HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-11-2, Page 8Ei.
Mr. T, IP. Corey, of Petrolia, etatoe
that he was cured of Catarril of fifty
yearn standing.
Aire. te, W. Secant, 295 •Ridout St.,
London, writoe that Mediced Lake Salts
cured hien worst form.
Thier remedy is Catarrh
lly s recommended
Mr. Thos. II. Musson, 804 Dundee St.,
1400500, Ont., says :—"Three boxes of
Medical bad Lakes,o aErysipilas and Rh mcured me fm-
Druggist, Bookseller, &c.,
Agent De Ilressele,
gives such universal satisfaction as the 1
DOUGH REMEDY manufactured in
Seaforth, called
•,v %%%elS � fi LN %%%9u°/oro , ul9a I
9ot'�%ro9o,oro,o, / ,
%Ltoyal Glyoerated 'Ga11aol of girt
.era M 'MMo,'a•o, ara�o/a•%%,,,,,,d i
,O o°�,O9u N,a N/o.o.ro.o;a;uro.°/o Nro:o; . , /
Its wonderful virtues have created a
demand for the Preparation from all I
parts of the Province.
Druggists sell it. Price 50 cts.
Traioeloave Brussels Station, tort and
south as follows:—
Going South, Going North.
..........7:02non.8 55p.m.1 Express Mixed 9:80 a=Mixed88......1 l , 9:46pus m
Intal .etas 3tcins.
A chiel's smarm ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll prone it.
BEEFSTEAS has dropped to 10 cents pe
REPAIRS in harness done cheap and
well at L C. Richards.
Seam BURGESS had a sheep worried
last Monday night by dogs.
Puma Oysters and Cisooes, to arrive
on Fridays at Thomson's. 155
MISS SUTHERLAND, of Durham, 1.5 on a
visit to friends in Brussels this week.
line. MB. CAMPBELL, of Listowel,
preaches in Enos church next Sunday.
MRs. ALPEED LOWERY was dangerously
ill last week but is improving nicely now.
TEE POST from now to the end. of 1889
for 51.50, in advance. Nearly 15 months
Toni Hallowe'en tricks by the boys on
Wednesday night were few and far be-
tween. It is a good sign.
STOVE. noon FOR SALE.—Ten cords of.
stove wood, ready for the stove, for sale.
Apply to A. Cream, Brussels.
TEE case against S. Beatty and W. T.
Hunter was dismissed by Judge Tome,
last Tuesday, for want of sufficient evi-
Meeene.Ts should not leave poultry
and other articles outside their stores
after dark as it is a temptation to
PEnsoes cannot fail to be suited in the
large and well seleoted stook of furniture
at R. Leatherdale's show rooms. Goods
delivered free in the country.
To Arne GBowens.—I wish it to be
distinctly understood that I will not pack
any apples that havebeen left outside.
LAUIss' satchel lost on Friday, 5th
inst., between the centre of Brussels and
the station. The finder will please leave
it at THE Pose Publishing House for the
P. A. Bedsit, of Owen Sound, General
Agent for the Provincial Provident In-
surance Co., is in this locality pushing
the claims of the Association he repre-
BEovLAit quarterly meeting service in
•the Methodist church next Sabbath,
Sacrament administered at the close of
the morning service and fellowship meet-
ing after the evening service.
DON'T forget the annual Bible Society
meeting in Melville church next Monday
evening, The permanent agent of the
Sooiety, Rey. J. Meuly, of Toronto, will
deliver a lecture on "Babylon and Is.
Da. RIND and two other members of
the Mining Commission were in town on
Wednesday and interviewed P. 0. Rogers
concerning the salt indneiry. The evi-
.donee was all taken under oath. The
gentleman went on to Kincardine to pro.
mute their work.
Tan additional boards put on the fence:
along the embankment north of the
bridge was a move in the right direction,
Ile. few feet could be put to the width of
the street at that partionlar locality it
would be still better. The roadie a great
deal too narrow for the largo amount of
WELL Dream* Ano Demr0No,--George
Birt has all the necessary manhinery . for
digging and drilling wells and is prepared
to attend to all work entrusted to bine in
away that will insure satisfaction. Wells
cleaned out and put in proper shape.
