The Brussels Post, 1888-11-9, Page 5Nov, 0, 1888
VITiatawftcatirt. ..
a. ICinh lass disposed of hie bakery to
the Gilobrist Bros,
The morning train from London now
arrivon fifteen tninutee later than under
the old time table,
The Times bas oommeueed to print
the inaido as well an the outside of their
paper. It is becoming a very popular
shoot under the new munagemeut.
Oar main street, between rain and
traffic, has been in a nice mess, It is
time the Board of Works abould open
their eyes and attend to business.
A, Miss Mary Mitchell has gone to De -
twit. She loft on Friday of Inst week.
Rohl. Martin, formerly of this town.
, ship, has rented a farm of 80 acres near
Croswell, Mich., and moves thereto tine
Robs, Menzies has loosed his farm to
I john Dark and will have an auction sale
'ol farm stook @o., on Friday afternoon
of next week.
Harry Beattie, of Seafortk, has taken
Joseph Coomboa' plane as teacher in the
2nd con. school house. Mr. Coomber
Imo settled down to be a liner of the
• soil.
IJ, J. Mob'addon, son of Uriah Mc-
Fadden, is engaged in S. S. No. 9, Mo-
Killop township for next year, at a salary
of $870. Miss Lydia Campbell, his
assistant, is leaving at Christmas.
One of our villagers is joining thebeno.
diets. Partianlars next week.
J. 0. Heffernan was at Buffalo with
another carload of lambs Last week.
Chas. Stubbs, brother to Ars. J. AI.
Davies, is clerking in II. F. MoAllister's
Mrs. Balmier, sen., has bean somewhat
better lately. Hopes of her recovery are
Mrs. W. P. Davies, of Minnesota,
daughter of W. Spence, arrived hero last
Friday. She intends to speed the win.
ter with her parents.
Mrs. James Menzies, of I3urk's Falls,
Parry Sound, came home to see her par.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Taknlier, who have
both been in very poor health for some
The Leanbury correspondent to the
Seatorbb Sun says : Wilson McKay has
purchased a farm near Ethel station and
removed there. Mr. McKay is a cheer-
ful inoffensive man and a very fine fel.
low. The many friends of himself and
his amiable wife wish them health and
prosperity in their new home.
Bruin is still hovering in this locality.
There will be a great waste of powder
and shot on Thanksgiving day in this
locality, by the plans for the day.
Rs-oessroa Ssnvicss.-The re -opening
services in connection with Knox Presby-
terian church were held fast Sabbath and
ware even more successful than antioi-
pated. Principal Cavan, of Toronto, was
on hand and in his deep, earnest, plain,
practical style delivered two discoer'ses
that will not soon be forgotten. The sub-
ject in the evening was "The Holy Spirit,
the Comforter." It was a genuine treat.
The congregations wore very large, im-
provicled seats having to be placed in the
aisles at bt services. A choir, led
1 is er took charge -of the sing-
ing.AtyA h t , os g
ing. The collection in the morning was
$7B and the evening collection was about
020. The building 1s now large, oomfor-
table,well lighted and bears a pleasing
aspect both in its interior and exterior.
The pastor (who bas been greatly inter-
ested ill the work) and the people are to
be congratulated on the suocoes of their
endeavor and itis not prophesying be-
yond reasonable probability to say that a
more lively interest svill be taken in
church work from this time hence.
Next weak a, description of the improve.
menta will be given,
Rev. Jno. Elie, of Pinkerton, preached
last Sabbath in Duff's church and will al -
50 take the eervioo next Sunday.
Itis stated that Rev. G. B. Howie, of
Bressole, will deliver a lecture on Pales-
• tine in the Presbyterian chtwoh on Toes -
day evening of next %nook.
A number of the members of the
Orange Lodge here attended the funeral
of their deceased brother McCullough at
Brussels last Saturday afternoon.
**'There is talk ot organizing a lodge of
the Ancient Order of United Workman
in this village. There is the requisite
nutnber to make a commencement,
Rev. F. Ballantyne, M.A., has scaepted
a call to a.charge in ,Lobo and Oaradoo
townships, London Presbytery. Wo wish
]rim prosperity in kis new field of labor.
