HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-11-9, Page 414,
4 THE BRUSSELS POST Nov. 9, 1888.
New Advertisera4nts,
Loma—Jas, T. Rees.
Locals—Adarn Good.
Wanted—jno. Vareoe.
Local—Geo, Thomson.
Legal advt.-1. Chadwick.
Now or never --A., R. Smith,
Fall Show prizes—D. Stewart.
Ivory mime taken—jas. Shurrie.
Christmas goods—Pose Booketore.
At a remain; meeting of the MoKillo
Council the services of John O'Sullivan'
as clerk were dispensed with And John 0.
Morrison appointed in his atead. Mr.
O'Sullivan has been clock of McKillop
for about t quarter of a Century.
Issustarom.--.The Board of Directors of
the Dowick luminance Co. met in Camp.
bell's hall, Gerrie. Thirty,two
cations passed, covering insuranee to the
amount of $45,150. The losses for the
goat year were light And the Mantes=
Mize Annie Towers, Hibbert, near •
f• -919°7"I"' .Exeter, wlio was injurew. d by being caught
Cbt 313nisstis root.
FRIDA1, NOV. 9, 1888.
Owrso to the continued illness of the
M.P.P. for North Drees itlis hinted that
an election may be brought on in that
oonetithency before long. In view of
this fact the names of Dr. McKay, reeve
of Bruce, or John Pierson, reeve of San.
goon, aro mentioned in the interests of
the Reform party and John George, a
well known resident of Port Elgin, or H.
T. Potts, of Arran, appear to be the
most likely men for upholding the Con-
servative banner,
An exchange rises to rensark:—A Do-
minion Government surveyor is said to
be employed iu locating and mapping the
international boundary along the St.
Clair river. From this some of o
Amerman neighbors infer that Canoe
will endeavor to interfere with America
navigation if Washington begins to harass
Canadian lake vessels. But nobody in
Canada thinks such Retaliation would be
proper. Tim ease is not one in which we
could better our position by inflicting
loss on oar neighbors. If a man ham-
strings your horse you cannot decently
hamstring his for revenge. If Washing -
,ton strikes at Canada unjustly the dig-
nified and Christian and profitable course
for Canada will be, strikrs no foul blow
in return. However, it is improbable
that there will be any Retaliation. Now
that our neighbors have got over their
election fever they will surely recognize
that their duty is to negotiate fairly for a
settlement of international disputes.
in the shafting At the late Fair, has placed
the matter 1a2 the hands of Ileum. Mere-
dith, Morehead at: Judd, who have served
the Western Fair Board with a writ for
The Bib)e Society has been in active
operation for 55 years in Clinton, The
following officers were elected this year :
—President, Rer. A. Stewart; YieesPre-
sideete, the local olergymen; Committee
—Messre. Ramey, Maiming, Turnbull, H.
Foster and Peter Co/c; Sea..Treas., Mr.
Turnbull; Cauivassers Trouse and
lairs. Jas. Chambers, Jr.
John Ransford, of Clieion, mann-
futures, of salt, compleins that the in-
dustry is crippled by the customs duty
on coal, which he has to import for fuel.
Ile buys owl slack, worth 10 cents per
ton at the mines, and is charged a duty
of 00 cents per ten on one-third of it, and
20 per amt. of $1.70 per ton on the re.
mauling two thirds. The customs author.
tiles make their own valuation, That's
what To les call enoottraging Canadian
Miss MeCowan, a Canadian from
Brucefield, comity Huron, travelling
or companion far a weahby Southern lady
19, from New Orleans, aceidentally fell
against the dressing table in her room in
11 one of the leading hotels in New York
and internally injured hereelf. Tho un.
fortunate young lady is said to be a Can-
adian heroine, having two years ago, at
tbe rick of her own life, rescued from
drowning at the Island, Toronto, a lovely
young lady who accidentally fell out of a
row boat.
A pigeon -shooting match at Luoknow
on Tuesday, between Dr. MeCrimmon,
Kincardine; Dr. Gainer, Lucks:tow ;
Hewitt and Jas. MoKenny, Bervie, and
T. J. Stewart and Sam Holmes, of Blaok
Horse, was a moat enjoyable affair. It
was Dr. Garner's match, and he enter-
tained the outaiders in his moat royal
style. The match was 15 birds each.