Terms reasonable. Residence second
door north of the bridge, west side of
Turnberry street, i3ruseele. 5.85
Tun time will come when oleotrioity
'will be ns essential to ordinary hotter!.
keeping as bread and milk are now, and
will bo delivered to private dwollinge
something after the style that milli and
bread are now delivered. A wagon will
drive up to the look door and leave a box
of eleettioty suifieient to last at roast
twenty-four. hoar% The housewife will
take the box and attach it to the oleo.
tyical apperatue in. her house and run
bei sewing machine with it during the
Say end r light her dwelling with it at
night. The next lnorning the wagon will
call and the old boa will bo taken away
aid a nett/ one substituted, and than it
will go on from day to day. This can be
done with much more eaee than a etorag0
'battery of an ordinary Adele motor can
be,frliod, and at very touch legs okpenae.
Cn feet, rf. Buella system wet° in general
operation the coat would be almost
Been oysters ml Saturday, A, Coed.
Coracle meeting on Monday evening of
next week.
I. C. Bien epee for Oltcap horse blankets,
trouke, valises, &0.
Env. Pan Swine, of Monkton, was
in town last week.
THE Pose for the balance of 1888 for
25 cents, in advance.
'25 OEM's, fn advance, BOOMS TBE POST
for the balance of 1888..
TnvnsRAY, November 15th, is appoint-
ed Thanksgiving day.
Beeeemul linen window blinds at low
prices at Leatherdale's.
Scrum Board regular meeting on Fri-
day evening of this week.
TBE POST from now till 1st of January,
1880, for 25 cents in advance.
A. H. KAY, of Dundee, an old Brussel-
ite, is Isere on a holiday visit.
C. R. VANs'rnNE was home from Elsin-
ore for n few days tine week.
Pot Trnr framing attended to with neat-
ness and despatch at Leatherdale's.
Ir your fall trade is not as brisk as
you would like it to be advertise in
Ai.ox Geon received a big lot of .rub.
bore and leather hoots that Ire will sell
cheap. 12.
Mas. Rom. HeeinaoN, of Luckoow,
was visiting her brother, T. II. Hum-
phries, this week.
Tuts week Harry McArter, of Harris -
ton, was in town for a day or two. He
reports business fairly good in their line.
A NEW time table came into effect on
the G.T.R. last Monday. There is no
change of time in the arrival of trains at
Brussels, however.
TBE London Advertiser issued a very
handsome illuminated birthday number
his week. This well condnoted weekly
comes not in a new dress of type.
Mies Arian Mena, of Cornwall, Ont.,
a former resident of Brussels, is renew-
ing old acquaintances in this locality. It
is six or seven years since she moved
Ix will oblige 115 very much if enbsorib-
ers and others who aro owing us will pay
as soon as poesible. This is the season
when we require a large amount of
Ronan oe. BEniov.L.—Dr. Graham has
removed his office and plaoe of residence
from his brick block, Turnberry street,
to his new residence, opposite Melville
church, William street. 14 -
THE Wiarton Bobo believes that the
waterworks, recently completed, saved
the village from destrnotion by fire. A
fire started at Ashoroft's saw mill, but
was soon got under control.
A anon Muggy whip was lost last Sat-
urday in Brussels between Queen street
and Mr. Plain's cottage, Turnberry street.
The finder will be rewarded by leaving it
at TILE Pose Publishing House.
Tun Durham Review says in speaking
'of the injunction granted in connection
with the 'recent libel suit :—This injunc-
tion will deprive the public of Brussels
of a lot of "choice" Billingsgate.
RrcnAnn Rlvzes has taken a position
in F. Grundy's store in Luaknow. He
has earned the reputation of being a
most trustworthy young man and does
his work in a most satisfactory manner.
A MAGIC lantern lecture is announced
for Knox church on Thursday, Sept. 8th,
at 8 p. in., when a vast number of pie.
tures of scones from different parts of
the world are to be exhibited by Mr.
NExT Sabbath morning Rev. Jno.
Ross, B.A., will preaoh n sermon on the
Destrnetion of the Spanish Armada, one
of the most importane events in the over-
throw of a plot to destroy Protestantism
in England.
Our new story "Mom's Choice," com-
mences this week. If you are not al-
ready a subscriber now is a good time to
become one. 25 Dents pays for the bal-
ance of 1888 or 91.50 secures THE POST
from now to the end of 1889.
Ws learn from the Algoma Advooate
that a big fire visited Thessalon on Sat-
urday, Oat. 20th, and among the business
places destroyed was that of W. D. Hill.
Mr. Hill is a son of John Hill, 9th con.
of Grey. He had the most of hie goods
saved. A Ronald steam fire engine would
be a good investment for Thessalon.
