HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-11-23, Page 5Nov. 23, .1888.
iztx:itt Zt u 3
..i5. 5311*.
Sous outertailunente are ou the pro-
It is uurrently reported that Dr. Towle
will locate ab J3olgravo.
Lest week Thou, Potter left for a visi
to the shoree of monde leuglanl.
A lot and house hue been purchase(
from 5.t, Howard for an engine ifouae
Tito price paid was 0300.
A smelt thief ebstrauteli 0.1.00 Iran
the contribution boxes belonging to the
Presbyterian Sabbath settee'.
A.. II, Manning, barrister, of Clinton
Wave a very interesting loatero on the
evening of Thanksgiving day on "A visit
to Westministor Abbey." He 18 a fluent
There are 506 pupils on the roll of the
publio school here.
The Salvation Army Band from Eng
land were hero last week. They play
Tho electric light boom is working its
way iu Seofortlt, It would be a big ium-
provernentto our town,
D. 1). Wilson shipped to Victoria, 33
C. Last week a car load of eggs and
Witter, the freight ohar'ges on which
amounted to over 9000.
Next Monday our residents will vote
on the By-law granting a loan of 02,500
10 Tho8, Hendry to aid him in rebuild-
ing hie fonndry, lately destroyed by fire,
The By-law should be carried by a huge
The &duet of President Cleveland does
not appear to put a stop to annexation
as a Sealorth lady, Miss Kate Brine, and
A.. McLean, of Colorado, hero colpo to
terms, A reciprocity treaty has ;leo been
arranged. May it long continue,
'Vteh hese-ham.
The concert in the Presbyterian ollurch
on Thanksgiving day evening was a great
Norval L., son of 0. Morrison, shoe-
maker, bad an ugly gash inflicted under
his cheek by falling on a board while
playing at school.
Through the effective presentation of
the ansa to the authorities by Station
Agent Strnthdoe, the G.T.E. Company
has conceded a boon to Wingham iu the
obtaining of single fare tickets from Bel -
grave, Bluevale and Whitoohurch on
A Literary Sooioty has been formed
and ofil.oars elected as follows : D, C.
Munro, President ; W. E. Groves, vice -
President ; E. Bowles, Seoretary-Treae-
urOr, Rev. J. A. Ilfuorhouse, J. S. Wil-
son and R. Tisdale, committee of man-
The officers for Court Maitland No. 25
C.D.F., are 138 follows : C.R., R. Elliott ;
V.C.R., 7. McLean ; R.S., J. Risdon ; P.
S-, D. M. Gordon ; T-, T. M. Robinson ;
C., J. Bradwiu ; B.W., J. Gillespie ; J.
W., J. W. Inglis ; S.B., W, Dore ; J.B.,
W. Rutherford ; Physicians : Dre. Tow-
ler, Tamlyn and Macdonald.
%%nt l tote.
Christmas entertainment aro being
talked up,
This week the last shipment of 0113050
for thee season was made. It went to
Rev. 1'. Ballantyne, M. A., was induct -
0 to his u0. har o la
ed tva g last week. He is
inLodou 1 be nPresbytery.
Last weekV. H. Smillie traveller for
W. J. Gage et Co., of Toronto, was home
on a brief visit with his relatives and
friends. His work appears to agree
with him.
Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. Henderson,
formerly teacher of Blyth public school,
preached in Duff's church with much
aoceptauoe. He will occupy rho pulpit
next Sunday also.
On Tueedey evening of Last week Rev,
G08nen B. Howie, of Brussels, delivered
n 1000000 hero on Palestine. Mr. Howie
is tlwcuughly p001ed un this topic and
speaks not from hoareay but what he has
seen and knows. Wo hope to have the
pleasure of hearing him again.
Wu hey° decided to hold the morning
train going east on the Walton branch of
the 0. P. 1t. until the arrival of the stage
from 131'usaele, for the convenience of the
denizeue of the north. A dining oar and
sleeper will be attached to all trains, ex-
cepting stock and freight trains.
