The Brussels Post, 1888-11-23, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST aczuesseetnesseeingensweis:xcrafx r air epee itre tan ... p' l Oven.,rs from "3 up. Adam Good, MIAs Amax V NS OXS has gone to Eh tryf] You Nooa atI`atn wean from next Tuesday will be einem for a visit !!,, UU 4J 6 +s Ctn•istma-(ley.W. A. CALInee leas laid up fora few Hamamug gi IgEDDIX0 a:ly of tll:s wash. `.illi: Maitland skating rink is now aleii ml#liI Prolate wonder how Arthur Veal sells trading the attention of the juveniles of Rearm , t•:: the trill dant on 1Vcdncs. days this week with en attack of pleurisy, PRESENTS Then you would do wiecly in seeing our NEW FLUSrI GOODS stock thou lVe ileal have bad a finer l+ we can show you at the } l ci : tinge Yon know luras will soon be hero and We have not sptelo acesal iu preparation tot do - scribe our tine line of lalf ia.ta+ 47Acara:=4 and IIEo'LAk3:IC.S+.re* we have them all the salute. An inspee- was .Ill. tion sOlioiLed. J. MI'0.A 0. who has been home for G. A, DEA DIV] AN, nShurt vial,. left on Monday for .River areggist, Bookseller and };en.t i u b:+new c i-nw ll, Quo - bee Pretence, :hero he will work at mill. weighting. He a pusher. Mess 1.1. A. DEAi ni in away at Dale. ware an:listing in the care of Mr. Dead- mau's brother and other members "1 the family who are ill with typhoid fever, May Doactnren in visiting at Stratford, 31.ems of eheteo sora slipped Um Ilruseehs to London, l.ngl.tu 1, via Port- land. One tean from the Grey it Mortis factory end the seco•,d from 'Talton. EaCh ea • was rained a: lamely 113,000, Giyor stEt Balsam of fir - ld,cr,v..a t:t ,he } i. office: blo.•k where he u ae, 0 a r eu o� :s 4:'e4 - . , " riay now be found. He has added a ,o.o,e. , . . • , lrilldsome ewort:nent of silverware to those beautiful bedroom setts so ohoap. Brussels. Nov. 23, 1888. WE'VE GOT TEEM 0N THE RUN COMPETITION NOWHERE Rory is it that Arthur Veal sells those Jeines Beeenn has opened np a butcher recent, a .ies Mimes worth 01.50 for shot' to one of J. Somerset's b.lusee, near O 1- `� d V the Town hall, V i! r n ✓ 141st. Moons and daughter, of Alma, 05 cents :? Ase quantity of fresh lime et the Kiln, Brussels, In 11 cents a busliel, W. F, Krum, Prop. Montana has gone to 1 Sn ;filo. tt l i Ie C ha t.ll n bprosy( ll ilii tool iIt was a4.i )allamed y Win Martin, Alto (looD (looteel c c is in a day or so, it lot of itne 1udinn Teas, tate Genuine aeseen liked;'.icaa, 38- $3,000.-4 is said that Wm. Smith, (fainter, of this place has drawn $3,000 in the Loni.riena Lottery. His number la alley Goods Dealer NO REMEDY gives such universal satisfaction as the COi lxll F le131E11Y manufactured in Seafatth tailed - LUMSDEN & WILSON'S-- " e H. L. Jt i Dov line rear t o l to bus new Its wonderful virtues have created a demand for the Preparation from all 'parts of the Province. Druggists sell it. Provo 10 cte. 17 -Gins. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. sO0TIIEP,N ENTEN0I0N, we. C. & n.11. Trainsleeve Brussels Station, wort and south es follows: Going South. Going North. Mall... 7:02. a.m. 1 Mixed 0:20 a,m Txprees......11:45 a.m. I11 Cali9:66 p.m nixed 5;05 p.m. 1 lisprees 0.46p.m Xriri51. C.Los 4,tm11tm. A chiefs amang ye takin' notes An' faith he'll prent it. his stock of wetchee, clocks and jewelry. Tum first arrival in the professional tramp line came to hand last Sandal evening. Constable McComb accom- modated him with the best sleeping apartment the "cooler" afforded, What about some cordwood to keep the blood of such visitors in circulation ? APPLES WANTED.—A number of people are anxious to dispose of their apples so I have decided to purchase another oar load. Apples must be free from frost and well handled. Price from 60 to 75 cents per barrel. Apply at onto to A. K. ROBERTSON, Brussels. 