LAST Saturday Leslie O'Connor, who
has been assietant in the Brussels post -
office for several years, left for the Busi-
ness College, Stratford. He intends tak-
ing up phonography, type writing and
book 'cooping, He has been studying
shorthand for some time and oan now
write about seventy -live words to the
minute. We wish him success in his
now venture.
Y. P. 0. A.—The following is tho out-
lined program of meetings in connection
with the above Association in Melville
Church :—Nov. 0, Devotional ; Nov. 19,
Debate ; Dec. 8, Missionary ; Deo. 17,
Lecture ; Jan. 8, 1889, Temperance ; Jan.
14, Devotional ; Jan. 28, Missionary ;
Feb. 10, Lecture ; Feb. 24, Literary ;
Mar, 10, Alia/denary; Mar. 24, Devotion-
al ; April 8, Literary ; April 28, Temper-
ance ; May, open meeting.
TEE Smith Bell Ringers drew a full
house Wednesday evening. The opening
selection by members of the Band. and
the music on the bells and chimes was
splendid. The exhibitions on the musi-
cal bowls and tea cups, Burmese piano,
and Chinese band was amusing and enter.
tabling. Commodore Foote and his sir.
ter were a source of no small amount of
wonder and enquiry. The Company
throughout appear to be first-class and
have good houses wherever they go.
NEST Wednesday evening the firof
the series of union meetings ifind n connection
with tho Brussels Sabbath School Agee -
dation will be hold in Melville chnrolt,
commencing at 8 o'olock. Tho toppio is
"Tiro Duties of a S. S. Superintendent,"
introduced by W. R. Wilson, superin-
tendent of Melville Outsell Sunday
school. The usual weekly prayer meet-
ings Will be withdrawn on that evening.
The mooting is open to the publio and
persona invited to take part in the die.
onseion of the eubje0t.
Moan amis.—The Ronald Foundry
has been seaming more panda lately to
keep up with their brielc ordere of late.
Tom. White, a young Scotohman, from
a large locomotive works in Scotland, is
among some of the later importations.
He is a nephew of Jas. Speir, living 0n
the McCrea farm in Morris. All the
maohinist0,blacksmiths, brace and iron
moulders are busy es bees, Mr. Ronald
f0 now negotiating for waterworks 0on•
Watt for the winter a Work ; the mu -
Wien of the Sem in this work—aa well
as fire 9teamete--ia now fully established.
We ate plosagd to see all the leading
papers speak 00 highly of their last work-
manehip, the Wiettort watetwerks, ,sn
pronouncing it melt it, grand setoese,,
ROUT. DICKSON sr, returned last Tues•
day from ,t visit to Ole son at Welker.
G. A. Berle was home from Bright
for a few days, Ila returned on Mon-
ADAM GOOD has reoetved 600 lbs. of
grapes, which he will sell cheap by the
18 -
ANY quantity of fresh lime at the Kiln.
Brussels, for 11 cents a bushel. W. F.
Knees, Prop.
Fero Hume arrived Immo from Mon-
treal last Wednesday, •,having completed.
his job there.
Aire. ALLAN, of Winnipeg,, Mau., is
visiting relatives and friends in Brueeols
and neighborhood.
LAs'r Monday Willie Crawford injured
his hand in the jointer in the cooper shop
at the Enterprise Salt Works.
THE Band serenaded Jas. B. Stretton
and W. F. Holly and bride last Thursday
evening. The boys are loud in the
praises of Mr. and Mrs. Kelly for their
Dn. Woons, of Galt, was in town last
week on a professional trip. He attend.
5d to his work so well his patient was
able to accompany him on the last bound
train on daturnay as far as Guelph.
THE 0BABITY Oonoanx,—Everything is
shaping well for a very successful concert
on the evening of Thanksgiving day. Re-
bereals are now in order in connection
with the vocal and inetrumental music,
tableau, &fe.
BAND or Horx.—Thero were 70 mem-
bers present at the meeting last Monday.
The following was the program :—Iteoi-
talons by Fanny 1105ers, Alex. Ross,
Edith McLauoblin, Alhe Cormack, Em-
ma Webster, Thurso Gerry, Harry Mc-
Crae and Reggie Pletcher ; readings by
Russia Fletcher and Dorn 'Smith. This
institution intends purchasing an Organ
for use at their gabberings. Miss Rich-
ardson and Miss Hambly are doing a
good work with the children, for which
they deserve great credit,
MBs. Sum would respectfully intimate
to the public that she has now on band a
fall assortment of Berlin, Zephyr, Rook
German, Baldwin and Canadian Yarns.
