HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-11-30, Page 1Volume 16.
Wad g On Lett t..r •
(tenni our iteurthir riorrosi5setnth
Wsanouten, isev. •24,1843.
Army circles are being rred groat
at present by the exalting feat that th
President is supposed to be ooneiderin
the claims of the applioents for five d.
sirablo staff positi)us. In fact he bait a
unusual amount ofarmy. patronage a
hie dispoettl just now, for, 111 addition t
these places, he still has three et•larg
cadets to *end to West Point, and on
from tbe Distriot of Columbia, thus melt
leg nine appointments within his power
In consequence of this, and of the dela
with which the applications aro bolo
considered, there is a riolt harvest o
rumors and speculations reaped from day
to day.
Tho staff places to be filloil are a judge
advocate with the rank of major, all in.
specter -general and major, two eommis-
eimiadies and oapteins, and one quarter -
meteor and captain.
Tho number of applicants for these
places bo aetouishing. Their name 11
legion. One °Meer gave a general idea
of the number yeetorday by saying that
probably every first lieutenant -in the
lino of the army is either an applicant,
or is now reproaching himself for not
being one. There are certain line allure
who spend a great part of their ap ,re
time in keeping a watch on the roster of
the sthff waiting for a vaca,ney. When
one occurs the applications flood in from
all corners, all arms of the service, and
even from outside of the army,
Tho question es to the place whore the
inangitral bell will be held has been
settled. PiTr. Britton, chairman of the
inaugural committee yesterday saw Soo.
'retary Vitas, and the Secretary assured
him of his wish to do all in his powe, to
help the committee. He gave hint
letter to the commissioner of pensions
requesting the latter to co-operate with
the committees/2d Resign to its use such
rooms in the Pension building as the
committee might require. Mr. Britton
went to the Pension building, and was
shown over the building. Tho committee
will begiven the use of the graud court,
which is 311 feet lone"and 116 feet wide,
and all the rooms an tho sauto door oast
of the middle enttance. Tito aeons of
the commissionot ttuil deputy commis-
sioner on the second floor and fifteeu or
teensy rooms on the third floor will be
greeted to the committee, beside.. th
cur idol's. It is 8' 11 tha, roanne in the
baeoraent can bo be used for the supper
roome. In 1885 the inaugural atm:et:tee
bad substantially the nee of the whole
beikling, bat as it was incomplete only a
portion of the apartments s00110 gut into
servieable shape. The expenses this
year in preparing the Pennon building
for the ball will be much less it is
thought, than they were four years ago,
when the omit mitteit had to take an no.
finished building. The committee then
had to pay for o temporary roof and for
much other workthat has since been pro-
vided by the goverenaent.
The most forlorn period to tu stranger
in Washington is that comprised in the
two monbhs preceding the brilliant open-
ing of the official seecon on the first day
of the now year. House -keepers are
cumbered with domestic cares ; horse-
back exeroise, driving, and walking em-
ploy the leisure of residents inclined to
outdoor life, while the shops and the
modiste tette all the spare moments of
those whose winter wardrobes aro yet
incomplete. Calling is a mockery, and
it is the exception not the rule to find
people in their own homes. This is the
time of year whioh in other cities is de-
voted to the visiting of art galleries and
exhibitions whet° the artists of a city of
state display their summer's work. Is
the capital many people are vietitus of
ennui of whioh they are ashamed to corn -
plain. This state of things partially ex-
plains why the hall, ball -room, and
ing-room of the British legation were
brewed all day long Monday, at the UM.
tion sale of Lord Saokville's effects, by
women, many of whom were attracted
to the Kele by the hope of seeing some
000 they knew. The family of Minister
Vans, from Chili, am not greatly enjoy.
ing their first oxperienoo in Washington.
They are in mourning, and only the min-
ister makes oats, leaving 111.11110r0118
oerds. The ladies of the house, besides
being in a strange land, are among tt
people who speak a strange language.
They aro applying themselves diligently
to learn by the aid of leachers, the
epeeoh 018110 people about them '• and in
the meantime they are unmistakably
lonesome and homesick. Men can go to
their elate, but women have not even
the five o'clock tee -table to gather evened,
11 •
Agricultural College Barns
Burned. •
The splendid new barns at the °titan:lc
Agricultural College met with the seine
fate as its predecessor, by being burnt to
the ground Monday evening, Everything
had been loft all right when the students
and men wont to their tea, but shortly
after six a light was seen in the horse
stables, Whish spread like a flash to the
main been, above and up the vtuabilatore
end shaft to the lofty roofs. The fire
was utterly beyond control when the tabu
dents made a grand raffle for tho barn.
