HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-11-2, Page 1e,4 gePassoe.P.... Volume 16. COMM U N ICATIONS. Fostoffiee Grievance. ro Me Bettor Of Tina Poini. Sin. --.I think it will be in the interests of the public to expose the manner the conspirators of Mr. Grant are following in reference to the ponoffico and then endeavor to had hire from tho position, and to do so I will moution the latest grievance and when your readers under- stand it they will tbink, as I do, that it is either a ease of stealing, lying or parse- oution, or all three. Ono day last week a letter was put in lithetton Bros. box addressed, as the clerk eupposecl, to them and as Jas. Stretton, jr., also supposed as ho opened it, but on opening it ho dis- covered it was for Strachan Bros. Ho showed the envelope to some partiea, ono being the inoutheneoe of the enepirators, Mr. Jenkins, who asked Stratton to give it to him, knowing that he was asking him to do wrong when he asked hint. Stretton refused, saying he dare not as he must return it to the office, but evi- dently after some of the parties present left he changed hie mind, knowing, aa. cording to his own confession, be was doing wrong as he knew B did not be- long to him but to Stream' Bros. He put the contents of tho letter in another envelop° and banded it to Geo. Halliday, A dark in the store of Strachan Bros., tolling him the original envelope got lost Or denroyed, while he either had it or had given it to Jenkins. On Salntday last the envelope bo said was lost came to Mr. Grant from the Inspector, poking for an explanation. On it Wee written "Opened by me but not for mo, (signea) Zee. Stretton Bros." Now, I have no doubt your readers would like to know why ho signed the firm name me Jas. Stratton Bros, whoa he knew it was Stretton Bros. Who suggested it to him 2 I think your readers can easily imagine who rlid. When he signed it an ho did he know he was Mating Meat was false, and must have done it for an ob- ject, and I can think of no other than to mislead the Tweeter, as there is more differenoe betweea Straohau lame. and Jas. Stretton Bros. than Stretton Bras., and it would lead the Iuspsator to think it was very careless on tho part of the postoffiee, while the envelope was so ad- dressed, es anyone eon see, more like Stratton Bros, that Strachan Bros., hence the mistake, as it wee one any person would be liable to make. Now, when it becomes a necessity to resort to such trioks to trump up 5 grievance where none existed tillage are coming to a pretty pass, If anyone suffered it was Strachan Bros., not Stratton Bros., but they have no complaint to make only /.bout the way their Formate was used and the purpose. This is it sample of the perse- °titian ever sine the instructions were given to Mr. Jenkins to write Mr. Grant Up end not to. praise him, aa he did in the previous issue of the Budget, and it ought to be enough to make all fair. minded mon, notwithstanding their creed or politica, to see it is nothing but a persecution and that Grant is the perse- cuted, not Jenkins, as he would have - people believe. When fair-minded men will examine, closely, the movements of the conspirators in reference to Mr, Grout said other citizens and diecounten. nee Mr, Jenkins and hi backers in every way then, and not till then, will the scurrilous articles that have appeared weekly in the Budget cease. Anyone wishing to know the particulars more fully than I have given them should see Strachan Broe. and the envelope and they must be satisfied that it is 5 perse- cution and that Jenkins end his co- operators are what he so flippantly calls others—"oads," for if you will closely examine his articles and compare tie= with the man Senking you will gee that he is only pioturing his own true char. eater and not the poor elegem. Oa. 29, '88. A Loam Or Pas PLAY. FROM Oltlt MLIJASELITs. To the Batter of Trim Pam P.leitseSimite, W.V. Oet. 15, '88. Doan Sm, --Long, long ago, I promised to write you, but have thus far tailed to fulfill my promise, however, 1 will write you now to advise you of my change of address. In the month of June last left Hamilton, Ohio, for this place. When I loft Canada I moved to Hamil- ton Obio, whet° I Worked for a short time, then wont to