HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-11-16, Page 8Mr.n 1'. Corey, of Potrolia, siatoe that bewas eared of Catarrh of fifty years standing. Mrs, A. W. Secord, 290 Ridout St, London, writes that Medical Lake Salts oared him of Catarrh in its worst form. Tide remedy is especially recommended or i"41rneil.W.M&1 1 ltLr. Tilos. H. Musson, 304 Dundee St., London, Ont,. says: "'three boxes of Medical Lake Salts have cured me of a very bad case of Erysipilas and Rheum. atism. G. A, DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &c., :teem to Weasels. NO BEMEDY gives such universal satisfaction as the COUGH REMEDY manufactured in Seaforth, called py,�ppr LLI MSDEN & WILSON'S jfoval lrlyoeratad Balsams of Fir l Its wonderful virtues have created a demand for the Preparation from all parte of the Province. Druggists sell it. Price 30 cts. 17-0ms, C."P II TRUNK RAILWAY. sel'rfi5RN EXTENSION, W. C.& B, R. Trains ieave Brussels Station, uort and south ,ca foliows:— Cetn';;South. Going North. ...,,.V:02 a.m.1 Mixed 0:90 a.m Expreea......11:4c- a.m. Mai18:00 p.m Allred 8:55 p.m. 1 Express 9:45p.m • gore Pius A chiel's amang ye tskin' notes Au' faith he'll prent it. Go to the Charity Conoert. Yens heavy rains last week. Geo. Love jr. has been laid up with a sprained ankle. See. TAIT has been on the sick list for eeveral days. I. 0. RICHARns for cheap horse blankets, txanke,'valises, &o. A VALLADLB cow belonging to Edward 'Varcoe died on Monday. LAST Sunday morning the ground was covered with the first fall of snow this season, Axe quantity of fresh lime at the Kiln. Brussels, for 11 cents a bushel. W. F. KELLY, Prop. Mies JEwsnr HOGARTn, of Kincardine, is visiting her brother Geo. He is the operator at the depot. GEo LOVE de Co. were the highest bid- ders for the market scales, last Friday. Their bid was 395. This is 09.00 more than J. Ross paid last year, A CANTATA, "The Berry -pickers," is be- ing prepared by the scholars of St. John's churoh Sabbath School. It will be pre- sented to the public about Christmas time. A enures of long telegraph poles have been put down on the southern end of Turnberry street that will elevate the wires above the shade trees flanking the street. New poles will be put in next year. Dem limns, of Porter's Hill, has bought out Robt. Mottles, blacksmith, and expects to take possession this week. He is said to be an excellent workman, especially in the horse.sboeiug line. We have not heard where Mr. Mattice will go. War, 13Rsce, Publisher, Toronto, has recently issued two highly entertaining and well written works of lotion, one having the title "Under Currents,' by the author of "Molly Bawn," and the other "A Gallant Fight," by the well known moral story writer, Marion Har- land. The bookstores can supply them. Heenoareremes.—Making out addresses en letters is sometimes a difficult task and if it were not for the close attention paid by post office officials hundreds of letters would never reacts their desti- nation. Here is a sample, the name only being omitted :-Partig jeperarey Blaney tobey. That is supposed to stand for Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. IN remitting his subscription to TUE Pose for the years of 1888 and 1880 Rev. F. Ryan, of Florence, ono time incum- bent of it. John's church, Brussels, has the kindness to say : "We all look for- ward to Saturday night'e mail with mnch interest because we expect to get THE Pose, even my little Fred. reads the locals weekly. We regard it as a letter from our old home." Tete nudge Mnee—Oliver Smith and Arthur McGuire, were in Chesley last week putting in the fittinge made by them in the naw buildings in that place. - Two engineers wore here from Toronto melting same necessary changes in the engine.