The valuable stook was got out without a
great deal of diffioulty, though the -col-
lege maesenger, joint Hoheithadel, had
his throat and lungs slightly binned by
inhaling tho heated air in getting, out the
lath horse. Two or three sheep may have
been burned. :the °olive hose and the
many willing hands were totally bumf-
itoithitto cope with tho rapidly advance:1g
flames, Whielt illuminated the whole 'oity
and the country for miles farottnd. At
nine o'olook the main building and the
bull -filled Adjoining were totally con-
sumed, The wind lay away from the
College and towards tho outbuildings, but
the driving shed, implement shed, car-
penter shop, piggery and experimental
ban were saved, mainly by tho effotts of
the oity fire belga& The lose will be
920,000 on the bathe. The lose on 000.
tenth, grain implemente, Moo will bring;
11 ftp to 60:000 ar 680,000. The tiro s
to have originated from a tau
or from 11 spark front a pipe, thou
nothing pertain i attn. The /as w
be a memo blow to the Clollego, owing
the season of the year. Tho old ham w
burnt at the saute mason three yearn ag
There is little nerotntnedation thumbn
on the farm far the etook. The Collo
was iu epleudici elution for work, 85 st
clouts being in attenclonee, of whom
are in the first year. Tlie ben was 11
meet comelete end beet appointed in LI
Province, the pilule being only resolve
ou after prolonged consideration.
itelqtarta rat 1 N ae war.
Germany 1 ist your imported 52,000
hones •
The Belgian coal minors' strike is
Serious election riots °centred on Mon.
day at Ramis.
Nes, YorIt'e dog allow will bo held Feb.
nary 10th to 11321.
Great Britain has been visited by fur-
ther eevere storms,
A battalion of British troons has been
ordered from Cairo to thuthim.
An uprising has Luken place in Per -
Mom which may result seriously.
A largo quantity of wheat has been
stolen from a Minnapolis eleveto.
The Vigor of Halifax, England, bas
no fewer than 30 livinge in hie gift,
Isu the United States about 8,500
watches are manufactured every day,
Oen. Harrison, according to a religious
weekly, ref usee to open his mail on Sun.
The amount of damage clone ab Comy
Island by the storm will probably reach
Two hundred Alsatian recruits
mutinied on their way to join the Ger-
man army.
The British Best Africa Co. paid the
Arabs 917,500 for the eleven released, at
The British Government has decided
ma the withdrawal of the Tax Bill from
The terms of en election ba mused a
Jersey City man to sit two hours on a
picket fence.
Nine fishermen are supposed to have
starved to death at It imuish, on the
Donegal °oast.
The 13elgien Government will ask the
Chamber of D puties for five millions to
eompleto artnamente.
W. 1 H. Murray MA 0.0801.)t -'d a spec.
all invitation to [couture in Boston en
"Continental Unity."
Ler .e numbers of Austrian, Turkish
an cl Rumanian Jews are being expelled
from Odessa weekly.
About a dozen evictions from the Des
Moines, Ia., river lands have been made
by the federal authorities.
England men About 100,000,000 post.
oar& a year, and the United States not
far from 389,000,000 annually.
Levi P. Morton is the wealthiest man
ever elected to the Vice -Presidential
chair representing 920,100,000.
Prince Ferdinand has given ttvo mil-
lion francs toward en official 1301100110
or a national Bulgarian university in
A syndicate has offered 9150,000 for
he Philadelphia Baseball Club, which
he present proprietors think is too
mall a price.
There were 9,257 boiler explosions in
he U. 8. in the ten years from 1870 to
880, in which 4.085 persons were killed
ncl 4,710 injured.
Boulanger's wile is taking stems to
blain & divorce. It is stated that one
f the richest widows in Francis is willing
o marry Boulanger.
Miss Maggie Kirkwood, of Maplewood,
a., has ridden over 1,800 miles on bor
rieycle this year. Her sister has cover.
d over 1,200 miles.
