HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-11-30, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST
TOWN DIRECTORY Ito doing wrong. With an army of Farmer Janes' "Wise Sayings.
i 1 ld conor not
Nauman Cinincti.—Sabbath Services i only the 1'renoh, but the world."
at 11 a.m and 0:30 pan. Sunday School And, handing the boy a glitter.
touch soldere counq
et 2:30 p. m. Rev. John lteee, 13. A.. int, sovereitln, the old duke pot
pastor• sura to his horse and galloped
Rime Ont tun.—Sabbath Services at 11 p
tam, and 0:80 p.m. Sunday School at 2;80 away, while the boy rats off to hie
p.m. Bev. O.B. Howie, M. A., pastor. work, shorting at the top of his
Se. Jonv'S 0lnmcnL—Sabbath Services
at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday Sellout at
:80 a.tn. BOY. W. T. Cluff, incumbent.
MEmnonroT Omnia. --Sabbath Services
at 10:80 a.m. and (:30 p, m. Sunday
School at at 2:30 p.m. ltov. M. Swann,
third Sunday in every month, at 11.
a.m. Rev. P. J. Shea, priest.
SALVATION Anni.—Services at and 11
a.m., 8 and 8 o'clock p.m. on Sunday and
every evening in the weep at 8 o'olook, at
the barracks. Capt. Smith in command.
Ona Femme' Loi'ou eVery Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
Mama Lenon Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A. 0. Il. W. Lonox on first and third
Monday evenings of each month.
Ponuermite Lowe 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month, in Smale's hall.
L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month,
in Orange Hall.
Poor Ornce.—Office hours from 8 a.m.
to 7:80 p.m.
i I41\Aa I evrrrt1 rr _..Reading Room
and Library, in Helnr. ' 11,ok, will be
open from 0 to tt o'clock pan. Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Miss Minnie Shaw, Li- !
Bnrss:xs W. C. T. IT, hold moodily
meetings on the 30d Saturday in each
month, at 3 o'clock p.m. Mrs. Swarm,
Pres. ; Mrs. A.. Strachan, Scc'y.
Towx CotntclL.—W. H. McCracken,
Reeve ; R. Graham, J. Amont, D. Strach-
an and J. M. McIntosh, Councillors ; F.
S. Scott, Cleric ; Thos. Kelly, Treasurer ;
D. Stewart, Assessor, and Jas. T. Ross,
Collector. Board meets the 1st Monday
in each month.
SCnoOL BOann.—Rev. Jno. Ross, B.A.,
(chairman) 1'. S. Scott, 31. Dennis, T.
Fletcher, J. Hargreaves and A. Hunter.
Sec.-Treas., W. II. Moss. Meetings 1st
Friday evening in each month.
Punic SCHOOL TEACnEns.—Jno. Shaw,
Principal, Miss Richardson, Miss Hambly,
Miss Abraham and Miss Taylor.
Beim or HE/Lem.—Reeve McCracken,
Clerk Scott, J. FI. Young, A. Stewart and
J. G. Skene. Dr. Holmes, Medical Health
or, 7 Z?rcnts tamer.
"What is your father, Willie ?"
"He's a man."
"0h, I mean what does he do
for his bread and butter ?"
"Fe's an artichoke, and draws
Trottie was suffering from a
severe attack of influenza, and as
night came on the little one grew
"Mamma," she whiapared, "jnat
feel my cheeks. I tuink the cold
has gone, and I've got hot in its
"I shouldn't think," said Willie
after a few moments of deep reflex
tion, "that Santa Clause would
have raitr•deer at Christmas. He
ought to have snow -deer."
"Of course the baby can't walk,"
cried Harry, after regarding his
newly arrived cousin in most critical
fashion. "Who could with such
long dresses one?"
"Uncle Willie it Uncle John's
brother, isn't he, papa ?"
"Yee, Harry.,"
"Ansi you aro Uncle John's
brother too, aren't you ?"
"Then why aren't yon Uncle
Papa 2"
A farmer was one day at work in
his fields when he saw a party of
horsemen riding about his farm.
He lead one field that he was spe-
cially'snxioue that they should not
ride over, as the crop teas in a con
dition to be badly injured by the
tramp of horses. So ho despatched
one of his boys to the field, telling
him to shut the gate, and then keep
watch over it, and on no account to
suffer it to be opened.
The boy went as he was bidden,
but was scarcely at his post before
the huntsmen came up, peremptor-
ily ordered the gate to be opened.
This the boy declined to do, stating
the ordersjbe had received, and his
determination not to disobey them.
Threats and bribes were offered,
alike in vain ; one after another
came forward as spokesman, but all
with the same result : the boy me-
mained immovable in hie determin•
ation not to open the gate. After
a while one of noble presence ad-
vanoed and eaid, in commanding
tones : "My, boy, you do nob know
me. I am the Duke of Wellington,
one not accustomed to be disobeyed,
and I command you to open that
gate, that I and my friends may
past through."
