HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-11-23, Page 1Volume 16. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOV. 28, 1888. or- . .•.. 1 '1'1 tell t� ut4+Ib ••t t � The � rlu' Ir lief (.) Ing, hetet Steve A TRIP NORTHWARD. 1 t etrel ribs with sownbulk. + her into eight groat watertight sol 1partmcnte, Already all the frames or ribs are stancliltg in Ansi• tient, and the work of fitting the plates is rapidly pewee:ling ; over a hundred of them are tamely 3n peallion. 'They aro eaoh secured iu place with a double row of rivets, tin )-tone of the hammer- ing on w)lilill i,1 incessant. Theo loin. dr d aril twenty 1(1(3,1 are 1)t week on her, and when completed about 1,100 tons of stool ••311 be meed in her conetruotion. Her cabin, which will be on the upper (leek, lo Io bo '250 feet long, and there c,i11 be 01 r-later,orn8, 0aah eontaipiug thr a berths he whole needled in an- tique oak. A new feature will bo a pro. Menet" en the lo, ricano d,•ek, the whole. length o: thelabie. wwz u .erg 'Frees I ) 41 Ir .) a. I,• •ot•t i! 114 116 1 L 1 (41 A:7Hl1 to Or' est Honed 'rhe 0'01000 FkF.P. Made, dividing Number 19. ,p motel 1 r rul "1,4.1 7 C, ti 1 1t U �� r I t. at% . , depth of 1 tCL •i ti e• _AR. ,�.(r Mame / ii �) "v 3 1 1 f , 1t ) 1 1• fent , t WITH 1 ;, t c I im d t1� feet P� JNTERa 8 �.111 _PI`� 1d 1.1 �, •t hold, and a feet t 3 Mabee between deck:+. 1 n+ c 1 I 1 r li w an u, testacy b c, 1 1 t 2 Toronto non 0132:ea by (:(10081 re 1,1)' 11111 -Pett every Slone to ltls Body -'reek. A beer owned by 2, Clapp, which wee kept in the yarn of J. 51c:Cleary, Park• dale, broke loose Sunday night at 11:20, On the Broaktan toed the animal at- tacked John Shaw, kIlonkin;; him -down clod clawing hien fosrfnlly. Opposite B. nekton road Sheetnoticed what ap• peered l0 be a large 1110011 Newfnnlltllttlld h,g, but paid no attention to it. When Ito get Mese tip to it the animal rose on its hind 1.1 8 and before' he email realize the sitlutllocl he was in the clutches of an immsuso bleok bear. The beer hugged .trot until he Minted fainted with pain land fright. At the 0111110 ti 1710 the ani• nhal burled hie long sharp claws 311 his floalt, laonretintl his bushy :slid tearing his clothes, whilst the 1111; yellow fence mutinied viciously in close proximity to the young inau's thr 1. 110 s: reamed when he holt the bet groin bre tall of tho monster on hie (eek, end saw the wick od orbs glowing into )lie, and thonght his time had come. He W68 unarmed and could do nothing to save himself. Tho bear hugged him 1111111 ho felt ovary bone in his body crack, then. throwing him down upon the sidewalk, the animal be. gen to eat his thigh and the calf of his leg, grunting end growling horribly all the tine. The young man had sufficient strength to eoream for assistance, and his cries were heard by Constables Quinn and Scott. When Scott arrived 1118 hear was eating away at Shaw's leg. Scott whipped out his revolver and fired two shots into the brute's ear at close range. just then Constable Quinn, who had been on duty at the subway, and also hastened to the scone upon hearing the cries, came up. ' He pulled his re- volver and fired. The beer let go his victim, and, rising upon his bind logs, att•'mpted to grapple with Quinn. The constable eluded him, and fired several .hots more, as did also Scott and a by- atnnder, and finally the shots took effeot, and the bear fell with ton bullets in its carcass. Constable Wright, after empty- ing mpty ing five chambers of his revolver into its betty, procured an ase from the fire .tall and despatched the animal as it lay on the street growling and striking out vic- iously with its paw. - Youat Shaw presented a terrible ap- pearance. Ilia clothing had virtually been torn from his baric, Hie puna wet in shreds and blood wee oozing out from almost every pot:', 111altin4 a trail from where ho had boon attacked to the tiro i111. Dootors etallna tel the wounds as boot they could. The calf of tbo right log had been bitten clean through. His thigh was oleo torn and the mark- of the brute's fangs wore on both tome and 0houlder0. His body was scratched with the long claws in a shocking manner, making gashes as if iufiioted by a sharp knife. The bear teas a large animal shoaling fully five feet high. McCleary hal been feeding the animal for bear atealcs eel Christmas. - Morris Ooullcil Meeting. Tito Council mot pursuant to adjourn- ment et the Cloonan Room on Nov. 12th. Bombers all present, the Reeve in the ahnir. Minutes of lost meeting read end confirmed. The Collector's hoed (0110 presented and examined by the Board. Moved by Geo. Kirkby, seconded by Sao. Proctor that the above mentioned bond he accepted as satisfactory.