(3 Strrde.
Trod° is livening up.
The Vitiate took ft. holiday last week.
A number of former residents are
visiting its this l.,oality from Mauitoha
and the Northwest.
Slotting is the l:(test amusement intro.
deceit Onr prize 01)010rs will bo in shape
to "rope in" the races.
Sumer Wilson, grain buyer, outdo a
Visit to hie home, et Brnseels, for a few
daps this week. Onr grain market has
been booming this fall.
Illoam'Annnnn.- Last Friday evening
about 23 people gathered together to hear
the editor of the Brussels Budget deliver
an address, bob the moat of them wont
away thoroughly disgusted with his
utterances. Ho opened up by briefly re.
leering to the political situation, but he
soon deified on to hie libel snit and, fool-
ishly, went into the details of what does
not exnese'13 any individual bore, nor
about which fow caro. More than that,
he forgot some very important items,
viz., that tho injunction was made per.
petual, that Mr. Osler said he (Jenkins)
was not well balanced, ameba mlghthave
concluded with the unceasing rowe.he is
getting into. He is no strength :.to the
Conservative party and, even in a.etrong-
hold like Howick, he would make more
friends if'he stopped at home. He's evi-
dently a kite without a tail. He did not
orate ue Lakelet on Thanksgiving oven•
ing for good reasons.
ENTMITAtsilto111r,-A most enjoyable and
very stlooessful entertainment was mold
in'Turnbell'e sehool house, loth cone on
friday evenin1r, of last week, under the
auspices Of the foot -ball olub of that
section. After a bountiful 1'eposst had
boon provided and anrpl8 justice 'lone to
the same 13. Gerry, of Brussels, was
called to tho °hair, a position he filled to
0. nicety. Tbe following program was
prenatal, and jolly time was enjoyed
before it was concluded ;- Chairman's
)(peach ; musie by D. Stowatt and family,
of Brussels ; stump speech, .'pat's what's
domatter"; instrumental, Miss A, Howitt;
sp000ll, A, httslop.; muni°, D. Stewart
03111 fatnily ; reading, Miss J. Stowart ;
i'nitrmnentel, Miss Dora MOA11(atsr ;
reading, Mise Rate 1'110031; 111081c 3).
Stewart and family; amnia speecin, on
"Woman," by II Fowler, in reply to
toast to Women (ir•, 5(3; mush, 1),
Stetvssrt and fanni i41r. Bose -
armful ; remain te.Hillar8 ; music,
1). Stewart ani '. '..r' . - dialogue, "Dant
what do ledger Rs... eittese, P. Stewart
and foeuil3; dlmc„ a , ••Iiiret mooting of
the Cucumber 11.)11 Debating Club" ;
musi0, D. Stewart mei family ; selcntuM
from the pantry; (rod Savo the Queen,
There w08 not a poor piece on the pro.
grain and the foot.ball boys are sumo
010 riehcr over the howl of the evening's
i4llg i•sa.ve.
The members of L. 0. L., No. 403,
eeleb1'atod the anniversary of, the Gun-
powder Plot in a fitting manner, by
the holding of a supper and entortein.
moot. After the edibles had been pro.
perly attended to all adjourned to the
fine apaeious hall recently orooted by the
Foresters, whioh was crowded to its ut.
most capacity. The heavy min which
prevailed did nob dampen the ardor of
those who had assembled to celebrate
the anniversary of the dowhfall of Guy
Fawkes and hie associates, supposing
they did receive a severe wetting.
Anthony Nothory was elected to occupy
the chair. A lengthy program was gone
through wi 111, as follows :--Solo, "rely first
music) lesson," Miss Godfrey; address,
Rev. Coo. Law; solo, "Boston Piro," J.