The regular quarterly meeting was
held in the Methodist church last Sab-
bath. Rev. W. Torranoo oonduoted the
service. He is hardly hiunaelf yet as his
throat bothers him somewhat.
To Rev. Iiti'. Ballantyne, SMA., late llfinis.
ter of Dors Church, Walton
DMAU Sin,---Wo,the teachers of the
Sabbath school, in kindly remembrance
of your short residenoe amongst us, feel
constrained, for the respeot we have for
you and the interest we feel in your wel-
fare, to try to express in some measure
our gratitude to you. The deep interest
you always manifested in helping the
teaohers in the important work of in-
etruoting the young and the valued in.
etruotione (so kindly and Willingly oom-
manicated) received f1ont you at our
teachers' meetings, we hope ((not soon to
forget. For the interest you have taken
in that department of the Master's work
we hope you will reap a rich reward and
May you always have many friends to
love and respaot you as sincerely as those
te,ho now address yon Though separated
rhay we stillhave a piaoe in your gym-
pabiy and prayers.
Good-bye 1 'tie all we have for one an-
Our love, more strong then death, is.
. helpless still,
For none can take the burden from hie
Or shield, except by prayer, from any i11.
May God he with you l
(Signed), Samos Smillie, Supt:
Peter Watson, Mrs. Smillie,
Alex. Gardner, Mre. Gardner,
Daniel Bogs, Mrs. Bose,
David Campbell, Mao, Hislop,
W. Welsh, Miss ,T, Telpher,
Mies It, Johnetono, Mies'(.. Ewen,
lblise M, Smillie, Misa M. Smith,
1Mf se Jennie McDougall Librarian,
Morris township le to supply tho bride
for to wedding to "':c'a' in the near
Chas, Ilingslnc'•. .. ^m has boon par.
chased by Wm. The price paid
was $6,100 It ia ably Duo of the
beet farms 1n tin., '•,wnship, although
somewhat run clown just now, John D,
Ronald, of 'Brussels, bought the Croy lot
for $1,000,
Edward Bosman, of the 2nd line, is
improving a little pleoe of land on the
Bluevale sidoroad, draining, lovelliug,
fencing, dca., and making It wonderful
improvement. Mr. Bosman may well be
wood of ills well.tilled farm and his son
Harry, who lakes almost as much interest
in it as his father.
Avery good time was had at the ssbnol
examination in No. 10 last Friday. ivlr.
Stewart may congratulate himself on the
position of his school. The time was a
busy one but a fair orowd was present
and applauded the efforts of the child.
ren, The teachers who assisted Mr,
Stewart were -Wm. Stewart, Wawa.
nosh ; J. S. Wilson, Zetland ; W. J.
Jollnseil, Grey, and F. Hartley, No. 10.
The ladies supplied a bountiful dinner.
All wont home pleased and profited.
Nov Fualfr,-There was o mad man a 1
the third line last week. On Hallowe'en
a numbrr of boys visited his turnip field
where they found a load of turnips beside
the pit, The boys unloaded the turnips,
not in the usual way but by scattering
them for and wide. Then they drew the
wagon to the centre ot the field took the
box off, turned the wagon upside down
then put the box on again and filled it up
with turnips and tops. If you had been
around the next morning you would not
have heard a "swear" bob you would
have heard, "Well I I'll be blowsd."
Lind -ow c" 1.
A lodge of the Maccabees will be estab-
lielied in town.
A Chautauqua Literary and Salentine
Circle has been organized in town,
It is the intention of the members of
Bernard Lodge, A. F. eft A, M., to hold a
grand ball sometime next month.
The original Fisk Jubilee Singers will
give an entertainment in Lillioo's Opera
House on the 19th inst.
The Orangemen of Listowel celebrated
the Gunpowder Plot by attending a lee
toreon "The Siege of Derry," by Rev.
Mark Turnbull in Christ church on that
H. H. O'ReilIy, who has been mane-
ger of the Listowel agency of the Bank
of Hamilton for several years poet, has
been appointed manager of the new
agency whish the Bank is opening at
Owen Sound.
