HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-11-23, Page 3Nov. 23, 1888, owterereatteteeitieiestereeetetereamennowiretztemeaseeezesetneweeterree,7Wr ievei9RG@,«L'A Faicee&rP, emseer s that could be dcaired. The Damns- appointment from the Bosphorus, cones and b'yrians do not soom to ,tad le culled Witty Sooria. From tinuk it wnrtl, while to cultivate Damascus tho Waly govern# Beath- any but odor floweret such as the ern Syria, which includes the tcrri• rose, pink, stook and varieties of the torics between tto entrance of lily. filature itself, however, un- Hamatb and Beersheba, The eeun- aiLed, in the eoason intervening bo try is divided into a number of die. tween winter and summer, roars immense number8 of flowers, repro. twitting every lu,owu shade of color. The ouhivatiun of flowers is not properly a busmen, for no man on earl] his bread by rearing them, 000 iug there ie hardly any market or price for tide kind of produce. The gee -donor here, dariug the mouth of March, runa the annual risk of a hail atom. At this season the chief fruit trees are In full bloo,n and, in addition to the magn,fioeut spectacle they diepl,y, the eurroundiug Air ie pregnaut with it sweet fregrauee, suftioieut to revive the faint and gladden the aaet clown, though it bo but for a brief season. THE I RUSSELS POST THE MOTHER•IN-LAW IN REAL LII?IE, Who was it, when I wed my wife, Wished me a long and happy life From tronblo free, unvoxed by Orate biy mother.in-law. Who was it taught my wife to bake A loaf of bread or fancy cake And appetising (lithos make My mother-in-law, Who gave us counsel when we wont Housekeeping, money freely spent On things for nee and ornament ? My mother-in.law. Who taught my wife to take delight In making all around her bright, And moot mo with a smile at night ? My motber.in4um. Who was it when my wifo Wee In Bestowed upon her care end skill And saved to mo a nurse's bill ? My mother-in-law. Wha then my little ones prepared Each morn for school, who for them And all their little sorrows shared?leered My mother-in-law, Who was it•,,whon their prayers werosaid, So snugly tucked them int" bed And, till they slept, beside them staid ? My mother-in-law. Who of my clothing then took caro Who overlooked my underwear And kept eaob garment in repair ? My mother-tn.law. Who comes the first to south my woes? Who loves my friends and hates my foes? Who buys my children lots of clothes ? 1iy mother.imlaw. Who oft to me her aid has lent To buy the coal and pay the rent ? Who'd gladly see me President ? My mother•in-yaw, A loving grandmother is she, A generous friend she's been to me, For ever honored let her be, My mother-in-law. A Journey Across Lebanon. BY BEY. 0. B. BOWIE, r,. A., PASTOR 01, I{NO%. CBtk00Ii, BRUSSELS, CHAPTER V. FROM SUE ?ADDY BAnADA (ABILE1E) TO DAMASCUS. Unlike the preceeding days, Deeb is very unlike a muleteer. Tho sun is already for above the horizon and he does not seem to 130 oven think• ing of proceeding Damascusward, and on my expressing astonishment at iia dilatoriness, he tried to per suede me to spend another night at Abilene, but, atter much talk, he packed up and we resumed our journey, crossing once morn the Abanab, we tonic the road, but, ad I hove already stated, wo wore not on the Damascus highway. Tho path is not unlike most of the country roads --rough and narrow in the main. From Abilene to Damasoue the river fertilizes all the district within its reach. The poplar and walnut trees are prominent, but as you approach Damascus the apricot and plum trees are chief, not, how. ever, to the exclusion of the apple, quince, &o. When we were about ton miles from the city we halted at a coffee house. My bread had become hard aid broken into pieces. I held a quantity of it in my bands while the man poured water upon it, and in a few minutes it was pretty soft. We word supplied with a few hard- boiled eggs and a jug of cold water and, after our meal, a cup of coffee. Just at this minute a party of soldiers passed, on their way from Damascus to Baalbeo (Idierapolis). The sight of the troops did not par- ticularly gladden the coffee house keeper's heart, of his neighbors', for, in their opinion, (which is based on experience) the soldier ,a not extra scrupulous as to whether he gives an equivalent for everything he carries away or eats ; neither dose it appear, although aomplaiute were made him, it would be xnvari• ably efficacious. This, perhaps, may explain the fact of viueyarde and gardens within easy reach of public roads being lees valuable as property. For several haunt wo journeyed between think poplar woods and within hearing of the numerous little streams branching off from the resin river. Ultimately we reached the macadamtzod road, whore it was an ordinary eight to meet with open and oioee carriages and other vehicles driving into or out of Damascus. Well-to-do much. ants have summer residences a fow wiles from the city gates, and to