Central America on a business trip for the firm. I again work. al Inc a short time and was unfortunate enough to break my leg and dislocate my ankle joint, was under tho dootor's care for over three months when I again went to work for a time until I engaged in thle city, not only as superintendamt but as partner itt well iu the largest maohine shop in tho city as well as the almond - into country., Tile city of Parkersburg is somewhat picturesquely situated on the boulte of the Ohio lliver, tvhioh is liter. ally studded with barges and packets of all kinds in ordinary high water, and the Little Kanawha, tohiole is not only navigable but more than twice the depth Of the Ohio, into which it empties how. The "Little IConawha" is navigable for some 'ranched miles with three looks, about fifty miles from hero. The fam- ous summer resort, "The Burning Springs," aro sixty miles distant from this pined up this river, a daily steamer plying between the two places, Moo reg. War deem= Mere= Lotiisvillo Ken- tucky, Oincinnabti and this port and steamers from the Gulf run up as fat as bios feequeotly. fleet finished the ma. Shinty for the dune "O. C. Martio" last week and expeot to finish tho ma. thinory for the eteitenoe "Monteith" this week to go lo New Orionis with preclude and fruit, witiesh, by tho way, is vory plentiful hate. Tho famous Diann- heogrett leland is in sight of my hourte and a tell view hp and down tho Obi° and Ertnetwho Riven, tho steamboat landing being.right in faint of my re:Odor:co, but I have now moved to the elty for the Whites: for 001We/tie/Me, Wo pay $1,75 per tem for and, we eon lteop Wean at that rate. The longest railwayWage M the U.S. is right horo, bringing the Clitoinnetti, Wothing= di Baltimore tains into the eity. The Baltimere ete BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOV. '1888. Ohio, and Ohio Myer railroads add to tho enlivenmenbof the eity's commerce. Tho city has a population of aver 13,000, hes vory lino bueldingo and they are now paving the streets with brit*, which makes a, splendid pavement, Tho con• try surrounding the city is mountainous and the :scenery is bettatiful. Through. the summer I lived outside of the fifty at the foot of a mountain known as "Fort Boremon," General 'Boren:Ian' making a bit on the top of the moun- tain daring tbo American rebellion, The Presidental campaign is beginning now as wallas that for Governor of the States whish makes people lively, even if busi- ness is somewhat doll, however, the words, "business dull" is very soldom heard hero ; on the contrary it is lively. It is mousing to 1110 10 hear the people speak of the Retaliation Bill, spoken of by Cleveland. This State being strongly Democratic will give a large majority Inc °Becloud, however, the betting on the election itt livoly, thousands of dollen are being put up daily, however, Cleve- land is favored in the main. No more this time. Mateo address your valuable paper to 316 11, 7th streot, Parkersburg, W.Va. Hoping I have not tired yen, if not, you may hear from me again, I re- main, Yoors D. D. Sonoma, IIRADT 1080 vuoMJS otA WAR. To tits Editor of 'Imo PoBT. Sao—By the last oopy of the Budget roe:lived, 1 see the editor has assumed a new and more traotoble role, and I most confess it gives me much pleasure to bear testimony to the fact. As is well known, the differonoe between him. and me was not of my seeking, but I am Irish enough when "a castor is shed in- to the ring," to kick it out at the first opportunity. After a storm, are are told, comes a °aim, and personally I have no desire to again disturb the elements, but although willing to have peace, I am prepared for war. About that action for criminal libel, I might say I am well aware that a con. spiracle, was entered into between certain partial to have mo cemmitted, without the option of bail—if it was only for one honr—but conspiracies are penitentiary offences, and the clanger involved in "put- ting up the job" on me proved n deter- rent. On Friday morning, Oct. 19, a prominent lawyer need° me aoquaintod with the details of the plot and van- tarily offered to moke afildavib to the particulars. Conoerniag the witness feeo, my raft - son for returning them to the deft. iu the recent libel