R. Roth, brewer, of this town, has pur-
chased the Molesworth hotel property
from Richard Catbers, who lately re-
turned from Manitoba. Mr. Roth in-
tends building a new hotel next season
in the piaoe of the old one. •
OonduaterJ. Lauder met with a mis-
hap while at the Listowel station one
day 'eat week, whioh fortunately, how-
ever, is not serious. While in the act
of ooupling two oars in the yard his
third right.hand finger got caught and
was badly jammed.
C. 0. E. Officers. -The following are
the officers far the ensuing year of Court
Royal Oak, elected at the last regular
meeting: Andrew Kay, P. C. R. ; John
Terrill, 0. ].i, ; F. Tank, V. 0. IL; Wm.
Chester, Chap. ; G. H. Tdgecombe. F.
Seo.; Jas. Lee, Treas.; J. G. Mannell,
Eh W. ; G. Barber J. Tv. ; J. Sebur, er,
'' D. Leilaa J. B. -Court
S: B , Ma
ton has also elected a now staff of o93oers,
as follows: A. Ringler, P. 0. R.; J. J.
Foster, C. It.; L. Campbell, V. r. R.;
G. Bergin, Chap. ; H. T. Haydeu, R.
Sea ; Wm. Dixon, I!. Sec. ; J. Gabel,
Treas.; F. Wetzel, S. W.; A. Robinson,
3. W.; 3. H. Guenther, S. B, ; P, Hud-
son, J. B.; Dr. Thompson, Court Phy-
L. E. Danoy, barrister, is away this
week to New Brunswick on a basinces
The balmy days greatly revived the
bodies of the old folk and the spirits of
the young.
0. W. Popst, our reliable stationer, is
is poor health, but we hope soon to see
him fully reoovered
The Y. M. 0. A. rooms are to be kopt
open certain nights in the wook for
amusements and games, as well as reed-
ing purposes.
A very sharp and heavy thunder storm
passed over Seafortb about 10 o'clock on
Monday night last. A house near tho
railroad Mae struck and the mall bight -
Rev. Jacob E. Howell, Methodist min-
ister, is invited by the Berlin Quarterly
Board to beoame their pastor next year.
Mr. Howell has aooepbod, subject to the
Stationing Committee.
The annual Thanksgiving and Harvest
Rome supper of the Methodist church
will bo hold on the evening of the 16th
inst. A good program and a good bill of
fare is in preparation,
Another musical treat is in store for
the people of Ssaforeh, Th, Y. M. 0. A.
have entered in contraot with the origi.
nol Fisk Jubilee Singers to hold one 01
their popular concerns fn Ssaforth on the
evening of Nov. 22nd. A fine time is
.A. by the name of Haw was ar-
rested, upon his own confession, in Oak.
Ville last week for the burning of D. D.
Wilson's barn and contents last Pall.
De has been committed to stand his
trial shortly. A wonderful revelation is
promised. "Curses, like abiokens, Dome
homo to roost."
A eerier of special meetings Commence
on Thursday night, in tho Town Hall, fn
the interests of the Royal Template of
Temperanoe and others interested in
their salvation. These prayer meetings
will be oonduoted by the celebrated "Life
Boat Crew," consisting of three gentle -
mon devoted to Christian work. Tach
service will bo opened by half hour
song sofvico,
The talo was well attended on Sates: -
day, but things went cheap.
Goo. Calbeelt reports very favoralily of
the weal, but none of your "yarns."
The. Presbyterians expect to hold a
tea• neetiug here on Titoedny, Non. 20th.
All ere invited.
Jag. Sloes and lila sisters were visitor's
n Blusvaie this week, Always glad to
°tooine Old friends.
Rev. A. Y. Hartley wont to Dungan-
non on Monday to an Orange demon.
etration. A full 'hoese and a ploasod
The bfeollanios' library has made e,
call for all Woke to be brought in for a
few days. What is the moaning of
elan nonsense ?