—Carried. Tho Reeve reported having examined the road opposite Thos. Gari.' -0 ' place, on 3rd con, lino Moved by 710. Proctor, seconded by S. G'aldbiok that this Coun- cil 1:11(0 no action in r01ore1100 to . said road until Mr. Garners gives a proper outlet for the water.—Carried. Tho fol- lowing acooutts were ordered to be paid : - JnO, Cowry, lunibor, 94.110 ; J uo. Currie, repairing scraper, 91,75 ; A. Sholdiao, gravel, 93.18; A. Sloan, gravel, 94.08; T, It. Wright, repairing culvert, 93; A. MoDonald, gravel, 99.20 ; R. B. Laidlaw, digging drain, 92.50; J, MoArtor, gravel, };x3.75 ; F. Patterson,gravol, 9.1.10 ; Misses Exford, 910 ; Wm. Hopper, work on tido lino, 94; Geo. Poaooek, gravel, 45.05; Thos. Russell, repairing road opposite lot 13, 0111 con. line, 940.00; R. N. Duff, flooringparrow'abridge, 982.50 ; J. Boone, chopping out sideroacl between lots 25 and 20, con. 9, 920; jos, Messer, 30019: on earth boundary, 91.50; Jas. Jackson, building culvert on west gravel road, 924; Jas. Jackson, culvert on south boundary, 97 ; Jae. holm*, repairing bridge between lots 15 and 10,. eon. 9, 95 01. Cunningham, culvert between lots 10 end 11, con. 8, 94 ; Wm. Marshall, onlemt between lots 1J and 11, con, 0, 90; Jas, Russell, repairing Armstrong's bridge and. England's 11i11, $3,75 ; Holectors of jurors, each 1inglh .tae, gravelling on north boundary, 912.50. Tho Council then 'adjourned to meet again on De. oembee 15111. Wm. Chang, Cleric. I ••p 1,• 1 n 1 it I yard Toe Now (steamship seeing 1 } Stutlf 10 ttepene1 toe test "Algoma," Last week uniting bneineoe and plena - are wo took the early train on tho 0'P,1 at Wingllam and were 0ncl whirling Moog path Wroaotor, Gerrie, Fordwicic, lIerriston, :1St. Forest and about J nem, arrived at Orangeville, the county town of I)ufferin. It ie the greatest phis„ for ret. brink bongos, stores, stabb)s, cto., eve know of. The town is growing well, et- pecially in the lino of. letudsome private residences. The phtuue spot 011 this place 10 the liquor traffic, ,is it 1s said, by more than ono, to be one of the worst towns 111 Ontario for drunkenness and rowdyism. About 10:30 tho Toronto train bound for Owen Sound olfmo in and ail was bottle tend 1anlnlntion, "All aleterd" fa shnnted by the condu0tor and off Wo go. Sitolbnnrn0, neo of the best atatinus on this Hue, he, got to be a hustling town and dove a big trade. In it aro formerBrussolitee in the pereoil8 of 11. W. 'reek and family, J. H. 0 eek, or and wife end Harry James and wife. Duudalk, Flosherten, Markdale aid Chatsworth aro also on the up grade end doil,g their share of 1110 business in their respective localities. There ere some m m:moue 0wanlp0 along this line of roll way but tho' government ditches and those along the railroad aro reclaiming thothoands of aures of what will prove to be very valuable laud. Owen Sound, the terminus of this line of the C.P.R. was reaohed in deo time. It is marvellous how this nicely looatod town has grown in the post few years. There ie now a population of between 7,00!) and 8,000 and everything points to it becoming a city ,n the near future. Both gas and electric lights are io use, some 70 lights of the latter, 23 being on the streets. Thorn ere three regular lines of eteamoro running to this port, the principal one being the C.P.R. Great improvemon s aro being made in the way of sewers, street crossings, cfc., and next spring it is expected the river will be widened possibly an esplanade made on the .vest mile, a second steam elevator belt and a Wont made fn the filmous stone steer - ries. It is a caution low quiokly vessel bongs 1 with grain are rolieeed of +heir burden at tae cl v tar, from 0,000 to 13,Om bushel0 being 1 l: voted in an hour !)-tett the vomiters hold and errs eau be hooded as 1l'llcltly aC you aerlld ally ",Jack 1labinson. ' 0 son Sound boosts of e lot ,S : -lel:lid chnreltes, lino collegiate institute, Y.iI.0.A.