suit were two in number. First, 1 didn't think the amount of evi- deuce I gave was suffieiently valaable to the deft.; and in the second place, I saw a tired -looking, careworn woman sitting in the Court -room wbo, I was informed, had some little ones at home, and 1 Mit that every dollar taken from the husband and father's pooket would be felt most by her and the little ohildren. My rea- son for using my legal right in the mat- ter of fate Wes to enter a protest in open Court against the irregular manner in which deft. was conducting his ease. I also observe that the editor of the Budget is not desirous of continuing the aontroversy, and is anxious that I should make any future explanation& in my own paper, instead of through the columns of Too Poen I regret to bays to state that I do not intend to carry out bis re- quest in this regard, I have no over- whelming ambition to keep up the dis- cussion, but, if occasion demands it, I want to put my yiews on record in the looality where the editor of the Budget and I are personally known, and where practically the same constituency oan see both sides of the one. Isn't that fair There is but ono other point to which I need allude at the present writing, and that to with regard to the schoolboy ef- fusion signed, ".A. Citizen," which ap- pears Oil the first page of the Budget of last week. It is not good form to try atud kiok every nameless yellow dog that barks at you from the other side of the fence. Men don't do it in their every- day walk, and newspaper men, who know their business, apply the same rule to anonymous aorrespondents. 15 is auffieMnt for me and the people of your section to know that he ie ashame5 to sign his production and I want am better testimonial in my favor than tho elf -evident Etta that alter a. long real. demo in your thriving town no one can come forward over hie own signature gainer me. Only the "yellow dog" arks, and as he hides behind the fenee, hers is no need to bother with him. I ave beard of puppies baying the moon, ut the moon neither pulled down tho liod nor barked beak. That's about ho size of the communication from "A itizon," If ho over ameba to bo a skulk - ng coward, and wants to appear in the pen arena, I will be most homy to at - end to him, as ho deserves. But the eople of Brussels will never hear from irn except from the other side of t110 edge. Men such as be love darkness other than light, for their deeds ore al. And now, Ur. rditor, allow me to thank you for your courtesy M allowing o M present any side of the onto to your °adore. I don't think there tall be any ceasion for me to again appear in the iecussioh of your /mead questions. The owls of dissention in your midst aro apparently fast calming from the horio- aud tho whitominged and star -eyed oddoes of Poitoo bids fair to once) =al eb hot benign effulgence over all and undry who erstwhile wore in the tomtit bitterneee and them of enmity. My dvice now itt, shako hamlet all around.; russets is too small and life too short centime° the interneeine atrifo which ag of late &tempted the treotion and de, eted the fintatoial Oesourees of doin0 Of refilderitei Turn your aworde into unoung imoke let amity take the please strife; forgA the individual &Binge of 00 falowe, if blisy tilloW on ettriMot det. re to atone Mt Hot poet, and direa ur bolt efferts Oft upbuilding of your ibito intdente, In the inguago of the tb Gonetal Gale% "Lot nOlutteepeaeol" 10110 0 b In 0 of 05a G bit of 13 to 11 51 PO of 10 yo 51 PI 15 Fourth Division Court. The sittings of thrs Oh Division Court of Huron hold: on the 25th ulto,, andge Doyle presiding. The following was the list Of easel; dealt with &token v. 13rookeriridge.—Action of disputed note and agreement, before a jury. Hold that the Court had no juris. dietion, Counsel foo of 10.0 allowed de. fondant. Ross v. AlexenOer. — Garnishee ease, Adjourned for service in primary debtor. Dunford v, Holland. Judgmeat for Rogers ed al v. Timmins, interpleader ISSIV0.—Judgrnent against claimaint with costs and counsel fee of OW allowed plaititiff. Ifarbottle v. Ethel Obeeee Factory, garnisbee.—Judgroent Inc primary ored- itor. Harbottle v. Taylor, Corporation of Grey garnieheas.