Lawronee ; inetrument3Ll, violin and
005150, ,1. Bell and Miss Lawrence ; ad-
dress, Rev. J. 11. Aioorhouse ; comic sing,
"Mulligan's !enema," J. Mason; solo, "A
boy's best friend is his mother," Mies
Godfrey; (nsteumontal, Alien Millar; ad-
dress, ltev, R. Godfrey ; instrumental,
violios and organ, 3. Boll, 0. Birney and
311ss Lawrona°; solo, C. Birney; ad-
dress, Dr Cbrisholm ; comic song, 'Have
you seen her,' J. Mason ; solo, Mise God-
frey; Scotch reading, Miss Bryce; in-
strumental, violin and organ, D. Ander.
son and Miss Lawreuoe ; solo, 'Don't
drink, my bey, to -night,' J. Lawrence ;
instrumental, Miss Millar. A vote of
thanks was tendered the speakere and
°there who assisted in the program.
i'Phe (wore was crowded out last woo lee
Cha-. Willis is clerking for W. Situp.
son di Son.
The balance of this season's cheese has
been sold. for 10i cents per pound.
Ephraim Cober and wife are visiting
friends in Hospeler and vicinity.
Mrs. 3. A, Young is speeding a oouple
of weeks with her parents near Ripley.
Our butcher shop has changed hands
again. Sam. Shine is running the busi-
ness now.
Bev. J. T. Logear and Mrs. Logear
were visiting friends at Kinoardine for a
few days last week.
David Milne eves at Guelph Mat Wed-
nesday attending T. W. Stone's sale of
thoro-bred stook.
Messrs. ileffernan d, Bawtinhoimer
shipped another car -load of cattle to
Buffalo last week.
Rev. D. 13. Moine preached a very ac-
ceptable sermon ou Thanksgiving day,
from 2nd Citron. 26 and 5.
Robt. Dilworth has purchased N.
Coughlin's farm consisting of 100 sores
for the sum of 02,500. For a grazing
farm it cannot bo beat.
On Thanksgiving day quite a number
of our villagers repaired to the woods
with their Era ernes to arouse the deni-
zens e a f the forest. Many arabbit
1 Y
succumbed t the
o unerring g sof the
A Temperance meeting will be held iu
the Methodist church of Friday evening
of this week commencing at 7:30. Dr.
Macdonald, M. P., of Wingbam, bas
promised to be present to deliver a lecture
on the subject of Temporanoe. Tho
meeting will doubtless be a very inter.
eating ono,
Blest vale.
Win. Smith, of Goderiob Model, spent
Thanksgiving in Bluevale.
Quito a number attended the concert
on Thanksgiving evening in Wiugham.
All %tore well pleased.
Rev, A. Y. Hartley lost a valuable oozy
this week with consumption. It eeeme
to be getting a commonality.
Thanksgiving day was duly observed
hero. Service swam conducted by Rev. A.
Y. Hartley in the Presbyt •ritn church.
Robt, Maxwell, who for some time has
shown his etniling face behind Wm.
Mosser's counter, has again returned to
the farm.
The fri011518 of the family will regret
to hear that John Farrow, snail clerk on
the L. H. & B. branch of the G, T. It„
who has boon suffering from an abscess
in one of his logs, will in all likelihood
lose the limb in oot10og0enc0. lie was
removed to the City Hospital, London,
for treatment.
The most successful tea.meeting ever
Held iu Bluevale was condustsd under
the direot management of It. N. Duff,
chairman of the committee, in the in-
terests of the Presbyterian ohuroh, on
Tuesday evening. The aleck -t had hardly
ohimod the last note' of two whou pro-
visions began to arrive, unci they contin-
ued to almost shower in till night's
gloomy mautle hid the soone. Soon the
star -bedecked sky and the beautiful moon
made it almost as bright as day, and
Meng came the 'ergo audience that did
lull Justice to the bountiful repeat, after
whinh all repaired to the ohuroh, where
a platform had beau ereoted, and Rev. A.