- buildin/e, splendid blocks of 010re8 and hotel; and a citified air in general. "The Tilney" and "Tbe Advertiser" are very creditable repro. smctetivro of tho town. Ono of the prin- cipal indttatries of Owen Sound, hower, oaten Pelson ship yard, an extended de- scription of white may bo interesting to the ,canters of Tux Pose. Tho popular idea of the building of a vessel is that the work is mostly done out of doors, but 0 %lett to Poison's shipyard is tve_ll 0a1. euleteiito dispel 011011 a delusion, for there are substantial wooden buildings with an aggregatelougth of 700 feet and a width of G0 feet, in which groat squads of men are busily engaged --in fast, every rib unci plate of the ship is shaped and finished in the buildings, reedy for their various positions, leaving only the work ni putting together to be dorso out -doors. The first building ou entering the yard is the wood shop, where all the wood- work is done, one end of it being utilized for the business office and offices for the draughtsmen, a considerable number of whom are engaged on the m01 11)1ioi13' of drawings neoe0seey. Here is the model, whioh furnishes the baste of the whole WOOS. and on which every plate is lis• Sealy laid out and lettered and num- bered so that when shaped according to the model it is roady,to bo fitted into its piece without confusion. In addition to tlto model there ere an humane() number of plans and detail drawings of every portion of the ship. On au immense) deeiguing floor, over 200 feet in length, eaoh one of these drawings of frames and beams is enlarged to full size. From there they aro transferred to the floor of the furnace room, and tho shapes made in thin strips of iron to serve as models to which the great steel ribs aro bunt. The furnaces aro 50 feet in length, where the baro of else' aro heated, while in front is a massive metal floor laid out in 111110 squares of about an inch and a quarter, each alternate equate being per. fantod, s0 that by means of iron pine the heated bets may be bent into any re- quired shape. lo another building aro a number of forges at whioh blaokamitho are busily engaged in their department of the work. But tho most interesting imitable is the machine shop, Lahore tho different processes of bending, onaping and punch- ing the plates aro carried oe. The rolls for bonding pietas have boon specially im. ported from Glasgow,, and aro said to bo the finest on the continent. They weigh thirty tons and bond plates 10 feet G in- ohe0 in length. Besides the rolls there is an immense platter for planing the edges, and a powerful angle cutter, both made by a Canadian firm, that of John Bortrmm iic Sone, Dundas. Next comes a powerful beam bonder, which takes a groat stool bar and bonds it like 051300 of wive, Then there are n0 loco then seven great maohineo for shearing annd punching plates, whioh olip off edges a punch holes in plates of stool throe. quarter -inch thick as if they were simple iecee of card -board. After the ltoleo are punched tho plates 0110 taken to drilling machines, whioh counter singe with bevelled drills so that the Ovate art loft flush with the plate. After going through those variooO promotes the plates aro toady to bo placed in position an the 011it1, the ire 11101180 01t0101on,of' dare's in the yard, .vitt her groat 01130which a amlet a forts. of 0caf- rlbs standing p fold3nnr bo gathered An idea of tho size may g from the feet that eho ,s 305 feet in length (or over 130 foot longer, then hot siotir ships, tho Albntta end A.thabaoea), :411 the4 mit, from the malting of tlto original 1 -.holy to the finishing of the cabins w r'kouuliet, and is being carried out by t r 1'111 ,011 Company, all that is import:el intuit the rale steel in pittingrk and bars. 501100 the 1100 men at 4vo in the shin yard at Owen So-tnd, the A'Ioaero. Pols„11 have 900 at their works iu Toronto, where alt the machinery fished nut of Leko Superior after the wfoek of the Algoma 10 being thorough- ly overhauled and rebuilt, and will not ho excelled by any compound engines on the lalceu. Edmund Trial i0 in charge of and superintends the whole work, while Robert Logan, from Glasgow, who 10 inapentOr for the 0. P. R., Hays it is being oarriel out es well es it could bo done n -the best yards there. The benefit which the building of suoh a boat gives to Owen Sound direobly and to the whole of Canada indirectly can bo imagined when the fact that her con- tract price is 9250,000 is remembered. It is to