these they go in the evening and return to buainese next morning. Now frequently, and some thirty years ago almost exclusively, saddled asses°served as means of conveying women and children. The environs of Detuateus have, in books of travois, been frequently described with more or leas power and effect, to that it is tiiflicnit for an ordinary writer to give an origin- al description ; enough to arty that the chief hinds of 'known fruit on the face of the carni are represented in the gardens of Damascus, The cultivation al flowers is hardly all A shower of lulil at this point robs the husbautiman of half, per- haps more, of his living, and slime the laborer is not invariably the proprietor, but only rents the gar" done for the t°at;ou, he may, in 000 Stquenco of the plague, eustahn a great pecuniary loss. In the event of no plague 000arring the fruits are 80 abundant that, withoutexaggera• tion, it eau be said that tlto owner ie often at a loss to kuow how to dispose of them. The best kind of apricot is dried and then preserved, much in the same ,ray at figs. In ferior qualities are mixed 1n a pros, beaten into a mass of dough, as it wore, and, alter some other process es, are spread into thin but broad eheote, then baked in the sun and stored for future use. The natives also make a kind of jolly, or jam, but I am not aware of any extensive way of preserving the plums, thence I presume the last mentioned fruit must be consumed before it begin, to fall from the tree; else it will bo little more than wasted, There is no difficulty in utilizing the grape, for it may be dried int° raieine or pressed into delta (a kind of jelly), or perhaps used for w,ues In the whole of Syria, however, there is but one Damascus, and hence while the Damascenes are supplied with extreme abunuauce of the best and must delicious fruit yot there art: Waco ,n the country where people duly hear of, but never Seo, such treats. In the abeeuco of railways or other convenient modes of con- veyance Hebron, Jerusalem or Ramoth Gilead may be practically quite as much remote from Damas- cus as they are from Edinburgh. The orange fruit sometimes goes to waste in Sidon and Tripoli, while villages at dieta,•oes of two or three scarce of miles seldom taste am orange. Fish may be abundant and even wasted in a to,.n near the beg, while tbe population in the interior seldom see one. All !hie proves that the benefits of the fertile environs of Damascus are not reaped tad enjoyed to the extent they might be. The carriage road, which has already boeu referred to, is cer- tainly a step in advance and has facilitated communication between Damascus and the sea, but it pro- duced great temporary distress upon the many muleteers, who were wont to earn their bread by conveying both men and goods on their mules, and are now superseded by the Dart or diligence. The chief placer of kip (amuse- ment) are the coffee houses, spatter. ed at various distances throughout the city. The use of intoxicating liquors, though more extensive than it once was, is yet by no means alarming, still it is found that there is a close connection between the glass and every quarrel or mishap wbioh may occur. Itis sincerely to be hoped, however, that Syria may never fall a victim to the beastly and infernal tyranny of drunken. nese. Although the country has survived inauy conquerors I fear the cup and the bottle will assuredly crush it if over they lay sufficient hold on its population. If Ctreat Britain itself neurally trembles at the feet of intemperance what eau poorSyria sayor do,butbo swat - lowed w lowed up by this insatiable destruo tion, CHAPTER 'VI. DAA/ASOUe. There is no impropriety porhaps in characterizing this city as the capital of Western Asia. It is the most ancient monument, which lute defied the vicissitudes of egos, as it descended down to us from pro• historic antiquity. Babylon and numeral were indeed once anoint and great, but whore are they now e Unlike them, Damasous has actually survived the innumerable haste of ambitious, invading and conquering natioua, It belongs to the anti- querian and hietoeiau to ennuterate, if ho eau, half the battles and con- but no ono laid baud an him, was engaged in 'hoisting the body queatswhialt have taken piece here. 'There have been warrants out for of a "beet" wbioh was killed, some 'rho last nl8stor who achieved and ltim for six months yet no constable ten days ago, when the pulley rope stili rules Damascus is the Sultan p broke, and the pulley foil en bis bend, melting his tunil I Ie lived ttutii a day or two ago. treats, over each of which a sal) governor as appointed. Many of ; premieee to attend to work else them aro oiled Pashas, while others where. She imagined the fire was The railway from Simone to Port Bowan is completed. At Deloraino, Man., reeently; Mrs. It. Rollins, f.etnerly of Bid• dulph township, died of heart die• ease while fighting a prairie fire, Mr. Rollins had made everything safe, as he thought, and left the Cdiiyam Itlagam and othere Madeor. With the exception of the Pasha of Jerusalem, all of the sub -governors depend npon the Waly for office and instructions, Mount Lebanon also, though in the bosom of political Syria, since 1800 bite been directly connected with Babel -ally (high door or sublime porto.) Notwithstanding those exoeptions Damascus ie the chief scat of influence, from a political point of view, in Syria. (To bo Concluded next week.) dJSLrs7.liifIt Nove'e,. 