—•A number of hands are now working on furniture.—A, now stable has been put up 24x30 on the mill premises, - Watson Ainlay line about completed plastering the inside of Oliver Smith's clottage, Mee. Klux would respectfully intimate to the public that she has now on hand a full assortment of Berlin, Zephyr, Rock German, Baldwin and Canadian Yarns, Hoods, Caps, Jackote, &e., latest stylus. A full line of Hosiery and 1Mlftte in stook Ma made to Order. Fancy Goods, Toys, Dolls, to. in greetvariety. Stamping by a new process on any kind of geode. Agent for the Creolnlan KnittingMachino and the Eritieb American Dyeing Ce'y, Montreal. Everything Cheap. Call and see. Opposite Quoin's Rotel, Brussels. Wire, finesses 00 1T ?—By an amend. ment,to the Manicipal Act passed the last 50 91011 of the Ontario Legislature, the council of any town or village may by bylaw provide that the municipal nominetial.s ellall be hold in the evening, instead of at noon, as formerly. 'When the law gives the privilege that wi11 'en. able a great many of our business men and other ratepayers to attend who could not otberwiet, the 000031! sbetild 0011. eider the advieability of pneefng' a by. late to hold the nomination in the even. ing, or at ]east tot the epoetlr•tnaking Its delle in the evsning, Mite. WV. is slill quite ill. The days are shortening up vont' no ticeably. 1 g',N •c 'receive Tee Posit for th bnlance of 1033. Remus in harnees done °heap and well at I. C. Riobards. Venue List Court on Friday forenoon of thie week in the Town Hall. AUCTION bills 1)1100ed on short notion at Tete Pose Publishing House. MISS NELLIE DnCAsamr..ON, of Seafortb is visiting with her cousin, Eva O'Neil. A New verandah has very much lin. proved the appearance of J. J. Denman's residence, Tile report about Joseph Clegg intend. ing to move to Brussels is not cornet as he intends ooutiuuing to reside on his farm. AvcTIee sale of a Grey township farm at the American Hotel, Brussels, on Sat. unkoy of this week, at 8 o'clock p. m. See advt. in thie issue. CAPTAIN GRAHAM, wife and son, from England, are visiting at Dr. Graham's, Capt. Graham is au old "salt" and no doubt has lied en experience well worth rehearsing. Excrllslnx.—I suppose everybody has secured a ticket for the People's Double Qaick Railway trip to B. terry's for a famous "Model" molt stove. Every stove warranted. 18— J. II. LocxART and wife. of Flint city, Mich., former residents 01 Brussels, were in town last week. Mr. Loehart was over attending the funeral of his step father. who lived near Dungannon. W. H. HILL, who has filled a position in the tonsorial parlor of R. N. Barrett for some time, has gone to Atwood whore be will open a shop for himself. If he steers a steady course he'll get along all right. NOTICE To TAXPAYERS.—Tho ratepayers are hereby notified that all voxes are to be paid to me on or before December let. I will be found at Ross Bros: store ready to receive the same. Jas. Ross, 17-3 Collector. CONCERT.—In another column will be found the program of the charity concert to be held on the evening of Thanks. giving day, in the Town Hall, Brussels. The proceeds of the entertainment will go toward aiding the poor of the village in the coming winter. WELL DIGGING arm DarMING —George Birt bas all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepared to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnborry street, Brussels, 5.08 HENNesr,—David Frain has purchased W. Thompson's poultry, and, along with his own, now has about 100 hens, He purposes erecting a poultry house, about 00 feet long, for their accommodation and will run the business on a wholesale plan. Mr. Frain is quite a poultry faooier and as he has a splendid place he will make a success of his undertaking, no doubt, East Sitwell Pall Show Prizes. The undersigned will be at the Revere House, Brussels, on Saturday, 10th, and Saturday, 17th insts., from 2 to 6 p. m. for the purpose of paying prize+. Parbiee who have taken prizes for thorough -bred stook must produce proper certificates of registration when Claiming their prizes, and if snoll certificates are not produced the prizes will be witheld. 