replace the lost Algoma. The work is pukhod both day and night and the shops are brilliautly illuminated by elootrio light. -'r :0(tctree! .'t ('.3010". Lltadaville has produced 92,000,000 loss than last year. The Russian newspapers are abusing King Milan. Reim; have greatly impreved the holism crop prospects. California htul a sharp amok of earth- quake on Sunday. Rov. •fr. Spurgeon ins gone to tit;. South of France. Sixty 001.0010 have boon caught by the ice in :he Sen of Azov. tit Jno. Bright held a serious relapse, b la 0 )rinewllat bettor again. Yellow fever has broken out at Santa Cruz do La Palma, Spain. Portugal will spud vessels to help in the blookado of the Zanzibar const. The entire front of ono of the banks at Riverside, Cal., is oonstruatol of onyx. Rice growing 011 an extensive scale is likely to bo bognn near 33atto Creek, Cala A eteamahip hue to run between Gor- man ports and Calcutta, lute been eremite. ed for. Lady Dudley has insured her life for 9500,00o, for the benefit of her younger ohildren. The Eiffel Tower is now 581 feet high. The remaining •1.00 will be completed in January. Tho Cook islands have been taken pee - session of in the none of the British Government. The famous Doris mansion in tbo west end of St. Louis was burned Tn sdey. Loss 9100,000. The Dowager Empress Victoria writs ed. in England Monday iota is now with the Queen at Windsor. Corea and Russia aro reported to .levo concluded a secret treaty providing for a Russian protectorelo over Corea. In the Vermont House of 1lapresenta- tives the Bill grouting to women the right of owff est, was defeated by 102 to 87. The American steamer Uaytion Re. public has been confiscated by the Hayt- ion anthoritiee for blockade canning. The Russian Mitlister of Railvayo hate issued an order that in future all platten- gems who play cards will be "judicially pursued.” An Indianapolis gentleman intimate 3oith Gen. Harrison thinks Chauncey M. Dopow will bo offered tho office of Soero- tary of State. Tho Umbria made the trip from New York to Queonston in 0 deem 2 hours and 2 minutes, beating the record for tho 'eastern voyage. All the ongineers of the Chicago any North-western Railroad have to submit to an examination of their wate1100 once a month. Sarah Barnhardt still carries her coffin around with hot on her theatrical tour0, It was in her recent journey to Vienna encased in its regular travelling box. A report that President Cleveland in- tends to appoint 0o1. Lamont, 1118 pri. Vete seorotary, to the post of Jndgo•Ad- vocote•C0oueral, is exoiting U.S. Army officers. Emperor Francis Joseph has appointed the King of Sweden to tho honorary ooloneloy of the 10th Regiment of Thrall - try, and the King of Denmark to the honm'ary calonoloy of tho 75th Regiment of Infantry. On January lot the new tete relating to public cxealttlel is to 001110 into force in the State of Now York, when the eloe- trio operlc will bo employed to destroy life instead of the barbaro10 Mnd t uoor- lain rope. Somo ouriosity is felt in re. spoct to the first execution by that tneane. Criminals spook of it with bated breath, es being oomotifing lnysterlau0 as well as terrible. Experts hmvo it that it requires a forgo 8f 8,000 volts to doetroy human life --though that expression has not yob come to be as generally appro• bonded as tho "hereo power of the Wattle wheel or oteam engine. SOvorai have 0 ourrod of late of work- men 1 v e men employed on electric light apparatus having been atriokon dead through ac• Wonted OOntac1 with a wiroin full only suit. So that if the wioltod l spate emits from troubling they willp themselves a good Ileal of inconvoni• once, t l .rr .1, ' , !rce t, the 'steels titt,•)tl tee -t y,ir. 44 ..n: ,) :r, s.. , u, .. The )ltt l wl 11.14 {emits, thy exp es. :t e 11 l . ••,1 1 goes• iv in 14,1;1'1..3 4 m• to 1)10 olguuzetieu of the nee. flet e,c. them. to50,0 it luta bent slinest nuivere Illy 0011. ceded that the P ginblicun•1 sterile hese , small mlljorl3', as indicated ey the re. AT,witoba and the North ;met tlifs selislu tame ovule Dcululn•a1u1 clamts ,tt•e ll'l 14 . 3:; 1411 Cohn nb0 4Y 1---' rth;mett 11,1)W ing vthat, it allowed., 11 woul l vie,. 0 o e.e. '1'biea deleget,s flag 1..t• _ lot men n oe eived. fr "i 1'l h 1 .,' .'• • . i1 1)) - 11 1. thr•,11 t -I. ' I ,-�,,'..�.,� i�., tau, 'v,. t .... r.r:. 