HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-11-23, Page 6Ztfni? ex rtn.e.e tifitcs, There are no rounds of &rinks iu the ladder of success. • The other morning three persons wore found dead in their beth at Atlanta, Ga. The coroner attribilt• tad their deaths to "over indulgence in liquor." "I bops I'm not disturbiug y tu, madam," he said as he squeezed by fiefs to go out at the end of the first oast. She auswered, with a most angelic smile, "Not at all ; my hus- band ruts the bar." Grocer — So you've given up :drinking, Cools Vastus 2 tine's 3tastue—Yes, ash. I bain't teobed or drop in fo' weeks. Grocer—You deserve a great deal of credit. Uncle •I`ss`ue — Yes, sal. That's jes' i mita` 1 sez, an' I was gwine'ter tisk i yo', 111istah Smit, of yo' cud true,' 'no to er ham." :tiinuesota has just tabled the re- tult of a year's operation of high license. The result in the State, as 'wherever high license has bean tried shows a bigger revenue from a con sutnption of less whiskey. The ?,SCU ealoons of last year are rep resented now by 1,600, The rev - mane last year of $840,000 from $300 per license is increased to $1, • 040,000 from $850 per Iicense, There is no room for two ideas ..e,bout the evil effects of the liquor traffic There is room, however, 'for several ideasin regard to the test method of dealing with the sail. It will be found in the end `bet the beet temperance man is the Christian citizen who is not epeetally wedded to any one method ---whose love to God and his fellow teen is so great that he is willing to work by any and all methods to airing about this much needed re foam. One idea in regard to the .magnitude of the evil is all right, •but no good man who really desires -the welfare of his fellowmen will tie himself up to one method of exter .ninatiug the evil. Clerk (to la'•,ll. rd)_-Y,uug Mr, Spriggius and old `Pomboy have had a quarrel, and kith threaten to bastes the house unless the other one doss. Landlord—Which je the best 0nste mer 2 Cleric—About Lilo same, sir. s Landlord — Tell old Towline bn i must go. lis is likely to die any d'ty, and we may keep 5p,isigins for years. „1 dou't etre much for a quiet ashy, but I dot. on a sgtt :Ili,n •ern,' p THE BRUSSELS sarseateesonasatswesseotes Stewed beef ellotlltl blend with otatoea, slitoo4,041, Ste w0.l to a• ot•s or filed oabbago, Stewed cucumbers, eocn, lime beam:, pens and tomatoes may be orved with elmcet every hind of no,tt, but never servo corn with poultry and game ; It ii too nu„• gevtivt'. said an old bee enor , bow arrange 1' admtriugly a ora -ed all the mothers the room 'Not it all,' respondel the bitch dor'heetn",' you see,, as 0000 as a brat begin./ to squall, it's taken from the r .041 1' The bachelor had no mimeo! deliv. tired himself thus than Ile took hien self from 11)'. t.,.,in, f 41o.:r+d Ly .o.t tonal execration. V a.rietiesa. 'Credit should largely rest on the knowledge of a man's financial his tory and condition. Piano playing is like the medical profession iu two respects. One cannot succeedin it without patients .and practice. Our idea of a strong-minded per. aeon is one who can read the mister tisement of a patent medicine, and yet not have the disease. "Are you on friendly terms with the defendant ?" demanded a lawyer of a witness. "Well, I ain't throw. in' no bognets at him," was the •tvytmint answer. "Don't call me Mr. Lovell, Mies :Malcolm. Call me Cornelius 1' 'I'd c&1l you Corn if— if—' 'If what, Ethel ?"If I thought you'd pop.' ;And he popped. Consider the ehiokens, my son ; -study their ways and be wise. Whenever they take to drinking, their bills go up ; and by keeping their bills down, they find enough. to eat, A young clergyman in a western • •town preaohed the other day on "The Relation of Ministers to their Parishes." The local paper the next morning had it : 'The Relation -of Ministers to their Perigees.' It is said that there are now ord ,are ahead for all the golden hair that can be purchased in the next five years. With the dissemination of intelligence, peasant girls are ,$rowing more and more reluctant so parting with their hair. 