The Brussels Post, 1888-11-9, Page 66 atessiatemesetereatatearaatassawavisramessanataesesetuseratersattssessewastrate�,� THE BRUSSELS POST •C11P.C1ante .i t C.Citt$ Thiene or printing paper is the beat thing for poltahing glues or tin• THE IRON DUKE, Tf�/�EAr! h'1aT ,111sT G " __._a Ware. According to the statement of the real and roast beef are the moat ea -Mayor, of St. Louis, the revenue economical meat in the one, as the • from saloons 'was over $2,000 less ran bo made over to stews, croqu• than the expeneea with which they atter and other relishes. taxed the city. This is exalneive of To clean ornaments of alabaet:)r, the poe-r'ty resulting to awn" anti dissolve borax in boiling water, am individuels, apply with a cloth or soft brush A. n aman tylia applied fur 1a re rinse carefully; and dry in tbo eau newel of Ler license to keep a publio The white worm, winch spine house in Stae1tan was oppo,e(1by times makes the eartb in a plan the Ioeai vicar on the ground that jar look as if it is :alive, eau be lila evening caogregation would he driven out by atopping the bole in lessened thereby, and that it would the bottom of the jar; then cover have "a detrimental effect on the the earth with water i1, witch yon church olTertoriee." :have dieeol•ea n little lime. .Got Armenia seekermao, of California, till" stood for several hours, and it who hes recently been in Alaska o0 is not likely that you will he traubl an organizinr, trip for the Nati"unl ed with the worms any more. If your MY win,: machine need - cleaning, oil all the bearings, with keruseue, meal freely. Ban yam machine feet for a dew w14itlt08 t1n• threaded, ibei3 Sipe off clean ; oil with Massone all, anal you will be surprietel •o ere how easily it will run and how elate it will look. For weelnne a.:1 hallo linen- Pas the last fifteen years amply proves trl•i,1 watt r, 0ILll t li lir• der ,f that 1t is useless, for men In tient borax, mead'•3ervoe to t the color; than a share in the reforms of tits wash tb" linen sei erately and quick dey, they liavo captured it, plane for ls, usiug very little seep ; rin30 in 1 themselves by persistency and tour. tepid watcr containing a little buil age, have vindicated their ability to ed sterol ; Lang to dry in the simile,' inaugurate meabures for the sup ; and iron when altar"3t dry. pression of crime, thong!' somewhat • It i very touch heeiteler to sleep optimistic in their belief !hat they alone. The ttu1i altbfnlne s of t,'r, 1 eau wholly extirpate it if their et. 11brsous ucaupying the same hod forte should be warmly welcomed by vai'Y?nuoll depends on the physical every man wbo upholds the cause of condition of either or both. if one law and order." Sir Geo. Trevelyan, in a speech before the Scottish Permissive Bill Association at Glasgow the other day, drew a most flattering picture of tbo spread of temperance pnn eiplee in Great Britain daring the past quarter of a century, and utter- ed a great truth when Le argued that the great broadening of the franchise bad largely caused this growth. • ''Twenty-five years ago," 1i1r 9sIayatndor. Le eaid, "every brewer, distiller and Edward Atkinson has an exceed. publican had a vote, while the men ingiy inter1•sting paper on The Na out of whom they made their money tion's Preg;re:=s in The Forum for were gagged on election day; now October, Croat which the following that the franchise has been granted extract ie taken, to the working classes the temper- The self binder was first enema ance cauee has litcomo serious and fully attauiied to the reaper in 