HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-10-26, Page 8THE SRUSSLES -POST
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,WAnta,7,f!r_.' e d)
Mr, T. F. Core)', of I'etrolia. status
that Ile was cured of Catarrh Df ilfty
years standing,
Mrs, A. W. Sword, 295 Ridout Sb„
London, writes that Medical Lake Salts
mired him of Catarrh in its worst form.
This taxiway is especially recommended
Mr. Thos. 11. Musson, 804 Dundee St.,
London. Ont., says :--"Three boxes of
Medical Lake Salts have oared me of a
very bad case of Eryeipilae and Rheum-
Druggist, Bookseller, see„
Agent in BrrrcCTs,
I,tf;,'E DY
gives snail nniveraal eatisfaetiotl es the
COUGII REMEDY manufactured in
Seaford', called
• ---1 UMSOHN & WILSON'S-- ,"
oaRoyal° Glyooratoi bloom o€ !Ira
Win, er n'n•n�°"n'Mnro•ern,e n„a r n'nnan'+a'
Its wonderful virtues have created a
demand for the Preparation from all
parts of the Province.
I)rnggists sell it. Price 50 uta.
17 -lime.
soreur.nN EXTENSION , w. G. d n. R.
Teunsnee, November 15th, le appoint.
ed Thanksgiving day.
61.30 bee been paid for wheat on Brue-
eele market ibis week,
25 OR :IS, i1x advaiteo, Secures Tete Pun
for the balance of 1888.
LAMS MON is nursing a poisoned
band which is very painful.
Tncner.se of titin week was Court day.
Judge Doyle was on the bench.
Os Thureday of next week the month
of November, will be ushered in.
Puente framing attended to with neat-
ness and despatch et Leatherdale's.
Miss Lizzie HABBiIS, of Algoma, is vis-
iting relatives and friends in this locality.
Alum G000 received a big lot of rub -
ben and leather boots that be will sell
cheap. 12.
Tna I'oer from now to the end of I889
for 61.00, in advance. Nearly 15 months
Tne Voters' List Court for the village
of BrusseIe will be held on friday, Nov.
10th, at 0 o'clock a. m.
STATIONMASTER Citr•.tolir'cN ite off for a
few holidays this week. Relieving agent
Sheebe is filling hie place.
A menet resident, in the person of T.
Found, was married to Miss Dolgatty, of
Orey, on Wednesday of this week.
A. NUMBER of the members of the I. 0.
G. T. went to the District Lodge at
Blyth last week. They report having a
gond bine. •
Born Society meeting int Melville
churcb on Monday evening,' Nov, 5th.
The agent, Rev. J. Manly, will deliver a
thanes on "Babylon end Israel."
To Arnie GEOwEnz.--I wish it to be
distinctly understood that I will not pack
any apples that have been left outside.
IT is said I3. L. Jackson contemplates
removing to the vacant store in the poet
ofilee block and will carry on hie basi-
nese there. It is a good location.
LAsr Friday night somebody threw a
stone through A. Bruce's shop window
Trainsleavb Brussels Station, uort and breaking three large panes of glass. It
south as fellows:- I was a contemptible piece of bustnees.
Cuing South. Going North.
Mail....,.._,,.. 7:02n.m, I Mixed .......,...9:50 a.m
afix• edes......1 thS5 p•imn, I Express ...•....O 45p.m
.nrat ge 5 aftfin5,
A chiel's amang ye takin' notes
Au' faith he'll prent it.
L'wx.ut Summer.
Seam along the news.
Burge oysters on Saturday. A. Good.
MUNE STasrrall is home f1•nm Kinear.
Jaeger( CL::ao chipped anotber car of
cattle this week.
1.C. Reenters for cheap horse blankets,
trnelcs, valises, dc.
Tian POST for the balance of 1000 for
20 cents, in advance.
BI:ttwrerL linen window blinds at low
prices at Leatherdale's.
ON Wednesday of this week P. S. Scott's
row died from an overdose of food.
Amur Gene, has received 00O lbs. of
grapes, which be will sell cheap by the
basket, 13.
ANY quantity of fresh lime at the Kiln,
Brussels, for 11 cents a bushel. W. P.
Kelly, Prep.
Tan trick elephant's performance at
Smith's Bell Ringers is well worth the
admission fee.
STove WOOD Tan sSLE.-Ten cords of
stove wood, ready for the stove, for sale.
Apply to A. Ournn:, Brussels,
Me. STrvENS, of Walkerton, is can-
vassing the town and locality in the in -
tweets of the daily and weekly Empire.