The following is the result:—Dr. Garner,
14; Jim. Hewitt, 18 ; T. J. Stewart, 8;
Jaa. McIlenny, 6; Sam Holmes, 5; Dr.
AleCrinsmon, 4. The latter was called
away before the Mose of the mach.
The Blyth Standard says :—A speoial
meeting of the directors of the Morris
Agrioultural Society was held at the
Commercial hotel on Saturday last to
attend to some irregularities that occur-
red at the late fall show. Mr. Hill, of
Clinton, it was discovered, had mode
several fraudulent entries in horses, and
the prizes he was awarded were with.
held. John Barr was also charged with
halving mixed some black oats into a bag
of barley that John Potter had on exhibi-
tioo. John pleaded not guilty, but the
directors considered they had evidence
sufficient to warrant them in withholding
the prizes he had won. It was a despio
ably mean trick to clO, and if Barr was
guilty he may feel thankful that he was
let off so leniently, Suspension from the
society would have been the proper
The Goderich Star says : The ladies
of St. George's Sunday school are busily
engaged in elaborate preparations for a
Cbildren's Art Fair, to be held in Vio.
torie, Hall on the 8th and 9th of Novem-
ber. Four countries are to be eepresent.
ed by suitably decorated boatel.. and
ladies and children in notional costumes
will sell the wares of their different lands.
"Canada" will be presided over by Mrs.
Seager, Misses Malcolmson and Nichol-
son, where all articles of Canadian in.
dustry, useful and ornamental, will be
found. 'Under "Switzerland" Mrs. R.B
Smith, Mrs, Proitdfoot, Miss Davis and
others will dispose to willing purchasers
carved wood iu various devices, the latest,
photographs and photogravures of the
pictures old masters. Mrs. Jas, Parsons,
Mrs. Forbes and Miss Elwood as 'Japan'
will serve five o'clock tee, in their pavil-
ion, and will tempt their gamete with the
newest Japanese curiosities. As 'France'
Meanies Itadoliffe, Slack and Bartell and
Madam F. Naftel will make the children
by their done, boithons, basoilms fruits
and glace de fraise,
A NOMBER of students of the Toronto
medical college have got themselves into
trouble by being a little on the "fresh"
tide. Not long slime at the opening
exercises of the college some of the lads
behaved very badly by their indecorous
conduct toward the lecturers. Lately
some of them got badly "broken up" on
Miss Roam Coughlin, an at:tress, and to
show their appreciation had the homes
unhitched from the carriage waiting for
her and made asses of themselves in
drawing the vehicle through the streets
o the hotel where she was stopping. Had
the sport ended here it would not have
been so bad but it did not for the next
move the embryotio M. D's, after putting
out the gas lights by climbing the poles,
visit the residence of Dr. McCully, for
whom they appear to have no love, and
after venting their contempt by repeated
calls of "quack I quaok 1" a fusilade of
tones was showered on the house des.
troying valuable property. The Dr.
appeared on the soeue with a gun and
one of the students carried home S010.0
buckshot in his log. The case is now
before the Courts. A. certain amount of
latitude should be allowed these youths
to work off their exuberant feelings but
we believe the authorities of Toronto
would be doing these very same students
a great kindness if they locked them up
in a police cell for es week. Fun is all
right in its place but when it oomes bo
interfering With the rights of others it is
high time a full stop was pot to it,
Huron County Notes.
A. travelling photographer took a view
of the Varna school and children,
The Dominion Government are about
to offer the drill shed property at Clinton
for sale.
The members of Huron Encampment
appointed a commitee to make arrange.
menta for to establish a Canton in Code -
A four -lamp chandelier, in the shop of
Palliser & Co., Clinton, fell to the floor,
having become unscrewed, breaking all
the lamps.
J. D. Swanton, of Goderiob, has been
offered and bas are:opted the position of
classical master at the Listowel Colleg-
iate Institute.
James Lineday, of the 15th eon, God-
erith township, has bought the Perdue
farm, on the Huron road, a short die -
banes west of Clinton, for $8,500.