1870, important in parliament," From 1807 to 1870, inoiu ive, our One of the most peculiar Lawsuits average: crop of wheat varying more on record has just been concluded with the season than with the plant in Connecticut. A young man wito ed area, bad been 258,000,000 bush- s was able to earn $4 or $5 a day, els. In 1877, when the self -binder and who lived with his father and began to be used, the Drop amount• t contributed to his support, was cd to 864,000,000 busbele. Again murdered last summer by a saloon- in 1878, it mounted tip, in which t keeper. The father of the murdered period the use of the self -binder had 1 man sued the murderer for $5,000 become general, tbo average crop, damages for tho loss of his sen'" carying more with tho season than services, and the ease came on for with the planted area, was 440,000,• trial before the criminal charges 000 bushels. Could the c=•ops o' were tried. The defence tried t0 the last ten years have boon saved show that the murdered man was a without the self -binder 2 When we :good workman but he was levy and consider that the total number of evident did anything ; consequently self -binding reapers now made and teal damages, if any, must be smell, so;d is more than 100,000 a year, aft"'' due deliberation, the jury ren- requiring over 800,000 tons of twine derec, a verdict for the plaintiff for to bind a single wheat crop, do we $800. not find in the tying of that 11not Prol.1 'bitionists across tho border on 010 self -binding harvester a main are jubii'a nt over the decieion given factor in the export of grain with by the Um 'ted States Supreme Court the returning import of gold, on last eeonda� •,'which settles the gees. tion as to t,3 'e right of individual States to Ise tislate on The liquor question. Ger, cin Iowa manufae. Curers of alcoho\ 'c liquor raised the point that they had the right t0 manufacture for export notwith- standing the prohhk 'story law, and ti.ged that the State 1 `tad no right to restrict inter State coil amerce, The Supreme Court decide, 3 that each ,State had the right to p1 event man• ufactnring, whether for export or home consumption. Tin, '1 ruling will make the path of the orohibt• tiouists much easier in Statet ' ban. ing prohibitory laws, and will out a stop to Ibe evasions of these h awe, $107,807 ; John Jacob Astor, $285,• which, under the protection Of a 040 ; William Astor, $170,000. legal quibble, were so common. Real estate owned by tbo oily sea I dom comes into the market, nor is Iit available to any great extent for tbo reduction of taxation. In 1871 t , n 3, Bleeper, ,A„ H. Muller, and t2r,etla'dt Palmer, wore nppoinled b, the commissioners of the sicking fueeel to appraise all the real prop arty belonging to the city and come ty of Naw York. This they did, ihclud,yg parks, publio buildings, station a id engine houses, wharves, docks, mtarkots, eta;, andostimated the value of the whole at $244,000,. 000, basing the estimate on, the number of to to, 26 by 100 foot into avhieh it might be divided, (Yea. tral Park, together with Mat/batten Square, on which is the Seventh Regiment Armory, was appraised at $78,175,000 ; Madison Square at $2.208,000 ; Union Square at $2,200,000 ; Washington Square At $2,280,000 and Reservoir As the word "General" is t t luny ANn1;Pw CUR RIE, l'1tO1'lilk.'1'Olt, 1 I interpreted, a great stratogis Y j be fairly given that title, but +.not at 101 310eo831H'ily li great emu- ' mender, a groat leader of erinirs. Tlie pareonal magnetism whieh sucks t great men JOSRee,3 80 largely, and ;1 oaa wtthuut effort, import to others, was, I thinly, wanting in oar "Iron 1 Duke." Whet is 311ore, 110 118Ve1' t I seems to have rustled 1t a, a de suable: quality in au Lugli"Ih leader, ;although bo fully realized its force i 3tnll power when exerots.