19-1 WELL DIGGING AND DaILLING.—George Birt has all the necessary machtuery for digging and drilling wells and is prepared to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry street, Brussels. 5.01 Ton lade mentioned in the following item in 0sister to Mee. P. Scott, of Brus- sels ::Miss Kate Brine, daughter of J. P. Tag genial Mtudy McLennan was in Brine, of Seaforth, has left for Colorado, town last week. where she will be joined in the bonds of 14 LOADED cars left Brussels station marriage to Allan McLean, of that place, last Saturday., formerly of Seaforth. :Liss Brine for a II -Ennis in harness done divan soya nfimbev of years past has been engaged well at I C. Richards. in the Hit -et Day Company's store in 101o.s LILIiE McLArcnLix, of Brnseels. Winelpett, u. ,,r, silo Was highly esteem - was visiting in Wingbaut 1'. ' week, ed. No use talking Arthur Veal is selling 1 D.C.A.—Last 'Monday evening a de - all kinds of furniture very cheap. 20 bato was ]told in connection with the Y. ales, J. R. 8nrrn and daughter Kate 1'.C.A., of Dielville ebureh, PresidentMe- made a brief visit with friends in Win; - ham last week. S. II. Lean. of Dort Elgin, was in Brussels en Thanksgiving day. He's the same Finds; o as over. Miss Enut OLIvEn arrived home la -t week from an extended vitt with her sister, Mrs. Ino. Leckie, Toronto. POwDE7) and shot was wasted in great shape on' Thanksgiving day. Every available shooting ,}ton in the locality was in csn. WANTeD.—A place as general servant in a private family. Any person desir- ing a servant should apply at TIE Pear Publishing House at once. 18 WE received aver'y neatly finished map of the Dominion of Canada on Wednes- day of this week. It is published by the well-known John Lovell, of Montreal. Notice or REMOVAL.—Dr. Graham has Kay in the elt::ir. Tee subject was "Re- solved that annexation would be better fee Canada than independence.' The affirmative was led by Adam Good as- sf•ted by Reba Dickson. jr. For the negative W. Dryden and F. W. O'Brien held the font. After an hoar and a quarter had been folly occupied decision was given in favor of independence. R. S. Hays and A. R. Smith were delegated by the audience to decide rho case. The choir supplied music. The next meeting will be held ou Dec. 3rd. Mrssrot,mr.—From the annual misa sionary report of the Methodist Church of Canada the following contributions are credited to places in this locality : Wingham ..$1711 18 Teeewator.,88, 73 28 Wroxeter .. 75 00 Brussels .. 08 68 Walton ,.,116 00 Londosboro' 198 50 'Myth 182 51 Auburn.... 203 30 removed his office and place of residence Tteigravc.. , , 100 211 Bluevala .. 75 50 from his brick block, Turnberry street, Listowel..., 177 95 Gerrie .... 101 46 to his new residence, opposite Melville Attwood 9a .9 Ilenfryn .. 41 53 church, William etreet. 14. Ethel 81 60 Godorieh . , 805 12 1'rrL.—Intending applicants for either Clinton 652 70 Seaforth . 200 00 Toronto or Ottawa Normal Schoolscan Lneknow 93 00 Whit'cb'rch 83 00 Total raiment for Guelph Conference, e17,8,1111.07. The total receipts far the Seoiett were 5219,180, and the expendi- event last Sabbath with relatives and friends in Ilruseels. Tun Methodist Sabbath school maid - Pate giving n sonserve co about Christ- mas time, entitled "Meesiah's Star." Practice will be pushed next week. Tisa Town of Southampton, Brace comity, passed a bylaw granting a bonne to Vanetone Bros. Brussels, to aid then in starting a chair factory its that place. T. O'Nttn disposed of his brown "Magician" driving mare to Jno, Scott, Listowel, for the sum of 8180. She was a very rid'• little beast an:1 handsome an ,t picture. LEeeenn,•--On friday evening of next week Rev. David Rogers, of Londesboro', a (miner pastor of Brussels, will deliver a lecture in the Methodist church on "Lights and Shadows" It is said to be well worth Meering. S0i,1.