Inspector Paisley laid information on
Saturday against John McDonald, of
Wingham, for selling liquor without a
license, and a line of 950 and costs waa
B. Fostee was elected President of the
liattenburg St., Clinton, Young Peeple's
Association; Miss Washington and Mr.
Aleffilath, Vice.Presidents, and B, Hod.
gene, Seo.-Treas,
The woman that woe begging in Myth
the other day, and churning that elle
lived in Goderioh, is said to belong to 4
band of gypsies, that were camped out.
side that village.
Aft. Bodway, of Tarr:berry, had the
miefortune to lose a valuable horse last
week. He was driving down the hill
near A. Molt/101m1'a whoa the home
and broke its leg.
John T. Dickson, Deputy Registrar, of
Gederiolt, has purthased from Johe
Hannon, of tho H. R. 5,, 100 acres, but.
tingon his farm, for the sum of $4,875.
This makes our friend John possessor of
300 acres on bloc.
Joseph Atkinson, of Tnekersmith, has
received the Appointment of manager of
the large stook form in the dowdy of
Wentworth of Mr. Shaw, the recently
appointed Professor of Agriculture in the
Ontario Agricultural College.
Citaaaadineet N o'svbc •
Bon. Oliver Mowat has been elected a
York Pioneer.
The Pity of Montreal has a population
of over two hundred thonsand souls,
The Ontario Legislature will meet at
about the usual date, toward the end of
A. million dollars' worth of property is
lying at the break on the Cornwall Canal
waiting to 50 through.
England has already purchased 200,-
000 barrels of apples from this country.
The increase over last year's export is
94,000 barrels so far.
Reub. Fax, Wei of Woodstock, has
graduated with honors at the Madison
Square Sohool of Acting, New York. He
lei now playing in that city with the
Booth -Barrett combination,
Henry }louse, of Middleman's, while
employed around a threshing machine at
work at Bugh Fulton's, Southwold, got
his hand caught between the pully and
beltitag, and it was mangled in a &looking
Mr. Sedgwiek, Deputy -Minister of
juatice, leaves Monday for England,
where he will represent the .A.ttorney.
General of Canada itt the Itypeal of Brit-
ish Columbia vs. the Domsmon, involv-
ing the ownership of the precious metale
in the railway belt in that Province.
At the Guelph bailees an action for
libel was brought against T. C. Dean,
publieher of the Drayton Time, by H. S.
Mitchell, the village Clerk. The, defen-
dant's eouneel Offered to apologize and
submit to a verdict of 91 damages and
050 costal, Thie wag ecoepted by the
plaintiff and a verdict rendered as.
A delegation from Essex Contra svait-
ing upon J. C. Patterson' 141. P., at
Wsndoor, on Monday, waked.hint to tine
his influence with the Government to so.
cure from than a grant of 93,200 a mile
for the consuction of a ;spur railway
from Bag& Centre to the main line of
the Canada Paoffic railway now being
hilt from London to Windsor. blese.e
Centro purposes giving e bonus, also the
township of Maidstone, towards its cen.structien,
Card ol Thula,
Abs. P. 0. 11001118 begs to thank the
Ladies for the large amount of patronage
accorded her last week during the days
of our Millinery Opening. Every Lady
who paid us a visit pronounced it to be
without exception the finest display ever
seen in Brussels. Owing to the large
crowds during our opening days some
Ladies may seemingly not have received
proper attention, if so we owe them an
ample apology and hope with our beauti-
ful display, which will bo continued the
whole month, to receive the orders from
those Ladies who have not yet made their
Mzss GREEN, our obliging and tasteful
Milliner, feels justly proud of the high
enconiums passed on her and for which
she begs to return every Lady her sincere
F'. C. Rogevz.
Brussels, Oct. 0, 1889.
If you Want a Nobby Suit
COM -ti TO
We have the Finest Assortment of Pancy Tweeds, Worsteds,
Overcocaings and Pantings that can be shown in Brussels, also a
splendid and well selected stock of Gent's Furnishings. Our Hats
and Caps are of the Latest Shapes. All will be sold at Moderate
Suits Got Hp in Latest Styles
and Fits Guaranteed. Give Ds a Gall and bo -convinced of what
we say. All Tweeds bought from us will be cut Free of Charge.