—judgment for plaintiff against primary debtor and garnishee:a. McGuire v, Wells. — Judgment for plaintiff with oosts. Wade v. Kelly, Corporation of Bros. sets garnishees. — Adjourned. till next Court as to garnishee. A number of judgment summons were heard and the usual orders made. oweIon. Snorts. All -Hallow Eve, or Efallovve'en to USO the Scotch contraction, is the name pop• ularly given to the eve of All Hallows or All Saints : therefore 0 came on the 31st of October, Wednesday night. The eve is said to celebrate festival of the Druids, but whether thio is true or not it was long customary in England to roast nuts', duok for apples in a pail of water, and perforin other harmless fire. side revelries in honor a the evening. The same customs existed in Scotland, but the Hallowe'en ceremonies of that oouutry savored more of a superstitious character, and among the runlets the charms worked upon this eve were firm- ly believed to disclose their life partners. Robert Burns says that it was the nights When Fairies light On Cassilies Downans dance. Or owre the lays lu splendid blaze On sprightly cieurses.prenoe. Ib Was supposed to be night of ravel- ry for witches, devils and other mischief making people, and upon this night the fairies held a grand anniversary. PERTH CollniTT ASSDIRS. Eocetallinn ri1011 MIST mum) The following report dates from Oc- tober 24. Haffner vs. W. H. White, et al — Ac- tion to set aside an agreement and to re- oover a sum of money paid od a farm in the township of Moto, The ease of Pat. Morrisaey, for assault. ing and feloniously wounding a GOLD. ear tapper, on the 19511 of Sept etnber, oc- cupied the attention of the Court for three hours. A true bill was found against W. Steele veterinary surgeon, for perjury, and Frank Ennis for rape. anon ailitt's Deena:macre. In their presentment the Greed jury geld they had inspected the jail and found only 18 prisoners. The young lads Merkine and Connolly, will appear for sentence when called upon. His Lordship administered a good lecture to the lads before they were allowed to go. The naso of W. Steele for alleged pew. jury, well postponed at the solicitation of the Crown A.ttorney, until the Spring Assizes, VIEBAI. v. Sown= et al.—Thia 50os F‘n action to recover damages for the des- truobion by fire of the plaintiff's sew illm and machinery in the township of Eirea, the plaintiff claiming that the fire was started by a clearing blaze on the adjoin- ing farm of the defendant, Sabre:far. Tlle defendant claims that it was some c3ther cause than what plaintiff charges that started the fire, and that the 02ill have been saved had an effort bean made. The assize court hoe just got an elephalit off its hands in the ease of Conrad Nisbet v. Woofer et at. The case was begun on Wednesday about 4:80 o'oloelf and the jury retired to their rooms shortly itfter 1 p.m., Friday, to °volute verdiot out of the masa of evidence and the °anneals' and the judge's summing up. The wort also eat Otte Thursday night, There were eleven witnesses examined for the pus°. oution and nine for the defence, Tho Claim Wee handled by Irlington es Palmer Inc plaintiff, and by Mobee GearinO for clefenclante. The addregges bo the jury and the judge's charge oocupied all the morning and more. The whole ono hinged on the alleged negligence of Al- bert Sthrefer, wbo was engaged by lois mother to °low by fire the brush front half tax acre of her land adjoining the plaintifre sow mill. The plaintiff claim. ed bloat the awing blaze spread to hie mill and caused its dostruotion. The de fence denims and showed by wit- neseos that the wind Was blowing &way from tho mill at the time of the fire, The jury wets required among others to an. ewer Ong question : "Was the fire that burned /glebes mill fildi by defendant, Saltmfer." After being out nearly tom and athalf Imre the twelve good row and true &flavored : "No ; to the best of 000 knowledge it was not," The jury were polled by the plaintiff'et solicitor end on tho finding of the jury his Lord- ship entered o vet:diet for the defendant. ligi The women of Alneriert eXpend .98,000,- 0 annually for paint and powder for it fang. Advioes from the Bonny River, Africa, o revolting story of memo atrocitiee onniboliem, The Malian teibo, mn ettgo for same Minty, invited 