Cleveland has gas at 91 a thousand '
est. Buffalo pays $1.30. Dunkirk
ekes its own electricity at a oost of
4, cents a letup per night.
Whoa a Ohinatnan takes an 011E11, in-
tend of making him kiss the bible, they
at off the head of a rooster. The oath
s considered Mediae on the rooster.
The Fronoh have a wisdom of visiting
the graveyards wherein their relatives
re buried on the lst of November. Last
ear there were 270,000 visitors 01 that
ort, and this year there were 190,000 in
he face of the most terrible downfall of
Paris is getting tired of the ballet In
884 the opera. gave thirty-tivo
ights; in 1885, btveuty.eipt; in 18813,
wenby-two, and in 1887, thirteen. Tints
MX eleven ballot performances only have
sen given in 1888.
Though Beach, the Australian mailer,
otired some months ago, leaving the
orld'e championship to Ramp, he was
hallenged by Hanlan, and the two ex-
hampions of the world rowed again,
nolo defeating Hanlon for the fourth
1 ballsb
A young Mee of 20, wearing to pair of
rubber boobs that reached ,bo hie thighs,
walked into Steve Brodie's, Now Yeller
°Rh at half -past nine o'clock Saturday
night and announced that 3m had walked
down the river from Albany. An hour
later another num, carrying p miniature
canal boat, 08.01111 in and maul ho had seen
him do it, The first man was 0. W. Old-
reive, who started last Monday to walk
down the Hudson for 6500. The other
was P. C. Hurley, who followed him in n
dingy. Oldreivo arrived at tho foot of
118811 Street at eight o'oloolc, having/node
the blip in six days and ten houee. On
Trieeday Oldreive says ho was nearly run
down by a steamer, 00d in trying to gob
sot of the way took a nasty header, On
Wednesday the temperature was about
18 dogs., and his shoos wore mimed with
ice. He eonsulted 82 Elector at Penh-
keopsie and was advised to give it up.
Ilia ammo progress was 44. miloe per
day. Be Attempt went with the tide,
The shoes he wore aro made of todar,
lined with brass, They aro five feet long
and 82 feet Wide. L'itah is Mt tight With
a speee in the cebtre for the foot. On
the bottom are three fins so arranged
that When the shoo moves foteverd they
Ara pressed 119 Against the bottom, and
When the tilitie le at test they hong down,
wad, like paddle-wheol buckets
/3 lien women ;iv taus erretele
Oa of 13,001 assessed, 8,1101) hove /in
The report regarding a second. Petal r
script to the lolalt bedtime has been ect
The surplus novenae of the It. 13. f
8th4e1,213a.r ending June 30111 last was $111
There was a heavy frost at Ogineavill
Pla., Monday night, and the weather
very aohl.
The priating-proes, worked by Benin
nth! Franklin, at Boston, bas been pre
vented to the Bostonian Society.
Deinixtratio votarans in Indiana wi
secede from the Grana Army of the Re
pub io and establish a new Order of thin
The sidewalks in Salo Lake City ar
Btiw:an.ty feet wide, so that a Mormon aide
min go walking with his wife et Ili
en. Ilarrieon emphatically deolare
thst he has said nothing, either before
Flinn the election, regnant tg the annexe,
tion of Canada.
Remenyi, the great violinist, has been
touring through South Africa. He le
said to have no lees than 920,000 worth
of jewels given him by admirers the wide
world over.
Charleston, S. 0., began on Monday a
six days' celebration of the anniversary
of the great earthquake. The demon-
stration surpasses anything of the kind
ever before attempted there.
The Eiffel Tower in Paris has reached
the height of 688 feet. The one hundred
and twenty-two metres S400 feet) still to
construct will be terminated before the
end of January, 1880, at the rate of
eleven meters per week.
The entire stook of a chrysanthemum
imported from Japan recently, was re.
°Getty sold to an Amerioan florisb for
61,600. The chrysanthemum is of large
size, pure white, and has the petals cov-
ered with hairs, and is a decidedly beaut-
iful and pleasing flower.
Jety-Eye-See, the famous trotter, was
in a dying condition at Beane, Wis.,
Tuesday night. The famous trotter was
discovered on Tuesday morning in the
pasture almost lifeless from the loss of
blood. Ho bad stepped on a piece of
glees during the night and cue the mein
artery of the right front foot. His owner
has vetoed him at 950,000.