Hear What the Poet Says :
Arrah Pat phawt is that you see walkin down sthrate ?
Sure its Mike with a new suit from head to the fate ;
And where did tba spalpeen get fitted so nate ?
Why up at Broadway—at 38.
Thim Ross by's get us such illigant Tweeds
And everything else that a gintleman needs •
They can fit you up like an Ould Country glut,
And begor they'll not °hate you for never a cint,
They'll suspend you with Braces the loike couldn't he,
Put a shirt on your baols that will fit to a tee ;
Their gloves and their stockings sure nivor will wear
And their tweeds are warranted never to tear.
If you want Mt or cap, or even a collar,
Jist call on the boys it will save you a dollar :
Por Wad its the truth I'm sphakin to yeti,
There is everything, there that is stylish and new,
—A nrst-entats farm for male in the
Township of Morris in the Ocle by of Baron,
beteg eolith halt 01 north halt lets 25 400
an a south halt 011111 is 51» 0011., 004tatnitig
0011 Sores more or less, 1110 aurae month,'
ele50 olsturops and in a g.000 State 05 01131-
vivtl.011, ;Morals 0 yonng bowing orchard a
good house Ann hank barn SO lc Safest with
stone stable underneath. The Win is situ-
ated within a mile of the Village of preset:1e
' angle a good farm for grain or Stook
ing at watered eith the river Maitland
S.. A Morris, on neasonabin toms. In order
to olose the affairs of Om ontato of the late
W. 0, tl , tho mounters oiler the fol.
lowing valuable lands for sato North
half of net 00, ClonoeSSiou 0, Township of
sierras, containtes 00 AIMS, On this lot Is
eructed a port frame bare with atone tens.
dation, good orabard, tuntinnny, Near-
lY en weaved, and is on the grave rend
Dimly adioining Oa village of arenas.
%%Niteroi is a valuable ono, le well totiaga
0001 00510 01 °naive Ion
cgaitvretnealitinaglotrining. creak. possession prices and toms apply to TF102.wIll t
twutare app'
yhi e. Icor further par- Brussels P. 0., nor= 4nNzorrgs t
31013NISINIOW Brussels, P. 0. 5-05 P. 0., mac); Hox eoulay.m"' .'"1")° L7dral
t 0 r00)10i017 Or to 8.1t. Square P. 0 , 00 JA1000 S
Sterling Mathia e 0 is daily b000ming more widely and favorably known. Those
who try it continue to use it. No other Oil is mono suitable for general use, It is
woll adapted for all
1E11 1111achinery,
Reapers, lowers
and Threshers 1
Ask Your
for it!
fillamtlitetured by McMillan, Kittredge 00 Go,, Petralea ; Branch at
- Stratford, Ontario.
A.M.NicKAY & Go., Pr-
11. F. McAmmaren, Ethel; T. Trusties, Bluevale. 7m
or.as.c.csacc.c.ri.o.t...ciztaa.re.p.massw-tawaextucca....--coornommusx.4_ _ sizurrmvanr.?
0 0
0 4,
THE undersigned is prepared to buy any quantity of Eggs at
the old
EU Emporium, NEXT Brussels Post °MG°.
Farmers and others can depend upon getting from
us the very highest Market Price Ix Casa
this season as we are going to ship extensively and require large
Don't forget the old stand next door to the Post Office, Brussels.
Mrs. Wm. Ballartyno & Son.
Notice I have much pleasure in informing all my
old friends that my danghter and grandson
will continue the egg business at the old stand carried on by me
last year and I hope they will reeieve liberal patronage.
We, the undersigned, call the Attention of the Public to
the fact that we have put in some
and are now able to do better Work than has been done in
the past and as good, if not better, than. most
We will endeavor, to the best of our ability,
to Please all Customers and fill all Orders at
Shortest Notice.
Those Parties having WOOL would do well
to give us a call before going elsewhere.
We have a fine Assortment of
Hoping you will favor us with a Call, We
are, Yours Truly,
.8ept8leallno 10.4,5