17-2 D. STEwART, Sec.-Treas. THE BRUSSELS POST acme RtvEse has taken a position in I • St:lichen Dins. store. 30119 FEItuusoN, of Stratford, was in 0 town fain a few days last week. Me. lioweLL and wife have been visit. ing their son-in-law and daughter, 5, Plum and wife. 1t is said that there will be three new butcher shops opened out be town. Be- tween five shops the people of Brussels should not goltungry, , Ray. Dn, Cote, General Superin- tendent, will preach the anniversary sermons of the Methodist el:nroh on tbo Sabbath before Christmas, CHAS. W. JAMISON, Son of our towns- man • Walter Jackson, is filling the 'position of Sunday School superintendent 111 the town whore 11e is working in Kansas. NOTICE ov ReatovAL,—Dr. Graham has removed his office and plane of residence from his brick block, Turnborry street, to his new residence, opposite Melville church, William street. 14. THE sale of land for taxes in Huron Co. takes place at Goderich on Tuesday afternoon of next week. Three lots are mentioned as belonging to Brussels. They are 219 on -Queen street, east half 880 Elizeneth street and south half 400 11T street. t° jFnom a letter received by Geo. Love rola Jas. Watt, of Griswold, 1Kiau. formerly of Brnesele, we learn that Bir. Watt reeently sold 2,000 bushels of wheat for 31.00 per bushel and ho bad over 13. 00 bushels of oats. We are pleased to hear of his success and hope it will long continue. AT the meeting of the Quarterly Board of the Methodist church, last week, the pastor nominated G. A. Boer, Truman Smith, Wm. Bishop, 3. A. Creighton, J. A. Young, Geo. Love and W. H. Kerr as Stewards for the forthcoming year, the latter is the Recording Steward. The represeata'ives from the Board to the Sunday School were as follows 1--J. J. Gilpin, W. H. MaCraoksn, Thos. Moore, Samuel Fear and B. Gerry. Ow Thursday evening of last week the magio lantern entertainment, by D. W. Campbell, was held in Knox church. The attendance was small owing to the heavy rain. Mr. Campbell did his part in a most entertaining manner presenting views of hie trip round the world and re- lating many pleasing incidents in con- nection with his travels. The entertain. ments furnished by Mr, Campbell are first-class and have a good moral tone about them. Damn Pines.—Besides the usual col. umns of "Mona's Choice," Canadian news, household Mute, fashion notes, poetry, &c., we give about two columns of "A journey across Lebanon," by Rev. G. B. Howie, and a very interesting and instructive paper by Prof. Panton, of the Ontario Agricultural College, on "Rust" and what causes it. Every person ehould read it, especially every farmer, so that be may know how to best fight this enemy to the wheat crop. Read the in- side every week. BIRTHDAY PARTY. -031 the last day of October a joyous party of neighbors and friends assembled at the residence of Wm. Ainlay to celebrate the 00th birth- day of Mrs. Samuel Laird, grandmother to Mrs. Ainlay. The old lady has been in Canada for about 50 or 60 years, liv. ing nearly all the time in Maysville, Waterloo Co. Mrs. Laird has been blind for the past seven years. Although so well advanced in years she lately com- posed two pieces