Of the world's refracting telescopes
nine have apertures exceeding 20 Mame
3—Lielt Oliservatoiy, California., 88
ioehes ; Pulkovo, Russia, 30 ; Yale Col-
lege, 28; Littrow, Vienna, 27; 'Univer-
sity of Virginia, 25; Washington Naval
Observatory, 05; Gateshead, England,
25; Princeton, N. J., 23, and Bucking-
ham, London, England, 21.
The street oars in Duluth are drawn
by mules. The fare is five cents, or six
tiokets for a quarter, the tiokets being
round pieoes of metal about the size of a
nickel, with a horse's bead stamped on
one aide. Nearly all passengers, of mum,
provide themselves with tickets, and they
pay their faro by putting one of the
tickets in a long groove running the
whole length of the oar on each side ; and
the bit of meta rolls down into the fare
Perth County Notes.
Y. 0'00:finer d0ftetttle 'Teenier.
The Toreatentint Veftts by Ten leo
0- ---
William J. 0`thinitor, the Catiodb
or oarsman. defeated John Towner, of 31
Reeeport, Pa„ holding the title of ehare
pion ()gasman of America, Saturdoy mite
o 11003110 ft three.mile Mee on the Aiken).
io River, oppottite Washington, for th
eharopioeehip of Atnericit and 92,500
fide. .i'Uoutior *Isulin splendid fort
and led from start to finish, Teenier a
no time being able to overtake him
11 O'Connor will now go to Australia t
battle with Searle for the ohampionshi
✓ of too world.
Thu present 1.000 grew out 351 trent
e in Madison, Square Carden, Now York
o between Teemer and Geo. Lee, the train
or of O'Connor. Ineffectual efforts hat
been male before that time to bring tit
two oarsmen togethet• in a race, bat aft5
✓ the quarrel both were anxious io wee
tech other and they were quickly inatoha
for a contest si Waehington ataturday,
Both 01001 1114100 10 Washington to train
Lo;' the event, and they had been there
more than two weeks getting themselves
in good oondition. Tito people of •.:ash-
ington at first took very little interest in
the match, as they kill had a.lively reeol.
lection of the day when the whole oity
thymbl out to see Com tney and Hitnlan
race and watched the latter row over the
course alone. This clic' not discourage
the oarsmen on tiaturdny, however, who
said they cua not care whether anyone
watched them or not.
The interest in the race increased great -
13 as the time for the event drew near,
and it was totted that there was hall
feeling between the men, and that there
was every prospect of a olotely contested
race. The worse selected was three
miles with a turn. When the time for
the nme'half-peat three o'olook, arrived
the coalclumps, gas worlts, wharves and
boat houses were lined with people, fully
10,000 persons being epootators on shore,
while many more oecapied seats ou small
river crafts.
Some delay was occasioned by the
presonce of a dredge directly in the course
of the oarsmen, and the spectators shiv-
ered in the chill, raw air ohne the m e-
iinahlaries were being arranged. The
water was smonth, but muddy, and the
other conditions were unfavorable to good
tuns being made.
2 he betting became quite lively just
before the race, and ompiderable money
Metaled hands, the O'Connor 111011 first
betting even, then giving odds of live to
fonr, and, when no takers weld bo found,
offering five to threi on their man.
11 was four o'clock when O'Conner,
cladin blue trunks, blue cap and white
shire crossed with a blue tilted, rowed to
thisetarting point, Teemer was loudly
altered when he rowed leisurely down
the river a few minutes later. He W0170
a maroon rowing shirt, red oap and white
trblank stockings as protection against the
souldnks, and elso a white undershirt and
It was twenty minutes after four when
J. R. Elder, of the Columbus Athletic
Club, who had been selected as referee,
got the men in line. When, a minute
later, he gave the signal "go," O'Connor
was off like a flash, and was a. half length
in the lead before Teen:tor could clip his
oars in the water. O'Connor, with a
stroke of thirty-four to the minute, gradu-
ally gained on the McKeesport
who pulled two stroked faater. At the
half -mile the Canadian had a length of
clear water between him and his cora•
petitor and slowed down his stroke to
thirty-two to tho minute. At the mile he
held his lead, but was out of his course
and losesome distance so that at the Mill
be was only a length ahead.