'Do I see upon your faces said .'tire orator, "the rosy light of dawn ing victory ?" "No, sorr," replied `?looney Larrigan, rising to his feet. "Thot's where Pheeny Oroker bate -rue over the eyes wid a torch, ea' ".tie in the hospital he is, the biay- gerd." "I meant to have told you of that chole," said a gentleman to bis tfbiond who was walking with him is his garden, and stumbled into a pit full of water. "No matter," said the friend, blowing the mud and water out of his mouth, "I've .found it." 'Vuree--If blaster Tommy holds Ws fork like that, blaster Tommy will stick it in his eye, and than he won't be able to see 1 blaster ronamy—Ah 1 but then 1'11 be able to have a dog 1 A surgeon who was on his way to -peaforn, au operation on a patient, °ttld ins carriage robbed and lost his atitrgical instruments while making 4. temporary stop, "whereby," adds the reporter, "the operation was prevented and the patient's life hayed. Young man -.-'I cannot under- ertand, sir, why you permit your slaughter to sue me for breath of tromlee ; you remember that you ',Were bitterly opposed to our en- ogegenient because 1 wasn't good enough for her, and would disgrace :`iso fatality." Old man—"Young Man, that was sentiment, this is llatseinese, Suitable Combinations of Food, Some dishes s- mit e'pecililly adapted to be• together, ant, "sly because they are mere p:tla:able iu ! this way, but because they combine and make a perfect food. We :'carve, or should do se, lice or pc butes . with roast beef or mutton ; 1•u' if we serve the awe vegetable with pork the combination, would be im perfect, the muscle•mahing food de ficient, and the meal not satisfying. Besides, the first in the mouth, there is an after•teste of the diges- tive organs, which moot be grati fieri it we want to keep ourselves in health. 'i,he Iriehtnau wisely takes potatoes with his buttermilk or with hie cabbage, the Italian cheese with his macaroni, and the Englishman beaus with his bacon. We see, therefore that our bills of fare must not only be attractive and palatable, but scientific as well. Few people serve onions with sweete or cheese with fish, yet general combinatious are too often vary thoughtlessly sr ranged. Meat and cream soups are gener- ally aervod with unbuttered bread or squares of toast. Oyster or Main soup may be accompanied with pickles and crackers. Vermicelli and kindred soups with grated cheese. Croutons go nicely with purees. Boiled Tien with gumbo or plain chicken, or game soup. Plain boiled macaroni with drawn butter, sliced encumbers and p0 tatoes in all ways may be served with fish. Where a baked or boiled fish is the substantial dish, potatoes, to matoes and macaroni may be used. Any and all vogetables are suited to beef and mutton. Beans or peas should accompany pork. Peas and tomatoes blend with lamb and sweetbreads. Mushrooms may also be served with sweet- breads. Corned beef is suited with carrots, turnips, cabbage, Kohl rabi, and may also be garnished with pickled beets. Boiled rice, stewed celery or cauli• flower should be nerved with boiled fowl, or turkey with oyster or egg sauce. Roast chicken may have as a garnish rice croquettes and baked tomatoes ; peas and macaroni may be served with it. Apple esnce or fried apples, sweet and white potatoes and to- matoes will blend with pork. Fried chicken should have hot bread or waffles as its accompani- ment. Roast turkey with cranberry sauce or an acid jelly should be se• ved with potato croquettes, peas, tomatoes and scalloped oysters. Spinach should be served with lamb or mutton. Breakfast bacon should aecom• pany calf's liver and broiled sheep's kidneys. Stewed or fried potatoes join nicely with beefsteak, tomato sauce with breaded chops and veal cat. lets. Chicken croquettes are pretty and good with either green peas