'Toronto has 255 miles of streets. Manitoulin Island wants a rail road 80 miles long. Hy. Tippy of Kingsville, hue made a shipm9nt of chickens to C.tl getting the bettor of them, arid, l0 the excitement, dropped dead, an her body wee found by Mr. Belline, upon his early return, lying on the ground near the fire break, entirely uninjured by fire. The old Italy was highly tospeoted, and her end• den death is regretted by all. They went to Manitoba about Dight yearn ago. Mrs. Charlotte J. Nicholie, of Petorboro, who is generally believed to bo the rtclieet woman in the Do minion, has given another proof of her generosity. On Monday even iug at rho aunivereary services of St. Audrow'e Presbyterial] °buroh, oho placed on the collection plate au envelope containing a °begue for $12,000, being the amonnt of the church's indehtednese, contracted 1r,trn,°. through rebuilding, and S:, Paul's A steam yacht 25 feet long will Proeb terian church has a'so been ply on the Grand river at Galt next y enriched by ,$8000 from the same summer. quarter. Snell liberality is espec Hon. Oliver Mowat's nephew has bean elected to a county auditor - ship in Dakota. Hiram Walker & Sons have about 8,000 head of outdo in their barns el tValkerville. The Oxford Fat Stook Club will hold their annual Christmas show on Wednesday, 12th December. A number of farmers in plymp- ton made a raid on sparrows one clay last week, and t hot 540 birds. The city of 81. Catharines is like. ly to have an undertaker for Mayor iu 1889, and hie name is McIntyre 130 rit105. Major Walker, of Oalgary, N.W.T. (brother of John Welker, `9th line, Zorra), has 1500 sheep on his 0111011. A Petorboro young am it mourn iug the loos of his bade of thee( menthe, who sold tbe furniture ani departed. <,;a A wolf in sheep's otters p:oid the Elora Express man a $2 bill f,r beck subscription : the bill wee u eouuturfelt. Bears are very numerous and bold in Hustings county. One vis. ited the Marmoracheese factory and licked the grease out of the Whey va .. John Hogg, who for upwards of twenty years was Guelph's leading dry goods merchant, died there Tuesday of last week, aged 88 years. An idea of the enormous ship- ments of apples from Ontario this fall can be drawn trona the fact that 17 cars were shipped in one day from Belleville to the Maritime Provinces. Mrs. Coombs, wife of the Saly- ation Army General, is pulling on with great vigor the rescue work among drunken and desolate women in Toronto. The people of that airy are supporting two homes for that purpose. Oue of the finest bulls iu the Bow Park herd was shipped to Mr. Alex - wider, of Kentucky. Price, $2,- 500, The Company are sending a 2000 lb. steer to Chicago, whore they have entered it in the kat Stock show. Rev. J. M. Hodson, B. A , the well known Methodist pastor of Windsor, has the champion roaord for joining hearts and hands. Dar- iug 1887 bo helped 78 couple to happiness and he promisee to boat this record all hollow this year. The young child of C. D. Oran - berg of Oostiaooke, Que., a fete days ago swallowed a fish-hook, whish was aonoealed in the centre of a Gaudy pop corn which ho was oat. ing. Fortunately (here WAS no fatal result.. Mr. Oronberg bought throe of these balls, and a liook was found in each. Arthur llyloKairus, of Belleville, possoseoa some coins of inteyost r a ially notable as it comes after her donation of the Nicholls hospital to the town. During last week eomo miscreant placed a lot of Paris green on the pasture fields of John Blair, West Zorra, through whicb ho lost five valuable cows and a horse. Some of the family went to the field to search for the cause of the trouble, and found some Paris green mixed in Balt, lying iu a portion of "The Globe" dated 1885, there was a por• tion of an old lap rug near the pap- er. If it .had not been discovered in time there is no telling what damage wonld have been wrought, as there were a large number of cattle io the field. Mr. Blair offers $100 for the conviction of the per patentor of such fiendish work, and it is hoped he will be euccessful, as a few years xn the penitentiary would do them good. Thirty years ago Mike Diuwoodie, a twenty year-old stripling, who was employed by a Markham town- ship farmer, was paid off and came to Toronto with $,100 in his pocket. When 130 came to town he was lost sight of, and as he had bleu driuit- ing and displayed a goodly wad, it was conjectured that he had met with foul play. Hes relatives gave up hope of fleeing him and nothing was heard of him until Saturday last, when Mr. Dinwoodie bobbed up serenely with $60,000 in hard cash accompanying hie,. He bad been iu Mexico and California, attending the greater part of his time in the mines. On Saturday he bunted up friends of the family and found that everybody bolcuging to him was dead except his sister, who is now living in Detroit, alike Dinwoodie want to Detroit ou \Vod• nesday night. eeeceraertl•1 7.01. v.