(l by Na I polecn. This may pa}•gay btl 1 conn tea for by the way in abash be Pu„l et1 np,in his. army. ll,bough, Whorl it broke up 111 1814, niter 38:1 mincutl,u cf sive years tlf vi 11 niter 1118 command, be promo it t:1 b;• able to go anywhere a ,cuyilur , still ho 800105 at way have regardful it :novo a5 n el) sail; 1onstitutecl machine i1 highest po,alblo working ori,lr 1 as to living, animate being, ear milady i Alain Slim, • Itrasaela 110 W. C. T. C'. has remarkable powers of endurance. During the past year sbe bas been tibia to work without a weelt's rest, and on one trip spoke 07 v. nsecutivo nights. The 1'icw York Herald saye of tate great mating of the W. 0, T. la. in New York city : "The enormous growth of tbeir organization during' NOV. 9, 1888 ._.._ m _._.._._ .. .: s7L1le. SL::r�,i•�rre .-: tma : Not of .r.' oa .ovrai1 VVM. . SMI W Ravin;; leased the stole 1111 e1 .r' ? ash 'OD ,5411 Meats vacated by Mrs. • Alexander 1 Of the host elntlity alw• 373 nu ]parol and do- 11ta''•e 1lelnowed my Business livernd to any part of 11,o;i v111a3o aro a£ olytrap. Tut me vary £nrnreblo. there. FAT CATTLE WANTED: For which the !highest market price will ., 1, t;4. 1 tilan,nale a sjiuinity of buying hides and Nlains. Don't forgot the pinoo next door to I t'i,,•r's'ldwelry ,store. A. CURRIE. ALLAN LINE. ift"r7 198E. SUMMER ARR aNCia1EN , • 1888. need u dl �`. u I LIV ,tbRGfL &. QUEBEC SERVICE lend. I 1 t1JU 10111 11a,1T111 lA 3 M71114 .lt. 1 i 11 ,31 511,)13330 . . tLR41 I Rept, 13 ... r'tr0 a an a. , 9npt. Lh Haj t le 4, :yin inti . Sept, 20 ]011ie Hopi. 87 atarmalinr.. Hopb.28 Italie not. a ......_ Sardinian .. [100,4 1),11, 111 1'tarlebirl ......... ......net. 11 00110 - pot ],a Circa .A.an Oct, ie •ro a1 O L 93 ... .......... 1'.311 nes,an . (. 1 'd5 1 \,3.1 Sar l,,''iau 331,3'.$ u3ur •4'' .7 tior,'ini..e NOV. s 111,111 Yay. i4....- ...... Peri;iinn' ... Nov. 15 say states or Passage by .2011 'Steamers. lay• Qtt71), n TO RTV.11100 Poor,• and esehl 801, 870 and 881 according to ncoorn- 4810e ulo.53110 , ae(eo310 in ., 11 , e,iU IntOr. mediate 31, 233 8 '1 `131, ltoturn tiekats, lOJd 850. 53110, 3L0 uvd ••?1L0• Ili tormodinto, ems 300. Hto 1yuo i 40. I Rya ,1139, 00, Circassian or other ox - his 11:10 amors, Cabin tlftp, sixty and seven- ty dorm, acoordhla to nouommadation, no- mOn tutu tlokete, empty. ono hundred and tern and ono hundred and thirty dollars. Inter. - mediate sixty dollars. Steerage forty do11- ars, Ps 01111 embark at tbo dayabeforrerwthout 100roased (Margot Go aur13l entos it atoreducer d prates. :For Sung In formation apply to .1. 13. G1tANT, Brussels. is diseased, injury to the other is sure to result. Tho preonee is tat healthful, because the exhalatiuns from the body of one 00m0 in con• taot with and are absorbed by the skin of the other, and becanse eaoo one most. of necessity breathe some of the air '• llich hes been breath, d by the .ether, and consequently rendered impure. to ,and effected by 3111 the st (iilluti.,•1s by •8111011 Mali 1e lea ed. Thr, marvellous magnetic er rrf the great, guuerous Inacicr his men teas certainly twaerya by Weliiugton, He used to that Waterlte was :von in the p grouode of Eton and Harrow, no man has ever act a higher upon good breeding and blue b in officers than he did. He 358 in 111.a mind to