HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-11-2, Page 5Nov. 2, 1888. THE BRUSSELS POST
3T1rilNNli±7rrM": J.'.`7+:`rClr1,3L^,�N^:X6rv'{�ii "77II�",u; y'elY`a..•y"-A,rL'FYYLT+IG.�'' +Fir':.2_.;,T[.:i+7.:IL.w1'F19C'e} �rrr.�tn®"•
lx xrx liaise,
Rev, A. MaKibbin, of Blnovalo, preach-
ed iu the Methodist ehureh last Southey
morning, Bee. Jno, Scott, M. A., was
at 13inevale holding the quanierly meet-
A meeting of the Wingham branch
Bible Society was bold in oho Congre-
gational ohurah on Wednesday evening.
Rev, T, Mately delivered his lecture on
"Babylon and Israel."
At the last Division Court judgment
was reserved on the °ase brought against
the corporation by Jno. Green to recover
damages forinjuries riustained by a de-
fective slde.wallk near Lower Wingham.
Lloyd ob. Sone are adding another in•
destry to the town. They aro building
on the vacant lob at the east corner of
John and Leopold streets, a factory 80x80
feet, for the oxolusive manufacture of
Tho time table as arranged for the
arrival and cdoparburo of trains on the
G.T.Rortn1 O.PR. could not be worse as
far as the oonvonieuee of passengers
welting to teaks connection is aonoorn-
ed, It should be remedied.
Lauohlin irfoKinuon, an employee of
the Union furniture factory riot with a
serious and painful accident. Ifo was
operating a sanding machine, and being
told by his nseietant that the sand paper
was loon: in one place, be threw off tho
belt, but did not wait for the machine to
stop before putting his left band between
the two top rollers. His index finger
was badly smashed, the second finger was
taken off at the first joint, the third
finger got broke in two places and the
little finger broke once.
Mee seNe r.1E+.
John Matheson, of Exeter, was in the
village onedaylast week. His interest
being questioned in the courte.
Jas Thompson, teacher, has been on
yi;tho sick list this week. Ed. Coulees tried
1, his hand at wielding the birch. Nothing
like practice.
Mr. Lithgow, Librarian of Wingham
Mechanics' Institute, was in town on
Sunday, Mr. L. is well known, and al.
ways a welcome visitor.
Mrs. Rea, lately of the boundary, has
become a resident of Blucvale and has
taken possession of the house between
Messrs. Seliera and Thompson._
Mr. Malloob, Inspector of Public
Schools, stayed over in Bluevale on Tues-
day evening. Ho is on his usual rounds
and speaks well of the majority of bbe
Rev. Mr. MoKibbin and Rev. Jno.
Scott, M. A., exchanged pulpits last Sun-
day. Mr. Scott addressed his congrega-
tion in the morning fiom lath chapter
St. John, verses 18 and 14.
Mr. Collie, station agent, has a splen-
did sample of large potatoes. It is al-
most worth one's while going there Inst
to sea the potatoes, not reckoning on the
cheerful conversation with her. Collie..
Your correspondent was slightly in
error last week. The statement as to
renting the MoPherson stand by L.
Pearn, should havo been :—"Ho has
bought obs McPherson stand, and will in
future carry on hie boot and shoe trade
It is with pleasure we have to record
the restoration of Wm. Anderson, boun-
dary line, to his usual health and
etrongbh. Some 8 or 9 weeks ago Mr. A.
fell through a straw shed and has not
about mush eine till the
been ably to be
last week.
Rev. J. 0. Manly, Bible Society agent,
delivered his annual address, on the
Methodist Church, here, on Monday
evening. Subject: "Babylon and Ism -
el.'. Of course the night was very un-
favorable and the audience was small,
but none who hoard him were sorry that
they came and will gladly welcome him
on his return next year.
Thos. McKinney, boundary lino, east,
slipped nil quietly to the Stales—Michi-
gan, and returned last Saturday, not
alone, Miss Cowan, a sister of Mrs. Wm.
Hanna's, formerly of this place, now of
Michigan, acoompnnied him as Mrs. Mo -
Kinney, Tmi POET joins with all other
friends in wishing the young couple hap -
plums, joy, and a pleasant journey
through life.
Mrs. Ilooper, about 2;} miles from Blue.
vale was up before the magistrate ono
clay last week for tampering with the
milk sent to the factory. Sim wee fined
and had to pay costs, she was also ex-
pelled from being a milk sander for two
years. Tho case was up once before but
lack of proof, paused a failure. This is
the way lawbreakers are dealt with
round bene. There was another case in
perspective bt it was a farce.