Y. Hartley, pastor, took the chair. Rev.
0, Law, Belgrave ; Dr, Macdonald, M.P.,
Wingbam, and Rev. A. McKibben, Blue.
vale, occupied goats upon the platform
and delivered excellent addresses, which
wore listened to with great attention, and
were very profitable. S. (iraoey, Wing -
ham, read and read again and the people
of Bluevale will nomtire of hearing and
easing Mr. Graooy's name upon the pro.
gram, Miss Billingsley, Wingham ' Misshu
Churchill, Bluevale.; Masers. Gibson,
Wroxoter, and Ztorbatt, Bluevale, and
the Bluovalo choir provided the musks
for the evening. Miss Annie Thynnc
occupied the organist's stool 'during the
greater part of the evening and also took
part in 5.L (nartette, The innate was too
grand to be oritiotood by your 00ree-
spondont, all that need bo said ie that
everyone was encored, Tho social on
Wednesday evening wars well attended.
Promote $64.
A.31 310041111m, 13. A., formerly of
thie'town, has cosigned his po0111011 on
the Mail, and will join; the 0dlterial staff
of rho Globe..
-..- ,... -.. • - . ... a.• ., - •..,, 0.,I ".110-t"^ e•"r+.R$a sees MOR e'uuttf 1
i Bev. Alark Turnbull prea011ec1 Ilio THE '3 1 ONE", TO LOAN. I "
farewell sermon in Christ Church ton T'I PEOPLE'S I' I ' ' 1 -THE H 1" -
crowded aongregat' u• r l l) (1()C)I) C(11d4, KOON T() .p - , r . ;"-r, ! -Ells
The Listowel f 11c1(rb Chill )lila had ttalvn 5.•n ,ab,. .t t,i n• (,.tuna t sown,
% 1,%C/ /1 i{ (: / DS. !Brussels
, e 7 (1
atl(]tli'1' good Reroute, playing twelve ;;i 1't 1,,08181 1 Dl 1311,. 31!81^Gf 1 BA. 'Ltssels Roller ..1 lis
inatchee owl winning and toeing ten Neel __..,__ _. -.e
number, The trip to Philadelphia w
the moat netehle fit stare of the souse
The club is 131 very good shapo ilnanoil
11y, noneidel'iug the heavy exponents. 11)n
expenditere teeing &licitly 33((0, leaving a
' oomparetively email amount to (tarry
I, over. A good. deal of exporifnenting with
iyoung players has boon done and re0nl1.
ed very stais6Lrtorily, the youngsters
1 playlug in excellent form. Tho tugboat
batting 00ars wa0 marls by 11. 11, Morplty,
who is credited with 2runs. Cy.
) Making comes next with 210. Those
gentlemen played in 16 and 17 inning,1
respectively. Harry Donnie, of Brussels,
scoured 28 runs in the games he helped
Listowol and ,Jae, Ross, of Brussels, 13
D.onvsum AT Dxnusa,-•-Tho annual
dinner of the Listowel Dairymen's Board
of Trade was held at tho Grand Central
hotel on Thursday evening of last week
and wee a most, seams:sfel affair. About
75 represeetetives of the faotories in 411
district wore presort, together with th
represontativo business mere of the town
The buyers present were Metiers. 111
Laren, Mately and Matteson. The over
atione 0f the board for true season war
in 010011 of last year's, the sales boin
104,821 boxes. This does not 10prsse0
the actual 00.108, no there was a large
quantity of 0(10000 gold on privata'term0,
and for which the board cannot account,
This board has b corn'_ one 01 5110 largest
in the Province, the transactions 0xceod-
fntt 111080 of any ether board in Western
Ontario. The industry has become a
source of tvea1111 to the fanners engag-
ing in it throegboutthe counties of Perth,
Wellington, Huron and Bruce. Con-
gratulatory resolutions wore telegraphed
to the Hon. W. D, Board, of Wisconsin,
Governor -elect of Gust t3tate, on his re-
cent sueeeseful campaign. Mr, Hoard is
ono of the most prominent dairymen in
the United Status. Letters of regret
were read from Hon. Chas, Drury, Min-
ister of Agriculture; Prof. J. W. Robert•
son, Ontario Agricultural College ; Thos.