of poebry, which she recited on the evening of the party. Rev. S. Sones, who bas reached his 81st year, was one of the company. TEE "Eonoes" PnoToona nsED. — On Monday of this week W. J. Fairfield, artist, book negatives of the "Echo" baso ball nine, and they will be nicely group- ed, showing each player's name and their respective positions. They are a good- looking browd and no doubt their photos. will do credit to the photographer. The boys know what good ball playing means and the club that rune away from them has to get out of bed before the 81111 rises. Five of the "Echoes" are bone-, dints, viz., A, Brook, D. and 3. Ross, A. Currie and S. Strettou, The remaining foul', W. Grower, F. Strettou, N. Gerry and G. Halliday, are single, but no telling but they may "double -up" before another baseball gams is played. Further par- ticulars in another iesue. Ten Pose prophesies an early and open winter,—A. busy round of entertainments for the next few months.—A lively Fall trade and a rush at Xmas,—Fur naps, muffs, mittens, dee, will take their :n- nings for the next five months, --The "kickers" will frown down the new By- law regulating the selling of meat.— Wagon makers will push the manatee. tare of cutters and sleighs.—Three and perhaps four weddings before the holiday season is over in Brussels,—The pork market to soon boom in Brussels.—A big waste of powder and shot on Thanks- giving day,—A bigger rueh of names than ever on our subacription list. Tee Listowel Banner of last week sats :—On Sunday last the Opera House was well filled, both morning and oven- ing, by the Presbyterians and friends, to hear the Rev. Goshen Howie, late of Turkey, now pastor of the Presbyterian church, Brussels. Mr. Howie, who is totally blind, was returning from his wedding tour and consented to preach in Listowel. His sermons were both listen- ed to with a great deal of pleasure and profit. .Ilo is a epeaker of more than ordinary ability and must have given an immense amount of study to the work be is engaged in. He is the only Turkish subject who has yet taken the oath of allegiance in Canada, A Penmen Bnussrorre.—john Robert - 5011, jun., formerly in ()barge of the Morris and Grey ohease factory, has spent the past season as dairy inatruetor in the southwest of Scotland, At the great dairy show held at Londou, Eng- land, his pupils carried off the first prize for the beet ton of cheese ; second prize for the best four cheddar bheese, and the oup and medal for the best lot of cheese on exhibition. At the Kilmarnock show of dairy products, held on the 26th `of Oct., his pupils won the firet prize ert £20 for the beet cheese of any make; the first place in the sweepstakes competi- tion for tbo best cheese of ally make; tlio first for the hest ton of cheese ex- hibited, besides a number of minor prizes. Kilmarnock show is the largest of its kind in the world. BmiesELe Seee.-00 Wednesday morn• ing the Commissioners called on F, 0. Rogers, the proprietor of the Enterprise Salt Works, at Brussels, who showed them through the works. The brine is pumped up 1,000 feet from a bed of salt 23 foot through. The supply of brine is ample, and the quality of the salt pro- duced eannob be excelled. The process of manufacture has boon already des. artbedand is the egotism in vogue through- out the salt region. The output of thugs works ie about 100 barrels a day. BTUS. eels appears to be on the extreme eastern boundary of the great salt basin, which underlies this section. About a mile east from the Enterprise worlte a boring was made to the depth of 1,500 feet, and no salt was found, while it can be oh. Mined by boring any place to the west. A line drawn from Kincardine to Brun. eels would pretty accurately show the eastern limit of the salt area. In ion. noction with the Enterprise works four men aro employed raking salt two boopeee making battle, and several boys packing salt in sma11 bags. Abed five thousand cords of Wood are annually consumed, giving Gmployment to eivoral choppers and . 