Mr, Campbell trite here on Tnstlday
evening, The night was dark but a gond
entertainment greeted thoso who came.
Further particulars next wook.
it Wo aro pleased to state that Arise. Black
yae boon appointed teacher fn the junior
department of our school next year. Mlles
Bleak ie at present oompletinglher course
at the Toronto Normal,
Two young Indies bas disappeared
from our neighborhood. The questions
asked aro, Where aro they? What are
they doing? but it looms clear it is a run
away. This is not the first time.
Mr. Wasmnn, blaokamibh, is beginning
to have the confidence of all who know
him, and though it seamed up -bill work
for a while we are pleased to say that the
olsoorful ring of hie anvil is now beard
early in the morning and late at night.
TIn. Poor wishes him enoesre.
Rev. J. S. Cook, of Hansell, supplied
the pulpit of the Methodist church lust
Sunday morning and evening. The morn-
ing was an educational cannon, the even-
ing was a free gospel sermon, 'Evidence
of the Unseen." The attendance was
good and all wore glad to welcome their
former pastor. Mr. C. was acoompanisd
by Mrs. Cools, who during her two years
in Bluovale had gained many warm
friends. Mrs. Cook's motlxor, Mrs. Can-
field, made up the happy family. Every
sucoese is the wish of all their friends.
Rev. Mr. M,Ribbin took Mr. Cook's
pieoo at Liensall.
Tho Quebec Local Legislature is likely
to meet on Jan. 10.
Katy, the 6.year-old daughter of Ar-
thur Sharp, of Hamilton, while playing
at the house of a neighbor, on Monday,
woe attacked by a bull bitch and badly
bitten about the faces and legs. Her
oheek was =eh lacerated and required
sixteen stitches. Her playmate a deugh-
tar of Mr. Jones, while trying to save her
from the dog, was also bitten ou the
hand and arm.
A Government deteotivo is on a visit to
Eastern Ontario at present, and at Gan-
anoque the other day visited the differ-
ent stoma where toba000 or cigars were
sold, for the purpose of ferreting out any
frauds on the Inland Revenue Depart-
ment. Under the law all tobacco and
cigars most bg sold direct from the orig-
inal box or case in which the goods have
bean received, and all revenue stamps on 1
the packages must be cancelled when
etch packages are opened. Most of the
grocers had been in the habit of opening
a box of tobaoao, for instance, putting the
toba000 in a drawer, and burning up the
box. All toba000 so found was seized
forthwith by the deteotivo and handed
over to the Collector of Customs for safe
keeping, awaiting orders from the De-
partment as to its final disposal.
Valuable Panne,
In the Township of Grey,inthe
County of Huron.
Under and by virtue of the respective
powers of gale contained in certain mort-
gages (whichh will be produced
at time of
sola) there will be offered for cols by
Pnbli.a Auction, at the
Saturday, Nov. 17, '88
at 8 O'anoox IN TILE Arrsns0014,
Parcel 1, Lob No. 14, in the 16th Con-
cession of the said Township of Grey,
containing 100 acres more or lees, and
Parcel 2, Lot No. 14, in the lath Con-
cession of the said Township of Grey,
containing 100 acres more or lose.
These properties are situate about
seven and a -half miles from the Village
of Brussels, and two and a -half miles
from the Village of Oranbrook.
Upon Parcel No. 3. there is said to be
a frame dwelling house and frame barn
(bank), with stone stables under barn, all
ill good repair. It has good wells, and a
large government drain runs along the
roadway in front of lot, About 80 acres
are said to be cleared and in good cultl.
vation, and there is said to bo an orchard
of about an caro.
Parcel No. 2 has about 80 nares clear-
ed. There is a small creek whioh waters
this property.
Terms and conditions made known on
y of to sale. For further particulars ap-
E. N. i/ll:ill1YICK,
Vsxnons'. &MOL00n.
Gently, CkadwIclr, 16lack0f0ok C (Salt,
68 Wellington Street hast, Toronto.
Dated at Toronto lot day Nov. '88.
Carpet itatl'cet ones, flood pylae
paid, 53401. VAR(1oE,
.. _- 17.3 Weaver, lirosaols.