The boy lifted his cap and stood
uncovered before the man whom all
England delighted to honor, then
answered firmly : "1 am sure the
Doke of Wellington would not wish
me to disobey orders. I must keep
thie gate shut and not allow any
one to pass, but with my masters
exprons permission."
Greatly pleased, the sturdy old
warner lifted his awn hat and said :
'I honor the matt or boy who can
o neither bribed nor frightened in.
voice : "hurrah I hurrah 1 I have
done what Napolean couldn't do :
I've kept out the Duite of Welling
Every boy is a gatekeeper, and
his Master's command is "Be thou
faithful unto death." Are you
tempted to drink, to smoke or chew
tobacco ? Keep the gate of your
mouth fast closed, and allow no evil
oompauy to enter.
When evil companions would
counsel you to lie, to deal falsely,
to disobey year parents keep the
gate of your ears fa -t shut against
such entloemeute, And when the
bold blasphemer would instil doubts
of tate great truths of revelation,
then ltecp the door of your heart
looked and barred against his in.
famous euggestions, remembering
that it is only the fool that hath
"said in fns heart, there is nu God."
Household Hints,
Sprinkle cayeune pepper in the
resorts of rats, and they will leave
the promises.
Electric silicon powder is very
nice for polishing brass.
White and pale shades of paint
may be beautifully cleaned by using
uniting in the water.
Plenty of clothes pins should be
kept handy. Have a box for these
and drop them into the suds once in
a while, and then wipe them dry,
as they are apt to get dusty, and
soil the clothes.
Much sickness in farmei a fem.
ilies in Winter is due to keeping
large quantities of potatoes and oth•
er vegetables stored under sleeping
To clean oil paintings, first brush
them, then wash with warm milk
diluted with water ; rub with a
piece of flannel dipped in tarpon.
tine and then with a dry flannel.
Green corn and Lima beans de•
teriorate more quickly than any oth
er vegetables ; they should be spread
out singly on the cool collar flour
as quickly as possible after they
come from the market.
Good eggs may be quickly desig•
naiad by their dull shell and clean
appearance. An old or etale egg,
as a rule, has a dull, porous -looking
In using a rough chamois to
touch up highly polished silver, it
is frequently observed to scratch the
work ; this is caused by particles of
dust, and even hard powder, that
are left in the leather, and must be
got out.
Good Words.
We can hardly learn humility
and tenderness enough except by
suffering.— [George Eliot.
Faith evermore overlooke the
difficulties of the way, and bends
her eyes only to the end.—Bishop
To possess and command the
world, the Church must be uuworld.
ly and servant of all.—[Rev. W. B.
God does not always bring the
help he might nor as soon as he
inight; but he asks us to trust him
alike when ho comes and when he
tarries, when he eosins to be watch-
ing tsnd when he seems to be sleep•
ing.— [Abbott.
All the sin that hat darkened
human life and saddened human
history began in believing a false-
hood ;• all the power of Christianity
to maks men holy is associated with
believing the truth.—[3. A. 13roadus.
Remember, dear reader, the love
of men and women is very sweet,
but all must pass away ; and what
will you do if you have no wealth
but the wealth that fadeth, no love
but the love which dies, when death
shall come 7—[Spurgeon.
We hold reunions not for the
dead, for there is nothing in all the
earth that you and I can do for the
dead. They are past our help, and
past our praise. We eau add to
them no glory, we can give to them
no immortality. They do not need
us but forever and forever more we
need them.—[Garfield.
A calm, self.possessed captain of
a vessel was asked : "Captain, I
suppoee you know where every rook
and shoal is along this whole coast,
do you not ?" "I know where they
are not," was his reply, which is a
more important thing. Admirable
answer. I£ your faith is fixed on
God; and your heart is wedded in
hie service, you will know where
the dangers and difficulties and
mysteries and oontradiotions aro
not. Riding peacefully upon the
great deeps of his levo, your great.
est joy will be that you eo longer
I live by doubts but by affirmations. --
[Dr. A. J. Gordon.
No sauoo lilto appelite.
Bust wastes more than use.
Advisors are not the prayers.
The belly overrules the head.
The eagle does 3103 taint flios.
Don't rely on the label of the
balg3ettor be a coward than fool.
It is only the first bottle that is
The beat drivers will sometimes
None no busy as those who do
A bad workman never finds a
goad tool.
Show me a lawyer and 1'l1 show
you a thief.
Better a slip of the foot than of
the tongue.
Gluttony has killed more than
the sword,
Money is a good servant and a
ball master.
A.. handsome shoo often pinches
the foot,
I can tell by my own pot how
()there boil.