00mste e as.es.x4mxm=xe, Born—Anaais.-0n Wednesday 7th inst., by the Rev. J, Ferguson, at the re• edema of Mr. W. Humphries of Newry, brother-in-law of the bride, Mr. George A. Boyd, to Mies Annie E. Adams, both of Ethel. amaa- PETn1an.—In Walton, on the 18th fist„ Helen Pethiok, aged 1 year, 6 months and 17 days. 1'�:7.OTS01�7' M.A.T.f= , Tussmir,,Nov, 00.—Form stock, imple- :neuts, dtct; on lot 83, con. 12, Grey. Sale commences at 1 o'clock. Lewis Holler, prop., A. Reymann, acct. FRIDAY, Nov. 10.—Farm Stook, Imple. menta, &e., on north half lot 8, con. 12, Grey. Salo commences at 1 o'clock. Robt. Menzies, prop., A. Delgatby, auot. 00111t1l0TEn MA1IDPDLLY Eem117 17101115. Fall Wheat ............1 15 1 10 Spring Wheat 1 12 1 10 Earley 55 68 Oats 03 84 Peas 68 60 Butter, tubs and rope,,. 17 18 Eggs per dozen 13 00 Flour per barxel5 00 .00 Potatoes .. 26 80 Hay per ton 13 00 00 Aides per lb........, 4 Cil; Salt por bbl., wholesale... , 00 80 Sheep skins, each,. 00 1 00 Wool, per 111. 18 22 Porlr 6 25 6 50 emitin1TP,n ennui= MERV wn11E. fall Wheat 1. 15 1 18 Spring Wheat ....,..,1 15 1 18 Cats 32 88 Peas Barley Potatoes Bnttor, per lb .. Eggs, per dozen Apples, per buehel. Hogs, draseed ... Hoef Hay Wood, per cord...... ,., Sheopekins,eaah,,,,,.. 60 62 55 46 30 00 10 10 10 65 ', 00 6 50 7 000 4'60 0 60 1800 1400 2 60 4 60 40 -'71 Dated' atllrhssols,:ilt11018111,1858. 110 5 ea NOY. 10, 1888 Should Auld Acquaint- alloo Be Forigot, No ! don't forget it ! Brush tip yotu olcl Coat an 1 send it to your brother in Manitoba or British Columbia and then buy our New Fall and Winter Cloth- ing. They'll suit you butter in the streets of our town. Brus- sels Clothing Rouse is the "auld acquaintance" that we don't want you to forget or to avoid. We'llpromise to wear well. &6 'r Oil NEVE ar WAS 11 hat Lord Wellington exclaimed at the BBattiie of Wat- erloo, and that exclamation W011 for him the day. Oar Waterloo for the next two weeks is it Warfare an Concerns who maintain high prices. Aucl we aro determined "Now or Never !" shall win the clay for us also, as regarding our Stock of FINE READY—MA?DE CLOTHING. Our Store is almost too full of Goods and n'o have got to do something to make room for the invoices which wo aro in constant receipt of, so we have comp to the wise conclusion to make a Re- duction of FIFTEEN PER CENT. on every Garment, and so, therefore, if you are in want of anything in the Clothing Line don't put it off, as delays aro dangerous, but come at once and reap the benefit of our over stock of Clothing. Tho Great Horace Greely, Candidate for President of the United States, once said in referring to his health : "My body, hands and feet I keep from colcl, And that's what Causes me to live so old," So if you want to live to a ripe old ago and save doctor's bills some and see 001 ,6 0,200 LAR OV ,' GATOt A. R. SMITH, CLOTHIER, BRUSSELS CLOTHING 110 USE. REAL ESTATE. (IHOICE FARMS FOR SALE.— A few splendid, improved farms for sale in tho township of Gro Morrie and MOSlllop. Apply to A. DIILGATTY, Co, Auctloneer,Brusoeis P. 0. QHEEP STRAYED ON THE kJ premises of the undersigned, north half lot 18, eon. 7, Morrie, on or about Oet..Isa, The owner 15 requested to prove property, pay expenses and take it away. 15.4 D. MOQUA1I11Ilt, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, ou the corner of Mary and mechanic e treats, in the village of 13ru Easels. Tliie pro- perty is very conveniently situated end is a bargain to any person having a family of young children as it is so roar the school. Good stable and well on the promises, also soma young fruit trees and a quantity of small fruit. Apply to the owner on the premises. 