The question was raised the other day,
how it was that the correspondent of
Tn POST dib not blame the "Roped of
S. A." for the bad weather just now.
Stroup I never thought of it before. But
it strikes your correspondent, that the
last two Falls wore very pleasant, the
roads good, no mud, no slue.., no whis-
key. The throe "No's." The prophets
predict a fine dry Fall yet, just requires
n spook more faith than some Bluovalites
have got.
A;.naxtow tel.
Sono talk of introducing the electric
light into town.
No less that forty, five cases on the
locket at the last Division Court.
We are nob losing sight of the propos.
ed exteueion of the C.P.R. through our
A. If, Climie has taken a situation as
etenographer with the Maseoy Mad. 00„
A number of our local sports aro away
to Muskoka on a hunting tour. Deer
is said to be plentiful.
A laundryman, has recently removed
to town from Stratford, and is about
starting a laundry business here.
Rev. E. W. Hughes has boon aprpoint-
ed to this parish, in accordance with the
wish of the congregation as suooessor to
Rev. M. Tujyt bull.
The Baif!I r says : A little excitement
tv08 caused en tho street Wednesday
afteenekeleby the unsbead,' gait on David
Porteous, said to bo from Grey bownehip,
who was celebrating bis visit to town
with a epreo. As he neared the grocery
stote of Ilutebison rk Brothoo he turned
to go hook, but hie heath was not equal
to tho took of piloting the oraft on the
hound about wheolandDavid fell 011000911
olio show Window, from which leo urea
reasoned by the millions Of the law
and lodged in durance' As the window
had joist boon dressed with fenny pord0-
bnitr ee0s, tho daniaga done amottnta to
about 1¢18, which he has ageeed . to pity
and nettlethe matter,
The Listowel Laoroese Club leaving
Won the pennant the the distriot, purpoeo
oelebrabing the . s+ . !'•e a grand concert,
to be held abonl • d of this month,
J. Swanson, ; o e • nudergradnato of
Toronto Unite. : e, hat boon engagrd
by the Listowel 1 , • ..:heel Board for
the balance of tiro { melt term, as third
3, W. Soott, banker of tide town,
who wall rooently victimized, with a
forged draft for $1,000, lay a sharper who.
represented himself as being a member
of a Arm of American horn buyers styl•
Ing thorns:Avert C. C. Hale t2 Co„ hoe TO.
oeivod a communioabion from the Chief
of Police at Winnipeg, together with a
photograph of a culprit who attempted
to work a similar game thorn, bub was
naught and sentenced to a year's impris-
onment. From the ph0togra h and des-
cription given there is no doubt that the
rmilow ie the same party who got the
forged draft dashed here. At Winnipeg
ho is said to have reprominted-himself as
being about to open a branch office there
of "0. L, Cole et Co„” owners of sale
stables at San Francisco, Unrreaha, and
several other western pobatri, on the
strength of which he attempted to work
off a forged draft for $2,000. It would
appear that "Hale" or "Odle" belongs to
an organized gang, as the Chief of Police
at Winnipeg has reooived despatches and
letters from pals in Now York and else -
whore, Educe his incarceration, intended
to- esaonrage the prisoner. Mr, Scott
intends to take proceodings against
"Hale," which will most likely prevent
hint from returning to the south to "buy
mules," which ho claimed to be his par-
ticular branch of the business when here,
for some considerable time.—Standard.
Fail work is well advanced.
Tho root crop is being attended to this
week. They are a good Drop.
Fall wheat is doing web so far in the
most of places in this township.
Last week the infant of Wm. Far-
quharson died after a brief illness.
George McDonald has taken up land
in the Muskoka District and will make
his•home there.
Large quantities of apples are being
made into eider and in turn converted
into apple butter.
Auction sales aro plentiful. Thi primes
obtained for stook is low in comparison
with other years.
Several farmers of this township have
disposed of over 200 barrels of apples
this season to buyers.
A number of young, well brod Leioee.
ter ewes are offered for sale by John
Roddiok of this township.
In the item last week concerning the
marriage of Mr. Found and Mise Del-
gatty the bride was Miss Annie not Miss
Lizzie. Tom knows %abide one he got.