ANTED -A 0001) ORNETi•
AT, BerVant. Gond wages t0 0110
experienced. Apply lit n11an to
10- 01115. E. E. WADE, Brussels.
Lambs iso Bila. They aro Doming two
yssro 0cge.3130.I184 bet tODUIC9 ,Troy.
Oi)K 13EIiIa. I30U 311-HEEP•
,.1 or Wanted en farm, family of throe, u0
ehildrou. Apply et once to
1011 Lot b, Cm,, 10, Grey,
.A.0c.'O 07.0.&^.310.
CONS In »sewn . Lan0000n Painting
and Palating on V dant. Charges moderato.
Satisfaction guaranteed, 0•tf
tabling asum of money and some
a parcels at pa-
),Pers5,fl Alas btlaekrnoattcyandtwo ngrtno.
Mrs. Duncan Livingston, iliorrie
Li throe white ivory rings mid straps
wore taken off the Urinate to on my term in
Melville Omni yard. rimose they are re-
turned to me or left at me 1'usi' 8ubliahln'
House before the 880th task the offender will
he dealt with as the law directs.
17- .0,111100 MISRULE, Morrls.
Cavna te,nnissnes read Trade bfarks secured
and all other patent crimson in the Patent
Offen and before the Courts promptly and
oarotulty attended to. Upon receipt of mod-
el or sketch of invention, I mate careful
oxamh,ation,andadvise as to patentability
Free of Charge, Toes moderate, and I make
nn abaree n111eae patent to secures. 'Inform-
ation, advice and Special reforencos sent on
application. batent O� eT,�6L L, Washington
being the south half of dot number
all io the 4th eonosssion of tbo township of
Morris, known as the bomsetead of Arohi-
bald Taylor, containing ninety-nine acme.
Ninety 00000 am eieltren, the balance wood-
ed with vale
ah1e timber. F.xc911oat bund-
iags,larga orchard of oboioo trees, soli la
good conditionand is situated one and a
quarter miles north of the Village 00 Bolls -
eels, on the main gravel road ibis is one
of the finest hen,ostoacl 0.rms is the Oounty
oneuron and trill bo sold at a bargain and
on 000018 to suit purnhaeor. For further
particulars apply to the Proprietor. A. M.
TAYLOR, planning Arcade, Toronto,or to.
ARCHIBALD TAYLOR, En., on the pram -
ices. tf-
Voters' List Court.
Notice is hereby given that a court will 'bo
held pursuant to "The Voters' L1sta Oeb," by
His Honor Judge Toms. of the Covuty Court
of the County of Huron, in the Town hall,
itru$sets. on
Friday, Nov. 18th, '88
Conemcncing at 9 O'elsek a. a1.
To hoar and determine the several com-
plaints of errors and omissions on the Voters
List of the Municipality of Brussels for the
year 1888.
All persona having bnsieose of {the court
are requested to attend ut the said time
and place.
F. 9. SCOTT, Clerk.
Dated this 24th day of Ost.1088.
rp111E C1R0m1Ti0RS OF MOR1'. 111LTA,
a Iate of the Township of Morris, in the
Yeoman, who died o or
County s eighteenth ntw u
and. ther eighteenth clay of August. hie
and. others aro leaving Walrus In respesto to hie
forete,areverebyntee notified toov November, o1 50,
tore the seventeenth day of d Bewley, 188x-
eoHugh R. Eruseo or Richard Bewley ter,
aoutora, ab Brussels P.O., or to A. Hunter,
Brusssie. Agent for the said loseovtors, their
names and addresses with full particulars
of their claims and the emirates 111 any)
hold by than, and also that immediately
after the said date the assets of the said
deceased will be distributed among the Par-
ties entitled thereto;haying regard. only to
claims of which the Eseentors or their
Agent have then notice, and the executors'
will not be liable for any assets so distribut-
ee to any person of whose claim they shall
not have bad notice, A. WINTER,
Ast. for Executors.