15.10 MRS. TU1tNBULL, 1301ssels. T43ARMFOR SALE.—THE SUB- solueen offers his valuable 100 aero farm, being lot 8, eon. 10, Grey Townehip, Buren Os., for sale. There are about 50 acres cleared and In goodheart. There is a log house, good hank barn, boar leg orchard, and all the mammary conveniences on the premises. For further particulars, as to prion, terms, eta, apply to the Proprietor, 'CJOS.BIS1OP,illareP 0., N.W,T,. or to 3-tf DOUGAL' D 8TIte0BAN, Titus/101s LiARM IN GREY 'TOWNSHIP son (ann.—Bohn, lot 1.1, eon. 10, eon - Omitting 100 mores. It is partly °leered, the balai:oo well timbered. A never failing meek c tosses the place and itis well adapt- ed for either/arming or gracing, I wlllltko• wino sell 40 sores, being oast part of lot 14, 005,13, nearly all eleerod and in a good state of cultivation. A. good frame barn with a good stone stable underneath and a never failing well is also on the place. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the plaoo. '%bis lot 10 opposite tno ale. or GEO11G10 AVERY, Proprietor. 1.0f 'E(lARM FOR SALE. --TILE UN - 1, Dene otos» offers 001 sale the north east quarter of lot 20, ooncossion 0, Morris, County of Uuron,00nn,;�iaalning 50 acres. The land is of first gaalttraud 10 a high state of cultivation, well fenced mid uudoi drained, 45 moxas cleared. Now frame house, 6 rooms, mills house with aonerete walls, 2 wells, good barna and shad, orchard, eta. ielght. 300x00 of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit- able -terms will be given. Title perfect. JAML"H GBI171/91, Owner, 80- Boz 358 Brussels P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. The 10xceutors of the estate of the tato WIL1baerefooxeY, 1001nlne, deceased, HOW offer the following valuable lands for sale, via.:—The north half of 10027, and the west half of thonor0b half of lot 28, both in the eth coueosslon of the 'Township of Moretti, County of Duron, containing 1550 acres. About 110 acres nye cleared and in good condition, the greater Bart baht�+ in grass. The balance la well timbered, chiefly with beoah and+unplo. 'This farm to favorably situated within one mile of elle village at Brussels, which o170010 an excellent marlins. There is upon the prgoon f t and house breliard ot stelo•f'rit trees, nn a never failing spring, also a good well mad•ppum Te, and good fences, This property will be sold Mono or two parcels, to mutt interning purohaoors, eurehmenivt11 bo allowed to enter and have use of house onpromisbs at any time lifter harvest and to do fail plowing, Tall posses- 01031 1Ti11 110 giVon at 1st November mixt, Per terms and further pnrtieularo apply to the uudersi ed EZoe'atore, 00 to SpO1HN Rooney, BuieIBrrusaols, 001, Otero Ctirdiff, I 311:C1:apT0lt11 Welles, .13 flays, BANKING. oINTOSE & MoTAGGART, BANIIIERS -:- BRUSSELS Transact a General Basoktny Business. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Canadian slid rotted S tatss.Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits. lOotZections made on favorable terms. Canadian Agents—MEnon3NT's Bang or 03NAne. Now 'York A ants—Iooeonpens AND THAD- Ens NATIONAL HANE, LEGALAND CONVEYANCING. M. SINOLAIR, SOLIOIT- • or, Conveyancer, Notary Public &c, Calm; Graham's Block, l door north of Bargroaves' Drug Stora, Private Funds to Loan. �j E. WADE, BARRISTER, H'4• Sohoitor and Notary Public:. Con- veyancing. Colle0tlons and Loaning, Mr, Wade will attend in Gerrie every Wednes- day at two o'otook, '� IOKSON & HAYS, (Late with Garrow dt Proudfoot, Code - riot") Barristers, Solicitors, Convoyansors, CO. OOioa, Grant's D10o11, Brunets. Money to loan, R, S, BAYS, W. B, DICE:SON, A M. TAYLOR, B. O. L., 1AR. e 1100Ten, Solicitor, 30„ of the firm of Dickson, Taylor k MoOu1lohyyh,t Barristers, Solicitors, dm., Mann oft Arcade, Klug Street West, Toronto, gq100 ay to loan. ,t LEX, HT1. ITER, CLERK OF the Fourth Di3leiu ,,, O ours, Co. Huron Conveyancer, Notary Pn51ie, Land, Loan to loan, 00lootionaenaland Office in Graa- ham's 131o01r, Brussels, 10 gsRT CUNNING 1 44, iN51214805, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. ' AL CARDS. �ED9C .��. lit. F. D, CALM.D., 0, M. Memberofthe Cgllege of Ph olelets an Surgeons of 0ntaaio by examination, d Oflloo and Besidone—Mata St, Mast , Elbe Ontario T A. MoNATJGItTON, M,D„ fJ m 0.M., L,11, 0,P. slldiubux h M. C. P, 8, Ont. At RSININaves' Drug store from 0 to 11000 a.m. and from 1:00 to 4 p. m, At other bourn may he found at the reoidenoo formerly ocenpied by 'Or. liutouloson, Milt street, DENTAL. G, S,, tart; 3'11 D. S„ floret Graduate and 31, 012.(1,11. 2. Toronto, Vitalized Air given .3.10. StooD. 1). 8, Asefetc:it Operator attune- WfystsB10011,Seaferbh. 33 , P7r2JEST'- W,J,lfaar,L.f) S.Graduate otTo- ronto School of Dentistry. A11 oper- ations guaranteed. Ofllos—Oady's nlo01, Seaforth. Artificial tooth, arstqualiby, and guaranteed AM',fat $13.00pers0b., D31D3 Del 1L, M.ARTSST, 2r, b, G., Honor Graduate o1 the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. NlTnos Orton GAB adminlstorsd for the patn<ase extrac- tion of teeth, OFFO3'E.—One Door North of iho Sank. AUCTIONEERS. G100RGE KIRKBY, LICEN• sen Anotioneer. Sales conduebed on reasonable terms, farms and farm stook a epeolalty. Orders loft at Tins Posta Publish - Ing Nouse, Brussels, or sant to Walton post office will receive prompt attention, A LEX. DELGAT'PY, AUCTION - xi. BEE, le prepared to attend to sales on the shortest notice. A specially made of sales of thorough -bred stock. Terms made known by application be Tint Poor Pnbliol:- ing House, whore orders may be bett, or a<ldrors to Bxuosels P 0. A RAYl1:ANN, AUCTIONEER, Ca.. is alwey0 ready to attend solos 01 forme, farm stook, &o. Terms cheerfully ranged at 1i11ino 13.0. os'r Publishi q House Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS. H, MoORAOKEN, ISSUER tl {' • of Marriage Licenses. Oilloo et his Grooery,Turnborry Street, �1� TSS O'CONNOR, TEACi3:ER cati LY Ron,. of Piano and organ. Terme ou appli- an d Friday mb hire b Unmpbolllo,LWalton 'les AFISS HARGR.EAVES 11Dsrltiis ,LVL. to receive ;voila for instruc- tion on the PIANO and 010t4AN. S years Experience. naaide:lce with IArs. Ater• greavcs, over 11,l01A17t5A4'F03 0520.1110; 3101111, no5.1yr N. BARRET'T, TONSORIAL -a Arilsb, Slio0n, aoxt door south 0f n. It, Nauss & Ooe, hardware shore, Ladies' and ohldron'o hair caning ep.olt,lty, A ehoioe stock of cigars kens. pt, A I\IoNAIR, ISSUER OF MAR,. ca -0 x1500 Liooiteoa, by appaintntont of Lloltt: Govoraor, Oomtnlssionor, tea., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Inouranco Co, Oaten at the 0ranbrook Po0t 0Mee . RODPICK, HOUSE, SIGN V tl and Ornamental Painter. Graining. Gliding, Sign and Deeorattve Painting in alt it0 branobes. Shop Blinds done up in style. P0902 Ganging a epoelalty, Shop ono door south of J.1130000120' Carriage works, r, W, O'i3RIEN, V. S,, IION011 s graduate of the Ontario Vetorinary Collage has 'seemed the practice of John Nott, V,8„imprecated to treat all dill eaeoaofdonlesticatod anirnalo on eel00t 3 0 andap roVed prinoiplee. Tv:atmeutet03,1. Nosthoof13ridgti Ouznb rryn1 Office doors