Lawyers' houses are built out of
fools' heads.
The miser and tlio pig ere of no
use until dead.
'I'ho only way to keep a secret is
to say nothing.
The mill does not grind with
water that is past.
The doctor is often more to be
feared than the disease.
13e is the wisest man who does
not think himself so.
It is not the big oxen that do
the best day's work.
One scabby sheep is enough to
spoil the whole flock.
Never sell a bear skin until you
have killed the bear.
A deaf husband and a blind wife.
are always a happy couple.
The hunchback does not see his
own hump but Bees his brother's.
Canadian Flews.
Heapeler woolen mills have put
in an electric light plant.
Kingston has a real estate boom.
Lots purchased a week ago for $200
have since sold for double that.
John Clinton, of Malahide, is the
possessor of a ben that has reached
the age of 25 years and is as in-
dustrious as ever.
The grandolitbic pavement put
down in Toronto is a failare. In
one neighborhood there aro over
forty slabs cracked.
An ugly boar attacked a valuable
mare in a field near Port Bruce one
day recently and killed her. The
mare was worth $200.
S. D. Bose, merchant of Bancroft,
has purchased the skins of forty
four bears, all of which were killed
in that locality this season.
The ladies of the Mount Forest
Methodist church announce that
they will give a "pa tont, palatable,
puff, paste, pumpkin pie pio•nio."
T. W. Casey, of Napanee, is in
Iowa where he has an engagement
with the Slate Temperance Associ-
ation to lecture on th at subject
throughout the State.
The flax crop around Belmont
this season is the largest e ver raised
there. The Smrtli brothers got
0,000 bushels of seed f rom 880
acres, a fraction over 1 6 bushels
per acre.
John Wilkinson, of Cb el tenham,
has been at aloes for eom a time to
account for the small q uantity of
milk given by his cows every night.
The mystery was solved recently.
He discovered that a litter of eight
pigs about 4 months old, were in
the habit of standing on their hind
legs and going from Cow to cow until
the milking process had boon com•
plated to their own eatiefaotion.
A carload of live geese, 1100,
were shipped from Perth, Ont., for
Thanksgiving dinners in Boston,
Major Faulds, of Aylmer, has r'e-
tenved his bank pension from the U.
S. government for eervleo in the
Mexican war. In future be will re•
ceive $90 per year.
The Bruce herald soya the citi.
zoos of Walkerton have discovered
e plan to dispose of surplus cats, by
dumping them into the editor's
well. Well, well, quite a Data•
combo, indeed.
' The Edinburgh Agriculturist
abates that during the past nine
months there were exported from
Scotland 2,964 Clydesdale stallions.
Of the number exported 1,071, or
more than one -holt, wont to Canada
and 508 to the Statoe.
Mr. Mayliood, a veteran of 84,
was married last week to a Ted•
ford lady, aged 62. Tho 'happy
couple' received a boisterous sore -
nada that meet have jarred upon
their nerves. It was a ease of lata
wioter and early fall.
S. S. Cooper, of Clinton, recent
ly measured a Mage soft elm tree on
the farm of Mr. Pickard, Helmer•
ville, and found it 88 fent six inches
in ciroumferenee at tbo butt, and
estimated that the tree would cut
05 into at least six 12 foot loge.
The Glasgow Hail, in answer to
a correspondent. says ; You aro
aware, wo preanxne, that Torouteeis
in Canada and New Jersey 10 the
United States ? also that both are
large districts—Toronto being a
province—containing many towns,
0c., dtc.
Wm. Barron, of Goshen, walked
to Jas. L. Cowan's and commenced
work at 8 a. m., digging potatoes,
turned out 100 busbels, dropped
work at 4 o'clock in the afternoon,
and walked home again two miles.
How is that for au old man 01
years old.
Wm Jones, of Alteroliffe, and his
brother went to Pelham with some
cattle, both being on horseback.
When returning Wm. had last
crossed the Chippewa bridge when
his horse bolted and threw him.
The unfortunate man broke his neck
and died instantly.
Two years ago James Trolte, 70
years old, a resident of Letang, in
Charlotte Co., N. B., became ment-
ally deranged, and threatened to take
his life rather than be a burden on
his friends. He built a coffin for
himself, took it into the woods some
two miles from home, dug a grave
and planed the coffin in it. When
found the coffin lid was raised, rest -
mg on a stick, with boughs and
sods on top of it. The would-be
suicide moved the coffin farther
away. Three weeks ago he distal).
peered from home and when found
the other day his dead body was
lying in a ooffin, which was un-
covered. Several phials, supposed
to have contained poison, were found
in the coffin.