11, party Ogonis to it friendly polaver, and thou 00 tho giv 501 rov of orit nib dos tett vitt rttg D. 115toOtr5�inuiit, the, arid ohildron, Wore killed ma Olean. "Washington Letter. (Prom our Be:lulu (lei:respondent.) Wasuiturron, Oct, 37,15811. however confident politicians of either party greatest anxiety and uncertainty is felt, Every possible effort is being made to got money and workers into the field, and in private eoeferenee the same rota. Mimeo to not manifested that is giveu expression to for publication, Every nerve is being strained and every resoeree tooted. to nay on the ffght. It is very generally understood that as =oh money au can bo raised for that purpose will be put into Nene York state. Both potties will do as much in thio way as they can afford. It is sail that a strong pressure is being brought to bear on the Clovermnont employees in this city, and that the intimations that the money ie needed very badly are made more pronounced as tho day of the elec- tion approaches. Roluotamee on tho part of employees cello for renewed apposite, and it is probable thet the money collect- ed here will round up M a pretty good sum. Notwithstanding the failure of the extra month's pay, the employtee of tho Howse have generally found it possible to contribute. All Of the higher officials in the De- partments are expected to feel enough hi. tenet tho result to contribute, and many in the lower grades are doing so, Applicant® Aro being made, by both part- ies, but, of course, the money is going chiefly one way. A. number of officials are out taking part in the campaign. Secretary Whitney, Secretary Fairchild and Assistant Secretary Maynard, the Postmaster General and n large number of the subordinate officiate of his Depart. meant are in the canvass aotivoly. The sundry civil bill provides 34,000,- 000 for the new Congressional Library building, and places General Oasey, Ohief of Engineers, in there° of the pre- paration of the necessary plans and the conetruotion of the building. In accord - nee with the provisions of the law Gen- eral Clany has a force at work preparing the plans, and expects them to be soon• plotted before Conran meets io Decem- ber, and if they are approved he will have everything in readiness to begin building in the Spring, The 18,w requir- es that these plans shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Secretor - les of War and Iuterior, bot they will doubtless be considered by Congress be- fore work is commenced. The matter will be brought to the attention of Con- gress in the annual report of the Cleief of Engineers, if not as a epoch& measure before tbo report is submitted. Congress will undoubtedly therefore have ample opportuntity to pass upon the revised project. A. meeting of the Washington mon:there of the Board of Promotion of the Con. etitutional Centennial and World's Ex- position was held this week. The pur- pose of the meeting was to make ar- rangements for the national board— governore of states, presidents and sec- retaries of boards of trade and mayors of leading oities—to hold a convention at 'Washington during the first weak of December. The Constitutional Oentennial bill has been passed by the Senate arid unanim- ously reported by the House Committee. The Throe Americas' Commercial Con- gress bill has beootne mw and the President has sent cub invitations to all the nations of the Western Hemisphere to meet in this city October 2, 1889. The Permanent Exposition bill has been reported unanimously by the House foreign affairs committee. It Is prooticially certain that the two exposition bills will become law before the Christmas holidays. The leaisla. tures of thirty states will *hold their bi. manual session in Jonuory. The purpose of getting the national board of governors, OM. here in December is to be ready to get right to work as soon toe the bills are passed, so ElS to give these legistotures an opportunity to provide for the part to be token by the various stens end terri- toriee in themelebratiou, and also to be ready to prooeed at once with all the other work necessary in preparation of the expositions. It is expooted that nearly every one of thogovernors, duty= and presidents and sooretaries of the boards of trade will