Bounding the buoy O'Connor put ou a
spurt, and with a long, powerf el pull of
thirty-two to the minnte he gained rapid-
ly. on Teerner, and dropping his stroke to
twenty-six, was a good three ittegths in
the lead when two tulles of them...I-trashed
been gone over. The Canadian mull, r
wits fresh and every stroke seemed full of
-tower, while Teerner, pulling thirty.teo
to 011oneor's twenty.eiglit, moved ahem/
lowly and seemed in labor. From this
point 'on O'Connor increased lila lead,
lowing up towards the finish, end he
rossed the lino a winner about ton
engem ahead of Tomer.
Tito winner's time wee 20 minutes 33
monde. Toomer's tittle saes not Milton,
ut as estimated to be 26 eeeoeds
lower. O'Connor pulled over to the
eforee's boat and inquired if everything
vas all right. Mr. Elder told him it was
rut that he had won. Do paddled
miotly off to his boathouse without a
vord. His bookers, however, were jubi-
ant, and they gave vent to their feelings.
oseph Rogers, of Toronto, the intokor of
'Connor, as soon as the race wee over,
aid that he now propoted. to go M Axe-
ralia and wrest the world's champion -
hip from Searle,
landau N 'to sete t...---
Luoknow is troubled with a gang of
owdics who smash windows, raid houses
nd steal ohicicons.
The Montreal underwriters have do.
hied that they can make int reduction
n insuensum rates.
During October 218 ChineseIsomi
ratite arrived at Vanoonver, 13. 0., pay -
g total tax 0( $10,900
Hiram Walker, of Windsor, will cora
nonce immediately the emotion of fifty
walling houses in Walkorville.
The ch&rges proferred by a committee
the Elgitt County Connell erase
tags Hughes have been laid over till
e January session,
TWonty,seven Nova Sootinna were
05821)58 this wagon from the G)niOester
Siting flet. This is a melt smaller
umber than the average,.
Eingstonians have struck on the idea,
btading railway from their oity to
0 Georgian Bay, connecting with the
twirl° Janet:ion lino 81 Gravenhorst,
11, S. Hodgies, of Lime, paid as U, S.
sty on betley the sum of $1,280. The
ity beieg16 conte per buehel, thie"sunt
90158085 Just 12,800 buthele, or 18' ear-
ecalemorfd.boer.riey, Which he has sent over
Matthew Robinson, of Mitchell, has
been removed to the London asylum.
His mind is deranged again.
Dr. N. D. Gunn, of 88. Mary's, has
been appointed Canadian correspondent
of the American Journal of Medical
A. serious moident happened to Alfred
Harrison, sr., Stratford, recently. He
fell under a freight train, and was badly
crushed by the brake beam, and bis
juries are considered to be of a dangerous
A brakeman named Thomas Mahoney
had a very close onll for his life in the G.
T. B, yard at Stratford on Monday
night. Eta wait). standing on the brake,
board, and fell betNveen the oars and un-
der the wheele, which shoved him along
the track for about one hundred yards. ).
His clothes were badly teen, and beyond
that ho was none the worm for his terri- s
ble experience on the rails.
The Mitchell Recorder says ;--"A °aria o
osity in the shape of a limestone weighing a
81 '
pounde was brought in and laid on 1
out -out -table this week. There is nothing
very ourious about the stone itself, as s
stone but whoa it is offered as a sample b
of buitter taken from the middle of as
crook, it le n decided ottriosity, being r
ninth solider than most butter at this
season. Tho stone Me brought to our a
edam by Thos. Staitton, of Logan, and
bad been packed in a crook of bobber by
a woman who was working for a sister of I
his, and who had boon supplying hermit a
with butter and keeping up the weight; to 0
her employer by adding atones. It was s
by a mere aeoldent that the stone was t
diacovered before the butter name to e
Huron Synod smote at London on Deo,
The Alpha Oil Works at Semis will r
0 exempted ftom taxatiop. a
The Dominion Parliament is likely to
moot tither on the 17111 or 24t1i of Jan, 0
Fellow of hickory wood, 10101 to shape i
uly, have been placied on the fro° list
y the 0111160MS 00.16/10ritille,
The Pleating to settle the question of itt
ho northern boundary of Ontario and
['oboe will shortly be hold at Ottawa. n
Over two hundred inotnbere of the d
orthaveat Mounted Polies have savings
milt books, Their deposits ex000d 925,- of
00. at
Warren H. Cody, re young feemereff h
weaborg, has one of the beet and most
ruiefel apple oroluerds in that put of il
he country, It consists of five acres,
nd this year Mr. Cody has actually mid ti
78 barrels of fine apples therefrom,
A by-law Was introduced by the OlV011 of
°and council to raise 915,000 by way of tit
onns to the Poleolt Iron Works CO, to P
thisb in the perehan anile enlergement
f the dry clock. It te multireteed that di
o <tempo/fly have a large centred on di
and for longthenipg a Meet shammy, and re
tot work will cOMmOnee 58 0000 alt the to
1 b . •
Number 20.