have divided army into gentlemen and cpm men, placing a great uubridged gulf between the two classes. With one or two eseeptious, 118 had the very poorest opinion of the mili- tary cape:say of his Generals of division, while he believed with all hie cold heart in the dash, courage, endurance, loyalty and patriotism of his regimental officers, the sons of Englieb - Squires and younger eons of what WAS then called our aristocracy. He believed they would always, do their du.y; he do pended upon their breediug in that roepect just no lie depended npun the strength and courage of his thoroughbred enarger to carry him for a long day's chard ridiug over any battlefield. He had seemingly no faith in the halfbred man, no more than in tho badlybrod ht,uuil hat always required the lath of the huntsmen, He seldom, if over, poke i0 appreciative terms of those brave soId1Or,1 who carried Lim i 1 riumpli from Liebou to Taulatt,ee, and if he bad any affection fur hem he never showed it. Ho be sewed that when restrained by the m an th bl e fia e ev t0 WO m8 p08 ha rel the which was resumed epeoie pay. for went ? By the single improvement 112 the cost of wheat was reduced not spr Jess than 6 per scut., and is some ac out rigorously enforced discipii 0 led by .English gentlecn o7 were, under him, invin e, But be never heeitatecl to 0 crtl35 them as a collection of r us, the blackguards very British parish, the scum ery English town. Feeling th ward them, he never lhsugbt rah his while to appeal to sent lets be 411 root believe them to 58088, and it never seems to ve occurred to him thee he 003110 se their tone Or create 111 them se feelings of honor which bad mud at outer epochs and other countries the main ing of those :trams whose great n8 e11, 1fig0N 33010241INE Co„ rroitrlotorlt, el- TORONTO, ,1',13311),. o• nog 7'0 THE PUBLIC of 118 it i• QIIR1f 1J Liver Compl at Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney troubl's Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, and all impuri• ties of the blood from whatever cause arising. Till GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. �2C 7MC-(rrr2t7•s. V9.3.3.0 $"-) -TE- LITTLE LIVER PILLS, (very small and easy to take.) NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA 8o1,1 everywhere ; price 25 cents, places 10 per cent, hievoments are best known t0 tho orad. In fact he was 1a thorough ar 803HE 3100 T,t.R.l'ATiEHta IN NEW 70235( ee On the ere of Ootober, 1887, re Na eeivor of taxes, Geo. W. 11IeLeao, hi received from the Consolidated Gas in Company, $228,210; estate of W. til 11, 'Vanderbilt, $171,124 ; New de York Central Railroad, $848,681 ; b Mutual Life Insurance Company, be $52,084 ; S)ander3 Oil Company, ter $28,609 ; estate of Robert Goelet, him the istoorat at heart, with all the beet nttments, but still with all the ejudiees, of that class. There e no gonial sympathy between m and his soldiers; they reepeot• m and, during his later campaigns, ey had the most unbounded weft.nee in his military genius, but oyond his own immediate military seholcl, with whom he lived on ms of intimacy, no one loved -Gen. Viscount Wolseley, in Fortnightly Review, jiolxee1941 Hints. Tu ]deans lime from an iron pot wash in strong vinegar. Egg shells crushed and shaken in a glass bottle half filled with water will clean it quickly. Kerosene is unexe01100 in starch to give polish ; also to polish glass ; it will mako your windows shine like silver. The best of tea makes but an in. different dccotion unless the water ie fresh. Tno carpets may be kept