11 diap,ttrh received. from " t I n ' I'Itc !Muth,1 11 1 uucnt 41.3311 nl 9 1.oniptl n .11 (11 11 01111 h f 011 :: ar t io (Mewing Revenue tenter 11.1 the lit. taw- � result of tI ;1 t n 1r:t 111;,. The land (' .nets river 1(0x` 8,•01011. t .+e.1. htt - 11•• t, , , r loon last year's. 'rhe number of foreign „ori+al . 1n ; J 1 Arnu(tr n in kliddfetlu- TOW!). ' ,;hip, egret hie wife 'nit, a revolver and „ltx , Ge4 lif.:. t o ted from a •:int a t in the 1 1.t ' -0 rt 'p0ou. •1' 1 ay. L one 11111•' , 13 111 3) 01 51.7)1)-.- a)f tel, world. alul de,31) ,2 Irhur ,, . ,dr.n:-pear", 110111 134,0'- neitohe l fur e. etandlnl( hop, step atet 1,unp fur 13 to m st,l e. .1 number r f Feet ,' 1 far rim r. cambia. ,. 1.h ;: a1,11 lel 1,11 L 1 1 •.) i, diroot to 1 tti 1) I 1 r turned oat a h 1l sere i• :'1'1 1.1 W11'1 ship et. at that r+'.. :.elf 11.,4.• gut better pr c, n . .... _ !It boar.. than they •, c, A. . •30.(W, I a _ f:+,v :..lvuaate, 1.11-tv•lei •,n ..+ t, on .1161:1 teiee at 111,1 milts 1'l, )114,1 /1/0 ;104- (01)11 Zesty three1n v:1- 111 1114 :se sec. fully rt„t t 1 1ttF- eaurec into 1st+. we01.0 en 1 t Ora With act certificate, hh 1utr ,.,11 gu.,-t. d. Norman :hull meld, of the 11 tine, nes,)- Tivrr.on, had a field of turnips whielt turned our wel', so e t, of the route attain 3nf( au onermou0-size. In weighing some of than ono was found tel go near twenty one pounds, and fifteen pound turnips were e8 nommen as flies in summer time. A young man named Oherlos White Wes shot in tht, woods 11510,1' Hyde Park Thursday morniug while gunning with n a.,uple of friends. One of the latter was endeavoring to kill a rabbit which ran across his pathway. White was stand- ing almost in a line between the two, but was unnoticed by his frieud. The shot entered his right arm, and although ft has been carefully dressed, it is doubtful whether he will ever be able to use it again. Airs. Elizabeth F oolker, of Hamilton, while cleaning a stove the other morning, used tarpeutitre in the blaakluad. The turpentine caught fire from the heat of the 1401•, and the IIamns caught efrs. Voell=-etre hair. horning most of it off, mud ciao burning her Igoe badly. She was almost i,liudal, :tu.l •uffsrel mach pain, when 0he eteggerel ftonl the room and fell elo 1.t - 1 oro, b ee ate h, collar bola; and t '41 r,0/1/0 bed brat tee. Her 3ujari s lir 11411 :erioua, wiI1 not ld,uly prove fatal. 'Este Liu int , columnre of Lan;. Sar- voyors of Ontario, at its NJ4 o:iber session, after dun 0.c.1nineti•,1 1.1.0133 tllo folloein es , idat , 1091:) .t. oo,v competent to p a..tice 1.r duel surveyors in Ontario :-11. S. De leer St. Tlrnnae ; A. Loughead, Ortll s; 1. Martin, grad- uate of School of Prctnttoel aietr:e, Bel, wood, Comity of We11iegt0:) ; A. L. 110- Cniloch, gratia tte of Soho,' of Practical Satellite, ltawkcsvillo. County of Water- loo ; C. 11. Tinhoy, graduate of S1h00' of Planetoid Soience,Ottewa; N. T. Ritchie, Kiuoardiue • into. Roger, grarlanto of Souool of Pr.ir•tieal Soi"neo, Fullerton, County of Pe, th. "i v. n a' utt Inieineas with the tufnrinr U(:n,o•t yooter+ley ltI0,•lilnt4 1111,`111.,••1 111'111t 45a' now rotthd tlitt the De10eet.ete ee,1 curried \Vogt Vsginie and elected all four of the P0prteenttttives to Congress, The 1)enmcraail 11.10', eltftn the c•Icc.tmu of Simmons in North Carolina, Thi weuhl give them a mak, ity of nuc to the 'Maw. It isReccetea by the Itepnbhcan:1 that the 1)enlner00.8 ere trying to 80001 the ilon:u by certifying ;nen from the seam. There 3,1. great anxiety on the part of the llepnblican m"nlbers of the House. They say that 111.3)- majority is being pared down by clever manipulation, and insidiously the Democrats ere working to undermine it entirely- lir, Q110y, they say, foresaw this daugor, and it w0.8 on aecouut of it that he came to Wasu- ington to take personal charge of the congressional matters. r1 good hely 001x10110 inquiries have been made at the Republican league headqu..rter0. To all who hove asked hint, Ate. Quay responds that the ilopublieens erasure to organize the House. There has been 801130 diffore000 of opinion among Democrats ea to whether it was desirable to make a fight for the organization of the House. Two con- siderations weighed against each other. One was ,hat it was bet'er to give the Republicans full responsibility for the Govermnent• with the full measure of embarrassment attending, than to hold