Two fine Dunham pianos were brought
so town last Wednesday by Scott Bros.,
of Seatorth. They were sold to Rev. W.
T. Cleft and J. D. Ronald.
PEnsoxs cannot fail to be suited in the
lenge and well selected stook of furniture
at R. Leatherdele'e show rooms. Goode
delivered free in the country.
CoNsTAELs McCool: and his deputies
will do well to be on the alert nest Wed-
nesday night (Hallowe'en) and give all
"jokere” a night in tho "cooler."
LAnrEs' satchel lost on Friday, 5th
inst„ between the centre of Brussels and
the station, The finder will please leave
it at Tye Pose Publishing House for the
T. Gr1r.Iir was in town on Wednesday
serving summons on witnesses in aonoee.
tion with the Hunter -Beattie case which
will be heard next Tuesday before Judge
Toms, in Godericb.
NOTICE os Restorer,. -Dr. Graham has
removed bis of5oe and place of residence
from bis brick block, Turnberry street,
to Inc new residence, oppoeiteeMelville
church, William street. 14.
Loon Ore, -The farmers of this section
ebould be ou the look out for a party of
swindlers wbo bate been "doing' the east
and are Maid to be now operating in liter -
en County. Be warned in time or else
don't do any growling when you get badly
Wein Dreerse AND Di i.nsi,--George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
.digging and drilling wells and is prepared
to attend to ell work entrusted to him in
away that will insure satisfaction. Tome
reaeonable. Residenoo second door north
of the bridge, west side of Turnberry
street, Brussels. 5.tf
PALL -AND WINTER C.tatvAIGN,-Our read-
ers will do well to read the announcement
on page 7 of this issue. In addition to
the splendid offer rnade there the Adver-
tiser wj]l give a borutiinl premium pie.
tune •'The Falls of Niagara" fres of
charge to every subscriber. Balance of
1888, free to ell new subscribers for both
Os Tilerday of this week James B.
Stretton, of the Queen's hotel, bade fare-
well to bxe"..elorhood and entered the
boneatatin l order in company with Miss
Emily Clar::, one of Morrie township's
lair daughters, Rev. W. T. Cleft per-
formed the ceremony. Mr. end Mrs.
Stratton have the congratulations of a
large circle of friends for tbeir present
and future bappinese.
Y. P. 0. A. -Last ]Monday evening the
regular meeting of the Y. P. C. A. was
held in Melville church basement. The
President, Adam Good, tendered his
resignation and A. M. Matey was ap-
pointed in his stead. The following pro.
gram wag presented: --Speech by clams
man ; addreet by Bev. J. floes, 13. A., on
*'The characteristics Of thea o we live
in" ; solos by Vies Bate Wilson and
Miss Rachel Alexander ; reeding% by. Mrs.
;[tare 110105 Jessie hose and Obao,Ddtton;
.rnueiaby the choir. The next eneetiftg
will be on'Teesday, Nov, Oth, and will bo
ddevotional servioe, the topic being "The
conditiitne of_oalva thee"
LAST Saturday otening G. A. Dead -
man's Jersey bull, •'Prince of Maple.
lane," died quite suddenly. It will be
quite a toss to mfr. Deadman as it wail a
well bred animal,
A raw loads of cordwood should be pur-
ahased by the Council so that visiting
tramps could be made earn their board
at least while they sojourned with ur, It
is often n good "starter."
A noon buggy whip was lost last Sat-
urday in Brussels between Queen street
and Mr. Frain's cottage, Turnberry street.
Tho finder will be rewarded by leaving it
et Tem Pose Publishing House.
Tis visit of the Misses Dimsdale bas
been postponed until the close of Novem-
ber. They aro at Wallaeeburg this week
and go from there to Dundas. They
have been very successful in revival
Ir is stated that a gentleman, heiling
from the north, made it bis business to
give Arthur Hours Newton Jenkins a
"diff" in the eve on Thursday of this
week, at the Queen's hotel, for some un.
eomp'imentary illusion.
LAsr Sunday Rev, Samuel Jones
preached. two excellent sermons in the
Methodist church. His text in the
moraine was the 30th Psalm and 5th
verse. At the evening service Itis dis-
course was based on part or the 2001
verse of the 3rd chapter of Judges. His
services were very acceptable.
DrnLwi the past week we have been
sending out a number of accounts and in
some instances very prompt remittances
have followed. We have to pay for all
we get and as a consequence we would
esteem it a favor if those indebted to us
would kindly settle long standing ac-
counts. POST Publishing House.
