. The river A.banall, or a leaved to bo indigenoua to AFrioa, lneey a iticn tlitie:l tend leng1H.re8, huge portico of it at least, is split although infero are five or rix epgoioe bays collected. On n given day, into it thousand fountains, which of tine grans favid growing wild iu tinny notified, the :vhnlo mnitbfud© ere circulated throughout the city Brazil, It has been auccesefully 10. (El Rage) leas'' for the city of by a system of old-fashioned, partly trodnend into Spain, baa for several M"hamloOd. Thi, „vent hay n earthen warn pipes. PubIJo four Y°era been raised in the states of greet stab lona •;ignif1.,enee and a table Bre numerous and easily arose Virginia, Georgian, 'l'euoeesen and o mmerciroi impertanoo nearly ata sable. There you rots erre a man 11" more zec:utly b",1 ottltivatecl grert. Belele,e is osoorted and with a basket of stabling memos° inn California. Aemall variety also pritaoted by the State, Thence a Hum bitty emptying it throngs au aper- grows in China. of npwarcl8 of A00,000 15 spent by tune of the water pipe Of course. Roughly °Peakin,,t, 13 might be government for we penaral Reed of the 8trat:ger is simply shocked to said that the peanut looks liko the 0xerehtion. The population of 508 the water lie is drinking so mix obeyer Hud growth litre a HW8OI po• Datnn.tans is rtnir1 to lie npwarde of ed up, but he re coolly toll that the , tato, bet, for tbueM who prefer to 120,000, and is divided into various staff meet be put into the pipe in stricter and more botanical deeorip- auMts, or religi ru= peratladtnne, order to Cement the ayetorn and pre tiou, the following may be quoted :. first lllolulmmedans, which is vent the water from 0acapfug. Tbis rte plant !e a diffanely branched, religion of the State and of the kind of Dement S501111 to boll good trailing annual, with abruptly pin majority, thus Damascus eau boast throughout the city, and, if eo, both nate leaves with four leaflets ; the of a grout number of meatless,must know or rich and P001 uow of the small yellow flowers are in auxin ery treads or spikes ; calyx with one plaoes of woralup. secondly Chris- foreign eubetance daily introduced tiane, who aro aub•divided into into their drinking water. In adds• narrow lobo malting a lower lip, the Muo uronites, Greek•othodox, Greek• tion to are public fetatn, moat of upper lip four toothed and with a Catholic, Armenians and a small the private dwelling= nee provided long, thread like tube;" heel of the corolla ineurved and pointed ; body of Protestants. Thirdly the with special auppliee of water ; hence Sows, numbering many thousands, in the ao0rts of linens there are stamens united into it tubo by their and they posaese n oon8tderable pro usually plants and flowers reared, fllimante, oath alternate shorter portion of the melts of Demasouawhich simply manse the interior of a titian etre others ; ovary at the bet. .1.3is a fact much to be lamented house delightful. As a rule the ex tom of the long calyx tribe. After and deplored that All these seotione terior of the houses in D tmegoae the flower falls sway the forming are not, in general, over cordial to is not inviting, and therefore as a pod is forced into the soil by tate warily each other ; but much more city it bas no reputation fir .eater elongation of the rigid defleved so the fact that Christian, Nlobam nal beauty, nevertheless the internal Htttlk to which ibis attached. The modal and Druse alike regard the arrangement more than makes up forming pod thou rapidly enlarges Jew as au outcast, if not an out for tits want. Christian 014060 of and forme a =kick shelled, indehfa- law. Curiously enough, it is a worship are numerous, and both cont pod, with a strongly netted popular belief among the Christians Eastern and Western priesthood are gur(uue, often oontracttd between that the Jowls stoal and crucify a fairly represented, the seeds, of whish it contains two Christian every Passover. It is The mouse of Ananias, from or three. These have very thick alleged that the Jew must needs wtloee wall Paul wee let dome,iu a cotyledons and an extremely short offer a sacrifice of human blood, basket, is among the places visited radt0le. and even the moat cogent reasoning by the natives and sheen to slraog- THE "i Onh[1NG POD." will entirely fail In convincing Homo ors The house of Neaman, the The burying of the "forming pod" of the high improbability of thia Leper, is also shown, in the form of or nut by the "elcugabiou of the allogetion. .Early in tate century a a modern hospital for lepers. Th . rigid, deflexed stalk" is the 080013. (Imam'priest went amissing in Greek patriarch of Antioch usually arity of thio phut, and is one of tate Daurtasoue and, on a thorough search