Hoods, Caps, Jackets, &c., latest styles.
A full line of Hosiery and Mitts in stock
and made to order. Fanoy Goods, Toys,
Dolls, &o. in great variety. Stamping by
a new process on any kind of goods.
Agent for the Creasman Enitting Machine
and the British American Dyeing Co'y,
Montreal Everything Cheap. Call and
see. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
DIED.—On Thursday afternoon of this
Reek William McOullongh passed over to
the majority after a few weeks illness.
He had been bothered with diarrhoea for
some time which developed into ulcera-
tion of the bowels, with probably a slight
touch of typhoid fever. The deceased
was a hard working, honest going man
who wronged no one. He hes. boon em.
ployod with the Vanstone family, and
latterly with Messrs. Stewart & Lowick
for a number of years and was very high-
ly spoken of by them on account of his
reliability. Mrs. McCullough and 7
children are bolt to regret the loss of a
good husband and kind father.
Monday afternoon Isaac •Bolton, who
lives on eon. 11, McKillop township, was
iu Brussels with a load of barley, which
he sold to Robe. Graham and received
the money for the same, amounting to
between 540 and 550. He had got
within a half mile of Loadbury when a
man jumped in the wagon and when Mr.
Bolton turned around to too who it was
he was struck over the head with a club
and the blows repeated, nuttingthrough
the assailed man's cap and inflicting
great gaping wounds in Mr. Bolton's
head. He grappled with his assailant
and held on with a grip like a vise and,
with the horses on the run, he hoped to
get to MoNamara's hotel but, unfortun-
ately, the seat fell down and the would-
be highwayman made good bis escape.
It was about 8 o'clock p. m. when this
took plane so Mr. Bolton bas very little
idea who the fellow way. He was a
short man with a black moustaohe. The
wounded man, covered with blood, got
some wrappings from Mr. McNamara
and when he reaohed his home a physi-
cian was sent for, who dressed the five
wounds. About three feet of the stick
used by the ruffian was found fn the
wagon box. It was dry maple 1 inobes
square. Mr. Bolton is a stout young
man of about 25 years of age and this es
probably the reason his assailant used
the club when he attempted the robbery.
This kind of work might be thought
nothing out of the way rn the Western
Status but to have it take place on a well
travelled road with houses near et stand
stamps 0 as one of the boldest attempts
at murder knogvn in these parts.
Tho Exeter Sons of England Serowe -
lent Society has orgeilrized a drill corps,
which will be officered by the following :
President, Bro, Hugh Speakman ; Vico-
President, Bro, H. L. Billinge ; Sea,,.:
Tress., Bro N, Dyer Mardon ; Drill l'e•
struator, Bre, W. Andrews,
Watford is now lvitbone a billiard
room, en affliction which many are pre
pared to endure with wonderful equan-
imity. Triose who love to punch the
celluloid balls woes the green baize will
have to go elsewhere for the enjoyment
of their favorite pastime, says the Guide,
Ono of the heaviest wind and rain
donne of the season swepb over Halifax,
le. S., on Sunday night, doing omnsider.
able damage throughout the oily, Two
large ships broke from their moorings
and were driven ashore. The wind blow
at the rate of 40 miles an hour for six.
Mr. and. Mrs. Essen and daughter
Roes, aspect to remove tide week to Lon-
don. Rho), have resided in Bayfield for
the pest 80 or 35 years. For soma years
be was clerk of Stanley township, before
Bayfield was incorporated, and was one
of Bnyfield's first oouneillOrs, and hold
the reevesbip for seven years in suoose.
Mr. Luxton, of Winnipeg, has taken
action for libel against the Sun for al.
raged libel contained in an article in
that paper accusing the Free Press of
being backed by a gang of boodlers. The
Free Press has retained F. 0. Wade,
barrister, and late its editor, to conduct
the defame in the case of Premier Green-
way against that paper for libel.