TEE Stratford Herald of Chia week con-
tains the following item: -"Rev. G. B.
Howie, late of Syria, now pastor of Knox
church, Brussels, bas taken the oath of
allegiance to the British throne. He is
the first Turkish subject naturalized in
Canada. Ile Will marry, on Nov. 1st,
Miss Sarah Spur, late of England, and
hopes still to return to the foreign mis-
sion field."
A =STING of the East Huron License
Commissioners was held at ibe Revere
House, Brussels, on Tuesday of thie
week. George Cushman applied for
license for the station hotel at Ethel but
it was not granted. The quarterly report
was signed and a number of accounts
paesed, among them sevecal old Scott
Act accounts. Inspector Miller mot Pro-
vincial Chief Inspector Botham at the
eBruuswick hotel, Wingbam, on Monday
to have the books examined. Every-
thing was pronounced satisfactory.
Nears itsarenetsce Now that the cool
weather is here, cattle cheap and food
scarce the probability is that a good
mew will be slaughtered for the market
bylifie owners. There is no fault to be
found with thie so long as the sales are
made in quarter lots lent there isa serious
wrong done the town bntohers where
persona make a house to house canvas
and dispose of any quantity desired. The
wrong is here :-Our resident butchers
pay tales to help ran the town, they
]save to keep a supply of meat when
cattle are dear and scarce and have also
to run the risk in the summer months of
lose by heat, flies, dc. If there is by.
law regulating the sale of meat it should
be put in force or a new one passed to
cover the ground. This would not ex.
elude tinefarming community from selling
beef by the (matter but would place the
heal loathers in a better position than
they often find themeelves now.
"Sentinel STATES." ----Last Tuesday
evening Rev. A. Y. xlartloy, of BltOvale,
gave hie lecture on Tbo Southern Statee
in Knox church, ilrugsels, according to
announcement, Owing to the unfavor-
able evening the audience WAS not largo.
The rot, looturer occupied about an hour
and twenty minutes in relating what he
Paw in his trip to Tennessee and Florida,
stretching briefly the topography, egg.
cultural products, climate, soctai condi-
tion of dm people and the outlook for
the future. He else dwelt upon some of
the old scones in the Late American war.
The lecturer thinks anybody with lung
et throat trouble who Boos to that coun-
try AS a health resort is very foolish and
will find out to their coat that it is a de.
lesion when they get there, Vory little
of tho common nacossarias of life aro
grown int that country, almost everything
such no wheat, milk, meat, oatmeal,
dour, tau, being inverted. About all the
work was done by negraes. There 'is
Tide a growth of frujte, veggetables, and
timber 1n serm parte. A Minnie desetip.
tion was given of these anti other pointe
very interesting and inttrdotiee. The
lectnra was se good the, A vote ofthanke
wee tendered Mr. Hartley on motion of
J, it, (.lritnb and G. A. Dearirrmn,
Idneues in helmets done cheep and
well at L 0. Richards.
Mite Holmes, of Woodstock, is visiting
Mrs McFarlane in town.
I t,I:su Oysters and Cfsooee, to arrivu
out Fridays at Thomson's, 15
T. Fx,etrannn.and wife spout last Sab.
bath with Luoknow frjonds.
Trot Pour from now till int of ,January,
1889, for 25 cents in advance.
LAST week Mrs. Hargreaves resolved a
bandetme Mason ce Riesh piano,
A sew more street lamps on these very
dark nights would]rove a great blessing,
Tian Smlih Bell Bingert are billed for
Brussels on Wednesday evening of next
Tar: next meeting of thoDistriettodge.
I.O.G.T., will be beld in Brussels, on the
Med Wednesday of next February.
Meg, Denny left last Monday to join
her hesband who hes secured a sidle tion
with W. Taylor se Sou, of Clinton,
J. Meaux has removed his tailor shop
to the rooms lately vacated by 11. A.
Uart:n, L. 1), S„ in the Garfield Block.
Mils. STACEY and children contemplate
removing to Denver, Colorado, next
month. Four of her daughters aro al-
ready there, two of them married.
EMI= the muck talked of 111eGibeey
family or the celebrated risk' Jubilee
Siutaere will, in all probability, visit
Brussels before the close of the year.
000 minims of apples were at Brussels
station one day last week. Three car-
loads were going .to the Old Country,
shipped by A. K. Robertson and two to
Manitoba, sent by Mr. Black.