mach fresher, if, occasionally, an general sweeping day, they he well sprinkled with corn meal and salt before bee ginniug to lily that 3omen'e wca• pon, the broom. Pnetimoiia, says Dr, Seibert, of New York, is a house theme, . orig• Square at $1,342,000. In 1887, Mating, with diphtheria and Milani. the commiasionors of taxes and as• metery rheumatism, in clamp, dirty easements estimated the value of the or tnvetitilatnd rooms and cellars, pity property in New York, exempt Pigeons are good when the from taxation, at $100,841,180 ; breasts are plump and red looking, that of the United States at $101. Tho flesh of an old ono is dark, and 650,000 ; of the antitheft at $42,= the breast is not so plump, Squabs 1 220,800 ; and of schools, charities, are plump, soft•akinned, with almost eto,, at $84;281,020--a grand total pima slush. i of $288,868,060. I nos ccs deo Ea8 of t B Lan 00r rho offs eat; long the MOV Ihor cult rink cont towa E of A apps and hear down in tri went wood girl comp the w t 113 positively stated, and tie itively denied, that there are ton es of smallpob at Beswick. 1'lhe Returning•ofacer yesterday larodDr. Willoughby cleated for t Northumberland by a majority hree. scent;; Wayland Campbell, of bten, in and bound 286ne day cut sh c1acres shocks, neach el: containing 86 bills, eo. N. Matheson, of Sarnia, has ad the people of Ebro (his vs place,) a building 150 feet , by 40 feet wide, as a gift to village, providing they would e it from Sarnia a11(1 orcet it o. It could be urea las an agri• ural hall, curling rink, skating , etc. The offer has been tie. oil, and quite a sum subscribed yds tho"removal. m1na, the 10-yoar•old daughter 1 aron Childs, of Newbury„ die. and on Saturday afternoon, I at timo of writing had not boon d of, '.Clio little girl was seat, town on an errand, but failing 111 some other children they all to gather ehestnute id the big I s south of the town. The lost 1 must have strayed from her anions and got bewildered in Bede. In order to pay increased attention to Iny ready-made boot and shoo trade and Grocery business I have disposed of my CIISTOM 31001' nna SHOE BUSINESS to Ma. PETER B-ITCnra, who will continue it in the same plane. I desire to return thanks for the large share of patronage which I received during the past seven years and ask for an increase to my suc- cessor, Mr. Ritchie. ADAM GOOD. Raving purchased the Custom Shoe business of IlIr. Good, I am prepared to attend to the wants of the Public. My five and a half years work in I3rus. sols is a guarantor of the satisfaction I am prepared to give, not only to old customers but to as many new ones tie give me their patronage. 0011-t£ P. RITCHIE, T. FLETCHE,R, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND J,PWIILLDft. Thanking the public for past favors and support and Wishing still to secure your patronage. We aro opening out full lines to GOLD & 811 v iaGWATCHES. SILVER PLATED WARE from established and reliable makers, Cully warranted by us. Clocks o"dile Lcdtes/ Designs. WIPaleirea 1Voddieg kings, Ladies Gem stings, Broaches, Ilarrings, oto, Also have in stock a full Tine of Violins and Violin Strings, Jec, N. 13. --Issuer of Marriage Lieenees, T. Fletcher. 1 have Purchased it Nice Lino of New Tweeds 010., and will be pleased to them to the public. Give mo a Call at the Stand. alt nw Ne iv lH prepared. to attend to Caniago Painting in all its Lrallahel, 1111 32.11 3113 Sign and Ornamental b Painting. # x Ho has had ,yours of experience rt and guarantees his work to give 0. satisfaction, A rig well painted It is half sold, b Yb of re l��lttinlates and terms cheerfullyict given. E. Dun'ford, GIVE IMI A CALL. ih S1 Mr.1uc1IANr TAILOR. 