or served with the salad. Oyster plant or parsnip fritters are nicest served with roast veal. Roast duck or goose eliould have with them browned turnips ; duck, cranberry sauce or plum jelly ; goose, apple sauce. Gama may be served with sour orange sauce, currant or plum jelly. French fried or Saratoga pota- toes, tomatoes, peas, asparagus tops are suited to game, or they may be served with the salad. Fried frog's legs may be served with salad. Braised liver may have served With it mashed potatoes, equaeh or stuffed eggplant, Boiled leg of mutton should be served with caper settee, boiled rice, cauliflower or stewed cabbage. Ham should have with it eggs in some way, Do not serve all the vegetables given hero at one time, but from the list select the two or three you wish, Progress ne tlleslons. For 9,000 years there existed but three version• of the Bible. To Clay it may be r,vtd in 908 of the 6,000 tongues .pokeu. Iu 1804 thole W01'4 in the world only 5,000,000 13iblus, in 1880 there were itt the halide of humankind 180,000,000 copies. Al the beginuiug of our century the way of life could be tudmi by but one fifth of the •, orlel's population, now it is t.rau•- In'ed into lat'gnage- that Make it teens-ible to uiuo-toutba of OF. iu Lablt,,uts of the world. Protestants t•ocupv Dunk' 500 sepurato fields, have 20,000 tui lien stations, plied with no less than 40,000 utlsetoneries. Five hundred thous- and Heathen children attend t "iris'inn schools. Ono million communicants are enrolled iu 0 u gregali ns gathered from among toe huuihen. Two million stated hearers are nominally adherents of the svaugelieal faith. Of the 1,. 488,000,000 that people the world, 185,000,000 are Protestant Chris• flays The area of the habitabi' globe is computed at 52,000,000 squire miles ; of these .18,000,000 square miles are under C -reek and Romau Catholic dominion ; 25, 000,000 squere miles under Mo barnmedan and Pagan governments, and 14,000,000 square miles under Protestant rule. POST INTIM 7' 1114I?KIt' 7' Unlit Street, • iruesels ANDREW CIIJRRIE, PROPRIETOR. li i'es/L Arili Salt !Meats Of the best quality always on band and de - !vexed to any part of the ; v)Uagn tree of charge. Totals Crory favorable. FAT CATTLE WANTED! Par which the ehtphoet market prion will be paid. X also make 14 specialty of buying Tildes and Skins. Don't forgot tho plume next door to lrletcher's Jewelry Stora, A. CURRIE. Farm fol otos. Kind treatment is an equivalent of toot. The greatest enemy of agriculture is ignorance. The mule is hardy and handy, if not handsome. If you would have your boys pro. fit by your mistakes, don't repeat them. Leaves and dead branches re turn to the soil the same substance the trees take away. Some farming is like an old jacket—frayed at the edges and very thin elsewhere. Growing a boy on the farm is a mighty good fouudatton preparation of him for any honorable business. There is this difference between the poor and the good farmer. Oue complatus of the bad seasons, the other rejoices in the good seasons. Two horses of one kind will do as much work as four horses of an other kind, and it ought not to b'e hard to determine which is the more profitable. When a man domes half a mile to borrow a hoe or a fork you may depend on his coming some day to. borrow money, but never coming to pay it back. Swine which are to be slaughters ed this year should be pushed as rapidly as possible without cloying. Every pound of corn or other fatten• lug food now will make a great deal more pork than if fed after cold weather arrives. Cows should not be allowed to stroll over miry pastures, cutting the wet, soft turf with their hoofs. A. yard for exercise on sunny days, warm shelter at night and plenty of good wholesome food will show in the pail now and hereafter. Should it be found that the herd is leaning too much away from flesh, form or constitution, or vice versa, then make such an alteration in the selection of the next bull to