Gonenrcn Jam. -Number of prisoners
committed during the year -Males 117,
females 18, total 130. Number carried
over them last year -8 males, 2 females,
Total number in custody during the year,
1411. Number acquitted on trial by all
cou,ats, 21. Number sentenced on trial,
79. Number committed for first time -
57 males, 4 females. Of the remaining
69, their times of committal ranges from
twice lip to tu'euty.one.
GRANT vs. Je\EMs.--This now some-
what celebrated case hes attracted oon-
siderable attention of late and furnished
material for several motions at Osgoode
Ball, Toronto. The defendant in this
notion is the publisher of the Budget.
published in the village of Brussels. The
plaintiff is the postmaster in the same
place. Mr. Grant has been postmaster
at Brussels for nearly 20 years and en-
joyed the respect and confidence of his
superior officers as well as hie friends
and patrons of the oMoe, when, about a
year ago, an energetic editor launched a
new enterprise in the newspaper line
known as the Brueetls Budget. This
paper was started ostensibly as the organ
of the Conservative party in that local.
itv, and in opposition to The Brussels
Pon, an old -established journal, which,
Under the control of W. H. Kerr, has
taken a place amongst the best I,:cal
papers of the Province, Mr. ,leukins,
the editor of the new venture, determin-
ed that be would adopt the sensational
role in an effort to outstrip his more
evenly -balanced confrere. Failing in
this, the evidence shows that he became
the willing instrument et almost every
maul who hada gtievance (real or imag-
inary) against Postmaster Grant, and
week after week and month after month,
for nearly the whole of the past year, the
Budget bristled with abusive items
against the porsecutsd posttuaster.
Jenkins was warned to desist from the
attacl.s upon the public and private char.
eater of Grant, but he paid no heed,
and, if possible, ottt.Herorled his previous
efforts against him, even going to the
extent of advertising for grievances
against Grant, and calling upon all and
sundry wbu had complaints egainst that
official for ]rears back to bring them to
the editor of the Budget. Finally
patience ceased to be a virtue with the
persecuted postmaster, and he turned
upon his assailant by the methods of the
courts, the result being that Jenkins,
failing to bow to legal decieions, which
enjoined restrain upon him, was sum-
marily met into a prison cell in the
county jail. This, however, did not ap-
parently cool the ardor of the irropres.
siblo, if not'itresponeiblc, Jenkins. He
wrote items against Grant from behind
prison bars. So much was this the ease
that when an applioatlon was made to
canoe] hie term of imprisonment leMr.
Justice MaiMabon stated that he could
not ease the sentence, as the course of
the prisoner in disobeying the injunction
had not been restrained even when he
was pieced in durance. The trial of the
case began on Thursday afternoon and
lasted all day on Friday, the verdict of
the jury not being returned until about
midnignt. The defendant, having no
solicitor, was allowed great latitude in his
examination of witnesses, end in the case
of the plaintiff he exhibited a great de-
gree of animus. Every question that
malice could suggest was propounded in
the moat insinuating manner, until,
travelling completelyoutaide of the reotrds
of the case, he wag stopped by hit Lord.
ship, In the oroes-examination Jonkitts
travelled over a wide circuit and outside
the pale of evidence, but felled to estab-
lish the charges which he had made
against the plaintiff, and then endeavor-
ed in ovary way possible to work up
political sympathy for himself in the
minds of the jurymen, It was evident
to all that bin object was to secure a die -
agreement among the jurors on the line
of polities and not of facie. In bis ad.
dress to the jury, which was of consider
able length, he still endeavored to keep
the political side of tate case to the fore,
lent, wore it not for his unjustifiable re.
femme to Grant, leis statement of the
case was of a rather brilliant order, and
a surprise alike to the court and the
audience. 11.13, Ogler, Q. 0., who, at
the last mi:nnte, took the plaintiff's brief
owing to the sudden illness of J. T. Gar.
row, Q. 0., took no technical advantage
of tanking in the ettaminatinn, but al-
lowed him to establiell, from his own
mouth and by hie own actions, the ele-
ment of malice towards the plaintiff. In
addressing the jury the learned counsel
paid a high tribute to the ability which
Jenkins had displayed in conducting the
ease, but said that though hie ability was
considerable, hie judgment wee poor.
"Jenkins is ono of those mon," said the
eminent law,yor, "who aro a danger to
the community whore there lot is oast -
mon of brains without ballast." Hie
Lordship reviewed the case at length, in
a most impartial ]manner, remarking to
the jury that the 1ttestiens of law and
fact were entirely in their. hands, The
jury, after an absence of over two hours,
returned with a verdict for plaintiff for
61 damages. On application of plaintiff's
maneel, the erfgting Minna/den rtttrein.
ittg Jenkins from further libelling Grant
wee unheeltating)y made perpetual by his
l,ordebfp, Signal, Godetioh,
ClLalutld;t,ts i°�teve•et.