Th0 011501iiort. 85.00' mills hove 01111 31 k Tiverton man recently killed a 000
down for the Heaeon.
The 91st Heathen. Winnipeg, Bevil
:weenie othe, Ints been disban
Mr. Laurier nisi fla j„,
attend the 'annual Board of Trade Image
al, Toronto,
Mr. Bernard was the suncessiul eau.'
date for the Commons la Cariboo, 13, t
by 22 majority,
Th • Be trice W5•105, Of Wall°,
vine, have received a 920,000 order fro
the Pontinten Goverment.
Yietoria, B. C., it ref wilting. 11
city Conneit has prohibited Hund
theatrical performuncee, and is has no ',
consideration the Sunday drink shop.
A b;1 ,,000 bridge Is ts spun the t:1153,
diem falls is to bt, of one span, 2.1
1 .1, , 40 i55.4 wide, and guarante -
to with tauti a weight .tf over 200 tons.
The Dominion Cleve:Tine:It, tilting
110,0 Ta111;i1 185,1 15 111, Peri 341 Es
hibition, entrinrag C hattiati
who desire t. 'end priv 'Le e-..tlit,lta i.e.
Some of the straits personal and pb'iti
eel Monde of the late Thos. D'Are
MeGe. are tnovieg in the matter of th
erection of a, ,nontunent at Montreal to
his memory.
F. Norris, of Ingersoll, on Thanks-
giving Day cleaned bis gem and mat a
cearge of powder in 11 00 me if it would
go all right, It went as be found to h1.
sorrow, and hie hands and foes were boa-
ts burned.
Senator John Macdonald, who visited
Newfoundland last summer and wrote a
series of interesting letters concerning the
island to the Toronto Globe, has gone on
a visit to the Barbadoes, and will study
the trade question there.
Not long ag, a young lady cif Dover,
Emit County, while tooling with her
brother about a half dollar he was trying
to take from her, swailewed the coin. It
stuck in the cesophague, and a Chatham
physician had great difaaulty in extract-
It is a rather melancholy fact that the
thy after Frank Day was murder ci in
Chicago the medal whish lie had W011 for
bravery in the Northwesb rebellion n,r.
rived at the Grand Crossings Postoffitym
tie was also entitled to 300 acres of
A few day. ago an Didion pony that
had reached the age of 33 years died on
the farm of Atex. Cameron, London Tp.
She was purchased from an Indian on
the lettmeey Reserve, when six montlIS
old, and bronght into the neighborhood in
the autumn of 1855, where she run:mine
until she clied.
Dr Wilkinson, of Iffooretown, Ont.,
tells this story: "Tho allot day a couple
of little girls came to his office to be vac-
cinated. Once of them undertook to epeak
for the other and explmned, 'Doctor, thie
is my sister. ghe is too young to know
her left arm from her right, so reanente
washed both a theme' ''
The hoe cholera is committing sad
havoc with the swine at the southern
part of gEISOX. 000.11Ey. and ill spite of the
efforts of veterinary surgeons the disease
is spreading. Sono farmers have knit
their entire drove, mid they have asked
the Government to oome to their aid. It
is supposed the disease was caught froul
some passing stook train.
The Beaune, Que., gold fields ctre juat
now being boomed, aid a considerable
quantity of laud in the vicinity of the
miues, as well as misting rights, are re.
ported changing bands. Among other
sales Lockwood is repotted to have dm.
posed of 910,000 worth of mining lamina
to McArthur Bros. The letter firm sold
part of their claim for 950,000.