Dated et Brussels this 18th day of October
1888. nit -bias
General Blacksmith,
wishes to intimate to the pnblio generally
that he does all kinds of Blaoksmithing
in a Workmanlike Manner,
Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Gutters
made to Order.
Repairing promptly Txeonted.
Imake a Specialty of Homo -shoeing.
A Gall Solicited. rRemember the
Stand -Noel Tus Bnxhalt.
S. Plum.
�.o NTJAd
New Type, New Press, Fine Paper, Five 33Iandsome Lithographed
Plates, First -Class Illustrations, Original Matter
and Superior Workmanship.
'l':'li LiTERARY MATTER in the OnrtrsrafAs GLomo will be entirely original
and will include stories from the ablest ,pens in Canada. The subjects treated
lio'ng wholly Canadian.
FIVE 'HANDSOME LITi1OGRAPIHED PLATES accompany the paper, the prinai-
paI. ono being a scone front Vancouver Park, B.C., from a painting by Mr. L.
It. O'Brien, the celebrated Canadian artist,
M1iC1IANICALLY the XMAS GLOBE will be in every way first -crass and no
e,• use will bo spared in having it surpass anything of the kind heretofore
published in this country.
AS THE DEMAND will be very great, we would advise intending purchasers
to leave their orders at their newsdealer's or send direct to this office, not later
than the enol of the present month, as the supply will necessarily he limited
an11we cannot undertake to print at Mond edition.
Tlie price has been placed at ONLY 55 CENTS PER COPY,
1t is intended: to have tho edition ready the first Week in Doaember i11
order to allow plenty Of time for mailing oo$es long distances SO 110 to roach
destination before Christmas.
T1.18 GLOIII1 PRINTING 00,, Toronto.
'1 )3gC1013.
of Private Funds have just been
placed i11 ley elands for In,
Borrowersca0 have their loans
complete in three days if title is
Applyto E. E. WADE.
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in 1ny hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
satisfactory-. Apply to
Solicitor, Brussels.
Groat Bargains al; the
tiilBee-hive" in
Teas au&
For the next 2 weeks.
mum LIMO,
W. H. McCracken.
Look to Your Own Interest and gut your Gristing done at
Where you will get Flour second to none in the Dominion, and
yield per bushel equal to the highest.
Chopping Bono While You Wait.
Farmers Can Have Manitoba Wheat Flour
Without Extra Charge, if required.
.411 hinds of (/train Bought for Gash.
Oct 1, 3.m
Brussels Furniniro EMporinlu.
PUrE+M'1 I aFi 403 cd,F3I F ektdNI hie w4sY
'JHE W,EBKLV GLOBE, the best family newssaapor is Canaria,
and. Tr/P' RURAL CANADIAN, the best agrioultural paper in Orreries
Both born now to and of 1,885 only $0,258
I have a splendid Stock of Furniture at my Show rooms,
Turnber'r'zi Street, Brrissels, consisting of Parlor and
Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables, Chairs, Lounges, &c.,
that cannot be excelled for wear, or value. Always a big
Stock to ohoose from.
As I have a very large and well made stock of Bedroom
Suites and Sideboards I will sell them. at ,jrecttly reduc-
ed Prices. '8vVe have made a specialty of these lines and
now is the time to make purchases.
Hand -made Furniture a•special feature of our bus-
iness, A. large stock of tip-top IlilozLlclinf for Picture
Frames. Work done with neatness and despatch. A nice
lot ot Pictures, Foot Stools and fancy articles for sale.
A full line of Caskets, Coffins and Robes always on
hand. Two Hearses and a free Delivery Wagon in
connection with our Establishment.
I pay special attention to C1avity, amcl ,/.Lr°teruzl
Embalming.. Having taken. three series of lessons on
Embalming from Prof. Renouard, of Kansas, and having a
Diploma for the same, ;C feel confident in being able to do
this work properly.
A beautiful range of McFarlane, McKinlay & Co's patent
Linen, Wimdow Bliruls to hand; Every housekeeper
should sec thein. They are .Dtzndz•es.
Save money by Patronizing the Old Established Fltrni
tune Emporium.
Oct, i7 1,0144f