—•TI1e Avery farm offered for tole last Setnrday afternoon, at the American hotel, nrus+eis, was purchased by James Huston, Grey township, for s:3,400. E. Wellings, of Toronto, repro. sensed the London and Ontario Invest. ment Company. oo,r about the rink this winter? isn't it about time somebody was snaking ice Curling promises to be well patronized this winter throughout the world and the Brnsscis eilappies do not want to be be. hind their neighbors. "Soop her up." You would think, to meet many of the members of Melville church last Sab- bath morning, that Rev, J. Ross bad been preaching a very sympathetic dis- course, judging by their eyes—but it turned ont that the furnace and pipet were largely responsible. COTTERS AND SLEIone.—Scott & Will- iams have a splendid lot of cutters and sleighs just finished. The timber is the best, thoroughly seasoned and the work- manship cannot be beaten. We will not be undersold. The customer with the cash in his hand can make a great bar. gain. Give us a can and see our cutters and sleighs. SCOTT & WILLIAMS, Mill Street, Brussels. n19'tf HORSE Fun,—The monthly fairs for the sale of horses will bo resumed in Brussels, the next ono being held on Thursday, December Otto and will con- tinue during the winter months. Tho beet buyera of Canada and United States will be present. Hundreds of horses were sold at these fairs last Spring and, ou the wholegood prices realized. Keep defer applying for admission until .April next, as both schools have now their still complement of students for the .January, 18Se,term. tares 5195,400.54. The largest eubeorib- NoTrcE'1'O TAxPAemr..4.--Tito ratepayrre ere to the fund are Hon. Jno. Macdonald are hereby notified that all taxes are to be paid to me on or before December let. I will be found at Ross Bros.' store ready to receive the same. Its. 1h.. 17-3 Collector. Laws Saturday Samuel IInt t rd met with a misfortune while chopping near A. M. Bell and family, Halifax, $400. Jno. Robb's farts. Achill ttttclt on Otto Ca uuurr Coxcenr,--Tho :unmet charity and family, Toronto, $1,110; ]Ton. Jas. Ferrier, Montreal, $1,000; Dr. Aikins, Toronto, $3100 ; Hou. W. 1:. Hanford, Ilemiltnn, $00 ; Jairue Hart, Halifax, 85001 Wm. Goodcrhem, Toronto, 8472; W. II. Keathy and family, Dundas, 5400; blade of the axe, causing it to glance and inflict an ugly gash in his left foot. Re will be laid up for some time. Props, — A wenther-wise individual writes: '•People might es well :cert their furnaces and stoves full beset, for it's going to be colder Sunday and Mon- day. Saturday night will be the coldest of anv this fall." Perhaps the w. -w. i. concert, under the auspices of the Brus• eels Branch of tete W.C.T.U., was held in the Town Hall on the evening of 'I'llaultegiving day and was largely pat- ronized. The program was an excellent leo sod was presented in a manner that drew forth great applause from the in- terested audience. Encores were the rule came known no more about it than the ordinary cameo than the exception and a n most enjoyable ovouing was spent by citizen. those in attendance. The program, as .A. NEW STELE or Pose Came—The outlined last week, was as follows : Cbor- Poet Office Department will issue a new us, "The Hunting Chorus," by Comp - style of postal card. It is much litre the double card of the present pattern. The back folds are split diagonally and open like a pointed star. The four corners are folded and joined in the centre, with to piece of gummed paper. The card weighs lees than half an ounce, and will Contain 00 more writing than the pre- sent card, the only advantage being greater privacy. A Wein IlearLyrio3.