Jas. lIugbee of Bathurst, Ont„ lute
old his crop of hops, 8000 lbs. for 25e
per Ib.
Sir R. Cartwright donated 610 to the
Ingersoll Rifle Association as a special
The Windsor 0 Walkervillo blootrie
Road will not be ruts by rooter power
thie winter. horses seem to till the
Major Bedsore, of Stonwall, Man„ has
sold hit bora of buffalo to &Kansas ranch-
er for 618,000. This is the only herd in
It is rumored that Sir John Macdon-
ald will prooeed to England ebortly to
have a oousu)tation with tnembsrs of the
Imperial Government on the Oehery
There is no fear of a wheat blockade
cm the 0. P. R. this year, they bating
3000 oars, against 1000 last season. The
shipments now are about 30 cars daily to
Port Arthur : 400 men aro at work on a
now elevator at the latter town.
A Chinaman a*rived at Point Edward
on the Grand Trenk Railway with a
ticket through from Portland, Me., to a
western point in the States, He was
prevectsd by the Baited States Oedema
officers from going into the States, and is
now it ware] of the Grand Trunk at the
W. 13. Pray, of the Alvinston Stave
and Headiest Works, recently shipped
twenty oaticads of orange barrels to
Cuba. This amounts to ever tminty -five
tltonsand barrels. During the past
month forty -Ave oarloatls of other cooper-
age stools has been shipped from this ee.
tablisbment to foreign markets,
Jas. Clendenning took the following off
A, Armstrong's south Harwich Item,
Kent county :--1,200 bushels of beans ;
800 bushels of wheat; 800 bushels of oats;
200 pusltels of potatoes ; 360 bnebels of
corn . 20 bushels of cloven seed ; 20 tons
of Hay ; 75 bushele of apples. The farm
is 10 acres, and the price of the produce
is estimated at 62,500.
John Craig, it lad of about 18 years,
who is fond of reading dime novels, ap-
peared at the Galt Police Court on Mon-
day, charged by his father with being
disorderly at home. When remonstrated
with by bis father for not joining infer/l-
ily worship, the good son drew e, knife
and threatened to stab his parent. Ole
was let go under suspended sentence.
c.�euerax NO WA.
Seventy families in Ramsey County
Dakota, are in a state of utter dostitu.
too, the frosts leaving deetroyed all their
While on a voyage between Batavia
and Singapore, Landgrave Frederick
Wilhelm of Hesse fell overboard and was
A Topeka girl broke off her engagement
with a young men because he held an
ear of green corn in Ilia hands and pluck-
ed it with his teeth.
A fete clays ago in a gnu foundry at
Petersboff the Czar lifted a mass of steel
weighing nearly 700 pounds, to elle cheers
of the surrounding workmen.
MArtM,-In Morris, on Ont. 18111, the
wife of Mr, Jas, M. Martin, of a
Lomas -In Brussels, on Oat, 22nd, the
with ofMr. Alfred Lowery of a son.
Etniorr-Muniu,Y, -At the residence of
the bride's parents Belmore, on the
18th ins' ., by Rev. A. E. Smith Mr.
James Elliott, of Ethel, to Miss
Margaret Murray.
Fouen-Dcsearrr.-On the 24th inst., at
the residence of the bride's parents,
Grey township, by Rev. Saml. Jones,
of Brussels, Isle. Thos. II. Found, of
Kinloss, to Mies Elizabeth Delgatty.
Sent,rrot-Onanx.-On tho 29rd Inst., et
the residence of Mr. Frank Mc-
Cracken, Morris, by .Rev. W. T.
Cleft, of Brussels, Mr. Jae. 33. Strat-
ton, of the Queen's hotel, Brussels,
to Miss Emily, daughter of lir. Thos.
Clark, of Morris.
GRxrenr-Powgree-On the 12th Oct., at
the Church of the Messiah, Kincar-
dine, by the Rev. W. T. Hill, 111, A.,
assisted by Rev. John Ridley, rector
of Galt, brother-in-law of the groom,
Rev. Arthur K. Griffin, aesistant
minister, Church of Redeemer, To-
ronto, to E. Lucretia, eldestdaughtet
of Frannie E. Powell.