bo in attendance at the convention. The annual report of the Commissioner of Labor, col. Carroll D. Wright, will be sent to Congress when that body meets in December. It is devoted mainly to statistics in rogord to tho oonditiou for working women in this country. The Mote colla,ted have refuel= to the sooiel, sanitary and economic affairs of women 4.4exeroe-tol eree.vet. employed in shops and faotories. An interesting incident of those statistics is Mr. Spurgeon is ill mad unable to that they wore collected by women who preaoh. ware employed as special agents of tho The victims of the Poroma landslide Department for that purpose. Over now number 24. 17,000 women were Interviewed, and the The independence of Corea is likely to results are being tabulated, and it is be- bo declared shortly. /loved that the subject matter of the Kingitfilan has settled 1,000,000 francs report will make it one of the most in• on his divorced wife. toresting over issued by the Labor De. Wolves and coyotes 550 doing great pea:Omen t. damage on the Montana rename. Wa,terbury, Conn., has voted to furnish free text books to tho Publio sohoolo. Perth County Notes. The Lanoathite colliery °venom aro yielding to the domande of the minere. In one of tho Italian quarters in New York a atm nil now be had for three cents. The Gorman Government will take no official port in the Etnin Bay relief ex., pedition, Since the war of '70 Faunae bas spout 7,710,000,000 franca besides the "ordiitory mantes," At the banquet to Kaiaor William et the Viennese eourt, tho Whoa all kept their gloves on. orosa Sootchtnen Ohio:too talk Of °rooting tt statute of tho poot Burns ho Linooln Perk in that oily, St Lode hoe emoted monument to Genorol Grant aimed of New York, The snit loode the tottoise. The daily Onetemption of neeffies in America is Said to ba 4,200,000, most of Whieh can hone Redditth, Eng. Thitty thousand mon atmloyed ho the Derbyshire (Alain he,Vo beat rtelneeded ate OdVatioo Of 10 per net. itt waged. -ooessese „ .114.4.41 Number 16. The Stratford Witter Supply Company Tito champion jumper of Seals, Neb., hove decided to tired, a stand.pipo met- la 11, WOIDUIL In a oOlitlisi. last week she ing between 916,000 mid 317,000. jumped 9 feet 2 incluse without weights. There was a large amount of business A Ministerial crisis is expected in Atm - transacted in the Stratford ost °fit tri a owing to the combined opposition of Monday of last we ek. Them hundred the Carman °temente against Count von and sixty five registered letters and 1,200 Tunic, ordinary letters passed through the office. Winifred Frellek, a SohdOlIdistresa 50 Over OW/ in orders and dep tsits wore Anutdor comity, Col., is n Dian in hunt- macle in the P. 0, twinge brink. Wm. MaKay, am 010 lestoe in the iquugalairoawt oosus,,. 04.8the recently killed eight cooper :Mop of K. Waring, St. Mart% 0 During the month of August 18,000 ono of the bit -bit barrel makers in the oinbrellas were loft in the re P•tety oar. province, He math, over 400 barrels riages of the Coited Kingdom and 50,000 within regulation houra in five dem mei articles of oll so= wore to,o, a half too week, he rnade over 100 on A Baotou merchant ie ss ardent a Monday and intends to finish 1100 tide lover of the gun shot he give; three days week before Satardey night. a week to field and forest. He even had Tho young people of tit Attwool his pockets silted the other day. Preebytorion church have formed a The authorities of Portstreeeth, Eng., Yong People& Christian Angoelotion. have built a owinimitot bath for peeper Officers for Oho oreeent quarter MIT obildreu, who will all La required to elected no fuliowe Preeirieut, Rev. A. learn to swim es a part of their regular Henderson ; Ist vie-Pre:10 W. H. Knox ; schonling. 2nel vice-Pree„ Min Hamilton ; Secret- Daniel Hand, of Geilelferd, Coon, has tary, Geo. Harvey ; Treeemor, 1'. W. given 61,000,000 in trust to the Aoterlean Whiignchn4mber of Stratford eportsmou zpent which ie to be devoted to the 0 -location Missionary Association, the interest of a number of days hunting deer in the of colored p:ople in tho South. Ellice warn lately. They chased one n A novel contest that will take plaos consider:title-distance and wore about se. shortly in New York is a wonting metal curing the prize when a farmer shot it. betweeu two rapid money changers. One He refused to let the sportsmen have it has bet the other 3200 that he oan beat unless they paid him for it. The hat him counting, piece by piece. 