On leaving Colborne for Cobourg on
Thursday, to attend the declaration in
the East Northumberland election,
while boarding the train Dr. Willoughby
fell and narrowly escaped with his "life,
falling across the track in front of the
oars when in motion. He threw up both
legs, which the steps of the oar caught,
throwing him entirely clear of the
At the naval offioere' ball in the Ma-
sonic Hall, Halifax, Wednesday night,
Mrs. Dunbar's dress naught fire -from a
fairy lamp, and in a moment she was
enveloped in flames. Captain Price, of
the West Riding Regiment, succeeded in
extinguishing the fire, but burnt his
handsbadly. Mrs. Dunbar was remdv-
ed to her home not mnoh injured, but
suffering a severe nervous ehook from
vhioh she did not recover for some
Judge Eillam, of the Manitoba supreme
court, has continued the injunotion re-
straining the provincial government from
extending the Red River Valley railway
aorosa the tracks of the Canadian Paoifio
Company, pending the action of the rail-
way committee of the Privy Council on
application of the Manitoba authorities
for permission to make the necessary
crossings. This plaoss open the Domin-
ion government the entire responsibility
of obstructing the building of local rail-
ways in Manitoba. All that is wanted to
put an end to the anarchy which now
exists in Manitoba is an order from the
federal authorities giving directions as to
where and how the Canadian Pacific
tracks shall be crossed by the new roads ;
and in refusing or delaying to make bloat
order the Dominion ministers are violat-
ing the provisions of the general railway
act, and shirking a duty whish is im-
posed upon them by statute. But, nn.
fortunately, nothing better is to be ex-
pected from a government made up of
O.P. 11.• directors and men who are under
obligations to thab corporation. The
federal ministers appear willing to drive
Manitoba into rebellion and possibly to
"smash the confederation into its original
fragments," rather than disobey the
orders of Mr. VanHorne, who is not even
a British subject. Abuse of the Manitoba
ministers will not divert public attention
from the shameful course of the Domin-
ion government. Mr. Greenway and ifs
colleagues are simply endeavoring to
carry out the instructions they have re-
ceived from the provincial legislature and
the people, and to obtain for Manitoba
those righte whish it was believed would
be no longer denied her after the Canadian
Pacific oompany obtained their last
"long haul" from the Dominion treasury.
—Ottawa Free Prase.
Caneldlau. Newra•
St. Thomas has forwarded 5102 to the
Parnell defence fund,
J. McLean, of St. Thomas, has been
gazetted Deputy Judge of Elgin.
Sir Charles Tupper is spoken of to
enoceed Minister West at Washington.
The Montreal Furniture 0o., with •via-
bilities of 925,000, will be wound up at
Ten thousand barrels of apples have
been packed already this season by Zorra
Canada will send an exhibit to the
Royal Agrioultural Society's Show in
England next year.
Tho finances of Hull are in a bad way.
The corporabiou owes 9150,000, and there
will be a deficit again this year.
Galt reports 5172,860 worth of new
buildings put up tbie.year, which is cer-
tainly a very creditable showing.
H. 0. Foster, inspector for tke Dairy-
ram's association had 28 farmers in Ox-
ford and Middlesex convicted of water•
ng their milk recently. -
It is rumored that, owing to failing'
health, City Treasurer S. B. Berman, of
Toronto, has placed bis rosignatfon in
the hands of, the Mayor.
Mayoralita8pirante for Brantford
aro already appearing in the field, and
the indioations are that there will be a
lively contest for next year.
M. L. Aidriah, Aylmer, will commener
next week the publication of a newspaper
in the village of Oil Springs, to be known
as the Oil Springe Weekly Tinos.
A Brooke farmer Sound hie bees got.
tin , read to swarm and he eweetened a
gallon of Whiskey and pub it out in pane.
The bene got drunk and lrehad no trouble
in handling oeeenteon swarms.
The sent900o of death pawed upon
young Farley, at Peterboro , fee' the Mr. dee of ail Indian named Simon Elijah,
who travelled with Howe's 01.0005, has
been commuted and imprisonment. for
life in Rittgsten Pelitentiar:y substitetod,
Pinus.—In Morris, on Oot. 2189, the wife
of Mr. Jno. Bybee of a daughter.
Ttoaon.—In Grey, on Ootobor 15th, the
wife of Mr. Wm. Taylor of a eon.
Devtss.—At Oak Park, Ill., on October
21st, the wife of Mr.E.O,K.Davies of
twin daughters. •
Efee,—In 'Listowel, on October 1211,
the wife of Mr. W. J. Hay, Clerk
Division Court, of a son.