�r • Flint Democrats lost about $10,- 000 ou the result of the election. The Sultan of Turkey LUIS become intensely interested in mind -read. iug. The electric light which the Duchess of Marlborough bas put in Blenheim palace hos been (templet - ed. The German military budget co n• titins an ,tom of $9,000 for e be breeding and training of carrier pigeons. It is said now that England gave to the Germaus a copy of her new rifle iu return for the recipe for ntelinkte. The Prieto of Wales, who has beou visiting the courts of Europe still wears the solitaire stud in lits shirt front. Barry Sullivan, who is lying very ell in West Brighton, has entirely lost his reason'. Ho recognizes not oven his wife. brass drown and a copper shilling 'Clio Lindon Li:weevil is at lest to of James II. issued after his dopes i be iutrodhaed ill Paris. Lord H greatest b owner ition from the British limo, and a � Slirutvsbory, the gra s en v r half penny of Wood's Irish coinage of 1728, which was forced out of circulation in Ireland because of insufficiency of value. Geo. Pryor, of Sparta, who re- turned the other day from Wynl. ham, McPherson county, Kansas, drove all the way with a team of horses, Tbo distance, in round figures, ie 1500 miles, and it took Mr. Pryer eight weeks to make the journey, the outlay for feed for horses and his meals being about $70. Fetor McMaster is a horye thief who has beau marauding through Prosoott county, Ho paasod through L'Crignal • the other day with a string of six stolen (tortes, in London, is at the head of the company. The Michigan Central railway has placed au interl0ckiug switch on the Lake Edo, 1'+1ssex and Detroit railway crossings, 'the first the kind ll] Canada, In order to avoid offending any political party ll] Spain- the 4ltieen Regent has got a young Irish worm. an, Miss Goorgine Davenport, its governess for the Icing, The Australian Govei�ntnetit is building a fence of wire nottiug 8,• 000 miles long, to divide New South Wales and Queensland, in order to keep the jack rabbits out of the latter country. Benjamin I'lariburt, of 111rssatikoe, is willingto arrest bite, resuknab, of Constantinople. Tho Pasha, who ly because he carries a gun and ro. represents IIis Majesty, receives his ' volver. Pot Bootore. A. Well Assorted Stock of OHRISTR.RS �QOPS To End. and Moro to Follow. ALBUMS A. Splendid Stook Sold at Close Prices. Seo Theme Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, &otl &e. —.ILL THE— SCHOOL 610K Poi Bookstore. Returned to Brussels, ROBERT ARMSTRONG desires to state that he bite aguiu beoome a resident of Erussels and hi prepared to take Contracts for all kinds of Carpenter (York, such as House Building, Earn Framing, Mill Wright*, rue. He will also meko a Specialty of Mov. ing Euildlegs. Estimates Cheerfully Git.eta, Satisfaction Guaranteed. in every instance. BOB?'. ARli8TONG. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND TAI 1 40 R SHOP soiteweetetetetetiestiaeciecee- First-Claes Suits, either Bound or Unbound, made for $4.00. sa'A..h'it Guaranteed. Produce taken in exchange for Work. elf, G. RICHARDS'ON, 3-4 Merchant Tailor. •-- PLOWS AGAIN "Well 1 neighbor, whore slid you get that Sao working two furrow Gang plow v" Well sir,I gait from WAY. MARTIN,. IlrasseLe• You know he keeps the largest stook of BLOWS worth the money is the trace. Aro you in treed of a general purpose plow 0011 and see THOS. HENDRY'S, of Seaforth ; TOLTON'S, of Guelph, No. 7 Plow ; PATTERSON'S, of Woodstock. PLOWS - OF - ALL - K@®S Straw Critters, Grain Omelets and Grain Grinders. —TURNIP AND ROOT PULPERS- 2, 4, 11, 8 and 10 Horse Power. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED in all Sale of Implements. Wm. Martin. Brussels. HOUSE : TcnxnEanr STREET. HURON AND BRUCE Loan & investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4, and 5 per cent, interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time let. Cr3ICE: --Corner of Market Square and North Street, Gode- rich. Li Horace Horton, (MANAGER,. BRUSSELS I desire to inform the Public that I have Leased the well- known Bmissims Lmm Woltrs from Thos. Town and will tun the business next Season. I will also continuo to follow my trade as io 'roN110 ;1111.4iLSOlof, and am prepared to furnish esti• mates for Jobs, t&c. IIU111.911(x ANli CORNE;II STORE 'always on hand. Satisfaction Guaranteed, A ti5eatnity nladtl +)r lrol ibrseyiva au+l Piaslaring l;tinf. W • F_ Mir -.a., 1'.EOPEIETO1i.