310,000 in was passed around and the dear par- silver coin of all denorainatieno charted. Alex Monbeimer, a °bingo Herald Tho chocolate fiend is still at work, it compositor, has broken the type -netting seems. 111. George Bear, of Stratford, record. His string fOr SLY days, or 453 received a north box all the other even- hours, is 101,000 ems. He worked alto. ing, addressed in De bold hand. The box gather on straight copy. The former had two three -cent postage stamps on it ; records were: Duguid, Cincinnati Ho- lt was done up in coarse, white paper and ouiror, 117,000 ems in seven days, inelud• tied with an ordinary string. The drops ing 12,000 ems opick.up," and Milo, are differently made from the ordinary Minneapolis Tribane, 105,000 erne in oh000late drops, seven cloys. 5. pair of carrier pigeons but three months old, and entirely untrained, were sold by a man in New Limon to n oitizen in Boston, who carried them home with him. A. month afterward they appeared at their old home in New Haven, and were shortly followed by a postal oard from Boston, saying that they were Min- ing. The question is yet to be answered: How did these young and untrained birds know the way from Boston el New Moen, a distance of 145 miles ? Sultan Maley Hassan, of Morocco, is a man about forty -Eve years of age, though it is possible that he does not know his meet age. As he bas 8,500 wives 15 10 probable that he looks older that he really is. He is n handsome man, with a calm, imposing manner whiell is most becoming. His eyes are mors animated and show more shrewdness than those of roost of his eotintrynien. Re is fairly well informed on European topics, but his information is marred by frequent exhibitions of startling ignorance. Alto. gather he does not appear like a man who is charged with deeds of the most revolting cruelty. Tice first train to pan throagh the Wickes tunnel on the Montana Central Railroad was the excursion to Boulder on Friday. The passage occupied twelve minutes. The tetanal is eighteen miles from Helena on the branch to Butte, and runs through a large mountain of the Boulder divide. It is 6,200 feet long, be. ing the largest in Montana. It runs 'through solid rock and its construction cost about 31,500,000. 'Work was emu - maned in Mao, 1887, and daylight was let through 'it in September of this year, Trains will henoeforth run throuati the tunnel regularly. It is the intention of tbo oompany to line the tunnel with mas- onry, which will necessitate a further outlay of a quarter million d011erS. t..41.14 adia Ne -too tee. Nova Scotia's cranberry crop for the year foots up to 145,000 barrels. Paisly has appointed Wm. Brown en- gineer of the village waterworks at a eat- ery of 3476. A. toboggan slide is in course of nee - Hon itt Strathroy. tho shute 'of which will be 400 feet in length. 0. Coughlin, of Amlierstburg, is the holder of ticket No, 97,429, winch drew the capital prize of 37,500 in the Little Louisiana State Lottery. J. G. Mothers, son of Charles Mothers, of Xining Township, has boon appoint. ad aocountant and solicitor in the A.ttor- ney-General'e office in Winnipoh. John OfePhereom of Kinteal, Bruce County, put the 10 lb, shot 45 feet 2 inches at Orillia, beating the world's best amateur as well as professional re- cord by 83 mohee. .5. two year old child of Peter Welsh, al Courtland, mot with a sod death a few days ago. The child woe eating ohest. mite, when n portion of one of the nuts lodged in its throat. A. physician was called as speedily as nossible, but arrived too late to save the child's life, The largest pike ever known to have been ofiOtured in Canada now in the city of Torooto. The pike is 4 foot 8 inches in length, measures 2 feet io girth and weighs 36 pounds. 