677A7:'0=='= MAFv=7:72'13
Pall Wheat 1 15
Spring Wheat 1 15
Oats 0082
Barley 55
Potatoes 30
Butter, per Ib 10
Eggs, per dozen 10
Apples, per bushel 65
Hogs, dressed 0 50
Beef 4 50
Wood, per cord
Sheepskins, each
1 18
1 18
7 00
5 50
13 00
2 60 4 50
40 75
79x TT'SSFJZ.m r,vaAxo10xo 7TF^>,
Fall. Wheat 1 15 1 18
Spring Wheat .. 1 15 1 18
Barley .. 55 66
Oats 32 13
Peas,...... 60 02
Butter, tubs and rolls16 17
Eggs per dozon 18 00
Plonr per barrel5 00 00
Potatoes .. 25 80
Hay per ton ., 18 00 00
Hides per Ib 4 .54
Salt per bbl, wholesale.., 60 80
Sheep skins, each 60 1 00
Wool, per lb 18 22
Pork 8 25 0 50
A. toiningasure of money and Homo ve-
nom. Also it begot and two parcels of yarn,
The finc1etwill greatly oblige byretttreieg to
tire, 7)usonn Livingston, Menrip,townsbi9,
shi of Grey. It 10 bleak and tan
with 00hitorifeet, and answor0 to the name
of "8501," A euibab;e reward will be .paid
by returning tho ht,1805 to Tact Penn Pub -
Sailing Nouse. Aey 0ereon demining bien
after this notice W 1 b5rea06nted aelthe
law directs. 308. BpALLANTYNE,
ANTED. -4 GOOD combat.
Ar, Servant. Good wages to ane
experienced. Apply et owe to
18. 111103. E. 11. \VA111E, liressele,
a Ewes for Salo. They aro eoming two
years of a80. JN0, 1BUDDI01{,
10.0 Lot 4, eon, 14, Grey.
ar Wanted en farm, family of three, no
children, Apply at once to
1011 Lot r, Con, 12, Grey.
A r'x' CZ A6^3,
eons In Drawing, Landscape Painting
and Painting ou Velvet. Charges moderate.
SatleleeMon guaranteed.._ 0.91
dotted to me, In account or note,
overdue Inst Jamurry, aro requested to pay
thorn immediately.
12.4 WM. GB:IHAM, M, D.
4 premises of the lu,derelgned, north half
10518, eon.. 7, Morris, .00 or about 001. 1st,
The weeri3 requested to prove .property,
pay expenoee and take it away.
Caveats ,Ito issues sad Trade Markescaured
and all other patent onuses in the Patent
°Mae and before the Courts promptly and
carefully attended to. 'Upon receipt of,uad-
e1 or sketch of invention, f make careful
examination ,and advise as to patentability
Free of Charyo, Foes moderate, audI make
uo charge unitise patent le secured. Iaform-
atiou, advice and epecial ratan noes seat ou
apnllaatinn. J, R, TATTED L, Washington
D.C., U.S. Patont Ofdee, 19 -
Voters' List Court.
Notice is hereby given that a court will be
hold pursuant to"The Voters' Lists Act." by
His /tenor Judge Toms, of the County Oourt
of the County of Huron, in the Town Bali,
Brussels, on
Friday, Nov. 18th, '88
Commencing et 9 O'clock a. tn.
To hoar and determine the several com-
plaints of errors and omissions ou the Vetere
List of the Municipality of Brussels for the
year 1888,
All persona laving business of the court
are requested to attend ut the said time
and plaoe. ..
' F. S. SCOTT, Clerk.
Dated this 24th day of 008.1888,
Apply to D11. GRAHAM. 12-4
A few splendid, improved farms for
sale to the township of Grey, Morris and
Megillon, Apply to A. DELGATTY, Co,
Auctioneer,lirneeels P. 0. —�-
On the corner of Mary and mechanic
streets, in the village of Brussels. This pro-
perty is very ennveoiently sltuntad and rs a
bargain to any person having n family of
yyouvg children as Ib is so near the school.