the House by a majority too smell to be of any avail, end to be out of power everywhere else. The other nousider- inion was that if given both Honees of Oougress the Repnblioans could not uuly admit new Republican territories, but could inenaso their strength by a new apporti0m„ent as well. This last we - sideration, together with a natural to yield to any power they be able to hold, hes led to the determin. ation to malto a iieht for it and hold the House if pee: dole. Already there is talk about the in- auguration call turd the pros),eat of hold- ing it in the court of the pension build- ing. It is supposed that in 0000 the city poet -office le moved to this court the ball entomb be held there. There is some doubt as to tho possibility of fitting up a city post, office in the court of the pension building for the auto appropriat- ed, 90,000. Postmaster Reiss when asked some days ago, about the removal of the office from it0 present location, bo said he thought the means would bo provided for moving the office. Itis stated, how- ever, that all the funds under the dirootion of the Postmaster General that meld be 11800 to sepplonlent this appro- priation. for the city post -ninon have been appropriated to other uses. The agnt• Mi,,s llardnutld, Ar John's .13;,'', die,. 00 Hunday a ,}t. She lies 'bees i7 for- year., lett hod wend ;dill temente , he. 1ler-te number of workmen 011 the tricot 11.1.0 . b. n •,unrn,0"'11 see the Belleville polies oanrt for v, !It,114 Salina Y Mee. rt tteiey r es, 10 geld, ,'oh•brated her 1;)11(1 1, 1-lh i 4 re - (tenth. S'•o 1,4 . ni l:: reri3.i et ,.. 111,• in county. 1leesrs. L'oqu slant, of Sandwich, have in tiler eellere over 1:4.00 gallows of wino nnade (nen fl0J,0t /mean in the v.eiriity „f Sandwich. Atlalnael DinwoniiO, nn old Toronto. niau, seppcseti to have died years ego, hes shown up after, 30 years' absence, with a fortune of 900,000. The Ilan. Edward Blake leas intimated to a reporter fora British Columbia journal that he has no thought of roeign- ing his sent in Perliamsut. McPherson and Currie, the shot - /mutters, have made another match to pot the same weights for 1500 a side, the match to take place at Parkhill, Nov. 20th. The mail to and from Leamington is now carried over the L. 1.b St. C. RR., thus affording more rapid mail service between Lcetmiugtou and the outside world. Ohanoeblor Boyd bas dismissed J. Baldwin Fiends' appeal against the de- cision of the bonollers, debarring him for nuprofes0ional conduct. Hands will ap- ply for reinstatement. Tho widow of Daniel Breult, the M. C. R. R. brakeman who was killed by James Drummond at Essex Centre recently, has been presented with a purse °Attain- ing 5190 by friends along the line. His Excellency the Governor-General anemnpenh•d by Duly Stanley, will visit Hamiltolt on the first of December, On Monday, the thir.l, re rel Stanley will for malty open the art exhibition. Edward Grafton Holt, an Iri'ltmall worth 0150,000, died multiunit. at Oak Lake early friday mm sling. IIis death was very mysterious. He herd taken up a scat •11 of Mild et Oak Lake a few lave befThoore. hatred between the hamlets of Essex Centro end Leamington has al- ways been of the most bitter nature. The inhabitants of the former plane are now gloating over the fact that their ae- sessm"nt is six mills louver then the former. The International Ilasobell elasociation et its annual meeting Wednesday drop- ped out Trey and Albany and admitted Detroit and Toledo to take their places. Stringent rules were adopted fixing a eolary limit considerably below the range of salaries paid in the last two seasons. J. T. Kirkland, LL. 13., B. C. L., cf St. Thomas, has been notified by the Registrar of the University of Trinity College that the College corporation hos appointed him an examiner in the Fac- ulty of Law. Departments of Equity, Real Property and Evidence for 1889. Mr. Kirkland is a gold medallist of the nversity. J Ii, Scott, A. 1lalcahn and Dr. Mer - 0111, of ICiooardine, repre.enting the T. eswatrr ,S Kincardine Railway, ad- dressed a meeting of Tooswater rate- payers the other evening to ascertaiu their viows with regard to the building of the road from there to Kincardine, and if possible to secure ouboariptialle to their stook list. The opinion of the mooting wee that Terowetor is very well satisfied with the C. P. R. as it is, but if