resides stere, e'er the last twenty curiosities of the vegetable kingdom. being made, he wag found dead in years the object of general admire The flower and loaf stalks are of tho Jewish quarters and, a000rding tiou was A.bdel•Kadir, tan Abeam]modally different charaotera. The to Home, the corpse was fouud w a prince, (deceased in the spring of flower stalk is a trailing vino like Jewish house, and that death was 1883). This gentleman, in hours that of the melon and encumber, caned by the opening of the veins of trouble and at considerable per- the blossoms appearing at short, in and the subsequent escape of blood. serial risk, distinguished himself in tervnls along its length. The This fact is within the memory of ants of benevolenceand probed ion flower opens and bloasoma 01080 some living men. I say this fact, towards the Qhrietiaus during the down to the stalk, audit is not uu- for there is no reason to doubt that horrible events of 1880. 3eliobtel til after the petals have fallen and the priest was murdered, and per Mashaga, a greater man than .thethe aced pod is formed that 'the haps by Jews. But who does not former, but on totally different pushing power is made manifest, sea at a glance that this and similar grounds ; a gentleman of mush Gradually the seed pod or nut is murders are faots, but that these learning and manifeatnatural genius, triad away from the atom and a murders are necessitated by a Jewish origivally a Greek Catholic by per- little stalk shows itself. As this religious requirement is only an in- 83cn, but early in life Adopted stalk grows so the not at the end of 018 finance and may very well be feeler, the reformed faith, and. from hie 11 is pushed forward until it curves Nevertheless to tbonsands in the residence In Damascus, (under dif over like a dell hook, with the little Emit Ibe story of human sdcrifios by fieulties of the atm -neat kind and not in the plane of the point and the Jews is tiuquestioned, delicate health) throw off au iucred• barb. Gradually the nub is pushed L•.ate in the afternoon of the 17tH ibis number of religion= tract 1 and down to the ground, and thou pushed of September w0 entered the city, books for the guidance and comfort into 11. It by any nenldent 11118 is Dash led the mule and I walked be of the rl.rabio speaking world, he, Prevented the fruit omen to grow. hind along the street once known not unlike hie Master, witnessing The vulture of the peanut ie not as t'e Strait," in which 1 after. a good confession and despising the difficult. Good Dorn land is gamer - tame wards determined to lodge. The eleam0, rernaina an ornament and ally selected in this country, cars thoroughfares in general are ex• power for good in the Protestant being token that there is nothing taemely narrow, uusymtuetrical and oemmunity and often vieited by in the land that would attain the not over clean. Ditapere and jewel• travellers from the West. In this shells. In this state n sandy loam lora occupy the superior quarters of city several western miseionnry so- that novae suffers from drought the dity, whilst moors, fruiters, oietios are represented and much should be ohoseu. In feat, good two., fill up the remaining lanes of work in the name and to the glory melon land is generally good 0031003 bazaars. Grapes everywhere piled of Christ is being done, to which laud. The bottom lands 011 the up, either on boards, baekots or more detailed reference will yet bo borders of rivers that erosive ,a win- wooden boxes, moot your gaze. The made, tar or lapdog overflow aro ndmir- husbandman brings his produce) to Probably on account of ire geo• ably adapted for the growth of this the city at dawn and eons 13 to the graphical, commercial or historical nut. The plan of planting adopted enop keeper, the latter aonsiaera importauoe an ancient writer called in the south fa to mash off the land himself unfortunate if he does not Damascus '=The eye of the East," in furrolve throe feet apart, and in dispose of all he bought in the but with match propriety it may else these two Peat' are dropped at in morning, In the earlier part of the . be palled the eye of Gentile 01rfeteu• tervale of eighteen 1001108 anti Dov day he demands the exorbitant price dom ; for this city, in baptism, re prod an inns and a Half gasp, of five piaster for a•ratel of the best oeivod into the bosom of the Glaris- Wbon the nuts aro ripe, which grlepo8, nearly lid per potted. He Alan oburch tate most laborious and will be in ,October, the Oallfo8uia domande an equally high priori for successful miaeionary the world has , Peanut (armor runs a farrow on his peaches and pears, nevertheless ever aeon, who, by pen and tongue, each side of the row of vines with