NsuLM.-Ie Seaforth, on the 12th inst.,
Olarenoe, son of F. G. Neelin, aged
4 years and 8 montbe.
Cusllntes.-At Ethel, on Oat. 22nd, Ellen
Cushman, beloved wife of George
Cushman, aged 48 years.
,11.T7OTSO1t7 0t1.7.421S.
Fussy, Oor. 26, -Farm stock, imple-
ments, be, lot 24, eon. 7, Grey. Salo at
12 o'clock noon. Robt. McKenny, prop
Geo. Kirkby, Amt.
Tenney, Oce. 80. -Farm stook and
implements, Si lot 80, con, 4, Morris.
Sale at l o'oloolc sharp. Dougnid Taylor,
prop. Geo. Kirkby, cont.
COna'eoTEn CMIEtleLLY 11v19nY Ween,
Fall Wheat 1 15 1 18
Spring Wheat 1 15 3 18
Oats 83 83
Peas 60 62
Bexley 55
Potatoes 110
Butter, per 1b 111
Eggs, pet dozen 11)
Apples, per bushel 05
Hoge, dteseed 6 60
Beef 4 50
Ilay ...... ........ .... 18 00 14 00
Wood, per cord 2 50 4 50
Sheepskins, each.,.,40 75
=a74T.1: 7.37:1C:,`,9' 2.4,41.7,1=77=1'10,
7 00
5 60
conneexsn o,tneb'uLLY
)bvoor wane,
Fall Wheat .... 1 15 1.18
Spring Wheat 1 15 1 18
Barley 56 66
Oats, ...... ....... .... 80 83
Peas. .... ....., .. ... . . ... 60 02
Butter, tubs and roils.,., 16 17
Eggs poi: daeon.. 16 00
F'lottte per barrel 5 00 00
Hay par ton .. 12 00 18 00
Hides pot' lb.,.......,, .. 4 54
Salt per, bbl.,wholestile,., 60 Be
Shoop ek ne,each........ 60 1 00
Waal, per lb ... .... 18 22
Perla 6 25 0 00
er, Servant, ttoud wages to 0115
experioaeed. Apply at once to
RMS. E. E. WADE, lireesole.
ROM In Drawing, Landscape painting
eon PaintingonVelvet. Charges moderato.
Setiefactlon gnarenttod, • 041
debted to mo, ht asoouot or note,
overdue lint Javu.ry, are requested to pay
thorn jmmodintoly,
10.4 WM, ORAHAM, D0, D.
1.) promises of the understated, north half
lot 18, sou, 7, Morrie, on or about Oct. 1st.
The owner is requested to prove property,
pay exponses and tahe it ciway.
10.4 D. A1cQPAI1AIh.
L. 7,Morrie, on or anent; Oct 15th, flue
yearling heifers. Near of them aro prinelpal-
Iy rod in color, and WO 0fth is a gray, spot-
ted with white. Due of them have at small
split in the riebt car. Any information
leading to theirreoovory will bo thankfully
16-tf 51,0. IIL"r1TE31, nnshteld.
x t P i k
Caveats ,rte, issues sad Trade 9la71(nsoourod
and all otherpatout onuses in the Patent
Mon ar,ai beforeth o Courts pronlptiy and
carat/11y attended to, Upon receipt of moth
cl or sketch of invention, i Blake careful
axaminatiotl,and advise as to patentability
Free of Charge. Vacs moderate, and I make
no ebarxe unless patent is seourea. Inform-
ation, advioo and spootal roferonoes sent on
npnllentlml. J, R, LIi'TNLL, Washington
D.O., U.B. Patent Oflloo. 10•
Voters' List Court.
Notice le hereby given that a court will be
held 11mreuantto"The Voters'LletsAst," by
H i 1 Honor Judge Tome, of the County Court
of the County cf Huron, at Brussels, on
Friday, Nov. 16th, '88
Commencing at 9 O'clock a. ut,
To hour an' determine the several com-
plaints of errors and omission/10u the Voters
List of the Municipality of Brassels for the
year 1868.
All persons having businets of the curt
are requested to attend at the said 10 ma
and plane.
F. S. 800TT, Clerk.
Dated this 2,1th day of 046,1688.
Apply to DS. GRAHAM. 10-1
A few splendid, improved farms for
martin the township of Gro Morris and
illoliil1op. Apply to A. D1I.GATTY, Co.
Auctioneer,L'rxissols P. 0.
on the coroor of Diary and mechanic
streets, in the village of Brussels, This pro-
perty -le very conveniently situated and is a
bargain to any person having a family of
young children as it is so near the school.