Good enable and well the premfeoi.also
some young tint[ trotses and a quantity of
small fruit. Apply to tho owner on the
15-tf MRS. TURNRULL, Brussels.
sOrtramn offers his valuable 100 acre
fares,beiug lot 8, con. 18, Grey Township,
Huron Co., for sale. There are about 60
aures cleared and In good heart. There 1s o
log honoo, good hank barn, bearing orchard,
and all the 550005nry conveniences on the
premises. For further particulars, as to
price,terms, eto„ apply to the Proprietor,
THOB.HISLOP,Olarel'. 0., N.W..
or to
norm,— The undersigned offers his
9r -acre farm, lot 25, con. 7, Morris, for sale
or to rent. Sherd are 00 acres olearod
and under crop, The buildings oonsist of a
frame house, frame barn, &a. There is also
an orchard of Duo aero. Guod well. There
are 10 acres of fall wheat in this 1511, For
further parti5alars as to prio e, terms, &0.,
apply to the Proprietor,
2-tt JOHN WILI0INSON, Brussels P. 0.
non BALE.—Benne lot 14, eon. 10, con-
taining 100 acres, I6 ie partly olearod, the
balance well timbered. A never failing
oreek aromas the plow and itis well adapt-
ed for either farming or grazing, I will like-
wise ee1140aoree, being oast part oflot 14,
000.15, nearly all alarmed and in a good
state of cultivation. A good frame barn
with a goofs stone stable underneath and a
never failing well is ales on the plane. For
farther particulars apply to the proprietor
on the place, Mlle lot is onpoeibe tae nth•
or GE012GE AVERY, Proprietor, 1-tf
0511e0GNEn. offers for sale the north
oast quarter of lot 28, eoneession 8, Morris,
County of Huron, containing 00 acres, The
land la of first quality and In a. high 04910 of
cultivation, well leveed and under -drained,
40 acres cleared. New frame horse, 8 rooms,
mills house with eonsrete Walla, 2 wens,
good barna and shed, orchard, etc, Eight
mores of fall wheat. This desirable property
adioius the corporation of Brussels. Suit-
able berme will be gtmYon, Title perfect,
80• Box 258lOrasselS 9.0
being the south half of lot number
80 In the 4th eonoession of the township of
Morris, known as the homestead of Archi-
bald Taylor, oontainin ninety-nine acres.
Ninety acres aro cleared, the balance wood-
ed with valuable timber. Excellent build.
trigs, large orchard of oboioo trees, soil in
quarter mhos north of theu
Vied gonof arils
eels, on the main gravel road. This is ono
of the finest homestead farms in the County
of Huron end will bo sold at a bargain and
on terms to suit purchaser, For further
partioular4 awl,' to the Proprietor. A. M.
55X1,0.00, Manning Arcade, Toronto, or to
000111l3ALD 'TAYLOR, 8n., on the prom-
ises. tf-
The Exooubors of the estate of the late
Wr1Lx.orletoo0Ex, Mourne, doomed, now
offer the fellowing yaluitb)e lands tor Salo,
vie, :—Tlienorth half of lot 27, and tho wast
half of thsnorth half of lot 28, Cloth in the
6th eonaseOi0n of Oho TOWnstalp o1 Morrie,
Oonnty of Huron, containing 100 aarae.
About 110 00500 orb olearod end in good
aohdlblou, tho greater part being in grass.
The balance is wall timbered, Milady with
booth andniaple.
filo farm i8 favorably situate d within ono.
x 0180± thevilbMarke1irussolo,wtloh o3lsrde
an. axaalla g market. Thorn s upon. 1110
f choice
frame barn and noun an
0roltn5d Ol 05.010.0 fruit 9x500, a never foiling
spring, alto a good well and REDID, and good
Mules, This property will 0o 0015 in Ono or
two petiole, to suit Wending purMhaeers.
PurohaSer will be allowed to outer and hays
1100 of hoose onromisee at any time attar
harvest and to ,do fall plowing. Full pones-
elan will be given at 10t November next,
For terms end further parfioullu's apply
bo the Undersigned Exoautoro, or 80 Jona
Mown Esq., 333#000010, Ont,
George 0ardilf, 1LxEauTons,
bt k art In .c
1 M x Onyx,
Dated atltress:1s„ Auto lab, 1886. 00
r ens MoTAGGART,
Transact a, G'ene'ral Banking
Oen adieu and United 6 totes Drulte bought
Ind soil,
Interest allowed on cope:ete,
%Collections evade on ;favorable teras.
Canadian Agents—lfsncuAriT'e 0ANrr aF
NOW York Agouts—IMroiermlte ANn TDAn-
or, Conveyancer, Notary Public,
300. 011iee : Graham's Blool,,1 door north bf
Hargreaves' Drug Store. Private Funds to
• Solicitor and Notary Pnblin, Con-
voyauoing, oolleatlous and Leonine. Mr.