Chas. Bishop is attending the Univer-
sity at Toronto with the intention of
graduating as a B. A. If his health
holds out he'll "got there" all safe and
The letter of Ratepayer in last issue of
TELE Pon on the necessity of a Township
Hall is well worthy of consideration. The
ratepayers should keep it in view on
nomination day.
On the 18th inst. a public entertain-
ment will bo held iu Turnbull's school
house under the auspices of the foot -ball
club of this locality. A good program is
being arranged by the boys and au inter-
esting time is counted on.
The Cardiff Bros. are home from Man -
lobe. They did not take up land as the
frost was a deterrent. Ono of the gentle-
man assisted in burning off about 60
acres of frosted grain while he was away.
There is no place like old Ontario after
What about the Grey Plawmans' As-
sociation? Is there going to be a match
this year? What ie tho matter with
your one sided affair wheu throe meet-
ings were held and no match arranged?
Just try two sides and see how bloat will
work.—A. PLowsoAN.
MAnnxonAOnors.—Jno. Breatoh, of See -
burn, Manitoba, formerly a resideut of
this township, writer; to the afoot that
the crops in his emotion have been well
nigh a complete failure. Ile Bays there
are "thousands of acres of wheat in
Manitoba this season that have never
been harvested, and the trouble now is to
get it burned so as to get the fall plowing
done." Oats and barley, he also says,
have turned out very light. Many of the
farmers in his neighborhood will have to
buy their flour this winter, which is now
oohing at $3 per 100 pouuds. Mr. Broatob,
of course, only speaks for his own neigh-
borhood, which probably has Buffered
more from the frosts than many other
parts of Manitoba. He, however, doubts
that there will be anything Alto tho
quantity of grain for export which has
been represented. That the frosts have
materially lessened the Manitoba wheat
.crop there oan be no doubt ; but that the
prairie province has still a very largo
quantity for exporting is also dpparont
from the daily deliveries of grain at.
Brandon and other leading markets of
the province, as well as by the quanti-
ties now moving on the O,P.R. Tho un-
precedented price which wheat is fetch-
ing in the Manitoba markets this ewe
eon should also go a long ways towards
making up the deflaionoy in the orop.
Notwithstanding the gloomy tons of
letters, he has not lost oonfidonoo in his
adopted country, as ho says he would
rather farm 111 Manitoba than in Ontario.
Mora -its -
Inspector Malloch was at the stone
seheol and also at Nos. 8 and 10 this
Rev. A. Moliibbin has closed the re•
viva' services in Johnston's church for
the present.
i George Caldbiok returned home from
ohs North west last. wooly. Ws bear loo
is highly pleased with that ouunbry.
TIM milk wagons aro nearly done for
the sweet, soon they shall disappear
like the robins, bill Spring comes again.
Robb. Stewart, teacher in S. S. No. 10,
purposes holding a p:tblio examination
on Friday the 2nd inst. Ile expects eov.
sialteaohors present.
'Rev. J. S. (look is going to proaoh,the
Missionary sermon in Johnston's church
on November 4bh, His many Mende
will be pleased to hoar him again,
1 Alex. I. McColl has boon re.enga cd as
eacbor of S.S. No. 6 ab a salary of 9810.
Malcolm Black, it well known and sue•
ooss£ol poslagogue will "hold oho fort" et
Clark% soloed honse for next yoae.
Wool. Menary, with his wile and family,
has taken 1de departure from our midst
foe Michigan, wises he. is going to steel
i t1 er•in.la
�£armfn , Geo. Lon, his lila r w
went with him and intends to stay if ho
lime the Weary.
Another b1 our bachelors Imo joined
the benodiots. 'l'bonlas Mobtinney went
over to Michigan last weak and brought
batik with him a bride. No doubt sumo
of our Morris gfrle wilt feel like as if
they wore left lint Ivo weals Totn, and hie
bride a happy futere, I wonder who will
bo the next?
The strayed cattle advertised by John
Maher hurt week wore found by the one
insertion of tho advertisement in Tun
Poor. A neighbor of Mr. Hunter's read
the advt. and told the ownor whore he
had aeon cattle answering thodeseriptiotl
given and they worn soon on the owner's
premises, It pays to advertise.
There are a good many different ways
of settling up accounts, boob one of the
latest stylus is for the merchant to visit
the home of the purahaeor of the goods
armed witha bottle of "old Scotch" and
in this way draw tho wool over the eyes
of Mr. Slowpay. Your Brussels men
ohanto are no summer aeons" lot me
tell you do the credit business.