a many people, chiefly the we=althier has left on manktud a deeper mark bull tongued plow, close enough to olaesos, patronize htm. Towards than any other mere Human in. loosen the soil and plants. Thou evetting he finds he has stilli acon. L Socrates, Plato and rihe takes a light and narrow er ow g r ub• aiderabloquantityof fruit, whioh,if sto610, Alexander, Geloar and Na• iug boo, digs up the vines and turns left till the following day, Will bo poison may really and truly have them over to dry, taking care never` of little valno. Down he brings tate been•, nevortlaeless tho .philosophy t0 gather in rainy weather or when prioo, and at the pitch of his voice of St, Paid eoutiauos to outstrip the ground is very wet. After Al. frantically calls upon all to buy at and auporoodo tho speculations of lowing the vines to lie 1n the son the rodunod rate of a ed per poau3, the $c,33 throe, while bis oouquest8 for a day the boat plan ie to Htawk or thereabout.. It's common enough continuo to he more brilliant and them, after the dewy has dried, in sight to have, in a single stroot, extensive than those of the three the following fashion : Drive a stake mora than a dozen vane striving military giants. Tho w itings of of four or five foot long firmly into Which should be heard fartttoat and the several Greek philosophers may the ground, spreading dried genas hold out longest. Tho baker; and be iuvaluablo contributions to the or hay around it, so as to keep the butcher, as a rule, do not recluse learned ; the splendid achieve/flouts vinos from the clamp ground, Then their original prinos towards oven. of the several warriors may bavo Jay the vines around the post with ing, yet they, too, join in the cry, flashed with dazzling but women- the roots inward, taking care to Offering and commending thotr tart' offeet upon the world, batt 1110 leave a apace around the stake for pods, is largely to be chaired, and to get this the nuts are somutin 00 put into a sort of winnowing eage, which is turned either by band or power, There aro two sorra of peanuts grown in California—the white and the rscl—and to matte the white variety still whiter the ants are treated roes treated to eulphnr fumes, The r ed variety, by the by, 31 utero easily cultivated rind sells for 3about the sante prion: The wbite Variety rune along the ground, while the red gro=ss upright in a buacb. The picking 18 a rather arduous task, but the labor will in all prob Milts' be modified by the use of machin- ery. The peanut lea uao(ul pro 1uo3 much morose, indeed, than p0eple, imagine, \'4s all know how ORton eivoly it ie eaten in 135 roasted aCa e, but thereat by n0 means lies the eaten t of its value. the Huta can tain (tern 42 to 50 per Meltof a nearly colorless blend, fixed oil, re- senibling olive oil, and used for elm• iter purp0Pes. The be 13 is obtained by oolil ezpreseion, but n targe quantity of infanta. oil is procured by boating the weeds before pree•tiu t, It is a non drying oil changing but slowly by exposure to the Minas. phere, and remaining fluid in cold. several degrees below 32 degs. Fahrenheit. It contains besides oleic and palmitic acids two other oily acids, which have been milled the Brachia and hypogestc, though it is doubtful if they are really dis- tinct. The principal consumption of the oil is in soap making. In 1883 Virginia began the man- ufacture of peanut flour, the result bomg a peculiarly palatable biscuit, while Georgia has long made pas- try of pounded peanuts. The ker- nels roasted are largely used it; the manufactna0 of chocolate, while the amande de =erre, ashes been shown, is used by the confectioners. It is also eaten as a fruit and roasted for coffee. The poor ma's fruit, the peanut, is oapablo of sustaining life for a long time, owing to its pecul- iarly nutritive qualities, the negroos using it alike in porridge, custard or as a beverage. Nor door its use• fulness end here, for 1110 vines form n rplanaul fodder, as good as clover hay, while hogs will fatten on what they find in the fields after the crops has been gathered. Cat.lraretital,Nowa. Hay sold in Belleville Last week for $19 per ton.. Twelve below zero at Calgary on last Wednesday. The Thorold natural gas well is down 2200 feet, but no gar. Wiartun'e Salvationists have boeu revelling in a leap year eoozal, Itidgetown business man have subscribed for 84 electric lights. Joeiab Paddock, of JliIleao, killed e, partridge with a charge of peas. Five new eases of smallpox have beeu found in North Gwillinsbury. A.. T. Biggar, of Glenelg, had 18 fine geese Trilled by a fax last week. Several beavers have been Oangh1 in the Bosky Saugoen, near Dur hem, lately. ' Thee. Bluto, of Oamphellford, shot six doer in