—Thu attelltioll of Hotel keepers is called to the Alt passed in the last session of the Ontario Legis- lature respecting the prevention of aooidents by fire in hotels and other pub. lie buildings. For the benefit of the hotel keepers of Brussels we give a synop- ers of the ir:acling provisions in the actmention d. The Act came into force on Nov. let last and it is menthe(' that every betel shall be furnished with a ladder outeido the building to to built of iron, attaelred to the wall with a railing Oil any ; Instrumental dnett, "Scotch Airs," Mrs. Geo. Thomson and D. Stewart ; solo, W. M. Sinclair ; duott, "I've wand- ered in Dreams," Mise Kerr and J. Har- greaves ; recitation, "What I like to see," Charlie Cantelon ; quartette, "Buie Brittania," W. M. Sinclair, A.. Strachan, H. L. Jackson and J. Hargreaves ; dnott, "Tho Crooked Bawboe," MISS K, Wilson and J. Thompson t solo, "The Lazeroni Maid," Itiisn N. Williams ; instrumental duett, ,Hiss Lizzie and H. L. Jackson ; instrumental duett, Miro IIargreavos; nolo, "Tho Old Songs," Miss Siem ; guar• tette, "The Belfry Tower," Misses Kerr J, Hargreaves and A, Strachan ; solo, ''Cvlien Kitty is Milking the Cows," Miss Kato Wilson ; comic abaft, Mrs. Rogers and W. II. Moss ; instrumental duott, "Scotch Airs," Mrs. Goo. Thomson and Alisoilaliantytlo ; solo, "Mrs. Xenon' Musical Party," J. Ilarm:me s ; tableau, "Rock of Ages" • National Anthem. the date in view, Thursday, Deo. 0th, Mumma. •— The Woodstock Times says : "On Wednesday afternoon a pleas- ant affair occurred et the resides:co of ox -Alderman Pott, his daughter 011ie being nnite•i in marriage to D. M. Fere. mon, of Stratford, (formerly of Brno eels.) The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Panton, of Stratford, in the presence of a few friends and relatives of the happy couple. The bride was the recipient of a nutter of very handsome presents. After partaking of refresh- ments, Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson left for a trip to the oast. They have the cengrat. nlations and good wishes of a host of es e friends." HELPIxi ONE ANotntEa.—In his dis- course on the Sabbath school lesson last each side and capable of holding o.t leant Special mention should bo made of the six persons at a time. in addition to songs in ohmmeter which were splendidly this there shall be placed in each bed. done. The tableau was presented in a room a rope not less than ,' of an inch in vory lite lido manner and a good many thickness, and of sufficient length to ; !messes made as to whom the young lady reach the ground below ; likewise there 1 was. The seeoeeede amounted to about shall be posted up in each of the sleeping $88. The ladies of the Union wish to apartments a notice calling attention to ' return their heartiest thanks to the lad. the said fire escapee and containing full directions for the use of the same, as well as a description of the outside stair• way and the situation and means of eg1ess to the same. The duty for the enforcement of the Act is in the hands of the Instector of the district in which the hotel Is situated. 1 CT IIIOMERS REAP THE BEiNEPIr.: ! le 'ilk Should Auld k@cillalll-,- ance Be Forgot. No ! don't forget it ! Brush up your olcl Coat and send it to your brother in Manitoba or British Columbia and then buy our New Fall and 'Winter Cloth- ing. They'll suit you better in the streets of our town. Brus- sels Clothing House is the t`auld acquaintance" that we don't want you to forget or to avoid. We'll promise to wear well Sabbath Rev. G. B. Bowie, f Knox church, said that ho preferred "helping others" as a title to this lesson. He en- deavored to show that helping others was