Lerneaue —The first meeting of the
fourth session of Debating Sooietyy in S,S.
No, 6, was held en Tuesday evaning. Af-
ter Alex. Ibobo11 was appointed chairman
for the evening the following officers
were appointed for the mouth of Nevem.
her : President, Jas. Bowman ; vice•
Prod„ Wrn. Coobrane ; Soo.-Treas., A. II.
Cochrane ; Librarian, A. I. Maboll ;
Cum. of Management, Tom. Bone, Wm.
Bowman and Frank Armstrong. The
debate for the next evening will be "Re-
eolved that the world is becoming wore°
instead of better." 'Nearly $20 worth of
books have been purchased for rt loading
library for tho use of the membere of
this Society. This additional attraction
should increase the membership.
Wm. Jewitt, of the 2nd eon., a well
known farmer of Morris, cub and piled
two large piles of wood on the side of
the road betweeu the 1st end 2nd. One
of these was spocinl wood out fo o certain
party in Wingham. It was already
measured. Some fine follow, who per.
haps had no wood and did nob like to
soe other people have, undertook to re.
lieve Mr. Jewitt of part of the wood, or
perhaps some kind fellow, who had not
much wood to handle and did not like to
deo other people have, undertook to re-
lieve Mr. J. of part of the labor, or per-
haps it evaporated. Morris seems com-
ing to a pretty pass when cattle help
themselves to Parisgreen and deliberately
commit suicide and wood puts on its
overshoes and overcoat and 'shuffles off.'
Any information as to this stray wood
will be thankfully received by Mr. Jewitt
on his premises or by leaving it at Blue.
vale P.O.
Cvseeno bS'ook.
Thorn will be no service in the Metho-
disb ahuroh next Sabbath owing to it
being communion at Ethel.
Principal Cavae, of Toronto, preaches
the reopening services in Knox church
in this village next Sunday. Services at
11 a. no. and 0:30 p. m. A big crowd is
The following resolution of condolence
was passed by Court Woodbine, 0 .0. F. :
To James Cameron,
Doan Sm Ain Bnornsn.—At the last
regular meeting of Court Woodbine, No.
100, 0. 0. F., we, the undersigned com-
mittee, were inetrnoted, in behalf of the
Court, to convey to you the heartfelt
sympathy of the members of Court
Woodbine in the remit affliction that
has fallen to you in the death of your
dear wife and partner of your joys in
thisw orld of tears and sorrow. Tho
ways of Providence, to see, are past find-
ing ono, and although they do uppear to
bo sometimes very harsh yet all that Ho
does is for the bust, as we are told that
"all things work together for good to
those that love bho Lord." We trust that
the blessing of God will rest upon you
and your motherless children and that
you will ever look to Him wbo hae
promised to bo a father to the fatherless
and a frioud to the friendless. With
best wishes for your future prosperity
believe see in L., 13. and 0.
,lona Mallxoen, Committee.
Seven cents for a small loaf of baker's
bread hero now.
There is a slight change in the time of
retuning the trains on our railroad since
the new time table carne in..
Rich, Sperling, of Wingbam, is now to
be found en our market purchasing grain
and pork. Hs is an old head at the bus-
iness, it ie said.
Rev. Mr. Irvine, of the Nilo, will preach
in the Methodist ohuroh next Sabbath.
It is communion Sunday. Rev. Mr.
Tongs was at tho Nilo laeb Sabbath.
Jno, Denholm has shipped over 8,000
barrels of apples this season. The most
of them wont to the Old Oountry. Gray,
Young di Sparling's coopers have been
making some apple barrels toga through
the rush.
What about the fire engine ? Our town
daddies' ought to take the bull by the
horns and settle for the Ronald steamer
at °neo. The Watorous Oo'y do not
appear to be any way anxious to give us
an exhibition. Don't delay about the
Blyth needs a bettordistribution of
freight oars at the hands of the G. T. R.
—The street 000081nge put in better re-
pair.—Half dozen street laneps pot up at
the principal places—A now Town Hall,
—A few moro men with tho push of
Reeve Belly and Messrs. Gray, Young of
Sperling.—A resident lawyer.
The fifth of November will bo celebrat-
ed by the Orangemen of this loonlity with
a supper at half -past six in the Orange
hall hero, after which they will adjourn
to the temperance hall, whore' addresses
will be given by Revs. H. A. Thomas and
Tongo, Blyth, and Rev. Mr. Irvine, of the
Nina, and °there who have been invited.