be used as ie calculated to remedy the defect, is the sound advice given by a contemporary. The Rural World believes that the general farmer with 200 acres of land should keep 50 sheep for utility's sake alone, Such men can afford to estimate the value of sheep from the standpoint of meat, fertility and the general advantage to the farm, regardless of the mar- ket price of wool. Michigan Agricultural College experiments with wheat show that salt lessened the yield of wheat, 150 pounds being sown to the acre. Professor Johnson futilities to think that one and a quarter bushels of seed gives the best yield. Who old Clawson soems to retain, in good degree, those qualities which have trade it popular for a longer torus of yore than inose other varieties. The Reeves of Woodhouse, Town- send and Port Dover have issued uotioes, calling upon the residents in those municipalities 16 comply at once with the. Jaw regarding vac- cination. The Port Dover Council offers a reward of $150 for the discovery and conviction of the burglars of Mr. Ivlol3ride's drag store. jilt, lute. Bride supplements this with an ad. ditional $50, ALLAN LINE. 1888. SUMMER ARRANGEMEN l • 1888. LIVERPOOL & QUEBEC SERVICE ER011 MONTREAL 1 S'rn99ren. 11'ROM Qn111100 0.1)1 ,13 ('ireasnian gent, 14 Sept.10 ............. 1 ,1ruosiau ........... Sept. 20 Sept.07 Sarmatian . Sept, 28 Oot.3 Sardinian - Oat,4 Oc b.10.,. Parisian 001. 11 Oct. Is Clro1.91i0n ............... cot, 30 Oct. 24 Polynesian ti et. 25 Nov.1 Sarmatian Nay.2 Nov, 7 Sari Mien Nov. 8 Nov. 14 - Parisian' Nov. 10 Rates or Passage by Niall Steamers. 5IIRRR0 To LIVERPOOL. Cabin 850, 870 and 880 according to accom- modation. Servants in Cabin, 850 Inter- mediate 880, Steerage 820. Return tickets, Cabin, 8110, $101 and 8150. Intermediate, 550. Steerage 840. t By Polynesian, Oiraassian or other ex- tr a steamers. Oabin fifty, silty and eevau-. tydollar, according to accommodation. Re- turn tickets, ninety. one hundred and tan and one hundred and thirty dollars. Inter- mediato sixty dollars, Steerage forty doll- ars, Passengers can embark at Montreal the day before without increased elterge. Go yourself or seed for your friends. Prepaid oerbtficatos at reduoed rates. For full in- formation apply to .1, 41. GIEt.NT, Brussels. DR.HODDIrR'S e BURDOCK: ANDe -C,011 COMROU ty, CURES Livor Compl nt Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney troubl's Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, and all impuri tins of the blood from whatever cause arising. THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. =2.1C� 7Se. (with :1110 Edi) —TRX— DR. OVV. 'dl's LITTLE LIVER PILLS, (very small and easy to take.) NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA sold everywhere ; price 26 cents. UNION Ie1OlWlti t7 Co., Proprietors, TORONTO, CANADA. TO THE PUBLIC In order to pay increased attention to my ready-made boot and shoe trade and Grocery business I:have disposed of my CUSTOM ROOT and Molt 1111ISINE5 tO Me. Persil Pintas, who will continuo it in the same place. I desire to return thanks for the large share of patronage which I reoeived during the past seven years and ask for an increase to my suc- cessor, Mr. Ritchie. ADAM GOOD. Having purchased the Custom Shoe business of Mr. Good, I am prepared to attend to the wants of the Public. My five and a half years work in Bras - eels is a guarantee of the satisfaction I am prepared to give, not only to old customers but to as many new ones as give me their patronage. noil.tf P. RITCHIE. T. FLETCHER,, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND 7I£w3ILLNR. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to swum your patronage. Wo are opening out fulllines in Notice of 1 en ,ovaz Having leased the store lately vacated by Mrs, Alexander I have Removed my Business there. GOLD &SILJfl WATCHES. SILVER PI,ATRD WARE from established and reliable .makers, folly warranted by us. Clocks of f the } • Latest .Dosigras. Wedding Rings, Ladies Gam Rings, 13roaehee, L''arrings, rice, Also have in stock a full line of Violins and Violin Striuge. etc, N. 13. - teener of Marriage Licenses, T. Fletcher. 