15 15 undoubtedly the largest and heaviest fish of its specnes Mt secured in Canada, It comes frott9 Sturgeon Falls. Two old ladies named. McLeod, oe- oupyiug the hind seat of a conveyancer met with a serious mishap•Snuloy while retuning Boni autrole 'Colon to their homos. .A. couple of boys caught on to the hind seat, in Attempting to got a ride, pulled tho seat over, otereening the old la,diee on the roadway. One was quite seriously injured, if not Wally, while tho °thee otionmed cornpOratively uninjured. Extraordinary yiold'of Ws, Tho De. pertinent of Agrioulturo has reoeivect report froot its ogeat at Chtlgary, who states that the crops between MoLood and leareonten, W, ewe ripenod favorably, and will yield in many Neon extraordinary acturns. On one form, near Calgary, 970 bashole oroa woke takon tont ton aorde, giVing avento of 07 bushole to the Oro, with average of 47 pounds to the Moiled. Anther farm of 12 Wee gave /20 an average of 473 poen& to the bileheir while a measured aerie of Wheat Dream:Ma 24 busholo, A third faint gave an Mit. age of 60 busltolo of *Mt to tile intro. Iftwon County W. Saunders, of the Exeter Advocate, is putting in a power pan. Hail stones as lave as pigeon's eggs f ell On Saturday evening at Goderich. The Clinton Victoria cricket club in- tend holding a concert on Thanksgiving day. The poles for the electric lights are being plancl around the town at Gods. rich. Oboe. Spooner delivered at the News. Record office, Clinton, n mammoth pa - tato, weighing by Fairbonit's scales, over 52 ounees. Evangelists Crossley end Bates aro exported in Clinton sbortly to open up a series of meetings in the Methodist churches. Messre, Tambling Jones, of London, have boon awarded the contract for the new Prot Office at Godorieb, the figures being 313,000. Seven young men were arrested et Clinton last Sabbath and incarcerated for the night in the Tombs on snspicion of having stolen some goods belongin to a Jew peddler. Rev. J. Livingston, of Clinton, received the sad intelligence that a brother's -in -kw son, residing in California, had been killed by tho accidental discharge of a gun. Ile was about 19 years of age. The brickwork of the new Royal hotel, Gorrie, is completed and the inside is being pushed forward rapidly. Ferguson Bros. of Teeswat4r, Bones/moo to A. Welch, of Gerrie, Lave taken pos- session, and apparently are doing rush- ing business. D. Floody, of Clinton, the other day toeeived a couple of ortieles, sent him as mementoes, that are dear to the heart of every Orangeman. One is n bottle of tatter from the river Boyne mud the other a piece °Wi base of King Will- iams' monument. Thursday evening William), Brownlee, about 65 years of age, was found dead iu his house at Exeter, by Constable Creech. 15 appears that he had been sawing a stick of wood plaoed on two choirs in the house and had fallen back and died. Ho has been living alone in a small house in the north end of the vill- age for several emote. The Blyth Standard says :—Our read- ers will remember the aocident that oo. ourred to Metiers. Webster and Robert- son, of Hullett, as they were Orbiting home from Blyth last Spring, by the tel. ogra.ph wire on the boundary catching on to the pale of a land roller they hed in the wagon. They sued the tologroph company for demagog, and at the mimes held Goderich last weak the company settled with them by giving Wobeter 31,- 000 and Robertson 3250. The Hibbott plowing match was hold at Sten, oti the 81st inst. The Dr. jog Mediated troupo, led by J. 13. Waboon, is doing this County. A womata who keopo a hotel at Ros- tock was fined 060 at the poliee court for selling liquor in too large quantities. BIos maolduery is being rapidly placed into pogition in the now Maxwell bend - logo St. Marys and tho work will non bo atoning order, At the minded mooting of the Ontario S. 53, Association 'at Kingston, IL las Goolding, of Stratfoyd, Man Hord, of Mitoholl, oral the Bev. 11, lioneilton, of MotherWell wore oMotod ethane and rapped and MailEiaMIed them. A oart. inembere Of committette, feast of the moat beanie ani in. The caretaker of St. joseph's church at:Bobble ammeter follOwed, Then On Strotford, heard s, droop no= in the sok was inado upon the uhdefonded choir left. Upon invoatigation, female agog, and the moot barbarous eat. ohild throe walks did was foetid theme at Wen 00111Mitted, It is astimatoci A woman heavily veiled WAS neon to enter t come 160 Mena, inoluding wen= the choral in the attertmou carrying e, bundle,