incumbent upon us on throe grounds viz., the ground of commandment ; of necessity ; and above all of the example of our Lord. But who are the others that WO should help ? Answer—Our sisters and brothorn everywhere, the whole fam- ily of man, all the children of God. De- scending to particulars Mr. Howie said there are a thousand millions of people its idolatrous darkness, all branches of the church of Christ are attempting to send forth His light and truth. Our own branch of the • church is humbly en- deavoring to occupy a humble rank among torch -bearers and consequently in seven different places in heathendom we have so ordained missionaries with their helps. Within the limits of this Domin- ion our church maintains 247 mission fields, having 744 preaching station The cost amounts to about $50,000s. the year ending March 3L, 1880. The congregation was asked to help others in foreign countries, boob above all to help our "Home Mission" and augment- ation funds. Hare Mr, Howie explained the nature of the augmentation seheluo and said that the work cost $29,000 this year. ios and gentlemen who so kindly assisted on the program, to Miss Hargreaves for her services as accompanist, to the Baud for their gratuitous mueio and to 14tra, Pletcher for Otto use of star piano. Itis needless to remark that the money will be judieiouely and economically expend - ad in tolieviag the needy, SPAM/NO.—In Brussels, on the 19th inst., Olio wife of Mr. J. II. Sperling of a daughter. TnmteiAe, Nov. 29. --Farts stools, c&o., lot 00, con. 1, Turnberry. Sale at ono o'olocic p.m. 13obt. Morro%, prop., J. Cowan, auo. 7322.:Tf3tel0317...,S S.(r_EN. ,.MV.SEI 'S, CORRECTED CIIMITOLLT Eyritx wEErr. Fall Wheat 1 0;3 110 Spring tYtoot ... 1 Os 1 10 Bamley 50 63 Oats Peas ' Butter, tubs and rolls.... Eggs per dozen Maur per barrel.. Potatoes '• flay per ton 13 00 14 00 Hides per lb 4 5y Salt per bbl„wholesale.,,60 80 Shoop skins, each..,18 1 00 Wool, per lb. G'1800 6 25 Pork ....- _ —--_----•- da.h.-- ONvaS= a,¢.A.=S'I Tut., cOnaP.CTEn CAnttt000T mvEitt WEEt. Fall Wheat 1 Lr 1 18 Spring Wltoat ... 1 15 1 18 p 32 38 G55 GO0 02 80 00 Butter, per lb 16 17 Eggs, per dozen 16 00 Apples, per bushel 65 00 Hogs, dressed G 50 7 00 Beef.,..,,..,....,'..,. 4 50 5 G0' Ilay.,.,.......... 11 00 14 60, Wooi1, I1t1or corn 2 50 4 50, Sheepskins, each 40 '75 33 17 18 5 00 94 59 18 00 00 30 DVBIICOATS I OW THEY FLEW OUT OF TIIE', BRUSSELS (LU'l'lLING House last week. What a week for business. A rush, a crowd continually hurrying, hardly enough salesmen to wait on the eager throng. What makes it 1 �1'lly swell a business ? Th1t salve rate of increase for year 01' two more and Brussels 1voIi t bold us. t Why is it so :' Simply because right goods at dight prises 'lave 1101011 their work. GSTUFF, GO MAKiNG, GOOD YLEt.... We believe in, and the good value we have been giving, not only bring customers back but bring new ones with the olcl. See our Overcoat Stock this week. It includes everything now, everything stylish, everything durable. The finest goods the market aflor(ls, as well as all the medium and lower grades. '�, � ... .. CL Etic's O ,.� Ll ...l A. R. SMITH, CLOTHIER, BRUSSELS CLOTIIIlvCr` HOU,>L+'. REAL ESTATE. ft.EOIOB FARMS FOR s A.LE.— A sew splendid, improved farms for dtMorris and ofitRot'. he Apply too 110 �DEy1.GAelY, 00• Auction eor,T)russele P. 0. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, On the corner of Mary and Mechanic. e trivets, in the village of Brussels. This lfro- pOrty is vory conveniently situated and is e bargain to any person having a tinnily of young children as it is so near the school, (food stable and well on the promises, also some young fruit ttrees thnd e ow quantityt of smto all fruit. Aptly premises. 