Good stable and well on the prein'ees, also
some young Mitt trees mad a quantity of
small fruit. Apply to the owner on tho
1111 erns. TURN BULL, Brussels.
amnion offers his valuable 100 acre
farm, being lot 8, can. 18, Grey Township
8ttron C0„ for sale, There are about 5d
nares °leerert and ill goodhsart. There is a
10g house, good bank barn, bearing orchard,
and all the necessary oeuyoniences on the
premises. For further particulars, as to
price, terms, etc„ apply to the proprietor,
'5.511111,11ISL01', Clare 1'. 0•, N . W. T„ or to
risNT,-The undersigned offers hie
00 -sore farm, lot 25, son, 7, Morris, for sale
or to rent. Phan aro 00 sons cleared
and under crop. Tho buiidtugs consist of a
frame house, frame barn, .tic. There is also
an orchard of flue acre. Good well. Thera
are 10 aures of fail wheat in this fall. Fo r
ftirtherpartiaulnrs, as to primo, terms, dna.
apply t10EN WILKINSON, Brussels P. 0.
von ,,ALE.—Heine tot 14, con. 16, con-
taining 100 nares. It is partly cleared. the
balance well timbered. A never failing
oroek orosseetho place and itis well adopt-
ed for either farming or grazing, I nil f lhte-
wisesell.40aores, being east part of lot 14,
con,15, nearly all (sleeved and in a good
stats of cultivation. A good frame barn
with a good stone stable underneath and a
never fettling well Is also on the place, For
further paraiouleva apply 50 the proprietor
on the place, 'i'hielot it omen tete the oth-
er GEORGE AV1ol Y., Proprietor. 1.01
nenSlGNnn oilers for sale the north
east quarter of lob 28, aonoossion 0, alorris,
County of Huron, oontainbug 50 sores, The
land is of first quality and is a high Maio of
cultivation, well fenced and under -drained,
40 horns elearod. New frame ]louse, 8 rooms,
milk bowie with concrete walls, 2 wells,
e,00d barns and shed, orabard, etc. Bight
soros of ..,11 wheat, This desirable proporby
adjoins the oorporatlott of Brussels. Suit-
able totmt will be given. Title ported,
30- Box 26SJirusselsP.0.
being the south . half of lot number
80 in the 4th eonoession of the township of
Morris known as the homestead of Archi-
bald Taylor, containing ninety-nine aoroe,
Ninety neroaato cleared, the balance wood-
ed with valuable timber. 77xoelient build.
Inge, large orchard of choice trace, soil in
good condition and le situated ono and a
quarter miles north of the Village of Brno.
eels, on the mein gravel road. This le ono
oft the lined homestead farms 111 the County
of Huron and will bo ;old at a bargain and
on terms to suit pnrehseot, Por further
tartieulero apply to the Proprietor. A, DL
TAYLOR Manning Areada, Toronto, or to
A1t01IXIIALD TAYLOR, Su., on tho prom-
ises. _...._....—_._.. • - .. tf._._
Ma Vietnam's of the estate of the tato
WILLreat ldoot ty, 19squsnn, deceased, now
offer tint following valuable lands for solo,
:-Tho north half of lot 27, and the west
halt of the north half of lot 2fi, both In. the
001, ooneeseiou of the Township of Morris,
County of ninon, containing 100 nares.
About 110 acres aro cleared and in good
oontlitloh, the greater part beteg in grass,
The balanooie well timbered, 0180y with
beooh andnlaplt,
Thio fsrla 10 favorably situated within oat)
inilo of the village of Brussels, which affords
an excellent market. There is teen the
prnnitsee good frame both and ilonso a$
orchard et choice fruit trees, a never failing
opring,alua at good )veil and pinny, end good
/mums. This property will bo sold in ono or
two paresis, 10 Suit intending purchasers.
Onrc1asar roll bo allowed toouteranti have
use of house on promises at any time after
harvest and to (10.10) plowing, Full pones.
Men will be given at leeNevembw. next,
For term, end farther particulars apply
to mho undersigned ]rxeeutoro, or to JOr3N
Modtltr, Bee„, Brttbsele, Ont,
ethane Catrlliilr iixsaauroaa,
R►eetaang at gu9sr,�
Dated at Unwed., June 18111,1080, 00
OCT. 26, 1.8b8.
T'r0naaet a General 13ttatktng
Canadian and United 8 ttltoo•Dntlti bought
and sold.
Interest allowed 01140103ltn,
Colfecdisne made as Japorairle tarots.