Foniusnne.—Tho following officers were
0leoted for the ensuing term, at bho Met
oegular meeting of Court Morning Star
No 81 ..--john Johnson, 0.R. W. Cook-
erlino, V. 0. R, John W. hell, 11. S. J.
T. Oarbor, F. S. R. Sooners, Troae.
John M°Gill, Chap, A. Flowers, S. W.
John Booth, 3. W. 0. Martin, S. B. W.
Drummond, 3. B.
Mee. Eolcreior et'., is very tow at pros.
Mies. C. Davis bee gono to Toronto
for a short visit,
Wei. Dowonoll memo home from Eat
Portage last week,
Rom Mille has pnrobasod tho Henry
farm consisbing of 200 mares,
The Sons of Tamporailco met in their
now hall lath Friday revolting.
We regret to dinar that Ibire. Bobo,
Dobson line been thtncmrnusly ill at her
home in Whorboo..
Quarterly mootiug will be Bold in the
Methodist ehurolo next Sunday, service
to °ornmeneetot 10:110 aero
Thera will be sec, :melee in the Presby.
torian clnarch next Sundae, owing to the
nbtirch opooing at Creel:rods.
W. Patton hes Neon on the oio4 Ilot for
the last week, but we aro pleased to re.
port throb ho is somewhat bettor.
I Mrs. Isaac Dobson and daughter, wbo
have been visiting here, reburae I to their
1 home in Toronto on Wednesday.
Mr, Boyd, of Milton, ie the sash of
Jao. McKelvey. They wore schoolmates
forty years ago, on the Emerald Isle.
1 W. Hewitt, who has been home on a
digit, has gone back to Bay Cfbr, Ho is
working in a large carriage factory there.
Robt. MoKelvey's oalo carie off lest
Friday. Goo. Birkby welded the ham-
mer, and knocked things down at good
II David Milne has leased Robt. lfellel-
yey's farm. Tho Milne brothers will not
T e satisfied until they become bonanza
' Mrs. D. W. Milne and family left for
`Lockport hast Monday morning, whore
they intond to reside. Mr. Milne has
lbw!' working thorn all Summar,
I John Maxwell is home from his two
"months' trip to Manitoba, IIe likes the
country well, and the "Land of the prair-
ies," seoms to have agreed with him as
we never saw him fill his clothes better.
He has rented afarm there, and intends
going back next Spring,
Snow Hee several feet deep in Northern
The Czar's train was derailed at Bork
Station on Monday. None of the Im-
perirul family wore hart.
A mutinyocourred among the conviots
in a prison ab Orbitello, Italy. on Mon-
day. Thirty prisoners and several jail-
ors worn killed or wounded.
A despatch from Australia announced
that Searle has defeated Kemp in a
match for the sculling championship and
5500 a side on the Paramatts river.
The statue of General Gordon, which
has been erected in the very centro of
Trafalgar square, midway between bho
two fountains and was unveiled on Tues.
day, is the work of Homo Thornycroft,
R. A.
The city of Jerusalem is growing in
size and papulation at a remarkable
rate. New buildings aro rising daily.
Ohurahes, gardens and institutes of
various kinds are filling up the formerly
desolate neighborhood to the distance of
half an hour's walk beyond the old limits
of the pity.
The Agrioultaral Department rot Waoh.
ington estimates tho wheat crap at 411,.
000,000 bushels in round numbers. The
Farmers Review puts it at 419,000,000
bushels. Tho Financial Chronicle es-
timates the United States surplus at an
even 100.000,000 bushels, or 20,000,000
bushels less than that of 1887. The ao-
tual product of 1887 was 450,000,000
bushels, and as compared with the esti.
mates of 1888 a shortage of from 87 to 45
millions is indicated.
The fifteen groat American inventions
of world wide adoption are: -1, the cotton
gin; 2, the planing machine ; 3, the grass
mower and reaper ; 4, the rotary print -
in press; 5, navigation by steam ; 0, hot
air engine; 7, the sewing machine ; 8,
the India rubber industry; 9, the mach-
ine manufacture of boreeshoes; 10, the
sandblast for carving; 11, the gauge
lathe• 12,thegrain levator; 13 artifi-
r i -
o to
tial Ice aking n a large scale; 14, the
electric magnet and its practical applica-
tion ; 15, the telephone.