15-tf r,1MR5. T17IONBULL, Brussels. Oats Peas Barley Potatoes 1ARMFOR SALE.—TINE SUB. sommEn oilers his valuable 100 5000 farm, being lot 3, con. 13, Grey Township, ninon Co., fnr sale. There aro about 00 acres olearnd and in good heart. Moro is a log house, good Yank barn, bawling orchard, and all the necessary conveniences on rho promises. roc further particulars, as to )trice, terms, oto„ apply to tato Proprietor, price, Clare P. O., 14.W. 'U.. or to 241 DOUOAL'i1 0Tl04011A14, 13rus5018 1Li,Aioneit NED� MienSALE.--THE for anteeZOto north eastuarter of lot28, concession 6, Morris, County of Duron. containing GO acres. The land Is of prat duality and in a high state of eulttvation• wo11 fenced and under -drained, 45 acres rlearod. New frame house, a rooms, mill( house with concrete relic, 3 welts, good barna and shod. oroliard, oft. Eight acres of fall wheat. This dosirable property adjoins the oorl1toration Of Brussels. Suit- able ter me will be given. Titlo perfect, d1iM1;5 05. Box ! G UrtOsals P. 0, �lTALUABLE FARM FOR SALE `r cements south half of lot number SO in the 4th concession of the township of Morrie, known as the homestead of Ambi bald Taylor, oontatning ninety-nilto acres. Ninety ith valuable time ger'. the xce lout wood- ed largo orchard of ahoioo trees, soil in good condition and is situated ono and a quarter miles north of the Vllingo of Brus- sels, ell 0108 main gravel toad Thin is ono of Oho finest homestead fume in the County of Heron and will bo told at a bargain and on terms to suit pilrehener. For further artioulaes apply to the Proprietor. A. M.1'AYLOB, Neuningl, Arcade, Toronto, or to a1101.11BALD 'iAt1,011, 810., en the prom. lees. FARM FOR SALE, rho Esooutors of the estate of rho late WIl.LIAnt Hoover, 17sennus, deceased, now oiler the fOnowint( valuable lands for Salo, ✓ iz. o --The north hall of lot 27, and the wont half of thonortb half of lot 20, both in Oho fish concession of Cho Township of Morrts, O 0,1 0311 110f snores ai•o ooloarecltland0in ligood condition, the greater part being in grass, Thel,alano000 well timbered, ahlefly with heeol7 and maple. This farm le favorably situated within one mile of the village of ')russets, w1110h affords au exaoltout market. Those is upon the promises a good frame been and portae au oroliard of ehofoa fruit trees, a never failing spring, Woo a good well and pump, and good fon000. !Chis property will be sold in ono or two parcels, to suit intending purchasers: Ptsrobnsor will be allowed to enter and have ass at house 00111000(008 at any time after harvest sol to do fanlowing, ran po00o0- 1100 will 1M given at 1st Novemboe next, 1''or t0r1r19 and further particulars apply BANKING. 1�jc1NTOSH && ItIaTAGGART, 11 BANKERS •:. BRUSSELS Transact a General Bailktatg Business. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Oenadiauland United$ totes Drafts bought and sold. Intseostgalloweel on deposits. Collections rnadc on favorable terms. Oanadiao Agonte—alitnemorr's Been me CANADA. Now York Agents—IttmonTmns sun:Tnan- Ene NATro\AL HANE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINCLAIR, SOLICIT- or, Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o. Od{oe: Glatiam's 13100k,1 floor north of Bavgroaves' Drug Store, Private rands to Loan. E. WADE, BARRISTER, • Solicitor autl Notary Publio. Con- vovaneluo, collections and Loaning, air, Wade will attoud in lierrio ovary tv adaos• day at two o'oloOk. TIOKSON eC HAYS, (Late with Darrow & 1 eosd(oot, Code. rich) Barristers, Solicitors, Oonvoyan05rs, 00, Oltloe, Grant's Block, Brussels. Money to loan, 11. S. BAYS, W. B. DICKSON. A 1V1. TAYLOR, 13. C. L., BAR- B memo, Solicitor, &c„ of the Jlrm of Diokoou, Taylor & lvindlallouppu,t Barristers Solicitors, &c., Manning