Ballantyne, M. P, P., George Hess, M.
P. P., and Bt . Caswell, president of West.
ern Dairymen's Association.
1)a f WELI1-BR.ED l,l':1('I' i'f1;li,
n.Ie Iambs for Salo. .i•) ICIDol05
11., 1t l ) 1( A93lcy.
xT-AN'I'i () .. t,, )illi (JENEIt
Y 41, bnrrant. (.0 „i •.'•••tg•+.; to ole
• exp,rie need. 1)N yar.0 t
I 1). 11118, 0. 1 ti ewe ]lruseela,
1,1 an Nnv, 14(1)3, liar((, 3 uUlck-htowt 5)0)353
I mark0,1'r, W. Any ,, ...melee
rewarded. to
thou man'arV win bu enitul,'v rewardu,l.
'PILUS. Wit t(1ll'r.
1J-:• Joinuntuwn, Ont.
111E TU0R0'-138131) 13E1t1i-
R11GnL hoar "Grand '('rank," will be
kept for 150x1(01) nn lot 11, eon. F Croy.
Terms 51,00, to bo wad et time r,1 0orvlo0,
with 003011080 of returning if netnee 313p.
10.4• A. 0113.10, Proprietor.
ON '15.11 5111;11IS-
1 rn of tee un4ursientel, let 0, Dun, 0,
Grey, on or about Ont. 1, a rad any, abed ti
e er7 yours old, The owner is reel t)QeteI to
550070 property, paychargesand take her
e 5110.p. 10.4x .050, COJTT.
t. +
211AYLI) . N 7.IiI, PRE J11SES
Sof the undersigned, lot 12, eon, 0. fl roe,
on or about Oct, 1,1tb, r. ro,5 hoitur ami a
new ()floor, either un- m' t10, years old. 191,'
14 owner in req 00ated to prove property, pay
t ,o psneun and Wm thein away. Untillt'1'
DHAUGI-T 111 t1. It 1+1
For Sale, weigh'. Lice (menus end Is
Si years old, Thu mare is Supposed to be
in teal to no imported bore,41st a heavy
()Taught 1,11. a n,unth' old. Not, tool:
prises et tea Felt tfhow, ripply to TIN.,
)310'311501>1i, \vi lot 11. con. 0, (Grey.
Skating and Curling Rink will be leas-
ed for the o0,r,iug s'nson 0f 13840 and 18811 on
reasonable tenon. Applications for the name
will be received by the undersigned up 5o
December 1st next. 0nr. p•trtictllare Hud
conditions of t0uth0ya ply to
W. U. Slilo, &
8., Brussels,
Boer for 801.2108, -Tho undersigned will
keep the thorn -bred Berkshire Boar, Mir
Ilobortllruoe," bred by J. G. Snell, or Ed-
, mouton, Ont„ for servlo0 on lot 1, 000, 7,
(i soy. Terme-61.00 to be paid at time of
service, with privilege 01 returning, if hems -
]3 Dna x_- _ _ Proprietor,
Mor vies.
The roads are terribly rough.
Next Council meeting on December
Tax collector Mooney is on the war
path and i8 hustling in the money.
It is reported that this year's Counoil
will probably be re-eleoted by aoolama-
tion. Reeve Mooney has done hie work
well and so have the other members of
the hoard,
A. K. Robertson has shipped nearly
1000 barrels of apples this year. Thos.
Farrow hag shipped about as many
more and Mr. B1nok will have rug up in
the thousauds 89 a faint idea may be
gathered of the prolifio apple orop.
Lieznoar.-The Literary Society in S.
S. No. 6, is progressingin a lively fashion.
The debeto on Tuesday evening was
"Resolved that independence would be
beneficial to Canada." The affirmative
was sustained by Jas. Bowman and A.H.