there meat be an extension of the read from tore that they would bo in favor of it going to Itinoardmo in proferonco to any other place, Albert, sou of Ashley Brooks, of Sonecs township, was fauna hanging to ce wind- lass in his father's driving shed nn 9at- nrdny by his yonuger brother. Ho drove home from Caledonia, about four miles distant, the night before, end was scold- ed by his father for driving the horses too fest, and. it is supposed ho went into the shed while in an engry 5380fon and hanged himself. .lie parents thought ho heel gone to bed, and thinking every- thing was all right trot up nt four o'clock in the morning and started for Hemiltotr merkat. Igo was found in tho morning, but the children were afraid to inform the neighbors until their tumults' return. Deceased was about 15 years of ago and strictly temperate. Sir John T000ler Kayo is in Winnipeg. All tho buildings on his eleven farina have been completed. -111 the implo. 1110111 houses and cattle sleds aro erected, and the letter will accommodate 7,800 load of cattle now wintering et Mosquito Creek, where Sir John has seventy tone of hay. The thorough -bred bulls will remain in Quebec, ell winter, also some well -broil sheep: bee hundred Brdtith Columbia mares crossed with thorough- bred stallions aro doing well, Tito strops at Belgonio aro very fine, oellecially gate, barley anrlftn . 'Samples of the letter wore and to England by Sir Alm. It woe tested ns to quality of the fibro, ami a report has been received Eton, exports that it was fully bettor than fibre raised in Ireland, whioh brings 940 per ten. Sir John'o director in :England has sett out maohinery, which is now at 33algonic for the p�urp000 of 'tseutcihing" the straw and producing the 'fibre, Sir John Bays tho fibril will produc0 the finest linen. Ito imposes making binding cord oat of e, coarse quality of the fil>rro, and in n very short time will supply the whole of 11amtoba and the Northwest, and stop' 111e immense importation front 11001ern Canada. l'hirtythrea thoasaod sheep, now in Oregon, Will 11e brought to the Itoyo farm next 311no, On the estates of Robert T. O'Neill. M.P., in: Antrim, siege and bedridden women wore evicted while a gale was raging: 'Cooly, of motor fano, has got hihnoolf into a pools of trouble at Philadelphia, Ho has boon adjudged. guilty of contempt of court because ho has given en "unin- telligibio" explanation of his machine. In 110 1.m luetg this haste displayed t onhere thelnbeen.as pertof 1110 covet. For o donee or fifteen years Kocly has been giving this kind of ex• piauatons of the motor in its various stages of development, but too court0 have hitherto anotanted the position taken by the experts, Sant the more "un- intelligible" the explanation, the stronger was the evidence which it afforded of the wonderful ohmractor of the motor. Tho foot that nobody who had seen it could speak rationally of it afterwards was re. gardedea conclusive proof that the seorot ecooalad in it was of simply supernatne• al dimensions. 'Cooly is nathrally greatly Astounded that his view has been1ovorse` after so long a lino of proaodont in i favor, and is expecting almostanything to happen moat, clause of the smutty atoll appropriatoO act providing for the removal says :— "That the Postmaster -General be, and is hereby, granted anthoriby to remove the Waehitigtotc oity post -office to the centre of the court of the pension building in said cit., and use such portion of said court as is hereafter specified for the principal poet -office of said city until further action by Congress." The matter has been for some tlmo emitting the re - tarn to the otty of the Postmaster -Gen- eral, It is held that the lbw is not man- datory upon him. Citizens talking of the matter yesterday thought the in- angnration committee could best rflioor;l to pay the rent of the oily p in its present quarter: for several months then to oroot a now building. Lord Saukville and tlto hisses Saok- ville-West neo spending the closing days of Moir stay inWashingtonvery pleasant- ly among their friends. A number of dinnersare given each weolt in their honor, every nfternootl they see a large number of callers, told the young ladies are receiving it great many handsome presents from friend. in this and other cares. Lord Sad:title and the Misses Saukville -West will bo unable to a000pt Lord