three days at St.ouey Lotto. The Manitoba government is going to give land to establish a buffalo ranch. e Three Toronto young mon tramp. ed to Hamilton on Thanksgiving Day in 10 hours, A $125,000 bridge, half a mile long, is to be built at Belleville across the Bay of Quints. Thos. Earle, of Badgerow, cried suddenly of heart disease while picking potatoes on hie farm. Tho Brownsburg, Que., nmuln• nition factory recently shipped a carload 0I cartridges to St. Louis, 11o, 11, Oollins, of Guelph, aged 10, Tial one of his eyes knocked out by ins gun exploding on ''Thanksgiving da y 111. blonetto, of hiIontreal, had his head split open by his axe catching ill a clothes line while chopping wood. A shooting party at Wyoming brought in nearly n y BOU sparrows, '7he birds aro a great nuisance there. While out shooting recently, W. White, of St. Thomas, l=ad a ballot shot through his hat by some reek - len sportsman. Thorn aro 2600 oil halls in Po. !voila district, which covers as area of sevens miles by from a half to two miles wide. Airs. Geo. 13ishop, el Adelaide towpobip while picking apples lest weirs was stricken with apoplexy and diad immediately. q y teethe of God as affirmed and taught PurPoses of ventllatiOn, and when it tooth of . mammoth was ex - wares. I ire Henri hoard a man I] ca+rated at St. Catharines recently shouting cucumbers at a id por in the immortal writings of the ma the stook is Of a proper height thatlmoasnred 76 inches in length pound, adding, and 'flet the greedy mortal Paul endure forever. Paul's thateh it with a straw oap tiod toand it) Mime in cirenneferona0, whisper in my ear," whioh meant doctrine of man'a justification by the stake. Let the vines retrain in Black bears arc reported to be that to bbo ordinary buyer Ire sold faith, of man's salvation by free and stack (rem throo•to Ave weeks and v(cry numerous in the Parry Sound at id, but to the greedy he' was 80803eign g1400 38131 never 003180 to then pick tbo nuts and send to mar- diatriet. Only last weep a good- willing.to reduce atilt further upon be regar(od as inimitable tenths; kat, eland 11laa13 031b lvantI 1010 rho n whisper. 'Die shops are generallyaluiply sublime and sublimely 11'11118 AND liana VAlai3977t8. Iowa anti teas akilled by eitizet7 eine% a foie feet above. the level of � simple is Paul's oxpositlou of rho t A. clean, bright aplroarenas of the llibh a club, PSI 8 Returned to Brussels, ROBERT ARMSTRONG desires to abate that lie ham again • bcuome a resident of Brussels and is prepared to take Contracts for Ali kinds of Carpenter Work, such as Boise ]building, Barn Framing, It1i11 Wril llting, eke, Ifo will also make a specialty of ltiov Ing Buildinga, Estimates Cheerfully Given, Satisfaction Guaranteed. in every instance, Aortae. A10181010," A Well. .Ass i., rtecl Stook of CHRISTMAS GOODS To Ford and More to sallow. ALBUMS A Splendid Stook Sold at Close Prices. See ,eta Bibles, ilynn Books, Prayer Books, &oa, HCl —ALL THE— SO 0 I Post Boo1oh1e. THEC oIC'SBEST(FRIEND teeteeteteleaVeC9.,a' TAILOR SHOP uW'a^IA4AI'4� UPIp'aPin'L"L•9; arq•,,.- First -Class Suits, either Bound or Unbound, made for $4,00. f "rl lit Guaranteed. Produce taken in exchange for Work. ' M. G.. FiTCHdRDSOIV, 3-4 Merchant Tailor. PLOWS AGAIN' "Well I neighbor, w1301.0 diel you gob that Ano working two furrow Gang Plow ?" well atr,Z got ltrrom WAi. ►1.1itTIN, Brllmaela, you know he keeps the larttest stook of BLOWS worth the m000ylo the trade. etre you in need of a general purpose plow 0011 and sou THOS. HENDRY'S, of Seaforth; TOLTON'S, of Guelph, No. 7 Plots ; PATTERSON'S, of Woodstock, PLOWS - OF - ALL - KINDS Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers and Grain Grinders- -TURNIP AND ROOT PULPERS- 2, 4, 0, 9 and 10 Horse Power. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED in all Sale of Implements. Wm. llttartit. Brussels. HOLHs : Ttntgah lay STREET.. HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co. This Company is Loaning Honey on Farm Security at Lowest -Rates of Interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 8, 4, ailcl 5 per cent. interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and tune let. OFF1on.---Corner of Market Squaro and North Street, Gode- ricb. Horace Horton, MANAGa$1L. BRUSSELS LIMA W ,tea . �.,,eSLICI S I desire to inform the Public that 11iavo Leased the well- known BBu$eons Lama Wowics from Thos. Town and will run tho business next Season. I will also continua to follow my trade as 1 TON3]11 >vC�:etcQ1N, and am prepared tofurnish esti- mates for Jobs, &c. DMJf . D.ING AND CORNER STONE always on hand. Satisfaction Gtfarditttcd. .e a,toeialt)• wade or ttetetetayin1 autf i'testerrite hiralC. W Y P1 OI?III iTTO .