Cochrane, the negative by Wm. Cochrane
and Alex. McCall. The chairman de-
cided in favor of the affirmative. Hurrah
for Independeuoe.
A wood bee was hold at J. Agar's, 2nd
con., on Thanksgiving day. At night
the fiddlers memo and ag cod time had
till near morning. -A mat neo was also
held on the 2nd, but as your correspond-
ent was not naked, perhaps it is a secret.
However, it will not be out of place to
say that the girls did good work and at
night when the "boyo" came the fun was
grand and music, playa, jokes, soaps, &e.,
tilled the program.
N 01112'3 Tug 8JALve'r1ON 3.1(1031 -Recently
your eorreeponclent referred to a moan
trick perpetrated on Joseph Stubbs by
somebody who opened tho door of a
vacant house where apples were stored so
that cattle could get at then. Since
that the lock was taken off the door alto-
gether and Mr. Stubbs hacl to remove his
stook to another field. Perhaps you
don't know tvhere all this meanness is
carried on so I'll try aid tell you. You
gonorth 1t• milds from Brussels and then
burn west, toward Bolgravo, in the vicin-
ity 01 what, at one time, was known 0,5
Hodmin. We are not /methane, as about
all the churches ere reeresonted Hero and
ploachers may he teen almost every
week, We nave also the law, as well es
tho gospel, unci 13510 broakor, aro often
made too the line, but in spite of both of
these peace providiug institutions people
don't quit their meanness, and tho dirt-
iest tricks -many of them a disgrace to
the vilest -have been known to take
places Tho plagues of Egypt, if sant
into the neighborhood, might effect a
etre, but nothing short of this ora trans-
latl0n will rid the community of tho
busybodies and law -breakers. Could
you not send a detachmont of the Salva-
tion Arley, Mr. Editor, from Brussels to
do a little Missionary work with U8 ?
A.315,000 hotel will be built at Webs, -
beach, Haynie's aumnteriug place.
There aro about 1,300 Protestant
teat/here in the Province of Quebec,
. Senator Trudol, editor of L'Etendard,
has ooni0enced an action for 000,000 for
libel againsb Lo Monde.
Walker d; Shantz, of Heyvillo, Water-
loo county, won the only prize given for
Perolxoron horses at the Now York horse
show with their gray stallion "Genii -
M, McGillivray, of Godorieh, son of
Rev, A. McGillivray, hes reoeived an
appointment in tho Northwest from the
Home Mission Board of the Presbyter-
ian Church of Canada, end will leave
next week for hie new sphere.
The sawmill, stave, heading, shingle
and lath factory, To000a100, owned by
W. R. Thompson and operated by
Thompson, Peasant & 00„ was totally
destroyed by fire Friday night. By
8tronuoue efforts, aided by a heavy snow•
storm, the largo stools of heading, lum-
ber, etc, wits eeved, LOSS abort 90,000;
lnsurod for, (81,000 in the District
A Guelph lad named Peter Collins was
et a shooting match with an old Enfield
rifle, which had been oonvertod into a
broeoli loader, eud.while rising at a pig.
eon the breooh blow out and the cartridge
coming back, struck him in the aye, mut
noting it badly end forcing some allot in-
to tho ball. His loft oyo and face also
w00e Weakened and burnt. The boy was
innmodiatoly drivel 10 a doctor who had
to remove tllooyc, as it 0000 so badly hi -
The ether eye will bo savod.