A remarkable instance of feline
daring was observed in Mount For.
est the other day. Mrs. Morgan,
who lives near the river, is the
possessor of a oat which has fre
quently been noticed bringing home
fish and eating them. Mrs. Mor•
gan's son held the opinion that
posey caught her own fish and in
order to eatiefy himeoif as to this
wotched the oat, which went to the
river, and going out on a log,
crouched there and soon reached
out quickly with its two front paws
and snatohed a good sized fish from
the water—fully six inches in length
—which is transferred to its mouth
and -walked ashore. When it is
taken into considerittion that can
aro invariably averse to water this
feat of Mrs. Morgan's cat is all the
more remarkable.
r , r , '
t , y
r"•• , ,yMW/ d /'.il N,.w
i a'i'i11 Tj}; e IL;
tt1 C`' Sit, }� {
..1:3vv Pr ee, Fine Paper, Five 13aridrterrm.o Litlro0inpod
'Plates, First -Class Illustrations, Original 1..4':.ttcr
and Superior Workmanship.
I iii I.l1';IlART MATTER in the Curlsran.s GLora will be entirely o:•it;inoi
a •J t, :ll
include stories from the ablest pons in Canada. Tho snbjcets treated
;'r wholly Canadian.
112,NDSOME LITIIOGRAPIII±D 1'LATGS aceompr.ny the paper, the prinef•
tine 1,0 t;; a seelia from Vancouver Perk, 13.C., from. a painting by 11it•. I;.
(r2,..4.:47414. the cerebrated Canadian artist.
;:1.t li'0.1C.t3.LY the XIIAt Grows will be in every way dist-eters:: and no
1 :ice will Le spared in having it surpass anything of the kind ltc'rctoforo
put hod in this 4enintry.
Til'. DEMAND will he very groat, we would advise intending purchasers
to bravo u.o..t orders at their newsdealer's or :end direct to t tis oiiicc not 10.ter
t t n ;he end of the proson.t month, as the supply will necessarily be liinitcd
antl,' 1 nt,o undertake to frim( e r lel'dit ton
Ti!(' tit h i hien 1,lact,l 0 i >. CENTS Pi:rC
,.;...4t4414,41. to lava tho olitio.1 ready the first •woak in It cribra: in
3,1 :3y of time for "fail ., ..o,.u,- Ion; „ 13,:: aurcs :.n a..4 to tra.ai
n i•.:awe Christmas.
`r e GLOBE, 1.30 lir ; zit✓ nc yrriyper in Carr r.<1»,
P t ;I4,' C[ 'h_pf A7 14b.o !t agrieultarrl pe•por in (1E3-444.•_.,
.t,•.t:+. i...,. r t:pw to r:.:d o. 3. £,;, c.4ity
Nov 30, 1888.
s�eVIAM+trAI awMICLU M.SIZImQasremXPEASUaaxraaixvaava
1 JAI.. A ..o
We, the undersigned, call the Attention of the Public to
the fact that we have put in some
and are now able to do better Work than ]las been done in
the past and. as good, if not better., than most
We will endeavor, to the best of our ability,
to Please all Customers and fill all Orders at
Shortest Notice.
Those Parties having WOOL would do well
to give us a call before going elsewhere.
We have a fine Assortment of
Hoping you will favor L's with a Call, We
are, Yours Truly,
GEO. HOWE & Co..
Supt. 1a, uo 10-tt
General Blacksmith,
wishes to intimate to the public generally
that he does all kinds of Blacksmithing
in a Workmanlike Manner.
Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters
made to Order.
Repairing promptly Executed.
I make a Specialty of Horse -shoeing.
A Call Solicited. 'Remember the
Stand—VI= THE Bums.
9.1 S. Plum.
Great Bargains at. the
"Bee -hive" in
Teas an&
For the next 2 weeks.
EMMARRYt�� itY��NS�t
W. H. McCracken.
Scotch C ollar !
A Splendid Stook of Horse Blan-
kets, Halters, Whips, &o.,
tea., 011.Hand.
OUP Collars always
Sive Satisfaction.
I lead the van in giving good
value in
2'ranks, Valises,
Satchels, Etc.
if you wnnta set of Lltarr or
III;Avv Mums, or if you want
Repairing clone Call in and See tis.
-;Lor• 50• Cents.
.1811 Worlc from the Smallest to hlfe size
clone In it nrst•,Jass manner.
Itcsldences, etc„ al Reasonable
W. J. Fairfield.
I s. .11011,10011,1010 411'111.1 ii.linit
This is the name of. a hand -
containing 813 pages and 324
.i n udm'.id FYz HATicfiG, m'JF"£ &
It should be in every home in
this County. Every young elan
should road it.
Asti 2'0 SPX Tzar SAMPLE.
Hiram White, Agent,
no8.t1 CAt,LNCROOK P.O.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty, at
6 ce 6A per Ceftt. Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege
of repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Money to Loan.
Monoy to Loan on Farm Pro
petty, at
Brussels; Ont.