Wade will attend In Gerrie every Wodnee-
day at two o'clock,
[Leto with Gnrro00 3; Proud font, Godo -
rich) Barristers, Solioltors, Conveyanoare,
&c. °Toe, Grant's Block, Brussels. Money
to loan,
1t. S. 31A18. W. B. DICKSON.
A M. TAYLOR, B. C. L., P,AR-
Diokeen,ITavloroAcllfo0u11ongU 1the
Ba ale ere,
Winters, &o., Meaning Arcade, Ring Street
West, Toronto. Money to loan.
the Fourth Divlsi on Oourt, Go. Huron,
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud, Loaa
and Insurance Agent. Funds invaded and
to loan. O0d0o11one made. Opjoo In Gra-
hame 01ook,Brnssels.
ceOe' FRT CUNNINI;yg41
w M. F. DALE, M. D., 0.101.
Member of the College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Ontmelc by examination.
OOIo-n and Reeldene—Main 8t. East, Ethe
5) • 0.M., LAl. 0, P. Edinburgh, M. 0. P.
S. Ont. A9 Horgrsayss' Drug Store from
9 to 11:80 a.m. and from 1:35 to 4 p, in. At
other hours may be found at the residence
formerly occupied by Dr. Hutchinson,
Mill street.
ALE NTIereer i Ti' .
0. L. Ball L. D. S., Honor Graduate and
1I, 12.0. D. S. Toronto. Vitalized Air given
11.13. Merles, D. D. S. Assistant Operator
OPFICE—.doyers Block, 8eaforth,
W.J.Fear ,L.D 8. Graduate of To-
ronto School of Dentistry, All oper-
atione guaranteed. Oilloo—Oady's
Blank, Soeforth.
Arid floial tooth, first quality, anda
gnaranteedht,for $12,00per eot,5
DOM IV'ICI feerr
:t7 A. 14CAtSTSI17•, Zi, =, fa„
Honor Graduate of the Royal Oollepe of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nimes Oxzeut
GAS administered for the Fathoms oxtrae-
Mon of teeth.
OF1I4AL—enc Door North of the Dank.
BED Auctioneer. Sales oondooted on
reasonable terms, farms and farm stool[ a
specialty. Orders left at Tam PORT Publish -
tug House, Brussels, or sort to Walton poet
Oleo will receive prompt attention,
1 non, is prepared to attend to sales on
the shortest notion. A specialty mado of
sales of thorough -bred stools. Terms made
known by application to Tan Poem Publish-
ing House, whore orders may be left, or
Widnes to Brussels P 0.
is always ready to attend solos df
farms, farm etoolt, d;o, Terms cheerfully
rouged at ubTan IPA/.
k o T Publish may
�x] H. MoORA01EN, 1S:S1JEr.
?' r s of Marriage Licences, Offlee at his
etmoery,Tursberry Street,
1.VJL of 'Piano and Organ. Terme on appll-
N.B.—Walton plass meets ovary Tbnrnday
and Friday atMrs. D, Campbells, Walton.
l�Il to receive pupils for iaetre°.
tion on the PIANO[ and ORGAN, 8 years
'Experience. etcsidenco with lilts. Iln1•
greavice,. over 05A800100:AWI38 1)10510
STORE. '.. no0-Syr..
e Artist, Mop, next door eolith of A,
M. Marty 4 Cos, hardware store, Ladies'
and ohllch'on's hair Witting a spooialty.
A ohoioo stook of eleare kept,
A/t A'IoNAIR, ISSU111 0I+' 11:1:AR..
a =logo Liconsee, by appotntmont of
Liont.-Goyerno0' Oemmiesioner, &n„ Q, B,
Ceuveyaneerand Agent Piro.lnsuranco dc.
OlMoeItttile OranbrookPoet Offos. '
and Ornamental Par ntor. GrainingR
Gilding, Sign and Decorative Painting it all
its branohoe. Shop Blinds done up in style,
repor,Hanginga spooialty; Shap .Ono door
south of S. -Buyers' Carriage Waren, •
W. 0 BRIEN0 V. S., 0-0150,11
GraduatodY the enteric 'Veterinary
dol)1eggo� ]fan resumed the prsotioo of Jobb
NeIt,V.8 (Male re ar'ed to trout ail die
elide of d'bnteoticnted animals an nerentrilo
andapprovod principles. 'Troatmoetof dol.
iaate teals a o55clalty 0dles 9000 doors
North of lir idgo, pur•nberry street,