Stanley's invitation to visit hint at Government house in Otto -wee They will Hail direct for Paris, when they reach Now York from hero. There they will visit Mt. and Afro. Gabriel Salon0on for a few days. Then they will go to Lon- don to be tho guests of Lady Derby, and Lord Saokvillo will (template some ar. rangements about tho possession of ICuole. It hes not boon decided whether they will spend the winter at Cannes, in the south of Franca, or accept ten in- vitation from Lord and Lady Lansdowne to visit then in India. ,C;t.t•ntat11351 NoWis. flog cholera 1100 1130110 118 0175e011011110 111 Essex county. Throe now oases of small -pox aro re- ported at Sarnia. The Watford band is to have a 9000 sot of nicklo•platediustrutnente. TI1e Mail says that Toronto nudiencos aro winning an unenviable reputation for ill-mennore. Loamingtou is to 11000 a 9700 town dealt, to be pl000d in the tower of the Town Hall. I:lovenstndonte of Albert College, Belleville, have agreed to b000mo mission - Milos to India. The grading of tho Portage extension of the Red Ilivor Valley railway has been finished. Over nine tlou0aed people havo boon vaccinated since the outbreak of emelt- pox in Toronto. Mr, Coohrano, Conservative, tuns re. elected in East Northumberland Wed. n00day by a majority of 511, Athletics J. It. Bider, of the Columbia A t Club, will act as referee at the O'0onu0r• P001101 boat Atha on Saturday. - Jolin Coopercommitted snieicle at Kingsville on tithursdmy of last week by shooting himself in the head.. Local NeW3 Items. OnA.vnu of olliasra iu connection with the Salvation Army here this week. Mae. JEWEL nal 32rs. Ruddier, of Col- boruo, were the „nets of Mrs. Wm. Van- otene this week. WHAT We ties Eget:'n—Skating.— Hard frosts and :mow bluoltors,—:lreemge- monts made for family r0-u1l(One at the holiday 809.800.—Wellings.-The knights of the stelae t , 'teem her up" with their old time vi0'r.—Tho noel bin to Oomo prominently to the front,—llnnicipal matters to become the toggling topic of ootivorsation before long. Vomits' tan Girnr.--=C11,\,1 a:+ List Court for this 1101 11fp Sity w 4: nail on Friday of last weekin the Ton hall, Judge Toms presiding. five of tide Re- form appeals Ya, strike off were alto,ved and five to put on were granted. The Conservatives struck one off av11 put ufuo 011, on, b.:ing a loni Heinen, try voter. E. L. Wade, of Brit:seek, and 13. 1 . Dick- enson, of \1 ingh,tllt, lvo.t:;1 alter the in- terests of the respective parties. TttAxxeoxVix.: SlUtvlcna.-- 1. vary inter - eating union Thanlu,gibing service was held in'the llethodie. oitttreh on Thurs- day of last week at 11 amt. After the opening him "Whou all thy 11,10300 0 toy Goch My riaing soul surveys, Transported et the thought I'm lost In wonder, love and praise," Ilev. Samuel Jones led in prayer. Rev. 1M. Swann rear. the 05th and 103rd Psalms and then called npon Rove. R. Paul, G. 13. Howls and J. Ross, B,A., who delivered short, intoreeting ed bees• es. Rev. Ale. II ,trio evoke) mote partieu• laxly in gratitude for conferred benefits end Rev. Mr. Rosa en national thanks- giving for peace and plenty in oar land. The collection acts divided anon1g the throe ollurchui and will go toward as- sisting peer people. -- Rev. W. T. Clufl' preached a suitable disemerae in Sl, John's church. Tis Stratford herald says:: 1), M. Ferguron, „f the dry goods firm of Scaril & Forgnsee, was married at Woad. stock on Weducsdtty afternoon last, his bride being Miss 011ro Potts yonngoot daughter of William Votts, jeweller of that town, a young lady possessed of .natty amiable qualities and portioned oheroes. Tho wedding tools place at 111^ residence of the bride's father, .Rev, 1s'. W. Penton, of this oily, performing the ceremony in the enforced absence of "lee. W. T. MoMallon, moderator of tho Pres- byterian General Assembly, who has been ill for 0omo time, Miss' Douglas Of Woodstock noted as bridesmaid and W. A. Rutherford of Toronto )vas boot 101111 Several guests from Stratford 1yoro pre- sent. Tho gifts to tho bride were onus: Dolly numerate and of a useful and Val- uable olheracter, partieul0rly that of Air.; Potts, who presented her with a olhoak to cover the costo of a 171 0010110. lire and Mrs. Porgu0o: wont gest' on their honey. 10001) anti shortly after thole return to Stratford will occupy iamb: bondsomo now )residence on: Hibernia street. '