Last week a young man named Joint
Meyer, son the tenant of the Spires
farm ie Garafroxs, soil and delivered
30 bushels of barley in Verges. After
•aturniug holm, on menthe; over hitt
noney, he found that he had 910 too
much. The following day he went into.
own, told theparty who paid the money
of his mistake, and handed hitu the $10.
Suoh honesty is most commendable.
David MoGregor, agent of the Erie
and Huron Railway at Courtrighb, Itad
well known in London, met with tit
peculiar sooident on Friday. He wee
hooting rats with smell gun shriller to
hors need in a shooting gallery, and
vhile carrying the gun tinder lus arm
coidently pulled the trigger, the barge
utered his boot, passed between two of
is toea and lodging in the sole of his
oot. Two of his toes wore badly latter.
Robert• Barber, of Toronto, Govern.
lent Iaspeotor of Factories, laiti infor-
mation against the Erie Preserving
=pithy, St. Catharines, under the
ntario Factories Aot, charging them
with unlawgrilly employing in the factory
ix young girls and six women before six
'cloak in the moruing and after nine
'clock at night. Mr. Fenton, for the
ompany, pleaded and was fined
5 and costs.
Word has been roceival at Ottawa
hat the Chinese lepers B. 0. have
onamunioated their terrible malady to
he Indium, who in that province nnni-
er 50,000, Senator McInnes, M. D.,
min B. 0,, states that out of the total
ndian population of the province,
hich he placed at 40,000, he believes
lore will not be 5,000 living in e quarter
f a, century as a result of the leprosy.
he Columbia. Authorities have for
everal years been offielally infoimea of
le presence of the Chinese lepers, but
ok little or no notion against them,
taring that the agitation of the tiubject
atm turn away the tido of emigration
ming from Europe.
A naso of "didn't know it was loaded"
emend at Teeeweler on Saturday,
hich might have boon serials. A
ughtor of the proprietor of the home
31111011 a millibar of the C. P. It, Men
?teed, quite a young girl, playfully point -
82 double-barrelled breeoh-loading gun
Mr. Laird, a 0. P. R. employee,' and
ta she would shoot him, SI1aPP10g 01.10
the thiggers. Mr. Laird elpostelated
ith eXplaining the danger of her
flatlet, when Sheet Once commeeced to
nt tho gun. away, but in doing 00 by
me meant; the ether brothel, Muth WASaiiM,
hd0a, went off, tettrieg a hole mreplete%
thmegh the floor and riddling the !fa
firm:clones beildiee op ratoms aggre-
gate 9121,500 title year.
The Canadian revenue catter Prince
Albert way hurtled neer Send woth Point
on Thursday.
Dureelunir, the coal Moe of British
Colombia, luer an income of from 89,003
to 53,000 a day.
SE. T/10/00,4 yreing ladies hove formed
an aseietiatien to work fee he poor,
o.preally to Inalte and royale olothing
for chi Idrn,
The Paieley ministers have enteral in-
to an agroiment uot to Weed funerals
on 8100121V14, 50, they believo it is deice,
oration of the f,n11..-; day.
Wallace Grahm. lots edicsr of the
Windsor llecord, itoti formerly ef Path -
hill, /ft Tuee lay fin, s p deet; •1111, to
elifornia, iiy ie, wife.
While working on Alderneet ‘1,nalon's
net, s gas auk. in the rear oc 5, Albion
iitel, Stratford, a yoang matt nutted
ttlaiest Toctolscirl was el ,e;, '05 the
top of his head by a brif: alliedt fell
from the scaffold to the bottom of the
tek. The wetted is net en bad matt
Prat sepposed.
The Ontario Jockey olub will open a
stake for Canadian•bred three.yomr-oids,
to be run at the 'May meeting, 1880, and
fubsequent years. It is prepoeed to
close this etake with entries, two year.
old this year, to be run fu 1889. Entries
for 1890, now yearlings, will cloae at the
same time Januttry 1, 1889.
Local News Items.
Anse Meer Oevrrat has gone to Toronto.
Emile Amber is ill with inflammatory
, hem:neatn.
Mose Lux VANSTO.N11 is ViSitilt 1. friends
itt Wingham.