1 have Purchased a Nico Line of New Tweeds, &o,, and will bo pleased to show them to the public. Give mo a Call at the New Stand. E. Dunforcl. MERCHANT TArLOR. Ors. 5bie1'o 11100.• 11ru.Ssels. Nov, 28, 188h, WM. SMITH is prepared to attend to Carriage Painting in all its branelleii, as well as Sign and Ornamental Painting. He has bad years of experience and guarantees his work to give satisfaction. A. rig well painted is half sold. Estimates and terms cheerfully given. GIVE HIM A CALL. l ' Shop in the olcl Posv Pub- lishing House, King street, Brus- sels. MAU rm ITE TALL AND WINTER TRADE OF 1888-09i WE have one of the nicest assort- ments of COOK, BOX, PARLOR and COAL Stoves ever exhibited, and they will be sold at Reasonable Prices. Our "ORIGINAL" Cook Stove leads the Van. TO hand a large Stock of new LAMPS and lamp goods. We wish to call special attention to a new range of handsome HINGING LAMPS. They are dandies. A11 kinds of Grcw'titzoare, Cutlery, ami Shcif Goo4ls always in Stook. Our Stock of Tinware is always first-class and Goods we have not got in stock will be made up on Short Notice. A Nice Stock of Silverware always on Hand, People can save money by trading with us. Call in and see our Goods. Sept 195 ^.011-11 Etil Y'C.R OFT' T UENB ULL. ETHEL CRST AND FL1:UR 699EiS. The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in First -Class Running Order and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many now Ones a9 possible. Flour and Feed r&]wa re liana,. Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. VY :. MILNE. Positive Cure FACTSP�' "i �SAWJ'.51,�e ,J .1 ed�vdS'A1 `y�l'tE,'a.`diOv14 ALL AGES. secsaarse.sais toss mare. '?VZ. "ri•1.7 .58 tifi4''ea •c )A E3, Z'OIR kr, J.7).1144117 7,17..S:2L'A7'hyt 1t0/gar a3OMR, t . 'el of !Inlay, sed Nahanni, 1f edediunies, eseuslasesua 11:2.i,l , h Lite t a'rm!Bfe 0a.lna+tnet c.ees a,r Rndieorotiarm, xi f xgto :ern tads &IMPwOrA.r. .2..07.71\7C+, 'CT1\ C:rf fLa }:" Y "_ n x 1:1D ^. i l O .M =--11.7. Who aro broken dmo. from Mr a rn,.ta of rbt sn will find in Ne. 8a radiant cure for nervous 1, bill, y,, -u, 0wen.!atosrintvdo,(sr; v,t)losses, etc. STur 'oxxs mon wnior No, 5 1,n,",.It -.,, t el r Want 4 n tart', vertigo, wain; of purpo0a, chimaera of eight ...mils na to !m...rty, , to t f o,., 1 mine, avoidance of conversation, 400)00 forsoli rudel t1ts,:r.r - 110.blitty to Ile (1., attention on a per l:ioularsubjeot, cowardice, of rl1 + picblinnas, loss of mem. av, excitability or temper, spar. nuatorrlltma, or lose of t1 ,:+•.',11111 011),1.-- tit, roads of a:Al.nlntse nr marital exncoa—impo- tenny, iunntritl'n cut /IIA .a Ion, buarrenne 51, Palpitation of the heart, hyeterte feelings in females trembling,utr.i a, l 0 r uu,,:ag dreams „ aro 011 symptoms of tins terrible habit, oltent1m oiit tiocendv n q:i ,l, 111 611o0, the spring nt011n1 forco having lost its tension, every le fiction wanes 1,'o . 1100:1 n. •inientific Writers and the superintendents of insane `asylums natio In nsr.rl t. , tat be Zoete of solf•apnse tho gran majority of wasted fives wl,loh coma noun i t i Harte°. If 700 aro inoolupotout for the arduous duties of business, tuoapaaitatal f tr aha enjoyments of Iifo No. 8 Offers an escape from the affects of gaily vias. 1t yet m c a<wrneral in years, No. Swill give you full vigor and strength. If you are imam doss u, l i,you,ntly sate morally. freta early indiscretion, the melt of ignorance Sud flay, send your addrees and 10 omits to stamps for ht, V. Lnnon's Treatise in Rook Dorm on Diseases of Rletn. Sealed rind secure from observation. AtidraOsaltaotnmimioationtto 81, V. N HHAUOMN, 47 et'olHlnrgtori'50 rt„ Toronto, A Maawitho0ttvladota Bros in a fool's peactit85, CURES QUARANTEEti. HEAL THE 511E. A Permat'ielri,t Cure., A. Pleasant Cure.