THE CREDITORS OF 11003a. 0 m,s,
IL late of the Township of Morrie, iu oho
Comity of Huron, Yeoman, who died On or
about the eighteenth day of August, 1886.
and others leaving Maims in respeab to hie
estate, aro hereby a chided to send on or be-
fore the seventeenth Jay of November, 1886,
to Hugh Si. Elliott or Richard Bowley, lex-
cantors, at Brussels P.O., or to A. Hunter,
Brussels, Agent for the acid ;.xeoutors, their
names and addressee with full partioulara
of their (Anima and the eecnritios (if any)
bold by them, and also that immediately
c, a ° at•�1• t�"8 tni
after the said date the assets of the said ° rInl's�
deceased will bo distributed among the par-
ties eotitledtli(roto, ;having regard only to
Maims of which the i'hxoonbers or their
P1i1 TVu4 U,N.DSn
of Private Funds have just be
placed in my hands for Tn.
Borrowers can have their loans
complete in three days if title is
40310 ' E. E. WADE.
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placcatl in 011) hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission,
Borrowers eau have loan. com-
pleted in Three Days if title
satisfactory. Apply to
Solicitor, Bruresis.
OCE 11i
Great Bargains ai the
"Bee -hive" in
Ten au
O ockory
For the next 2 weeks.
W. H. McCracken.
Look to Your Own Interest and get your . resting done at
Where you will get Flour second to none in the Dominion, and
yield per bushel equal to the highest.
shopping Done While You Wait,
Farmers Can Have Manitoba Wheat Flour
Without Extra Charge, if required.
All Kinds of Grain Bought for Cash.
Oat 1, 8-m
Brussels Purililure Em
Agent halo then notion, and tho executors
w111 not bo liable for any assets so distribut-
ed to any person of whose e)aim they shall
not have had natio". A. Hl)Y10It,
.Sgt. for 1':xecutors.
Dated at Brussels this nth day of Oct"bcr.
1888.. n14 -tins
E Economy Restaurant.
Haring just opened in the Brisk Conn-
or Store, formerly occupied by R, Mal-
colm, Brussels, the opposito cornier to
the Postolfice.
(AI all reasonable Hours)
A call is especially solicited and every
attention will be paid to Petrone. A lim-
ited number of Lady and Gentleman
Boarders wanted.
'Weil I neighbor, whore did you got that
fine working two borrow (•bang Plow ?" Well
810,1 got it from WII. MARTIN I0rriaaels,
you know be keeps the largest stook o1
BLOWS worth tho money in the trade.
Are you in toed of a general purpoeo
plow gall and eeo
THOS. HENDRY'S, of Saaforbh ;
'.roLTON'S, of Guolph, No. 7 clow ;
PA.TTFrRSON'S, of Woodstock.
Straw Cotters, Grain authors and
Grain Grinders,
1., 4, 0, 8 and 10 Horse Power.
in all Salo of Implomonto,
Wm, Martin.
Rowel : MAMMY ii S'oaooii,tr,
°U. ';I TUBE
I have a splendid Stock of Furniture at 1113- Show rooms,
Twr'raberr•y Street, Brussels, consisting of Parlor and
Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables, Chairs, Lounges, &c.,
that cannot be excelled for wear, or value. Always a big
Stock to choose from.
se's 7t 3f+.i cG" I i3..L 1f3 A FA Cr 2. I ;"i tee
As I have a very large and well made stock of Bedroom
Suites and Sideboards I will sell them. at yr'ecitiy redzu3-
ed Prices.- We have made a Specialty of these lines and
now is the time to make purchases.
Hand -made Furniture a special feature of our bias -
bless. A large stock of tip-top .l1fo7,blcZin4 for Picture
Frames. Work done with neatness and despatch. :1 nice
lot of Pictures, Foot Stools and fancy articles for sale,
A full lino of' Caskets, Coffins and Robes always on
laud. Two Hearses and a wee Delivery Wagon in
connection with our Establishment.
I pay special attention to Cavity and ,Ir'ter'itii
Embalminsi. Having taken three series of lessons on
Embalming from Prof, Itenomarcl, of Kansas, and having a
Diploma for the same, I feel confident in being, able to do
this work properly.
A beautiful range of McFarlane, 111clCi1llay & Co's patent
Linen Window Minds to hand, Every Idousekeeper
should see thele. They are .Dandies.
Save money by Patronising the Old Established Furni-
ture Emporium.
Vet. 17 1 011 -ti'