Poe Silverware try H. L. jacksen's,
Posoofflce block. 20-
anlIfdx;r0G.0111)0N, of Orangeville, is visit-
ing her uncle and aunt, Bev. IL Pant
H ,w is it that Arthur Veal sells those
patent window blinds worth 91.50 for
GB cents
Canny anazs Etna wife, late of Shel-
bourne, are visiting with his parente,
John street.
P. T111031PSON was home from. Toronto
this week. He is greatly pleased Nvitle
the city and its proepeas.
T. O'Nen, tend Eddie 'went to Arthur
on Tuesday of this week. Mr O'Neil's
mother was dangerously ill and be was
sent for.
Dar Sunday the infant daughter of
10 11. Thompkins died, after several
awfobeellcunoiol 11112.ess, and was buried on Monday
Mee. Jam H. &AMMO has been
dangerously ill daring the past Nvi•ek and
as we go to preps grave fears are enter.
tsined that she will not recover.
MESS 111310)RT artist, states that there
bats been some misunderstanding, about
her terms for painting. She gives a
three hour lesson, oharging 50 cents for
each leeson.
A METTLE* of the Bible Society
Directors of the Brussels Brandi will be
held on Saturday afternoon, at 1:30
o'clock, at THE POST Publishing House.
A. full attendanee deaired.
Lase Monday E. Drake was fined $1.00
and oasts for trotting over the bridge.
This should be a warning to others who
ften forget tho restictions. The eonst-
&bre is on the look -out for offenders.
91.45 per owt. was paid for pork on
Brussels market on Thursday of Ibis
week. It will pay farmers a great deal
better to sell their pork here than to
jobbers going through the townships,
TII0 Goderieh Signal has added steam
power to their plant, which will add
greetle to their facilities. The Signal is
a live paper and the editor, Dan Mc-
Gillicuddy, will "got there" all right.
D. AND T. 1'. amuck drove over from
Clinton this week to me their brother,
W. A., who has men rata ill with Mauna -
motion of tho bowels. Tom. looks as if
to had good care judging by his avoirdu-
lait'r it rather a wonclor that Brussels
tad a market at all before the Budget
erne to town? People laugh at hie
bluff. There will likely bo a market
hire when this openomenolly clever
rale" has been forgotten.
Onrr.—Early an Thursaay morning of
his -week the spirit of John Stewart,
arriater, took its flight, after ten illuesa
xtending over ebout nine monthe. The
emased was the eldest son of Alex.
tomtit, Queen street, Brussels, [MCI was
ern in the toNeuship of North Baal -tope,
Perth Go. Shortly after the family re.
noved to Morris township, The a -object,
f this imbibe attended the public school
t Brussels and then wont to the Gram.
ue: school fat Stratford Nvliere he pre -
area himself for the haw profession. Pie
atrioulated Easter term 1878 and
vas in the °Moos 0.2 A. 3, McColl, Bras -
els, and Menu. Bah', Gordon ft Shep-
ey,. Toronto. In 1883 he passed his ex -
=nation as a solictitor and in Trinity
eem 1884 tvas admitted to the bar. .A
ood wa
position g offered him in the law
files of Messrs. Boll et Bigot', of Belle
illo, Solioitors for the Grand Trunk
ailway, and so well did he do his work
eat lm soon aseumed entive oontrol of
he Division Court Nvork in addition to
Basting in mattas of greater importance.
o was a great worker and his services
ere almosb invaluable to the firm.
est February he caught a severe cold
nd although Ito received the hest attend -
nee it ‚101(0 (pito evident that fell diaaase
onsamption had marked him as a
loam. Ho came home i) Broesole lad
ay Mit spite of all that could be
ono ho gradually wested eway until
oath dosed hia eyes on Thursday morn -
g, In Auguet 1885 ha. was uniteti itt
al:views to Mile Maggie Sincleir, of
is E00311, his 11010 bereft pettnM
er, r,
towart waft n moonier at the Preaby-
rian amok at Belleville anti a thor.
ugh going young man eeteemed by all
ho knew His death 8deeply do.
ared by a largo circle of friends IPA
Wives. The ftmertd Will take piece
om the rettidenee of Mr, I), Sinclai,
neon etret, eu Saturday afterneen 111
of a bex in the:teller With thoa, 13;20