Arcade, icing Shoat West, Toronto, Atonov to loan, A HUNTER, CLERK OF Ono 13ourthDivision Oourt,Co. Hilton Convsyaneor, Notary Public, Land, Loan and iwouranee Agent. Vends invested and to loan. Oalootione utade. office In Gra- ham's Blook,tiruossl6, ditT OUNN(N0y441 INSURANCE, FIRE, AND MARINEr3 GUSLPH, MEDICAL CARDS. CALE, M. D., 0, M. 9 V Member oftho College of Physicians and Sergeons ofontaateby examivatimn. Oinee midResidoua—Main St. Pant ,tithe Ontario, T A. McNAUGHTON, t 0. At, 3 ,10.0. P. Edinburgh, At. 0, P. e'. Ont. At Bareeoavet' Drug Store from 0 14 11;30 a.m. and from 1,80 to 4 L, in. At other }lours may be found at the residento formerly 000npied by Dr. Butte:Moon, Milt street. CENTAL.. to the unnorsigned.Peat:dors,,or to ;one - :DJG:Le ICItt' ar,>C Y. ver rnsa0 s, Ont. (3. r,,, Ball, L. D. 8., honor Deaden -to and Gear a i 35415 Y•, kt.1i, 0.11, 8. T.orotnt0, VtboI(''o0 Air given o Exlccu'POtts. L liicksotr.t Ilnyt, 1 B, B:tfot9o0, D, T1..5„.Assistant Opotatcr. Dated a01,lrueeels,; ;num lath, 18811. 50 .. 'Oirlrt0n--tteyers liloelt, Seaforth, Menem st,P B 1 U t D]073 T 1 13B''. W. 3. Pcor,L.D S. 0 rnduatc of To - 10500 School of Dentistry. All ET, r- ations guaranteed. (1fficc—Call',. "nook, Soamrth, Altiecial teeth, eretquality, moa guaranteed tit, f o r' $12.O0 per sot,?. .A.. 1i¢.A.R'S'S 0, Z,, =. Honor (Graduate of the Royal Collage of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Minos Oxrno One administered for the peeress extraO- tion of tooth. 411 1'00E.—One neer North of the 7lniilt. AUCTIONEERS. EOIi,GI KIRKBY, L1CL'N- BED Auctioneer. Sales oonduoted on reasonable terms, farms and farm stook ,p. seeoialoy, Orders left at Tun Pohl, Publish- ing hours, Brascals, oe sent to Walton post aloe will receive prompt attention. ALEX. DELGATTY, AUCTION- nein,isprepared. to attend to sales on Oho shortest notion. A specialty made of soles of tborongh-bred stook. Terms )nude known be application tc Tins Pato Publish- ing Bou80, whore orders may be 1oit, er uddrore to Brussels P O. ARAYMANN, Av0PTCNEER • to alwaysready to attend solos of farms, farm stock, &a. Terms cheerfully given, Oraubrook IP.O. Sales may bo at - ranged at Pins Pest Publisttfog .hoose Ill's solo BUSINESS CARDS. I, 'II. MoORAOIi N, ISSUER • of Marriage Licenses. Oince at his Di000ry,Turuberty Street, Oil Teacher HENDRY, Teacher of Oil Painting. Rooms at Mr, ,Alex, Wilson's, Prineots Omelet. Class days, Thursday and Saturday, - ISS O'CONNOR, T1AOITER ler of Liatlo and Orgatt? Tories on appli- cation, N.B.—Walton class moots every Thursday awl L+`t9day atAlrs, D. Campbell's, Walton, ISS HARGREAVES DESIRES to rooeive ;pupils for (eaten - Don 031 the PIANO avid 01143.04. 8 years Deperient$, Residence with lilies, Aitu- grcttt'cs, over OOAl0G1t13,t93171 5)319i(3 tot! b7l08033. uo6-syr. d)j � PN. BARNNETT, TONSORIAL, Artist. Shop, next door south of A. M. Moliay & Oos, hardware store. Ladles' and ohildron's ltalr onttiug a spcalaity. A choice stook of °tears kept. MoNAIR, ISSUER OF MAR • e riago Lioonsee, 1jty. appointment: .of 151out,-Ooyeenor, Oommtsdtouor, &0,, (a, Ceuyoyan aorauct Agont Vire Inssraneo Co. ()Mao at the Oranbrookl'oatOffice. IIODPICR, HOUSE, SIGN W 7 and Orn amoutalreinter, Graining, (Rheug, Mgt and Decorative Painting 10 all its branohos, Strop Blinds done up in style. Paper Bonging a speotalty. Shop ono door Sou alt of J.)3nyoro' Carriage Works. W. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOl r Geminate Of Oho Onterie Veterinary Onllog0 has resumed the Praotioo of John NOtt,V,Seend isprepared to trona all die 50000 ofdemestioatoct animate on soientltln medappeovod prltmlploo. '1'raatrttontef clot - lento foals a 00t,00ialIB Otgee two Elders North of Brldgo,Turnbjfi'ry st'eot,