Canadian Agents -Dime etur'e ]Iain or
Now York Agents--fsMS(7aTElts Ann Than.
Ens NA'rooNAe BANE.
or, Convey nnror, Not r- 7 .hlio.
OOlce: Graham's lilook,d etoi• north o1
Loan. Droll Store, 3'rivsta Foods to
• a Solicitor and Notary Pohl c. Con-
veyancing. lattend inoc errie Sonya 9ednes-
day at two o'clook.
rfohl ▪ iBlarriste s,, Solicitors,eto with ro0ome.y Cnds,
ICs. Chios, Grant's Block, ]truss: a. a ellT3noy
to lean.
M. TAYLOR, B. C. L., J3AR•
ooi5titsDiokson Taylor At
Softeners, din„ trannine Arcade, Xing Street
West, Toronto. Money to loan,
the uron
Conveyancer, Notil tary lon Publict, rLand, Lo an
6o loan u 0o leote ions made. Odle° 121(Ora.
ham's ttlnolt,Brnasele,
w1I. F. CALE, 01. D., 0. M.
Dfember of the College of Phyaietans and
Surgeons of Ontaaio by oxamine'.tint .
0(llce and ltesiderto—Afaln St. Vault , J: the
O. P. Edinburgh, Df. O. P.
S. Ont. At Hargreaves' Drug Siam from
0 to 11480 a.m. and from 1:80 to i p. et. At
other hours may be fauna nt the residence
formerly occupied by Dr. Hutchinson,
Dull street,
Df.. 10, 0, D. 8.'TotoD. nto.HtritLllzed Air Fite veu
13.11. Morins, D. 1), 8., Assistant Operator
Orince—%1oyere Bloat,, Senior ch.
.333C• 'X Met'''.
W.J. li'ear,L.A S. Graduate of'po-
ronto School of Dentistry. All 0p77-
atioue guaranteed. Otneo—Cady',
Block, Seafortll.
Artinolaltoottl, aretquality, and
guaranteed At,for $12.00por sot.;: '- -
^B2f emTSN',
Honor Graduate of the Soya! College of
Dental Surgoons, Toronto. 175711o8 Oxrnn
GAB administered for the painless extrac-
tion of tooth.
OFF1115.--Cue Boor North or the Doak.
on Auctioneer. Sales conducted ou
reasonable terms, farms and farm stook a
susolalty. Orders loft at Tart Donn Publish-
ing House, 11 ■nsesis, or sent to Walten post
odic() will receive prompt attention,
1 elan, is prepared to attend to sates on
the shortest notice. A spookily made e1
soles of thorough -bred stook. Terme made
known by application tr Tae nose Publish-
ing 0touso, whore orders may bo loft, Or
addrers to Brussels P 0,
-CM., le ahraye ready to attend solos of
fermi, faun stock, &o, Porins akoorfully
tn iamay at _aged Tu1'i Pnblisl iouealieussele,
v v • at Marriage Licenses. Moe at his
Gr000ry, t urnherry street,
of Plano and Organ. Tonna out appla-
Xan1PrldaMr. class meets
to reasive pupils •r inotruc-
tion on the PIANO mull ORLMMAN. ti year.
Experience. 0oslcfenee -wish Mrs, titer-
grenves, over BA 0l410t81A:'B8 31011341
STORM, nO5-lyr
.8_0J. Artist, Shop, mixt doer eolith of A.
M• Moilay k Cos, hardware store, Leanne'
and ahDdeon'e ]lair cutting a epoolally,
A shoioe stook of sights kept,
o rtage Limnos, by oppolnlmont of
Liont.'Governor, Oornissioner, &r,,, Q. D.
Oenvoyanooi- EnidAgentTire Inmtratee OC.
ORlre et the Oraabrookpost OIIl°c,
' TM. ROI/DICK, IIOUB3 , lil(x1Q
and Ornamental Painter. Graining
Gliding, sign and Decorative Painting in 511
its branches. Shop Blinds done tip in itlyle.
Paper Ranging a specialty, Shop Ono doer
South Of 5 nyors' Carriage Works,
�1 W. O'13RIEN, V. S., 110140R
L t Bredeneeof the Ontario Veterinary
College has x001111101 tho practice of John
Natt,V',8„arld;itprepared to treat all 4is
eases of domesticated animals on delontaSo
ppro ed principles. froatntontof dol.
teat° foam a suuoialto Ol5ee two doors
N 1 ofBritiae'Cnrrinorrvxtrmet