P k' MrT
Caveats ,Re- issues sad Trade Marks secured
and all other patent 000eee in the Patent
Office and before the Courts promptly and
cera folly attended to, 'Upon receipt of mod -
e1 Or 0keteh of invention, I make careful
examination,ead advise es to patentability
Free of 0harg6o. Pees moderate, and i mane
no ()barge unions p ¢tent 3s secured. Inform-
ation, (Mviae and special references sent on
Dr01i Urs Pate 3b001 o'PELf, Washington
Norms re) rev Vi3ram' ° l
Purencut to chapter 110, sootioa MB, S. U.,
tbo creditors of Arnunw 00001., lata of the
Village of Brussels, in the Oonnty of Huron,
Butcher, who died 08 or about the Fifteenth
day of October, A. D„1853, and others having
Maims to remora to hie estate aro hereby
notified to eend, on or before the 2751 day of
eenuaxy, 4, D. 1880, to Alexander Hunter, of
the Village of 'Brussels, in rho County of
Buren, for the executors of the estate and
offsets of the said deceased, ti, air names tine
addresses and tho full partionhersof their
claims and of tea seouei ties Of any) hold by
and a o
5.0 that
a immediately said after
said '
date the ted he said dooea50-
will bo distrithereto,
having among
the pubes the
(pled thereto, having regard only to the
claims or. -which the executors
executors tae thou
fornotion, and the a distribu t ,1 not be liable
person for any nes ate eq theyib hall to any parson
of whose arson they shall not novo hod
notice. Rouen It0rnnnro1D.l Exeoutors.
10.4 Agent forlaxecutors,
Dated at Brussels :Rat November, A.D. 1068,
In. the rotator of tho Estate of SARAH
A11D1STRONG, hate of the Township of 'Mor-
ris, in the Oounty of Huron, Widow, deceased,
Pursuant to eootisn thirty-six of chapter
one hundred and ten of the Revised Statutes
of Ontario, we horoby giro notice that all.
Creditors and other persons -having claims
against the Debate of Sarah Armstrong, Into
of the sell township Of Morris, widow, who
died on or about rho 27th day at September,
A.D,190e, aro hereby require(( to Bond by post
(propaidt or to deliver to Messrs, Dickson
llays, of tho Village of fl ' msely, 10 the Coun-
ty of Huron, Solicitors for James Ireland and
William Clark, both of the said township of
Dorris, Partnere, 1ho Executors of the list
will and testament :of the said Sarah Arm-
strong, deceased, on or before tho 17111 day
of D000mber next, a stntluo0t of their l,L4'o e,
atldrust0,1 and descriptions awl the lull par-
tiouhtrs and proof of their rlaim0 (0r ,lo -
(10105183 llpOnthO 50111 estate and of the se-
curities (if any( held by them, and that after
tee amid 17111 day olltecember the said Ex-
ecutors will proceed to administer the estate
and distribute the assets of the said Sarah
Armstlone amongst tho parties outit100
thereto having regard only to the claims „f
which the said 1gx00utors shall then have
notice and the said Ex8out0rs will not bo
liable for tho Said assets or Huy part thereof
on dietrlhutod to anyy person or persoue of
whose claims they e11,d1 not have notice at
the time nt ouch di striblltiuu.
Dated at brnsaels this 17th day of Novem-
ber A.D. 11(00.
1110108ON R 113.138,
10.4 Solicitors for said lixocntor's.
In the matter of the Estate of G'OOIGJNA
03.15L11Y.late of the Township of Grey In
the County of Huron, Widow, deooasod,
Notice is hereby given in pursuanoo of
section thirty -01x, Chap, ono hundred and
ten of 4110 Revised Statutes of Ontario, that
all Oxoditors and other per8one having
claims against the estate of Georgina Oakley,
late of the township of Grey, in the county
of Huron, widow, w 0 died on or about the
2°ah day of September A.D. 10)89, aro' hereby
required to sons by poet (prepaid) or to de-
liver to 'Messrs. Diolteon k Hays, of the 7111.
age of Brussels in said Comity of Huron, So.