311 „ 83101) in tho olcIPon Pub- It House, Binh street, Bras- It01rs, Sillela Mock, Brussels. Heli. re, .., - alt _- li1 co 11 1: 011 WE :have one of the nicest assort - men ts of COOK, BOX, PARLOR and COAL Stoves ever exhibited, and they will be sold alt at Reasonable Prices. Our h "ORIGINAL" Cook Stove leads the Van. ;t• TO band a lame Stack of newS 7t1 LAMPS and lamp .goods. We I1 READY rOR SNR AND TIXIIR TRADE Or HIM it. wish to call special attention to it no' HANGING LAMPS. They are dandies.slings o1' handsome r le it All kinds of Gr•cani t7v(t,7'e, Czr tZet'y, a. ii t S'h c7, f lI Goods always in Stock Our Stock of Tinware1c is always first-class and Goods we have b got in stock will be made up on Short Notice, 1 Silverware A Nice Stock of Silverware always or. H1, ids People can save honey by trading with us. Call in and see our Goods. I'J Y'C.ROFT 6 T URNB3 ULL, Sept lee '3011.33 ET EL i ANt FLJUJ1; 1 hi t. `Ir The undersigned having completed the Chane from the stone to the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the nMilI in First -Class Running Order44,6 and will be glad to see all his old customers and - 01208asany new s as possible. Plow wad Food, Always on Ilan& Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. t VF/ J1l . 1IILNE. 11 Pia efirtii (.::'!,,Vie',* • + A Painless C 1, [.k.=,.5 �lU`u+Tl u�, +frGi I jayJ,ll:1"'i� ff7�,.. i�� 'ed Cure. . ,it `... i t a1-.,.,, }' IMMIIP. ins,\hrlry1' vqt 1 1 Ila �I tt rl � 1 , ; 3 Br l� ,'`i°11..: " ! 4 t k• f ., �nk5 1119• k.t'l5rt�F. t;:l' 3.1,EPT OF ALL AGES. gr."' MAUI. r rya taatPliaCaar.laar.Ca '1'4'0. 58, • ,, -1 FACTS AC It a t a seseeteas Who aro bro1,.3 a"T:,n'TOIVI 7073 t. r Minutiae of slier. desire for soli 1.1, ootvardiuo, r r1 ft ,r y Pt. fF Jrr P' 50'.001, 1, t and !t 11, of 1t ace nes 1 . 043,1 calx^ a ,r1 » 4i, 1it 4Ulr,oreitsrsa, 31 3 eatel.ateeeSeeSeia.,) t T ,p ".WsGC1�' • -r t.' On 1, ;, , rue 1',3(11011 cure for nervous ! I ' r , a r;in, ,0,71E of purpose, 1 f - a i non of rn0Vereation, i. , 1I 033 i ,- !u r a n (m tiptltl,r ritIWOat. t(. rnatorthena eels,;r n. 13.11111330x,0po- toaty, 33uo , lt,cr:, c, , a I , , - . 1 1 1 ,. rnnutnt nvc000ling,i- r':_ fancy, ,' ,rolnblu,1/,',11t,1111"''r :11,11,1,11 /•c r I 1 : sr Ira.01 til thing, lir 1 m t, ,t e1 1 ; i1, o -do, 1,01,(111,1111,101111/1 of 13330 tmrlbt; '+ )1a1 31, ohoirilmnn 10 „1,u 9 111 tier I , E 1 ',•p spr n . 1 s n:;,t throe 1rn1ln 100131, tension, ovary fn,u]tina t, a1 :, 11,•n, t 1 •r1,. t r „333aa 1011 ,lw and the unperlEt011d00t, 1", of 1nsano asyhuns 11331 r in net,±1 r S ro toe »cote of self.abmtn tbn groat majority of . y. wasted lives kited 't 1 and• -r , lr 31,00i, 7f )::n, 'fro hu'oc1p,tent far. tin arduons- datien of business, tunnpa ritntol for the m,)n;ntoota of life, No. 8 offers n the effects of early Viae, 32 70711 ra advn,mo, in ours„ler, 8 will 311V0 you full vigor end - f � • strength. If you are 1 a rs+ na down, 3 i.)'0 o„n,r and n+ot•ally from 00117 indiscretion, the I"8111t Of ignorance end -oily, nervi your ad4rnns r,0111,133 oolato to stamps for At, V. LIMON's .r10atiso hi (look Porno on Ailrase0 0f clan, getilod and secure from observation r Address all communications to DI. V. 11,1(33131.3, 0' VY01;fssffseaa t9i.. 1G, 31asa)nils• A IHonwithoutwisdom tens in a fool': phrase CU11E8 aiteRAi17Ge), HEAL "ICK. - -. t,1141.11071,; y, uttii.,imm,. w.,441 q A "peasant Cure. I' ,4 .r.. It