Beaters for Thome Oakley and George
N101i01son, the ltxeoutore of the last will
and testam ant of the galrl G00reita 0ekloy,
de00aeod, on 05' beton tho 12111 day 0f Dn.
ontmne neat a statenleut of their, Steens,
addressee and tlosorlt,tione and 11016fti11 'pea-
410011ra and Pxcoi of 1(1011,' 01a1u10 Or 40.
nlane10 upon the said o0ta10 and of the N.
curates (tf aa) bald by them, end that after
the sold 1215day ofD000mbor the said six,
cantors will pOOosOd to adnihltetor the estate
sue dlstributo the mots of the 0ald Georg-
ina Oakley cnnongst tho parties (=Mod
thereto havingregard only to the eInluls of
the said Perecu1ore 011111 thou have
babies, and the Said Exfelitors will 005 be
liable for the stied assets or any part thereof
0o distributee to soy (000031 or persons of
whose deem they shell nob lutyo notice et
the Mine of suet distribution,
Dated at Brussels thio (1th dee of Nevem.
1er4,D , 1809,
DICKSON .e 11('(8,
18.4 Solicitors fel said Rummtsre,
ae. i {i!, I a 5.i t cat da
of Private i'unds lutve.just been
pllteed in ley 11(181330 for 111• ' the beat grades ,,f
vestment Holler Flour,
being now in full operation the 1'ropiie.
is prepared to supply 1111' Imbue with
AT 7 P5111 CENT.
Borrowers 00311 have their 181415(1
complete in three days if title is
satisfactory, r1:! WADE, A.pp1y 10 E. E. 117AVE,
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in ley hands
-for investment on real estate,
No Commission.
Borrowers eatl have loans cOln-
plete(1 in Three Days if title
satisfactory. Apply to •
Solicitor, J3ntnhcls. le1-10
Cracked Wheat,
Graham Flour.
All kiaids of Mill Feed always on hand,
and for sato at reasonable piece for
1S'Aelet Tt'11ilRiw will find that
they aro doing the very best for them -
eaves by patronnzin,, u' 10,3:1 their Grist-
ing and chopping,
to any person taking 100 pounds or
Look to Your Own Interest stud get your Griatiug done at
tm r i 17/4- 3 v d t,3 5c ass `c .
Where you will get Flour second to none in the Dominion, and
yield per bushel equal to the llip,hest.
Chopping Done While You Wait,
Farmers Can Have Manitoba Wheat Flour
Without Extra Charge, if required.
All Kinds of Grain Bought for Cash.
Oct 1, 3.m
rux el Fiii'rihiro Eporiuffi.
1 have a splendid Stock of Furniture at my Show rooms,
Turnbor'r'y Street, Brib•sac•l,y, consisting of Parlor and
Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables, Chairs, Lounge., &c., .
that cannot be •excelled for Wear, or value. Always a big
Stock to choose from.
a41'BICIA.1_, 13 IwCir?h,I.'ti ural
As I have a very large and well made stock of li;,drooln
Suites and Sideboards I will sell tlietn at m ('(tatty r'edibc--
eel -Furless. We have made a specialty- of these lines and
now is the time to make purchases.
Hand made Furniture a special feature of our bus-
iness A large stock 0f tip-top .'l(OUq L1L? for Picture
Frames. Work clone with neatness and despatch. A. Bice
lot at Pictures, root Stools and fancy articles for ,sale.
A full line of Caskets, Coffins and Robes always 011
hand. Two Hearses and a free Delli'vcry Wagon in
connection with our Establishment,
I pay special attention to CzviSU amd. 4rter*ic 6
Eimbct1; o'i-nt. Having taken three series of lessons 53)1„
Embalming from Prof. Renouard, of Kansas, and Ravin;
Diploma for the same, T feel confident in being able to do ;
this work properly.
A beautiful range ot, Haar: all() Mc iCa
's , I play & Co s patent
Linen Wimclozv Blinds to hand. Every are housekeeper
should see then. They/ 5.r :Dob72eltes. '
AGEVTfor the I rlNpORGAN
Save mono b n
y y Patronizing the Old l,stltlli511e11 Furni-
ture Emporium.
oat, 17 n01141